From distant universes, the Sacred Word of God can be heard. It is emitted from the Heart of the Source, so that it may resonate as a vibration within beings, and they may recover the origins that they once lost.
From distant universes, the Principles of Creation are dictated so that souls may remember in essence what they once were, and the reason and motive for being present in this world to serve and fulfill the blessed promises of the Redeemer.
The Sacred Word does not vibrate in the mind, but rather in the depths of the heart. Its aim is broad and unknown. Its goal is to draw souls toward superior reality. In this way, what is matter will lose power and credibility, because consciousnesses will discover within themselves that they are not only matter, but that the Divine Essence dwells within each sun.
The Sacred Word echoes in those who listen with attention. It solemnly fulfills the creative purpose. Its starting point is to withdraw beings from illusion, and its objective is to awaken consciousnesses through the impulse of knowledge and instruction, because the time has come for stepping into the ranks of the armies of the Plan of the Redeemer, so that the Earth may be prepared for the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Never forget that within you there exists an inner universe and that this universe is real and alive because it is there where God is to be found.
In that inner universe, you will have the inner door to be in communion with the Father and with Creation. There, there lies no illusion.
The inner universe is the foundation of your faith and of your trust in the Divine Source.
Let that inner universe, which is the aspect of your true being, be what governs your lives; thus, spiritual and evolutionary values will fill your consciousnesses, because where God is, there is spiritual and inner life.
Remember that in your inner universe there is also peace, meekness and tranquility.
In the inner universe, there is no agitation, no conflict, no disharmony.
In feeling and living in the inner universe, may your souls find the bridge through which they may be able to govern and carry out the mission that the Divine Will entrusted to them.
In that universe, there is the Truth that dissolves appearances.
In that universe, there is the knowledge that ennobles the spirit.
In that universe, there is purity that will consecrate you as children of God.
That inner universe is there to be recognized and to enter into contact with the Creator.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the Light of the Mirrors, the sacred Spiritual Hierarchy brings attributes toward the planet that humanity needs to learn in order to take the correct step that will withdraw it from the illusion in which it lives.
The Mirrors, as part of non-material life, represent that state of consciousness in which is established inner communication between the spiritual and the material.
In this time, the Mirrors work far more than before, because humanity is at the moment of finishing going through the last and great cycle.
With them, the Mirrors will bring the spiritual impulse of powerful currents, which will help to transform and reveal that which humanity needs.
At least a part of humanity and the planet, through the Mirrors, will achieve the real time and, little by little, consciousnesses will see this alternate time dissolve before their eyes, because the Mirrors will achieve the spiritual union that will allow the truth of Knowledge to be revealed.
For this reason, this is the time of definition for the whole planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When Instruction and Knowledge enter correctly into the consciousness, what we call an alternative movement of information or purification spontaneously takes place because, as something new and evolutionary enters, what is old and crystallized is expelled by the consciousness itself, and this makes it aware of the transition that it may be going through.
The Instruction that is received brings an impulse with it that comes to replace a hostile situation with a harmonious one.
Knowledge will work in the consciousness with all that the soul allows and, in this way, the process of substituting old habits for new habits will take place, those that build the true being and allow the awakening of virtues and potentials for the giving of self that the soul itself holds.
In this way, Knowledge comes to prepare the emergence of the new humanity.
Instruction will not only strengthen the faith of those who believe beyond themselves that the Universe is truly wise, but will also bring the Grace of constant renewal and, in this constant renewal, the building of the new being, which will finally be free of all tests and obstacles because their love for Knowledge will awaken reverence and gratitude within them for what is sacred and comes from the Source.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
After much instruction and knowledge received, the consciousness needs to go inward, meditate and discern; in this way, a synthesis will be occurring, which will allow the server, after all the instruction they have received, to be at another point, on a new step for the concretization of their inner commitment with the Hierarchy.
This is the motivation and the reason why the instruction and knowledge of Universal Life descends to the planet. Its purpose is so that the consciousness may be more awake and that, through knowledge, the server or the collaborator may abandon the habits and customs of the ordinary life of humanity, the tendencies and ways of life that sooner or later lead toward suffering.
Instruction exists for the expansion of consciousness and, from that expansion, the next step is to make the heart and life available in the Hands of God.
In this way, the Universe will know it will be able to count on a server and that this server not only attentively listened to the instruction but that, through striving, they carry out all that knowledge into practice, without doubting that their soul is here to be in an eternal giving of self to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Source of all Instruction and Knowledge descends to Earth through the Word of the Hierarchy so that humanity may be conscious of the Truth and, at the same time, conscious of the possibility it has of fulfilling the Creator Project of God, even if as a minority.
This Source of Instruction not only enters the consciousness of each server so that they may be renewed, but it also gives them the impulse for a more rapid process in their redemption and their consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, so this may be accomplished as foreseen.
It is in this last cycle when the Source of Instruction will assist many consciousnesses and will allow them to perceive reality, and thus change their way of life forever, acquiring the patterns of life that will be good for their own lives, souls and spirits.
For this reason, Instruction and Knowledge will come with many revelations so that the human race, in this last instance of the planet, may place itself on the correct step and, by redeeming its past and its errors, it may resume the Plan it once lost, which will begin within each being.
Thus, Instruction will be this light that will indicate the way so that many more consciousnesses may abandon the world illusion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear sons and dear daughters of Mine,
Listen, at this moment, to the winter winds that embrace the north of the planet.
Feel the light of this lake that reveals everything. Unite with the nature of your being and commune with God so that today you may renew your vows in the name of humanity and the planet, in the name of the Original Project of God and of all that still must be done here upon the surface of the Earth.
Feel the breeze of these winter winds of Canada and open the doors of your consciousness to the new in order to discover the sacred knowledge that is held upon this planet and in many Inner Enclaves of the Brotherhood.
Receive this winter breeze of Canada as a moment of introspection and withdrawal, to discover within your being that which really exists, rather than only what seems to be, that which once emerged from the Source to live and experience the awakening of consciousness, the evolution of love and the great moment that you are living in the redemption offered to you by this planet and this creation that is found here; absolutely thought of, meditated upon and contemplated by the Eternal Father for each one of His children.
It is from this setting, in Canada, that today I send My message for each Child of Mary, for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
An important moment in which you may renew your lives and consciousnesses in the aspiration of fulfilling the Plan of God, as armies of the Mother of the World, which attract to Earth all that is in the Heavens so that souls may ignite in light within themselves and find God beyond all that may happen or take place.
Walk toward the encounter with the new humanity. You are the transition of something that will arrive and that will soon emerge. This is the hardest and most difficult moment, but it is not the only one. After everything happens, the Light will come, the Light of Christ, the Light of My Son, to illuminate you again in the same way that the Holy Spirit illuminated the apostles.
Follow the path that you are building in your lives and do not allow yourselves to be intimidated nor disturbed.
A Child of Mary is one who is reborn every day and who, beyond themselves, fulfills that which God so much expects in the simple things of life, in the gestures of love, in charity and in the good.
Allow service to be the torch of the Children of Mary, that prayer always be the fire that lights up your hearts in order to find peace, the peace so urgent in these times, the peace you can reflect with the example of your lives and your surrender.
Today I speak to you from the frozen country of Canada and, opening My arms and stretching out My hands toward you, dear children, I expand the light of the Mirrors of the Universe upon the Earth so that today your souls may be filled with more attributes and principles, and you can thus continue walking in the evolution of love and consciousness, in a vaster and deeper opening, so as to understand the Mysteries of God and, in this way, live His Plan on the surface of the Earth.
Today I send you this message from Canada as part of a trajectory of the Spiritual Hierarchy which moves through certain places of the Earth in order to prepare your consciousnesses and your brothers and sisters for what will come.
This is why knowledge in your lives is indispensable, so that you may apply it and move forward with it in your daily lives and, in this way, you may imitate other peoples and consciousness that have also passed through the Earth and that lived a great awakening.
Today it makes Me happy to see you gathered together in the name of the Love of God, which is the first thing you must experience in your lives. Today it makes Me happy that you are gathered together in the name of My Son and, lastly, in the name of the Love of your Heavenly Mother, who stretches out Her mantle to protect you, to safeguard you and wrap you in the Grace of God.
This Divine Grace that is inextinguishable and undeniable, a Grace that I have brought especially for each consecrated child so that they may awaken to their personal mission and may perceive that it is the time and the moment of the great encounter, of the great service for humanity and for the planet as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.
This is why I am here today, from the great lakes of Canada, I send My message of Love, of Peace and of re-consecration for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
Never lose sight of the truth of what you are and the Divine Existence that once formed and created you. In this way, you will learn to overcome appearances and obstacles, which will renew your lives in daily loving prayer that will unite you with God and all the Universe.
May the potency and power of the Mirrors of the Universe illuminate your consciousnesses and all your brothers and sisters so that, in the face of a new step of re-consecration, each one may take their place and their moment of great planetary service, for a definitive time approaches and it is not far away, My children. That will be the time and the hour of doing everything for this planet and for its humanity, so that everything may begin again as is foreseen.
From My Heart, receive the light of the Graces and Mercy of the Father. Filled by My maternal spirit, reaffirm your vows and renew your consciousnesses, for there is still much to do and serve.
May prayer in your lives continue to be this bridge that unites you with My Heart and carries you to Heaven in spirit every day.
On this day of renewal, may all the Children of Mary stand up and, as an army, affirm the commitment of fidelity and union with their Heavenly Mother, the Universal Mother.
With joy and rejoicing, I receive your appeals and intentions so that, in this year 2020, you may continue to grow inwardly and take form as apostles of Christ on Earth.
From the Great Mirror of the Universe, I send to all the Light that you and the planet need, so that this human civilization can again find the meaning of experiencing this Project of Creation that is still to be accomplished, and you will prepare this accomplishment with the Return of Christ.
Be happy and smile at the Mother of God, because Divine Grace has touched your hearts and lives forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Presence of the Mother of God, Who brings us inner healing and renewal, before Her Presence on this day, which fills our lives and hearts, through Her Grace, all together we renew our vows to the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Mary, for the triumph of Her Heart on this planet and in this humanity. And so that Her divine and sacred attributes may continue to descend into our souls and into our brothers and sisters, and within this scenery of the great lakes of Canada, being embraced by the winds of this great winter and before Her Great Mirror, the Mirror of the Universal Mother, we will together say the prayer of the Universal Mother three times so that Her attributes may continue to work upon and consecrate the souls of this world.
Prayer: Universal Mother (three times).
And now, My children, listen again to the movement of the Mirrors, by means of this winter wind that embraces you and the movement of the water of this great lake, and how it is possible for the synthesis of Creation to manifest in all of nature and within you; and thus, return to your origins, to your truth and to your essences, to be there in God, and to fulfill His Will for Him.
I thank you for having gathered together with Me today!
And under the authority granted to Me by My Son, I absolve you and re-consecrate you as My children, the children of the Celestial Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The light of the mystery is revealed in this time and is born from within the Sacred Centers so that the human consciousness may receive the impulse of awakening and of cosmic reality.
It is in this way that these Sacred Centers, fruits of Creation and present in various points of the planet, are the most potent powerhouses of light that attract, to the Earth and to humanity, the Grace of being able to have the Greater Knowledge radiated by the great constellations and stars.
It is in this way, My children, that the human being again remembers, and for the memory of the origin to arrive, of who they were and the reason for having emerged from a pure and supreme Fount, Founts present in various spaces of the Universe.
Each being of this planet is a star, which had once lived an experience in some place of the Universe, but for this experience to be more enriched and so that it could bear its fruits, most of My children had to arrive on this blue planet to deepen in love and in forgiveness.
But their history will not end in this life, there is something that exists beyond the sphere of the Earth which is called “macrocosm”. To there they must return, with learnings fulfilled and a mission accomplished.
The Sacred Centers are within the reach of human beings to allow them to remember all these things. For this reason, the light of the Center of Figueira is the first essence of love that, with power and fortitude, will be unveiled within the heart that opens to receive it.
Let the light of the Center of Figueira be a bridge of elevation and an impulse of transcendence for all human conditions.
From each Sacred Center will emerge, not only the light of their essences but there will also be the appearance of the Hierarchy as a member of a Higher and evolutionary Order of the entire Cosmic Universe.
It is time, children, to recognize, through these impulses, the last revealing impulses that will come to humanity to lead it toward the expansion of consciousness with the aim of someday taking on evolution, the care and the love for this planet, which is the receptacle of great and unknown Sacred Centers that God Himself created so that all of His children might be accompanied and could thus come to meet Him.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.
For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.
The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.
In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.
Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.
This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.
This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.
Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Listen to the Voice of God within you and from His Supreme Heart receive all the impulses so that you can transform.
Through God, receive the keys that you need to be able to go through the times.
Drink from that fountain of knowledge that the Heart of God emanates time and again.
Open to be able to recognize, within yourself, His majestic Presence, and set aside everything that distresses your heart.
Receive from the Universe everything that you need within the Law of Equilibrium and of Harmony.
Live a greater learning in each cycle.
In each step, experience the opportunity to love and to forgive.
Do not cease to look toward Heaven and to feel the Presence of the Father; let His Spirit fill you. Participate in Sacred Unity, feeling yourself to be a creature of God, a part of the Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the intra-oceanic Mirrors, the spiritual Hierarchy can intervene in humanity, since these non-material instruments of capture of cosmic light have the capacity of dissolving or ennobling a planetary situation.
To be before a Mirror is to be before a non-material and cosmic Source originated in the beginnings of the creation of the Universes; this means that the human consciousness in these times is facing a mystery that is revealed and demonstrated through knowledge and instruction.
The intra-oceanic Mirrors are bearers of ancient and eternal knowledge, materialized by the impulses that the Divine Consciousness, the Father, or the Primordial Source once emitted, before the Mental and Material Universes existed.
The Mirrors are emanations of the Creator Source Itself that, once placed on the different planes of consciousness, act and work by means of divine intelligence in order to allow the awakening and the redemption of the Universes, as well as of the humanities that deviated essentially from the Greater Will.
The power of light expansion and retransmission of the Mirrors is still unknown to surface humankind; but the moment will come when those connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy will receive, personally, the knowledge of these tools so that, by means of the Mirrors in their various manifestations, they may support the transition of the Earth through the Mirrors of the Universe.
The formation of mirror-beings will be expanded as from the next cycle, given the need for the balancing of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep the Will of God in your heart and vivify It.
Keep in your heart all His plans, principles and ideas that come from the Divine.
Keep in your heart all His Messages and the signs that He sends you in order to guide you.
Keep in your heart all His Knowledge, the known and the unknown, so that the latter may be revealed.
Keep in your heart all His Might so that one day you may understand the power of His Mercy.
Keep in your heart how Great He is and how small He made Himself through the consecrated Bread and Wine.
Keep in your heart all that He did, infinite and similar to Him, for His children.
Keep in your heart the joy and jubilance of belonging to His eternal Kingdom.
Keep in your heart the humility and the beauty that He expressed in everything He did.
Keep in your heart the wonderfulness and the beauty that His Sacred Spirit emanates from all that is manifested by Heaven.
Keep in your heart the yearning to meet Him one day, before the doors of His Heavenly Kingdom, to render Him all your experiences and learnings lived throughout the times.
Keep in your heart the unconditional Love of the Heavenly Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Words will remain, but time will pass
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and the moment will come in which all the divine knowledge of the Sacred Hearts will be the guiding star, when we are no longer among you.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and in that hour you must have been confirmed in unity and in faith so as to know what to do and where to be.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and for the majority it will be too late to become aware that all that was said by the Voice of Our Sacred Hearts is essential for the transformation and the redemption of humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and everything will be happening, inside and outside of creatures. Inexplicable things will be shown and the majority will know who they really are.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and some will remember the sacred keys of instruction that we have brought for the great change within the human consciousness.
My words will remain, but time will pass, and many will not be able to return to the previous moment because they will not have taken the step in trust and obedience to the Higher Law.
My Words will remain in the consciousness of the peoples and the nations, but time will pass; each impulse given is decisive and definite and will never again be repeated.
My simple Words will remain in humanity, but material time will pass and everything will be shown inside and outside of human beings.
Merciful and compassionate hearts that can withstand the fire of imperfections will be essential, because there will come a time in which souls will be able to be free themselves, for the last time, from their prisons and chains of yore.
This will be the moment in which your Heavenly Mother will come from Heaven to open the last Seal of the Armageddon, and everything will be unleashed in order to define the emergence of a new and purified humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and only those who dare to lose control of their lives, the power and pride of their actions, will experience overnight the great inner changes.
For this reason, My Words will remain so that all may remember them, but the time of the world will pass and the Source of Graces will unexpectedly close. In this hour, your hearts must have alraedy truly repented and have become reconciled with fellow beings. This will be the only way in which the beast, who will come out of its abyss, will not find you divided, distracted or indifferent.
My Words will be strength for the simple, a shield for the peacemakers, encouragement for the humble, and victory for the divested of self.
My Words are now the last, and they will remain to guide those who want to be guided by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the White Mountain of Peace and whoever climbs to the top of it will achieve, through prayer and service, the elevation of their consciousness.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which in its heart keeps the greatest treasures of the universe, the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Brotherhood.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that radiates the Grace of God to the world and impels its children to human transcendence.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which reveals the Mysteries of God to humble hearts, a mountain that helps in the transformation of consciousness and the whole being.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that calls the pilgrim of the spirit to rise through it, by means of faith and constant redemption.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that will make each heart a victory for Christ and for the Creator.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which will show Its pilgrims the path of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because when such a young soul, inexperienced and innocent, dares to take the steps and walk toward Christ, My Immaculate Heart pours joy and happiness over the world so that more souls dare to give their 'yes' to Our Lord.
Thus, children, I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because in young souls one can find the possibility of the Divine Countenance of Christ being reflected; a Divine Countenance that converts, redeems and consecrates what seems impossible.
I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, because I protect and take care of those who are only beginning the pathway of a life consecration, so they may acquire inner strength and faith at the moment of taking new steps toward the Will of My Beloved Son.
I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, at a young age, to a life of the infinite, to universal life, to the genuine search for the original purity existing in each soul and each being.
I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated to the knowledge of themselves and their own virtues, talents that My Son will come in search of in these times, to move forward with the preparation for His Return.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
While the sacred Knowledge descends through simple words, I invite you to love supreme Truth, because, in this way, in these times, you will be guided by the Primordial Source.
Simple words allow souls to live change. When words are filled with love and simplicity, with the heart, consciousnesses receive the inner knowledge that the Divine Source emanates, time and again.
The sacred Knowledge ennobles souls with humility, in this way, it makes them real and it allows them to experience the events that will come to the world.
Sacred Knowledge brings them closer to the inner reality of these times, which needs to be understood and accepted by humanity.
Thus, in this cycle, through sacred Knowledge, souls need to awaken to the mission of reverting the times that will come through expressions of love, unity, charity and service, for those consciousnesses that urgently need to discover the need for a deep change of consciousness.
Sacred Knowledge opens the door to an awakening of what is supreme, superior and sublime.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep all the divine and universal Knowledge that is still waiting to be revealed to the world.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the principle of divine Thought and the spirit of unconditional obedience, which has caused Creation to be concretized and manifested.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the sacred and sublime Temples of God, yet to be revealed to humanity.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the Triune Conception, which is to say, the creator Essence of the Father, the creator Essence of the Son, and the creator Essence of the Holy Spirit.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the fruitful principle of Life, the origin of Original Purity, the primary state of existence.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the integration and the union among universes, those which allowed the expression of the consciousness of wisdom, that the non-material Source expressed to all which is created.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the spirit of the purpose for each creature in this universe. It is in this way that, as Mother of the Sphere, I clearly know what the purpose of each being is and the conclusion of their destiny.
I thank you responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Sixth day of the Novena:
“For receiving from the Source all the knowledge of the Universe, shaped through the Instruction and formation of the servants of God.”
In these times, dear children, the instruction that comes from the Universe of God will help in awareness-raising and the immediate awakening of humanity.
When there is receptivity to the received Instruction, the Spiritual Hierarchy can move forward with the Work of redemption of humanity.
It is for this reason that Instruction in these times has a profound characteristic of definition, and places humanity at a different degree of consciousness and evolution.
Dear children, this is why the sacred knowledge, as well as the sacred word, are sources of transformation and renewal for souls.
To feel the divine Knowledge within yourselves means to awaken to new possibilities of redimensioning planetary life on another scale.
The formation of the servers of God comes from the spiritual knowledge that is given and that shapes the consciousness for its mission and its inner purpose.
The more you recognize the knowledge of the universe, the more the effects of the planetary purification can be reduced; we know that in these times, souls have placed their attention more on the world and less within themselves.
That knowledge is decisive because it promises to eradicate all that is superfluous and petty from the consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A youth of peace...
A youth of peace is that spirit who brings, from the Universe, the principle of reconciliation, and it is who, through their renewal, transforms things, living within themselves the first rule among all rules: love.
A youth of peace is the one who unifies forms and the one who rearranges ideas, bringing, through their inner impulses, the possibility, from cycle to cycle, for everything to be renewed.
A youth of peace represents a new cell of light for these times, based on states of fraternity, on the principle of loving one's neighbor and on the opening to the inner steps that service can provide for them.
A youth of peace is the one who opens, unconditionally, to discover, within themselves, their own origin and their own mission.
They do not fear to know who they were and what the Universe expects them to be.
A youth of peace aspires to be able to recognize within themselves the goodness, the love, the service that they can express for the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for its humanity.
A youth of peace recognizes on their path the Great and Only inner Master.
Above all their material and concrete life, the youth of peace know they will need light in order to take their steps.
A youth of peace has nothing to gain and nothing to lose.
The youth of peace represents, in these times, the expression of a new consciousness that will be corrected through good acts and good actions of all of the youth of humanity.
A youth of peace needs to feel full in their actions and free in their decisions, but they know that they will always need divine discernment and sacred wisdom to make the right decisions.
A youth of peace is like a guardian of the Kingdoms of Nature. They can feel within themselves the expression of each kingdom and, making it part of themselves, a youth of peace can feel the suffering of the planet, of Mother Earth, and does the impossible in order to relieve it.
A youth of peace builds the new bridges and elevates the consciousnesses through their acts of love, mercy and charity.
A youth of peace works, in these times, to learn to build and to take care of the divine Work of the Universe; and as much as they do not know it, because of its greatness and depth, the youth of peace never loses the hope of knowing that they will help to pave the way for the advent of Love-Wisdom.
A youth of peace is that soul and that being that gathers, under the spirit of Unity, their fellow beings, other young people, and tries, above all things, for everyone to feel that, in these times, it is important to respond to the divine call which emerges from within each inner world.
The youth of peace is that pure and simple heart who will unite East and West, who will make the syntheses of the expressed spiritual knowledge and will be who expands, inside of themselves, the borders of the human consciousness so that finally the new, the renewed and the irrefutable may be expressed.
A youth of peace knows that, through their love for the Kingdoms of Nature and their healthy actions, they will be able to follow the path of redemption, leaving behind all that could harm their inner world, and seeking, through universal prayer, the only path for the elevation of their consciousness.
A youth of peace is who, through art, music, service and prayer, will be able to attract to the world the states of regeneration and of healing that humanity needs in order to reach reconciliation.
A youth of peace believes, within themselves, that there is something infinite and greater than what this planet is.
They seek to awaken to what is invisible and to all that comes from the Only Source because in this way they will feel part of something greater.
A youth of peace is who works without borders and who loves, unconditionally, all their brothers and sisters.
A youth of peace knows that they are the ploughman or ploughwoman who, in these times, prepares the Earth and all of its consciousness to meet again, one day, the Master of Wisdom and of Love, Who will give them the keys so that the young apostle may open the doors to forgiveness, to healing and to reconciliation.
A youth of peace is who never gets tired of being infinite light in the world.
This third Youth Festival for Peace represents the closure of a cycle of preparation and of strengthening of inner bases, which has made it possible, in this time, that the Festival itself might acquire a new consciousness, and that this new consciousness might generate the condition to embrace other regions of the planet and to include more youths.
I thank you for responding to the call of attracting peace to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother Earth
Light will always defeat evil, because evil is dazzled by the Light of God, which is invincible, strong and powerful.
Light is based in love, and it is love that provides the strength so that the Light is able to act with determination.
The Light of God is incomparable, neutral and precise. It acts on all the levels of the Creator Consciousness and can manifest in three ways: through the Love of the Father, through the Knowledge of the Son, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Light is capable, as essence, of penetrating the deepest layers of planetary life, because it acts through equilibrium, equality and justice, principles that are born of the Primordial Source.
The Light of God can solve the impossible, bring clarity to what is confused, and dissolve what interferes in the life or the inner essence. This Light, with its principle and with the movement of its energy, dissolves and makes transitory that which is opposed to it.
Because it is of God, it is an intimate, inner and non-material Light that fosters harmony and order in the spaces.
The Light of God is equitable and just, because it elevates and ignites what is apparently dark. It is a Gift of God that brings a revelation of the new to humanity and dispels what is static or resistant.
The Light conquers because it is neutral, and at the same time, peaceful.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more