My dear children,

May joy flow from you today for this reunion with the Sacred Hearts in May, when your souls are to celebrate the month of My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.

After all the special work, carried out by Christ in Israel, today your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, returns to reopen the Fountain of Graces, so that these much needed Graces may be poured out upon My children.

Also, in a special way, your Mother Aparecida returns to protect the Spiritual Purpose of Brazil and to help the angel of the Brazilian nation; because Brazil, as a people, will always move forward, beyond all that is not very transparent that happens in these times.

Remember, My children, that in Fatima, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary revealed to the visionaries the spiritual mission that Brazil, as the heart of the world, would have at the end of times.

Now, when in the month of May, souls will make their last decisions, after all the Graces received from Israel through My Beloved Son; your Most Holy Mother returns to Brazil to strengthen the mission that you have as a country and that should also be reflected through the hearts of all Brazilians.

Thus, responding to the Requests of the Most High Eternal Father, the Three Sacred Hearts meet again in the month of May in South America; so that this region of the planet does not forget that Our loving gaze is always upon the New Eden of God, it is upon Brazil and its sister nations.

I invite you to prepare these upcoming meetings under the gift of joy, of gladness, under the Grace of the reencounter of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Figueira.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

I come as the Light of the Love of God to penetrate the heart of My children, to take them once again to the Celestial Father because He is still waiting to hold them in His Arms.

Come to Me, dear children, just as I come to you today, My beloved children, to once again bless this nation and this people, Precious Project of the Arch of God in the end of these times, in the Thousand Years of Peace.

Therefore, leave at My Feet everything that makes you suffer or have to endure.  I come to make your souls and hearts be reborn.  I come to bring you, through My Heart, the Presence of Christ so that you may remember, My beloveds, that you must always find Him in the Holy Communion, so that the Sacrament of Faith and Renewal may overflow your souls and hearts, make of your consciousnesses peacemaking beings that receive in openness the Call of the Eternal Father.

I Am here, My children, and I Am the Mother of Brazil. I Am grateful for being here today, responding to the Call of God through the calling of your Celestial Mother.  Keep on praying for this nation and for this people, just as My Son asked you in the last days.

Do not fear, have faith and trust.  This Project of Brazil, that is the Ark of God, will not disappear from the Heart of the Father and even less from the heart of My children if you believe in the Project of God.

Remember that which My Son told you in the last days, that  Brazil is a country with open arms and with a very big and noble heart.  From the origins of this people, of this land, here God placed His Eden, which has been transgressed by humankind on the surface, which has hurt and outraged the Kingdoms of Nature.

But today you, My Children, who have the Grace of being conscious and of being awake, pray not only for this country dearly loved by Me, but also for the Kingdoms of Creation.

The human being on the surface cannot live without nature, without the oceans, without the dawn.  Imagine a planet without all this, there would be no life on the surface of the Earth.  Therefore, I call you on to repair the Kingdoms of Nature, so that also this people and the whole world may be repaired and healed.

Dear children, you must pray for this Creation, for this planet.  My Son still hopes and wishes to find this humanity standing, despite its suffering and its chaos.  Therefore, start with yourselves, My dear children, by living a life of goodness, remembering the Commandments that My Son dictated to you, making of each of your families a sacred oratory for God.

In this way you will prevent, My beloved children, My enemy from disrupting and disturbing you; because at each moment that you pray from your hearts, as you did today, you and your families will be protected and protected in the end of these times.

There will still be situations in this humanity that, for many, will be unbelievable; but I invite you to keep ignited the fire of prayer and to multiply the spirit of the nation beyond this people, the spirit of love that this country lives, the soul of this country.  In this way, you will keep the doors opened so that the outraged South America may receive the Mercy of My Son, hearts may reconcile with the Eternal Father and they may no longer think that God is a Judge. The Father is a Unique Consciousness of Mercy and Love.

Therefore, remember His Sacred Names, the Names that the people of Israel used to invoke, and thus receive His Sacred Kingdom, which is inside your hearts and lives.  You just need to look inside of you to find Him; because the life of humanity, in these times, has become a material and superficial life, leading many souls to live in indifference and not in love.

I ask you, My children, that you search within yourselves for this reconciliation through My Presence, tonight, for the whole of Brazil and the world.

I come to tell you, My children, that God has the door to His Mercy opened so that you may cross it and can get to know His Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy.

For this reason, do not feel guilt, rejoice your hearts.  The Lord has sent Me as His Slave and His Servant to support the whole of Brazil, in this quite crucial decision that people need to make in the coming times.

For this reason, allow the Angels of God to be present in this nation, so that all hearts, beyond creeds, may renew themselves.  Because God has His Arms open for all His Creatures, just as today, your Lady and Mother of Brazil, has Her Arms open and Her Hands stretched out towards you, to pour out the Graces that you need, after these last two years of darkness and uncertainty.

As Mother of all, I trust in those who pray wholeheartedly and truthfully, who do not tire of praying, not only for themselves, but also for the world.

Prayer is that which will close the uncertain doors that are open, will calm the minds of people, will appease restless hearts and bring joy of living and of being in God, which in this world tends to be replaced by the gods that many nations practice.

Do not forget your origins, do not forget the wealth of your inner universe, of your truth.  God is within you and waits for you, so that you may find Him again, so that you may adore and recognize Him.

For this reason, I Am here, to tell Brazil and the world not to let yourselves be influenced or deceived.  God gave you this planet so that you might be a Sacred Family, so that all may achieve happiness through being here and recognizing one another as brothers and sisters, as members of one universal family.

Therefore, dear children, re-kindle in yourselves the flame of fraternity, so that indifference may be placated.

Re-kindle in yourselves the flame of service, so that poverty may be placated.

Re-kindle in yourselves your faith in the Mercy of God, so that the fears that are created and radiated to the whole world may disappear from the lives of people, because they are fears that do not exist.

God created you so that you might be His image and likeness, and this will never change.

Pray to protect this dear nation from that which they want to institute and establish.  Free this people from false promises.  Believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you and, as Your Mother, I assure you that you won’t lack peace.

May Brazil live one day the true Spiritual Government of My Son, so that all the the people may be blessed by the Divine Law, the true Law of God that orders consciousnesses and the inner worlds, that brings the Graces that hearts need to feel healed and loved by God.

Today, He sends Me with this Message for all of you.  But My Son also sends me to tell you that He will always be Christ, the Redeemer of this nation, the One who will always bring you the Light of the universe and of life.  Therefore, He asks you to rise and have faith.  This captivity that the world lives will end, but the planet and humanity must still purify.

Pray with fervor, form groups of prayer and be armies of the Heavenly Mother.  May your lives be sparkles of God on the surface of the Earth, the Light that shines in these times of darkness to illuminate the nations and the planet.

Live the Unity of God so that you may live in Unity with Christ and so that, through Christ, My Beloved Son, you may live in Unity with the Holy Spirit.

In the following weeks, invoke, through prayer, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that your hearts may be the ones that choose, not your minds.

Remember the Angel of Brazil, which so much needs and waits for you.  Allow him to extend his wings upon this people, so that it may be protected from the interferences of these times, from the ideologies and temptations that are sent to humanity in a permanent way.

But through the intelligence of the heart, I invite you to elevate your consciousnesses through prayer, so you may be protected from everything and your hearts may live in the Love of God, because His Love is invincible and is Infinite, it is a Love that never dies, that never disappears.

Therefore, through My Heart, My dear children, find the Love of God tonight again, the Love that waits for you, the Love that awaits you.

In My Immaculate Heart, I receive the supplications, prayers and intentions of all those present here and also of those not present, because I deeply know each one of your lives.

I am the Mother of Humanity, the Mother of the Cross, who, at the Feet of Christ in the Calvary, committed to work for the salvation of souls and hearts, to lead them to rediscover the Love of God.

Commune with this Love at this moment and dissolve all guilt and doubt; because the Love of God is present; it nourishes and renews it all, heals everything and grants you peace. May your hearts be strengthened in the Peace of God so you may learn to walk in these difficult times.

Today, I pray not only for you, but also for your families.  I pray for this dear and beloved nation of Our Lady. And once again I give thanks for your being here, in simplicity of spirit, in humility of the heart, in ardent devotion.

Because all these attributes appease the injustice that this country could live in the coming times and also allow this nation not to be deceived, but rather that all, with hope and faith, may make of Brazil the New Eden of God.

Do you accept this?

They all answer: “Yes!”.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is smiling.


As a testimony of the Love of God, I will consecrate new Children of Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

I invite you to approach the foot of this Altar.

May all those also approach, who would like to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Mother will pour out Her Graces at this moment upon Brazil and upon all those present here, to bless you in the Love of Christ.


Today, I extend My Celestial Mantle, through the consecration of each one of My children present here, through the hearts that believe in the sacred flame of faith and hope, through the hearts that wait with joy for the Glorious Return of Christ, the near coming of Christ to this humanity and planet, which today the Mother of God announces with happiness and joy.

This is why I ask you, My beloved and dear children, never cease to elevate the torch of faith and peace, and to elevate your prayers and above all your hearts towards the Heavens, as an offering and in love, so that the Celestial Father may always bless and protect you.

Today, through this special and blessed consecration of new Children of Mary, I extend My Celestial Mantle to you and show the Eternal Father how, through the consecration of souls and devout hearts, it is possible to again elevate the Project of this humanity through the pillars of Faith, Love, Mercy, Healing and Peace.

Therefore, listening at this moment to the Hymn of your Consecration, which I invite you to sing, also for all the Children of Mary who already exist, let us elevate to the Father our supplications and offerings so that He may pour out not only His Mercy and Healing, but also His Peace upon those who search for it with sincerity, so that they may commune with Christ, My Son.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary.

And, at this moment, before the Presence of the Mother of God, let us internally and spiritually prepare so that, at the Foot of the Celestial Queen and Mother of Brazil, we may consecrate ourselves as Her children forever, as the Children of Mary.


I consecrate, bless and renew you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the King and Sovereign Master of Humility.

I Am here to serve My companions, so that My companions may never tire of knowing the immensity of My Love. A Love that comes from the Father, the Love that created you from the Beginning, that made you emerge from a special Source, which up to this day has been unknown to the whole world.

Today I bring to you, companions, behind Me, the splendid Fig Tree of Light, plenty are the fruits of service, surrender. Plenty are the fruits of those who self-summoned to serve God in these final times.

Glimpse, at this moment, all that the Hierarchy has achieved on the surface of this planet, through the expression and manifestation of the Light-Communities, through the cells that have awakened in these final times to the call of instruction and to the call for transformation.

Therefore, companions, believe, once and for all, that your lives have been renewed. But the path to accompany your Master and Lord in the sacred preparation of His Return to the world is still very long.

Today I come to give you these fruits of Knowledge and sacrifice because this Sacred Fig Tree has been able to yield its fruits through those who have self-summoned, through those who have walked in these times, following the call from Heaven with faith and determination.

There is no other place in the world but within yourselves where you can hold this Legacy that I give to you today, which comes from the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, which throughout times has congregated you for service, for the concretion of the Plan, the Plan of Love and Unity, which has to be present in each human heart.

Therefore, celebrate this moment with Me.

Behold the Sovereign Master of Humility and Surrender, Who knows your names written in the universe, who watches and protects your consciousnesses so that, at each new cycle that presents itself, you may have the courage and bravery to walk toward Me. Because the coming times will present challenges to all.

I will place My Purpose in your hearts and inner worlds so that it may be fulfilled just as I expect and so that this Purpose may allow redemption for humanity. Therefore, you should no longer feel that your lives are yours. Your lives belong to the Lord, because He writes the Will of God and concretizes it step by step, through the life of each being.

I come for a nation that needs to feel me very close. I come for a beloved people that has the destiny of being the cradle of the New Humanity, because the Rays that rule this nation are a favorite of Mine, the important Rays that have allowed the universe to evolve. And your souls are a part of these Rays, under their sacred expressions, through Love and Devotion.

Therefore, Brazil is a country of open arms. It is a country that must continue to be governed by the Queen of Heaven so that all the angels that eternally accompany Her may protect each space and each place of this dear nation.

WIth this, I mean to say to you, companions, that you should pray much more in the coming weeks, and that it may be the spirit of prayer that should inspire you and guide you to make the right decision. The Father will also pray for you, for the Purpose of this nation, so that it may continue to fulfill that which is written in the Heart of God.

Brazil must always be a nation that, through its humility, simplicity and beauty, helps the kindred nations and also the far-away nations of the planet, because the beat of My Christic Heart must always be present here. From here the Return of Christ must emerge, because My promise is alive.

I will come among the humble and simple. My Love will defeat the powerful and arrogant, and once again the New Jerusalem will be elevated, in which all will feel One in the Father and, through the Father, they will feel One with the Son and the Holy Spirit.  

Therefore, I beg you not to fail to raise your voice through prayer so that, as you have asked today, the Angel of this country may consciously be helped by all. Thus, the pressure will be relieved, the mental and uncertain doors will close and the Ray of Love and Devotion will spring from the sincere hearts that fervently invoke the Name of Jesus, so that His Word and His Will may be fulfilled.

Thus, in the coming weeks, I will count on the prayer of all Christians, of all who follow a path toward Christ, and I will inspire this people to an inter-religious unity, where respect for life, love in families, unity among loved ones and, above all, the good may exist, in this humanity.

For this reason, on this day, I come to ask for a special prayer for Brazil until October 30 so that you may help the Angel of this country in all that which It must manifest and achieve in these times. The sacred instrument that you will utilize in this task will be the Rosary so that the Mantle of My Holy Mother Aparecida may be extended upon the spirit of this nation, protecting it from the harassments and the conquerors of these times, safeguarding the heart of this nation from the ideologies that eradicate life and confuse families through uncertain languages.

Thus, you will allow the Angel of Brazil to attract toward this country the Spiritual and Divine Purpose of this nation, which began to be fulfilled with the liberation from slavery, bringing more sensitivity and respect to the humble and innocent.

This is why I ask you to position yourselves in the correct frequency, to disseminate the power of Love, disseminate the power of My Mercy, to be forerunners of the prayer of the heart, and not to get entangled in the world lies.

It is time, companions, for you to consciously help the Hierarchy, because just as I told My apostles such a long time ago, it depends on the penance and repentance of hearts that Justice may not descend upon the world, that My Unfathomable Mercy may descend and hearts may rejoice for their liberation.

I Am here today, also praying for you and your people. I cannot think, not even for a moment, that I will not be able to have My Feet upon this sacred soil of Brazil, because it is a promise that My Father made to Me on the Cross: that, after the times of Armageddon, in a simple and humble region of the planet, the Lord would return to the world.

Pray for the permanence of these spiritual bases. I also call on all My companions from other nations to join the prayer for Brazil, as it is time for you to understand and perceive that you are part of one universal family.

For this reason, My Consciousness is close these days, close to My companions, to those who have their hearts open, just as the Master was, such a long time ago, together with His apostles, sharing His Humanity, Fraternity and Love.

After this dark night that the world has lived and some parts of the world still continue to live, My Presence, through the consecration of new Adorers, will ignite the incandescent flame of peace so that it may remain in the world and not be extinguished, because if peace were missing in this world, everything would quickly precipitate.

This is the reason for the importance of preserving the prayer for Brazil, so that the Angel of this country may intercede before the Father, just as today My Heart intercedes for you, for you to be My testimonial of redemption and forgiveness.

Let the new adorers approach the foot of this altar, because it is My wish at this moment that My priests may bless you with water and incense, so that your souls may live this moment of consecration. Thus, I will also be able to bless you in Spirit, in Divinity, for this sacred and blessed task that you assumed such a long time ago, so that the planet may preserve not only its mental balance, but also the physical balance of the Earth. This must be the great key and the great cause of the adorers in these times, so that My Grace and My Mercy may continue to descend upon the world and souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, and before His Presence at this moment of inner consecration of these brothers and sisters, we will support the task that He will carry out for each one of them at this moment, through a song. We will sing “Consecration.”

 At this moment, we offer to Christ the elements for Him to bless them.

through these elements,
deposit Your Sacred Presence,
an expression of the infinity of Your 
Merciful and Eternal Love.

Through these elements,
deposit Your Grace and Your Mercy,
so that souls, through this blessing,
may feel as participants in Your Kingdom,
and may always renew themselves 
throughout time.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Song: “Consecration.”


I give thanks for those who adore My Eucharistic Heart. May It always be your strength and your renewal in the lessons of life, in the lessons of these times. May My Eucharistic Heart of Love always be a power of the Healing and Renewing Love.

Placing My Hands upon you, I consecrate you as Adorers of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

May Peace be in you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may stand up.

Now, the new adorers will make an inner offering to Christ, at this moment, so that He may always impel them to follow this path of Adoration, to recognize His Name and Presence within themselves. Through the silence of your hearts, elevate the offering and before His Presence respond to His call.

We will elevate our inner offering through a simple prayer, at this moment of consecration.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


I thank you for responding to My summoning!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the Inner Presence of Our Lord, we will prepare for the Sacrament of the Communion.

We remain attuned with His Merciful Heart, so that we may relive the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, through the Communion, which will be offered at the Altar.

We will sing the Names of God.


Song: “Sacred Names of God – Canon No. 1”

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
