Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the King and Sovereign Master of Humility.

I Am here to serve My companions, so that My companions may never tire of knowing the immensity of My Love. A Love that comes from the Father, the Love that created you from the Beginning, that made you emerge from a special Source, which up to this day has been unknown to the whole world.

Today I bring to you, companions, behind Me, the splendid Fig Tree of Light, plenty are the fruits of service, surrender. Plenty are the fruits of those who self-summoned to serve God in these final times.

Glimpse, at this moment, all that the Hierarchy has achieved on the surface of this planet, through the expression and manifestation of the Light-Communities, through the cells that have awakened in these final times to the call of instruction and to the call for transformation.

Therefore, companions, believe, once and for all, that your lives have been renewed. But the path to accompany your Master and Lord in the sacred preparation of His Return to the world is still very long.

Today I come to give you these fruits of Knowledge and sacrifice because this Sacred Fig Tree has been able to yield its fruits through those who have self-summoned, through those who have walked in these times, following the call from Heaven with faith and determination.

There is no other place in the world but within yourselves where you can hold this Legacy that I give to you today, which comes from the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, which throughout times has congregated you for service, for the concretion of the Plan, the Plan of Love and Unity, which has to be present in each human heart.

Therefore, celebrate this moment with Me.

Behold the Sovereign Master of Humility and Surrender, Who knows your names written in the universe, who watches and protects your consciousnesses so that, at each new cycle that presents itself, you may have the courage and bravery to walk toward Me. Because the coming times will present challenges to all.

I will place My Purpose in your hearts and inner worlds so that it may be fulfilled just as I expect and so that this Purpose may allow redemption for humanity. Therefore, you should no longer feel that your lives are yours. Your lives belong to the Lord, because He writes the Will of God and concretizes it step by step, through the life of each being.

I come for a nation that needs to feel me very close. I come for a beloved people that has the destiny of being the cradle of the New Humanity, because the Rays that rule this nation are a favorite of Mine, the important Rays that have allowed the universe to evolve. And your souls are a part of these Rays, under their sacred expressions, through Love and Devotion.

Therefore, Brazil is a country of open arms. It is a country that must continue to be governed by the Queen of Heaven so that all the angels that eternally accompany Her may protect each space and each place of this dear nation.

WIth this, I mean to say to you, companions, that you should pray much more in the coming weeks, and that it may be the spirit of prayer that should inspire you and guide you to make the right decision. The Father will also pray for you, for the Purpose of this nation, so that it may continue to fulfill that which is written in the Heart of God.

Brazil must always be a nation that, through its humility, simplicity and beauty, helps the kindred nations and also the far-away nations of the planet, because the beat of My Christic Heart must always be present here. From here the Return of Christ must emerge, because My promise is alive.

I will come among the humble and simple. My Love will defeat the powerful and arrogant, and once again the New Jerusalem will be elevated, in which all will feel One in the Father and, through the Father, they will feel One with the Son and the Holy Spirit.  

Therefore, I beg you not to fail to raise your voice through prayer so that, as you have asked today, the Angel of this country may consciously be helped by all. Thus, the pressure will be relieved, the mental and uncertain doors will close and the Ray of Love and Devotion will spring from the sincere hearts that fervently invoke the Name of Jesus, so that His Word and His Will may be fulfilled.

Thus, in the coming weeks, I will count on the prayer of all Christians, of all who follow a path toward Christ, and I will inspire this people to an inter-religious unity, where respect for life, love in families, unity among loved ones and, above all, the good may exist, in this humanity.

For this reason, on this day, I come to ask for a special prayer for Brazil until October 30 so that you may help the Angel of this country in all that which It must manifest and achieve in these times. The sacred instrument that you will utilize in this task will be the Rosary so that the Mantle of My Holy Mother Aparecida may be extended upon the spirit of this nation, protecting it from the harassments and the conquerors of these times, safeguarding the heart of this nation from the ideologies that eradicate life and confuse families through uncertain languages.

Thus, you will allow the Angel of Brazil to attract toward this country the Spiritual and Divine Purpose of this nation, which began to be fulfilled with the liberation from slavery, bringing more sensitivity and respect to the humble and innocent.

This is why I ask you to position yourselves in the correct frequency, to disseminate the power of Love, disseminate the power of My Mercy, to be forerunners of the prayer of the heart, and not to get entangled in the world lies.

It is time, companions, for you to consciously help the Hierarchy, because just as I told My apostles such a long time ago, it depends on the penance and repentance of hearts that Justice may not descend upon the world, that My Unfathomable Mercy may descend and hearts may rejoice for their liberation.

I Am here today, also praying for you and your people. I cannot think, not even for a moment, that I will not be able to have My Feet upon this sacred soil of Brazil, because it is a promise that My Father made to Me on the Cross: that, after the times of Armageddon, in a simple and humble region of the planet, the Lord would return to the world.

Pray for the permanence of these spiritual bases. I also call on all My companions from other nations to join the prayer for Brazil, as it is time for you to understand and perceive that you are part of one universal family.

For this reason, My Consciousness is close these days, close to My companions, to those who have their hearts open, just as the Master was, such a long time ago, together with His apostles, sharing His Humanity, Fraternity and Love.

After this dark night that the world has lived and some parts of the world still continue to live, My Presence, through the consecration of new Adorers, will ignite the incandescent flame of peace so that it may remain in the world and not be extinguished, because if peace were missing in this world, everything would quickly precipitate.

This is the reason for the importance of preserving the prayer for Brazil, so that the Angel of this country may intercede before the Father, just as today My Heart intercedes for you, for you to be My testimonial of redemption and forgiveness.

Let the new adorers approach the foot of this altar, because it is My wish at this moment that My priests may bless you with water and incense, so that your souls may live this moment of consecration. Thus, I will also be able to bless you in Spirit, in Divinity, for this sacred and blessed task that you assumed such a long time ago, so that the planet may preserve not only its mental balance, but also the physical balance of the Earth. This must be the great key and the great cause of the adorers in these times, so that My Grace and My Mercy may continue to descend upon the world and souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, and before His Presence at this moment of inner consecration of these brothers and sisters, we will support the task that He will carry out for each one of them at this moment, through a song. We will sing “Consecration.”

 At this moment, we offer to Christ the elements for Him to bless them.

through these elements,
deposit Your Sacred Presence,
an expression of the infinity of Your 
Merciful and Eternal Love.

Through these elements,
deposit Your Grace and Your Mercy,
so that souls, through this blessing,
may feel as participants in Your Kingdom,
and may always renew themselves 
throughout time.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Song: “Consecration.”


I give thanks for those who adore My Eucharistic Heart. May It always be your strength and your renewal in the lessons of life, in the lessons of these times. May My Eucharistic Heart of Love always be a power of the Healing and Renewing Love.

Placing My Hands upon you, I consecrate you as Adorers of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

May Peace be in you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may stand up.

Now, the new adorers will make an inner offering to Christ, at this moment, so that He may always impel them to follow this path of Adoration, to recognize His Name and Presence within themselves. Through the silence of your hearts, elevate the offering and before His Presence respond to His call.

We will elevate our inner offering through a simple prayer, at this moment of consecration.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


I thank you for responding to My summoning!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the Inner Presence of Our Lord, we will prepare for the Sacrament of the Communion.

We remain attuned with His Merciful Heart, so that we may relive the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, through the Communion, which will be offered at the Altar.

We will sing the Names of God.


Song: “Sacred Names of God – Canon No. 1”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When you become quiet, you can look within and truly know what it is that happens.

This is not only a work of reflection and meditation, but also an incessant search for knowledge and reality.

At this moment, turning inwards is attuning with the inner worlds, it is to know how to discover the truth that is beyond that which is concrete, it is to find the life of the spirit and, in the spirit, enter through the doors to the cosmos.

To know what happens within you is very important because the universe will reveal to you that which it so much expects. The effort to do so is permanent, but the responses will come, time and again.

Why do I say this to you?

Because souls do not look within, but rather outside of themselves; many of the experiences they live on this Earth could be relieved and perhaps it would not be necessary to undergo certain tests.

Openness to the inner world is fundamental in these times because the conscious world has to come to the point of discovering the truth in order to understand it and then accept it.

The Christic path is based on the unceasing search for the reality within, not as something personal nor as something of a group; it is an intelligent, very inner activity, that allows a soul to know which moment it is in and what its next step will be.

To know what happens within you is to be aware of what you have to transform and correct, where your attention and your vigilance must be so that nothing surprises you.

The unceasing search for knowledge within will bring you many answers, and also clarity to know what will be the next step.

In the inner worlds lies the Hierarchy, there lies the main epicenter of all its activities and works.

Nothing external could be based or materialized if there did not exist an inner knowledge, a permanent search for the truth and for reality in order to know them.

God writes in the inner worlds through intuition, perceptions and feelings.

In this unceasing search for Truth, the mind only has to collaborate, and not interfere; because what there is in the inner worlds of souls is very precious, but also unknown.

It is there, in this search, in this aspiration, in this continuous work, where you will find the inner wisdom for this crucial moment of humanity, in which the external answers are not clear and deviate the souls from the path of the Purpose.

As the end of times approach, the human impulses that lead souls to make definitive life decisions without wisdom or discernment also increases. This brings, as a consequence, unnecessary learning experiences, unnecessary sufferings, experiences that are not predicted, just because, from the external point of view, the soul wants to live its own will.

To get rid of that of which one believes they have power, control, authority or sovereignty, is an eternal work that leads the consciousness, the soul itself, to find on its inner levels all that of which it must gradually divest. And in this unceasing search for inner knowledge it may have the keys it needs in order to solve its unconcluded experiences, but also the marks of suffering.

When souls turn inwards, not as something personal and individualistic, but as a means to find the truth that God keeps in each human heart, the world will begin to change; while this does not happen, the world will keep suffering, and this will increase.

In this school of the planet Earth, it is up to souls to take the greater part on the path of transmutation, purification and redemption. Because when the Laws are not fulfilled, there is no balance nor harmony. Purification places you, little by little, within the Law, from where you once moved away.

The Laws of the universe exist, not only to guide the manifestation of Creation, but also to orient the inner worlds, which in truth is where the experience of Christic life must be concretized, without theories or illusions about a true Christic life, based on the common good, fraternity, on love and on Mercy.

To think of these attributes in daily life allows assistance for the inner worlds of souls to be strengthened and, in spite of what may happen in the external world, in adversity or in darkness, souls will not perish.

But the fundamental platform of your lives must be the confidence in My Presence. In this confidence, I can deposit the principles, laws and attributes that you need, time and again, so that your lives may be sanctified, so that your missions may be fulfilled in these times.

The service for the universe is not personal, but universal. It is based on the fraternal union of many inner consciousnesses that, in the different planes of consciousness, collaborate and give impulse to My Plan.

It is in this way that a great network of Love, of Light and Mercy is manifested in the different planes of consciousness, from the immaterial life to the material life. And it is with this network of consciousness, of union to the purpose, that you must unite to in these times.

Thus, you will be able to step out of that which is superficial and indifferent. You will not be embraced by hatred, intolerance, anger, indignation, but rather from your inner worlds, just like many inner beings in the universe, you will be builders of the Plan of the Return of Christ.

Because the great inner construction of My Return is the most important one, it is there where all will take place and be carried out, it is from this state of consciousness that the New Humanity will be born.

A true, inner answer of wisdom comes through quietude and not apprehension, keep this in mind at the moment of making decisions.

The Light of the Universe can guide all forms and consciousnesses, the Light of the Universe will give you that which you strictly need, without wasting your Divine Principle.

If the search for the inner world stops, the planet will not be able to withstand. It is in the inner worlds where everything is understood and accepted, where everyone is equal as consciousnesses and spirits. Because it is there where all can recognize their origin in the Source and then return to the starting point, to the beginning, to the Matrix that created you in past times, when you were essences, when you were still a part of the Light of the Source and of Wisdom.

Your experiences in the inner worlds must recreate Creation so that there may be greater opportunities in the Plan of salvation of humanity and of the redemption of souls, in which the powerful Source of Mercy can mend, repair and heal all lives, all consciousnesses, although they do not deserve it.

My Consciousness Will return first to the inner worlds, where in the invisible and in the seemingly imperceptible things lies the truth of the realization of My Redeeming Work.

From there, I will give an impulse to the awakening of the New Christs, those who, in spite of their differences and forms of life, will be placed at the foot of the Sacred Purpose to fulfill the last Aspiration of God: to again see humanity in the beginning of its origin, and thus its heavy and traumatic history will dissolve as the Divine Law acts.

Know that in the external you will no longer find the answer or the guidance that you need. Know that in the external you will no longer find allies for your ideals or beliefs, for your criticism or value judgments.

The one who does not turn toward their inner world will not be able to endure the last stage of the end of times because, as times goes by, the fire of the universe will keep descending with increasing voltage and will remove the corrupt and malign particles from humanity, to liberate it forever.

In the inner worlds you will find balance, harmony and mainly peace, and you will be able to be My great collaborators, so that other souls may learn, through you, to endure the final times.

As the Central Sun expands its current of Light throughout the universe, its atomic-molecular, physical, electric and magnetic pressure will also expand, and everything that is part of life, as you are, will feel this movement.

The one who has not built their inner world, searched for it, recognized or revered it, will suffer the consequences of the movement of the universe.

So that a new cycle may come, the current cycle must be purified and rooted out in all planes of consciousness.

The solar energies are not offensive or transgressive, they are currents of the universe itself that regenerate life and correct that which has remained twisted and out of the Law.

There remains very little time to work with the inner worlds. This is the culminating moment, this is the time of awakening and not of complaining, it is the hour of inner maturity, it is the time to correspond and follow the Plan.

If someday you feel internally closed, work to internally open; you have the instrument of prayer and voice to open the doors of the universe and to receive the descent of help.

I only ask you not to feel as victims nor to make victims of yourselves; let each one, in My Name, assume their responsibilities and their errors, and correct them, because the door of My Mercy is still open to help you.

A true inner world is the one that, beyond its imperfections, seeks transparency; it is not false, it seeks the truth and tries to reflect it; it is not a liar, it seeks service to learn how to sacrifice; it is not a traitor, it seeks fidelity to learn to love God.

May the Lord protect you; may the Light of the Source give you an impulse to find within your inner worlds, truth and knowledge, because you will need them, you have to learn to recognize reality beyond that which it seems to be. Your perception must expand.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, for the 82nd Marathon of the Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I need you to take into consideration all that I have done in this place and in other places of the world, because all that happened had a larger and unknown purpose for a great part of the world.

Placing your consciousness in the sense of what I have wanted to do, your understandings, your knowledge, and even your wisdom will not be limited to the mind, but to the soul, as that is what receives the impulse of My Merciful Heart.

There would be no other form for Me to come to the world, in this cycle, to announce My Return to humanity. But nobody knows yet how this will take place and what will happen at the time when I do return.

Through the years I have given you some examples, but it depends on each one of you to go deeper into the spiritual sense of this event.

Would My Return not be a part of this current event? Who could censure it? Why would this be done? Who has the authority, the Father of Humankind?

As I speak to you, at this moment, it is as I have spoken to you in the temple and in many places of the Holy Land, for the souls to correctly learn what was happening with the Presence of your Master and Lord in those times.

But this time it is different. Humanity is very influenced, the message is modified, seized and interfered with, and the souls fall in these great holes of unconsciousness and ignorance; but the Word of God is undeniable, especially when it descends with power and authority.

I come here to announce to you the Word of God and nothing else.

I am not the Christ of the new era, I am the Christ of yesterday and of today, the Lord of the eternal present. I have given testimony of My Presence throughout time, not only within My Church, but also outside of My Church.

By chance, isn't the House of My Father for everyone? Who would have the authority to say the opposite?

The Power is in God, in the Son and in Holy Spirit, and in this, I invite you to believe it and to live it so that everyone will be baptized by My Spirit because when I physically come back to the world, I will come for all.

What sense would it make to come only for the Christians?

The universe will move itself; the elements will be shaken and the planet will feel when the Son of Man returns to the world.

I came and I come for humanity, because I teach you to reconnect with God, to follow the teachings of the Gospel, to be a part of the experience of the Sacraments and to deepen yourselves, day by day, into the meaning of prayer.

Is this only for those who know Me? What would be the reason for having died for you?

My sacrifice was for the whole of humanity and for all generations that have passed through Earth till now. And this sacrifice will continue having value, power and authority, because it is the Father that is in Heaven who has the authority and power. I am part of the Father and the Father is part of Me, and all His creatures can be part of My merciful Heart.

My message is for those who are awake and for those who are not awake, because My Purpose is not for the knowledgeable nor for the learned, it is for the souls that are the those who should continue living in eternity, at My side, always.

But if I do not speak like this to the world, humanity continues submerging into ignorance and under the influence of other human beings.

It is time that you understand this great event that you are experiencing in this place and at a worldwide level.

Many souls are being called to renew their faith, their commitment with My Heavenly Church and the value of the Sacraments that I taught you, a long time ago, so that you can always be at My side and nobody and nothing will confuse you, because you will be in Christ and you will live for Christ, being guardians of the Teachings that I left for you, not only in the Gospel, but through this call that I have repeated in these last seven years.

This value of the legacy that I have delivered to you recently, which is a part of the Word of God for the open hearts, cannot be depreciated, neglected nor censored, because in reality, companions, nobody knows the essence of the Word of God and the transforming power that it has when it reaches the hearts and the lives of people.

Heaven comes for the self-summoned, not to those who resist nor to those who deny what happens here. Each one will experience what one needs. Remember that your choice is what will save or condemn you, and this does not depend on any religion nor on any spiritual movement.

But I am here to show you the Truth. I told you that I am the Truth, the Way and the Life, and you must recognize it in your heart and in your union with Me through the redemptive Plan of My Father.

There is a path that humanity has not recovered yet, which is the path of redemption. Therefore, I suffered for you, not only in the Passion and on the Cross, but at each moment that I was here with you, announcing My Good News.

However, I will continue coming to the world while it be necessary, and while My Heavenly Father needs it. And this will not be hindered, obstructed nor interfered with, because nobody knows, in any part of the planet, what the Power and the Will of God means.

I invite you humbly and in reverence, and in profound gratitude, to unite yourselves to the Will of My Father, because I am part of His Will. If it were not like this there would be no reason nor motive to be here speaking to the world, taking My Word to the hearts.

Awaken and do not let yourselves be mistaken. Many wolves surround My Churches, and this you already know. The Church has to correct itself a lot by its deeds and actions throughout the centuries.

Who will correct it?

For now, only one man, he who has given his life for Me, not for his words, but for his actions, the holy Father Francis. I placed him there for him to help Me in the most difficult moment of humanity and he knows, in his heart, that what I am doing here is correct, because it gives the truth of transformation and of redemption to the souls, of renewal of faith and of a union more and more profound with the Sacraments.

Is this out of the Law?

May your hearts not be filled with bad words, but may your lips be filled with prayers, because what has happened here throughout the years is just in the Eyes of God. Nobody has the authority to make accusations nor to judge you because I am the Christ, the One Who has requested and established it.

If you want to know the truth, come to see it with your own eyes and feel it with your own hearts. The souls that are here have given their lives for Me and this cannot be insulted because it will be out of the Law, and the Law will act according to your actions.

I have asked you to love one another, but you still love your own wills, therefore the world suffers. And to love one another if not to love one's own beliefs or religion, it is to love humanity, the Kingdoms for Nature, the Creation. Do not be unjust because then I will not be able to intercede anymore for you.

You know who I am speaking to.

I cannot let you deceive yourselves. My Presence and My Word are for the whole world, because when the most difficult moment arrives, which is approaching, day by day, at this time men and women from Earth, beyond their religions and actions, will receive a very potent blow to the consciousness, and each one will see before themselves what they have done with this life. At this time, you will have the last Grace of repenting or of condemning yourselves.

I would like to use My Word for what is really happening to the world, how many souls in the world are sincere and truthful, how many hearts feel without understanding and without seeing, waiting for this moment, each new month, in order to listen to their Lord and gain strength, bravery and hope among so much evil and suffering.

I invite you to keep the Commandments, to experience them and to fulfill them, but it is time that you feel and understand all that I am doing, because it is for a greater good, for the good of the whole world, for those who need it most, for those who supplicate, for those who become lost.

I invite you to collaborate with the Work of your Master and Lord, and not to censor it. I do not want to see new pharisees, because I have already had them before My Eyes.

By chance, will you condemn what I am saying now?

I suffered for you, I was heavily hit, whipped and badly hurt. My Body and My Blood was shed at each step of the Calvary. And although many times I felt that I would not make it to the end, or that I would die on the way, the loyalty, obedience and transparency of the holy women and of many of My followers gave me strength to continue, under the maternal embrace of My Mother.

I need this attitude and no other from you, because you will never understand the things from Heaven if you do not love them profoundly in advance.

Love what is out of your reach and control, love the Work of the Mercy of your Redeemer at this time.

I come to make in the nations apostles and missionaries of Mine, in love, service and prayer.

I told you all that which I expected because you allowed Me to do so.

Now I invite you, before the Sacrament of the Altar, to renew your offer to My Heart, so that the Holy Spirit may grant you the Grace of understanding and the science for the discernment and wisdom to awaken in you, and may your hearts feel the peace of what you hear and of what you experience through My Presence as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

Bring Me the incense to elevate this moment and the offer of this altar at the Feet of Our Creator. I hope you will do so, at this moment, beside Me.

You can bring the altar.

We invite those who can to kneel for this consecration.

Know that what I had said, more than a thousand years ago, and that I do at this time, is only for only reason: Love.

"Father, accept once more the offer of Your Son, for this bread to become the Body of Christ. I raise it in Your Presence for you to bless it and, through It, to bless Your children, so that they may be ready to receive me on the expected Return.

Therefore, I offer it to You and I offer it to all, for you to eat it, because this is My Body, that will be given to humankind for the remission of sins." 

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Thus, Eternal Father, I offer you once more the Chalice, fruit of the redemption of the hearts, for it to be accepted by You and by all humankind, as a form of conversion and redemption of the hearts."

And I say once again: "Take and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that is shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the mistakes. Do it in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Body and Blood of Christ.

Let us pray the prayer that the Lord taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese).

Our Father (in English).

We announce the Peace and Mercy of Christ on Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say a word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

Brother Moses and brother Camilo come here, to serve this Sacrament.

Let us pray together, with brother Camilo and brother Moses, before Our Lord Jesus Christ, the prayer of the Angel of Portugal, for Christ to carry this prayer in His Heart and to give it to the Father as an offering of the souls that have converted themselves to Christ, in the Love of the Heart of the Redeemer.

O My God, I believe, I adore You,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(repeat three times in Spanish and once in English)

I say farewell to this place, after this meeting of prayer experienced with the effort and dedication of the brave hearts, carrying in My Spirit all the pleas, intentions and prayers of those who invoked the power of My Divine Mercy. All these efforts, that many cannot see and that are silent but true for your Lord, on this day are converted into Graces and atonement for the whole world. Amen.

I will rise to Heaven and return to the House of the Father, listening to the last song that will close and end this moment of instruction and knowledge for souls. The song is called "I will rest."

I thank and bless you in spiritual and inner Communion with the sacrament of the Altar. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on September 6, 2017, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Our Father... (x2)

Pai Nosso... (x1)

Never stop looking at the Inner Sun of My Heart, for in this way, you will always be protected from everything.

My Silence today speaks of an acute planetary reality.

For this reason, yesterday I had to emanate the greatest Fount of My Love to you, in order to be able to speak to you today about what I am going to say.

I am holding the Book of the Wisdom of God in My Hands and I come accompanied by the twenty-four Ancients. Gathered together in a single Council, we deliberate on the next steps for this humanity.

Today is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great definitions, for which I invite you to continue praying, although apparently it may seem a mystery.

In this Book of the Wisdom of God, the destiny of the current humanity is to be found, a destiny unknown to everybody, which still has not been revealed, not even in dreams.

But today I bring you this treasure of God because it is the Father Himself who, with His Holy Hand, writes down the events of this current humanity that has already entered fully into the planetary transition.

I ask you to open your hearts for what I am bringing to you today as a message.

I ask you to not be afraid, but rather have a broad awareness, in order to inwardly perceive the Sacred Knowledge of God that is written in this Sacred Book of His Universal and infinite Kingdom; the Kingdom that the angels and archangels care for in perpetual praise and honor to the Almighty, because He writes and builds the destiny of humanity every day.

What many would wish to see is to be found In this Book, but also what many do not want to see, because in the Book of the Wisdom of God the Divine Wisdom is reflected, the one which has begun to invisibly descend all the planes until reaching this physical plane and being concretized.

That is why I ask you to concentrate your gazes on the inner Sun of My Heart, because there exists the equilibrium, harmony, and unity that will make you strong for these difficult times.

That is why in these days, companions, I invited you to define yourselves as My apostles of the end of times, so that you may be able to serve Me in each corner of this world where the planetary reality is becoming acute and souls fall into their own abysses, without finding even a speck of light.

I invite you to be aware so as to acquire a maturity sufficiently uplifted to help you face these times and all the learning experiences that will come to enrich your spirits with new experiences of Love and of Redemption.

It is in this way that I come to request, with the Book of the Wisdom of God in Hand, something that you have never experienced: an absolute and full surrender so that My Plan may be able to materialize even further on the surface.

The twenty-four Ancients of the Universe, the great carriers of the Sacred Knowledge of God, the Great Mentors among mentors, are those who mirror Divine Justice to the Universe in this time.

They are not promoters of universal punishment, as My adversary is. They are just consciousnesses that throughout time have learned and lived, in all Heavens, the knowledge of this human experience within this sacred planet.

In their hands they hold the Project of God, especially in their Solar Hearts.

They know what the world needs to experience and what the aspiration of the Almighty is, but they cannot interfere or alter the free will of this humanity, which is what truly condemns it, time after time.

But if your eyes are upon the Inner Sun of My Heart, you will learn to set aside superficiality and everything that blinds the human being in this time, disconnecting them from God completely.

Today, they came with Me, the Sacred Ancients of the Universe, to be able to see and be present for what will happen in the world overnight.

It is important that you not change My Words, because their meaning, the energy, and the Principle of what I want to say change, for your inner worlds, not for your minds.

Thus, place your feelings in your heart and in this moment, re-experience what I brought you yesterday; it is what I always wish to give My companions, so that the universal bitterness may finally be dissolved, that which has condemned all the creatures in this Universe to the errors of yesteryear.

We come as a Universal Council to make you aware of the new decisions that have already been taken and of which you are a part, just as is each being of this surface.

Today I ask you to disseminate to the world the importance of living in the Gift of the Fear of God, so that souls may have time to repent and to do true penitence, before everything happens, because I know that many believe that nothing will happen.

There would be no sense in My being here after fifty meetings, preparing you for that great moment, in which your missionary souls will be active, in operation, and at the service of the planetary need.

Prepare to stop doing all that you do daily. Do not feel discomfort when the time comes to be removed from what is normal in these times.

I have already told you, companions, that you are My Hands and My Feet so that I may work on this planet and avoid millions of souls being unexpectedly lost, in an unheard-of way, that nobody knows about up to now.

That is why it is important that your spiritual values be present and latent. You will need all those values to be able to go through the end of the times with bravery and courage, and thus not be distracted with everything that happens daily in the world.

In you I want to build universal consciousnesses, beings that are able to mirror the Wisdom of God in these times, without losing a moment of their lives to learn all that is necessary, everything that God needs you to learn for the great planetary moment that humanity will experience.

Today I expose My Most Holy Body to the whole planet because it will be the Portal through which you will be able to enter, to be safe under Divine Protection and under the protection of My Eucharistic Heart.

Happy will be those who do so, and if many more did so, there would be a greater balance on this planet, and it will not be necessary, in spite of the great debt of this race, from its human line to the Kingdoms of Nature, that the Oceans be so stirred up, nor the Earth move so much.

I can say to you with all of My Heart that nobody is prepared for the end of the times, but it will be necessary to experience them.

You incarnated in this era, in these end times, to participate in this transition, of which many more should be aware, to get out of the global drowsiness.

The more good works that are done in the world, the smaller the catastrophe in humanity will be.

The fewer animals sacrificed by humankind itself on the surface, the less necessary it will be that blood continue to be spilled in this world, innocent blood.

The fewer minerals and forests are exploited, the fewer abortions there will be in the world, and the mothers will not have the pain of that cruelty remain with them up to their next lives.

The less infringement on the oceans, contamination of the seas, and sacrifices of the whales, the smaller will be the movement of the axis of the Earth and the melting of the poles, never seen before by God, nor by the whole of this Universe. It will not be necessary for the planet to get so much closer to the sun and for the temperature to go up such unknown degrees, never experienced in any era of this planet.

Now you understand, companions, what the Council of Ancients is deciding as the future of this race, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

Do not be sad, but rather further strengthened, because I need you to be strong here, more decided, more aware, more open, to aid humanity and all of this planet.

Do not think about what will happen, but about what the world still does not do in a balanced, true, and fair way.

And to complete this meeting, I invite you to be carriers of justice, so that always and in everything you have fair attitudes: in all that you do, in all that you think, in all that you experience, because no matter how small it seems, it will help to balance the world and the harmony of this planet and of all the Younger Kingdoms.

Now I want to leave a request with you: that you strengthen your prayers for Brazil, twice a week, because this people and this land are being very sought after.

In spite of everything that happens in this nation, the triumph of My Sacred Heart could only happen here, and from here to the whole planet.

I ask you not to become involved with what may happen on this surface. The Universe itself will clean up what is in excess, and in this way, I will be able to reforest the nation with valiant souls, who will accomplish My Project in the end of these times.

Remain above the events and in this way, you will also be able to help Me, and you will help many, many souls that remain lost in the events of this surface.

If you pray to My holy Mother for Brazil, Brazil will maintain its original spirit, and conflicts, such as the ones that exist in other nations, will not be necessary.

Remember that Archangel Metatron is the one in charge of caring for your people and you must unite with his Cosmic Fire so that his igneous currents may transmute the contrary currents that bring disturbances to My beloved Brazil.

I promise you that this land will no longer be a land of slaves, but rather of triumphant souls that live in the Love of God and radiate it to the whole world.

Brazil is the Mirror of My Heart and when it suffers, I suffer in silence.

Strengthen your spiritual values and teach simple souls to pray, for in the most humble, as well as in the poorest, exists the support of My Work, which also makes Me come here, time after time.

May the Lord illumine hearts.

May souls avail themselves of the powerful stream of My Eucharistic Heart.
May all drink of the Fountain of Life and the Principle of Redemption of this Earth be renewed.


Now revere My Body and thus receive the dispelling of the darkness and the illumination of your essence for the times that will come.


We may stand.

Song: "You Are the King."

Know that I am honored to come from Heaven to be able to see you in these times, through this meeting, in which My Mercy expresses itself to all souls, in different ways, in the simple hearts that seek the Truth and Unity with God.

My Heart is filled with joy when I see you so close to Me with your spirits in absolute trust of My Redemptive Project.

I renew all things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today in My Heart.

And today I wish you to radiate more love to the world so that souls may be healed and withdrawn from their captivity, so that the consciousness of this planet, in this end time, has somebody to lean on and whom to trust, without fearing that humanity will once again assault the planet, as in recent times.

The planet also suffers as consciousness; that is why it moves so rapidly in this time and in each event; it is the sign of its suffering, of its agony, of the planetary birth.

Embrace the planet and hold it in the depths of your hearts, just as the planet has always held you in the Universe of Creation, in all that exists, in all that vibrates, and in all that evolves.

Go in peace and be My Peace in the world.

Today I have calmed My Heart with your presence, with the presence of each pilgrim and of each one who prays who has made an effort to give Me their all in these two days, and this makes Me come back here, always.

Do you accept that I come back one more time? 

Friar Elías:

He is crying.

Now yes, I must go, but hearing your words with a song that inspires souls to be close to Me: You are here.

Friar Elías:

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception, to receive from Christ His Energy, and then take it to the center of our heart, in an inner communion with His Divine Consciousness.

And let us thank Him through this song, for all that He has given us in these days.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the inner planes, I show My experience of the Passion, because I need the most contrary forces of this planet to learn to be redeemed and to turn into Light. And although that may appear impossible for the world, when the Scepter of God is taken by My Hand and your Master descends to the world, darkness will end.

You will no longer see faces with tears, nor people suffering, because the planet will have been purified, will have already gone through the last phase, the most acute one for humanity. And so you will see the signs in Heaven that I have revealed to you at other times: signs that will indicate a new time for the awakening of a new consciousness.

The New Testament will be fulfilled, because in these times I have rewritten the story in the souls that listen to Me, in the hearts that are within Me in solemnity, in the spirits that perpetually adore Me.

The Archangel Gabriel will come, bringing the Tables of the Law; and in this way, what humanity has never known will be revealed to the world: are the Tables of God, the eternal Laws that live in His Celestial Universe.

That will be the moment in which the world will enter into judgment and your Master and Shepherd will presence this event.

But from a very unknown place will come the Woman clothed with the Sun, bringing under Her mantle millions of fallen stars, which as essences, She will place at the Feet of the Creator.

And in the presence of the Holy Archangels, at a certain moment, you will see a very powerful sign, like hundreds of storms all together, that explode in the Heavens to emanate Light.

This will be the Archangel Saint Michael, who will bury His Sword of Light in the planet, burning the last cores of damnation; and everything that was the rival will be defeated by the testimony of His Infinite Love to the Supreme Source.

In this time, souls will no longer feel lost, nor lack in guidance, because your King will be here to entrust you with new challenges, to accomplish new goals, to manifest the New Humanity, that will be full of gratitude, that will be vivified by Love, the Love that has always prevailed throughout all time.

And the Woman clothed with the Sun will intercede one last time, after having escaped the desert, from the great beast that seeks Her children.

But the shadowy one will be confused, because its fallen stars, the last rescued stars, will become part of Her Crown of Light, of the Crown of Light of the Great Lady of all times.

The Crown will illuminate the planet, will illuminate the nations, will fill to the brim with Graces the spirits that never received a opportunity.

Your Master will also be a witness to this. He will write with His own Hand in the Book of God this great event, in which the Lady of the Light will have triumphed over evil. 

Those who have been marked by the Seal of God will be recognized in this next time and many will not believe that this is possible. For this reason, the Son of Man comes again to meet with you, to gestate in essences this moment, a moment that is non-material and that will become material in all this world.

When Archangel Gabriel arrives with the Tables of the Law, many things will end and those who have lived the martyrdom of the times will be freed of their captivity.

There will no longer be man or woman in this world that is able to govern the planet, because the Almighty will show Himself through the Resplendence of His Divine Son.

All the cultures and all the people will recognize Him, because they will know that He comes from the Source of Love, from which everything has emerged and begun.

That is why you are receiving the sacraments in this time. Do not think that a Sacrament is just another sacrament, because if your brothers and sisters live it, you too will be living it.

I invite you to enter into eternal Communion, to be able to understand the Divine Knowledge.

These are My last Words for the world, My task is finishing, and when it ends, you must enter into vigilance, because from that point, everything will happen.

Today I am telling you this for real, not so that you be afraid, but for you to grow in consciousness and always, always step outside of yourselves. And in this way, you will be able to see what the true reality is.

Many will come knocking on your doors in various ways to ask: what have you experienced here? Some will seek help and others will seek to have you lose the faith you live in Me.

That will be the moment when the world will be on trial, and if John, who baptized Me in the Jordan River, gave his head for Me, who will give it for Me now?

My Project in this time is bold, but My Victory is unknown by My eternal rival.

I come to make of your lives a new dwelling place, so that you may be strengthened. And if sometimes you feel that I have spoken these words many times, ask yourselves if in truth you have heard them attentively. I come to repeat what humanity has not yet learned, because it is necessary to grow inwardly, to be a soldier of the Light in the end of times.

Do not think now about who will give their head for Me, because I will not let that happen. A lot of blood is already spilled in this world through the wars and many innocents suffer all the unimaginable things of those who want to govern.

I bring you the true Government of the Universe, one that is far from the lie and deceit, from illusion or appearance, from materialism or impunity.

I wish you could enter this Universal Government, which is formed by many Consciousnesses of the Light.

The time has come for you to, in this month of August, enter the domain of the Brotherhood and for your lives to, on the surface of this Earth, be mirrors of the Centers of Love, of all the islands of salvation that I will gradually activate in the end of these times.

So everything you live, offer it to Me, as a sacrifice, as an opportunity of maturing your love and of expanding the consciousness beyond the stars.

I do not wish you to leave here distracted, feeling and thinking the same, but rather growing in the Truth that will make you free, just as humanity needs to be free from its own spiritual illness.

I come to bring you the healing you need, but I also come to offer you the surrender you need, because that will make you more merciful, full in Unity and in Grace.

Not all will be here when the Universal Judgment takes place. That does not mean that it will be delayed, because the first steps of this Judgment have already begun. But yes, all will be called, regardless of the place where they are, or the plane of consciousness they inhabit.

All, absolutely all, will be called by Me; the believers and the non-believers, the atheists, the humble, the peacemakers, and also those who have deceived this humanity throughout time.

Archangel Gabriel will call all of you and Archangel Michael will order the lines of this Universal Judgment. Through His sword and the emanation of His Light, He will indicate the different contingents where you all should be, to declare to the Universe.

In that moment, it will be the loving Divine Justice that will act and nobody*, nobody will escape this Justice.

Happy will be those who have followed the Dame of the Light, because they will be on the correct paths, on the pathways that will take them to the Kingdom of God.

The last one that will be called will be the father that has fallen, one of the twelve archangels, but the Earth in that moment will be a little more uplifted; unimaginable things will be seen, because it is its own hell that will be seen on the surface.

The planet will be in a golden ruby fire, a thousand times more than a sunset. That will call the attention of humanity, because everyone will already know that they will be judged, not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to change, and of living new instructions, in other points of the Universe.

I know that not all understand what I am saying today.

So that you can understand what I tell you, through so many symbols, review My Words as many times as necessary, because  remember that My Words are not wasted and if they are lost from you, it is because you are not attentive, in order to grow in consciousness.

I confess that I can count on only one Hand, those who read all My Messages.

I am not complaining about your lack of love for My eternal Plan, for the Divine Instruction and the Sacred Knowledge. The most important thing for Me is that your hearts grow and expand in Love, just as you have demonstrated today, bringing hope to the world.

Do not feel judged. I am the Lord of Divine Mercy and Mercy is in My Words, no matter how direct they may seem.

I open My Heart of Light in this afternoon of this month of August to reveal the Mysteries to you that are very far from souls, very far from the true consciousness. But your prayers have allowed that.

After forty-nine meetings, today I can tell you all these things, because your hearts are softer, more flexible, to hear the Word of your Lord. If I had told you this at the first Marathon of Divine Mercy, you would have already left Me behind, or you would have thought that all this was a big lie.

See through My Presence, the Presence of God, the Patience of the Father, the Love of the Son, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

You have the key, through prayer, to change the world. For this reason, My Holy Mother, through the ages, has repeated to you: pray with the heart and do not tire of doing so, because if you pray, you will not be mistaken nor will you step outside the Law, like the world does every day, abandoning the Love of the Universe and the Mercy of the Father.

Your missionary hearts are already prepared to know the Truth and know, consciously how to disseminate it , without changing My Words, nor modifying My Message, because it could be lethal.

I choose each word with love, to be able to pronounce it to My companions. Because each word that comes from My Lips is Living Water.

If I come from the Source, you must be satiated through Me, not because I am better than you.

I Am the Great Slave of God, Who has surrendered to redeem the world.

I Am Jesus, the Nazarene, but also, I Am the Universal Christ.

My Consciousness has risen up to the Father so that at the end of these times, I am able to uplift humanity from its permanent deviation.

Feel gladness for all that I tell you, because you are waking up to a reality that is unknown by the majority of the world.

I come in this way, to give you, through these worlds, the revelation of the Glorified Christ for the end of these times.

Remember that you signed the commitment of being here, in this time, and in this humanity, living this transition of the whole planet.

From you may emerge the possibility of changing everything.

From you may emerge the Grace of being able to love beyond how this world loves, just as the Father loves.

Through My Wounds, I come to leave the signs for the end times.

Through My Heart, I come to give you the symbol for your awakening.

Never cease to be sincere hearts, because in this way, you will be protected from yourselves.

Be like My sincere Heart that comes, in this time, to transform everything, to make of this humanity a civilization that can be rescued from the most profound miseries, from the most extensive abysses, in which My Love will triumph.

I want to hear your sincere hearts through this Glory that is descending, so that many more hearts wake up to the definition of these times, of being in love, or in indifference.

I want to hear your sincere hearts, as if you were singing to a child that must learn to survive in these times.

Sing this song softly, while your hearts become sincere with Mine; because the great definition is coming for this world in flames, in which the peacemakers must achieve the goal so that the Kingdom of God may be established.

I'm listening

We stand up.

Pray for the world... canto No. 93

From the most intimate of My Heart I leave Peace for you, for the whole world. Amen.

May the Lord always bless you, keep you, and make you happy in His Celestial Kingdom.

May your feet be free to walk toward the near future, in which the new christs will repopulate the Planet. Let it be so.

We place our hands in the sign of reception.

Receive from the most sublime of My Consciousness, the gifts of the Light, which will make the servants of Christ souls committed to My Plan of Love and of Redemption.

May this Light that I place today over your hands be carefully guarded.

Call for this Light when you are being tested, or in some conflict, because know that My Light, is the Light of My Father, is the Love of the Source for all of this Creation.

Now, hold it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today with Me and for having the courage to listen to My Revelations of the end of these times.

Remember to be guardians of My Words and My Messages, because the souls most in need will come to meet you to seek what you found. They will come with the hope of regaining peace, and this is everybody's task.

I thank you.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.

Now for the last time let us sing Sincere Heart, offering this song in gratitude like a prayer.

*Jesus has lowered His Eyes, looking at the ground.


In My Heart, feel the Presence of God.

In your hearts, feel My drawing closer in this culminating moment of the planet.

I have come as the Messenger of Heaven, also as the Lord of the East, to announce to you My Presence in this place and at this end time, in which many things happen without the majority of humanity perceiving what is truly happening.

That is why I come from this place with a new aspect. Today, I name Myself before you as the Lord of the East, so that knowledge and wisdom may unite between both hemispheres of the planet.

I come in this way to initiate a new cycle, bringing the synthesis of the Sacred Knowledge of everything the planet has experienced in its wisdom and also in the Fount of instruction.

In this way, companions, as the Lord of the East, I come to provide souls with the knowledge of yesteryear, that which the great sages of ancient Asia knew.

I come to fulfill a request of My Father and I come to give continuity, companions, to what your Lord was not able to finish when instructed in His youth, in ancient Asia, where there truly existed the greatest treasures of Heaven, through knowledge and instruction.

I come here to establish a bridge of Light, so that many souls, unconscious of true sacred knowledge, can awaken.

The time has come for the West to recover the values it lost through its different races and civilizations of the past. It is for this reason that your Lord of the East brings in His manifestation of Light the synthesis of all the cultures of the ancient Asian peoples, which in the beginning brought about a balanced and harmonious planet that generated a fountain of wisdom and of instruction.

I had to go through there when I was Jesus, besides going to Persia.

In Asia, I re-lived many things that My Father asked Me to find again, a time before My public life, a time before the baptism in the River Jordan.

In this way, you will understand, My companions, how the values of spirituality still exist on the planet. Thus, sacred precincts of the Father, scattered through the Himalayas, such as in Tibet and farther, in Asia, hold these principles gestated by humanity from the beginnings of the Earth.

God wanted this planet to be a fount of wisdom; that many more creatures became enlightened as He was enlightened. That is why Buddha came to the world, to demonstrate to all in the distant East the divine Source of compassion, which was the first base of the Christic instruction for humanity.

This Source of compassion generated by Buddha to dissolve suffering, pain, and corporeal death, created the bases for the coming of the Messiah.

See then, companions from the whole world, how spirituality is one in all of the Universe and beyond it, based on the Source of Love, of Wisdom, and of Truth; because it is what My Father always wanted from the beginning, when He created Adam and Eve.

That is why today I present My aspect of the Lord of the East, as the first initiation for this great mission that must take place there next year.

As of now, I invite you to accompany Me in this sacred task, because many values of human spirituality are being lost also in Asia because of the suffering, the errors, the wars, and the difficulties that the nations of Asia experience.

In the same way that My Father, through Buddha, brought the Asian peoples closer to the Source of Divine Compassion, today I deign to draw My children of Asia closer in this cycle to the Source of My Divine Mercy.

In this way, companions, such far away brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be deserving, as you are, of the treasures that I bring you today, which are the most intimate of My Heart, that I have waited two thousand years to pour out upon Asia, and be able to find again in this people the same value that I once found, when your Master and Lord visited this region of the planet.

Thus I come to reveal and to confirm what was written in some sacred books, in which the story is told of the passage of your Master and Lord through the East. If your Master and Lord had not traveled there, He would not have been able to understand, in His phase of sacrifice, all that this people of Asia would need for the future, after My Ascension.

Thus I come to fulfill the Designs of My Father and to elevate your consciousnesses beyond three-dimensional life. And although I present Myself to you in three dimensions, My true intention and purpose is that you also achieve the illumination of your beings through prayer, service, humility, love, compassion, and unity.

In this way, I come to show you that you are capable of transforming much more and of becoming true servers of the Plan, to be able to accompany this Work, which will culminate in being known all over the planet, by all of humanity.

I will give you the gift of the heart impregnated with the gift of love, which will allow you, companions, to understand all tongues, all cultures, and all nations, according to their nature and origin.

So I come to extend what I gave to the twelve apostles when they began to follow Me in this Work of preaching the Sacred Word of God and of proclaiming His Divine Kingdom.

Your Lord of the East desires you to already keep Him present in your hearts, because this sacred aspect will allow you to understand and above all adhere to the next designs that the Spiritual Hierarchy will present to you, in this new cycle.

This is all that I wanted to reveal to you today. I still have more to say, but souls need some time to be able to truly correspond to all that is being spiritually built on the planet, beginning with the Spiritual Church of your Lord, which comes to aid souls and the regions of the planet where Mercy and Redemption are needed.

Today your Lord of the East will celebrate a world Communion integrated by all cultures, tongues, and nations that within themselves believe in the existence of love, present in all that is divine.

Bring a washbowl here.

While My children bring the elements, try to feel and understand your Lord of the East in His aspect of wisdom.

In this offering, also see how what was sacred emerged in the beginning through the Asian continent, and how the sacred mysteries of the spirituality of the planet and of the essence of Christic Love were also present in these cultures, in the faithful example of the Three Wise Men.

The water of Asia must be re-consecrated through your oceans and seas, so that its true essence and nature is not lost.

So be it.

So we now prepare for the consecration. Those who can may kneel. Let us elevate the basket for the offering.

Lord, convert these elements into the Body and the Blood of Your Most Beloved Son, with the aim that today the East can again experience its most sacred awakening and this be radiated to all of the planet, in union to Your Creation, to the continents, to the oceans, and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

So be it.

Abbun debashmaia
Netkadesh eshmoj
Teite malkutaj
Nejuei sevianaj aikana
Debashmaia af ba-arja
Jav-lan lajma teesunkanan iagmana
Washpocklan jaubein wajtagein
Aikana daf jenan shoaken oljaiaben
Wela tajlan letnesiuna
Ela patsan men bisha
Metul delaje malkuta
Wajela wateshpurjta
Laj-lam almin

Your Lord of the East today blesses these elements, and also your hearts, so that they may be rehabilitated and achieve redemption, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us invite all of our brothers and sisters to join us in these moments, offering your prayers and hearts as an act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Today, from here, we say goodbye, and inwardly united as one heart, let us celebrate this union with Christ, and give thanks to God.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us. In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

If you thirst for Me, find Me in the desert, because I know all hearts that give their life for Me and for the Plan of My Father.

In this defining hour, I find you again for the second time in this sacred space, in which My Spirit rejoices because the Doors of the Heavens are opening, to have His Graces descend on those who most need them.

If you thirst for Me, seek Me in the desert, because I Am the inexplicable Source, the extraordinary Spring that emerges from the depths of each being, to give them spiritual life and consciousness in these end times.

Come with Me and cross your inner desert, for I will never cease to guide you.

My Purpose is that you walk by My side every day, so that you may know My Plan, which is the Plan of the Great Brotherhood.

In this sacred place of Peru, My Father sent His Messengers, so that the world would become aware of the truth, a truth that it did not yet know, a truth that is above this Cosmos, and beyond it.

He sent His Messengers from the Universe, from Heaven, and beyond the Heavens, so that through the Truth, those who were awakening could know the reality of the Universe.

Today I come with this testimony for you, for this cannot be lost from human consciousness.

The treasures that come from the Universe are incalculable. The human being cannot measure them, nor appreciate them; but if your hearts are grateful, you may come to know them and know about the dimension they encompass when souls receive them in wholeness.

My Voice is proclaimed in the deserts of the world to testify to humanity that the Plan must continue in spite of what may happen and that you will know the Purpose when you adhere to this grand Plan, that My Father has designed since before Creation.

I Am the emanation of this Source of Love that nurtures you and gives you life, Higher Life; that gives you essence, renewal and Grace.

In this silence of the desert, the most precious mysteries are held, which once, as in this place in Peru, were shown to those who were self-summoned, as were the prophets and the Patriarchs, to live the Purpose of God.

I know that many would like to know, companions, what it is that you are to do in this life. I tell you, love the Plan even though you do not know It, and you will know It.

Each one of you is an important piece of the Great Project of God and of all the Universe.

You are stars that fell to Earth to be redeemed through the offering of My Presence in the world, of My Passion and My Resurrection.

You come here to be self-summoned, to fulfill a goal, a mission, that goes beyond your capabilities and your feelings. For the one who is in My Father is in His Law, is in His Consciousness, in His Divine Purpose, in His Divine Thought.

I bring you the possibility, companions, of taking that leap to the path of surrender, which is a path of constant renewal, deep transformation, in which all the fears of the Consciousness are set aside.

In this sacred desert, this essence is to be found, which once tried to motivate humankind of the surface, so that they would be able to carry forward what the Messengers of the Universe had announced in this goal of living the Mission of the Plan.

Now I bring all of you, who through My Words in these last three years have been prepared for this moment, to this desert, in Consciousness and in soul, where once, in this world, the truth began to be known, which many always wanted to conceal.

Universal Life, the essence of Life and of Sacred Knowledge, is a living existence that is experienced in all the Universe in real time, a time that the world has still not reached, because of its indifference and its errors.

But to those who do want to follow Me and open the eyes of the consciousness and of the heart even more in order to see what is beyond this, I will give them what they need and they will not waste time.

In the past, I taught My Apostles, as we walked through the deserts, about what this Higher, Universal Life was, in which all the consciousnesses of the world are included, despite not consciously knowing it.

That is why souls are tempted by My adversary to step out of this purpose, the purpose of their awakening.

So it was that, after two thousand years, when I had already ascended and governed a large part of the Universe, as I govern it today, I sent the Messengers of the Universe, the heralds of the Universal Message.

Many believe that between Christ and the life of the Universe there is a separation, or that it is a mix of beliefs and of philosophies.

It is not this way, My companions. Those who claim they are wiser are mistaken.

From the beginning until the end, I will be that Great Star that governs all things, being an emanation of the Love of God.

It is because of this love that I lived among you and for you, that the Universe experienced its transformation and set aside its duality, to find the new path, the path of Ascension.

When you are in the deserts, you must not fear the emptiness, that which you still have not managed to achieve.

Thus, I am here, because I Am that Source of Love that will satiate you.

Today I bring you the Principle of My Renewal, because it is time that you go through this portal. Many consciousnesses have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Your prayer in this Marathon is heard from the deserts such as this one, in Peru. Your words reverberate and rise up, crying out to God for His Mercy for the world.

Know that today My Heart receives all your entreaties, those that you profess through the prayer of Mercy, and that your consciousnesses are here with Me, in this desert, to cross it in consciousness and without fear.

For I Am that Heart that still offers Itself for this unfaithful world, for this cruel and indifferent world.

My Heart comes here for the souls that respond and that dare to follow My steps in trust and that, little by little, enter My Christic Path, the path of complete redemption of the consciousness.

Today I have come to give you thanks for understanding My Plans, and for those who are happy for having accepted this moment with Me.

In quietness is to be found the great silence, the silence that all the deserts offer. It is the moment in which souls may unite with God in wholeness.

I give you peace and I give you My Grace so that you may receive them in love and in renewal for your consciousnesses.

I hold you all in My Heart and I pray for you and for the world in this desert of God.

I bless you,

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
