Blessed are they who, in spite of all gifts received, always allow themselves to be shaped and corrected by the Hands of God.
Blessed are they who never cease to be apprentices, those who never miss the chance to observe, learn and grow, each day, further becoming representatives of the good and of the peace in the world.
Blessed are those who teach by example, and from whose mouths comes forth wise words that love, and with love correct that which was off the path and the Purpose of God.
Blessed are they who seek humility, those who work so that others may grow, those who love the steps taken and the opportunities received by their brothers and sisters.
Blessed are they who observe the faults of others with compassion and do not affirm and reaffirm the error of a neighbor in order to justify their own errors, and feel themselves to be better than the rest.
Blessed are they who know how to be silent in order to bring peace, but who do not stop speaking to condemn with their thoughts, but rather they stop speaking in order to open their heart and, in thought, pray to attract Mercy.
Blessed are they who are transparent before God and their neighbors, those who free themselves from their ties through confession with Christ, those who do not fear to be seen as imperfect, weak and small in the eyes of the world.
Blessed are they who, in spite of everything, believe and seek the Kingdom of God within themselves, those who do not deny their human condition, but rather recognize it as a passage to something greater.
Blessed are they who see the sacred within life on Earth, those who are not satisfied with the energies of the world and who simply walk toward the Heart of God.
Blessed are they who believe in the celestial spheres, in universal and higher life, those who know themselves to be only a small part of an immense and unknown life.
Blessed are they who always recognize themselves as ignorant, but who do not remain as such. Blessed are they who open so that, into their ignorance, God may pour wisdom, and blessed are they who are always willing to go into infinity, from the simple fact of knowing themselves to be a part of it.
Blessed are they who love from the heart, because their own love will show them the path.
Blessed are they who aspire to be blessed and who strive for it, holding the fulfillment of the Will and the Plan of God as their only aspirations. Their efforts will be rewarded with a perfect union with the Creator.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each cycle of human evolution, children, the time comes for the disciples to take their own steps and deliver the results of their learning to the Creator. This is experienced in Heaven as on Earth.
When the time comes to put into practice everything that you have learned, your first premise, the most basic as well as the primary one, is humility. Never forget that all the lessons received were based on the Grace of God, and not on human merit. Each instruction, each gift, each virtue and even each skill reached, everything is the result of the Divine Grace within your lives.
For this reason, children, do not lose sight of that Grace, and under the perpetual spirit of humility, know that you only triumph when you are in the Presence of the Lord and it is He Who acts through His children. Thus, prayer, silence and the eternal awareness of the Divine Presence and of the need for His Grace are that which will allow you to remain on the correct path.
This is what will uproot from your hearts any vestige of competitiveness and lack of union when you wish to impose your own ideas and thoughts upon the ideas and thoughts of others. May no one ever desire to establish their own will, rather, may everyone humbly gather in the Presence of the Creator, pray and ask for the Grace to act, decide and discern in the face of each situation in life. This will protect you, guide you and keep you safeguarded under the Law of the Grace and Mercy of God, even in the times of justice.
Everything in your lives must be guided by the Creator, and even though His Messengers become silent, you must learn to seek the Presence of the Father within your own hearts and listen to His designs. The bridges have already been created, the doors have already been opened; it is enough that your hearts remain always humble and conscious of the need for Grace in the face of any situation.
You have My blessing for this,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, learn to deal with the sorrows and the fears that come from your soul, that old soul that has already gone through so many stages of life and that now finds itself facing the unknown, a place where its security and deepest beliefs seem to disappear, a place where the desert shows itself to be so broad, and where dryness takes the place of faith.
Learn to feel the sorrows and the fears that come from your soul and manifest in your heart as such intense and deep feelings, the roots of which you do not know from where they came. These roots are in your soul.
So speak with this small soul and say to it: "Trust in the Lord, beloved soul. In you is the fortitude to cross deserts and to go through tests. In you the Lord builds the foundation on rock so that, in spite of the winds of these times, you do not see your inner castle collapse."
Pray, child, with your own soul, speak with the deepest nuclei of your being and, at the same time that you seek unity with God, also seek unity with yourself.
To understand oneself and to unveil one's own inner being, to see one's own weaknesses and sorrows, is something that you must begin to experience so that, in the coming time, you may be bridges and light in the world, able to help those who arrive blind upon the path.
For this reason, while feeling these deep and hidden feelings, go even deeper within, face your soul and ask it where its sorrow comes from, where its fear comes from. Pray with it and ask for the Grace of being free, of seeing and healing the most hidden wounds of the consciousness, and do not be afraid of what you will find within yourself, for with open arms, the Healer and the Redeemer waits for you, the Holder of all forgiveness and the King of Mercy.
But if you do not seek Him, if you feel your sorrows and hide them, how will your Lord touch your wounds and close them? Or with a single gaze, heal all of your being?
For this reason, child, do not fear, but rather love. Love God, love your neighbor and also love what God aspires to manifest within you. Love the sacred that dwells within you, love the Thought of the Lord for your life and allow yourself to heal and return to your purpose.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXVIII ; Peace and Wisdom for the Times of Transition
A soul that prepared for the great tribulation of the planet for a long time, felt ever more insecure and ignorant as this approached. The soul felt how unknown this planetary probation was and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord and Eternal Father, how can I be ready to live these times? How can I go beyond my ignorance and enter Your Wisdom? How can I go beyond my fears and enter Your Peace?"
And the Lord responded: "As you see, little soul, these times are new and this probation is unknown and challenging for all life on Earth and beyond; but My Graces are to be found within you, along with all those gifts that one day, while you were praying and serving, I gradually placed within you. They will emerge and be your assistance and your peace.
Within you, however, also live a synthesis that allows you to find that which has still not been experienced: the love-wisdom not yet achieved in any period of humanity, only in the Heart of My Son. For this, little soul, allow all the most profound learnings experiences of humanity to be synthesized within you.
Live and feel the ignorance of the primitive peoples who, in their mental simplicity, did not remain there but were capable of launching into the unknown to survive and evolve. Take from there the deepest records of human possibility for breaking barriers and growing. So then grow, not only as a thinking human being but as a human being who feels life, who communes and is to be found in the Whole of Creation.
Live the purity of the indigenous peoples, the original peoples. Live the perseverance of those who, in spite of all the longing for power in humanity, chose pure wisdom and remained in its peace.
Within you, live the compassion of the East, the pure science of the study of the body, nature and the stars, which, at the same time, causes the human consciousness to recognize their greatness and their smallness.
Live the faith of the first Christians, who broke barriers and went beyond the first Sacred Scriptures; those who did not remain in words, but believed as they saw living prophecies; those who allowed themselves to be transformed and knew how to hear, more than the symbolic preaching of My Son, all the celestial revelations that He brought; those who lived the Kingdom and with Christ, discovered themselves as the Kingdom, imitating His steps, throughout the centuries.
Live the peace of simple souls, who do not tie themselves to the riches of the world, but rather sustained themselves in the joy of the Presence of God; souls whose strength was built on rock and who do not shake when the glory of the world collapses, but remain in God, even in the face of the tempests.
And so, beloved soul, experiencing within yourself the gifts that I gave humanity, at each period, in each people, in each religion, open to live something new, the fruit of all that has been learned. This is the transition of the times."
May this profound dialogue inspire you, children, to find peace and wisdom in the times of transition.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On each new day, rise with a heart full of gratitude.
May your first thought be permeated with gratitude for the gift of life, gratitude for every lesson this day will bring, gratitude for all the Graces received, gratitude for still being able to get up and serve, love and transform yourself according to the Will of God.
Gratitude, child, will allow you to grow humanly and spiritually because the one who is grateful does not become involved with human weaknesses, but rather they are integrated with the Divine Grace and Mercy that they receive from God, every day.
The grateful heart becomes aware that everything it can do in this world is little to repay and multiply the Love that it receives from God.
Gratitude elevates consciousnesses beyond the dimensions of chaos and places them in a state of grace so that they may know how to deal with every situation in life with wisdom and discernment, imprinting the Will of God, and not their own, in all things.
Therefore, elevate yourself through gratitude and, at every moment of the day, remember to be grateful to God for everything. In this way, you will be in the world, yet belonging to the Heavens, and the Kingdom of God will be able to express itself through you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While you travel through sacred places, hold all of humanity, all life, within your hearts.
Feel that all that you have received, as an inner impulse, reaches each being of the Earth, and beyond.
Feel the spiritual unity that is established in the hearts of those who know that everything they receive is not for themselves, but rather for the Plan of God to be fulfilled in all His children throughout this world.
Besides uniting the dimensions and reaching the Heart of the Celestial Father, human beings have the possibility of inwardly sharing all the evolutionary lessons they experience, as well as all the codes of light they receive for taking their steps toward the Love of God.
It was in this way that the Love achieved by your Lord on the Cross overflowed from His Heart and everything He achieved reached each being of this planet and well beyond it.
This is one of the gifts that He taught you with His surrender: the gift of giving not only to oneself, but through all the Graces received and achieved, the gift of feeling united with all creatures and knowing that everything you experience is for each and every being of this planet.
Look at your fellow being, even if they may be someone you do not know, and yet know that they are also a part of God and they are here to convey something, learn something, redeem something and achieve the same love that, through Grace and Mercy, you receive, every day.
The more you allow the gifts received to influence you, and the more you consciously experience the Graces as a service for humanity, the more these gifts, children, will flow toward the world.
Remember that human beings are a great mystery. A mystery that is unveiled through experiencing and living, risking to love and to serve ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cultivate persistence, inner strength and peace.
To step out of yourselves is the key that will allow you to make of the cross, of these times, a triumph of the Love of God within His children, as it was with the One who first carried the Cross and showed you the way.
Self-pity and excessive concern about yourselves, children, will prevent you from seeing the need of the world, of the Divine Creation and of the Plan of God as a whole.
You are no longer in times of experiences and mere learning. You are before the final tests for this humanity and, oftentimes, your trial will not be to stay in the world, amidst the chaos and human madness, but to deal with your own inner chaos and transcend yourselves, out of love for a Higher Plan.
The time has come to use the determination that you use to maintain your resistances, to break them. And this will not happen by mistreating yourselves, but by serving and loving your neighbor unconditionally.
Transformation is not only about taking care of yourselves, children. Transformation happens when you step out of yourselves and let your own life be conducted and supported by God, while you busy yourselves with serving and loving your neighbor in the smallest details.
You already know what I tell you. Release your desires and aspirations, your goals so human and insignificant in the face of the greatness of the cycle that you live as humanity. Recognize where you stand, what you are experiencing and what is the Divine aspiration for your lives. Thus, you will be on the correct path in the correct way.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
When the Creator thinks of the creation of a soul, He writes out its whole trajectory, from the creation of its essence as a particle of Divine Essence to its return to that infinite Source of Life.
The Celestial Father designs the steps of His children with love and places on their paths the learnings that they need for growing, evolving and returning to the Heart of the Father.
The celestial circumstance that forms at the birth of a being is what it needs to fulfill the Divine Will. In the stars, the Father designs the impulses of light that this soul will receive and, at the instant of the birth, clothes them with these impulses and with blessings, which are precisely those for their evolution.
These celestial circumstances are the expression of Love and of Divine Perfection so that His children may perceive that even before they come into life, they already receive everything they need to be in it and make this experience an opportunity to renew the Love of God.
The dates you call birthdays, children, are the moments in which souls remember all the impulses they received at their birth, remember the purpose of their existence, and again receive the first impulses of Divine Thought from the Celestial Universe so that, on this day, they may have an opportunity of going back to their evolutionary path and repair the deviations that they may have experienced during their learning process.
When hearts are distracted with the things of the world, these impulses are lost, as are many of the opportunities that God gives to beings. But when you pay attention to the Heavens, in gratitude and reverence, with the heart ready to receive those gifts, you may renew your spirit and your heart and begin a new cycle.
Today, receive Love and Divine Grace so that a cycle of peace may begin for your little heart. You have My blessing and My gratitude. You have the Love of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your heart that which makes you a disciple of Christ, which is obedience, humility, love and absolute faith in His Plan.
Remember, child, that your heart must be an instrument of the Lord, and wherever you go, carry that certainty and that mission with you.
Let your heart always be a bridge to the Heart of God; and for that, it must be empty of self, empty of plans, projects, expectations, empty of will and of dreams to be realized.
To be an instrument of God, your heart must be humble and obedient, always open to listen, always ready to learn, more inclined to perceive what the Universe wants to show you each day rather than contributing something to somebody or to some situation.
If you are always ready and attentive to learn, you will be able to perceive what God wants of you in each instant. If you are ready to obey, you will follow the cycles and will not cling to your will and to your plans, even though at some point they were the Will and the Plan of God itself.
Times change, cycles go by and each day will bring a different need. Thus, what is most important in this time is to know how to obey, to be attentive to the new impulses that come from God and to be ready to change the direction of the ship if it becomes necessary.
May being an instrument of God in the world be your only will; in this way, child, everything will be accomplished as it should be, be it in Africa or in any part of the world, the Plan and Divine Will shall manifest through you.
Live and remain in the void. In prayer, seek the Creator who dwells within you; hear His Voice, feel His Love, and know that within you, you will always find a refuge where you can be with your God, to renew your strengths and continue.
You have My blessing for taking a step into the void.
You have My blessing for finding a cycle of greater humility and obedience.
You have My blessing for discovering what it is to live under the Will and the Grace of the Divine Hierarchy all the time.
You have My blessing for being an instrument of God and to find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.
Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.
Aspire to be the new in this world.
Aspire to experience the unknown.
Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let the spirit of gratitude permeate your heart so that you may live each day as if it were your last and, at the same time, child, know that a last day does not exist.
Understand life as a unique school of love in all of Creation and seek to experience true love through fraternity, unity and constant gratitude for all that the Creator grants you.
Let each second of your life be transformative, not only for you, but also for those around you.
Let your learning processes teach others how to seek love, and that your errors also serve so that others do not make the same mistakes, but rather enter the correct paths.
Let all of your life be in support of evolution, and that errors do not disturb you or that being right does not make you proud, but rather that all uplifts your heart and brings you closer to the single purpose of your existence, which is to love with the Love of God, renew Divine Creation through that love, and return to the Father, so that a new beginning may occur in all of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Search for the science of illumination within you, and know that it is nothing more than the living of the Purpose of human creation.
Illumination is the act of finding the Creator again within yourself and to discover the path and the doorway to Divine Consciousness within your own self.
By living union with God, you will understand His Presence in all things; you will know what the essence of life is, of learning on Earth, and the reason why each being inhabits it.
To illuminate the consciousness is to find the Creator and know yourself to be a part of Him and this, children, is achieved through experience, with the constant search to find God.
Sacred books will guide you; philosophies and true religions will help you find the path for this; but nothing has any meaning if each one of you does not search within yourself for the experience of unity with your Creator.
To pray is to seek the path of communication with God. To communicate with the Father is to create the link of your souls with Him so that you may be able to gradually enter into His Truth and receive the revelation of His Presence.
Seek for the Light of God so that He, in you, may illuminate the abysses of this world. The time has now come in which the little lamps must be on the table, and this is done, children, not with the light of humankind, but with the Light of God in human beings.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each nation of this planet holds in its spiritual registries a part of the history of the Cosmos, which must be transformed. The Earth, children, was thought of and created by God to be the place where love would triumph, beyond all errors, where forgiveness would open the door to healing, where Mercy would open the door to the Redemption of all souls.
There is an existing reality that precedes life upon this world, a reality that is written in the stars, but which few knew how to enter into correctly, and still no human being understands completely.
When God manifested the planet, throughout human evolution, He gradually presented opportunities for different children of His, souls that were in need of healing and redemption, to come to Earth to experience a learning process. In each nation, the Creator placed a part of His children, each one bringing with them the occult registries of the history of the Universe so that, through the redemption of souls and of nations, as consciousness, the history of the Universe could also be healed.
Thus, each people that you encounter holds more than a culture, a planetary history, a human evolution; in the depths of their consciousness, children, they have a universal registry that, little by little, designed and influenced the expression of those peoples and their needs to be healed and redeemed, so that all of Divine Creation may be redeemed through the experience of life on Earth.
I reveal this to you so that you may understand that life holds broad mysteries still unknown to humankind, but the time has arrived for coming to know them so that you may consciously accomplish your part in this time.
For this reason, when you pray for the nations, also pray for all that they spiritually bring with them to be healed and redeemed. When, with your heart, you accompany the pilgrimage of the Messengers of God through this world, children, know that much more than the history of the Earth is being gradually healed. It is the history of the Universe and of Divine Creation that gains the healing to return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep your heart in peace through the Source of the Divine Mercy, and become an instrument for God to shed His Graces upon the world.
Contemplate the great need of the planet, of the souls and of Creation, and strengthen your faith in the Divine Mercy, in the certainty that with it the hearts will find hope to start again.
May no sin be eternal before the Source of Divine Mercy. May no wound remain open, beyond the one from which the Grace of forgiveness and redemption flows into the world.
At this time, God hands you everything, not just for you to experience redemption, but also for you to guide humanity through this path. Be thankful, every day, because He placed you on the path of prayer and the choice of love, and fearlessly experience the leanings that lead you to this.
May each lived experience strengthen you at this time. May each moment lead you to the experience of love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul seeks help, pray with the heart so that the consequences of its action, which led it to suffering, are transformed into an experience that makes it grow and open more to love.
When a soul seeks help, listen to its call, and take this request to the Feet of God. There will be things that are uncontrollable, which you will not be able to change or help, because human life has its limits. But there is something boundless, which unites you to the Infinite, to the Origin from which you departed and to where you must return. This, child, is prayer.
Pray and let your soul intercede before God for those who most need it.
Pray and cry out to the Father for his Mercy, not for things to happen according to your will, but so that Divine Mercy be the law that rules the teachings and the experiences that you live in this world as human beings.
When some situation escapes your possibilities of acting, of serving, of giving of yourself, resort to something deeper, and though sometimes it may be imperceptible, it is able to transform all things: pray to your Father and cry out to God, because He is the Creator of all things, and He can transform them all.
More important than anything in this time is to be with your heart united to God. And if you can serve and pray, you will be rendering the greatest service of life on Earth.
Love each being and pray for your brothers and sisters with love. God, who is perfect, will always listen to your prayers.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While in the world the nations seek blind ways to establish human power and design wars and chaos to submit the souls to suffering and dispair, you, child, must put your heart more and more inside the Heart of God.
In prayer, recognize the Power of God, which is beyond any human power.
Remember that your life must be the bridge to a new life on Earth and that your heart must be the beginning of the new humanity within this life.
May the vices and temptations of this time not stimulate you to forget The principal motive of your existence. Everything on this Earth will pass; only the learning of love that you have lived in your heart will remain.
Your effort and your endeavor are what will count in the book of Divine Justice as merit to balance the life on Earth so that those who do not deserve will receive an opportunity.
Assume the place that corresponds to you within this end of the cycle. God is calling you to be the precursor of the new and not to be feeding the old man, his vices and vanities.
Find the Power of God in the renunciation, in silence and in prayer. Find your freedom in what unites you with the Father so that, no matter what happens in this world, your spirit, soul, mind and heart are always a stronghold that helps others not to lose hope and to know that in the most difficult moment of life on Earth is when Heaven will open and, walking through the clouds, will descend the Son of God, bringing with Him His Kingdom to establish it within this world.
Trust that, although it is all so unknown, parts of the age-old prophecies that are still waiting to be fulfilled, will be fulfilled.
Pray and grow in love so will your heart be ready.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I pray so that souls may attain peace.
I pray so that the consciousnesses may awaken to the planetary reality, to the universal truth, and thus, they may transform their lives according to the Divine Purpose.
I pray so that hearts may aspire toward unity with their neighbor, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with life, with God.
I pray so that seekers may recognize the truth in all the teachings transmitted by God through His Messengers, so that those who seek may know how to see beyond words and find between the lines the divine science of Creation.
I pray so that sacred life may no longer be hidden by human superficialities and, in the same way, I pray so that the essence of beings not be hidden by the illusory beliefs they have about themselves.
I pray for a new life and a new race so that after human learning is consolidated, beings may have the courage and hope to make the new life emerge and allow the new being to blossom within themselves which, before Christ, will begin to appear.
I pray so that humanity may not lose the meaning of its existence and so that spiritual life may cease to be a habit and a practice in order to become a reality and an experience of life.
I pray, finally, so that the Graces of God may not remain in Heaven, but that they may be poured out upon the Earth.
Today I call you to pray with Me, and thus you intercede for this world while there is still time. Pray with Me for Peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When men assault life and imbalance the Laws, the Laws themselves, sooner or later, return as a consequence of human actions.
After so many centuries of outrages and of indifference towards life on Earth, now the time has come when the Laws of Equilibrium and of Return begin to show the consequences of human actions.
The same seriousness of the actions caused by men in the consciousness of the planet will return in the expressions of the imbalance of Nature and in the disasters caused by the own works of humanity.
Throughout the four corners of the Earth, the return of the Laws will be seen and there will be nothing able to stop them because this was the learning humanity chose when building its life on Earth.
Those who are consistent with the Divine Laws, that comply with them, obey them and love them, will be worthy of gathering the fruits of a higher life, those fruits that, perhaps, will not be known in this world but in others.
The only thing the Creator asks of you is that you may work untiringly to balance the imbalances of this world and that you may not continue to feeding the currents of chaos, anger, discord, but be aware that you must attract to the world the evolutionary vibrations that will make it worthy of a new life.
Before the negative consequences of human actions, it is time to bring balance with service, prayer, fraternity, hope and, above all, love.
Meditate upon what I tell you and make your lives the weight that positively balances the scales of the Justice of God for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing the Grace that God grants you, every day, of not being alone on this path of transformation and healing.
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing that each one of your brothers and sisters and companions on this path are chosen by the Father so that they could be with you, because, through their presence in your life, you will be able to learn to love more each day.
My child, open to know how to thank God every day for what He manifests in your life. Give thanks for the challenges, give thanks for the difficulties, give thanks for the moments of frustration and the moments of weariness.
Give thanks for moments such as this, in which Heaven opens before you to listen to your pleas, and God, in spite of being in all things, at this moment places His eyes upon you and attentively receives your prayers.
Give thanks because, in a time so difficult for the planet, the Creator granted you a spiritual family so that, like the Sacred Family, you may be able to walk together toward Bethlehem. Give thanks because your brothers and sisters and companions made themselves available to overcome the difficulties of this time with you.
Perfect days will not come, and the time that has past will not return so that you can again experience what your personality already knows and wants to continue living.
In Bethlehem, everything will be unknown, and after the birth of Christ within you, nothing will be as it was. Each day will surprise you, not because they will be days like what you want them to be. The events will surprise you because, if you give permission, this New Child within you will overcome all the challenges through love, one after another, and each day, the love will be renewed within you. This will be the difference between that which will be experienced by those who allow Christ to be born within them, and that which will be experienced by those who do not allow it.
It will not be outside of yourself where love will reign. The time will come in which this world will unite with what is real, with the Time of God. But until then, it is within you that this Kingdom must dwell, just as it dwelled within Christ, from His birth until His Holy Cross.
The cycles are renewed, until humanity is able to achieve the Will of God. For this reason, today, child, I come to call you to a spirit of gratitude so that, through it, you may allow yourself to be surprised, again and again, not by the life of the world, but rather by the love that is renewed within you and overcomes all things.
That same love lives within your brothers and sisters, because the Father granted you the Grace of walking with a spiritual family, so that whenever you lack love, you are able to look toward your brothers and sisters, and a simple smile may renew you.
So, open yourself to live this that I tell you, and so it will be. This is what God builds in your life through days such as this.*
I leave you My blessing and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Message transmitted during the Saint Joseph Group Effort, in the Light-Community of Figueira.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more