With your feet still in the desert, taking the last steps of this Lenten path, concentrate, child, on the Heart of your Father and Creator, the Lord of Life and of Divine Purpose.

The last steps of the Lenten path do not announce a time of inner peace, but rather of ever deeper and more intense tests, human and spiritual, which on the altar of faith will place the surrender of your human condition, your deepest fears, your most ingrained miseries, your beliefs most grounded in the consciousness of what you believe about yourself and which brought you here, supporting your human pride and your spiritual ego.

It is time to surrender it all.

In the agony that comes before the Calvary, your heart will be tested in the surrender and the void, and everything you experienced in the desert will surface with intensity, because the desert is a school, and the agony is a moment of definition.

Thus, place your being as an offering on the Celestial Altar and allow the Creator to grant you the Grace of going beyond human limitations and beliefs, beyond the strength that sustains humankind, so that He may have you know the Power that guides life.

Strengthen your faith in Divine Will, no matter what it may be. Strengthen your heart in the void so that it may be filled by the Power of God.

Walk with the purpose that your actions and your life may be an instrument of transformation for the human consciousness. That each one of your steps be given for the all; no longer see your path as something individual.

Do not seek to control your destiny and make plans according to your possibilities of bearing the tests of life or according to the security which the path can offer you. Live your spirituality as a human being, as part of humanity and for human transformation.

Let the desert expand your horizons, let the agonies define your heart, let the cross transform your consciousness, and through you, all of humanity.

Offer yourself to be an instrument.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.

Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.

Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.

Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Prayer will be your support and your Guide within all inner and planetary cycles.

It will be through prayer that you shall overcome temptations during agony.

It will be through prayer that you will renew your strength amid tiredness and spiritual and physical fatigue.

It will be in prayer that you will find the meaning to move forward.

It will be through prayer that you will be able to transmute and to sustain this planet.

It will be prayer what will allow you to carry the cross of these times.

It will be prayer what will cause you to die to yourself and find the void that unites you with God.

It will be prayer what will give you the strength to rise to a new life.

It will be prayer what will aid you in taking the correct steps for the awakening of Love, which will make of you a Christ of the New Time.

Prayer is the vehicle that will carry you into concretizing the Plans of God.

Therefore, pray and see My words become fulfilled.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.

Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.

In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.

His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.

That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.

Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.

Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.

Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.

Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.

I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.

How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.

If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.

When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.

Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For unity to be on the planet, there must be unity in the hearts, between each being and God and among the builders of the new life, the so-called servants and consecrated of this time.

Do not be afraid. The world agonizes and the nations tremble, the trials of the planet have begun, but if in your hearts there is peace and unity, nothing that will happen in the world will shake you or destroy your faith.

I come to help you set your eyes and your hearts on high, on the Divine Purpose and on the Plan of God that is designed through your lives.

I am not asking you to be estranged from or ignorant about what is happening and will happen in the world; I only ask you to keep your hearts in God, because the time and the hour for carrying the cross of the world and the cross of the triumph of Love, inside and outside of you, have already come.

Just like your Lord, Jesus Christ, you will live humiliations and loneliness, you will live agony and sadness, but above all, you will live the unity with the Mother of God, you will live the love and the faithfulness of those who will accompany Her steps until the end.

Grow and put the purpose of your lives in the establishment of a Greater Plan. You are no longer children before the Father. Christ calls you companions; I call you friends, because this is what you must be in this time; faithful before the Greater Will, fearless before the trials and willing to carry, together with Christ, His last cross, which is the cross of the world.

When your Lord carried the Cross on Calvary, He opened the doors to a new time, instituted Grace and Mercy for the world and granted humanity a new opportunity so that it could build within itself a new human, a new life.

A lot of time has passed since that event; a lot you have already learned as beings and as humanity. Now it is time to seal your commitment and open the doors so that your Lord may return to the world, not only to bring Peace, but to teach you how to carry, with Him, the cross of the last days.

Do not run away from this cross anymore. Do not leave Him alone. Be faithful and be companions, as He hopes.

Withdraw your hearts from the suffering and put them in the establishment of love. Let everything be an opportunity to surpass yourselves and to love more, just as your Lord surpassed not only Himself, but also His Father, for the love of all of you.

Place your spirits and hearts within the goal of loving.

You have My blessing for this. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When the soul agonizes and stirs from within, seeking something that it does not find, give thanks to God and just let His renewal reach your spirit.

Do not resist, do not give up and do not be sad for something that, in fact, should bring you peace because it means that your interior is willing to go through a transformation.

When the soul cries out within the heart of someone who is trying to follow the Will of God and gives their life to it, it is a sign that a change and renewal is necessary. And this change comes from the Divine Will itself; it will be for you to not resist, to not give up and to not be sad for something that, in truth, should bring you peace.

In truth, what you feel as an inner agony is your soul, elevating its voice beyond the aspects of your body, of your mind and of your feelings.

Listen, then, to this voice that wants to make itself heard, and let it express itself before your soul gets exhausted from screaming inside of your inner world for a new step, a new cycle, a new being.

Listen to the voice that elevates from your soul and let it express as it feels, may it be a chant, a prayer or even a cry that expresses the freedom of the soul to manifest itself, and that all of this, your singing, your prayer, and your cry, be the impulses for a new cycle and a new step in your life.

May your soul not shout without being heard. May your mind not close the window to the soul, again hiding what is removed from your inner world.

Just as the soul of the planet screams to be heard by the hearts of humanity, their own souls also scream and stir within.

Life is a mirror of itself in different proportions. So today, I say to you: listen to the voice of your soul to know, one day, how to listen to the soul of this planet, and that no inner voice will elevate in vain.

God speaks through the souls and spirits of beings and it is He who calls you to a new cycle, that does not have to be great, but that needs to be new, bringing what you already know you must be and that you know you are not yet, not because it is impossible, but because you turn a deaf ear to the voice that screams within you.

Without fear, listen to what brings you to this new time. Thus, you may be one, in the multitude of this world, capable of listening to the soul of the planet and guiding your brothers and sisters according to what God speaks through the voice of the heart of the Earth.

Do not feel like what I am telling you is a mystery because it is not anymore. Just listen to that voice within your interior and follow it.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the agony of the world find the Peace of God's Heart.

In fidelity to His Path and to His Will is found the strength to overcome the harassment in the Gethsemane. And beasts and thunder may roar, the floor may tremble under the feet of the chosen, but they will not falter. Their strength lies in the memory of the overcoming lived by God Himself, through His Son.

The time for confirmation has arrived, just as it arrived for Christ in Gethsemane and for all those who have committed themselves to Him throughout the history of humanity.

God offers you to drink from the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender, of effort and overcoming, of understanding, of unlimited forgiveness and love. But in this Chalice, children, are also found faith, fidelity and strength. There is found peace and the flame of compassion, which ignites the spirits and helps them to persevere.

The Chalice of God is not filled only with trials, but also with Gifts. His instruments have everything that they need to fulfil His Plan; It is enough that each one is willing to do their part and to discover in themselves the potential of love and surrender that is still hidden in the human condition.

This is the Gethsemane of these times, in which the souls confirm themselves, accept the Chalice that descends from the Heavens in the Hands of God and drink of His offering. Ignited by the Love that comes form the Creator Himself, they take their cross and follow Him.

Feel part of the Consciousness of God, which renews itself. Let the potential that you do not know emerge from yourselves. Let the monotony of your lives give space to a Universal Mystery and allow yourselves to be called by God as His elected, His apostles and truly His children.

May each principle lived by the only begotten Son manifest and renew itself in your lives. You have the doors open for that.

Your Father and Companion,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Even though there is agony in the world, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be discouraged in prayer and hope.

Even though it may seem there is no solution, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be confused by the influences of this world.

Even though the inner chaos and confusion may seem great, in the depths of your being, keep your faith in God and do not desist, do not give up.

Child, much greater than the chaos within you is what the world is experiencing, the planet upon which your feet stand every day.

You were called to bring a new life, an opportunity of renewal for this Earth, which decided to distance itself from God and His Plan from the beginning.

You may ask: and why did the Father persevere in this project? Why did He not stop it at the beginning of all things, when sin became flesh in the human consciousness?

Because evil does not belong to the Truth; it is part of an ancient illusion, in which the human consciousness placed itself from the beginning. But Truth still dwells within beings and can emerge in those who are willing to allow a Living God to express in their hearts.

If you are listening to these words, it is because it corresponds to you to answer this call.

I know that sometimes, you do not manage to walk by your own weight, and that on your own, you wear iron shoes that cause you to sink deeper at the point where you are. But today, child, as on all the days when I will come to the Earth, I tell you to take off the heavy iron shoes of your past, your personal will, your aspirations for the future, and walk with The One Who, barefoot, travelled the Earth and now crosses the Universes, summoning new companions who can constantly renew the Love achieved by Him when He carried the sins of the world with His Cross.

I know that what I tell you seems repetitive and that the words are only renewed for those who see them as new, because they are at a new step of this evolutive climb.

Allow God to renew and show you how much you still have for serving and how this world and this Plan of Love need your surrender. You still have not reached the point of your giving of self, and this can be seen by the Love that you still have not allowed to be born within you. Allow yourself to love, and learn through being loved, to give love to this world of so many spiritual illnesses.

At the doorway of a new planetary cycle, be renewed and allow yourself to be new, like the Christ who will soon be reborn in Spirit in all the mangers arranged with faith in the homes of this Earth.

I will no longer tell you many things, for everything has already been said. Take the New Universal Gospel, that resonates in the Word that Christ emits for the world today, and live His Words. He is still waiting for you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the agony of Jesus, the Lord could see and feel, in His Sacred Heart, all the evil that He would suffer, during His Passion and also though the centuries of human existence, to sustain humanity on this planet.  

Even so, He elected to live love, sacrifice and surrender because much greater than the fear in His Heart was His Love for the Plans of God.

His Will was one with the Father's and there was no human feeling that could separate Him from the Creator.

Even though the fear was so immense and the tension so great that made the blood vessels of His body rupture until He sweated blood, the Lord did not stop in the weakness of the body, and from there affirmed His fortress in the Spirit. 

What He was suffering in matter, despite being difficult and painful, would no longer draw the attention of Jesus.

His goal was in God, and transcending what His body felt, He embraced the Cross, which was the purpose of His Spirit. 

Children, the Passion of Christ is not only to be contemplated, it is to be lived and renewed by all the ones who claim to be His soldiers, His companions. 

Although you will not be martyrized and killed on the cross you can avail yourselves of all the spiritual principles lived by Christ and bring to your lives all the teachings that He left with His example. 

You must learn to let the consciousness transcend facts and events and submerge into the true essence that moves all of the divine actions. 

Only thus you will be able to learn to act as children of God and will be worthy of representing Him is this world, when His Voice will silence and humankind itself will have to guide one another. 

Many want to know with details what will happen in the ultimate time, in their final test, but who will persevere once they come to know it?

Who will continue by the side of God, knowing that an eternal cross is waiting for them?

Who will transcend the sufferings of the body in order to transform all the pain that can be lived into forgiveness and into the triumph of God?

The Passion of Christ is revived each year by humanity, so that the codes left by Him awaken you to your own spiritual path and take, from the example of the Master, the inspiration that you need to take your steps without hesitating. 

Do not only suffer or be admired by the sacrifice of Christ.

Do not glorify Him only because He made something that you think you will never be able to do. 

Glorify Him, because He showed you the path and because you will make of His sacrifice your strength, so you will not give up on accomplishing the Plans of God, even if you are facing death. 

The true reason to remember the Passion of Christ is that you learn to love as He loved, that you follow His steps. 

The one who loves you and instructs you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Children of the Most High God, the agony of the world has not finished and the Heart of Christ keeps being scourged every day by the unjust actions of humanity.

Open the eyes and see around you that the Apocalypse comes to pass in the world.  Transform your lives, live of the balm of praying and give to drink from this water of life, which is the union with God to the thirsty and helpless souls.

May humanity listen to the definitive call of the Messenger of God!  May all of those that consider themselves awake and conscious walk with large steps in their transformation.

No longer waste time with the stinginess of life!  Reconcile yourselves with those who do not allow you to live in the spirit of peace.   Love your enemies and may these ones no longer exist among siblings of the same race, united by a single divine purpose.

Realize that you are passing through the last times of the planet and that it is not time to think about yourselves, to concretize plans and personal aspirations.

What value will have to you to build a project of a material life, if those who do not sustain the fortitude of the spirit will disappear in the midst of the storm of chaos and of evil?

Dear companions, I speak to you in clear words, because whole nations are losing themselves by the progress of darkness.  Where are the soldiers of God? What have those who committed themselves with Christ been doing?

It is no longer time for emotions and half-surrenders.  Pray with the heart, with the spirit and live as true disciples of Christ.  Demonstrate to the world that there is an only way out of this tribulation that the planet lives, and this way out is the Infinite Heart of God.

You have been brought over here, to this world, in order to live love and forgiveness; so, live them.

My Heart of Father warns you, because, in Heaven, the Creator awaits the answer from the human beings, in order to provide new indications about  the course of His Plans.

Do not allow that the most precious treasure of the universe to be lost. You are still in time to convert the mistakes of your lives, but be quick and ready to answer to the call of the Messengers of God.

The world needs prayer, conversion and faith.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the leading of souls for times of definition and surrender


Dear companions,

Today I want tell you that, as the consciousnesses open themselves to live wider degrees of spiritual maturity, God makes known world truths that transcend the physical barbarities that humanity lives in the world.

The great sorrow of God is the suffering of souls that die day by day submersed in the incomprehension and, thus, are not able to leave the states of consciousness that are hells created by chaos and by evil.

You are being called in this moment to be true companions of God and of His Son and, in this way, to share with Him His sorrows and not remain in the stinginess of the your daily lives.

God calls you to maturity, and when His Son leads you to know His constant agony, caused by the world, it is so that, in this way, you may walk fast towards the forgetfulness of self and recognize that exists a Higher Plan, which manifestation depends on the awakening and on the maturing of those who have committed themselves to the Creator in the beginning.

This moment that you live is marking the time of coming out of yourselves and assuming the planetary task that is due to you as a group.

The Lord is making known realities that many are not prepared to face because evil precipitates itself in the world and progresses each time more, making the souls lose faith and hope and enabling the essences to be completely extinguished.

An essence that is extinguished and disintegrated, My beloved ones, is like a part of God that ceases to exist.  Remember that each essence created by Him is a living part of His Divine Consciousness sent to the manifested Creation to fulfill a mission.

Now I ask you to accept this offer that has been delivered to you as a grace to serve God consciously and to no longer lose yourselves in trivial problems of your lives, but let yourselves be transformed and molded by the ray of the divine humility and unite in prayer to the Father for the salvation of the planet.

Each step that you take towards Light is a step of the whole humanity towards a new time.

Mature from the heart and in consciousness, since there is no more time to lose with yourselves anymore.

I love you and lead you to new planetary cycle.

Saint Joseph, the Eternal Servant of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
