Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear son and dear daughter of Mine:

What is it that weighs on your heart, that your Holy Mother cannot solve?

By any chance, am I not here, and I am your Mother, the Mother of the impossible causes, the Mother that is an intercessor and mediator between souls and God?

Beloved children, if you already know this well, why do you keep in your hearts things that weigh you down?

For God there is nothing impossible to solve when the heart broadly opens to trust in the destiny that God has written for each being. Thus, all that which binds your feet is dissolved on your paths; those ties that bind you to Earth are also dissolved by the Eternal Father.

But remember, My children, that there is a Higher Will to be fulfilled in your lives. For this reason, once again My Son invited you and called on you to wonder if you are now living the Will of God.

This does not mean, dear children, that you should abandon your families, work or even your commitments. I am speaking to you about living the Will of God internally, that your lives may be more consecrated to the Plan of the Father day by day, so that He, in His infinite Mercy, Pity and Love, may write His Will through your lives.

The Celestial Father today extends His Arms and His Hands to you so that you may feel His paternal embrace, His merciful embrace, which does not condemn you for guilt or errors, but rather liberates you, day by day, from the human condition.

He extends His Arms and His Hands so that your lives may be offered as Instruments of God on the entire surface of the Earth; so that your lives, as Instruments of the Father, may be a sensible expression of Love, may be an expression of His Charity and His Mercy in the world.

He has been waiting for this for a long time, for souls to offer themselves to be victims of His Higher Love, so that the souls of this world may cease to be victims of themselves. He waits to write, through your lives and above all your hearts, the history of His Creation and also of His Will.

The Eternal Father holds treasures for all, wonderful treasures that are incalculable for this material world. This is why, throughout the ages and by means of My Immaculate and Maternal Heart, the Celestial Father grants you the Grace that you may be free from Justice, from the condemnation into which this world places you, so that your feet may walk on the path of Christ, free from all that which presses you, free from all that which causes you anguish, free under the sacred spirit of peace.

I come here as the Queen of Peace, because I know that many of you lose peace. However, have you thought for a moment, My children, how many places in the world no longer have peace, the happiness of living under a spiritual family like this one; a family that responds to the Call of the Father, just as this point of Light in this city, since the first day, has decided to respond to the Will of God.

I would like you to remember today, just as I remember attentively, each one of the experiences of love and service that have been lived here, especially through the souls who have offered to give of themselves for their neighbor and for the suffering of their fellow beings.

How many spiritual merits have they conceived in the soul and spirit of this Light-Nucleus?

I assure you, dear children, in the name of My Most Beloved Son, Jesus, that all these spiritual and inner merits are poured out today as Graces and also as rescue upon the souls that need them the most. And this spiritually generates a spiritual magnetism that cannot be seen with physical eyes, but can rather be seen with inner eyes; that cannot be thought with the mind, but can be felt with the heart.

All this movement, which is hidden to the eyes of the greedy, grants the common good and fraternal feelings to the world. This is why today I ask you not to look at your own errors, do not look at your own defects, do not feel conditioned as the greater part of humanity is conditioned.

Your souls today are with Me, with the Heavenly Mother. Today, I also want your souls to be in My Heart. Because remember that I Am the secure door to redemption, and that your lives and the lives of your families and loved ones can be under My care. When you cannot continue on, call upon the Mother of God. When you feel disturbed or in agony, invoke My Immaculate Heart.

I Am the Mother who always embraces and supports you. I Am the Mother of God’s Caress. Thus, I want to hold you in My Arms, just as I held the Little Child Jesus.

Surrender to Me in trust, in sublime plenitude, and the darkness that might be surrounding you will dissolve. Because where the Love of God is, the Love of the Divine Mother is present, the Love of an untiring Mother, of a Mother who does not stop nor sleeps, a Mother who works for the salvation of all her children in any condition, a loving and merciful Mother who will always open the door to you to the Kingdom of God.

But I want you to know, if you did not know it, that his was My commitment at the foot of the Cross. Remember what Christ said to all of us: “Mother, here is Your son; son, here is your Mother.”

How much tenderness did Jesus express in His profound pain! A tenderness and a Love that surpassed all agony, although His human person had been nailed to the Cross.

How can we understand the Love of God in suffering and surrender?

This is a school for the New Christs, to learn to surpass themselves every day, to love the Divine Will deeply, just as I said to the Father in that time: “Behold the Slave of the Lord, may it be done in Me according to Your Word.”

Today I tell you, My children, for the Word of God to be done in you through My Word, because I wait for you all in Paradise.

Those who are postulants today to be consecrated as Children of Mary, let them come to Me, My children, because you are already My children, do not forget it.

Thus, I now gather all of you at this moment of consecration, within the Immaculate Oratory of My Heart, so that I may offer your souls to the Eternal Father, for all the souls that suffer in the world and do not find peace today.

But know, My children, that you are today before the portal of My Peace, the portal of the Sacred Kingdom of Peace, which descends upon this Sacred Heaven, upon this Sacred House unconditionally offered to respond to the Call of the Redeemer.

My children, thank you for coming today to meet Me, I have been waiting for this for a long time, because it is your souls and hearts that come to meet Me. In this way, your lives are blessed by Me through a gesture of Maternal Love.

I want to consecrate you as My little children, as children who will learn to walk and speak someday, as those children who will learn to take the first steps on the Christic path, as children who will someday learn to mature your consciousnesses to learn to make your first life decisions which will have repercussions for the rest of your lives, as those children who will learn to love and forgive someday.

For all this and much more, I consecrate you as My Children, as the Children of Mary.

Bring Me roses, so that I may consecrate them for My Children.

Let us pray for this consecration:

Prayer: "Universal Mother."

I thank you, My children, for being with Me from the Heart.

My Son happily waits for His Spiritual Fountain, through the Fountain of blessings and graces that you will build here, which He has committed to bless someday.

Confidently enter the new cycle of this Light-Nucleus, My Son tells all its founders and all those who sustain this sacred place for God to continue, that you are on a very good path and My Son thanks you.

I bless you and consecrate you as My Children, and I also reconsecrate those who are already My Children, Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

 Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repair the Heart of the Mother of God, severely outraged by the indifference of the world, by all those who do not help those who suffer and face adversity.

My children, repair the Heart of the Mother of God, severely offended by the actions of the world, by the lack of consciousness and discernment.

Today, repair the Heart of the Mother of God so that God can grant you His Mercy and His Peace.

With special attention and care, I have accompanied the latest events in the world. I have especially held in My Heart, under the protection and shelter of My Divine Spirit, the children in war, the children in the oceans.

With the consciousness that humanity has acquired throughout the ages it is very serious that these things happen at this time. For this reason, today, My gaze and My eyes are downcast so that you can understand the Face of the Mother of God, the Mother of the refugees and the overwhelmed.

For a moment, place yourselves in the opportunity of being able to serve, through prayer, before all these events that need the special attention of My children at this planetary moment.

God no longer wants to think about Justice, but He wants you to live in His Mercy so that you stop suffering and enduring what each of you decide for yourselves or for the great nations.

At this moment, My Son is preparing Himself to be able to return, to be able to place a universal, spiritual and inner order, in the face of everything that is happening in the world and in the face of everything that many do not know and cannot see.

By repairing the Heart of the Mother of God, you will also repair the Heart of the beloved Son, perceptively wounded by the offenses of the world and also by indifference.

This is the moment when everyone must understand one another as brothers and sisters, and this goes beyond religion or your own beliefs.

Brotherhood is part of universal order. If humanity does not live this order, the planet will not stop suffering, because until hearts do not live the Laws, that is, the Commandments, peace will be lacking.

The universe holds many treasures and many gifts and it expects that its humanity be a partaker in all these Graces.

When My Son returns, He will start to work in the most unknown situations for you, in what you could not even believe that My Son, the Christ, could intervene, and also redeem and reconcile.

It is in the consciousness of each of My children where the great change must be lived so that the situations that are happening in the world today may no longer occur and that they can help each other as brothers and sisters, knowing that at the end of time everyone will need help, because it will not matter how much you have or how much you possess, if you are rich or if you are poor, that will not matter to God.

My Son will return to raise the people of Israel again, that people that today is present throughout the planet and that one day must be one tribe, that will live again and reintegrate in its consciousness the attributes of the Divine Project of God to thus give continuity to the New Earth.

You will think, My children, that this will be impossible, but today I tell you and I reveal it to you because I am the Spokesperson and the Messenger of God.

The Heart of the Father waits patiently for the change of His children, for the great life lesson that today many should already be living, especially those who follow Christianity, the path of My Son. That lesson is to love one another in a way that you do not yet understand or live.

But an important key for each of you is that this love, no matter how imperfect and human it may be, is a love that can be sublimated and transcended through the consecration of your lives, through the service of your lives, through absolute confidence that you and your brothers and sisters can unite mutually, beyond differences.

Today my Immaculate Heart opens to be repaired by the love and caress of Her children; because this is the Heart that suffers for humanity, that suffers today for the refugees and the exiled of the whole world, for the landless, for the enslaved and exploited, for the homeless and helpless.

I am the Mother of those who are discarded, offended and repudiated, not only because of their misery or poverty, but also in a spiritual way, they are rejected with great indifference and impunity.

At this time, who will give their hands, completely in donation and in service, to stop living the world indifference, and give of themselves as My Son entirely gave himself to you?

Who will give their feet so that My Son can step firmly, by means of their lives and souls, on the paths of this world?, carrying His Love and His Word, His Comfort and His Charity, despite what it may costs, even giving their lives for the repair of My Immaculate Heart so that Creation may be repaired of everything that the world does at this moment, due to the high degree of ignorance and indifference?

I call you to be comforters within My maternal Spirit. Which can also be My arms that welcome, accept, understand and, above all, love their neighbor, beyond everything.

You, My children, have no impediment to be able to love. If you love, as I need it, the world will be converted, even if it costs a lot; because on the surface of the Earth there will be brave spirits, redeemed stars that will shine in the abysses of this world to bring Light and Peace.

I want you to continue working, in what is left of this month of May, for the re-consecration of your lives to My Immaculate Heart. Because this, at this moment, is what widely justifies all the mistakes that the world makes today through wars, humanitarian crises, indifference and the dismissal of those who suffer, those who have nothing.

This is how you, who are by My side through an unknown Grace that you still do not understand, I invite you to live in greater depths, not only practicing the Love of God, but I also invite you and I call you to live gratitude so that you never forget that you have always been rewarded by the treasures of Heaven, through the Presence of Saint Joseph, your Heavenly Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I ask you not to lose hope. When the cross becomes heavier, that is when the victory can be very great.

Imitate My Son, in all that you can. Be generous, merciful and you will be able to love your neighbor, just as you would like them to love you. This is the time to practice human fraternity and that your lives be the example of the Words of Christ.

May Our Messages leave your minds and enter your hearts because that is where the Divine Work will be carried out in a hidden way.

And, time and again, you will confirm that I have always been here, not only for you but also for the whole world, as I am here today, for the entire planet.

God has asked Me, and today I ask you, that because of this Marian month, in which many souls still need to enter My Immaculate Heart, today the Eucharist be celebrated again, not only to repair the Heart of the Mother of God, but we will also celebrate the Light of the Eucharist so that the divine and unfathomable discernment inspires the governors of the world to establish peace and immediate assistance to all the refugees of the world, so that the spiritual attributes of the human family be re-integrated, so that exiled and displaced families may have the Grace of rebuilding their lives entirely.

This is why today, the three angels who accompany the Mother of God, representing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, will receive your offering, your most sincere inner offering so that everything may be repaired and the world receives more time of peace, so that the great change of consciousness may take place.

I will celebrate together with you and for your brothers in the world in the name of My beloved Son.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

From the depths of our hearts, in the presence of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is the cause of our constant joy and renewal, let us offer this Sacrament of the Altar, consecrating these elements that will be converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, so that the Source of His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon humanity and, especially, upon all the refugees of the world.

Lady of Light, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mirror of Justice and Wisdom, unfathomable Source of Love and Grace, make us partakers and deserving of this ministry through the Sacrament of the Eucharist so that Your divine and sacred attributes, that spring up like a flame of Love from Your Immaculate Heart, may strengthen and commit us more each day to serve Your Son, for humanity. Amen.

On the night that Jesus was to be given up, He gathered His apostles in the Cenacle and offered Himself unconditionally for each one of us.

Thus, He took the bread, raised it and offered it to the Eternal Father to be converted into His Body. After this transubstantiation, Jesus then broke it and offered it to His companions saying to them: "Take and eat it, because this is My Body that will be given up for you, for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Before finishing the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice in His Hands and also offered it to the Father so that the Chalice would be transubstantiated into His precious and divine Blood. Then, Our Lord offered it to His Apostles, as He offers it to each one of us today, saying to us: "Take it and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in memory of Me, until I return to the world. "


We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


The Body and Blood of Christ. Blessed are those who today avail themselves of this spiritual Sacrament, to live again in the Heart of the King.

United with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us pray together the prayer that Jesus taught us. And at this moment, united as one heart and one mind, we carry out, through this prayer of the Our Father, our act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for all the refugees of the world so that Light, Love and the Peace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus fill the souls that need it most.

Prayer: Our Father.

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary descend upon the planet.


"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word, and I shall be healed.


With love and reverence to all the inner Christs of our brothers and sisters, we announce, through three bell sounds, the spiritual Communion of all the souls of the world who follow Christ.


 My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.


Let us feel in our hearts the Communion with Christ, and, thus, united to Him, in spirit and in love, we renew our vows of service, consecration and surrender, for the victory of His Cross and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.



Dear children, I leave you My Peace, so that Peace may abound on Earth and, above all, in the hearts that most need the spirit of My Peace to reaffirm their commitment to God and His Plan of Love.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

I love you and I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of the Divine Mother, we withdraw through a song inspired by Saint Teresa of Jesus, so that she too may be our model in the example of service and perseverance, of absolute faith in our Redeemer.

We will sing with devotion: "Let Nothing Disturb You."

Thank you all.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Krakow, Poland, to the visionary Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I do not only come for the love of Poland; I come for your Church and for the Church of all Central Europe, also there many more things can be restored; that is why it is also important for My Son, knowing that there is still time for His Mercy, to be able to enter into His Pity and His Compassion.

Just as yesterday My Son gave you the blessing of His Kingdom, today I give you the blessing of My Grace, the Grace that, in spite of the events, has always permeated all the hearts of Poland and of Central Europe.

It is that Grace of Faith that has allowed all of your people and all of Central Europe to continue forward, in the spirit of perseverance and constancy.

So today I present Myself before you as the Virgin of Czestochowa, bringing the Child Jesus in My Arms so that He, from the bosom of His Purity, from the center of His Heart, may impart His Mercy on the whole Church of the world, and especially, on all the believers.

The healing of this planet is still necessary, and through your prayers and supplications, that spiritual healing can descend to humanity. That is why I am here, dear children, to remember once again the power of the Virgin of Czestochowa in all your homeland and in all your people, to remind you of the importance of this spiritual and divine icon, which unites many souls in the world, not only through your color or your race, but also through your souls; through the souls whom God has granted to be here to carry onward a part of His Divine Plan.

With this spirit, I invite you to the renovation of your Church and of your people, to the conservation of your culture, to have your faith expand, and thus the world receive a little more peace. Not only peace in hearts, but also in the nations that have need of the prayer of their beings, in order to be able to establish peace.

I invite you to take that step, dear children, to be able to conceive of the need of all humanity and the entire planet in your hearts, knowing that you are a single civilization that needs to be reborn not only in the life of the spirit, but also in material life, through works of service and unconditional charity.

I want Poland to carry this working spirit to the world, to teach other peoples how to be reborn in the spirit of faith and of devotion, because there are many nations that have need of this in order to be able to continue forward spiritually, to be able to establish the Designs of God in their Kingdoms, in their culture, and their people.

With that love that My Heart brings you today, I invite you to the renewal of your commitment with Me, because I will always be the Mother of your Homeland; I will always be the Light for your hearts; a Light that will lead you to Christ, My beloved Son, so that you may enter into communion with His Divine Consciousness and always receive the blessing of His Spirit knowing that it is necessary, My children, to wake up the gifts and talents in your heart, essential attributes that Christ will need from you to prepare for His second return to humanity in this part of the world.

That is why I want to always have you in My Arms, My children, just like Jesus, so that you may feel the beating of My Maternal Heart; so that you may feel the joy of My Spirit and the gladness of My Soul for being close to My Children, not only of Poland, but also of the entire world.

Through the Virgin of Czestochowa, I come to unite all cultures and all peoples, so that each nation may continue to know me as their Mother and their Patroness, because in that way, with the devotion of My children, I will be able to continue interceding not only for Poland, but also throughout Central Europe.

I invite you to follow in the footsteps of the Redeemer. Slovakia is a country that needs a miraculous healing, especially in its spirit; that's why I invite you to follow Christ, so that His works may manifest in the world through your collaboration and your cooperation with this Work, which on the inner planes builds Cathedrals of Light where souls can take refuge to meet again with the Celestial Father.

I want to bring you back to God, reconciled by His Grace and blessed by His Mercy, so that this same Grace and Mercy may reach the souls that most need to awaken in this part of Europe.

Through the Lady of Czestochowa, I bring you the Wisdom of God necessary for these critical times, essential in the essence of all souls, so that the nations of the world, after all they have lived, learn to make correct and wise decisions that contribute with the solidarity and the good of souls, rather than with exploitation or slavery.

That renewal, through the Wisdom that the Virgin of Czestochowa brings you today, will happen in simple hearts, will take place in humble souls, will reverberate in meek hearts.

This is the promise that I bring for your people; and this promise, which hopes to descend to the world and become live in hearts, is a reason for the visit of My Beloved Son to the Homeland of Slovakia, so that more spiritual and inner values ​​may be recovered.

Again I say to you, my children: follow the footsteps of Christ to rediscover the Path to the Celestial Father.

May the spirit of the faith of Poland always be preserved; may the spirit of the devotion of Poland one day become eternal, so that souls may be carried to God and feel the Mercy of the Celestial Father. A Mercy that restores souls, a Mercy that restores hearts, a Mercy that submerges nations in the ocean of the Compassion of God and in the Spirit of His Pity.

May these Gifts of the Spirit, which should continue to be cultivated by Poland as a people, awaken new vocations to the life of Christ and especially to the Spirit of Sanctity, which will make it possible to change the world thanks to the souls that renounce their self to live in God and fulfill His Will, just like all the Saints who fulfilled it throughout time.

Today, at My side I am accompanied by Saint John Paul II, and as He has always done with all of humanity, in a simple but true way, today He will give you His Blessing, in the name of the Virgin of Czestochowa.

John Paul II says: "May God always give you Goodness and Charity so that you may know the imperious spirit of His Mercy and so that the Fount that pours out of the Heart of Christ may bathe all creatures of the Earth, so that they may reach the Celestial happiness and the Inner Union with the Divine and Sublime Son.

May the powers of the Grace of Christ, may the inexhaustible spring of his Mercy, descend upon Poland and all of Central Europe, and in this way, the Grace of Redemption be established.

So be it".

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Let us continue walking for Peace, so that Peace may be established on Earth and in all humankind. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this world for those who do not deserve My Grace.

Today, may those who are tired come to My feet. May those who can no longer bear their miseries come to My feet; those who have not yet found the way out to experience their sacred transformation.

I cannot have near Me those who do not experience gratitude, consideration for their neighbor, nor a perfect union with the magnificent Work of God.

God asks you for simple things, but also very significant.

While the world is in agony, I come for those who really live in despair, experience the terror of these times, persecution, exile, hunger, illness and the catastrophes of the world.

I come tonight, for the United States. I come for my brave hearts of North America; for those who have had faith in My Grace and for those who persevered in prayer of the heart, in spite of what this nation was experiencing in these times.

I again wish, dear children, with your help and collaboration, to return to the United States, to again bring to My Immaculate Heart all those who have need Me, those who follow My steps and who in these times experience their unknown purification, without knowing how to step out of themselves and sometimes without finding the path of light, which can take them into the healing of their wounds, of their errors, of all their misunderstandings.

Today, I come for the regions of the world that experience the planetary turmoil, the world disorder, and the lack of fraternity and charity among human beings.

Today, My children, I come in truth for those most in need. You here have received many graces, more than you deserved. I am being sincere and fair, just as My Father and your God has requested. I have to be true, dear children, honest with all of you, so that you may grow from the love of your hearts, through an act of bravery and of courage, of releasing your resistances and forms, for all those children in the world who have no peace, who cannot find serenity, who have no home, not even a country where they can place their feet.

I invite you, dear children, with the maternal honesty of My Heart, to finally come out of yourselves, thereby greatly helping to free My Heart, and I will have a place and space to be able to endure the true planetary suffering, rather than your small and insignificant sufferings.

I invite you, dear children, to open the eyes of your soul, to look at the horizon and see around you the abysses that the planet and its humanity experience. I have invited you throughout time to accompany me in a planetary work rather than in a domestic work, so that your consciousnesses may expand through this Work and reach great spheres of consciousness, so that you may be able to understand a little more, every day, of the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Today, souls that cannot take their steps distress Me, because in truth they can take them, by means of this Sacred Center and this group and communal life. All the keys to all the doors exist for being able to transcend the human condition. 

During a full year, My beloved Son gave you the experience of Saint Joseph. And this beloved instructor of souls gave completely of Himself to you so that you could be like Him in the simple and humble example of His consciousness, and especially by means of His messages, so that your lives could be the testimony of Saint Joseph.

Where are these teachings? What repercussion have they had in your lives?

Do not lose the keys of Heaven. Do not waste the treasures of Heaven, because in the Universe nothing is wasted, everything is transformed until it reaches the true Light, conversion and redemption.

I no longer come to call the usual children. You are already adults in My Maternal Presence.

Do not use up your time in unnecessary things that may crystallize your spirits and all your consciousnesses, for the simple fact of not wanting to take the step.

Just as we thank you for everything that you have made possible for Our Sacred Hearts, for this mission of peace in the world, we must also correct you, although there may be greater resistance, because we want, we aspire and we beg Our Creator Father that you always continue on the same path, without deviating from the paths of Christ for such petty things.

The world is suffering and needs help. Souls are experiencing chaos, floods, catastrophes, the lack of hope and of faith, as the United States has experienced.

I will go to those children who do not yet accept Me, because they do not truly know love. I will go to those children who are in the United States waiting for Me with open hearts and an unknown hope, those who have opened the door so that I may return, until I conquer each sinning heart and have them change through the Love of My Son, an infinite and invincible Love.

I do not want you to feel anxious, nor that you experience any regret. I need you to truly grow, and not only inwardly but also externally. That you are able to show My beloved Son that you have understood His instructions and that you make an effort every day to be very like Saint Joseph.

Now is the test that each one of you must go through. Saint Joseph explained the details to you thoughout an entire year, about the simple path of inner transformation. If this Plan of Love, that the Sacred Hearts bring, does not bring about results within you, what will happen to humanity? Who will testify to Our Presence? Who will be a participant in their own redemption?

Meditate on the messages and live them because, in this way, you will show God that My words did not reach you in vain.

We are in a time of great demands, in which the greatest part of darkness reigns upon the planet and thousands of souls are led to perdition, minute after minute, second by second.

My Son, tonight, has asked Me to be clear with you, without any restriction, because I love you so much that I wish the good for your souls, and that this good may be achieved even in the smallest details.

Never boast again. Never seek inner self-realization again. Experience the desert that God presents to you because, in this way, Our hands will never be separated from your hands and you will be guided toward the end of the desert, towards the Portal of the Heart of God.

We need you to be what you can be, but for real; because this will free you from all of your limitations, from all your imperfections, from everything that resists and still does not want to change.

You already have enough of My Love to transform your lives in the Sacred Tabernacle, where the Heart of My Son will be placed so as to illuminate and transmute the abysses of the Earth.

That is all I want to tell you, with the sincerity of My maternal Heart, aspiring that someday you will much more greatly understand the spirit of My words, the meaning of My message, the intention of My consciousness for each one of you, without doing any harm.

Fill My eyes with joy and no longer with sadness. Fill My face with light and no longer with dismay, because I already have enough of it with the world, which turns its back to me and does not accept My Love.

You are part of My Love and I need you free of your own resistances, of your own fears, of your constant difficulties, so that you may soon find Christ within you and thus He may be able to carry out His Work, the Work that is so expected.

Let us continue praying to God so that you may be aware of the planetary reality and less of yourselves. Because while you are here, beloved children, the children all over the world are exploited, such small children are sold and women in the world abort what God gave them with so much love.

Who will be responsible for this planetary debt? Who will present themselves before the Creator to ask for an opportunity and an incalculable Grace?

Although it does not seem so, this is My mission, and I need you to be transparent, real, sincere with one another, free of lies, of illusions and of all pride; because being free of everything, with His eyes of Mercy, God will see that His most cherished treasures of Heaven have not gone astray within their hearts, nor in their lives.

I invite you to reflect, to understand with the wisdom of the heart,  in which you are present, in which Work you are participating; because on the day of the Final Judgment, dear children, you and your guardian angels must declare everything that you have received, and what you have done with those most precious treasures.

I bring you consciousness so that you may grow and mature quickly. This Work cannot be carried out with immature consciousnesses, only with true souls, true of heart, in spite of their imperfections; because in this time I come to seek the good that dwells in your consciousnesses, rather than your obstacles. If you prevent me, even if only in a small detail, I will not be able to place My Scepter of Light upon you, and My Celestial Government, which is part of the Government of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, will have restrictions for proceeding in humanity.

Now, do you understand, dear children, the difference between being within My Heart or outside of It? A simple divergent step could change the events. Watch your walking and you will realize how your attitudes are and what your responsibility  is before the Plan of the Creator.

To be able to continue with My Work on this surface, I need you to be decided. My beloved Son can no longer accept lukewarm hearts because, otherwise, His Work would never be fulfilled.

Reflect and meditate before everything happens. The world is in flames and many are being burned without even perceiving it. 

It is time to work for a Plan of Love that is possible for all and especially for those who will be farthest from God.

This is the Law that I present to you today: "Love one another," just as My Son said, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

Remember that your freedom is respected in this Universe. As I said to you today, the decision is in your hands.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Place your gaze upon My Heart so that you may find the Universe of My Peace.

On this day I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, who takes care of religious life and also of the evolution of souls.

For this reason, I have come today with the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you may feel encouraged to enter into it and confidently feel your true origin.

This is the House of the Father, where everything is created and recreated.

This is the plane and the dimension where everything exists and nothing is separate; because here, in this place, the Primordial Source arises from where this entire Universe that was created has come, from the moment in which the Father emitted His Thought and His Feeling of Love so that everything would exist, as well as His creatures, so similar to His Divine Consciousness.

It is from this Higher Heaven that I come today as Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel, to strengthen the spirituality of souls.

Today I show Myself like this, before your inner eyes and before your hearts, so that you may see that something greater exists, and which is unknown to many.

In this place is also Christ, your Lord, your Master and Sovereign.

From there, with the Laws of the Father, He rules the Universes and commands them, so that fraternity, love and unity may exist.

Into this Heaven, not all can enter, but there are other Heavens that are open to receive you.

I show you this Heaven from where I come today, because it is where I will take those to whom I have appeared through this Work, so that together with Me, and in the next world that will not be material, they may continue to serve Me and may continue to respond to the call, which is not only for the future humanity, for the next humanity, for the next race, but also for everything that will come afterwards, for this Universe and beyond it.

Each one of the souls has a place in Heaven, which it must conquer with its sacrifice, with its surrender, with its renunciation and above all, with prayer.

If these foundations do not exist in your lives, how will you be able to enter into these Heavens, where your spiritual and infinite life will continue together with the blessed angels, together with the Sacred Hearts, which from this place cry out to the Father for a greater Grace for humanity?

Even though, to many, it may seem that many things do not make sense in this material life, or that it does not matter if they are lived or experienced as sacrifice and surrender, today I tell you, dear children, that all of this is very important to God; because it is the testimony and the way for you to pay for your debts of the past, and that through the Divine Mercy that arises from this Primordial Source, you may be able to enter, in the next world, the Universes that I offer you today with so much mercy, grace, and love.

Today, everything that surrounds My celestial aura is sublime and infinite, it is cosmic and higher, because in this place equality, justice, brotherhood, and equilibrium are lived.

Everything is in its place, so as to be able to awaken and evolve, just as God thinks and feels it. But the world and humanity have their gaze placed upon other things, and the time of definition is approaching, and it will depend on each one of My children for them to be able to take this great step towards their spiritual mission and towards their path, which will continue in the stars.

Meanwhile, I come to you to call you, so that you may follow Me in trust and faith, because in this way, on the inner planes I will be able to call all of humanity, and above all, the part that is most asleep and far from God, without knowing true love, true existence, and the true meaning of being incarnated in this time and in this final cycle.

All the tests that you go through will strengthen you.

All the difficulties that you experience will make you grow, so that you may be able to find the path and the meaning for responding to something greater and sublime.

From this place whence I come today, from one of the seven Heavens of the Creator, I come to call you so that you are able to expand the consciousness of your charity and service to others, because it is necessary to help a world that suffers and is in agony day after day.

I come to teach you to generate, through good examples rather than through resistances, the necessary merits to be able to enter into the Universes that God hopes so much for in the next world.

Quickly acquire a spirit of charity and service to others, and  learn, in these times, to take care of the Work of God in all details, because each thing that you do in this time will have great influences in the Plan.

Help the destiny of this Plan to be fulfilled as it is thought.

Help yourselves so that the Plan can be concretized.

In this Universe where I come from today, many things happen that are unknown to the  conscious humanity.

Here are kept projects, ideas, and treasures that the Creator emanates directly from His Source, in a permanent and continuous way.

I am talking to you about the designs that are born of His Eternal Heart, so that in all the manifestations of His Creation they can be fulfilled, and the souls may finally come know the essence of Love, which in this time they must conquer with effort and sacrifice.

This, at least, however simple it may seem, will make of this humanity a redeemable humanity; it will generate a possibility for new Laws of the Universe to be able to act in an infernal and indifferent world.

But in spite of everything, dear children, My Heart is untiring, My patience is infinite, and My purpose for you is even greater, and I work for this.

I wish My words would not pass, as other words or other messages have passed.

I need you to internalize My messages and to be able to understand, through your hearts, all the symbols that I reveal to you, because in this way, you will be consciously prepared to see the signs that the Universe will show in a short time.

And in spite of this, the planet will not stop suffering.

I need My servants and the apostles of Christ to be responsive to each need that presents itself in these times, no matter how simple it may seem. If you do not do it, dear children, you will not be growing inwardly, but rather will be evolutionarily stagnating.

And you must continue growing to be able to embrace new principles and new purposes that God will show you in the coming years.

Your lives are no longer your lives; your paths are no longer your paths; your decisions are no longer your decisions.

Learn to be in Christ, for Him to be able to be in you, and thus act. And be aware, be discerning, and have the wisdom not to make mistakes or err.

I invite you to be stewards of an unknown Purpose.

I invite you to be the pillars of an infinite Work, that does not only begin and end in an apparition, in a message, or in the liberation of a region, of a country, of a people, of suffering, or of a culture.

With the bases of Instruction that you have received in the last thirty years and in the recent times, I need you to be able to act just as God needs it.

The demand will be greater, but the consolation will be very great.

My Immaculate Heart will be the fortitude of those who are consistent, of those who say "yes" without thinking about it so much, and of those who respond spontaneously, without any resistance to live that which is new, renewing and transforming.

I wish you would receive in your hearts the Designs of God, just as My Immaculate Heart receives them at this time, as the Sacred Lady of Mount Carmel, who again gives you the symbol of the scapular of peace, so that souls may have on their bodies the union between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, between this Universe and Paradise.

you may have the mysteries of the Infinite, of the Universe that holds you and will always hold you, as your strength for the tests that will come,  because they are supported by the Faith and the Hope of God Himself, your Creator Father.

I come to prepare you for a time in which My voice will no longer sound upon the world, but the echo of My words must be inside of you.

Everything that I have said to you throughout these years and that I will say the years that will come must remain imprinted in your consciousnesses and reflected in your lives as pure and simple actions, of hearts that are awake to fulfill the Plan of God.

Many want to find the Celestial Mysteries only with the research of the mind, but forget about the simplicity of the heart, of building this path with the stairway of a true prayer, of service to the neighbor, of the understanding the miseries of their brothers and sisters, to heal in oneself that which they expect to see healed in others.

deeper mission, in which I will conduct the human consciousness to unknown Universes.

the symbols that will manifest in the future, in order to dissipate the disbelief of hearts and so that you are be able to guide others in the moment when everything may happen.

Today, My children, as Our Lady of Carmel, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lady and Mother of all consecrated spirits, I grant a special Grace to all My religious children of this world, so that they may be liberated from the atavisms of the past and that their consecration may be real; so that all of the brotherhoods, monasteries, convents, temples, in real union with God, may become these pillars of light that will sustain the world, and that the Truth may be lived there, rather than human mediocrity.

in a near future, face to Face, without guilt or fear, for not having done what He expected of His companions.


Like a flower of peace, I descend to the world to bring peace and unity among peoples and nations.

The Heart of God is wounded on seeing some nations divided, in which My adversary works, bringing worry and horror to hearts. But do not forget that I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of all that is possible and impossible.

I am the advocate of this world and for all, I bring the reconciliation that you will still have to experience in these times.

My Heart is pleased on seeing your praying hearts, for it finds in them a refuge, a breath of peace to continue onward, carrying out My Work in the world in the hearts that most need it.

Today I am the Queen of Peace before your hearts, but I am also your Mother of Guadalupe. And I come to request, on this day, that this same Altar, blessed today by My Grace, remain present for the next meetings that will take place here with My Immaculate Heart.

For in this way, dear children, through the testimony that I have given you by means of the Virgin of Guadalupe, all the codes that are kept in My Face will be reactivated again in this time, so that your hearts and the hearts of the world may receive the codes of My celestial Light, which will gradually form the new race.

Today I come with this special request, because in your inner worlds, the hands that prepared this Altar, the hearts that gave of themselves to make it beautiful, have understood My primary petition, which is to reach those places, those peoples in which I am still not present in spirit or in divinity.

It will be through your arms and your hands, dear children, through the prayer of the heart, such as you have practiced today, that I will be able to reach those who most suffer and are in need in this time.

Here you are in a celestial paradise, because the sacred light of the Hierarchies interpenetrates each one of these spaces. So, dear children, you lack nothing. But have you asked yourselves at some point in your prayer: how many lack peace?, how many lack spiritual life?, how many lack healing, and mainly, food for their body?

The world is still divided; it does not want to hear the Voice of the Messengers of God.

The Americas must be consecrated as this new Eden and it will be through your works of peace and of charity that this will be able to happen, the charity of being able to collaborate with what is important for God and of contributing to this Plan of Redemption for the planet.

Through My Heart I come to open your pockets, because I know that you can give Me everything in this end time.

My great miracle of love is that I am present among you, instructing you, while My Son and My Father allow it.

For this reason, dear children, I come to open the flows of the love of your hearts, because in truth, it is the heart that gives of itself to God rather than the coin.

It is from your hearts that will be set forth the impulse to experience fraternal charity for your neighbor, and especially for those nations in the world that need to strengthen their peace, live in My Grace and in the Mercy of the Father.

Today My Son especially sends Me to give you this message, to deliver this request to you. Because it is important, dear children, that the Plans of My Peace be fulfilled in the world.

Thus, I have also come today to ask you, dear children, to reactivate the Campaign for Peace, that in your hearts and in all places this campaign for Central America and Mexico be expressed.

Spread My request to reach these nations and you will understand what I will do after some time, because there I will leave a Grace, the same Grace that you have received many times.

I invite you, dear children, to live in fraternity. I also invite you, dear children, to preserve these sacred lands with the gift of manifestation that they have, which the Eternal Father Himself has given you through Divine Providence.

So I invite you to be guardians of this Marian Center and each part of this Community, that they do not be in the hands of others, but rather in the Hands of God.

Again I tell you, dear children, that today I come to ask you and to invite you to live the giving of self, just as the Sacred Family lived in the beginning, giving everything they had, in each step of the Evangelization of My Son. Even when we took refuge in Egypt, without anything to carry, God Himself did not forsake us.

Whoever surrenders the things they have in hand will enter Heaven first, because in Heaven, they will not keep their material life. Material life is part of the evolution and the learning of consciousnesses. The life of the spirit is your sacred goal until the end of times, until you can achieve it, dear children.

Today I open My Heart and I expand it before you. And this invitation that today I extend to all is not only for those present here, but also in the world.

Thus, through the fulfilling of the Plans of God, you will be helping in the correction of the material and planetary imbalance, that the poorest receive what they need, and that the world come into balance through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart, of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We invite you, dear children, in this time to cross the threshold to detachment, so that you may experience the transcendence of self and the perfect union with the Laws of God.

We invite you, dear children, to seek inner balance so that planetary life may also come into balance.

Today, in your hearts, I find a willingness: of aspiring to comply with My call, of aspiring to comply with My requests in this new cycle for Central America and Mexico.

Today, dear children, I see you more open than at other times, to embrace other sister nations, so that you can definitely become constituted as the new race of humanity, and through your giving of self and your service, you can attract to yourselves the new principles that will reform the planet, that will transfigure the consciousness of humanity, and will sublimate the hearts that have still not achieved Light and Love.

Much love was poured out upon you, dear children, so that the manifestation of this sacred center could be present, love is in everything.

I invite you to penetrate the Mystery of the Love of God. In the Love of God, there is nothing for oneself, there is no property or control. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to seek freedom through the giving of self, to seek the freedom of your souls and of your consciousnesses, of knowing how to understand, above all things, that there is an infinite purpose that must be accomplished in this end time.

Remember that My last goal is to reach Australia to rescue My children of the native peoples, just as I have spiritually rescued many children through the pilgrimages.

Redouble your efforts and you will be able to see the Purpose of God manifest as healing in your lives and as redemption for your hearts.

It is in Divine Providence where you should live, so that the doors may be open to all those who come to find food for the body and the spirit.

Remember that through these years I am preparing you to live in the Islands of Salvation in this Plan of Rescue that begins to be postulated, that begins to show to all the consciousnesses of the world.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for Venezuela, so that its people and its nation may find the peace and the help of all nations, which it needs today.

Listen with the heart to what I am telling you. Your Heavenly Mother also suffers because of what She sees in Venezuela.

I invite you to transcend the indifference and open your hearts even more to those who will seek refuge from this exile that they are experiencing today, just like is happening in the Middle East.

I invite you to live in confraternity, in union with the Father and with all your spirits, so that the time of Redemption may thus be fulfilled.

This is all that I came to tell you today. I withdraw in peace, seeing your hearts receptive on receiving My sacred celestial call in your spirits.

I bless you with My Grace and I give you the impulse to continue onward so that you never forget My Greater Purpose, which is the triumph of My Heart in all of the Americas.

I thank you!


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear Children,

I wish to constitute here, in this place, a strong prayer group that prays for the whole European consciousness, especially for those who were immigrants through the ages.

I wish to constitute here a precious oratory dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, so that I may pour out Graces, not only in Brazil, but also in Europe. 

Assume, dear children, My Face of Our Lady of Guadalupe as the great teraphim of your lives, as the sacred icon for your hearts, by which, through My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to unite all continents and cultures, peoples and nations, by means of My Divine Mother Spirit. 

I also desire here, dear children, that you work extensively for your conversion; that your hearts be ignited through the flame of My Immaculate Heart; for thus, dear children, I will be able to have you all in My most pure Womb, I will be able to gestate new things for your lives and conquer your hearts thus fulfilling the request of God to manifest His Work, in these times, in all hearts not yet redeemed.

Dear children, open your arms so that the flame of My Love may penetrate your hearts. Feel the maternal warmth of My Heart that only wishes to embrace and console you, so that your feet may walk on the path that I offer you in these times, the great path of redemption and peace, which all hearts must contemplate in order to be filled with the great Heart of the Celestial Father.

The reason for My Presence in this place, dear children, is so that I may lead you to My Beloved Son, who waits for souls who can awaken to the path of Mercy that He also offers you at this time. 

Feel in your spirits the great celestial consolation that comes from the Heart of the Father and that today radiates throughout the universe and to all hearts open to receive this spiritual energy.

I also desire, dear children, that your lives be reeducated in the principles of the Holy Family, of kindness and charity, so that you, coming out of yourselves, may perceive how great is the need in these times; not only in this city that I visit today, but also in the whole world, where there are great planetary needs, mainly in the souls who suffer for those who do not serve God and who are asleep because of the illusions of this humanity. 

I come to open your eyes, the eyes of the heart and soul, so that you may participate with Me in this perfect unity with the Most Holy Trinity and thus your spirits, which today little by little awaken before My Presence, may receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and begin a new life in Christ, your Lord.


Sister Lucia de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I would like to reveal to you tonight the mysteries of My Immaculate Heart, mysteries that you must live in order to make life itself sacred.

Today, I come to this place, My children, so that humanity may understand that the errors of the past often remain in hearts throughout the centuries and do not receive the healing and liberation they need until the Mercy of God is poured out upon those hearts. 

The ignorance of My children, those who brought chaos and evil to so many hearts, to the native peoples, seeking to educate them in a culture they did not understand, still lives, My children, as a deep pain in the heart of this Earth. And the healing you need as humanity can still descend upon the world if your hearts become prayerful, servant, true before God.

Human consciousness, My beloved ones, is only one. Therefore, the devotion you have for My Immaculate Heart, in this place, can expand to many other hearts of the world, provided you unite your intentions to My Divine Intentions and truly walk for the manifestation of My Plan on this Earth.

The Creator sends Me to this world as His Servant to perpetuate the example of the Holy Family, so that you may never forget, My children, the principles which We gave you when We were in the world. 

My Holy Son Jesus showed you the example of surrender and self-giving. But, in the silence of Our Hearts, Saint Joseph and My Heart also gave you an example of life, of goodness, of fraternity; an example that you must live in these times to heal the degeneration of the human heart.

Children, while you are before Me, many are lost in ignorance, many throw themselves into the abysses of darkness and terror that human kind itself has opened in the planetary consciousness. 

I need, in these times, that your minds and hearts can be united to a Purpose greater than life itself; for in this way, My children, you will give true meaning to your existence in this world.

If you live to serve God and be a living manifestation of His Plans, you will be doing your part, you will be living fully the Divine Thought for this humanity. 

It all begins, My children, in the simple prayer of the heart. Then, little by little, I will guide you and you will be able to hear Me within each one of you, because every day I aspire for every soul on this Earth to hear the Voice of My Heart. 

But in order for you to hear Me, My children, you need to silence your own voice, your own will, your own aspiration, so that in this way, empty of self, you may listen to the Voice of God which is pronounced through His Servant.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children:

It is in this way, dear children, that I encourage you to the consecration of the heart, to prayerful life, to service and charity that must be life in your lives, for in this way you will please My Beloved Son who is inconsolable for this humanity.

Even when there are many mistakes, My Heart brings you Grace and the merciful opportunity to begin all over again every day, through faith and trust in God.

It is through My Presence, and in order to be here today, among you, that I activated the Divine Mirrors of My Consciousness so that the doors would open to this place in need of redemption; so that souls would be touched by My Most Holy Light, just as My Light touched many hearts throughout times.

I need you, dear children, in this city to pray the Rosary to My Immaculate Heart for the indigenous consciousness, to reverse the evils that happened throughout times, to balance the debts, to bring the Forgiveness of God to this humanity; as this nation, dear children, was always very colonized and that must end. 

Each nation must live its deep peace and that will begin in you when you begin the path of the prayer of the heart, which I come to lovingly offer you today. If you pray to My Immaculate Heart every day, whatever prayer you pray, I promise you, dear children, that everything will be healed in a short time and you will be reborn to the spirit, you will be reconciled with God the Father and thus reconcile all humanity. It is in this way that I come to form the armies of prayer, for it will be necessary, dear children, for you to be well prepared for the end of times.

Today, I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the times are no longer normal. Awaken to the call that comes through My Heart, for it is the Voice of God that is pronounced through My Spirit on this sacred night for each of you and your brothers and sisters.

Dear children, embrace with devotion all that I say to you, for it is your heart that will understand all things that are very immaterial.

Dear children, open your eyes and see the Light that descends from the universe, the rays of My Grace that approach you seeking a profound awakening of your consciousness. 

In this way, beloved children, I invite you to leave comfort, to enter the path of service to your fellow beings. There, you will find mercy in your lives, the healing of your souls and families, the rebirth of the Spirit of God in your hearts.

To give testimony to all these things I tell you today, dear children, I invite you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart. Therefore, through this sacred altar that you have offered Me and all the images that you have placed at the foot of My altar, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who tonight will commit themselves to Me to pray for peace until the end of time.

On this night, dear children, may the Solar Heart bless you. My Immaculate Heart, radiate the rays of the Sun of the Universe so that your spirits may gather in this blessed mission for peace in the world.

Now, as pilgrims who follow the path of Christ, Our Lord, I invite those to approach who today will consecrate themselves and place themselves at the foot of this altar, not only as souls, but as flames of My Heart that are re-ignited by the action of My Grace, by the triumph of the Mercy of God in the self-summoned hearts to serve Me.

In each new consecration, hearts are renewed and it is a major opportunity for all hearts that have consecrated themselves as Children of Mary to reaffirm their vows with Me and to live, in this final time, My great project for peace.

Come closer, dear children, to feel the consolation of My Immaculate Heart which will bless you in this task of praying for this city, for the entire European consciousness, so that redemption may be instituted in humanity.

Now that you are here, place your hands on your heart and feel My Immaculate Heart that embraces you tightly and unites you to the Love of God.

In this consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, feel the embrace of the angels, the song of the blessed ones and of all beings of good will who, in this hour and through this meeting, unite themselves to My Heart of Light.

See within yourselves how the profound essence of your beings is reignited, the original purity of Lys in your lives.

Repeat after Me, dear children:

O My God, 
I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee.
And I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.
(three times)

All the Children of Mary are mirrors of prayer, reflections of My Presence in the world, divine sparks of the Spirit of God that are reignited to give testimony of the Return of Christ to humanity.

Contemplate that mystery at this time and in every moment of your prayer. 

Remember every day that My Son is returning and I gather His flocks scattered throughout the world to reawaken to the Sacred Call of God, to His evolutionary Plan for this end time. 

With your hands upon your hearts, I bring down upon you, dear children, the divine blessing of the Father so that, united with Him, you may always remember that His Mercy is infinite and His Light is invincible.

Now, I will pray for you.

I consecrate you, dear children, and I renew you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now, may your voices, also consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, sing the hymn of your consecration so that the Angels of Heaven may raise the offer to the Universe of God, in union with your Guardian Angels for the thousand years of peace.

Today, dear children, you will receive a flower from this altar as a testimony of My Love for you and My devotion for all souls of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call! 

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of good will. 

So be it. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:

Today, Mary, through Her Face of the Queen of Peace, did a task between Europe and South America, liberating some things from the consciousness of the planet, especially what happened between the indigenous consciousness and the colonizers. And you may ask how did that happen? 

Our Divine Mother is also omnipresent and Her Motherly Love embraces many things. Her motherly work has been going on throughout the ages. 

At one moment of the Apparition, Mary showed herself as Our Lady of Guadalupe so that in our consciousness and, especially, in our hearts, that image will be kept, which is still valid today, because She said that the Lady of Guadalupe is the one who unites peoples, cultures and nations through love.

So, this Message is also for you, so that those of you who are in this city, when you do your prayer work, alone or in groups, remember Our Lady of Guadalupe; so that in this way, we can all heal ourselves spiritually and help our Divine Mother so that her Peace may be established, not only in Brazil, but also in the world.

We want to thank everyone for your presence and all those who accompanied us through the live transmission.

And now, let us thank our Divine Mother for this meeting.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for for all that You give us!


I am the Rose of Peace, the One who in these end times offers you the purest that there is in God's Creation. 

This rose that emerges from My Immaculate Heart represents My Divine Purity, which I have offered you throughout this last year, so that you may learn, My children, to dwell in My Divine Purity and to live peace, despite all the conflicts that take place in this world.

In this last year, many of My children have awakened, others have matured and I hope, My beloved ones, that you will continue to grow in spirit, in consciousness, to represent the Plan of God when His Messengers can no longer be here as they are today.

Your Heavenly Father sent His Servant, His Most Chaste Servant and His Son to the world so that they could place upon the human consciousness what it must manifest in these times, which is perfect union with God, absolute peace, the unbreakable fortitude that remains in love, unity and fraternity, regardless of the great corruptions in the consciousness of this world.

I come to the world, My beloved ones, to make each one of you a forerunner of My Peace; may you multiply the Peace that I have brought you so that, in this way, those who do not know Me and who have not stood before Me can feel My Presence through the radiance of their hearts.

Today I come to synthesize in your spirits all the impulses and instructions that I have given you over the last year, so that you may reflect and meditate deeply upon this Grace that you have received as humanity. 

Have you asked yourselves, my children, why I have returned to the world for another year? Why do I not give up on your hearts? Have you tried to feel within yourselves the greatness of this Love that makes Me come to the world again and again, despite the indifference of souls, the blindness of hearts?

I trust, My children, in the potential of the human heart to love, because My Heart was once made of flesh, it once pulsed on this Earth as a living, material Heart. That is why I know the greatness of the Love that can flow from the human heart, which is hidden under seven keys.

I come to bring out that Love that you have never been able to express, whether out of fear, shame or pride. I come to invite you to service, to fraternal and Christic charity, which draws from your beings and brings to light that potential which you must manifest.

Charity, My children, when lived fully, allows the soul to express itself just as the Creator thought it would in the beginning. This is why I urge you again and again to continue serving. That is why, while My missionaries are in Turkey, I never cease to accompany them even for a single moment, because this love that arises in service is unique and must multiply and grow ever more. 

May the experience of these brothers and sisters of yours serve as an example for everyone, for everyone who aspires to live love, everyone who aspires to manifest the Plan of God on Earth. May it not be necessary, children, for Me to send all of you to the East, because that would not be possible; but I can send your hearts, which transcend borders, barriers, differences, which transcend cultures, religions, because they are in God, who is perfect Unity.

It is through the heart that you must unite with all of humanity, with all the Kingdoms of Nature, you must trust in the potential of love that exists within each one of you, because it is there, waiting to emerge at this time.

As I have told you today, My beloved ones, all the evil and terror that oppress the world today are allowed by God so that your consciences can learn to love and, with greater power than evil, balance out this terror that is happening in the world.

Love from the heart, truly, without judgment. Let go of the fear of loving, set out on this discovery of finding love within your hearts, because I tell you that very few know how to truly love. 

What you feel in your little hearts is still not yet the love that God expects. The Lord expects you to love with madness, to transcend the limits of your surrender, your imperfections, your faults and to love just as you are. Trust in the perfection of God that dwells within you, trust that love transforms everything and that this phrase is not just a theory, but a truth. 

Think of the Cross of Christ, of My Son scourged, crucified, pouring out Blood and Water from His Side, thus transforming the hearts of all men and the destiny of this humanity, as well as of this planet. It is this perfect Love that I offer you to live; but for this it is necessary that you accept the Chalice that the Lord gives you, that you embrace this cross, the cross of sacrifice, of self-giving, of perpetual prayer, of transmutation, of the permanent effort to seek God.

Children, Jesus never complained about the Cross that God placed on His Back; He embraced it firmly, because He knew that His Father's victory would be granted to the world through His sacrifice.

Today I tell you that if you live the sacrifice with love, if you renounce the comforts of this world, if you renounce your opinions and endless desires, God's victory can be a reality on this planet and beyond it. It can be a reality for the universe, which has long awaited for the manifestation of this Plan, which has long awaited for humanity to be able to express itself with perfection, just as God thought and announced to the cosmos in the beginning.

When God thought of humanity, the whole universe rejoiced, and joy shone again in the hearts of creatures who had known fear, because they had known the lack of love, which had also begun to exist in some other civilizations of this universe. The Human Project was the hope for the entire cosmos, which has waited expectantly until today for the  victory of God in the human heart.

Today, children, this planet has become a dark spot in Divine Creation, because evil, which should drive you to experience love, which should be transcended by the bravery of your hearts, has now taken over the vast majority of souls who inhabit the Earth. But it is not impossible to convert this situation, because the Law is for the Plan of God to be fulfilled, the Law is for Love to triumph, the Law is for you to be able to live just as in the  perfect Thought of God.

If you believe in My Presence, if you have faith that I am before you, believe, children, when I tell you that God dwells in your essences, because those essences are part of His Divine Consciousness. Speak to God within you, discover this perfect unity that exists between creatures and their Creator, unveil this mystery of unity that humanity can live with God. 

Do not allow, My beloveds, this unique opportunity in the universe to unite with God and experience His Love to be wasted due to the distraction of hearts, by indifference, by the pride that the enemy stimulates day by day in the consciousness of all human beings.

I come to the world to lead you to truth, to consecration, to awaken the divine potential within your cells, within your essences, in your consciousnesses.

Therefore, at least for a few moments every day, be able to abstract yourselves from material things and from all the worries that life in this world brings you, to contemplate God hidden in your essences, to think about Higher Life, to listen to your souls, to allow yourselves to feel the divine aspiration of each one of them, to listen to your guardian angels, who are always trying to tell you the path to follow.

When you pray, pray with them and listen to them. If you feel lost, let your guardian angels guide you. They are part of Divine Creation and carry in their heavenly hearts the Purpose of God for each one of you, and at all times they are trying to reveal that Purpose to you so that you can live it fully.

When you hear My Words, My children, may your hearts be impelled to take a definitive step. However small it may be, let it be true, sincere, because it is with small, consolidated steps that you can grow and evolve, that you can build the fortress that the Creator hopes will be built to shelter others, who at the end of time will have nowhere else to turn.

Just as today I open My Arms towards the Earth and welcome your imperfections in order to transform them into the Source of My Love, I also hope, My children, that when you meet a brother or sister who needs your help, you will open your arms and welcome him or her regardless of the miseries and imperfections of those hearts, because all the love I have given you must be multiplied. May the gifts given by the Mother of the World not remain within you, but may they flow through the world and even the universes, announcing the triumph of God in the human heart.

That is why, this evening, I am calling to My encounter those of My children who are already multiplying My Graces for those who need them most, but who will have to multiply them even more, because by consecrating themselves to My Immaculate Heart, they will be making a commitment to Me, a commitment to live their faith and to proclaim it every day, without fear, without conditions.

To these children of Mine who are consecrating themselves today, I will especially call you to serve and to live your consecration to my Immaculate Heart through service to those who need it most.

From you, My children, I will expect perpetual charity, so that I can pour out through your hands My Divine Pity, which I poured out on the Cross when I received My Divine Son into My Arms.

When you serve, remember the Cross of Christ, remember My Pity, remember that I want to multiply it through your little hearts. I also say this to all the Children of Mary, those who have consecrated themselves and those who will consecrate themselves, that they must carry My Divine Mercy in their hands. May they be merciful and may they try every day to be a little more fraternal, so that they may be worthy of the Mantle they wear on their bodies. 

Remember, My children, that when you put on this symbol that I have given you, you are consciously entering under My Mantle. I am supporting all your actions, your words, your thoughts and your feelings. Remember that you will be living under My Mantle, that I will be supporting you and also observing you every day, so that you may grow and respond to God's Plan as He expects.

When you are facing any difficulty, just feel My Mantle over you, remember that you are part of a great network, a great Celestial Mantle that expands throughout the whole world.

Strengthen yourselves in union with one another, because by consecrating yourselves as Children of Mary, you are entering into a single consciousness, represented by all My Children, this army of Love that I am forming on Earth so that it may have its reflection in the universe.

Therefore strengthen one another. Share among yourselves moments of prayer and service, moments of surrender, of studying My Words, as well as the Words of My Son and of Saint Joseph Most Chaste.

Allow, My children, that your consciousnesses continue to grow, mature and deepen in your own surrender. Spread My call, My Words, My Presence. Announce to the world that the Divine Mercy of Christ is still being poured out on humanity.

I hope to find you in Sacred Week sitting at My Son's table, receiving from Him the unique gifts and donations for humanity. Our Lord is trying to build that fortress in you so that you can recognize Him when He returns to the world, so that you can gather His flocks, lost among chaos and evil, so that you can follow Him and proclaim His Return and His Divine Mercy, which will return to establish peace, when the Justice of God has already descended upon this world.

This Sacred Week, My children, is not a simple moment with Christ. You will be in front of the King of the Universe, the same one who one day put His Feet on Earth and announced that He was the Son of God, the same one who perpetuated His surrender and who for more than two thousand years has been converting souls through His Eternal Presence, not only in the Sacred Books, but in the Eucharist and in every heart that can be true and that unites with its neighbor so that, with two or more, they can open the doors of Heaven for His descent.

This Sacred Week, you must live it not only for yourselves, but for humanity, for the triumph of the Plan of God, which must be realized in the human heart as in all the Kingdoms of Nature.

May you be here as soldiers of Christ, as His apostles, to allow yourselves to be formed and transformed by Him, to be forged in the Fire of His Love and so that all creatures who come close to you may recognize the Presence of Christ, recognize that your testimony is true and be touched by the faith of their hearts, to awaken to the truth.

I leave you, my children, this summons to respond to the Call of the Lord, Who is making His Voice echo in your little hearts.

Tonight I will bless you and consecrate you, especially these little ones of Mine who today kneel at My altar, in the hope of finding peace and a purpose for their lives; in the hope of becoming true apostles of Christ, and you will do so, because My Love will impel you, and whenever you are true in your surrender and in your consecration, My Love and My Presence will be among you.

I consecrate you and bless you by the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May you go in peace and bring My Peace to the whole world.

I thank you.

To say goodbye to Me, sing “Immaculate Lady of Peace” and enter into My Heart as humanity, so that in this way I can also lift up the souls who need My maternal help tonight, who need My protection and My consolation.

Lift up into My Arms, My children, those of your brothers and sisters who need it most. I hear you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

While the world celebrates a night of Light, the darkness celebrates a night of shadows, but My Immaculate Heart will triumph so the Word of God may reverberate on Earth.

In this meeting today, dear children, I invite you to a true conversion. Let your hearts definitely open to My call so that I, through My hands, may untie the knots in your lives.

Convert to My Son, dear children, for in this way, you will help humanity to convert. While the Light of the Kingdom of God descends over the world on this night, My Heart proclaims the grandeur of the Celestial Kingdom.

Angels and Archangels congregate for an important mission, the Hosts of Emmanuel descend to Earth in order to liberate the earthly purgatory and all those who have condemned themselves, throughout time, to suffering and perdition, to the absence of the soul and love, to the lack of faith in God.

For this reason, the Most Holy and Powerful Mother, Who announces Herself on this night to you, brings you the great Star of Fraternity, the one which perpetually illuminated the universe and the Earth during three consecutive days in the celestial spheres of Bethlehem.

Thus, receive this symbol of confraternity so that it may be sown in your hearts and you may definitely become great suns on Earth. On this night, I have need of warriors for these definitive times. Do not waste time in conflicts, in disharmonies, in disputes; open your hearts to redemption.

The Perpetual Flame of God desires to deeply enter into your lives; thus, My Heart draws close to your hearts so you may feel the same palpitation of My maternal Light, which comes to help you, assist you and protect you in this end time.

Walk together, dear children, and carry out the proclamation of Love.

Announce to the world that I have come here, just as I have come to Medjugorje.

On these very special dates, dear children, there is a great confrontation between the Light and evil. The game is being played on the board: who will define themselves?, who will follow in My footsteps?, who will see the Light of the beyond to be able to receive God in their heart?

My Son ardently waits for the new apostles to be able to seal, in your essences, the energy of Christification, which will deeply transform you from one day to the other, overnight; so you may wake up to the new and the real, to that so perfect design which exists in the Kingdoms of God, which is unknown to many because they have disconnected from the true reality.

Thus, on this night, I come to meet you, in My Maternal Heart receiving your pleas and your intentions.

Dear children, it is truly time to awaken. The Lord wants to gather together all His flocks, for the enemy has made sure to separate you through differences and ideas that each of My children has on the Truth.

For this reason, I invite you, dear children, especially all the blessed families who are today united with Me in the depth of the heart and the spirit, to perform a true consecration, so that God may receive in His Kingdom this great offering, which all can make in this very definitive time.

Today, My Immaculate Heart shines forth. The great Star of Bethlehem reverberates in the subtle universe, sending its codes of Light to all those who may want to receive them.

Dear children, the universe and the Earth commune on this night through the Birth of My Son and the coming of My Immaculate Heart into your lives.

My Son hopes that you can really take the steps. But each one of you will know before God what you can give Me; with Grace and joy, I receive all your offerings.

Today I bring you a faithful example of My spiritual Marian task, which I have been doing throughout these years, walking by the side of My children, of the pilgrims who seek the Light of the Father in this time of darkness. But fear not, beloved children, the Light will prevail as long as you believe in it; it has an invincible power because it is an emanation of the Source of God.

Connect every day with the Highest through prayer, service and charity. God expects the best results from you on this pilgrim path, which after this life will definitely take you to Paradise.

You need to work, during this time, beloved children, for the next world that awaits you. There is nothing else to do on this Earth only pray and pray with the heart.

Open the doors to receive My Son. He waits to be truly born in you, so you can come out of yourselves and that now, at this time, redemption may reign, the infinite path to peace.

Thus, on this night, beloved children, I gather a group of My children together who have responded to My call through sacrifice and self-giving, but I expect many more to come to this meeting with My Immaculate Heart.

I am not defining merits on Earth, but rather profound Graces for your hearts; a special and spiritual state that God has granted you through this day of consecration.

For this reason, I invite you to encourage yourselves to be consecrated; each one will know how to consecrate yourself, experience this perfect communion with God because He will always wait for you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is asking us to sing the song of consecration, that song which was born in the Figueira Community, and She asks for all the Children of Mary to approach so as to bless and consecrate them.


My very dear children, by the great Star of Bethlehem sent by God to the world to illumine the whole race, the future of all generations, and by the commitment My Immaculate Heart made in God and for God, I come on this night to bless you and consecrate you to the Kingdom of My Peace.

Thus, from the beginning, I asked you to dress yourselves in a light blue color so that you would carry on your bodies the protection of My Mantle, the one that covered Me during the Way of the Cross, that went on pilgrimage together with My Son, proclaiming the Word of God in those times. 

Through this simple symbol, I pour out the Codes I have achieved through My life upon this beloved Earth. As the Mother of all, through this practice of consecration, I consecrate all of humanity; especially those who do not listen to God and who live far from God, separated from the Light of My Son and the true Love of My Heart.

I hope I have been able to build your sacred dwelling places in these years.

My purity is with you, My simplicity accompanies you, and My sacrifice of being in this world also accompanies you on this eternal pilgrimage to awaken wounded hearts and heal souls who are in agony throughout this world.

Dear children, placing My hands upon you, I bless you and forgive you. I give you My Divine Mercy, which My Son poured out when Blood and Water sprang forth from His Side; and may this precious spiritual Gift, this inexhaustible Source of redemption and peace be able to remain in your hearts and in your essences.

Remember, dear children, that after so many tests you have experienced, of the surrenders and efforts, better times will come for all. God never abandons those who fully trust in His Plan of Love. He wants to transform your lives and again awaken the commitment you have made to Me once in Nazareth.

As Mother, I gather you together again and I thank you all for your dedication to My Plan. Because behind all this non-material and invisible mystery there is My walking onward; the steps of Light which I take for you in the silence of My Heart, accompanying you at your side so that you not fall into those abysses the world has created, but rather that you are able to build new bridges over those abysses so that many souls, which have become lost through a lack of faith and love, are able to spiritually be revived.

Open your hearts and feel the Light of My Heart, the caress of My hands on your faces and the blessing that I give you through My Motherly embrace. Let My Immaculate Heart be the Guiding Star for your lives and those of your siblings.

I thank you, My very little and dear ones, for having always responded to My call. Remember: you will see the fruits in Paradise.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is asking that the bells ring again and that we sing "Queen of Peace" (in Italian) to unite with Medjugorje and receive Christ into our heart.


Until tomorrow, dear children.

Experience a night of peace; that is what is most important for your lives.

Thank you, dear families who listen to Me and unite with Me, for having manifested the Manger, responding to the Call of My Son. This is the faithful symbol of the New Humanity.

I thank you!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not forget, dear children, that I Am the Lady Untier of Knots and in My hands is the power of liberation.

As Mother of Sacred Relief, I want to alleviate your hearts on this night; but I also want to free the knots that have tied you since long ago. Thus, invoke My Presence, and in this way, I will grant this Grace.

I come from Heaven to bring you Peace, but also liberation. It is time that My children grow up on the path of conversion.

You know, dear children, that My perpetual request is prayer. Together with the Child Jesus, we will untie the knots of your lives; because today, He is in My arms so as to also bring you His Mercy.

He also wants you to follow the path of peace and conversion through the example of the good disciple who follows the teachings of the Master of the Universe.

There are many knots in this current humanity; I have need of your prayers so I may untie them. Permission first begins in you; thus, open your hearts so this may happen.

A good Mother frees Her children from sin and damnation. I want to carry you always toward a meeting with My Son; because you know, dear children, that humanity forgets about Him.

Give Me your knots tonight, for I will grant you the power of liberation through the Supreme Grace of My Heart. I want you to walk toward that meeting with Me every day, through redemption, conversion and prayer.

I also want to free the knots which exist in your families. You know, dear children, that the Mother of Nazareth has that permission; because while I was here, on Earth, I was able to learn much among you.

The angels guided Me so as to be able to grant healing to many hearts, the resurrection of the dead, of all those who had fallen into hellish sin.

From the beginning, God granted Me the Grace of being able to free you.

But know, dear children, that My Beloved Son is above all things in this world, and He sends Me to prepare you for His Return, so you will wait for Him with joy and devotion.

While the world is redeemed and others are condemned, I ask, dear children, that you use the means that exist in the Sacraments, for in this way, your spirits will be strengthened for the final hour.

In this way, I will be able to walk by your side, silently, and thus will consecrate your hearts, little by little, until I bring you to a definite meeting with God.

Today, My words become sacred in your hearts, because I want them to be sown and grow in your hearts so you may be born again to peace; the peace the world needs, mainly the families that are separated through the action of the enemy.

For this reason, always hold in your memory, dear children, the Lady Untier of Knots, for thus I will always aid you when your feelings are sincere and kind to Me, and in this way, you may open a door to change, the change of your lives.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May no conflict in your hearts, My children, be greater than the love you feel for Me and the aspiration of your hearts to find Me in My Celestial Kingdom.

Today I tell you that I also come to teach you to set aside the small things in life that close your hearts and stop you from meeting with God.

Because, My dear children, if you allow yourselves to meet with Me, setting aside, even if for a small instant, the problems that afflict your hearts, I will be able to show you, through My Maternal Eyes, all the needs of the world and how small the needs of your lives are, in light of what the world experiences in this time.

Today, give thanks to God for being with the Mother of the World, Who from the Kingdom of the Heavens, brings the possibility of the liberation of your hearts.

Firmly secure this opportunity, My children, so that My Ray of Liberation can go deeper into your essences and continue to work within your beings, beyond this day. And for this to happen, it is necessary that you walk in prayer, that to your minds you bring your thoughts of honesty, charity and faith; for in this way, you will balance the evil which exists in the world and all the thoughts that are emitted to the Universe, which only cause pain to the Heart of God.

My dear ones, today I tell you to cultivate joy within yourselves, through charity, through loving assistance to others; because if you serve your brothers and sisters who are most in need, you will find Christ within each creature, for the Lord becomes visible to the eyes that seek Him in needy hearts.

The Light of Our Lord is shown to those who seek It and who seek to ignite this Light in the essences that are extinguished today.

The works of charity, My children, will carry your souls onto a path of transformation, a path of transformation also for the world, because you must never forget that each of your souls represents all of humanity to God.

Thus, My beloveds, never fear changing your hearts into pure, simple and humble hearts. Because while the hearts of the world seek to grow in vanity, in pride and in their material life, your small hearts must show themselves to God as hearts that value the Kingdom of God and recognize that all the riches of the world are nothing before God.

The greatest riches that your hearts can hold, and that no creature of this Earth could ever take from you is the Love which Christ places in each of your essences, even in the hearts of those who do not know Him as Lord and King of this Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Presence of the Child Jesus, and as Mother and Lady Untier of Knots, today I want to free the knot of illness of the body and the soul.

Thus, in this moment, dear children, with faith in your hearts, in the belief of the Presence of God through My Immaculate Heart, place in My Hands the illness of the body and the soul, and in exchange and lovingly, I will give you the Healing of My Heart.

Thus, dear children, I speak directly to those who are present here today and also to those who are following My visit on this night.

You will see, dear children, how into My Hands are placed great knots from humanity, and the freeing of each of them will be because of your faith in My Merciful Heart; because the door of My Heart, of My Humble Heart, will take you to Jesus, the King of kings.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is saying that She will pray for the healing of the body and the soul.

While we pray, She asks those present that with complete harmony and calmness, to come here.

Prayer: Hail Mary (several times in Croatian).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As the Father of the Universe teaches you, dear children, any soul that wants to receive a Sublime Grace directly from His Heart, must place the palms of their hands facing up, in a sign of reception of the Light of the Greater Source which emerges through My Heart.

Close your eyes and feel My Presence. God is with you at this moment and sends you this spiritual healing through My intercession as your Mother.

At this moment, God gathers together all the aspects I have made known throughout the centuries, all over the world.

My Great Virginal Consciousness is here.

See in the palms of your hands a sky-blue light which represents the Source of My Grace, My repairing Grace for My dear children.

Place yourselves with trust in My arms and listen to My following prayer:

Most Holy Father of the Universe,
Who grants Graces and Powers
to Your Celestial Messengers,
intercede for this part of humanity
which seeks hope, consolation and healing.
Through My Immaculate Heart,
which represents the power of Your Love on Earth,
grant Me the Grace of pouring out
Love over My children;
and, through the spiritual help 
of Your Beloved Father Archangel Raphael,
may My Heart pour out healing Graces,
repair the evil in hearts,
free them from sin,
so that they achieve the promise
that My Son granted them
to be now in Your Paradise. 

Bring your hands to your heart.

I bless these sacred images, in gratitude and love.

May the Healing Power of the Father, may the Redemption of the son, and the Love of the Holy Spirit remain in you and give you the strength to walk firmly toward the Sacred Hearts.

I thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us intone "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
