In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Contemplate the greatness of God’s Love in yourselves, and how this Love is capable of going very far, just as My Son went very far, beyond the Cross.

Contemplate this Love in your essences, do it for the souls who do not contemplate God in themselves, so that tonight the Heart of God may be repaired from all the offenses and outrages that the world commits.

As Queen of Love, as the Mother who loves you, as the Guardian of your souls, I ask you to remember about the power of God’s Love, which is invincible and inexhaustible, goes beyond conflicts and wars, and works beyond all division and dissociation.

It is this Love that My adversary does not know, and it will be this Higher and Infinite Love of God that someday will also redeem him. Just as Christ, through His Precious shed Blood, redeemed each one of you, liberating you from sin and error, opening the door of His Mercy to you so that all could enter His ocean of Compassion and Love.

In the face of the terrible scenario of the end of times, return to the essence of Love that is in you and created you in the Source at the beginning. In this way, transcend your own obstacles. In this way, dissolve your own bitterness and sadness.

Joyously receive Divine Hope tonight, that Hope that My Son promises in His imminent Return. The Hope, filled with God’s Love and with life, that will renew the surface of the Earth, and will liberate souls from suffering once and for all.

Because in truth I tell you, My dear children, that when the New Humanity emerges, under the preamble of the Return of the Lord, there will be no soul on this surface whose cry will be heard, because the cry of souls on the New Earth will be of joy.

If you knew how much I love you, I assure you that you would weep with joy. Because the Love of God is not only invincible, not only profound, but it is also a transforming Love, a Love that grants you Grace and Forgiveness, that grants tonight a spiritual amnesty to you and your brothers and sisters who are listening, to all those who have turned to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist today. It will be a full amnesty that will dissolve the errors committed up to the present day, and will allow your guardian angels to bear witness, before God, of this extraordinary event.

Thus, as I told you yesterday, My children, the Altars of God are open today. Because the doors have been opened by the holy angels of the Lord, so that the offerings of reparation and reconciliation made by souls may be honestly deposited before the Lord. Thus, My beloved children, together let us aspire to and invoke a good 2024, a year without wars, without conflicts or divisions, a year in which love may prevail.

Thus, this Love is what will renew the world, if souls unite to the essence of God’s Love and recognize themselves as His Children, the Children of the Source.

This, dear children, will allow more souls that are lost in the world to be contemplated by Mercy, rather than by Justice. For just as I have told you, My dear children, I wish good for each one of you and your families, a greater good that can allow you to understand reality, this reality of the end of times.

But pay attention, My little ones: do not observe the reality of the world with fear or fright. Although it is a terrifying and sad reality, I need the awakened souls to once and for all decide, through the prayer from the heart, to be bridges between Heaven and Earth, to be mediators of the prayerful word in the face of all impossible causes, which, with the intervention of the Divine Mother, will not be impossible causes, they will be possible solutions for all.

My second request at this special night is that you may invoke peace with greater strength. That your acts, words and actions may be of peace, so that peace may be received not only by the souls that need it the most, but that it may also be welcomed in those places that have suffered war, conflict and the physical destruction of spaces, that peace may be reborn in the hearts that are most thirsty.

And you, My dear children, who have been so much filled with Grace, may you, like your Heavenly Mother, be precursors of peace and believe in this peace, within yourselves and then outside of yourselves. In this way, life will not be a suffering, but rather joy that will emerge from you and your brothers and sisters, for you are responding to the Call of God.

My third and last request is that, through the Holy Eucharist that you will now celebrate, you may keep well in mind all the celestial hosts, who offer the Blessed Sacrament tonight and open all the Tabernacles of the Earth, so that the powerful Light of Christ may fill and bathe the whole world with His Love and His reparative Mercy.

For you, may this be the true celebration of the new year, that once again you may have the joy of living the Eucharistic Sacrament with My Son.

You should meditate and feel in your hearts what it means for the Kingdom of the Heavens that on each day you celebrate the mystery of the Love of Christ, through Communion, and all the saving and redeeming merits that souls receive through the Sacrament.

Therefore, My children, in this end of times, do not live Communion as something normal. May your souls exalt with bliss and joy for being able to confirm Christ within yourselves, as a symbol and a sign of hope for the whole world.

Thus, your little souls and little essences will be able to be this great mirror that reflects upon the Earth, so that the codes and merits of the Passion of the Lord may amend all the errors of the world, and grant redemption to the souls that have condemned themselves.

With special predilection and love, My children, I will accompany this Sacred Eucharist that you will celebrate today in the name of the Lord.

In this way, your Most Holy Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Humble Slave of the Lord, the intercessor between hearts and God, will be able to elevate all offerings together with the holy angels and the guardian angels, so that peace and the end of war may be attained in the world, not only the end of physical war, but also the war within families.

Because My ardent wish, My children, is that each one of the members of your families, and of the families of the world, may find again, in their inner worlds, the Love of God, which saves you, rather than punishes you, which liberates you, rather than condemns you, the Love that loves you just the way you are and impels you to the transformation of life and of the heart.

On this special night, when a cycle closes and a new cycle begins, let us aspire, through the Eucharistic Celebration, that all souls, especially the most lost souls in the whole world, may achieve the Grace of Mercy in this coming 2024.

I tell you and ask you to have faith, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Thus, I bless you for the coming year, and consecrate each one of your steps, the steps that you must take towards Christ, Our Lord, following the footprints of Light of the Great Master.

May it be a year, a new year, of more Graces and Mercies for all. My perpetual prayer is untiringly present for this cause.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary has taken the Immaculate Heart from Her Chest at this moment, placing it upon the palm of Her right Hand. She offers it for each one of us as an Ardent Heart in love, in Grace, in service and pity for souls.

Let us pray, renewing our vows for this coming 2024, and taking for ourselves the Immaculate and Ardent Heart of Mary, which burns in love for the souls and families of the world.

Holy Mother, we give thanks for Your Presence here among us and in the whole world.

Accept our life the way it is, imperfect, fill us with the strength of Your Love, so that we may concretize the aspirations of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, strength,
light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.
(3 times)

The Divine Mother is smiling, because She tells us that She gave us Her Heart and now She asks us to give Her our hearts, and not to fear, because we will not lose our lives, because She said that if we give Her our hearts, we will have life in abundance.

In the silence of our hearts let us give them to Mary, just as She gave Hers to us. And thus, our hearts and the Heart of Mary merge into one Heart, and we receive from the Divine Mother the gift of understanding, the gift of patience, the gift of faith, the gift of forgiveness, the gift of healing, the gift of peace, the gift of unity and the gift of redemption.


I thank you for responding to My call.

Remember My three requests.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Kingdom of God is close to all the souls of the world.

Today is not My day; it is the great day of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son.

I will always be His Servant and His Messenger. For this reason, I have come here on this very important and special day for the world, so that you may know that the Mother of God, the Mother of humanity, is with each one of you at this moment, in the same place where each one of you are.

For the Grace of God, there are no borders. The omnipresence of God grants the Most Holy Mother the possibility of being with each of Her children at this moment.

Behind me, this evening, see a glimpse of the coming of the Celestial Church. I am the Lady of the Throne of God and I come to announce to the world the great opportunity for its repentance, so that the Mercy of God in this moment may heal it and redeem it.

My Heart remains untiring. My aspiration for you continues to be eternal. The Mother of God does not stop, although Her Word and Her daily Message are retreating in this cycle.

Now, My children, you must be the living message, you must testify to My Message under the paternal Gaze of God. Some of My children must do it, some must demonstrate that they have understood My Message and have taken in each one of My Words throughout these thirteen years, for it will be the way, My children, that you will justify all that you have received before the Celestial Father. This time of uncertainty that the world is experiencing will end if faith and hope within the hearts are renewed.

My children, this is the great time of adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. This is the great time of prayer of the heart. This is the time, My children, when each of your lives be the same Sacrament, renewing your baptism, your anointing, your confession and your perpetual communion with My Son. Thus, your lives will be confirmed, and this is what the Celestial Father needs to be able to continue to pour out His Mercy upon the world, in those places most urgently in need of it.

This night, My children, on the eve before the coming of the Celestial Church, in love and in devotion, through your souls, let us bow down before the Kingdom of God, for He will send His Grace to the world, He will pour out His Mercy during these next eight days and it will be the great moment for each one of you, in which the Word of My Son must be accomplished.

You must be the Word of My Son, the testimony of conversion and redemption. It is thus that, on this night, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, I announce a week that is not only sacred, but a week of an important atonement for the world. 

Whoever places their knees upon the ground, recognizes their faults and delivers them to God, their Guardian Angels will intercede and the pleas will be carried to the Thrones of the Father so that He may convert them into Love and Mercy.

Today, in the same way as each of Her children, the Mother of God is waiting in prayer and in vigil for the arrival of the Redeemer. He has sent me as the Mother of the Throne of God to announce His coming to the world, the advent of His Word, the Grace of His Spirit, the eternal Mercy of His Heart.

A great moment will come to the world, a profound spiritual moment. Being the last, it is the most important of all these last years, in which My Son has been with you. It is the moment of the great step of consciousness, it is the moment for recognizing God, for in penitence and in repentance, the peace will come, and a miracle will happen in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters of the Earth.

All the Hierarchies of Heaven, all the beings of goodwill of the Earth, are preparing for this last moment, in which the Sacred Son of God will bring His Wisdom and Love to the world so that it may be engraved within your consciousnesses, so that you may always relive it within your hearts.

Today, at My feet, as the Mother of the Throne of God, I have the flowers given from the prayer and the love of My children, all the flowers that were given to Me on this night as the result of your prayers and your sincerity with Me.

You know, My children, though My cycle with you may have finished, My aspiration is to always be with you.

My Son gave Me humanity at the most culminating moment of His surrender on the Cross, and so that His Cross may be victorious, you must be redeemed to testify to and confirm what He did for you here on Earth.

It is thus that the life and the teachings of My Son will always be timeless and they will always invite you to renewal and to forgiveness.

This is what I bring to you today from Heaven, as His Servant and His Slave. It is what I bring to the world by opening the doors of the Heavens for the arrival of His Celestial Church.

Keep your hearts open in these coming days, without expectations, without great desires, in absolute emptiness and unconditional love for the Glorified Heart of My Son.

I see humanity suffering so much that My Being has now offered everything to the Father, for the relief of each one of My children.

But just think about the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross. In the greatest abandonment, in the greatest profound solitude, My Son became the Christ when it seemed nothing was happening. And at His feet was His Servant and Slave, the Mother of God, the apostle John and the holy women. He only had us; today He has each one of you.

Everything will pass, a new time will come. If humanity truly repents in these days, the changes could be indescribable for the world.

My children, as a mother who loves you and guides you, do not miss the opportunity, do not look at it as just another moment, for it will not be repeated.

My Son has asked His Father for the authorization of the descent of His Celestial Church in a time of humanity when nothing seems to be resolved, when a great unknown lies within the minds of My children.

In prayer, in offering, offer your lives to God and nothing more. Seek the Light of the Universe, recognize the Star of the Hierarchy. In the firmament, the Redeemer and all His Hosts of Light approaches.

With songs of praise, the angels announce the coming of His Celestial Church. The time for conversion is now.

God loves you and He can no longer be offended. He wants the good for each of His children, for if you live His Love and His Truth, you will be saved, and evil will be defeated by the powerful sword of the Archangel Michael.

The fallen stars will rise up out of the abysses and their origins will achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.

The thousand years of peace will come and Aurora will shine in the hearts of those who have believed in it.

Lift your hopes on High; My Heart brings you the Light of the whole universe. And opening My hands, I pour out the Light of Heaven, just as I poured it out many times in Aurora. 

The end is near. Repent, repent, repent, and My Love will take you to God. This is all I will say to you today.

Remember this night of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son. See His Church reflected within your inner worlds, how His Light and His Glory begin to descend to the planet.

On this night, I will remain in adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son.

On the eve of this special moment, the Mother of the Throne of God is grateful for this temple you have offered Her Son. God contemplates each work done with gratitude, each moment of unity generated for one reason: for the triumph of His Love.

Let us glorify the Son of the Universe with beautiful praise.

In commemoration of this special day for Me and for you, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, and in gratitude for the opportunity to serve and to love, I wish to honor the Most Holy Son of God for His presence, over the course of time, in the Sacrament and in the heart of His children, of all His companions.

Let us elevate a song to the Heart of Christ, because we owe everything to Him, our gratitude and our honor.

We will listen to "You are the King."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Mother of God, for all that you give us!

Through this song that we offer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and in union with the Divine Mother, we prepare inwardly for this vigil, in which our hearts and souls will be attentive to the coming of the Celestial Church in these next hours of our time.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The world has judged the message of the Mother of God, and even though it was not all of my children, this has had a great repercussion in God.

The world has not understood the reason for Me being here on Earth, but I still come to the world for those who listen to Me.

Opening My Heart and stretching out My arms toward you, today I come to give you My message and this goes beyond any human credibility, because I come here for one reason, because I love you and I want good for your lives, just as My Son wants Mercy for your lives. 

The world cannot judge the Will of God, because it does not know it. Today I am in silence so that you may reflect and not just listen.

In this place, there will be a visible sign that We have been here, and that Our Sacred Hearts had been here for a long time. 

Today I cannot tell you much. You have to understand, My children, what I want to tell you through My silence, because it is God that speaks through the Heart of His Servant.

A large part of the world does not accept the Love of God. Very few children of Mine dare to be submerged into the Love of God in order to be redeemed and transformed. 

Today I come as the Lady of Peace, because My Peace will be in those who truly seek it.

God has asked me to tell you something important, something unforeseen and extraordinary. First, your souls must know so that your hearts can understand afterward.

I have given the world much more than it needed, so that the majority of My children could feel and recognize this moment that you are experiencing with Me. 

The Chalice of sacrifice that is before you today in the hands of the Lady of Peace was drunk by very few. It is the Blood of My Son that wants to be Blood within you so that, through the sacrifice, He may continue to save the world.

We are at the doors of the Celestial Church, where God attentively listens to this message. His Divine Consciousness is watching and contemplating you, as well as all His Hosts of Light, archangels and angels, all are bearing witnesses of this moment.

The special message that I bring you tonight, with a heavy Heart, is that I will come to the world to meet with My children for the last time on August 8th, the day on which the task of the Sacred Hearts will come to an end. 

If the world, up to August 8, does not repent and does not stop persecuting, humanity will feel the movement of the Earth, because it is Us, the Messengers of God, Who through these meetings support the world and humanity so that it can continue onward. 

Today the Sorrowful Mother cries out to the world for penance. 

Today I say the same thing I said in the third secret of Fatima, that has not yet been fulfilled, because a part of this secret has not yet been known. 

The Angel of Justice of God directs His sword of fire toward the Earth. But the Lady of Peace, the Sorrowful Mother, places Herself before the Angel to emanate the Light of God toward it and bear the punishment that corresponds to the Earth.

My ardent desire, My children, is not to abandon you nor leave you, but some were not just with Me, and therefore, they were not just with God. Neither the Church nor humanity knows the Will of God.

I will rearrange the universe and all the celestial powers so that in the time left for Me to be among you, I can draw toward God the souls that have not yet repented, nor have been reconciled with what is High. 

From now, until August 8th, I incessantly aspire and pray for humanity to improve, and, just as it has been many times, I aspire that the doors of this Marian Center may again be opened, to say farewell to the Messenger of God, after these twelve years.

The truth will emerge and hearts will no longer be confused, because they will know that the Mother of Heaven was always here, gathering Her children in Love and in Mercy.

You must continue to pray so that, from Heaven, your Queen and Mother may continue interceding for you, even though I can no longer come here. 

While I am here with you, I am praying, because I cherish you and I love you. I want the truth for your lives and the end of ignorance upon the surface of the Earth. 

After August 8, it will be the great moment for you all to put into practice everything that I have been dictating to you, to practice love above all conditions so that the Love of God may continue to triumph, until My Son returns and fulfills His great promise. 

Let us pray from our hearts, souls and spirits, that the Supreme Will may always be fulfilled. 

Our Father (repeated three times).

Today I will carry this prayer to the Father as the eternal thanks of the hearts that have united with the Mother of God throughout these twelve years, and that beyond the difficulties and the tests, with bravery and courage they moved forward with the requests of the Most Holy Virgin.

The Lady of Peace, the Sorrowful Mother, thanks you for having responded to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We end this transmission giving thanks and reverence, at this moment. 

We say farewell, listening to this instrumental.

Thank you all.

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
