In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The world lives constant threats. This is the cause of so much need for prayer. This is the purpose that you must achieve: converting your lives into a constant mirror of prayer, so that Higher Laws do not distance themselves from the planet, and contrary forces do not make My Project succumb.

This is why I hide in what is anonymous and silent, My Presence does not seek to stand out in this humanity, because remember that I incarnated among you to suffer for you and die on the Cross.

Being humiliated and denied by those closest to Me, My Divine Mercy placated injustice and at that moment deterred the great punishment of the world. For this reason, I came to live among you and I still wish to live in you. It is the only way My Higher Law can be reconstructed on the planet.

Because despite all the testimonials and experiences lived through Me, even in the great miracle of the Eucharist, humanity has not yet understood the meaning of My Presence in the world.

This is why, since the beginning of My public life, I taught you parables so that, in the simplest and most commonplace examples, each one of the members of this humanity might learn to live in the Law.

What does it mean for you to live in the Law? Have you ever wondered?

Do not see the Laws as something far away from you, but rather see the Laws as an opportunity to be in communion with God.

The cause for the current suffering in the world is the distancing from the Law due to the blind greed of some hearts, which want and try to conquer the world. However, no one can go beyond God, not even His Most Beloved and Serving Son, even God having given Me all His authority to govern the universe.

This is not knowing God, being far from His Law. Because from the beginning, the Eternal Father taught the Commandments to His sacred people, so that all would avoid suffering and having to endure.

Although suffering in the world is optional, and a great part of this suffering is induced, you must not lose hope or lose the faith of finding again the path toward the Divine Plan.

Because living the Sacred Plan of God in these times means to try to live it every day, even hundreds of times. But the Universe has granted to you the school of learning experiences, so that you may avoid falling in errors again.

For this reason, today I expand again the importance of this Lent. I consider this Lent culminating and unique, even if more Lents will be lived afterwards.


Because we are in a definitive time. Humanity, in its essence, has not decided what its next future will be, although many on this surface daily believe they have evolved through the so-called intelligences, which are far from God, not only from His Will, but also from His Heart.

Do not become involved with that which is unreal, seek the reality that exists within you and is untouchable. This inner reality, called essence by everyone, is the one you must take care of, first of all from yourselves, and cultivate in this essence, day by day, the Attributes of the Creator, those I have taught you through the parables, examples of Pity, Mercy and Compassion.

I know that the world will still not understand what Divine Justice is, but it seems that the world seeks it day by day in an uncontrolled way.

Do you now understand the importance of My having merciful hearts in the world?

If these hearts do not abound in the world, what will become of this planet in the next cycle?

For this reason, I continue to count the minutes for My Return to the world, although in the true spiritual time My approximation to all of humanity and the planet has already been taking place. Because I will descend from what is higher to what is lower, just as Christ, your Master and Lord, descended in soul to the hells for three days.

Do you believe that I would not be able to do it again for the whole world?

I need you to have this very much in mind, as a Christic preparatory reflection, so that you may enter the next Sacred Week more aware and more receptive; infinitely more self-given, after all the spiritual treasures you have received.

This is why I remind you again, because you have forgotten, of the great door that I Am opening on a spiritual level for the New Christs, called threshold of the truth and fidelity, of sacred loyalty to God’s Purpose.

Because through your hearts and souls, companions, My Graces still wait to be multiplied for the souls that suffer, especially those that are condemned to the fire of hell, those souls that are under impunity day by day.

However, just as your Master and Lord, by climbing to Jerusalem and before entering the Temple of the Father, expelled the traders, in the same way the Son of the Most High, in the Glory of the Father, will expel the energies that have caused the whole world to succumb. Therefore, believe in this power of renewal, which I will bring to the world.

Therefore, your hearts must be clean and purified day by day, so that My spiritual principles and treasures may have a favorite place in you forever.

Because just as it is written and as it was written, I will come to ask you all that I spiritually gave you. And God, on the day of the Final Judgment, will not measure humanity with His cane because He does not have one, but rather He will judge hearts through their works, their actions and all their acts.

Therefore, you must take care of your mouths, of what you emanate and say. You must not be part of the negative vibration of the world, you are now ready to live another learning experience and another school. Many of you should already be the Christs of the New Time. What are you waiting for?

Meanwhile, the Lord of the Universe, through His Spiritual Government, works in this world in an almost imperceptible way. Because it is in silence, rather than in exhibition, it is in anonymity, rather than in attempting to stand out, that Christ carries out His redeeming Work for souls. And even more, I can be present in eternal and perpetual communion in those that put God first.

Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be intimidated or persecuted. Do not allow yourselves to be influenced in these critical times. Many are the pieces of information that are spoken about and very little is the truth that is exposed to the world.

Learn to look at these final events through the Eyes of God. Of a God that does not condemn, but rather attracts and welcomes. A God that does not judge, but rather loves and heals. A Heart that receives and listens to the suffering of its neighbor.

This is how the heart of each one must be. In this way, you will learn to love more and more each day, and that which is apparently difficult in you will no longer be, because your souls, minds and hearts will be in your fellow beings, in those who truly need to feel understood and accepted. And this begins first in all Christian communities like this one, in daily life, in the gesture of closeness rather than indifference, in the act of mercy, rather than of humiliation.

It is time for you to be different, and this will not take place overnight, it will rather happen through the true conviction of living for Me and to Me; through the conviction that in the small steps, in the small transcendence and in the deep renunciations lies your liberation, although this may seem impossible to you now.

In the next Sacred Week I need you in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, even in the aspects of your daily life. Because you know that you cannot hide from Me, I put before you, that which you must take on day by day, I show you, on your paths, all that you must serve for a greater goal, for the triumph of My Love in the world and in humanity.

All these recent years of meetings with Me have been preparatory. Now is the time to live what I ask of you, it is time to imitate Me, and you are now grown up enough to realize when you do not imitate Me.

Therefore, take care of the hearts of those that you sometimes hurt, because I assure you that you do not know who your neighbor is. Do you now understand what the mystery is?

God’s power and greatness lie in what is smallest, in what is simple and humble. God could never have come to the world surrounded by riches, by attempts to stand out or by authority.

I invite you to work, during this Lent, upon the authority that you exert over others, upon the value judgments. I do not want to see this in you anymore. However, despite everything, I will not fail to love you or appreciate you, because God is infinitely Merciful.

Do not waste time, do not miss the opportunities of this sacred spiritual condition, which I Am creating daily this Lent, during the next forty days.

Have you ever wondered what the reason is why I Am coming now?

Do not fall asleep. Awaken to the signs that I Am giving, because all will be consummated, just as it was on the Cross. And when all is consummated, it will be too late.

Experience this inner consummation which I present to you through My little Messages and, above all, through the revelation of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Graces in the Heavens are abundant.

May your hearts open in this Lent. This is what I hope from you and from the world. Because just as I worked and acted through My apostles, I wish to work and act through your hearts. I know that many already do it. I Am not denying it, I just need you to understand what I Am saying, beyond the mind, and even beyond My Words, because in My Words lie the keys for your conversion, lie the path of eternal union with God.

I thank all those who are daring to live this Lent and that wake up every day in the morning and know that I Am returning daily, at some place of their homes, in some area of this Community.

In Divinity and Spirit, the Lord of Israel, your Master, runs, with His Spirit, with the Breath of God, all the spaces that offer to serve Him out of love.

And in this way, the Lord visits the hearts that open to be transformed in this Lent, so that this cruel world may be transformed, and souls, in the whole world, may no longer suffer. Because My Heart suffers when souls suffer.

Thus, in silence and in what is invisible, I suffer in many hearts that many times have passed before you. And I have also suffered many times in the hearts that are beside you. Did you know this?

Celebrate this Holy Eucharist so that the most suffering, innocent and lost souls may receive the Grace of the Love and Light of the Redeemer through this preparatory Lent. The path of the brave who dare to cross their own deserts, without feeling they are victims and without feeling pessimistic, but rather feeling, through the strength of Christ, like an apostle that faces their own tribulation, learning to transcend themselves every day and remembering My great aspiration.

I give you My Peace, so that My Peace may be in the world, and I bless you so that this Lent may make you grow in Love and charity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children of My Father, I come here so that, through your sincere prayers, I may meditate upon the next steps of My Plan for this entire world.

This is why I have decided to be here so that, together with Me and through your prayers, you may prepare the important task of the Lord in the next Sacred Week.

I want you to know that here will be the last Sacred Week, at this sacred place, which has opened its doors to Me so that the Master could announce His Words.

For this reason, companions, all, absolutely all that you have lived with Me throughout the times is taken into account in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and especially at this important moment, when at the doors of Lent, souls are called to faithfully do penance, to meditate on each one of their acts, to repair each one of the wounds that have been caused.

In this next Lent, souls are called to surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that your Master and Lord may have the authority to intercede for this world, which needs it so much and so urgently.

This is why, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I would like you to keep very much in mind this Message of Mine. Because in this way, consciously and united to My Sacred Heart, you will be able to help your Master to bring back the fiery bases of Heaven that will re-found the planet, and correct the Human Project after the time of purification.

I would like to feel, in each one of you, the expectation for the coming of the Lord, throughout all these meetings that you will have with Me. Because I have told you once that My task is coming to an end in the Time of the Lord.

Therefore, do not miss any opportunity and moment. Because in the end of times you will have to render an account of all that you have received, each one of the gifts and virtues that I deposited in you. Because although this may seem to you an unknown mystery, your souls do know what these gifts and virtues are.

Because this is what I come to seek in the last apostles so that, with each passing day, you may learn to live My Will, learn to fulfill My Will and learn to concretize it.

In this Lent, which is drawing near, a preamble to the next Sacred Week, I invite you to meditate and in truth ask yourselves a question:

What is the Will of the Lord for my life?

Listen to your hearts, and you will obtain the answer. Pray and ask the Heavens, because everything awaits in the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend upon your lives and consciousnesses.

What would the Will of the Lord be in the time of the preparation for His Return to the world?

For I await this great moment, when the Lord of the Universe will put an end to wickedness in the world, closing the doors to evil and attracting to My Heart, a safe place for each being, all those who are lost and suffering in this humanity.

In this Marathon of Mercy, I would like you to assume, through your sincere prayer, one soul in the world who is in need of help, although you do not know them.

Pray, placing this intention during the days of the Marathon of Mercy, that those who have been oppressed and punished may have the opportunity and Grace to raise their heads and find a safe space of hope in this world.

In truth, I tell you that all the meetings of prayer would not be enough to amend the errors that the world commits today. But it is the sincere offerings of souls that prevent situations from worsening in humanity and in the nations. Have this very much in mind, companions.

Your voices should never tire of praying and supplicating, because the voice that prays and supplicates to God is a mirror of the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth. This is what I  invite you to become: that you may be mirrors of God’s Love on Earth, free from the capital sins, free from all division or judgment, open of heart and mind to alleviate the suffering of those who truly suffer in these times.

This is the time of spiritual assistance to humanity, because while everything happens in the world, there are still projects and ideas that are contrary to the Father, which are executed in this humanity and mainly in the nations.

However, I do not call you to battle against evil. I call you to be a mirror of Love, because it is Love that dissolves evil and all injustice in the world. For the Love of God will always give you science and wisdom, even in the difficult moments of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because while I Am here, contemplating each one of your difficulties, which I neither judge nor condemn, the Lord of Mercy contemplates the great needs of humanity, which are many in this time.

Who will offer to help the Lord wherever and however necessary, to placate chaos in the world?

This is the time for you to be true warriors of the Light. In this way, I will avail Myself of your consciousnesses and souls, and be able to renew all things.

I want you to have these Words of Mine very much in mind, so that, when you pray in these coming days of meetings, you may try to internalize and receive in your hearts, the impulses that I leave for My last apostles.

Behold the Lord of Peace, who comes to a world in chaos and suffering, and seeks, in the good and consistent souls, the response to the Great Call of the end of times.

Therefore, remember once again: what is the Will of the Lord for my life? Ask your inner worlds, there is still a little time left.

Because you must know that, just as it is written, the time of Justice will be fulfilled in the world and, before this time comes, which is not far away, I would like more souls to have the great joy of redemption.  

Live these days with Me for all those who cannot live or experience them.

Live these days with Me for all those who are desperate and suffer, who are submerged and imprisoned in wars, persecution and death.

Live these days with Me for all those who do not have the Grace of being born and for all the children and youths who are prisoners of human trafficking.

Do you now understand the reasons for living these meetings with Me?

Thus, I invite you to come out of yourselves, so that you may give of yourselves, even for those who you do not know and who cry out for a drop of Light in the world, for a rain of hope, for a kingdom of peace that they do not have today.

May My Words make you sensitive. May My Word help you to give of yourselves, because the self-giving of souls is very vast, it is an infinite and unknown dimension, which all those who dare to serve Christ can live.

Service in the world is needed to placate the errors that are committed in humanity, so that the doors of Grace may not close, so that as many souls as possible may attain redemption.

As your Master and Friend, as your Lord, the Lord of Israel, who deeply knows the Project of His Father for all of this humanity, I come to ask you to meditate upon My Words, to submerge yourselves in My ocean of Instruction, so that you may be ready, available, surrendered to Me in the last times, the definitive times.

May the channel of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which souls will be able to open through their prayers on these days, radiate and permeate the spaces that are in darkness, not only within consciousnesses, but also outside of them.

May the Light of Mercy renew you, bring you peace and the hope of seeking a just and fraternal world. Let us pray for this.

Upon My dear and sacred Hill of Apparitions, I have left the Holy Grail, the spiritual teraphim that again united Heaven and Earth, souls and God, in the institution of the Sacred Eucharist.

Keep this Sacred Instrument very much in mind, precious Relic of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, from South America, will be radiating to the world until the last day of the next Sacred Week, until the day of the Glory of the Lord, when the Christs of the New Time will be able to drink from this spiritual Chalice to live the same commitment lived by the holy apostles, that of being peace-makers on Earth.

I thank you for being here today and in advance I prepare you for the next Sacred Week.

Live Lent with an open heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I speak to the hearts of all, on this night that withdraws, yet is illuminated by the Presence of the Living Love of God.

I have called you here and you have responded to My call, and for this reason I thank you. Even if you do not deeply understand what this means, I do know what it means and what it will represent in the next stages of the Plan of Rescue in humanity, in the next tasks that your Master and Lord will carry out in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole Middle East.

Because in truth I tell you that tonight, by being with Me and able to enter My Merciful Heart, you are again living what you lived with Me in the past, when your Master stepped with His Feet on the surface of this planet, to preach, heal and cure, to announce the Good News, which, in these times, I hope will echo beyond the material life of the planet, beyond all ignorance and indifference, because My Voice and My Word echo when souls live Me and feel Me, when hearts trust Me.

This is why tonight I Am here with you and with the world. I Am here for all refugees and exiled, for all those who tragically disappeared in Turkey and Syria.

But today I assure you that all those souls are being contemplated by the Eternal Father so that they may achieve their path of liberation, and also their path of reconciliation with the Heavens, because the Eternal Father has listened to the prayers of His children, of all those who, in these times, decide to respond to His Call, in the face of the tragic planetary reality.

However, once again, through the ocean that lies before you, I bring you the reflection of the Great Mirror of God’s Love, the Eternal Love of the Source, from which all of you come, and so do all your brothers and sisters. The Supreme and Immaterial Source which is being forgotten by the world, due to indifference, due to the wars, due to the lack of religiosity or all spiritual connection.

For this reason, through My serving and paternal Presence, I come to congregate all My sheep, call them by their names on the inner planes, because the moment of the final times has come, when all My companions must be firm, available and whole, to sustain with Me this moment of the great Armageddon.

However, do not despair nor be frightened, because if you trust the Mercy of My Heart, nothing will happen to you. If you faithfully follow My precepts, you will be protected from yourselves and, just as I did to My apostles in the Sacred Cenacle, in these times I will send the Holy Spirit of God to guide you and lead you toward the concretion and the experience of living Divine Will, a Supreme Will that is also being forgotten and, in some cases, is despised by the men and women of the Earth.

But when I return, I will show the whole world all that they have abstained from living with the Eternal Father. Because the signs that I will give will be concrete, and all that is kept as a treasure on the inner planes will be revealed, so that the signs may redeem the planet and human consciousness. Because it is the time for these signs to begin to descend upon the whole world, upon those who are asleep and have not awakened, and those who must again find the path of redemption.

This is why this is the time of immediate preparation. This is the hour to give all for the Plan, so that this Plan may be concretized on the surface of the planet, even if this begins to happen in the smallest things, or in the transformation and rehabilitation of your lives.

This is what the Eternal Father needs in these final times: that souls may decide to be His Great Mirror, that the lives of His Creatures may reflect His Divine Attributes, in the face of a world that, more each day, moves away from the truth and loses the path toward the Kingdom of Peace due to living everything that is petty and indifferent.

This is the time for your eyes and the eyes of your brothers and sisters to open, so that you may understand that, through the current planetary situation, a change in consciousness is necessary, and also in the material life.

For this reason, I am here once again, not only to bring with Me to the Heavens those who have died in this Mediterranean Sea, but also to warn the world and, above all, Europe, that it must mend its errors and correct all its indifferences to those who suffer and are subjected to slavery, because this planet, which the Eternal Father has given to you, has a Spiritual and Higher Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.

Therefore, companions, it is time to mend the errors and live the change. Once and for all, it is time for peoples and races, nations and cultures to consider themselves as one spiritual family, because although this may seem distant to the majority, it is not so for your Master and Lord.

Thus, dedicate your life to a life of service and prayer, do not allow uncertain doors to keep opening on this planet. Through your prayers and your act of surrender and sincere self-giving, you may maintain the doors of Mercy open for humanity, because otherwise the world will continue to be purified intensely.

I only want you to grow in wisdom and understanding, because I do not want to see anyone else suffer and have to endure that which this world does every day, outraging the Laws of the universe, moving away from Love and Truth, failing to fulfill Divine Will.

For this reason, I will raise again, upon the ether of this planet, all the merits that I attained through My Public Life, My Sorrowful Passion, My Death and Resurrection, through My Presence in the Holy Land. For not only does the Middle East need it imperiously, all of humanity also needs it, because if I do not carry out this task in Israel, humanity would be headed toward a dead end, and no one would manage to remove it from that place, not even the angels.

Therefore, you must continue to pray for this great mission in Israel. I invite you to be with Me, in heart and in essence. I invite you to accompany each step of your Master and Lord during the days of the Holy Week.

In this preparatory Lent that you are living, I also ask you to truly live it, with introspection, with deep reflection and penitence, for the great indifference that the world lives, for not being able to see the Light of God.

In this way, you will finish your preparation for the culminating times to come and nothing, absolutely nothing will take you by surprise, because what you may have to live in these final times will only impel you to be the New Christs. These Christs are the ones that My Eternal Father hopes to see present on this planet, within this humanity, converting all through faith and prayer, selfless and simple service that may erase, once and for all, the stigmas of this planet, and heal the still open wounds of this humanity, stricken by wars and conflicts, inequality and also by the madness of that which the modernity of these times offers, leading the majority to live an artificial god.

But do not forget, companions, that the Blood that I once shed upon the surface of this Earth has a price, it has an incalculable and inexhaustible value. And it is this Powerful Blood that you must invoke and aspire to spiritually receive so that your lives may be healed, redeemed and liberated from error and sin and, through a powerful communion with Me, you may be born again and renewed.

Therefore, may this Lent be a conscious Lent, which may spiritually prepare you to enter the Holy Week. In this way, you will be able to accompany Me, as I need and expect, in all that which your Master and Lord will do in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole world. Thus, your hearts will be ready and in the place where I want them to be.

May you receive My blessing tonight, just as My apostles received it many times, and in each place that I had visited, in each space where I had preached, in each heart where I had worked a miracle in the name of the Eternal Father.

I want your lives to be a miracle of love so that this miracle in your lives may transform the world. Many more souls can achieve the Grace of being worthy of this miracle of love, just as you are living it.

I anoint you with My Spiritual Light, and in this month of March, I prepare you for the Holy Week. Know that this month of March will be the month of the great preparation, as has never happened in the history of humanity and in any other Holy Week. In this way, you will understand the importance of all that I Am saying to you at this moment. I Am here, also for this reason, so that this Purpose may be fulfilled as it is written, and you may  once again be partakers in the Mercy of God, which humanity and the planet need so much.

I thank all those who are present, for having worked with the souls and essences of the refugees.

In the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I wish for you to wholeheartedly pray to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, for all those who are discarded and oppressed, for those who have disappeared on land and in the oceans, for those who do not have the opportunity to live hope, in themselves and in their families.

Pray for all this and thus you will relieve My Heart of the evil spirit of indifference.

May Mercy convert miseries.

May hearts receive peace and may everything be renewed. Just as it is renewed in the Heavens, may it be renewed on Earth, and just as it can be renewed on Earth, may everything be renewed in your inner worlds. For what I wish the most in these times is that you may be part of the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the angels and blessed ones are a part of it.

I withdraw into the hearts that adore.

I Am strengthened in the souls that pray.

I renew Myself in the hearts that serve.

I make Myself present in those who commune with My Body and My Blood. In this way, I establish the Light and the Love of God.

I thank you for being with Me tonight, and although it is late at this moment, know that your Master and Lord, in the deepest nights, would make His great decisions, elevating His Gaze to the Heavens or seeking, in the infinite, upon the horizon, the Presence of the Eternal Father, to feel His embrace and His solace, because it is He who comforts us and renews us through his Love and His Truth.

I thank you and once again invite you to pray during this Marathon of Divine Mercy, for all that I have asked of you, with the honesty of My Heart.

May Africa, Europe and the Middle East be blessed, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
