My dear children:

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My mantle reflects all the Light of the Sun, which illuminates and blesses Uruguay.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My tunic reflects the Mirror of the Heavens, which descends upon Uruguay to guide it and give it wisdom.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Confederate Mother, and My crown is the symbol of the gratitude and affection of all prayerful Uruguayans.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Patroness of this nation and of all the Charrúa people. My gaze is on the spiritual richness of the ancestral indigenous culture. My affection is in the values of brotherhood, solidarity and help that the Uruguayan people manifest and express as a gift.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Mother of the workers and of all those who sacrifice day and night in order to move forward, trusting in their dreams, aspiring to reach their own goals.

I am the Lady and Mother of Uruguay, called Blessed among all women. I am the Star of the South of Uruguay, I am the One Who keeps in Her Heart the navigators. I am the One Who watches over all those who bring bread to the family table out of love.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three; I am the One Who prepares, in silence, the coming of Christ into every heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


More than five-hundred years ago, your Heavenly Mother, the Guadalupan, descended upon the Tepeyac Hill.

Today, after more than five hundred years, after the Apparitions of the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico, your Blessed Mother descends upon the Arequita Hill, to again open the great Spiritual Portal, the great cosmic opportunity for the definitive redemption of Uruguay.

For this reason, today is an important day of celebration in Heaven, because not only the devout believers of the Guadalupan offer their prayers and care to the Ever-Virgin of the Americas, but for Heaven this is also a reason to be in jubilee, that Uruguay, as a country predestined to the reappearance of Christ, has found a sure path where the return to God lies, so that the faith and devotion of the Uruguayan people may mature.

Just as the Guadalupan was on top of the Tepeyac Hill, in the company of Saint Juan Diego and of all his original people, in the same way, today, your Heavenly Mother is crowned and loved by the descendants of the Charrua Indigenous consciousness. Your Heavenly Mother, on this day, returns the sacred values to the soul of Uruguay, those which the Charrua Indigenous ancestors lived, with so much reverence, simplicity and faith.

It is so, that the Mother of the Americas, the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe, again unites that which was, up until now, separated in the spiritual plane of consciousness of the Uruguayans, so that, within this last chance, the people of Uruguay may have the opportunity to again reintegrate the path of the purpose that it must fulfill as a country.

Therefore, this is an important day of celebration in Heaven, not only because the children of God remember the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe, but also because the Mother of God grants a spiritual reprieve to a nation that was considered as lost.

On this day of Vigil, may each heart declare an act of gratitude for the nations to continue fulfilling that which each people will have to express and concretize within the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved children,

Today, with a white tunic and mantle down to the feet, wearing a blue belt and with the holy rosary between My hands, I present Myself to you as the Lady of the Poor.

This is My Face of humility and surrender for the poorest among the poor.

Today, children, I wish that on this day of renewal of vows with the Evolutionary Plan of God, you be as your Mother of the Poor, so that, in this cycle, just like Me, you may find the need for help everywhere.

I am the Lady of the poor in spirit, the poor in soul, the poor in faith, the poor in heart.

I am the Lady of the poor who are helpless,  the poor who are orphans, the poor who have lost maternity.

I am the Lady of the poor who are alone, the poor who do not feel loved, the poor who have lost all hope.

I am the Lady of the poor who do not pray, the poor sinners, the ignorant poor, the poor in spirit who have lost love for God.

I am the Lady of the marginalized poor, the enslaved poor, the poor children who are sold and exploited.

I am the Lady of the poor who have gone mad, the poor in wisdom, the poor who live and sleep on the streets of this world.

I am the Lady of the poor who become lost, the innocent poor, the poor women who sell themselves on the streets.

I am the Lady of the poor women who are slaves of life, the poor indigenous consciousnesses who have lost their culture and their land in these times. 

I am the Lady of the poor hearts who experience injustice, of the poor elders who are rejected and do not feel loved.

I am the Lady of the young poor that have been conquered by temptation and deception.

I am the Lady of the poor essences that do not fulfill their mission upon this Earth.

I wish, children, that you could imitate Me, and that the House of the Lady of the Poor, conceived in the bosom of the Children of Mary could, through the prayer of the heart, spiritually attend to all these forgotten needs in these times, because of the indifference of humanity.

I am the Lady of the Poor and I want you, children, to adopt this Face of your Mother so that you may work upon it in yourselves day by day; because through the Lady of the Poor, I bring you and the world the essence of the Compassion of God.

The Lady of the Poor will be the teraphim of the Children of Mary, which will be the instrument of work through which your daily prayers will gain greater results for all of planetary life.

Today I am here among you, renewing the vows of consecration to My Immaculate Heart with each of My Children so that, in this year, your lives also may concede the Grace of your Lady of the Poor arriving again in Europe in the months of May and June, so that, with the help of everyone, it may be possible to avoid a great social movement among the nations, just like up to now has been avoided in the United States, thanks to the help of all of My children.

Today, the Lady of the Poor, Patron of the Children of Mary, blesses you and thanks you for renewing, for one more year, the daily vows of prayer, service, and selflessness.

I love you and will always love you until the end of days.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the Mother of the North-American Indigenous Consciousness, I come today to re-establish in the inner worlds the bridge of union and contact that existed between these peoples and God.

It is so that after having gone through the cities of Oklahoma and Orlando, your Holy Mother begins this new cycle in the United States, with the presence of the monasteries of the Order founded by My Beloved Son.

These monasteries in the United States will have the mission of working in the awakening of the consciousness through prayer and instruction, stimulating in the hearts the search for service, for the most forgotten ones in hospitals, nursing homes and in the city streets of this country.

In this way, Divine Mercy will become visible for all consciousnesses, and the possibility of living reconciliation with the Father will be more real and true for all the North Americans.

It is so, that the monasteries will teach souls to reconnect with the Divine Source and, at the same time, new prayer groups, which will be formed throughout the different cities of the United States, will learn to internally light up the mirrors of their hearts.

In this new cycle, in the United States, the Order founded by My Son will create the necessary bases for new members of the Light-Network to come forward. This will provoke, in this North-American nation, an opportunity to start being conscious of the existing imbalance and the waste generated in the material life, as well as the recovery of human dignity.  

This will promptly allow some states of the nation to enter, by means of the spiritual help of the Center of Love of Mount Shasta, into a phase of regeneration of the spiritual consciousness of the beings of the surface, as well as a deepening into the contact of each being with their souls.

This task will require many sacrifices and efforts so that the people from the United States may abandon some situations and conditions of oppression in time to enter into a state of healing and redemption.

Therefore the collaboration of the North Americans and of the non-North Americans will be indispensable, and, this must be well organized.

I will count on this part of the work with the help of everyone.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I return to the place where once I was known and worshipped as the Great Maternal Spirit of Peace, as the firm and strong Consciousness that brought wisdom and clarity to the peoples of the past.

I return, children, as that Sacred Consciousness, which many peoples before you once invoked to become part of Creation and of the union between Heaven and Earth.

I return as the Spirit of Peace, as the Divine Consciousness that in the past inspired the tribes to seek union with that which is sacred and sublime.

Your Heavenly Mother returns as the Sacred Spirit of maternity, as the Condor bird that with Her song elevates humanity to the heights.

Your Mother returns in this new year to a place where an unforgettable history has been engraved and where many of My indigenous children have participated.

I return to the heart of Oklahoma to close the wounds that remained open and to give back the wisdom of what before was so sacred. I come to erase with my Love the Trail of Tears and to re-ignite the beloved worship of those who invoked the divine science of the elements.

I return as the elevated Spirit of Peace to liberate the errors committed and the tests suffered by each one of My children. 

I am the Sacred Mother of all peoples, I am the One that announces in Oklahoma the rebirth of a new cycle. I come to unite what is separate and what has remained unfinished within the human consciousnesses.

I return because you have called Me inwardly, and for this reason I am here again, among My indigenous North American children, to revive in them the essential union with what is most pure and held within each noble heart.

I come to seek for reconciliation in the face of all the events experienced. Thus, I come to ask for peace among ethnic groups and among the tribes, between the white man and the native man of this region.

I wish for all to understand each other and, at the same time, to accept each other, that each being offer the best of themselves, as if it were the beginning of the peoples, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

As a Mother that returns to seek Her children, I ask that you unite with the Creator Consciousness and that you express your devotions and your similarities among all ethnicities. Each original peoples is capable of contributing with something real and sacred to the Creator Universe.

Be these Mirrors, as your people once were, who refracted the currents of love and harmony to the whole planet.

Do not be discouraged, children, today I come here as the Great Spirit of Peace because you have called Me and I have decided, in the name of love, to put an end to so much suffering.

Open your hearts in trust to Mine because within My Heart you will be protected, and you will be guided along the path of goodness.

I return to your home so that you may recognize Me and feel Me. I come with the mission of having you recover and affirm your essential values, those that made of your original peoples consciousnesses elevated by wisdom and reverence.

The world still needs consciousnesses such as yours to be able to find the meaning for the existence of so many races with many purposes to accomplish.

Live the Law that you had once incarnated, and do not lose the brightness that in other times had you once reflected, of the purest and greatest innocence of your civilization.

The Great Spirit of Peace comes to rebuild that which once was destroyed by the settlers in their great ignorance.

Now I come so that all may ask for forgiveness, because this forgiveness will liberate you from all ancestral chains.

I am that Spirit of Wisdom that once guided you and guided the roots of your people so that they could fulfill the Purposes of the Creator, because a part of your inner consciousnesses accompanies and protects the Plan of God through sacred areas of the planet.

Look upon the horizon with hope and you will recuperate the inner joy of serving the Creator. With My presence in Oklahoma, on this day, I come to renew the times and I come so that the indigenous consciousness may again enter into the Real Time, where they will again live the eternal present, and past and future will no longer exist, only eternity and consciousness.

As the Spirit of Peace, I come to make of your paths, paths of love, peace and mercy.

Today I return as the Bird of Light, the one that encircles the essence of your people so that peace may be established. Recognize Me and you will know who I am, and that I have always been by your side.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who as the Eagle of Light proclaims redemption,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.

When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.

When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.

The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.

The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.

The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.

The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.

I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.

I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.

In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.

I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.

I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.

I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.

I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.

I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.

I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.

I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.

I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.

May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.

Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.

May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.

I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.

I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life


I am present, dear children, in the places where the greatest suffering for the planet existed.

I am present where the different cultures and peoples have forgotten that, despite the similarities or differences, all were siblings and children of the same Creator.

For this reason I came to this place, now My beloved Sanctuary of Guadalupe, to make both the conqueror and the indigenous understand that all came from a same God and from one single consciousness.

It was thus that I asked for the construction of a temple in My honor, to prevent the human race from losing control of itself and causing all future generations to become a humanity compromised with evil.

That is why, today, after more than five hundred years, your Heavenly Mother comes to close this cycle in human history, unforgettable and sad for the consciousness of the planet.

I have come here totally present and I will continue doing it from a higher plane, because My children of all cultures and of all peoples will still need My divine and maternal intercession.

Now, being here among you, I have opened the doors to liberate from the terrestrial purgatory all the conquerors, the indigenous, and the religious that at that time, with little consciousness and wisdom, were involved in the Guadalupan events.

It is thus that in this hour, dear children, I have asked you to come to this historical Sanctuary so that a cycle would be definitely closed through a moment of simple prayer, in which My angels removed the pain lived in the spaces of this nation and the planet.

Therefore, in the face of the mistakes experienced between the indigenous consciousness and the white man, through an act of pity and mercy, I invite you to transmute for Me. Just as I do with you every day and so that I am able to keep coming to bring peace and reconciliation between cultures.

Thank you for having reciprocated to something spiritual and internal.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The return of the Guadalupan to Central America and Mexico

At the feet of the Tepeyac, Your Heavenly Mother prepares Her task with all the souls and hearts that will receive from Me the essence of love and redemption.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

Through the help and collaboration of all, your Mother of Heaven will descend to the Mexican lands and to Central America, where the history of My presence and of the liberation of the indigenous peoples and of all the slaves was recorded.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

At this moment, dear children, accompany Your Holy Mother in this pilgrimage, so that, for the second time in the history of humanity, I may stamp My Holy Liberating and Redeeming Face of Guadalupe on the precious souls of My children of Central America and Mexico.

It is the return of the Guadalupan… 

Because of this, with rejoicing and joy, you, My children of Central America and of the world, will open the doors of your hearts and of your nations so that Your Mother of Guadalupe may enter and carry out the sacred mission of preparing the consciousnesses for the return of My Beloved Son.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

With the voice and the chant of the holy angels, the Governess of the Americas, the Holy Mother of God, rejoices because She will be able to meet Her children of Central America again, to pour on them Her Graces and to deliver to them the blessed Spirit of My Peace.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

I will go to Central America to heal old wounds, past histories of pain and suffering; at last I will be able to make My dear children be born again; I will be able to remove them from the illusion of the world and I will open for them the eyes of the soul and the consciousness, so that all can see and feel Me.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

Opening your hearts to receive Me, listen to the voice of the Mother of the Americas, a voice that summons you to the consecration of your peoples and of your nations, so that peace may reign and thus the error and the outrages to the little hearts may end.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

During the month of October, I will place My crown of twelve stars over Central America and Mexico and I will pour My twelve universal attributes, so that souls may receive the codes of rehabilitation and conversion.

It will be during the month of October that Your Heavenly Mother will cease the spiritual and material war and, together with the Face of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, we will enter in prayer so that those lost and the imprisoned may attain liberation.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

You will see the flags of all nations of the Americas wave.

They will be put at the feet of Your Heavenly Mother, as the symbol of the surrender of the peoples before My Immaculate Heart and as the union between cultures through the Love of God.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

Happy are those who recognize Me as the Holy Woman of Nazareth, thus I will bring to all the awareness of the importance of the triumph of the Plan of God for these times and of the awakening of hearts to My last call.

You will see My Work fulfilled no matter what, because My Immacultate Spirit will give inner strength for the servers to comply with My petitions.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

Each culture will ask for forgiveness from one another, each nation will reconcile with each nation, if the hearts open in time to glimpse the Love of God, which will  be filling them, because in Central America the door will be closed and souls will not get lost anymore, as they will have awareness not to do it and to convert themselves.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

On this day, may all embrace the mission of Your Heavenly Mother and may hearts not forget to cooperate, to collaborate and to lovingly donate so that the Plan of Peace may be fulfilled. Thus, I teach the Church how to use its goods in the name of the Greater Plan and not in its own name, because souls wait for spiritual help.

May all be balanced. May all be just for the good and for the future of the New Humanity.

It is the return of the Guadalupan…

I thank you for accompanying and supporting Me in the Mission to Central America!

Who blesses you from the heart of the Tepeyac, Your Guadalupan,

Mary, Rose of Peace


Children of Mine,

In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.

On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America.  For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.

The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages.  It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States.  As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.

For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing.  For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause.  In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.

In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life.  In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.

Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward.  For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness.  When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.

The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.

I thank you all for answering to My requests!

Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the dawning hours of the 16th of February I come from Heaven so that, before My presence, your hearts will be healed and redeemed under the Love of God.

I want on this night to show to the world that one of the stars of the universe, the most humble and sovereign, descends from the firmament so that, through the Divine Word and the Eternal Love, She may illuminate the paths of those who say yes to God and of those who deny and dismiss Him.

My Sacred and Immaculate Heart is made present, in the beloved city of Manaus, to pour special Graces over the hearts that seek the relief and the healing for their profound inner wounds.

The Sovereign Queen of Peace approaches the most simple and humble, to show all Her Love and Gratitude for the answer given to this important call.

And despite the fact that two of My messengers of Earth, Mother Shimani and Friar Elias, today are not present among you so that they may resonate My sweet voice in the four corners of the Earth, the always Virgin Mary, the Sovereign Star of Peace, through the power that God has given Her will bring to this place both hearts, so that you may feel that My Work is accomplished in omnipresence and prayer.

The Sovereign Queen of Peace wants to ask of you prayer for the visionaries and for all the good Christians that follow in the whole world My Work in the Americas.  But the most important is that My Son Jesus has asked Me in Heaven to return to the Amazon as I have been doing continuously, through the Sacred Face of the Lady of the Rosary and Peace, to other children of Mine from this precious region.

I want that your consciousness may be united with My greatness and love for all, principally in the devotion of all of you for the wise mysteries of God; in this way I want you to know that My Sacred Maternal Heart appears in Glory to different children of Mine.

My dear children from Manaus, the Lord is joyful in His Mercy and Piety for your inner opening, for this I want that those children who have never known Me, may get to know Me.

During one of My last Apparitions to the visionary Friar Elías, I asked him that on the day of the Apparition in Manaus that there be on the altar, that honors My Sacred Maternal Consciousness, an image of the Lady of Guadaloupe.  I want and I wish to leave through this the Guadaloupean message of union among the races and the hearts, as it was in the past through Juan Diego.

The Divine Indigenous Consciousness must be rescued, for this the encounter of today with Me has the spiritual and divine reason of impelling you to live the prayer of the heart for all the brothers and sisters of the original peoples, that will also in this time need the Love and the Mercy of God.

To all those who pray and who do not pray, I call you to pray with the heart the Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus for the Indigenous Consciousness so that, in the final times, the plans of God may be accomplished upon these precious indigenous consciousnesses.

Dear children, the Virgin of Guadaloupe is the feminine and maternal presence able to protect and help the paths of the sacred peoples.   My Heart wishes also that the original peoples be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, in this way many situations will be avoided and Jesus will establish His Kingdom over all.

I give thanks now and forever to the prayer groups of the northeast of Brazil for having answered to My call!

I love you always,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Queen and Star of Peace


Dear children:

Do not fear for anything anymore!  Because behind every circumstance or difficulty is found the supreme support of My Heart.  See this time as a moment of sacrifice and of permanent effort to accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.

Despite the fact that the Marian soldiers are very few, on them falls the greater degree of service and responsibility; through these servers who are not indifferent, but helpful and abnegated, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I want on this day to encourage you to continue on the path of faith and renunciation.  In this way, My little ones, you will permit that the Lord of the Universe may accomplish His great works through His children, especially those who live the apostolate of Christ.

By means of constant prayer, nothing that is outside the light will disturb you.  Know that My Mantle is over you daily, and that only I may permit that in this time of chaos your souls may know the judgment is being lived by the evil.

God wants to establish over Latin America the true devotion to My Immaculate Heart; if this gesture of love and devotion were exercised by all My children through the Holy Rosary, future social, political and family confrontations would be avoided.

Those who do not pray with heart and soul in this time, will not be able to stand the involutionary game that the enemy intends to create in the hearts, such as discord, lack of unity and, above all, the absence of love.

But humanity still does not want to recognize that the end of the times is happening and that the Woman Dressed of the Sun and crowned with the twelve stars of salvation is proclaiming to the world the last saving and redeeming call; a call that Christ will be accomplishing before the great judgment.

It is time, dear children for your eyes to see a little more beyond the normal life, because while some nations of the Americas open the doors to chaos and to the plans of the enemy, I beg of you: Pray! Pray! and only pray!  Be mediators between the world and God, because over the course of this time I have already taught you how to open the Doors of Heaven through holy prayer.

If the Americas do not achieve a praying, fervent action, many families will suffer the subjugation of those who believe that they make good works.  I want to say today, before anything, that I do not come to instill fear, but I come from Heaven having decided to rescue and save those who are submerged in the abysses and in the illusions of this world.

Pray, My dear devotees, so that vices and consumerism that deteriorate the souls of the Earth, may be liberated by the Mercy of Jesus.

It has already been some centuries since My Immaculate Heart descended in Mexico, over Mount Tepeyac, to announce through Saint Juan Diego, a time of peace and reconciliation between the indigenous civilization and the white civilization; this stopped the continuous slavery of good souls and permitted that this human slavery did not continue from generation to generation.

A long time ago the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe brought between Her hands the perfect revelation of union between the peoples and God.

Today, the Queen of Peace cries out so that Her children may awaken in consciousness to that which is happening in the whole world.

Dear children, whoever truly lives prayer will have the shield of My Mantle upon their being.  Whoever lives the prayer of the heart in truth will be able to protect themselves and their families; God has given them an instrument of elevation that is much feared by the enemy.

For this today I say to you that it is already time to grow and to mature; I beg you to support Me, and that you dedicate to Me the help that I need from you, to go on pilgrimage throughout the countries of the Americas.  Even though God granted the Faithful Servant the power of manifestation, Mother Mary today gives you the opportunity to dedicate a part of your lives to the Plan of God.

Now redemption of the world must be brought forward by the effort of all; My Son will not be crucified again by human cruelty because He will return victorious for the second time to pour His Mercy over the world.

Accept the offer and the call that I give you, forever and forever I will be eternally grateful to you!

Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Protector of hearts

At the end of the strong revelation that the Virgin Mary today announced to us through the message, She gave us the following prayer dedicated especially to the Indigenous Consciousness; for this day of December 12 of 2013, on which the date of the Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is celebrated.


Saving Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the Indigenous Consciousness

Dear Mother of all the races,
Sacred Mirror of the Divine Justice,
Virginal Chalice that pours out
upon us the Most Precious
Redeeming Blood of Christ.

We now beg of You,
of mind, soul and heart,
Mother and Queen of Guadalupe:
unite that which is separated between our consciousnesses,
liberate the human condition with Your celestial rays.

O Holy Mother of the New Race!
open the Doors to the Sacred Heart of God for us
so that, in the times to come,
all of humanity may see the Promised Land
be born for the absolute good of all.

In Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



My little children,

Flaming souls in the Creator, with joy for His Mercy, may Jesus be praised in all the hearts of My children of Paraguay.

Dear children, by the Grace of God the Most High, today I visit you with much Love to invite you again to proclaim the prayer of the heart. My children, I send My Maternal Blessings to the whole Guarani Nation and today, as the Mother of the Americas and as the Server of the Lord, I bring you My Maternal Peace and comfort to the afflicted.

Little children, as in Guadalupe with Juan Diego upon the Tepeyac(*), today again I place My crown of stars upon each one of My Guarani children. Dear children, My call in these times is a call to prayer, to the reparation of the life of people, of each one of the American cultures and of all humanity, and this will happen through your sincere prayer.

As the Mother of the One and Only and as Queen of Heaven, My children, today I call you to reaffirm, through prayer, your conversion to God, to the Almighty; this will allow your souls to commune with the presence of Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I arrive in Paraguay to give you My Maternal Blessings and My Peace.

As the Mother of all souls, I supplicate you to pray for the salvation of all the peoples of the Americas so that, just as Juan Diego, they may regain humility, simplicity and the love for God.

My children, today from here, from the Celestial Universe together with Juan Diego, We thank you for responding to My requests. I hold a special fondness for all My children of Paraguay, because the ever Blessed Virgin Mary knows about your love for Her Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, pray, pray much so that God may hear you from the voice of your hearts. Pray for the Guarani communities, pray so that education and a dignified life may be expressed in each one of these children of Mine.

I adore you all with My Heart. Let us pray for the presence of peace in all of Paraguay.

I thank you!

To all the prayer groups in Paraguay, thank you for listening to My call.

In the Living Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Hill near Mexico City, where in 1531 the Virgin appeared to the Indian Juan Diego.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
