The primary purpose of My Heart, while returning to Argentina, will be so that souls do not lose their faith and trust in God, and that in spite of the material plane being corruptly manipulated by the hands of those who direct the nation, that prayerful hearts only place their love and their trust in the Celestial Father, because this will free many consciousnesses from remaining imprisoned by possible social events and by human revolutions that place the spirituality and the faith of the children of God at risk.
For this reason, before everything unexpectedly appears, I will go to Argentina so that, as from August and during the next six months, you may offer your country and your population to be consecrated to My Sacred Heart again, just as Brazil was consecrated through the perseverance and the effort of the praying beings.
Thus, I will go to Argentina so that, as from the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and during six continuous months, you devotedly offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Spanish, so that the rays of Grace and of the Love of God may descend upon Argentina and appease any indication of revolution and injustice in the protesting and innocent souls.
With all the Faith of My Heart, I will welcome the prayers of all the Argentines and the other sister nations.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God, above all, places at the feet of the Creator its miseries and its virtues, surrendering to the Father its entire being for transformation.
The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God is the one that, by recognizing its smallness and imperfection, also recognizes the greatness of the Creator and knows that, when the heart is open, the Lord Works miracles inside and out of the beings.
The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God is the one that, in the intimate core of its inner world, has understood that life has no meaning if the spirit is not full and that, in this time, there is no fullness but in the fulfillment of the spiritual mission of each being.
The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God knows that there is no failure but rather opportunities of living humility, confidence and the strengthening of faith.
Today, the Creator calls you to a new step and a new cycle so that your souls may consecrate themselves, not to be perfect, but to love the Perfection that comes from God and to walk towards it, believing in the miracle that the Creator will work in your lives when you let yourselves be molded by Him. Believe that one day you will attain perfection, because you will return to the Father.
Feel that, in order to live this time of unity with the Creator, any sacrifice is little, any surrender is small and any transformation is valid, even if it makes you break inside and out, and thus, even if you do not recognize anything of yourselves, not even your best virtues.
Children, there is nothing more wonderful for the Heart of God than seeing a soul that consecrates to Christ and surrenders to His Plan because thus, you are taking another step in the return to His Heart, to the Source from which you departed.
Upon departing, you left hope in the depths of the Creator and, each time you take a step in your consecration, the hope of God strengthens. For this reason, fill your hearts today not only with the joy of your spirits but, above all, with the joy of the Heart of God.
During this afternoon, the Eyes of the Father pour out Graces and Blessings upon the world, because His Tears are rejoicing.
I love you, bless you and always thank you for trusting the power of transformation and the miracles that the Creator will work within your lives.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I still come to the world for those who love Me. And I will come to the world as many times as necessary, because I know that the love of those who follow Me is true. It is this love and this trust that makes me return to the world, beyond the happenings of life, of the harsh trials that humanity lives when moving away from God and beyond its not seeking the love of His Source.
Again the prophecy is fulfilled: The Son of God will come, a member of the family of King David. The Source of God will come to Earth, to fill it with His Gifts and Graces. And that source, so immaterial and unknown, will sow His Graces and His Virtues in the hearts that cannot even imagine.
Again the Lord will work miracles in the lives of people and they will find the love that they need to survive in these times.
Rejoice, companions, because the Love of God donates itself again to the world and the Only Begotten Son comes to meet you to reveal to you the mysterious Source of the Love of God, which will be revealed to all those who dare to enter into eternal communion, with the Sacred Kingdom of God that vibrates in the higher universes of consciousness.
From there the Angels and the Archangels will also come, as was in the past, but this time in the most acute moment of humanity. At this moment and at this time, the great ultra-terrestrial consciousnesses will be able to intervene in humanity so that at least a part of the flock of God is under the protection of the powerful Hand of the Father and of His invisible Mantle of Peace, translucent through the ever Virgin Mary.
After two thousand and eighteen years, a great event will happen again in humanity, which will awaken in the dawning of these times, like the aurora that appears on the horizon and will show its peculiar and special brightness for the souls.
There is still time to live repentance because when that sign comes, which will come from the Universe, everyone will see it; beyond their beliefs or their religions, beyond their faith or their atheism, beyond the paganism that exists in the world at this time.
Thus, will come the new Sun, which, united to the hundreds of suns of the universe, will congregate extremely powerful cosmic and superior energies, which will descend to the Earth bringing the great revelation to the spirits, this will be moments before the return of Christ to humanity, for the second time to the world.
When you see that everything is agonizing in humanity and on Earth, you will know that the time of My return is near. And beyond religions and nations, you will know the new Aspect of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe; more similar and powerful to that which He revealed on the top of Mount Tabor, by means of His divine Transfiguration.
Any living cell of the Earth, any atom that is vibrating at this moment, any being of this planet, will not be able to escape the powerful energy of the Universe, which will bring the Great Universal Sun to generate the redemption of humanity and the definitive conversion of all peoples.
When the last angel sounds the trumpet, its noise will be greater than hundreds of storms. The angel will announce the definitive hour of humanity and the seals of the Sacred Book will be revealed, so that everyone becomes aware of what truly exists beyond this planet and this local universe.
First, the Church of Christ will descend, in the Presence and in the manifestation of the blessed; of all those who throughout the history of humanity until the times that will come, have responded to the call of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe.
Immense will be the joy in Heaven, deep will be the bliss on Earth; because all those who have fought at the side of Christ, for the victory of His Celestial Kingdom, will live an immense and unknown plenitude, and thus evil will be defeated.
The head of the serpent will be destroyed and the suffering that expands on the four corners of the Earth will disappear; because Saint Michael the Archangel will come with His armies to remove the most rebellious demons on Earth, who divert My flocks from the path of Light.
On the other hand, the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, will gather through her call to all peoples and all races, which in faith have lived the religion of love. There will no longer exist divisions nor limits, there will no longer be wars or conflicts because the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of the Universe and Queen of the Earth will come with her Celestial Powers to establish the one thousand years of peace.
Great will be the bliss on Earth, sublime will be joy in the Universe, celestial spheres will descend to humanity to bring the revelation of the end times and everyone, everyone will live the joy of the Kingdom of God.
The false ones will be removed from the world and those who have not repented will repent, because the last Grace of the Primordial Source will be granted to the most rebellious hearts.
From night to day they will awaken, will recognize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness to the Universe so that the great Angel of the Lord, who will come from the twelfth plane of consciousness, writes in the Holy Book of the Universe the new signs of the times, once told by the ancient prophets and complemented by the Word of Christ, the Redeemer.
Thus, the normal time will no longer be time. A new time will enter into humanity and everyone will become aware of what has always been invisible; because those who have trusted in the Love of My Heart, let them know and remember that they will not perish, as long as they remain firm, trustworthy and true before the power of the celestial Universe.
In this way the laws will be fulfilled in their lives: matter will no longer be just matter, spirit will govern the life of the souls and the Holy Spirit of God called Holy Spirit will show itself again as in Pentecost, to pour over all peoples and on all continents the new principles of the new humanity.
In the victory of the Kingdom of Heaven may you celebrate this moment, so that your lives participate in this great event.. Always serve God with joy, always serve God with fire in the heart.
Continue praying for peace in the world and for mercy on the whole planet, because I assure you that you will become aware of all the good that you have been able to do throughout the times. And nation will no longer rise against nation, indifference, the mediocrity of hearts, and also weakened faith will no longer reign.
Because in the servants of the last times, I will build My new Church and everyone will know the Church of the Heavens; not the Church of the Earth, the true Celestial Church that I have professed to my apostles and to all those who were participants of My Gospel in the last times, because even though Heaven and Earth will pass, My Words will remain in the hearts that have made their commitment to Me for eternity.
That is why today My Eyes shine with hope upon seeing the sacrifice and sincerity of those who pray to My Heart because thus Heaven and the Universe will always bless them with their Graces, with their Mercies, with all the Gifts that they hope to make of their lives simple instruments in the Hands of God.
Turn your lives into pencils of light, so that God continues writing this story of bringing love and peace to all the nations of the world, because there are hearts that despair in their inner world and in their exterior life and that need the light of My Heart to trust in life and above all, in the Universe again.
Today, I carry your supplications in My Heart, the supplications of each one of My children, which I will give to the Father at the feet of His Celestial Universe.
In My Name you will be anointed, in My Name you will be baptized because your souls need that to learn to love My Mysteries even more; Mysteries that are simple, deep and true; Mysteries that My Heart reveals to those who open up to know it and to feel it inside.
Here is the Heart that will never tire of giving itself to mankind in spite of their errors and their difficulties. This is the Heart of the Son of God, the Glorified Heart of Jesus, which does not only comes to Austria to help the souls that need it most, but which also comes to the world in order to consecrate the nations to My Sacred Heart.
Contemplate this Heart that understands everything.
Contemplate this Heart that accepts everything and that lived for you a great sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.
May this Heart, which belongs to all, be recognized and loved by the simple love of men and women of the Earth, so that souls may vivify the wellspring of God's Love through the Heart of the Son. This is the Heart that burns with love for the just and for the unjust.
My Heart comes from the Source, to take you to the Source, so that you may be one with the Creator.
May the Lord bless all these elements that you have placed at My feet in honor of My Sacred and Glorified Heart, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit and be anointed by the Healing Hand of God, in order for the past of the deepest wounds of the consciousness to dissolve, so that love and unity in hearts are reborn in the hearts.
Today the angels consecrate these elements. Today the angels transubstantiate the Body and Blood of Christ, so that love may be known in honor of the Greater Universe.
Today I will not ask for the incense nor the holy water, because they were already blessed by My Words and through My Word, the Source of Creation descended in your spirits and in Austria, as well as in all those who listen to My Message.
Thus I give you peace, so you take it to the world and to those who need it most; and for that peace to expand, you will give each other a greeting of peace, uniting all peoples and all races.
I bless you with My Spirit: in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for having responded to this call because thus you will never forget it; you will never forget what has happened here because it will be kept as an indelible memory in the Universe. Amen!
Consecrated child:
Renew yourself on this day and celebrate for being part of the Work of Mercy and Love of your Redeemer.
Renew yourself within confirming the internal vows that you have made before your Master and Lord and do not worry about anything because if I am part of your life and your existence, you have to believe forever that everything, absolutely everything, is under My sovereign Power and that nothing similar to your Lord will be able to interfere.
For this reason, with eyes full of joy and light, My child, celebrate this day of confirmation and re-consecration to My Paternal Heart. May this inner affirmation allow the new purpose to be built in you and may this purpose embrace more hearts.
On this day of renewal for each consecrated person, let there exist no fear, doubt or lack of faith.
May every consecrated soul know that it must always do its best so that the Sacred Heart of the Master may triumph in order for more uncertain doors in the world to be closed by means of the intimate communion of the spirit with the Savior of the world.
May this day be a reason for celebration and not of anguish, of hope and not of bitterness.
May each soul, who consecrated themselves to the Redeemer, look with an ardent aspiration towards the firmament and, at some point in sidereal space, find the return of Christ, first in its heart and second, in this sorrowful planet.
May each consecrated person offer their consecration and above all their human heart to be a repository of new virtues and Graces so that this Order of love and brotherhood, which I have previously founded, may receive the Grace of new vocations, of the awakening of new talents for these times, in which universal love and peace must reign.
Receive, from your Master, the paternal blessing so that each soul consecrated on this day may again say to My Heart: "My beloved Lord, here I am to serve you, to fulfill Your Will".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ and, upon my chest I carry a sacred replica of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ and, through that sacred teraphim, your Celestial Mother converts the world and lost souls.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and through this sacred Christic symbol, I give an impulse for the renewal of faith in souls and their consecration to the Master and Redeemer.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I bring to the world the revelation of the restoring and comforting Love of the Lord, when souls just prostrate themselves before the Most Holy Sacrament.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and through that sacred redeeming power, your Celestial Mother can intercede even more for those who have fallen and I can grant Graces to those who would not deserve them.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I bring the news to humanity that there is still time to surrender to the Lord so that His Grace and His Mercy may redeem the souls and the nations of this planet.
I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I leave to the hearts the testimony of Greater Love, that which overcame death and all perdition, the Love of My Son, who suffered and endured for lost hearts.
Carry within your hearts the symbol of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and all will be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God will give you the courage to overcome all barriers and to dissipate all obstacles.
It is the strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God that gives the impulse to all transformation, redemption, and forgiveness.
Because the Sacred Spirit of God is full of infinite Love and Compassion; this makes every stage an opportunity to expand the degrees of love through the Sacred Spirit of God that fills, vivifies, and comprehends all things.
May the Sacred Spirit of God always be this Pink Flame of Love that ignites everything internally, that heals and liberates all so that it's creatures may be free to take their steps.
May the Sacred Spirit of God guide and gather the flocks of Christ, the navigators who must find the port of the Heart of the Redeemer, and may all this finally consecrate them as soldiers of His Divine Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the act of consecration of new clergy, My Son is able to move forward with His Work of redemption on the planet, because from the consecration of new souls to the Sacred Heart, this creates a spiritual bridge by which humanity can be aided through a most powerful Grace.
It is thus that the act of consecration of new clergy in this cycle represents the deactivation of global human illusion and of all that leads souls into separating themselves from the Love of God.
That is why, when such a new soul consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ, giving and surrendering its life to the life of the spirit, it must be kept in mind that this consciousness, as from the moment of its consecration, enters into another Law, and in this way, is separated from the continuous tendency of the race to open doors to damnation.
It is through the young souls that are consecrated that your Heavenly Mother has the permission to intercede and to bring from the Universe, great flows of Grace to be given and poured out in impossible situations and in irreversible cases.
All this is possible when souls recently consecrated to My Son accept entering the Christic path and in this way, in the name of Christ, take on suffering and sacrifices so that the planet and its humanity may have a new opportunity.
The path of consecration to Christ is one of the paths to the sanctity of life and the conversion of the spirit of each being.
Consecration represents, in this time, one of the principal means by which Christ is able to concretize the Plan of Rescue.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Our Father...
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this afternoon I come as the One Who Transfigures all things and to you, companions, I present the Face of My Transfiguration, which you too must achieve in your lives, in service and in prayer, so that finally, the world and humanity may become free from all the sins that deviate souls from the purpose, from the path that Christ, your Lord, has called you to walk in this hour.
I know that many of you must enter this path; that is why things are so difficult.
But My adversary will not triumph. The triumph will be of the Heart of God, the Father.
Today I come here, companions, with all the rejoicing of Heaven and the Universe, to again show you My Face of Transfiguration, which radiates your beings to transform your cells and atoms, in the precious project that God has foreseen for you.
This, companions, is also the Work of My Divine Mercy.
Accept the convocation that I present to you today.
Fully live a life of prayer.
Serve your brothers whenever you find them in great need. And that need must not only be material, but also spiritual, because souls suffer in their spirits. Many souls suffer in this critical time.
I would like that your hearts perceive these things, because the world needs to wake up from this deep sleep in which it has been placed.
I lived the cross for you and now I live the spiritual cross for humanity. Who will share it with Me in this hour?
I know that your beings do not know what true suffering is. That is why I lived it for you in that time, so that you would not suffer in this hour, neither your brothers, nor all those who you do not know in this current moment of humanity.
For those who are new, I would like you to adopt My Sacred Heart and set aside the habits you adopted in your lives, the habits which are not of the evolution of God.
Thus, I need you purified in this time, so that you may enter the Kingdom of My Father in consciousness and participate of all the treasures that I want to deposit in each one of you.
I would like, companions, that you aspire to celestial life, not as something unattainable, but rather as something close to you, as it is today, in this sacred meeting with Me.
That's why I open the Doors of the Heavens, so that your miseries may be transformed and the sins of the world not weigh so heavily upon the planet.
As from today, companions, you must be consistent with Me in your attitude of life and in the practice of good examples. Because this is My last call to humanity, before everything is precipitated, which is something that humanity does not expect because it believes that it will never happen.
Just as you see the sun born on the horizon, so will you see the day become dark, and that will be the sign that you must be ready and in permanent vigil with Me.
So, companions, you will know where to be and you will not despair over the things the world will say, because the truth will be in your hearts, that which I have been teaching for two thousand years and which today I give you again so that you may participate with Me in this preferred union with My Spirit.
I would like you to count all of the times that I have already been with you and how many things I have told you over time. In this way you will understand, companions, that My Purpose continues to live in the consistent hearts open to respond to the call of the Most High, in the liberation of your lives and of all the debts that delay your evolution.
I would like you to open your eyes to what is real and abandon the illusion of this humanity, of a fictitious realization that has nothing to do with spirit, because, companions, your true treasure is in the heart.
You will leave this Earth carrying this experience to the place in the Universe that will correspond to you, and to the Lords of the Law you will present all your efforts, all the goals that you have fulfilled in your spiritual life, in the work of prayer and of solidarity for your peers.
That is what is real for this time, companions.
In this way, your lives will be a miracle and you will see miracles happen around you and in each one of your brothers. Because who is transfigured achieves everything and is in God, within His infinite Purpose.
This is why I have come to bless you on this afternoon, to untie the knots of consciousness, everything that prevents the souls from walking towards My Heart, because if today you listen to Me, companions, your brothers also must listen to Me through you.
In the Universe, energy is economized. That is why nothing is lost and each moment is blessed and sacred for you, because in the end, you must live your mission and no longer be lost in the world.
Reflect to your Father what you truly are.
Express the love that you still have not given to your brothers.
Unite in a single brotherhood and be confirmed as My apostles of the new time.
So when I return for the second time in Glory, you will not only see Me come in Light, but also with the thirteen angelic legions that I have chosen to re-ignite the world in Liberation and in Redemption, and turn this sacred planet, so very abused by humankind, into a blessed sacred land, at the beginning of a New Humanity.
For this reason, companions, do not only care for yourselves; learn to care for your brothers and acquaintances.
Do not allow your brothers to enter the darkness.
Through prayer of the heart, fervently plead to the Celestial Father, offering My Sacred Heart for the world, and wait; wait in silence, because the response will come. The time is indicating it.
And now, companions, let us pray so that this Transfiguration may occur in those who must be transfigured by the Fire of My Spirit and of My divine intercession, to thus realize and accomplish the Project of God on Earth in this last era.
Let us repeat:
Transfiguration, Transfiguration, Transfiguration!
Ray of upliftment and transcendence, dwell in us. Amen. (x3 times)
And now, I not only come for your souls but also for the souls of the world and for all those who must reach peace.
Thus, today I give you this blessing, so that you may be renewed in My Presence.
While I am present, offer these elements in adoration to God and sanctify your lives in union with the Holy Spirit.
Song: You are the King
And to think when I least...
And to the Heart of our Father we will lift up this offering, in remembrance of the Passion of Our Lord and of the sacred opportunity that your Master, Christ the Redeemer, left for everyone through a perpetual Communion with His Body and His Blood, divinized in all spirits of the Earth that always commune with His Sacred Heart.
In the name of this sacred ceremony, companions and of all the angels of Heaven that are assembled here for the Redemption and for Peace on the whole planet, I institute the transubstantiation of this bread and of this wine for the redemption of souls and the hearts that will eat and drink of the Spirit of the King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I bless you and thank you for having received Me in this place.
And while I rise up, follow along with this song as the proclamation of your souls, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of His infinite Love for each being of this planet.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and be the peace in these times; wherever you go and to those you find, only give peace.
I thank you!
My beloveds,
After one year of continuous blessings, My Most Sacred Heart deeply wishes to consecrate your lives to the Plan of God. For this, today I come on this special day as a High Priest for the good souls to open, in a definitive way, the door of My Divine and liberating Mercy so that the sins of the world may be liberated from the hearts of the souls.
Today I come to announce My Paternal Affection and My Glory for each one of you. Today I want to tell you that God has conceded Me, because of the faith of all of you and because of the trust that you have built in your hearts, to be able to return with new instructions for the life of the spirit and of the soul.
I want to tell you that My Sacred Heart rejoices Itself in announcing that It will be with you every Friday, in a special way the 4th of each month and the days of Marathon, the 5th and 6th of each month. On these days I will come to pour upon My ones more blessings and repairing Graces.
It honors Me to tell you that I Am rejoiced for the devoted response of My companions. For this the Lord sends Me to ask you to go two by two and announce to the world that My Infinite Mercy is working in your lives day by day.
I will wait with joy that every day you will continue praying the Chaplet to My Divine Mercy. In this way I will also be able to visit you in the silence of the heart.
I thank for the year of Graces shared with My ones.
May God bless you.
Thank you for having been blessed of heart!
You Beloved King of Love,
Merciful Christ Jesus
Today I come to your encounter by means of the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that you may always remember that My Heart has a precious space for the souls that spread My Existence in the entire world.
The Heart is the Temple of God for your consciousnesses because through the heart your evils will be remediated and all pain will be dissipated. Try to live from the heart so that you may know when it is your heart that talks to you and when it is the enemy that dictates wrong ideas to your inner mind.
Through the heart your feelings will be clarified and through My Heart you will know what step to take towards which path. Live in the heart because in this way you will be able to recognize the divine purity that God guards in each creature. May the souls be united by the intermediary of the heart so that they may help Me to fulfill the purpose of God.
Enter into the infinite ocean of My Sacred Heart because in this way you will receive the eternal light of My Rays and your darkness will be dissipated from any space. If you still do not know what to do with your lives or how to proceed, I ask you to enter into the consciousness of your hearts so that My Ocean may be able to be united to your river of love that runs through life without direction. I want that your hearts and Mine be only one, thus you will know what to do at the right moment.
My Heart is infinite, it is pious and merciful. My Heart is the refuge for your doubts and it is the light for your darkness. Be all the time in My Eternal Heart and in this way you will always be communing with Me, with My Eternal Love.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Sacred Refuge of the Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Sacred Heart.
Consecration to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
Eternal Temple,
that guards in love my dwelling.
Eternal Fire,
that illuminates my paths.
Eternal King,
Sacred and Unfathomable Heart
of Jesus, live in me, be in me,
act and work through
my heart
so that we may be now and always
one in the Eternal Paradise of God.
This prayer is to be recited every Thursdays, day of the luminous mysteries, as indicated by Master Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more