Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am the Mother of the World, I am the Mother of the Mountains.

And today you are here, in this place, as a part of this humanity, representing the entire race, all souls and consciousnesses that are at some point of this climbing of the mountain; a moment when the climbing becomes harder and more difficult for all, because this is a moment of inflection, when a change, not only in the consciousness, but also in what is material, has to take place.

But while the world, that is, the human race, does not silence and go inwards, the Plan of Rescue will not be fulfilled.

At the end of this year, I not only come with all the Grace of God to again bless you  and be with you, but I also come with a warning Message, but also with a Message of awakening. This is the time to cross the great portal of salvation and rescue that the Hierarchy is presenting to you.

We know that not all listen to Our Words, that not all practice Our Messages, that very few are the example of a Christic and fraternal life upon the surface of the Earth. But today, I do not come to point out your mistakes, your faults or your traumas. Today, I come to ask you to keep climbing up this mountain, because at the top lies your liberation.

There you will find My Son, the Resurrected, the Resplendent, the True Christ that up until now no one has known. At the top of the mountain you will recognize His true Face, and you will deeply know where He comes from and what was the reason for Him to be created.

He used an image for everyone to be able to understand, but, in His Heart, and, above all, in His Spirit, in His Divinity, God was there. It was so that the world might understand His Message of salvation and the announcement that the Kingdom of God lives and dwells within each being.

Now, all religions must also be rescued and elevated again, because, in these times of tribulation, the consciousnesses lose the sense of their spirituality.

I call you to be attentive, I call you to be vigilant, I call you to be collaborators of peace and of good within this humanity. Even if the acts carried out are small and insignificant, I invite you and call upon you to keep doing them.

All the good that can be generated in this human race will relieve the chaos of these times and will allow the Armageddon, the great door of the Apocalypse, to be more transitory for all, and not more painful, as it has been up until today.

In this way, those who take advantage of the marginalized, those who take advantage of the poorest, extracting the goods that God sends to them so that they may survive and remake their lives, cause them to live in global injustice. Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers, at this moment, to also work upon those very material situations, although it does not seem to be so.

But the state of consciousness, of the awakening and discernment of each being, will give them the wisdom they need to continue forward.

I come here, once again, as a Messenger of God, because, together with you, I am climbing this sorrowful mountain, which is the corrupt consciousness of humanity, it is this planetary calvary that all are going through, some with greater impact, and others with greater relief, but if you join My Marian Spirit, My Spirit of Love and Fraternity, many more souls will be touched so that they can awaken and realize that, up to today, they have been asleep.

I also come as the Servant of My Son, the Christ. I come in His Name and at His request, to tell you this Message: do not let yourselves be pushed, at this moment, by the adversities of the world, by all that which the governments do, by the conditioning that souls live in this cycle, although they are submerged and pressed by a global system, but rather, keep moving forward.

May your faith lead you to transcend all these situations.

May your love for the Plan of God lead you to overcome all these situations.

And may you be capable of, at this moment, loving as My Son loved you, up until the Cross, until each moment of His martyrdom, of His flagellation, of His sorrow and of His pain.

Who will offer themselves as a great server of the world, a great humble and peaceful server, to help My Son transmute and internally liberate this planetary situation?

This is why I ask you, My beloved children, not to remain in what is superficial, not to remain in what is material, to be free from yourselves, from the comments, from the judgments, from all that you see, observe and contemplate in this world. Do not be just another weight for the soul of this planet. Relieve the consciousness of nature and all the Lower Kingdoms; because, in this way, justice will be lighter for all.

In this way, the planetary birth is drawing near, the consciousness of the planet shakes and trembles, because it is the time of the awakening, but it is also the time for the purification of this world, of all its evils, adversities and errors that were committed by this race and by all previous civilizations.

For this reason, the Great Celestial Brotherhood is here, in the invisible and silent planes, where peace, sovereignty and truth reign, to guide as many consciousnesses as possible, especially the most asleep and most ignorant.

For this reason, opening up My arms and extending My Hands towards you, I beg you, beloved children, to follow the path of the inner truth. Do not let yourselves be confused and influenced by the spiritualities of these times, you already know and have heard that there is only one Truth, which is My Son. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life, for each one of you.

What do you most need at this moment?

Keep rowing at this planetary moment, because the boat of My Son must reach a good haven. This boat is formed by all the serving consciousnesses of the world, regardless of their religions or even of their belief.

I need you at another level of consciousness. I need you at the top of the mountain, to be able to glimpse and understand the reality of the world, because if you are at the foot of the mountain, you will be submerged by evil.

Open your eyes, and, above all, open your hearts, so you can feel what I am telling you, because this is a time of great transition, the end of a year that culminates with many defeats, in the consciousness of this world, in the consciousness of humanity, but Faith, Peace, Love, the Light and the Mercy of God have not ceased to descend upon this world.

If these attributes had ceased to descend to the world for the souls that truly pray and make a commitment with Me, day by day, what would have happened, My beloved children?

For a moment, think of all that I am telling you. May My Words not be carried by the wind, as they were many times before. May My Words remain in the heart of each one of you and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, because in the Word of the Hierarchy, you will find the power for overcoming, the power for the transformation, for the transcendence of these times.

We do not come to ask you for something impossible or unattainable, we come to ask you for what is real and for what is possible, which is a thorough change in your lives.

You have received many gifts, you have received many spiritual treasures, you have received many Graces, and, I could even say, many amnesties and atonements. This is the time for the apostles of My Son, the companions of My Son, to be defined and to live and fulfill what they have come to do in this world.

These are no longer times of theories, these are times for the Teaching to be in the practice, in each detail, in each step taken, day by day.

Thus, you will acquire a mature consciousness, in a quick and surprising way, because My Son needs it to be so. My son needs the virtues and the talents that He left to us so that He can return.

In this way, you will allow, My beloved children, the Work of God to be strengthened in this world, and even in what is insignificant, in order for this humanity to be transformed.

I come with a goal, I come with a purpose, that, more each day, you may grow internally, that in the availability and self-giving of your lives, there may be healing for this world, because, as has happened to many servers throughout the times, someone will always have to give their life for others, give their life for the Plan of God.

At the end of this year, this is what each one is called to think about and meditate upon, to reflect and feel My Words within their heart, Words that only have the mission of elevating you, transcending you, making you ever-more aware and awakened before the reality of this cruel and difficult world.

I know that many times you have thought that your lives and your paths would be different. I am not saying that in your lives happiness or the joy of serving is lacking, even the sharing as a family or as brothers and sisters, I am talking about the inner attitude, the attitude that each one of My children must have at these times. While this is not happening, while this is not fulfilled, while this is not carried out, the Graces will remain kept in Heaven.

You must keep opening the doors of the universe because there are consciousnesses that have decided that they do not want to change, and this is something that only My Son will be able to solve when He returns.

I impel you to enter this coming year of 2022 under the spirit of Divine Wisdom, which leads, guides and concretizes the Aspirations of the Father in the three planes: spiritual, mental and material. May this important network of souls, this important network of light, of love and service, formed by you, expand and nourish as many hearts as possible, which wait for an opportunity.

I leave you My Light and My Peace at this moment, thus blessing in this way the whole world on this day, on the last day of 2021, so that not only the spiritual principles may be respected by humanity, and also valued and recognized, but also so that the material principals, human dignity, the common good, fraternity and love for your neighbors, the help for the needy, may be the keynote that may motivate the consciousnesses so that the great debt of this world may be placated by the service, love and peace of those who truly give of themselves, and may this also help the religions to give more, and even the non-believers to give, so that they may realize they are children of the Source.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to My Words, and of making your attention hang on each one of My Words, in each part of My Message.

I am the Mother of the World, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Queen of Aurora.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, on the day in which the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima is celebrated, the Celestial Mother comes to the world to share with some of Her children Her deepest sorrows of Her Heart; sorrows that many do not know or have knowledge of, for which I ask you to pray to alleviate the Heart of the Mother of God so that sins are reversed by the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I gather, on the inner planes, the souls that assemble before the Divine Mother to share this planetary moment.

For that reason and for that motive, I am uniting, at this moment, the Kingdom of Fatima and the Kingdom of Aurora, as one heart and one essence so that, on this day, peace may be granted to the world, especially in those places that need it most and where many of My children are in danger, not only of life, but also of spirit.

As more than a hundred years ago, and, like in the recent years that I have come to meet you, I ask you to pray for peace, because if there is no peace in the world, there will be no healing or renewal.

The Kingdom of Heaven is up here, waiting for you to deposit each prayer bead in the hands of the Celestial Mother, in your Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.

Through My Heart, I bring you the entire Kingdom of Fatima, with all its consciousnesses and angels so that the spiritual life of humanity, on this special day, may be repaired and converted, so that one day it can be redeemed.

The Mother of God not only remembers Her seven main sorrows, sorrows that have changed over time, because there are even more serious things that happen in the world, which My Son did not expect to happen. For this reason, He gave Himself up to the Cross and saved you with the price of His Blood.

Today the Immaculate Heart of Mary, surrounded by the Crown of Thorns, of the lowest sins in the world, comes to be alleviated by the prayers of Her children and the faith of good hearts, of those who always say yes to the Mother of God.

For this reason, I invite you to transmute  this planetary situation with Me so that, within you and your consciousnesses, there may be an opening to serve in the armies of the Mother of God; in all those who postulate to be part of the legions of Christ, in favor of His Return to the world.

Just as a hundred years ago, but, today, in this sacred and blessed place for God, I return again to humanity, the same as I once did in order to put an end to the war of those difficult and painful times for the whole of Europe.

Today I return to humanity this same Legacy that I once left in Fatima, which is a spiritual Legacy, an immaterial treasure, an incalculable and infinite Legacy that comes from the Source of God, from which your Divine Mother emerged.

From that place, which is not known, which is part of a mystery that is unveiled today, which is part of the Divine Will, I bring you and your brothers and sisters of the world, as well as the nations, the opportunity to return to your original purity; because the world has completely lost its purity and by losing its original purity it has lost its innocence.

This leads some of My children to offer themselves to My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that is thorned and wounded by the sins of the world, especially by those who reject the Mother of God, who is the Mother of all, the Mother of humanity.

Through this offer that My Immaculate Heart makes to you today, I again bring you the Source of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, which keeps as a spiritual treasure a part of the great Legacy of My life on Earth, as also a part of the Legacy of My Assumption into Heaven.

Your lives, through My Heart, must be the continuation of that Legacy and that trajectory. For this reason, My beloved Son, at the foot of the Cross, gave all the children of humanity to the Mother of God so that they could be redeemed, converted and reconciled, and one day be the testimony of the Love of God, of the Love of the living God.

For that to be possible, beloved children, I once again accept the sacrifices, the renunciations and all the possible surrenders that, as they did a hundred years ago, compensated for the very serious faults that sunk humanity into war and suffering, and this allowed The Light of the Divine Essence of the Mother of God to shine like a great sun in Fatima, in the sixth month of those Apparitions.

That sun, which is not like the one that shines upon you every day, is a sun that appeared at that time and materialized to carry forward a radical change in the entire human consciousness.

But the effects of that sacred task have faded from the ethers of the consciousness of the planet, even though the Mother of God continues to return to the world to call Her children to conversion.

Today your lives must be this very sun that illuminates the darkness of these times, with acts of love and mercy, with gestures of forgiveness and reconciliation. You will have all the tools to be able to do so on the path of prayer that is a continuous and eternal school, but you will also find those tools in the Sacraments, which are what make you live redemption.

Uniting the time of Fatima with the time of Aurora, in one heart and one essence, I bring you, My children, the last opportunity to help change this world consciousness so that one day everything material may change, everything that is perverted and has not complied with the Laws of God.

Thus, today, opening a door, I invite you to cross it, with the conviction of fulfilling the aspirations of My Son so that, by crossing this spiritual and inner door, those who decide, starting today,in confidence, will enter a new school: the school of the mature and responsible consciousness of the soul and of the spirit that consciously lives the Will of God and will never reject it so as to become a true companion of Christ, who does not fear the cross, who does not fear the darkness, who does not fear their own fears, but that the Love of the Light of Christ may illuminate and guide them until they can accomplish what God so desires, what God expects so much.

If you assume to cross through that door, you assume to live another school, deeper and more decisive. A school not only of maturity, but also of wisdom, of discernment, and, above all, a school where you fully practice love in the three planes of consciousness; spiritual, mental and material, so that your souls be mirrors of the Soul of My Son.

This is what humanity needs in order to have an opportunity.

You have been called and you have summoned yourselves for this moment and for this time. Together with Me, you must strengthen this network of Light, which follows the guidelines of the Hierarchy and which, as a mirror, reflects the Will of God and shares that which the Hierarchy feels about this planetary moment.

Therefore, on this May 13, after more than a hundred years, I invite you to cross through this door, through the internal gardens of Lys so that the angels may purify you and align you with the Sacred Purpose that will always renew you and lead you to fulfill your mission.

To consummate this moment, for this planet and for this humanity, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, as Mother of God and Mother of all humanity, as Mother of priests, apostles, consecrated persons and servants, came to establish the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart through the offering that Her children will make, as they cross through the spiritual door to the new school that I offer them, the school of maturity and consciousness.

For this to be possible, My children, we will celebrate the Eucharist in honor of My Son and respond to His heavenly requests.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can bring the Altar here, for the celebration.

Let us, at this moment, as we prepare to enter into communion with Christ, feel ourselves within the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, in its inner gardens, together with the Most Holy Mary and Her holy angels, preparing this celebration, this offering of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, as Our Lady has asked, for humanity and for the planet. But we will also offer our lives at the Feet of Our Lord.

The water to wash the hands.

May the Lord purify us at this moment so that He, once again, make us worthy to receive this Sacrament and, thus, He can renew everything within us.

We are going to celebrate this moment with the Most Holy Mary, just as She was in the Cenacle with His Apostles, waiting for the reappearance of Christ, the Resurrection of Her Son.

On the night that Jesus was to be given up, He instituted the Holy Eucharist. And for that to be possible, He asked the apostles to bring him the bread and wine so that, converting them, He could offer His Body and His Blood as a justification for the sins of humanity, so that everything could be repaired.

Thus, Jesus took the bread, raised it and offered it to the Father, asking him to turn the bread into His Body.

The angels transubstantiated it and Jesus then broke it and offered it to His companions saying: "Take and eat, because this is My Body that will be given by men, for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Before ending the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice into His Hands and offered it to the Father so that the wine would be converted into His Blood.

After the wine was transubstantiated by the angels, Jesus offered it to His companions, saying: “Take and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in memory of Me, until I return to the world”.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


This is the Body and Blood of Christ, Our Lord, blessed are those who are invited to avail themselves of this Sacrament of the Altar, because He has promised us eternal happiness.

United to the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and before the Presence of the Mother of God, by the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, we will consummate this consecration through the Our Father.

We invite everyone at this time to also offer their lives as an act of reconsecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that the pure intentions of the Mother of God can be fulfilled and carried forward through our redemption.

Prayer: Our Father.

Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we announce the Peace and Love of Christ to the whole world.

“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

Through the blessing of Our Lady, we are going to announce that Peace to the inner Christ of each brother and sister present in this meeting with the Mother of God with a subtle reverence, greeting the inner Christ of each brother and sister.

Together, with the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, who is the cause of our joy and devotion, we announce Spiritual Communion for our brothers and sisters around the world.

O my God,I believe,
I adore,I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

My Heart gathers the offers of those who are willing to live My call.

May the peace of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima fill this world and alleviate this humanity, in union with all the angels of Creation.

I thank you for responding, once again, to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can go in peace.




Seven are the seals that will open and the scrolls that will be shown; the time is indicating this moment, dear children.

And to testify to this event that goes beyond all human consciousness, all understanding and intellectuality, today I have brought My little Son in My arms, because He is the one who entrusted, in the name of the Heavenly Father, the revelation of these mysteries, that will try to correct the human consciousness again and will bring to everyone the opportunity of receiving new principles and ways of life that, throughout the times, have been very far from humanity and from the planet.

The Divine Higher Consciousness is approaching the Earth to make its revelation and, not only My Immaculate Heart, but also the hearts of all Hierarchies of Light are testifying such an important moment for humanity.

Today I cannot reveal to you in details what this means, but welcome with love each one of My words because, as I told you today, My words are the action of the Grace of God in all human consciousness and upon the whole planet.

This higher and divine revelation, which is written in the deepest depths of the Heart of God, will bring to all beings of the surface the awakening and the awareness of having distanced so much from the Plan of God, as well as of having transgressed the universal Laws and all the natural laws of Earth.

However, through Mercy and Grace, the Heavenly Father has entrusted this divine intervention in humanity to His archangels and angels, so that at least one colony of this whole race can prevail at the end of these times, fulfilling and living, in a simple way, the same attributes of life that the Sacred Family lived.

This is the reason for having asked for the novena during nine days, for the sacred families of this planet, which must again recover the values that they lost when they submerged into the chaos and world illusion of these times.

I say “sacred families” because in the Essence of God, all are sacred children of God. Your essences have not lost the filiation with the Heavenly Father; only your more lower bodies have been distracted from the Purpose.

For this reason, the Revelations of God that will come in these times will bring to the human consciousness the elevation of spirit, of its human condition and the transformation of the human aspects that have conditioned the evolution of the race and the possibility of the awakening of the New Christs.

Today the Creator has decided, within His vast Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, the revelation of His Mysteries, expanding the terms that are found in the Bible, the symbologies and messages; expanding and deepening even more into the terms of the Apocalypse, even more into the visions that John the Apostle had, so that all this information, which comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy, may no longer be a mystery, but truths, clear and precise revelations of how to act and conduct this humanity in the end of times.

With My arm, I sustain the Child Jesus who is present here today, with you.

With My other hand, I sustain the scrolls of the Revelation of God so the divine information of what God has seen and participated in, throughout the times, since before, during and after the Creation, may start to approach your consciousnesses. 

I know that this event will remove many structures because the impulse that will come from the Source will be extremely strong and will give the opportunity for each creature upon the surface of the Earth to be able to re-evaluate its life and consciousness so that it may define its spiritual life and path to be inside of the Paradise of God or to condemn itself.

Before the time of the second coming of Christ, this revelations will bring an impulse for each human being.

It will be by a state of Grace and Mercy that souls will have the opportunity of submerging into their awakening and opening to the sacred knowledge that vibrates and pulses within the Greater Universe, as little spheres of light that travel between time and space, from the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe, with the intention that the spirits of all human beings may awaken to the great Divine Consciousness and to the greater knowledge that has always been alive in the Universe.

Only now, children of Mine, after a thirty-year walk, the time has come for your consciousnesses to define themselves within, to truly define, to allow the doors of knowledge to open above humanity and so that there may not be any resistance or obstacle for the Hierarchy.

Because if we are still here, it is for a universal reason, it is a purpose that your consciousnesses are still not able to reach. It is an infinite reason that was thought and meditated upon, since before your existence, so that this divine revelation, which derives from the Non-material Source of God, might come in this time, and before this planetary event.

In the past times, this revelation would not have been possible; it would not have been efficient nor effective because the human consciousness was not prepared.

And even though the human consciousness is very immature and childish, the times that will come, which will prepare the advent of Christ to Earth for the second time, will raise the consciousness of those who open from heart and soul to receive the divine revelation, so similar to the headwater of a river that quenches the thirst of beings and that nurtures the whole human consciousness, so that it can live and breathe, and thus carry on its evolution. It is in this same way that the information from the Universe will come.

This will make you mature consciously and will place your consciousnesses in the universal Purpose in the face of the great planetary adjustment of these times; wars, conflicts, division of families, illusion through modernities, spiritual blindness that generates many spiritual movements, believing that the human being is invincible.

Only love will make you invincible, My children, but you must live this school, you must encourage yourselves to enter this universal knowledge.

The first steps to live in this school of love and wisdom are registered in the experience of Christ on Earth and in all the teachings that He delivered to humanity.

There is no other Master for the present humanity but Christ.

He announced and warned: “Many will come in My Name and will be recognized. Many will believe in their words, but afterwards, they will regret having completely trusted in something that did not come from love and was not true.”

With this, My children, before the Son of God, who is today in My arms, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, your must choose only one path so that you make room and give an opportunity for the divine revelation.

I want you to be conscious, My children, truly. The school of My little children is now over. It is time to prepare yourselves and to face the end of times, because the battle between love and indifference is not over.

You must conquer love, by living love and being love at every moment. Renouncing, sacrificing and loving. Silently surrendering each experience of life for the others, without anguishes and despairs.

Because, if in truth you lived a true spiritual crisis or were at risk of perdition, you would not be here, My children, as many, many are not and many have ceased to be, because they have been blinded by ignorance.

Only in the Father is the Truth for your lives. The human being must only learn to be true in the small details, so that after it can be in the great, assuming great responsibilities before the Spiritual Hierarchy, conducting and guiding the flocks of Christ, all races of the Earth that will need this spiritual impulse that descends upon this Marian Center, to be able to relocate their lives and find a meaning for the spiritual path.

Therefore, those whom I will consecrate today as Children of Mary will have a great commitment with Me, it will be a personal and group commitment between your hearts and Mine, a reason why you must pray, every day, so that these Revelations that God has decided to deliver to humanity, which overcomes the entire existence of the Church of Christ on Earth and all of the Sacred Books, may descend correctly and in a way protected by the Celestial Hierarchy.

But it will be necessary, My children, as in other times and in other Apparitions, that there may exist intermediaries, so that these revelations, which will expand human consciousness, can arrive.

I apologize for being so quick, the Time of God here on Earth is limited, because we must attend many more events that get worse within the race of this planet, in different regions of humanity, which need to be attended and helped by the Hierarchies.

Thus, you can understand, My children, that each Apparition of Mary, Christ and Saint Joseph, is not something else, especially in these definite times, where the transitions and its greatest apex will surprise everyone overnight.

Hence you must be prepared through this knowledge so that worldly inertia does not paralyze you and take you away from the path of light.

I hope you understand what I tell you. I am frank with each one of you because there is no longer any time.

Those who will consecrate today may come here. And playing the melody of your consecration, your souls will be preparing for this blessing that My Immaculate Heart will impart.

Because it will be necessary, My children, that you assume this commitment of consecration with responsibility and maturity, as My Heart was left very offended by those who abandoned their consecration, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to My Maternity, which cannot be defeated neither interfered with by any of your human aspects, not even by your own will.

The consecration that I deliver to each Child of Mary is non-transferable and undeniable. It depends on each of My children that this consecration may become a part of you in a true, sincere and honest way, because you will thus avoid, My children, entering into the chaos of humanity and in the great spiritual conflicts that many souls live today in the world by believing that they do not need God and not even to kneel down to supplicate to Him.

I only ask you that on this day of consecration, many more children of Mary re-consecrate themselves again interiorly, renewing this vow to the Mother of God, so that this inner and divine vow may be renewed with the Heavenly Father.

The Graces that I pour out cannot be wasted.

I want to tell you this, My children, with all the Love of My Heart, for each one of you.

Great parts of the world, entire peoples, different races and cultures, so similar to yours, are suffering for the lack of God and due to those who govern them, submitting and unjustly chastising them.

You, children of Mine, who have the grace and opportunity of being before My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son tonight, must try to balance the misunderstandings and misalignments that the other part of humanity live for having set themselves apart from love, and because the most innocent are the most overpowered and the most chastised by the hand of humanity.

I need that you represent Me upon the surface of the Earth, as those stars of light that have once fallen from the Universe, but today they rise again, by the sincere offer and loving supplication of your Celestial Mother before the Heavenly Father.

As a sphere of light, today I deliver to your souls this commitment to pray for the next Revelations of God, in order that His Divine and Sacred Will may be fulfilled.


Behold the Slave of the Lord.
Behold the servants of Christ.
Lord, may Your Word be fulfilled in us
for the New Humanity to be born and emerge.

So then, receive the energy of My Grace and be bathed by the Light of My Spirit, of My unconditional and serviceable Spirit, which is United in Soul, Divinity and Essence to the Heavenly Father, as to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I bless you so that in the next Nativity of the Lord, families re-consecrate themselves to living the Attributes of God in these critical times, so that love may overcome, light may triumph and all evil may be defeated by the divine intercession of Saint Archangel Michael. Amen.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you, children of Mine, for opening yourselves to listen to Me, because the only thing that I wish for is your wellness and well-being.

I thank you and listen to the song of your voices.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From a place in the Universe I have come to bring you the science of My Peace and so that through it you may be united with Me, by means of the communication with the Mirrors.

Today I bring a message from Cygnus, a place so far from the Earth, but also very close to it, in omnipresence and in unconditionality.

Receive from Cygnus its legacy, its science and its energy.

Embrace its principles in your hearts and watch for the Greater knowledge, because the Earth needs it to be able to persist and continue onward.

So through My Heart, I bring you what is real, eternal and permanent.

To you I reveal a place of contemplation and healing, a sacred enclosure for the Greater Universe, in which many schools have been lived and many experiences have been carried out for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness.

Today, with My arms stretched out in the form of a cross, I bring you the Love from Cygnus, so that you may remember the origin of an important principle within this Creation and within the life of the material Universe.

From this place receive its attributes and embrace its call in your spirits.

Through its Mirrors, may its principles be reflected and may souls be able to receive its impulses, to be able to vivify the Plan, again and again.

From that place I come with joy and to that place I will return, taking from within you the response to this call of the Greater Universe.

In the stars of Cygnus, healing and the opportunity of redemption are established for all those who have forgotten the opportunity of reconciliation.

Enter into this Universe with gratitude and elevate your consciousnesses to the stars, so that from Cygnus this flame of love may spring that you need in these critical times; a flame that will nourish you and spiritually sustain each one of My children.

In this place find its message of peace, and remember that it is always latent and never changes.

Today its Mirrors emanate what humanity needs, and through its celestial spheres, impulses are sent to the Earth so that, during a time of purification, souls may find the path for their inner support.

From Cygnus will come the encouragement for humanity, the hope that everything will be renewed, the impulse that will rebuild everything so that the experience of forgiveness and of love may be established.

From this constellation comes a powerful energy and its Masters unite in a single purpose to aid the Earth and humanity.

From the Heart of Cygnus emanates the flame of Love, which the whole of humanity needs in order to survive and thus learn to reconcile with one another, so that indifference and ignorance may be dispelled, so that evil and confusion may be dissipated.

From Cygnus will come the inner strength that humanity will need to experience its time of purification and transcendence.

Today I gather all of its Mirrors in My Heart.

And today, My Universal Consciousness mirrors its Energy and the register of love of this Constellation, so that the Suns on Earth may learn to nourish themselves from the Source and from its great lakes of light, in which the synthesis of many experiences is kept in the Universe, a legacy that will repopulate future humanity with new principles and attributes.

Aspire to find this path of return to Cygnus and thus, you will be returning to your origins, where everything once began and emerged, just as God had thought and meditated upon, just as the archangels had established for this Material Universe.

Through Me, reignite your inner Sun and overcome the limits of matter, the obstacles of consciousness, the difficulties of the spirit, because in essence, you all have an origin, which is the origin that Cygnus holds, and there you will find again the meaning of your existence, the reason and the cause of having come to the Earth to experience such a necessary school for your beings, something that will never be forgotten and that will be held in your cosmic memory.

This union with the Love of Cygnus will help you in the elevation of consciousness, and thus you will help to elevate humanity, which is very distracted and lost; a humanity that each day distances itself more from the truth and from the meaning of its purpose.

But if, at least in a very few, a union is established with Infinity, and today especially with the Constellation of Cygnus, something inexplicable will take place for the coming times, and the People of Israel will continue to walk in the desert in search of the Promised Land, which in a short while will be a reality to the eyes of the New Humanity.

The Universe is waiting for the response from humanity and its doors are open between the Universes to lead the spirit of the consciousnesses towards the spheres of the Brotherhood, in which Love and Unity are lived, following one same purpose and one single aim.

Today Cygnus approaches, for those who have been consistent with the Plan, for those who persist and remain on the path of faith and of trust in the Hierarchy, knowing that everything they experience today will have its results in the near future, on the New Earth.

Thus, contemplate within yourselves this inner Universe, which unites with the Higher Universe, and receive from Cygnus the sacred Flame of Love that will always illumine your lives when you invoke it and feel it within yourselves, just like you feel Christ in each moment of surrender and of prayer.

Today Cygnus emits its message of reconciliation to the world.

Today its Mirrors illumine universal spaces so that this local Universe may receive the assistance it needs in these times, and especially so that humanity may be conscious that it is not alone, and that it is now time to know reality and the truth.

In My Heart, I bring what is most sacred that exists in Cygnus, so that you may remember your origin and your commitment to the Creator, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed on Earth, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed in all those who say “yes” to an unknown Will.

Through the Great Constellation of Cygnus, may the inner Suns be reignited and may they watch for the Flame of the Divine Purpose, so that more and more help may come to humanity and to the planet.

I thank you for responding to this call for an awareness of the Plan and of its manifestation on Earth.

May the Flame of the inner universe vibrate in your hearts and may it be unified with the current of Love from Cygnus, so that its Mirrors may continue to emit its principles and attributes, so necessary for these times in humanity.

May Love be fulfilled in the hearts that truly accept to live it, in perfect union with the Source of Creation.

I thank you now and always.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Zurich, Switzerland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

For the sake of God, I bring Love from Heaven, to pour It over this place, over this planet. I bring you the Love that you need, the Love that you so much seek, the Love that you so much aspire to penetrate in order to find God.

I bring you the Love that will liberate you so that you can take a new step, knowing that it is necessary to listen to God in the same way as the Mother of God listened to the call of the Archangel Gabriel.

I invite you, dear children, to follow the example of the Mother of God, in unconditional obedience, with the immense joy of being able to follow the steps of the Lord, just as God needs in this time.

All that I tell you, My children, is not to hurt you, neither is it to wound you, it is to open your consciousnesses, to penetrate your hearts with the Love of God so that such deep wounds, which are still present in your lives, can close and dissolve.

This is the reason why I am in Europe, My children, presenting to you My different Faces in order for you to know the Omnipresence of the Mother of God, in order for you to know how to understand and hear Her the best that you can, thus I come as the Mother and Virgin of Schoenstatt.

But today I do not bring My Son in My arms, I bring an African child, among so many who would like to be in My arms.

Today, I bring the most sick and hungry child, the child with the most pain, the most anguished child who needs the attention of humanity, and of its people.

Therefore, My children, I invite you to solidarity, to cooperation and to the good that must awaken in your hearts so that the world, and especially humanities suffering and pain, which must be relieved, can enter you so that you may feel as the Mother of God feels when there is lack of consciousness, lack of love and especially a lack of fraternity.

If you take the step, I assure you, My children, that many more will do so.

Thus, today I have decided to come to tell you this so that you may hear My call, so that you may feel My Maternity, so that you may make use of My Heart, a noble Heart that cries out to the world, a Heart that welcomes the miseries of humanity, and especially of those who suffer most.

I invite you, My children, to imitate My Spirit of Maternity, of service and solidarity; this will transform your people completely and will make of your people a Promised Land, knowing that God still wishes to manifest His Divine Will here.

With maternal Love, I call you, My children, to become aware of this, to give importance to this in your lives so that your lives can also transform through the response to My Sacred Call.

I will always wish good for you, thus I am not only here for you, but I am also here for all nations of the world, for everyone who has conceded this Pilgrimage for Peace, for everyone who sincerely, in one way or another, have made their loving and unconditional effort for Me to be here today, for Switzerland, just as I will be in a short while there for Germany.

Thus, I invite you to this Unity, the Unity that God gestated since the beginning, in the Universe, the Unity that will lead you to Peace, because it is a Divine Unity that the world has completely forgotten.

This is also the reason why we still go on pilgrimage, leaving the Marian Centers on the quest for the neediest and most lacking hearts, on the quest for the awakening of the consciousness of humanity so that the purposes of God may be fulfilled.

As Mother of Love and Virgin of Schoenstatt, I do not wish My children to suffer and to accept living the path of suffering, because humanity has already demonstrated to the world that it knows how to destroy itself. I want to change this human pattern by means of your prayers and supplications, by means of the opening of your inner world to My call.

Thus, I will not only be able to continue working for Switzerland but also for the world that needs Me and I will be able to reach other nations of the world, just as I have reached here, in an extraordinary way, by the response of My children.

Today I transmit to you, My children, with all the Truth of My Heart, the affliction of My Maternal Heart for the deafness of My children.

Thus, I come from Heaven as I have come to Fatima and Medjugorje, to bring a message to humanity, to demonstrate to the world that I am unique and that I am the Mother of all nations and of all children that exist on this planet; that I am the Mother without religion because My religion is the Love of God, which the Archangel Gabriel had taught Me when I had Jesus in My Womb.

The Love of God was gestated in Me so that redemption could be born in the world. Today My Womb of Light gives Itself to the world so that your lives can be born again someday with the hope of living in faith, and of attaining the redemption of the heart.

I invite you to redouble your efforts for My call, and I thank, today, My daughters who live here in Switzerland for being the precursors of My call in Zurich, for having strived and dedicated themselves so that the divine fulfillment of My Spiritual Mission in Switzerland may be accomplished.

Today I will leave here with hope because you have demonstrated that it is possible to disseminate My call, knowing that it is urgent that the souls leave the terrestrial hell to enter the Universe of My Heart, where there is a special place, there is a refuge in the Heart of the Mother of Schoenstatt for each one of My children.

It is your love, it is your dedication, it is your offering that allows Me to return, time and again, to the world.

I thank you for responding to this invitation and I bless you with the Sacred Flame of the Hope of God, which will never extinguish because it is eternal.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Special Apparitions
Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.

Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.

It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.

They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.

Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.

The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.

In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.

These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.

Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.

All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.

Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.

Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.

Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.

This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.

Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.

This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.

Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.

For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.

A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.

Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.

I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.

After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.

Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.

With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.

Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.

May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.

May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.

I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, to the visionaries Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

To Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today I come from heaven as the Lady of the Apocalypse, to decree through My words that the final time is approaching, and, with it, once again, the end of a cycle, in which humanity must be even more awakened in order to be able to perceive the changes that will not only come to the planetary consciousness, but also to planetary life.

I am the Lady of the Apocalypse, I am the one who precedes the end of the Omega because, from then on, everything will happen, and nothing will be hidden any longer.

Therefore, you must be prepared for this moment, with a different attitude, starting from your consciousness because, thus, this attitude will be reflected in the material life, and you will know how to act with discernment and caution at the moment of making decisions and of carrying forward My Son´s Plan.

Do not fear if you see the forces of chaos moving around you, acting or intervening, it is a sign that the end is coming and that your neutrality will be important so that, without indifference, you can do what you need to do.

This moment marks an unexpected time for everyone. Humanity has never gone through this transition, nor does it know what it is all about.

That is why I come to announce, as the Lady of the Apocalypse, that all My children must be awakened in this crucial hour so that, together with their guardian angels, they can cross these deserts that approach the planetary Consciousness, in which the Mercy of God will be very necessary.

No longer fear what moves within or outside of you, for that which is impure, imperfect, or unfaithful. 

Hold on to My Solar Mantle. I will lift you up from the ground so that you may walk together with your Mother of the Apocalypse, towards the closing of a stage that has just begun.

In the meantime, maintain a spirit of hope, and project to the future everything good that may happen when many more souls are redeemed in Christ and find the meaning of their lives to cease being spiritually blind and imprisoned in souls.

I need you to sustain this Scepter that I am delivering to you today: the Scepter of God, which will move all things on this planet, before My beloved Son, the Christ, returns.

For this reason, the apostles cannot be distracted, perturbed, nor alarmed by what happens around them.

In these times you must maintain a spirit of faith, trust and love to overcome the tests that will come.

I know you have asked yourselves inwardly, why does God allow certain things, to the point that souls must suffer and go through hard tests?

It is not God who causes chaos, but humanity who is indifferent and separated from love.

You, who have already known how to reach the Source, must reach this Source every day because otherwise your spirits will dry up and will not be nourished by the water of life that My Son represents in His Divinity.

I need you to be brave and still sustain with one hand the banner of My Peace, and with the other hand, the redemptive sword of Christ; because we still have to continue fighting for a Plan that, in many minds, no longer makes sense.

If My Son had not allowed Himself to be defeated, although it seemed it had been so, His Love would not have triumphed.

His surrender, His unconditionality and His Love defeated the enemy, and the Plan won, and the light triumphed over all darkness.

Open your inner eyes, and feel deep within your hearts that you are going through the most crucial moment of the Passion that the planetary consciousness is living, which is agonizing as it feels that its creatures still do not live change.

Therefore, the currents of the Universe are acting and some arrive physically in certain places to move the state of resistance and lack of change that some souls live.

Do not think you are being punished or that the judgment of the Divinity has already come because it has not yet approached the world.

Chaos fights against chaos, evil swallows itself by fighting, battling and debating, to see who is in first place.

Do not allow these times to torment you, do not stop looking at the Sun that you truly are because it will be necessary that it shines in these times of purification and tests.

I come to prepare the path for the arrival of My Son, for the moment in which everything will be allowed.

Truly, happy will be those who, in total confidence, place themselves under My Mantle so that your Universal Mother may be able to protect you.

And now see, through those who live in these times, that it is necessary to make inner changes. 

Do not be surprised by what you see within you and around you; it is time for everything to be erased in order for the Project of Christ to be fulfilled in humanity and the new flocks may congregate toward the New Supper that the Lord will celebrate.

I am the Lady of the Apocalypse, and today I come as Mother and Priestess of the souls who reflect the Love of God with their prayers, and, holding hands, together with Me, in a Sacred Oratory, proclaim the Victory of Christ and His return to the world for these times that will come.

May your lips never get tired of proclaiming faith, may your path be full of graces and may your inner senses open to be able to receive the reality that afflicts the world and submerges it in deep pain.

Do not fear, no longer fear, for I am your Mother, I am here: this is the moment that you confirm your trust in My Immaculate Heart.

When the waters of the seas are turbulent, it is the sign that all must be united, under the same purpose. And it is this purpose and this end that will protect you, because the purpose must always be love, service and surrender so that many more may benefit from this.

Today I have between My hands the book of the Apocalypse, and your Heavenly Mother reads the revelations that are found in it and that humanity has still not known, which are the revelations written by the words of John.

They are the signs that he has seen a long time ago, which are manifesting in humanity at this time, so that, finally, a change may emerge and everyone can reach the Source and commune with God.

Feel that these scriptures are projecting themselves in humanity and that the dragon of fire is coming out of its abyss. This indicates that Christ is returning, although it does not seem so.

And right away you will see Saint Gabriel the Archangel opening the last seal of the seven that exist, to show the world that this last phase of redemption is approaching and that everything that is in the abyss will be placed in judgment, before the Creator. In the meantime, keep in permanent neutrality and invoke the power of Love so that you may know how to assist your fellow beings.

While this last seal is opened, do not stop praying, not even for a moment. The time has come for your thoughts to be elevated in a continuous and constant way. The time has come for your feelings, thoughts and actions to be pure prayer because in this way you will always be protected by the Mantle of your Heavenly Mother.

If some things happen around you today, remember that behind everything, there exists a purpose.

Embrace the change and these things will end, suffering will be dissolved out of nowhere, it will strengthen the fortress, the wisdom and hope that many need, and they will be able to walk free from their ties and chains. Their feet will reach the top of the mountain, where Christ will rest His Feet as Solar Light, to declare to the world that He has come to put an end to everything that has been destroyed.

And His archangels will raise the chalices to God, offering this new sacrifice for humanity.

Those who have been martyrs, lambs, who have been exiled from their country, or their mission, will be recognized.

Christ Jesus, through His Heart, will deliver His great Star to the world to sow on Earth the new principles of Light, the crystals of redemption that will sustain the new race in the emergence of a New Humanity. For all of this to be fulfilled, you must pass through this cycle, dear children.

When the wolf wants to hunt the sheep of the Shepard, it is a sign that the Redeemer is coming with firm and silent steps to the world to defeat his enemy and to dissolve him in the Source of Love.

May your eyes not stop looking to heaven and implore with prayers.

May your acts be truthful and not stingy.

May your feeling be evermore to love, to love, and to love, until your beings surrender in Christic energy.

And so, those who have come from the Universe, sent by the Lords of the Law, will finally be redeemed, they will hand over their helmets, swords and stars at the feet of the Christ, and it will not be necessary to fight to conquer the Truth and the Love of the Source, because your Lord, the Master among masters, will liberate you from the past, and your essences will light up when you recognize the Presence of the Christ.

This is everything that is in the Book of the Apocalypse, something that John has not written, even though he has seen it, because it was not the moment for humanity to know it.

But now I, who am your Prophetess and Priestess, at the eternal service of My Beloved Son, come to announce the new times, the new goals and the new principles so that souls may hold on to them and may not let themselves be taken by tribulation, because Saint Michael will return.

Archangel Saint Michael will return in his state of resplendence so that, with his sword of Justice and Light, He will exorcise what has caused pain and suffering in humanity, and the illusions of the world will be dissolved, the souls will feel an unknown Christic love and, finally, the Suns on Earth will shine, to be a part, together with this world, of the Universal Confraternity.

To Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Everything that I reveal to you on this day is part of the Celestial, Divine Will, of the One who sent Me to the world.

I come with the book of the Apocalypse, My children, to strengthen the faith and hope in your hearts because the world is purifying and it will still purify more intensely, and all My children will have to live this purification.

However, My words will resound within you as a fortress and hope, which will be on the horizon of your lives, as something that will be fulfilled, a Truth which will be manifested after chaos and evil emerge in this world with all their false power.

Today, I come to teach you to not observe the events of the world only with human eyes, but that the eyes of your spirits and your hearts may be open to understand the events and make others understand that the Justice of God is not a punishment, that the purification of the planet is not the end of humanity, but rather the end of human degeneration.

It is the beginning of a new cycle, of a new era, in which indifference and the lack of love can no longer exist in the consciousnesses. And those who cannot live the Law, manifest it and express it in their lives, will be led to other worlds, to other spaces, where they will be able to learn, according to their consciousness and their choices on this Earth.

Everything will be directed to where it should be. Nothing will remain out of place, because the Law of God will come to straighten the paths of humanity so that they may find the path of return.

When chaos and evil emerge before your eyes, remember My words, remember your mission and your purpose on this Earth. Because what I have built within you will be transformed into tools so that you can act in these times. Tools that express themselves through peace, neutrality, compassion and mercy for those who are lost and distant from God.

Strengthen, My Children, everything that I gave you. Discover within you these tools of Light that are expressed through virtues so that, at the correct moment, you may know how to find them within you.

Today you will think that your transformation is rigorous and that the changes are intense for the consciousness to accompany the cycle of the planet; but you will soon understand that all that God asks you has a principle and a higher purpose, which you will see manifested when the time comes in which My Son will find you prepared, ready to unite to Him, so that He may have companions with whom He can count on when He arrives in the world.

His Resplendence will be absolute, and His Brightness will be visible to all human eyes.

However, many children of Mine will fear to look at Him, follow Him and receive Him in this world, because they will not feel worthy of receiving His Forgiveness, because they will see their mistakes emerge and the consequences of their indifference.

This is why, today I ask you, committed with the Superior Plan, to prepare your hearts and strengthen them, not only to cross the times of greater tribulation but so that you have the courage and humility to look at the Eyes of Christ when His Feet tread the Earth.

May you have the humility to receive His forgiveness and to be filled by His Mercy so that He may definitely transform you and show you your true face, that which you are, as part of the Divine Will, My children, in a way that a molecule of Christ Consciousness may enter within you and make you participants of a new time, of a new race that will be built with effort, with renunciation and with a deep love that does not come from this Earth, but from the most intimate part of the Heart of God.

Today I want to renew all My children, all the Children of Mary, so that they never fear to wear My Mantle, so that they give testimony of My Presence. May they never deny that they are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, may they conquer fear with the potency of love and give testimony of the transformation that prayer has made in their lives.

With this, children, I leave you a warning, but also a Grace, so that you may persevere and be worthy of seeing each one of My words fulfilled.

Transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Plea of the Sacred Mother and Lady of the Apocalypse to the Heavenly Father

Listen, Lord, to the voice of Your Servant and Slave,
who lovingly wants to intercede for all Your most lost children.

 Listen to the voice of those who cry out for an opportunity
and who, in these times, receive nothing in their inner worlds.

 I come to offer Myself as a Sun to illuminate the abysses
and to raise Your fallen stars to the Celestial Universe.

 I pour out My Rays of Grace upon the world
so that souls may capture My deepest feelings
of love and motherhood.

 Lord, today I place in My arms those who most need You.

 Today I contemplate, through My eyes,
the inner wounds of all My children,
 and with the caress that I give them with My Hands,
I calm and soothe everything that disturbs and brings tribulation.

 Through My embrace, I place them close to My chest
so that they may feel the warmth of a good and humble Mother,
so that they may feel Her Immaculate Heart beat infinitely,
just as the whole Universe vibrates, in its creation and existence.

Today I dissolve bitterness from the hearts and I establish My Peace
in those who have asked for it with so much fervor and prayer.

I build the foundations of a new life,
I bring to this civilization the opportunity to love,
until all feel as one,
and Christ finds them in eternal communion.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
