Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Discover within yourself the spiritual wealth that God has given you. A wealth that awakens the apostles of Christ in these times so that this world may be converted and redeemed through all those who have self-summoned to follow My unknown Steps, My Footprints that will guide you toward the Purpose of the existence of each being.

You must never forget the wealth of the spiritual universe that dwells within you, a spiritual wealth that God gave you in the origin and that, in this cycle, if you are open, you will find, come to know and grasp, because this is My ardent wish. This is what will allow the victory over evil. When consciousnesses awaken deeply and come to know their inner universe, with all its inexhaustible and eternal wealth, there will no longer be a reason for evil and suffering to exist in this world.

More than two thousand years ago, I taught you through the Parables about the wealth of your inner universe, but I also taught you to remain in the Law and respect it.

After such a long time, and before a suffering and agonizing world, I bring you today, My companions, the wealth of your inner universe, a wealth that has no stain or sin, because it is an immaculate wealth that comes from the Source of Creation.

This is why, at this moment, I ask you to take a step and enter the Void of God, in which the Law of Impermanence dwells, in which all is constantly renewed through the currents that the Higher Universe provides. This awakens in souls the gifts and virtues that they must live.

I ask for the presence in these times of the talents that I need. You should take the step. Because the Law of the Universe is perfect, the Law of the Universe is correct and abundant, and you will not lack anything when you dare to take the step toward your inner universe. Because in this way you will not only remember that you have an origin and a beginning, but you will also know the reason why you were created in the Genesis from the beginning, and even more, you will know your cosmic trajectory.

Today, I ask you to contemplate your good conduct and not your errors, even if the former is unknown to your minds and consciousnesses. This is possible through the impulse of the Fire of My Heart, because in these times, companions, I need all to know the history of Christ after His Ascension, which not only refers to the Sacred Book.

Has anyone in this world wondered what happened to Me after My Ascension?

I rose not only to the Father who is in Heavens, I also rose to the Universe where the Brotherhood is found, to merge in spirit with My companions, with all the Sacred Hierarchies that look after this Plan from the beginning.

That was where everything renewed itself, because not only the angels recognized My arrival in the Heavens, but the whole Confraternity also recognized the arrival of the King, Who, as from that moment, received the Scepter of the Government of God, which I sustain in humility and service for souls, as well as for all of Creation.

Therefore, enter this state of consciousness at this moment, through My Heart and through My Spiritual Portal, which, at this moment, is abundantly open to all.

Unite your essences to the Origin. Unite your consciousnesses to your inner universe and no longer feel as human persons, mental or emotional beings. Through My Presence, elevate your consciousnesses a little more and commune with the principle of your origins in this Creation, because at the center of your hearts shines the Star of the Brotherhood, which impels you to move forward in spite of the hard times. This Star encourages you to live the lessons with love and forgiveness and, despite the errors that the world may commit in these times, all those who were once up there in the Universe…


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At this moment, the Lord points to the Heavens.


... will remember once again who they truly are. Thus, you will understand that you are not only material, that you are spirit, soul and divinity united to the Source that always recreates and recreates itself. In these times, it recreates itself through lessons of love and redemption.

This is what I offer to you today, so that you may remember and know, so that you may keep in mind that I am waiting for you, in this coming trajectory of the Plan which must be written in your hearts, which must be expressed through your lives, through your unconditional surrender.

The Work of Redemption, the Work of My Return, the Work of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, will be fulfilled through adhered and united hearts. This is the rule and the request that I Have received from the Celestial Father Himself so that, through souls adhered and united to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of the Redeemer, the world may continue to receive Mercy rather than Justice, because the scales are imbalanced, inequality weighs in this world due to the action of impunity and power.

But do not forget, companions, that I Am in the Heavens, just as today I Am with each one of your hearts, defeating evil and making My Love triumph in the essences that are postulants to be Christified in these times.

Therefore, do not fear My challenges, do not fear My requests, do not fear anything. Because the one who lives in My Truth lives in the Light, and the one who lives in My Light lives in My Love, works and strives for this cause, and does not fear to divest themselves little by little, until someday you may even come to do what I did on the Cross: have My Heart absolutely empty, to surrender before God and drink from the Chalice of Sacrifice.

My Altars are still filled with Chalices of Light. My Altar waits for souls to present themselves to drink from sacrifice, not the sacrifice that the world has incorrectly taught you, but so that your lives may become completely sacred, so that I, someday, may dwell in you, and you may dwell in Me.

Do you aspire to take this great step?

My Heart opens in Mercy and Pity for all and, in solemnity and joy, I once again offer Myself to souls and to the world to redeem it.

In recent times, throughout all Sacred Weeks, I have told you many things. Do you remember them? Have you made them flesh in yourselves so that I may justify before the Eternal Father the imperious need to be here among you and your brothers and sisters?

It is time for the Christs of the New Times to be a reality and to no longer just be an aspiration of My Heart. Therefore, for as long as possible, at all possible opportunities, I give you My Life through the Sacraments, so that you may not only purify and purify yourselves, but also so that you may Christify yourselves before Me, through each priest that offers Himself to the Sacraments to consecrate souls, as an incalculable spiritual treasure, which I will carry in My Eternal Heart forever.

Do you believe that it is possible for your souls to be consecrated and that in these times when peace and love are lacking, there may be souls on the surface of the Earth that can express the spiritual treasure of God’s Creation?

This is what I need in these times, because before the Law, the world has decided not to be worthy of Mercy. But My Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy, which springs from the deep Cores of your Master and Lord, continues to descend upon the world through the souls that invoke it, grant miracles where it is impossible to carry them out, attracts many Graces to those who would not deserve them and sustains the Spiritual Purpose of the nations of the world, although it does not seem to be so.

Therefore, I tell you, companions to be the Christs of the New Times, the Christs that your Christ expects.

As an example of My Love and My Mercy for all souls, I will give a Grace and, at the same time, an atonement so that hearts may be strengthened and, in this inner unity that you can live with Me, you may dare to take the step toward the total consecration of your lives, in the different degrees of consecration that you can live in these times.

Because the degrees of consecration of souls are the degrees of love that they can achieve in these times, to be converted into perfect shrines of the Lord, in which the merits of His Passion, Death and Resurrection may be deposited into hearts so that they may someday believe that they will be able to be sacred temples of My Heart, in this world in need of love and forgiveness.

Remember that all participate with Me in these times and that I hope that this place that you have in My Heart may always be protected from yourselves and from the world, because My Presence, in this place and throughout the times, is an extraordinary Grace of the Father which souls receive without perceiving it.

Before you can live union with Me, through My Body and My Blood present in the Sacrament of the Communion, in which the Lamb of God will surrender again for the whole world and especially for Brazil, through the sacred example of consecration, I will give strength to the hearts that need it.

Therefore, at this moment I ask those postulants to be helpers of My Mercy to present themselves at the foot of this Sacred Altar of Mine and for each one of them to carry upon themselves the veil that they will offer to Me at this moment, which they will place upon their hands as an offering.

I ask you to support this moment, companions.

My Most Holy Mother has asked Me to give you a Grace for all souls who are behind you at this moment and who will also need that Spiritual Grace in this cycle.

I have deeply known you for a long time. Therefore, I Am doing this so that, in trust, in love and joy, you may feel the plenitude of My Heart, which trusts in you again, just as My Heart trusts in all the helpers that have been consecrated to Me to serve Me.

I hope that this moment of consecration may be a renewal of this Branch of the Grace Mercy Order, because I also hope that you may be New Christs that respond to My call and serve Me wherever I need, in any part of the world.

Therefore, through you, I renew the spiritual and inner vows of the Branch of Helpers of Divine Mercy, because, My daughters, I still need that My Mercy continue to descend to the world, through the offering of your consecration to My Heart.

You may elevate your veils toward the Heavens so that I may consecrate them at this moment. I ask for the same from the other helpers already consecrated: lift your veils toward the Heavens, toward the Lord.

Most Holy Universal Mother,
to You, who have untiringly offered Your Most Pure, Immaculate and Eternal Womb
to bring the Redeemer to Earth,
I offer, at this moment,
the sacred offering of your daughters
and servers of the Altars of God,
so that You, Blessed and Most Pure Mother,
who gestate in Your Womb the New Humanity,
may have Your Graces and Mercies descend
upon this Spiritual Branch that I have consecrated in this Order,
so that the joy of tirelessly serving Me may always be in it.
Thus, may souls understand that serving Me is not just a commitment,
but it is also a duty to My Unfathomable and Sacred Heart.

Place this veil upon their heads, Most Holy Mother.
Consecrate those who are todaypostulants before My Feet,
and re-consecrate those daughters who already serve Me at this moment,
so that Mercy and Peace may be a Grace deserved by all.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Heart that was pierced out of Love for the men and women of the Earth, and which offers itself to souls as a Blazing Flame of Love so that they may always learn to live in Christ.

Behold the alliance of the women of Jerusalem, that spiritual alliance which they received from My Heart and which sustained the steps from Calvary to the Cross in fidelity and in obedience.

Today your name will be María Izra’el.

Your name will be Luz del Renascimiento.

Today, your name will be Hildegard de Jesús.

Today, your name will be Fidelidad.

Today, your name will be María Betania.

Yes, feel as a part of Me, for all souls that are behind you, so that their paths may also be guided and supported by My Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Before bidding farewell, I would like to thank and bless a soul that has offered itself to Me, to bring to Earth the Codes of My Passion, in a living way never before seen in the history of the planet.

Gabriel the painter and his partner may come here.

Thus, just as I have been anointed through your art, which is expressed by soul and heart, and represents My sorrowful Passion to the whole world, so today I anoint you with My Light and Love to thank you for your offering and tell you to continue to fulfill your mission and your task.

Feel My embrace at this moment and the embrace to your partner as well, precious pearls of My Heart.

I thank you for that which you have done in My Name.

I anoint your hands so that, through your painting and your art, you may bring Heaven to Earth.

I anoint your spirit so that you may always be united to Me. Remember that you have always been united to Me.

May My Father always hold the two of you in His Kingdom so that you may live in the bliss of being in His Paradise for the centuries to come. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I thank you for having been with Me up to this moment. May you someday understand what it means when My Heart tends to the simplest souls, the souls that believe in Me.

I give My Peace to all of you, may Peace be in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My children,

I am here again to be with you and, through you, with all of Africa, with all peoples and ethnicities, all cultures and beliefs.

Because I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother Who welcomes all within Her Heart, without distinction. The Mother with a heart open to receive the supplications of Her children, to calm the suffering, to relieve hearts, so that through Me and My offering you may again find the path of Peace.

Today, I want you to enter, through My Heart, this magnificent universe of Peace that, in these times, is unknown to most of My children, due to the conflicts and wars, due to the divisions in families and peoples, due to the constant struggle for survival.

This is why I invite you to be in My Heart so that, through My Heart, you may be in the Heart of My Son, Who again sends His Faithful Servant and Mother of all of Africa to be with Her children, with those most in need of spiritual consolation, with those who have always cried out for divine intervention.

Behold, I Am your Mother. Enter My Heart, enter the Eternal Temple of God, which offered itself to the Father to conceive the Messiah, your Savior and Redeemer today; the One Who carried the Cross for you and Who today keeps carrying it for the whole world, due to indifference, omission, war and the conflicts of the world.

Enter My Heart so that you may be liberated from chaos.

Behold your Celestial Mother and your Eternal Servant, the one Who will lead you to God so that you may be guided to His Celestial Kingdom, where there is neither evil nor adversity, where you will find the spiritual happiness you so much seek and expect.

Today, in a special way, I am here with you, My children, due to the emergencies of the planet and also the emergencies of the Kingdoms of Nature, which, in spite of their expression and agitation in these times, humanity does not want to listen to or to acknowledge the seriousness of these times.

Remember that the planet where you live is not only a planet, it is a state of spiritual and evolutive consciousness that is being very transgressed and wounded through the hands of humankind and of those who extract its riches to generate poverty and misery in humanity, because only very few become enriched, and the majority become more and more impoverished.

But I do not invite you to be in indignation, I call you to live compassion so that you may learn to live in Christ and someday you may be merciful, just as He is with each one of you.

Today, I come with this call for humanity. Humanity does not pay attention to the imbalance of the planet, it pretends to be deaf in the face of war and the conflicts of the world. The prayers are still insufficient to deter the chaos in humanity.

For this reason, together with My Son, since years ago, we have planned this meeting with you, here in Angola, because, although it does not seem so, in what seems to be the void of your hearts, there is an inexhaustible spiritual wealth that God placed in each one of you so that, in these definitive times, you might learn to serve Him, adore Him and recognize Him, just as you are serving, adoring and recognizing Him at this moment.

Therefore, My children, I invite you to live in the spirit of perseverance and faith, even in those moments when all seems dark and gloomy.

Prostrate before the Eucharist of My Son, recognize His Presence in the Tabernacles of the Earth and your lives will always be liberated. Because in each Tabernacle of the Earth, I have many Angels of Heaven present, who adore the Eucharistic Body of My Son with one purpose, peace and balance in humanity.

And although in these times everything is triggered throughout the world, because everyone lives the time of Armageddon, I invite you to go through this Apocalypse with intelligence, with a spirit of service and pure prayer.

Because the prayerful word will not only keep you united to the Creative Source, but it will also keep you protected from all evil, from the harassment that My enemy wants to make to all souls of the world, especially those that have decided to live Christianity.

For this reason, maintain a spirit of faith ignited and never allow yourselves to give up.

Like today, may your arms rise to the Heavens to receive the Graces of God, these Graces that I am bringing again to each one of you today so that, next July 25, your Heavenly Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the important support of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, may complete this sacred task in Angola and Africa so that the fruits of the redemption and conversion of hearts may awaken in all those who need them, so that they may be elevated in consciousness, united in love and brotherhood.

My children, I invite you to move forward, in spite of these difficult and traumatic times, in spite of all that which the systems of the world do in villages and nations.

Place yourselves in another spiritual dimension and thus you will not be embraced by chaos.

Always raise your heads and look at the sky and, at each new day, aspire to again meet Jesus, aspire to His Return, which is near, closer than it seems. Because when He returns to the world, He will not only bring in His Spirit the Spiritual Government and once again renew all things, but He will also put an end to the chaos of this world, to misery, suffering and disease.

Hearts will no longer be poor, they will be filled with the wealth of God, a spiritual and inexhaustible wealth that will prepare you all for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.

For this reason, My children, apostles of Christ, feel that you are partakers of this planetary transition, because this humanity in transition, which serves and prays to God, is preparing the bases for the emergence of the New Humanity.

Therefore,  everything you offer and do for God, at this moment, in a constant and persevering way, will grant the Graces of the Father to the world and to the whole human race, and those Graces will build the new consciousness within humanity.

Together with you, I work for this to happen, I pray for this to happen, I supplicate to the Father for this to happen, because My Heart and the Heart of My Son are tired of the suffering of souls. Therefore, I bring you My hope and also My eternal joy, I bring you the bliss of My Spirit and the ascension of My Soul.

Just as the Archangel Gabriel gave it to My Heart during the Annunciation, today, as the Mother of the World and Lady of all of Africa, I come to announce to you the arrival of the New Time and the fulfillment of the Word of God within the hearts that have said yes.

Before I leave, I want those who will be consecrated as My children, Children of Mary, to come closer. You may approach My Altar so that you may be blessed and then anointed by the priests, to consummate this moment of consecration to My Immaculate and Maternal Heart.

Come here, My beloved children.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And for this consecration, our Holy Mother of Heaven has asked you to repeat the song, “Mary, work a miracle.”

Through these souls that I consecrate today, I form a new Rosary of Light group so that it may be a mirror of My Heart on Earth, so that it may reflect the attributes of Heaven, which not only Africa needs but also the whole world.

This is why I consecrate you as My children, children of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart; and I give thanks, as the Mother of the Universe and the Earth, for the opening of your hearts, at this moment, which brings the healing and cure that you need.

I renew you in faith and I consecrate you in God’s Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My blessings for Sister Lucía de Jesús, daughter and spouse of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Peace, for this suffering world.

Peace, for all hearts that agonize.

Peace, for those who do not have Peace.

Peace, so that the New Humanity may emerge.


I thank you for having responded to My call.

And once again I bless you, under the luminous Sign of the Cross, the Cross of the Redeemer: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
