My dear children,

Your Celestial Mother is preparing, on this day, to again enter the Middle East, through the Mission of Turkey and the Mission of Israel.

For this reason, My children, from now on, I call upon you and I invite you to pray much more, with all your heart, so that each step and each footprint that My Son will leave imprinted at each stage of this pilgrimage may mean and represent, not only for the Middle East but also for the whole world, the possibility of being once again before the Christic Codes achieved by Jesus in this humanity.

For this reason, My children, in a spirit of reconciliation and joy, I invite you to follow this spiritual itinerary of redemption, which My Beloved Son will offer to all during the coming Sacred Week.

Thus, My dear children, you will also be living tabernacles in which the Love of Christ can be deposited within this world moment of transition.

For this, My children, do not forget what I asked you a few weeks ago, that consciously you may live the Sacraments of Confession and Communion; a deep penance so that many situations may be avoided in this world.

In these coming days, humanity will be before the spiritual and internal deeds that Christ left imprinted in the soul of this planet. Do not miss the opportunity to recognize within yourselves the Love of God so that love triumphs in this humanity, so that redemption triumphs within hearts.

Now, I will continue on my way to Israel. My footsteps of Light aspire to open the doors of the repairing Grace upon My children in these coming days.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is nothing that can prevent Me from reaching you when I need to. You must keep this in mind in these times of transition. Because the heart that unites to Me through prayer not only transcends itself, but it also transcends all situations around it. For this reason, I am here, on this third and final day.

I am happy for those who have waited for My arrival, and My Father has confessed to Me that a great part of the task has been achieved on this third day of meetings with Me. And this is possible because you are here.

As much as I have the power to renew all things, if those who are Mine were not here with Me at this moment, how could the wonder of being in God and the joy of feeling His Bliss and His Presence occur and how could the hearts that are here leave this place strengthened, carrying the power of Love wherever they go and to whomever they meet along their paths?

Just as I give you My Love, I hope you learn to give Love to your brothers and sisters, despite the errors and misunderstandings, despite the faults or even sin.

If I took each step upon Calvary for you, will you, as My apostles, dare to take the steps on this planetary Calvary?

This is why I again tell you about mature love, a love that does not oscillate nor become cold, a love that is capable of understanding, beyond oneself, the Purpose of God, and is capable of walking in trust towards the unknown, regardless of not being understood, for all that comes from God will never do it harm.

Only when you follow just one God will you be protected, will you be guided, will your hearts receive the intuition they need so that in this crucial times they may know how to make the right decisions and not impulsive ones. Because at this moment, a lot of discernment is necessary.

Everything is so fragile in this world that anything could break within the consciousness and outside of the consciousness. This is why you should trust in the Gift of the Science of the Holy Spirit and, every day, through prayer, invoke Its Wisdom. Because you will be able to see how this world is at this moment and how some situations seem irreversible.

But for God there is nothing irreversible or impossible, you only need to open the right door through the heart and thus Grace will always come into your lives and you will not be helpless or unprotected.

In truth, I tell you, just as I told My apostles, just as I once told the people of Israel: your feet must not be on two paths. You already know what I represent to the world.

But humanity still does not know My secrets, where I truly come from and to where I ascended after My Resurrection.

I have given you little impulses about My Consciousness, about the existence of My true Origin, so that your consciousnesses may awaken from the dream in which they live. To achieve the level of this revelation, your hearts must pray a lot, and you already know this.

At this moment, there is no other path, because prayer is not tiring but rather renewing. When you learn to be aware of what it means to give the word to God, I assure you that you will not only learn at the school of prayer, but you will also learn to work, just as the Hierarchy works for this planet and your humanity.

It is important that you may keep all this in mind and that it may be kept in the memory of everyone, every day. Because prayer will place you at a point far from adversity, far from the chaos and dissociation of these times, far from the ignorance and madness that this planet is living.

After these three days of meetings with Me, I was able to see with My own Eyes that your prayers were truly sincere. And this will allow for Argentina that the Sacred Ark of God may be here for longer,  present in the consciousness of this country and in the hearts that want to venerate and adore it, because it this way all will slowly be transformed, at an unknown but yet understood speed.

To be before the Teraphim of God is not just a Grace, it is an opportunity that must not be missed. Because this opportunity is for souls, and how many souls in the world would wish to be before the Ark of the Holy Covenant, not only to remember the essential purpose of having come here to Earth, but also to know how to walk, decided toward the purpose!

On this third day, your Master and Lord carries out a synthesis, because during these three last days, many situations took place in the universal inner planes.

Therefore, I am here to tell you that what happened here was not just a meeting, a moment of elevation and awareness, a moment of love and offering. Rather, throughout the last three days, the Hierarchy was able to work much more than what had been foreseen or thought of. Thus, the Hierarchy expects to reach even beyond what is foreseen, when it is at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, so that everyone who decides to may meet with the Brotherhood.

This movement that the Hierarchy makes is unique and unrepeatable. Each movement that the Hierarchy makes is no like the others. Each impulse that the Hierarchy gives is definitive and transcendental because it invites Its disciples to place themselves on the lines of the Plan, where in truth they should have always been.

Now, I leave here filled with the love of My companions.

So that the purpose of this nation and of the Americas may keep being fulfilled, so that the Ark of the Holy Covenant may keep emanating its codes of Love and Light within souls and all nations, I will offer to you what is deepest and most blessed that I have, which is the Eucharist. Because in this way you will always find the power of renewal and peace.

I thank you for having responded to My summoning, and do not forget to follow the steps of the Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Lord is smiling at all of us.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal, and today, after such a long time, I Am here to give continuity to My Message after it was neither heard nor accepted.

But this Message that I once brought to Garabandal, to this blessed place of God, keeps resounding, keeps reverberating within the hearts that believe in Me.

Because you know, My children, that My intention is to guide and lead you toward God. My intention is not to cause you fear nor any disturbance. My intention is that you may be aware and responsible, that you may be capable of recognizing the Call of God and fulfilling it, just as I once tried to do here in Garabandal.

After these important events that the visionaries experienced here with Me in this village, your Heavenly Mother returns, at the request of Christ, as the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal, so that a divine and inner union may take place between souls and God, between Heaven and Earth, between what is known and what is unknown.

This was the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, not only to warn the Church of the imminent danger that it was going through at that time.

The Warning of God was so that it could awaken you and, when you became awakened, you could correct it, but many denied it because they did not have the heart nor the door open to hear Divine Truth, which stirred many hearts of the Church, to the point that they wanted to bury My Presence here in this place.

Now that, throughout the times, the Message of Garabandal has become known and must keep being known by many more hearts of the whole world, this is the reason why I Am here, because it is urgent for Me that this Message be fulfilled, a Message that calls you to repentance, to a true correction, not only of life, but also of the feeling of the heart, a call that brings you the impulse toward ascension, toward the discovery of the Immaterial Laws that, in this humble place of Garabandal, acted and avoided many things.

For this reason, the events in Garabandal were so impactful and, as I told one of My visionaries, this contrary movement that took place here, of denying the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Archangel Michael, and also of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, would bring to many consciousnesses the energy of denial, even after having seen all they had seen.

It was something similar to what My Son lived when, at the doors of Jerusalem, He was received, honored and recognized just for a moment; as many of those who recognized and glorified Him then denied Him afterward, hurt Him and even spat on Him.

Do you now understand, beloved children, the feeling of the Mother of God, what Her Immaculate Heart feels about Her children who, having lived the events of Garabandal, left them behind, forgotten and lost in time and space?

For this reason, I Am here to relive the Message, and, although the events in the world have changed since 1961, there are situations that still have not been solved within the Catholic Church.

The attempt of correction has been made many times through the intervention and help of the current Pope, who also had difficulties to revive this Church, as it has been marked and hit by the last events of these times, which were also announced here, in Garabandal, by the very Lady of the Star of Carmel, and which, at that time, were neither heard nor recognized.

Can you now understand how My Heart feels?

I Am the Mother of the priests, of all priests throughout the world, not only of the Catholic priests. Priesthood is something vaster, not only in Theology, it is something deeper within the spirit, in the true consciousness that knows how to reconnect with God.

A consciousness that prays, a heart that adores, a soul that communes with the Body and Blood of Christ lives an exercise of inner priesthood, and this is why this exercise is  persecuted so much, and hit by My enemy.

Through Garabandal, and above all through My last Message that I left here in Garabandal, that if true repentance were not to come to be within the Church, a division would take place. This is nothing new for God, and I believe that it is nothing new for any of you.

I do not come with a Message to create division, dissent or separation, I come to tell you what is truly happening so that someone may internally take charge of this, because My Son has asked me for this, and it is not sufficient for this situation of the Church to be transmuted or liberated with only the current Pope.

Those who claim to be more consecrated to the Heart of My Son, in the different degrees of consecration and union with God, are those who always need divine help the most. For this reason, I Am here, once again in Garabandal, so that My Voice may be heard, My Presence may be recognized, My Love may be felt by all.

And now that the times urge, and that the Message of Garabandal has been fulfilled by a lack of more repentance, I invite you, My beloved children, to place this situation in your prayers, because My enemy wants to continue hitting the priestly life throughout the world, to the point that he also wants to hit and interfere with the devoted hearts, faithful to My Son, who live their inner life through the priests, because then, in that case, they would lose faith in the priests, because what is lived in priestly life is disproportionate to what truly happens in the hearts of My priests.

For this reason, I invite you to pray with greater fervor so that, in spite of the sorrow of the Mother of the World for what Her own eyes see at this moment, may this situation be healed and relieved, may the souls of the priests and of the believers be strengthened so that they never lose true union with God.

For this reason, your shelter and refuge will always be in the Sacraments and especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in which your hearts, souls and spirits will be able to empty themselves on communing with Christ through a true Confession that may purify your hearts, so that the planet may be purified and those forces of evil, which dominate the planet and the human consciousness of the Earth, may be liberated at this moment, and the doors of the Light may keep opening so that souls  may cross them and, thus, become a part of the Kingdom of God.

In Garabandal, since 1961, the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal has come with the aim of avoiding this situation that is taking place today because from the moment that My Word and My Presence were denied, an obstacle was put for the Mother of God, which was not an impediment for Me to carry out My task, but rather it was the great moment, beyond what happened in this humble place, so that each one of My children might hear My deep silence, so that, through the silence of My Heart, they might realize that they were far from God.

For this reason, what exists here in Garabandal, in its simplicity, but also in its beauty, remains alive through the light of the hearts that come here to pray with Me and that keep in their memory all that was lived in Garabandal, which is not limited to this place or this village, but rather the impulse brought by My Universal Heart have opened great inner, angelic and divine doors, so that assistance might come for humanity.

I aspire that someday Garabandal may keep flourishing as the Marian Center that it represents, and so that more souls can come to receive the Laws of Healing that your Heavenly Mother left deposited here with the loving and obedient assistance of the angels.

For this reason, when you come to Garabandal, or when you unite to Garabandal through the prayer of the heart, wherever you may be, know that you will be received by the angels so that your souls may live the healing that they so much need and the reconciliation that they so much expect.

Today, I come here in a modest way. Today, I come here in a simple, humble way, close to My children, because these are the times of emergency.

My arrival in the world, through the different Apparitions, has a greater cause, and Garabandal must not be just one more Apparition on this planet, because the Divine Hierarchy and all the universe do not waste the impulses of the universe, especially those that come directly from the Divine Source.

Do you now understand the vastness of the task of Garabandal, which has not finished being concretized nor being carried out?

It will always be through the pilgrim hearts, through the simple and humble souls, that the Message of Garabandal will remain alive in the inner worlds, and this will grant that the task of Garabandal may keep being fulfilled, that the Angels of the Mother of God and all Her Celestial Hosts may keep intervening and helping humanity, from what Garabandal represents for the whole world.

If anyone, at this moment or in this crucial time, needs to make a decision that might change their life, let them feel the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone is before an obstacle without a way out, with an unresolved disease, in a vast, arid and painful crisis, let them feel in their heart the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone has still not managed to recognize within themselves the simplicity of life, the necessary humility and unconditional service, let them feel in their heart the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone has not yet understood the Message of the Divine Hierarchy throughout the times and if their mind is an obstacle or a prison, let them feel within their heart the Light of Garabandal. Because Garabandal, just like other holy places that I have visited, will lead you not only to peace, but will also lead you to cross the portal of forgiveness and reconciliation that the world needs.

If your hearts position themselves before Garabandal in penance, I assure you, My children, that Garabandal will work through you and the Angels of God will help you.

May the Stars of the Virgin of Carmel illuminate your paths so that you may always find the truth within, and thus your lives may be the extension and the living expansion of the Message of Garabandal.

Be brave and follow the path of the Call, for all those children of Mine who do not do so nor live it, especially for those who deny the Mother of God.

I leave you My blessing, and invite you to be forerunners of the Message of Garabandal.

You do not know how much I thank you for this moment, for all those who unite to this moment in spite of the distance, because this allows My Immaculate Heart to triumph internally and keep as many souls as possible under My Mantle.

Let the Light of Garabandal always shine in those who believe in it, because by loving the unknown, you will someday be blessed to receive the revelation of Garabandal, which must still be fulfilled.

Go in Peace, in the Peace of My Son, so that the Message of Garabandal may be fulfilled within you, and the reconciliation of souls may be a reality on the surface, so that reconciliation, repentance and penitence may justify the grave errors of the world, especially those that take place through wars, through those who are displaced, who are oppressed, the elderly people, those forgotten, the miserable and those who are discarded throughout the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call, you who are filled today with the blessing of Garabandal, of the Lady of the Star of Carmel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Blessed are they who, in spite of all gifts received, always allow themselves to be shaped and corrected by the Hands of God.

Blessed are they who never cease to be apprentices, those who never miss the chance to observe, learn and grow, each day, further becoming representatives of the good and of the peace in the world.

Blessed are those who teach by example, and from whose mouths comes forth wise words that love, and with love correct that which was off the path and the Purpose of God.

Blessed are they who seek humility, those who work so that others may grow, those who love the steps taken and the opportunities received by their brothers and sisters.

Blessed are they who observe the faults of others with compassion and do not affirm and reaffirm the error of a neighbor in order to justify their own errors, and feel themselves to be better than the rest.

Blessed are they who know how to be silent in order to bring peace, but who do not stop speaking to condemn with their thoughts, but rather they stop speaking in order to open their heart and, in thought, pray to attract Mercy.

Blessed are they who are transparent before God and their neighbors, those who free themselves from their ties through confession with Christ, those who do not fear to be seen as imperfect, weak and small in the eyes of the world.

Blessed are they who, in spite of everything, believe and seek the Kingdom of God within themselves, those who do not deny their human condition, but rather recognize it as a passage to something greater.

Blessed are they who see the sacred within life on Earth, those who are not satisfied with the energies of the world and who simply walk toward the Heart of God.

Blessed are they who believe in the celestial spheres, in universal and higher life, those who know themselves to be only a small part of an immense and unknown life.

Blessed are they who always recognize themselves as ignorant, but who do not remain as such. Blessed are they who open so that, into their ignorance, God may pour wisdom, and blessed are they who are always willing to go into infinity, from the simple fact of knowing themselves to be a part of it.

Blessed are they who love from the heart, because their own love will show them the path.

Blessed are they who aspire to be blessed and who strive for it, holding the fulfillment of the Will and the Plan of God as their only aspirations. Their efforts will be rewarded with a perfect union with the Creator.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.

Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.

Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.

Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.

Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.

You have My blessing for that.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



These are times of spiritual needs, but also of material ones.

These are times when only the opening of the heart and willingness will allow for bringing healing and redemption for souls.

Therefore, this is the time for embracing the needs of those who suffer, as well as welcoming those who have never been loved.

This is the time to express what each heart holds, to awaken good, peace and solidarity.

In this sense, I wish to tell you that just as the seasons change, the needs of the souls also change.

For this reason, through the pilgrimages, I take you and place you before meeting all needs, mainly those that require greater love and forgiveness.

This is why the experience with the Sacraments during these last years have represented the possibility that all could learn to avail themselves of the Christic Love, in order to know how to share it and give it, in the same way that I give you My Heart as a safe refuge.

Thus, I wish to tell you that only during the pilgrimages, beginning with the next meeting of prayer for the Amazon, pilgrims shall be welcomed and, according to their needs, they may approach one of the Sacraments in order to receive it.

For this, as from the next month, the 4th shall be eliminated and on the 5th and 6th, during the process of the Marathon during the morning, Sacraments shall be offered to those who need them.

In this way, two or three confessionals, two spaces for the Sacrament of Baptism as well as for Foot-Washing, and one space for the Sacrament of Anointing and the Anointing of the sick shall be placed.

Thus, while the exercise of the Marathon is taking place, the spiritual needs of souls will be served, and at the same time souls will receive the Graces they need.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


We are in adoration before the Son of God, that today presents and shows us His Eucharistic Heart more radiant than a sun and hundreds of rays of the Universe.

The center of His Chest, the center of His Essence, is the Eucharistic Heart that brings us peace and renewal, healing and reconciliation with God.

Let us bow.

And on His Hands, Feet and Side, His five main Wounds, not of sorrow but of Light, of Mercy; Wounds of Grace, radiance and illumination in the spiritual life.

At His Feet, two reliquaries which the angels who accompany Him bear: the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a spiritual teraphim, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as a paternal teraphim and a gift of humility for souls.

These Hearts join the center of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and Heaven on Earth is established.

Let us now listen to seven strikes of a bell, at His request, in the face of this revelation.

You are part of what I am, and I would never think otherwise, because God created us equal and very similar to Him. 

What you go through and experience is an eradication of your human aspects; it is dying to be born again, as many times as necessary.

Therefore, do not worry, do not be distressed, do not feel fearful or lonely, because what you are experiencing is perfect for God. He needs it this way, even though sometimes you do not comprehend it nor understand it. 

Therefore, remain in My equality because you will enter into My harmony and balance, and you will never lose faith. No darkness or any storm will eradicate your faith and it will never be dissolved, when you hold yourself firm in Me.

I build unknown paths and your paths are My paths when you accept living My Will, however unknown it may seem, however unreachable it may seem. My Will, which is the Will of My Father, will always place you on the safe path.

I will never come to ask you for impossible things because I know you will not give them to Me. I come to ask you for simple things, what is born from the heart which will never be extinguished, that nothing will dissolve.

I come to ask you for your human love and faithfulness to Me, so that you may transform, learn to redeem yourself and to sublimate your consciousness day by day.

I do not need to build castles for kings in your life, nor illusions for your personality. Through My Will, I come to build what is true; and what is true comes from the simple, the simple comes from what is humble, and humility is peaceful, does not get troubled, does not feel daunted or confused. 

Spiritual life is simple, as is your contact with God. But it will depend on you, My child, that you cultivate this contact day by day, with a great faith, with an unquenchable faith, with a faith that never causes you to doubt what you experience.

But be careful, because your choice could place you on another path. And which is the real path for you? Have you ever asked yourself?

I asked the same thing to My apostles: what is it to live the truth and be in it all the time?

If you walk by My side, even though you do not feel Me nor perceive Me, even if you are in the greatest solitude or crossing the greatest desert, would you believe and trust in Me?

I will always give you what you need, at the appropriate time, because all My precious pearls and treasures were greatly wasted by humankind over the course of time. Now is the time to overcome and to triumph through an absolute surrender which you will achieve step by step; through an absolute faithfulness which you will achieve step by step.

I do not come to ask you for what is impossible for you, because I would make you waste a lot of time. I come to ask you for what is true, for what God placed within your being and in your heart. Of that I avail Myself all the time to accomplish My Work on the planet and I give you the example of My Eucharistic Heart, of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, and of the Heart of Saint Joseph as true testimonies, as an example of the love for God, of a faithful love, of a constructive and sublime love that only had the intention of being experienced and shared with all.

I know that you will sometimes experience lessons that you will not understand or accept and that your inner world will shift, your consciousness will be purified, and you will once again face a test. But tests exist not to have the souls of God suffer, rather so they may learn to overcome duality. Because when many more learn to overcome duality, evil will be overcome and the light and love in the world will triumph, because the root of indifference will not be in your consciousness and you will learn to obey unconditionally, even in the smallest details, blindly following the guidelines that come from Heaven and the Hierarchy. Because you do not know the future nor do you deeply know your past. You only live the present and what is around you day after day.

Thus, I am a Source in the revelation of many mysteries of your consciousness.

I do not come seeking what strengthens your ego or your personality. I come to free you from the chains of illusion. And to be able to free you from these chains and from those illusions, you must go through what I once went through here on Earth, for in that way, you will be able to live God and understand, beyond appearances, all the mysteries.

This school of the planet that is called Earth, in which there are many souls, could be more useful and beneficial for all. But it has become a school of much suffering, due to the roots of indifference, of disobedience, and the lack of charity.

But if you believe in Me, you will never stray from My path nor My steps, because however much may happen to you or however much you may experience in difficult moments, the flame of your heart will never go out, because today I have been able to witness through the song of your voice and the praise to the Eternal Father that the Love of God exists in the heart of His children. It is that love that I come to seek in hearts, a trustworthy love and a faithful love. I do not come to seek a perfect love, but rather an imperfect love. I come to seek your poorest love so that it may be transformed, so that this love may also be redeemed, in you, and so that this love may reach the whole world in the same way I give you My Love.

In My Words is the Love of God. In My Presence is the Love of God. In My breathing is the Love of God. In My gaze is the Love of God. In My Essence is the Love of God. And where I am, the Love of the Father is, and if you are in Me, My Father will be in you and you will be in the Love of My Father.

This is the most urgent thing I need at this time so that the stars of the Universe do not fall upon the nations of the Earth and the elements of Nature do not show their rage and pain because humankind did not understand the message of Creation.

I come to intervene in all those things. I come to ask the world to awaken to love and to shut the door to indifference.

But for that to be possible, companions, you must begin living it in yourselves daily, in the lessons of life, in your families, in your work, because in this way, the world and the human consciousness will be transformed. 

I no longer need the resistance of humankind, the suffering of hearts, the agony of souls.

Through the Love of God, I come to bring you the Kingdom of the Celestial Father, because I know that you will need it for these times and for all that will unexpectedly come. 

While I am here, I work with other aspects of your consciousness, with those aspects that are hidden and can only be seen with the eyes of the heart.

I come to transform human misery into Mercy. I come to raise your hearts to God, to thus be able to raise the whole of humanity, those who suffer and endure, those who are alone and ill, forgotten and abandoned in many places of the world. 

I come to offer you a sacrifice in the name of Love, so that Love may be present in humanity and in the hearts, so that the Love of God may stop wars and human conflicts, so that the Love of God may quench the thirst of many consciousnesses and remove many hearts from darkness.

That is why I come to offer you something you have not yet experienced. You are faced with the opportunity of crossing the Portal of the Universe so as to again confirm your life in Me, and so that My Life may be in your life and in each moment of your inner story.

As a sample of this immeasurable and divine Love, at this moment, where souls are facing God through the Hearts of Mary, of Christ, and of Saint Joseph, I will offer the transubstantiation and consecration of the elements so that the offended Heart of the Son, the First-born and Only-Begotten Son of the Celestial Father, may be relieved and consoled by the men and women of the Earth; and so that today I could not only be with you here, in Argentina, preparing you for the next stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, but also, at this moment, in omnipresence and in omnipotence, I could reach the most distant corners of the Earth, where poverty and material misery are expressed, where disease is stronger than healing; where the fear and the terror of wars have caused faith to succumb in great deserts.

I come to make the flame of the essence and of faith emerge from hearts, so that it may reign and be established beyond the nations and the continents, so that this faith may unite you with the Universe of God.

And beyond all adversity, cruelty, or indifference, never tire of smiling at God, never tire of loving God and of carrying this love to your brothers and sisters; because if you love, even though you are imperfect, you love with the Love of My Heart and of My Life; in this way, the world will be converted, the punishment will stop, Divine Justice will not come, and the stars of the Cosmos will not move, showing their strength and power like no one has ever seen before, because you will have responded according to the request of My Heart and of My Consciousness, through this day of reparation to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus.

Thus, in the name of the Will of God, I come to ask that all souls of the world, all those who request it as well as those who do not request it, may receive the book of My Poems of the devotion of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, because in the most definitive hours, in which you will find yourselves before God and facing unimaginable things that will be seen throughout the world, you will withdraw into your rooms, light a candle and, in the name of your Guardian Angels, you will pray these poems so that the Divine Grace and the Mercy of the Father
may sustain this planet and mainly, all of your inner worlds.

Because when I am no longer with you, as I am with you today, your fortitude will not only be My Heart but also all the words that I have said to you.

Within the Poems lies the key of your transformation.

I will be grateful if this is delivered as soon as possible and propagated throughout the whole world, in all possible languages, as a way for the hearts of the world to repair the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus.

You are already within My Celestial Church and your essences are standing before the Celestial Father, contemplating His Altars and His powerful Throne of Light, which was seen by many patriarchs and prophets and by the very Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, as well as by all those servers who in My name, throughout the ages, served the Work of God on the surface of the Earth, witnessing to My Presence and My Word, presenting an example of charity and of good in the whole world.

Under this spiritual and inner condition, raise your hearts to God.

We stand up.

And in the light of everything I have told you up to now, carrying out an inner confession of My Heart with each one of you, receive each one of My Words as a revelation of the Truth and of the feeling of God for these times, knowing that it will be very necessary and urgent to work every day in the reparation of the mistakes that humanity commits, so that the millions of souls, which are in the illusion of the world and in the superficiality of life, may have the grace, just as you have had, of being able to listen to God through His beloved Son, of being able to receive the Presence of God through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, so that many more consciousnesses may be touched by the very Hand of the Eternal Father in the depths of their hearts, just as your inner places were.

Therefore, I ask you to value and give credit to My Words because you will need them when everything is unleashed.

"Just like at Your Altars, Eternal Father, where the incense emanates the holiness and service of the angels of the Universe, let this incense that is offered today at the doors of Your Celestial Church not only dissipate the darkness and evil from hearts, but let it bring the strength of faith, of renewal and hope to those who hear Your call. So be it."

"With this same water, Father, You sanctified and baptized Me in the River Jordan. You have created the element of water to demonstrate the beauty of Your Love in the oceans and in the seas of the world, so that Your children may be purified and bathe themselves in the chastity and in the purity of this same element. In the same way that I was baptized in the River Jordan, may this water today scatter Your Grace throughout the world. Amen."     

Today I will wash your hands and consciousnesses in the same way I washed the hands, the feet, and the heads of My apostles; because not only Peter washed his head with the help of His Master and Lord, but also the other apostles were washed and purified as you are today. May this washing and purification renew you, and may you believe forever that for God nothing is impossible.          

From these four trays which contain the elements for the consecration, today I will only represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with three of them, so that the infinite and unquenchable Alliance of God with hearts may be fused.

Our Lord invites those who are able, to kneel down for the consecration.

This is the wine which represents the effort of humankind to work the land, to plant and cultivate it so it may give its fruits to all the children of God and so that all may be spiritually satiated.

This is the water that not only baptizes you but also purifies you. This is the water that flowed out from My Side, together with My Blood, when I was on the Cross, to scatter not only Mercy throughout the world, but also the justification before all the errors committed.

Lord, today I again take up the bread before Your children. By the profound Love that springs from Your Heart, we remember and affirm the sacrifice of Your Beloved Son, when He raised it up and Your Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to the apostles and the Flame of Your Love was ignited in their hearts, and in all those who avail themselves of this glorious Sacrament, and I said to them: "Take and all eat of It because this is My Living Body, which will be surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. "

And when the angels struck three strokes of the bell, the bread was changed into the Body of Christ.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You. 

 We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

I then took the Chalice and Your Spirit of Love blessed it, I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of sins. Never forget to do this in remembrance of Me."

And upon hearing three strokes of the bell, the wine was changed into the precious Blood of Christ.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

Prayer: Our Father.

And upon hearing seven strokes of the bell, the surrender and the sacrifice of Christ was absolutely consummated through the institution of the Eucharist. 

The Body and Blood of Christ, which give us Eternal Life.

May be happy, My companions, those who avail themselves of this glorious and blessed Sacrament, adored and honored in the heavens and on Earth by all consciousnesses for the fulfillment of the Plan of God in humanity and in Argentina. Amen.

To live the school of My Love, I invite you to love one another all the time. That rule, which I presented a long time ago, is still alive and I need you to use it and practice it every day.

You may stand up.

And with your hand over your heart, you will confirm yourself to God, through the Son of the Father, to love every day a little more and better, just as I love you, because the Love that comes from My Heart is an eternal Love. You will take the risk and feel encouraged every day to love as I love you and to put love first in the face of any difficulty or test, because if you trust in My Love, in My Love you will overcome all things. 

May this Love expand in the world and ignite the suns on the Earth, so that the divine and universal Life may become flesh in all beings, be aware, and awaken the mission of each consciousness, so that the Love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit may triumph.

And in the name of that Love that will always lead you to peace, may peace be in you and in all places in the name of love.

For love to overcome indifference, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!


Dear children,

Today, through the Sacred Sacraments, souls draw closer to My beloved Son again and this, My children, allows many dark nights of the soul to be closed through the sincere confession of the heart and, as a consequence, a spiritual relief is established in the inner worlds, and the souls of God once more gain strength to be able to continue forward on the path of surrender and consecration to God.

Today your Heavenly Mother is happy to be here, among Her children, so that you may always confirm that you were never alone and so that, above all, you may feel overwhelmed by the Love and Mercy of the Father.

The task of the Sacred Sacraments will not only grant you the reconciliation that you need, but you will also receive the renewal of your lives through the impulse brought to you by the Holy Spirit.

To My children of Argentina, I leave you with My maternal consolation and gratitude for always being there, trying every day to continue in the footsteps of My Son. God bless you.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every time you get tired of something in you which must be transformed, and you finally surrender your being, realizing that your actions are fruits of your own inner world and not the consequences of attitudes of your neighbor, then, child, you take a new step towards spiritual maturity.

Even though it may seem that you always repent the same things, it is never the same. Transformation keeps deepening within your consciousness.

May your heart not be anguished for confessing the same things, but rather may your soul rejoice for perceiving that which is there to be transformed, not remaining in ignorance, in illusion nor in darkness.

Do not grieve when perceiving the same miseries that need to be liberated, but rather pull more deeply at the roots of human atavism which dwell in you, until this can be liberated from your consciousness and, in consequence, from the entire human consciousness.

I do not say that you will find joy as you perceive the mud that exists within you, but it will relieve your soul and your heart with the determination of transformation and the victory of surrendering to God.

Walk with love towards the goal that you see before your eyes. I will always help you get there.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, uniting your heart to the Heart of God because, in these times of spiritual battle, this is what beings need most.

Pray, not only formally, but pray in dialogue and confession with your Creator, with certainty that He listens attentively to your pleas. Be silent to hear the answer of God. Enter into quietude to feel His Presence and, through profound gratitude, open the doors of the world and of the hearts of human beings for Him to send His Peace.

Make your life a prayer, respecting your neighbor, being patient, being grateful for the presence of God in your brothers and sisters.

Make your life a prayer, serving and loving those who are around you and those who are far from you.

Do not fear to cross the threshold of a new time. Let this time live within you, uniting yourself to God forever.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sometimes, in order to carry peace into the world, you lose the peace within you, because constant sacrifice and surrender cause your most hidden resistances to emerge, your most retrograde condition to come to the light and be freed from your inner unconscious world. This, child, is also part of the service you provide to humanity and to this planet, in the name of Christ.

Inner peace must be gained every day. Union with God must be built and rebuilt in each instant. In these times, in which humanity is in the center of a battle that defines evolution of all of Divine Creation, every day consciousnesses are targets of the untiring stimuli of the life of illusion so that they do not move forward in their awakening, so that they do not deepen their union with God, but rather that they retreat or at least stand still in the point they are in.

Thus, child, calmly observe this moment, be aware that the tests of this time are unknown to all of Creation and, every day, as long as you can, remember the purpose of your life and of your consecration; gradually rebuild your connection with God and do not stop trying to reach the Father. Build a dialogue with Him within you, a sincere confession of your weaknesses, not to re-affirm them, but rather to transform them and release them from your heart.

Feel how confession to God cleans your heart and you begin to return to the Father, feeling yourself to be worthy of His Presence. Do this every day. Do this every time you remember to.

Think of the mirror of your heart and unite it with the Mirrors of the Cosmos, with a simple thought. Think of the Essence of God and feel that it is within you. Think of higher life, of universal life, and feel how it is waiting for you.

Renew your strength in the little things, because it is also there where the enemy is looking at your evolution and at your union with God.

Pray and find peace again every day.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Saint Joseph transmitted in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

To find God, children, it is enough to be sincere of heart, truthful and transparent.

Washed by the Mercy, which descends upon your souls, when you confess with God and you surrender to Him, this is when you will be ready to cross your own inner doors and enter into His Kingdom.

It is not enough to want to know, to understand or to acquire divine knowledge in order to enhance your human personalities because, in this way, children, your minds will be full of half-truths that mankind may achieve, but empty of Wisdom and of the Gift of Discernment and Divine Science.

To want to know is a step, but it is not the treaded path. To want to be is another step, which also does not complete your destiny. To surrender to God in humility is more than a step, it is a key which opens the door for the encounter with the Redeemer and with the Creator of all things.

Therefore, I teach you about humility, before revealing to you the divine sciences. Therefore, I speak to you about surrender, before speaking about knowledge; I speak to you about love, before understanding; I speak to you about faith, before the revelation of the Truth.

In order to go through the narrow door of union with the Father, you must first remove from yourselves the many layers that do not allow you cross it. And this, children, happens through the Sacrament of confession, transparency, humility and the surrender before God.

You have My blessing to tread this path.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter into prayer and cry out to the Father so that He opens the doors of His Kingdom within your own heart. 

Place your attention in the depths of your essence and, as one who returns to his parents' house after a very long time, go with joy to meet your Creator. Feel His Love waiting for you; feel the spiritual warmth of His Presence. His Mercy fills all the spaces of your being.

Get onto your knees at the Feet of God and embrace Him spiritually. Tell His Heart your most sincere confession, repenting of your most hidden sins, and ask the Father for the Grace of being in Him and with Him, at each moment of life.

Receive the balm of the forgiveness of God and strengthen your faith. Then, cry out with a pure heart for those who most need it in this world. Do not forget to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the sinful souls who get lost in the abysses of their own ignorance.

Ask the Father in the name of all life, of all human consciousness, that the light of His Wisdom permeate His Creation through His divine Mirrors, and that this same light may be reflected onto you.

Understand, child, that at the feet of God,  in your essence, is kept the key for the transformation of all things. Do not seek outside of yourself for the relief of your heart, when within you is found the door to be in God.

Receive from Him the blessings for the concretization of His Plan and, more than that, to intercede for this world.

Return then, to the House of the Father with your heart in peace, in the certainty that your consciousness remains there, for He is in you. Live in God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Daily Message received in the city of Fatima, Portugal, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Take the rosary in your hands and pray for this world.

Kneel down before the Tabernacle and pray for this world.

Adore the Eucharistic Body of the Lord, by praying for this world.

Confess with Christ and with God, cleaning your heart so that all hearts become cleane through you.

Renounce distractions and human desires so that the world may attain peace.

Give an example of service, in the silence of your heart, to offer reparation to God.

Let your life no longer be for you. Do not lose yourself in the labyrinths of your mind and of human temptations.

Unite to your brothers and sisters to establish peace. Pray for the holiness of your fellow being, of all beings. Be in your life a path for others to find God.

Do not be temptation and distraction for your brothers and sisters. Be peace and unity with God.

Renounce yourself and embrace the challenge of the void.

Make of yourself, each day more, an instrument of the Creator, because the world needs it.

Your Father and Friend,

The most chaste Saint Joseph


In the silence of the heart, your Master and Shephard is finalizing His daily journey of being with you but, in the Omnipresence of My Father, I will continue being with you until the end of times.

The moment has come for My last apostles to give testimony of My Word; that they let the power of My Love be known, that they give sacraments, confess and forgive in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The moment has come that My Church on the entire Earth will become purified and restored. For this moment and event, I have prepared you, up until now.

So go, and do all that I have taught you. Be the living Love of My Heart wherever you go. Be compassion, truth and purity. Fulfill the designs of the Lord. Build again the bases of My Heavenly Church within the hearts for the souls that were profaned and abused by My Church, not to feel pain, fear nor resistance; that all of them may recover their faith and their inner contact with Me.

Lucky will be those who at this last time will have followed and listened to My Messages daily.

Unhappy will be those who did not give importance to My Messages because they will not have the tools to cross the end of times.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted. The Word of the Lord is blessed and merciful.

Now is the time to live the apostleship of the Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Jesus Christ


Enter into dialogue with God every day, place yourself before the Father in confession and ask to remain in His Grace.

Child, human beings are on their way to express what they truly are, during an intense purification of centuries of existence, almost always permeated by illusion and deceit.

Do not allow your being to remain immersed in the superficialities and miseries when you have the possibility to transmute and sublimate these energies, if only you are willing to be humble before God.

Talk to your Creator. Look for the perfect thought that He emanated by idealizing your being. Feel the sublime Love of the Father and the perfect purpose that He still expects you to express.

Be willing to find within yourself the Divine Will. May the presence of God, His Universe, His Infinite, no longer be mere theories and knowledge for you.

Let your being experience that which cannot be explained and which is not in any sacred book, because those who have experienced it, can only be silenced.

It is time to deepen and not to regress. It is time to decide to take the steps in the right direction and not to follow the known paths that give you a false sense of security.

In this time, everything must be new. The unknown awaits for you to reveal its mysteries. And that which has always been silent in your heart will finally be able to express its truth. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Finally, companions, after so many years of work and of shared meetings with you, I will be able to leave, implemented and established, within the Marian Centers, the experience of the Sacraments for the souls.

For this reason, beginning next March 3rd, everyone who wants to receive a sacrament will be able to go to a Marian Center in order to prepare to experience the Sacrament they need.

It will be in this way that on March 4, 2019, just as every 4th, for the months to come, the Marian Centers will prepare their altars to offer and administer the Sacred and Divine Sacraments to souls.

I have chosen the Marian Center of Aurora to begin this impulse so that the new cycle of the Marian Centers may be more supported by all, especially by the pilgrims.

For this reason, I wish, with love in my heart, that on the 4th of each month, the pilgrim buses may come to the Marian Centers and that their welcome and reception may be preciously organized by the Children of Mary and by the Guardians of the Eucharist.

So, every 4th, after living the sacred procession with the Most Blessed Body of your Lord, the Priests, the assistants of the Priests, the Guardians of the Eucharist and the Children of Mary, will prepare to offer the Sacraments of Baptism, Anointment and Feet Washing. 

Thus, the Sacraments will become spiritual bridges of preparation for those who will then participate in the prayer meetings of the Divine Mercy.

The Sacraments, except for the Holy Communion, will no longer be administered on the 5th and the 6th, so that the souls may be spiritually better prepared in order to be before My Presence during the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, of each month.

For another period, I will continue consecrating the hosts for you, with love, so that you may continue helping yourselves of My Body and My Blood.

Lastly, on the 4th of each month, the Priests will offer the Sacrament of Confession during the mornings, as part of the liturgical and sacramental activity of the Marian Centers.

For this, portable confessionals will be built, which will be reverently placed in some points of the Marian Centers so that the confessors may have better spiritual conditions to offer this exercise of purification.

I invite all the faithful followers of Christ, the devotees, the ones who pray and the pilgrims, from the month of March of 2019 on, to humbly help themselves of the Sacraments and thus relieve this suffering planet.

I will wait to see, at the door of each Marian Center, the arrival of the pilgrim buses. I Myself will receive them with open arms so that they may enter the Temple of My Heart, expressed in the simplicity of each Marian Center.

I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.

I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.

Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My Heart is like a sun that, radiating the Rays of Mercy, illumines the night of inner worlds, and it is also like a star that guides the spiritual steps of disciples.

You can enter into this Merciful Heart through your consciousnesses so that you may be in love and in peace, in communion with Me, every day until I return at the end of times.

Feel this Heart as your refuge, your confessional, your reason and find there the sense of living on the surface of the Earth so that, in trust, you represent Me as My apostles of the last days.

Enter into My Heart, for it offers itself as an instrument of reparation and of consolation, understanding and feeling each being, beyond errors and the past.

This is the Heart that offers Itself, day after day, for the spiritual salvation of souls; a poor Heart that waits to be loved and recognized by all, until the advent of the New Humanity is fulfilled.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


I like it when the most sinful souls approach Me, contemplating the Way of the Cross.

That comforts Me a lot, because I know that souls are searching for the path and the way to be able to return to My Heart.

My words may sound determinant, but you must know that they are full of the most true love, the love that you need, day by day, to be able to perceive the reality and to not deceive yourselves.

Those who seek the means to reach My Heart, either through the Way of the Cross, Confession, repentance or Communion, will never be alone because they will be trying to open their heart to Me so that I can rule it.

My Love for souls is so strong that, at the same time, it is determinant. I always wish souls to know the Love that was able to give everything for their salvation.

Relive the Way of the Cross as many times as necessary, because those facts of the Lord hold the codes of Higher Love that you need, again and again and thousands of times in order to take the steps toward My Noble Heart.

I offer you everything that I Am.

I give you everything I have, because I know it is possible that more hearts will surpass the Master in love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
