Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(six times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Purify yourself in the Water of Life that I offer to you today. Contemplate before you the greatness of the gift, the manifestation of charity, of the providence and abundance of God through the Kingdoms of Nature.
Receive, then, this impulse of Light. Allow the waters to purify your being, hold nothing back for yourself at this moment, open up to the spiritual healing you seek so much. But do not do it through an intellectual thought.
Allow your spirit, which knows the essential, inner and spiritual life, to be the one who rules this moment so that you may attain the liberation from yourself.
My son and My daughter, this is the time of inner liberation. The Universe descends with Its Graces through the Heavenly Mother, because Her Graces are abundant, and also infinite. The Hands of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Heart are filled with Graces for souls.
Who will be the depositary of these treasures?
This is why I bring you the power of the elements of nature, because I know that your souls need it to purify and liberate themselves forever. This Law of Purification, which rules the planet and humanity today, must no longer be interpreted or understood as condemnation or punishment, but rather as a powerful stream of life that helps consciousnesses for their transcendence and elevation.
Thus understand, My children, that everything is in its place at this moment. Although Our Divine Consciousnesses know that humanity is out of the Law, even so the universe of Our Graces, Prodigies and Mercies is infinite, they are greater than all error or grief.
I come here, on this day, in a simple and giving way so that My children in the world may imitate the Mother of God in Her total divestment, in Her selfless and unconditional spirit, in Her absolute trust in God and in the fulfillment of His Sacred Will.
I come to show you the path, lovingly. This is why today I point you to this fountain of Graces through these waters that descend from the deepest cores of the Earth and emerge to the surface in inexhaustible self-giving.
Avail yourselves of the spirit of the waters, their chastity and purity, their planetary and universal service, to cleanse the wounds of human consciousness. Thus, you will be able to understand, My children, the immensity of the self-giving of the Mineral Kingdom.
How many mysteries are still kept in nature, which are waiting to be revealed if the soul and the spirit of consciousnesses only place themselves before nature with reverence and love for what is sacred, for all that which Creation has manifested to them through the Kingdoms of Nature, which offer themselves for the evolution of human civilization and the awakening of all human consciousness.
Thus, you have the example and also the path to learn to give of yourselves and surrender in confidence, just as all of Creation does.
As the Mother of Life, as the Mother of Creation, I am here today to invite you, in the name of My Son, to enter the Water of Life so that your souls and spirits may be purified in peace, gratitude and in the hope that the promised day will come, of your own liberation from captivity, from all belief, from any personal idea, from every understanding that is not correctly united to God and is not a part of the Divine Purpose.
All these expressions of the human being of the surface are the causes that have generated the distancing of this civilization from the truth and reality that God proposes through His Spiritual Government, because it is important for all to remember that everything is already written in the Heart of God.
Through the purification of the waters, and also through the blessing of the waters, may each one live in this cycle the time of their own inner detachment and divestment so that, renewed by the Water of Life, which springs as Grace from the Heart of the Celestial Father, you may see the reality of these times with the same gaze of the Hierarchy, a gaze of compassion, wisdom and discernment.
I am here as your Mother, once again, to encourage you to live this cycle, for which the universe patiently awaits, for your and the whole world’s good and peace, so that the Divine Laws, which have been acting and working since the origin, since the beginning of everything, may continue to work and edify, just as God decrees.
May the waters bring healing and renewal to you, so that the world may be healed, renewed and re-integrated into the Principles of the Creator, through His Will.
Let us pray, My children, for many more to reach this cycle in trust, humility and resignation, loving the Absolute and Eternal God.
Behold the Slave of the Lord. Just as His Word was fulfilled in Me, may the Word be fulfilled in My children, may the Living Word of God be fulfilled in as many consciousnesses as possible, before the last time, the end time, is fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May the waters of the planet heal the wounds of all those who cry out for healing and peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I am here as the Lady of Carmen, because I am the Great Star of the Sea, the Star that takes care of all the seas in the world.
Today I bring you the teaching and instruction on the oceans, so that humanity can look with a little more compassion towards them. Because although it may not seem so, before the human gaze, the oceans suffer the consequences of this humanity.
That's why I am here, in Vina del Mar, to deliver a mission to all of My children of Chile, because this dear country is completely embraced by the Pacific Ocean and this brings it the possibility of working deeply with its emotional plane.
Therefore, dear children, you who love mountains, who love nature, who love the ocean, I invite you, dear children, on behalf of this humanity and of this planet, of all the oceans of the world, to look at the oceans with more compassion, mercy and prayer. This will allow, dear children, in spite of the suffering which the oceans and all the marine beings live, for souls to receive a special Grace that comes from Our Lady of Carmen, the Great Star of the Ocean, so that more hearts may awaken to the importance of taking care and protecting the oceans.
You, dear children, more than your Heavenly Mother, know the damage caused that life in the oceans experience and how much contamination they live day by day.
How will they be able to reflect to this humanity, by means of their mirrors, emotional healing for this planet, if all the oceans in the world through the hands of humanity itself, continue to be contaminated and outraged?
If the ocean could speak, the world would hear eternal cries.
Today I come as the Mother of Nature and also as the Great Guiding Star of Chile to invite you, dear children, to place in your daily prayer not only the Pacific Ocean that embraces you, but also all the oceans of the world, which need intercession and prayer, so that the very angels of the universe can clean them spiritually.
It is up to this humanity on the surface to take charge of the damage caused to the oceans. Know that the oceans of the world have inner ears with which they can hear many things and with which they receive great outrages from this humanity.
I invite you, dear children, out of love for the evolution of the oceans, to open your hearts to welcome this call that your Heavenly Mother and Mother of Nature brings you today. If nothing is done in time, the whole world could remain without water and even less, it would not have water to drink.
Humanity does not imagine this situation and has no consciousness of what this means for these end times, but if at least there existed sincere and open hearts that could unite to the oceans and to all marine life, which is also trespassed day by day, the Eternal Father would be able to grant something to this humanity, through the Lady of Carmen, so that many more things may be avoided.
I invite you, dear children, to open the ears of the soul and to listen with the heart to what the Celestial Mother is bringing to you.
I would like many more children in the world to consider this important call for love and for the evolution of oceans.
I would like My children of the world to respond to this convocation, because just as I come for you, I also come for the oceans of the world, which day by day lose their original purity, their innocence and mainly, the possibility to radiate their light to the world.
Humanity needs the oceans to move forward. Human beings cannot live without water and neither without having anything to drink. Imagine a totally thirsty and arid planet.
For the mercy of the mountains, they continue pouring water from the high glaciers of the world. This helps humanity to have fresh water to drink and to nourish itself day by day.
I invite you, dear children, to take a step in consciousness, for what the Father has given you since the beginning of your Creation and for everything He has thought of for you, for your evolution and for your awakening.
I would like you to place My plea in your hearts, because if you do not do it for Me, no one in the world will do it. I am being sincere about this.
I can no longer see marine beings, whales and dolphins suffer through the hands of the humanity of this world. And even though the outrages are endless, greater is the Mercy of My Heart, which today comes to speak to you and lead you towards the path of reparation and of forgiveness.
I know that many will not want to listen to this message because they will feel uncomfortable or perhaps annoyed to know that the world, as creation and as nature, needs the consciousness of the human being and especially its correction and attention, concerning everything it does daily, transgressing the Kingdoms of this Nature.
You cannot live without the Kingdoms, without the oceans and neither without the mountains. Your spiritual life would be scarce, limited and restricted. You would have few possibilities to reach God.
That is why in these critical times, dear children, I invite you to pray from the heart to be able to compensate the outrages that this humanity makes to the oceans of this world. They need to mirror the information of the universe. This information allows you, dear children, to take steps on the spiritual path, to have impulses to serve and mainly to have reasons to be able to transform.
Mirrors reflect in humanity, through the oceans, great divine principles, which will be necessary for the next humanity, for the future humanity.
You will be the guardians of this legacy, as well as the guardians of the Kingdoms of Nature. I need you to take care of the inner treasures of the planet, because later you will not be able to say, dear children, that no one warned you in time.
The Mercy of My Heart comes to meet you to live a deep awakening in consciousness, so that you may abandon this global hypnotism which leads many souls to constant distraction, to separate from God, from the path of Love and Truth.
I need you to take steps for your brothers and sisters not only here in Chile but also in the world, out of love for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the great oceans of this world.
The consciousness of the Kingdoms cry out to this humanity. They can no longer see instructors on the surface, guides or masters of this humanity, but rather see souls that outrage such small consciences as the Kingdoms. And they have nothing more to do nor to defend themselves, because they were not created to hurt humanity of the surface nor to disturb it.
The Kingdoms were created so that the beings of the surface, through them, could find communion with the Creator and with life. If this is lacking in humanity, that is, in the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the great oceans, humanity will have no path to follow, to be able to find the light, reconciliation and especially forgiveness.
This is why I come here, dear children, because I know that your hearts are receptive to this call of Mine, and that you could not see the oceans, marine life, the great whales of this planet suffer, which sustain the axis of Earth, from north to south, from east to west. And although they are hurt and murdered, the consciousness of the whales does not cease to radiate love, in spite of the ignorance of the human being.
I would like the whale to be able to continue singing in the oceans of this world, to balance the Earth, to pacify the seas, to heal the emotion of this humanity, which is unbalanced.
The Kingdoms of Nature have a fundamental task in the end of times. Therefore I come today from the Pacific Ocean with this message, where I have made a pilgrimage from Asia to here, to meet you in prayer and in union with Me, because I am still preparing My Mission through that continent.
I want you to be conscious of this, and I will need, dear children, as up to now, that you accompany Me for this very important mission that I will realize in Oceania and in Asia, because My children are waiting for me, as you waited for Me today, and this goes above any event, any situation or circumstance.
I need that your consciousnesses be positioned above the material plane, the difficulties and the obstacles, to be able to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this Work, in which She, at the request of the Most High Father, will try to awaken all the Mirrors of the world to help humanity in the most acute moment of its transition and of its purification.
Do you understand now, dear children, the importance of praying for the oceans of the world? If this does not happen, who will sustain this race of surface? If there are no Kingdoms of Nature, who will be there to support and accompany them in the great silence in which the Kingdoms live, in the great love that they have radiated since the beginning of this Creation?
I come to ask you, especially the Chileans, to become My missionaries of peace, not only on the path of prayer, but also in service, in the operative life of learning to take care of the Plan of God in this humanity and on this planet.
You have inner resources to do it. That is why I have called you here, to Viña del Mar, not only to speak to you about the oceans and about the critical situation that they face, but also to summon you to live the missionary life, from north to south of this country.
Chile, through the prayer of the heart, must also learn to sustain the tectonic plates. The balance of this country will depend on you, dear children, because this Earth, this planet, in its most intimate depth, also has wounds caused by the humanity of surface. This is why this planet moves as it has moved here in this country, because it is living its transition that needs to be lovingly accompanied, by all your prayer.
This is the same task that the world has.
While the oceans suffer, the being on surface also suffers. The human being faces its purification and sometimes does not find a way out.
I come to show you, as the Guiding Star of all the oceans, that it is possible to move forward, dear children, if you simply take My Hand, say "yes" to Me so that I can lead you to the final purpose.
Today, My Heart is also bereaved about Europe, for the division that the Iberian Peninsula is experiencing, without consciousness of what this means to the Creator.
I also invite you, dear children, to place all of Europe in your hearts and prayers so that it may be supported, supplied and guided by the Angels of the Nations.
The Angel of Peace, which corresponds to Portugal in these times, is having great tasks throughout the Iberian Peninsula and also throughout Europe.
I invite you to unite efforts of heart and soul, helping these great angels, responsible for the nations of the world, so that they can support the end of times with their mutual help.
I want to announce to you, dear children, by means of the Mercy of God, that I must, with your help, urgently, be in Europe to avoid something major that your brothers and sisters who are there, in Spain, do not imagine.
If humanity does not collaborate with the Plan of God, misfortunes will not be able to be avoided, because the human being, as part of this human race, has outraged all laws, all designs and all rules. And its debt is very great.
I invite you to live with Me the cross of this humanity, just as My Son lived it in an unconditional way for each one of you. He promised, He declared and announced that you would do greater things than He did. This is no longer a theory, nor a message, it is a reality that you are living by means of this Work, by means of this pilgrimage, in an inexplicable way in these times.
I come for all the human race and also for those who do not accept nor listen to Me. That is why I call you to unite to Me on this planetary mission, not only for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for the nations, which, in case they do not maintain their spiritual and psychic balance, many things could not be avoided.
I will risk Myself in these times, dear children, to send less of My pilgrims, so that this Extraordinary Mission may become possible. This means, an even greater and invincible spirit of prayer on your part.
I will try to avoid something from Portugal, because there too, the love of My children concentrates in the great Sanctuary of Fatima, where I was with you a hundred years ago, to put an end to the war and establish a longer period of peace. But this period of peace, dear children, is ending.
I invite you to strengthen the path of prayer, because this will allow the doors of Heaven to remain open, so that the infinite Grace of My Heart may penetrate, as rays of Light, the nations that need it most, and thus I will be able to dissolve the evils of My enemy.
I invite you, dear children, to be conscious of the planetary situation, to come out of yourselves for a moment and not give work to God, but instead more service, more donation of self, more heart, so that many things may be relieved.
As you have placed your heart at the service of God in these days, I need this fire, ignited inside you, to continue forward, because I will be able to make of Chile, My Beloved Blessed Homeland.
This evening, I come to consecrate new Children of Mary with the same joy and plenitude, with the same happiness and bliss as Your Heavenly Mother did the last time in Santiago. Because here in this group of souls which will be consecrated today, there are origins of native people, spiritual and inner values that should emerge again in the human consciousness of this country, so that it may recuperate its spiritual dignity, its filiation with God and mainly, reconciliation among the peoples and the cultures of Chile.
This will also allow, dear children, that the very hard, difficult past, that this country experienced may be erased from the pain of the consciousnesses, and the principle of the primordial Healing of God can emerge.
That is why this consecration tonight is important for Me, because through the "yes" of these souls it is allowing many more souls of this nation to be helped, and in this way, through your hearts and your presence, you are allowing Me to return here once more, to consecrate all Chile to My Immaculate Heart.
Water to Bless.
The Children of Mary may approach, those who will live consecration today.
Dear children, I want to tell you that I Am also that Spirit of Peace, so sacred and mysterious, which was present among the Incas and the Mapuches by means of the symbol of the Condor Bird. It is in this way that I was never far from you, your souls were accompanied by Me, as all your native peoples.
And know, dear children, that despite what you have lived or what you have suffered throughout the times, you never lost your original purity.
This is what I come to look for in Chile in these moments, your original purity, which was cultivated in your souls at the beginning, in your essences, in your experiences of love as a sacred people.
Today I come to bring to you the same values conceived by the Incas and the Mapuches. Therefore, I wish to hear this evening, at least three times, the Hail Mary in Mapuche.
Hail Mary in Mapuche (three times)
I thank you for these prayers which I will take to the Celestial Father, so that many more indigenous essences, more native peoples throughout the Americas may receive My intercession, My Grace and especially the healing of their wounds.
By the authority that My Son has granted Me, as the Mother of the World and Mother of Humanity, on behalf of the oceans of the world, of all marine life, may the Lord consecrate this element so that it may serve as healing, as redemption and as forgiveness for hearts.
And now, dear children, through this consecration and this prayerful commitment that you assume with Me, I ask you to sing the hymn of your consecration so that My Graces can descend upon your hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call and today I leave you the sacred image of the Virgin of Carmen so that it may pilgrimage through your homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, infant institutions, through all places that need love, healing and forgiveness.
Remember, always remember that I will be your Sea Star, that I will come from the firmament, from the Pacific Ocean to help you.
I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I consecrate this land, a promise of God and His Divine Kingdom.
Today I consecrate your hearts, a project of Christ, the Redeemer.
Today I place My children of Chile in My arms, a project of My maternal Love.
Because of all this, dear children, today I present you with the Plan of the Creator for this part of the world, for this nation that must carry out the most infinite aspiration of God which comes from His Most Holy Heart, a project that will be accomplished with the help of each of you.
Today a new horizon can be glimpsed by your consciousnesses. A door into the past closes and another door opens into Heaven so that you may recognize your origins, your personal mission, your commitment to Christ.
The deepest cores are healed by My Heart and by the strength of the Love of God, coming from His purest, most chaste and immaculate Source.
Today, this is what I bring you, dear children. From the furthest infinity of the universe to what is greatest of this planet is being bathed by the Light of God, by His non-material Source, which brings new principles to the hearts of this nation and for the world.
Here, today in Santiago, your Heavenly Mother finishes a stage and begins a new one, accompanied by your hearts that have given their vow of confirmation on this night of consecration and peace.
I will count on your hands to carry service, prayer, instruction and also healing to Chile.
I will count on your feet so that, through you, dear children, I am able to journey among this people, carrying out the ardent aspiration of My Son of turning this nation into a blessed homeland.
Thus, dear children, with this small step that your hearts take today, the most precious Project of God descends upon your consciousnesses like a Grace, and in this moment, to your lives brings the strength of the renewing Spirit that transforms and heals all things: the strength of My Holy Spirit, so your lives, united with My Son, may begin the apostolic path that I encourage you to experience in the end of these times.
From that Greater Source I come today, from the purest and most chaste non-material Source I bring that which is unknown to your beings, which at the end of these times, through your prayer and your charity, will become visible, aware and available for each of you.
The Mysteries of God will cease to be mysteries. They will be teachings, impulses of light, ways to renew your hearts daily.
Thus, I tell you, dear children, that you are not alone on this night. Your Heavenly Mother, in light of the Celestial Father and in light of His most beloved Son, has made the commitment to accompany you. Just as you have made a commitment to Me, on this night, to accompany Me on this new walk of returning to this people, a people in redemption, love and light, so that it may recover its sacred values that were inspired in the original people, so it may recover the spiritual dignity of being able to feel like a child of God, as a nation and as a race.
For this reason, dear children, let your hearts celebrate today, let your bitterness disappear today, let your hearts beat as Mine beats in this great emanation of Love that I bring you from the Source to make your lives, lives within the Divinity, within the Father, within His Project of Love.
I would like you to feel your spirits to be free to walk in peace, knowing that you are taking sure steps toward that new reality, toward that new mission that My Heart brings you today, that My hands today gift you with a motherly Love, to each of your hearts.
Let the suns of your beings rise and may this land be redeemed by the star of your hearts, which today shine again in the Love of Christ, Our Lord.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this night, My children, I invite you to renew your commitment to Me and also renew your faith, so that in this way, you may prepare the return of My Son to this world and that He may find, in your hearts, a refuge and a hope.
The world is distant from God, and humanity no longer believes in the Return of Christ. But I come on this evening, children, to show humanity, through the testimony of your lives and the renewal of your faith, that your Lord and King is now returning in Spirit to the cradle of the Americas and, with all His Divinity and splendor, He will place His Feet on the soil of this land.
For this, I want you to prepare your hearts with faith and hope, with an absolute trust in My Immaculate Heart; because in spite of all the tests that humanity will experience and which I have already announced, the Son of God will return to the world and it will be when the time of this Earth unites with eternity and dissolves the chaos and the conflicts of this Earth, to make way for the Kingdom of His Love, His Mercy and His Peace.
Today, My children, I come to establish this Kingdom within you, because you opened the doors of your hearts to Me. Let this Kingdom expand, transform you and change you every day into true divine projects, in which the promises of God are fulfilled and His perfection is manifested.
In this way, My children, Divine Will shall expand throughout this planet and the East will also see a new opportunity, a new life being born on this Earth, in the heart of the Americas.
Children, you will see the chaos of this world, you will see this world tremble; but today, I come to strengthen your faith and the joy of your hearts.
Today, My eyes of a Mother and Pilgrim contemplate your hearts with great joy, because I see redeemed soldiers that are defeating the battle of the end of times, with knees on the ground, with your forehead on the ground, crying out to the Father for His Mercy, for His Forgiveness, and for the redemption of this planet.
Today I also come to especially ask for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that you may understand, children, that this country, like all the countries of the world, not only has great beauty to be contemplated by the heart of humankind; such beauty, children, sustains this world with a surrender that humanity still does not understand.
If you allow the Kingdoms to be assaulted, and little by little, disappear from this world, as essence and spirit, you will not allow the Earth to be sustained and fulfill its mission.
Especially in this nation so loved, I come to ask that you pray for the Kingdoms, and that in your groups of prayer, be aware of the silent suffering that the Kingdoms of Nature endure because of the indifference of humanity, because of the assault and all the sins that are not only in the human heart, but also, as a result, extend into My little Kingdoms of Nature.
Today, children, feel the joy of My Heart, the infinite Love that I bring from My Celestial Kingdom, and allow yourselves to be inspired to be different, and with an even greater impulse, carry the good news of the Presence of God on Earth with words, with prayer; but above all, with the examples of your lives.
Show the world and this nation that you are different after being in the Presence of your Divine Mother; because today I bring you the redemption of your spirits, the Mercy of Christ, so you may be renewed and finally express this higher love that dwells in your essences, this unique love that I come to wake up with My infinite Divine Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Responding to this celestial call to assembly, see born in your hearts the Star of My Celestial Confederation.
And on this afternoon, on this evening of Graces, feel part of an infinite legion of love that works for peace, the good, the awakening of all the universes.
Let your deepest beings, your spirits unknown to this material life, stand up again and look firmly toward the universe to find again this inner communion with the Great Brotherhood.
And now, dear children, that your hearts were worked upon and are now ready to be able to begin with new steps on this walk of light, on this apostolic walk that I invite you to experience, I will consecrate you with the Water of Life, with the water that comes from the Source which materialized on this Earth through water as a sacred element for the healing, redemption and consecration of this humanity.
Bring water here for Me to bless.
"Place, Lord, Your Hands over this element that You have created for the creatures of this world, so they may be washed, purified and redeemed by the consoling Spirit of Your Sacred Heart.
Through this element, place here the gifts of Your Son so that, in this important Sacrament, with the essence of infinite life, all the souls of Chile may again find their original purity. Amen."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady, we are going to ask that the Children of Mary stand up to receive this blessing Our Divine Mother is providing.
You can bring more water here, because I will also bless everybody, dear children, not only those who are being consecrated today; because through your souls, the souls that are present here today, I am weaving My Celestial Mantle with your essences, in this nation and in all your people.
I will also, dear children, bless these sacred elements that you have brought to the foot of My alter, as well as these intentions that have come from other nations of the world, which I will hold with the great love of My motherly Heart, to request for each of them, so that more children of Mine in the world achieve healing and freedom.
Let these flowers as well, at the foot of the altar which make the spirit of this people re-emerge, be blessed by the Love of My Heart, so that souls may find Higher Love again. Amen.
Today I bless the children that are being consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who come from this land, which is closing its wounds and is resurfacing to true Love, which I invite you to experience and to practice every day, holding My Immaculate Heart as its foundation, as impulse and as an awakening.
I consecrate you, in this new apostleship that you will experience together with Me, so the land may be consecrated as the homeland that God hopes to see manifested in this end time.
I bless you with the Love of My Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And My feet will continue to walk among this people. I invite you to accompany Me, in the next meetings, so that more souls may be consecrated in love. And you, as from now, My children, be instruments of My Immaculate Heart so that more stars may be ignited in this nation and fill this firmament with redeemed beings.
So be it.
I love you always, I love you eternally. And for this meeting which has been done in the name of Grace, I thank you for responding to My call.
Sing with your hearts so that God may hear you and thus His Celestial Kingdom be established above all things.
Song: "To Look At You."
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more