In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It rejoices Me to have you here, with Me, close to My Heart, close to My Life, because I wish good to all. I wish, to each of My children, the Kingdom of Peace, this peace that has been outraged in the world by wars, by the violation of rights of human beings, by global indifference.

However, as your Mother, I am here to encourage you, to re-consecrate you, because this is what you need every day, so that after this material life and experience on Earth, you may merge with God and God may merge with you, as it was at the beginning of Creation.

Today, I come with a spiritual call for each one of you. On the eve of the beginning of the next Lent, I invite you, dear children, to live a profound preparation in this season of Lent,  consciously preparing for the arrival of My Most Beloved Son during the Sacred Week.

This preparation is daily and carried out through a very simple tool, just as you have done today through prayer from the heart, knowing, My children, that the supplications of the Children of God are indispensable in this planetary moment, when suffering in humanity worsens day by day, and souls gradually move away from the Light and Love of God, as the time of your watch passes.

This is why I descend from the Heavens every day, when you are before the Most Blessed Sacrament of Christ, and also when you are united in prayer, as a spiritual family that supplicates and asks, without anything in return, for the imperative redemption of the world.

This is the important spiritual task of all: to pray and pray for the conversion and redemption of humanity, so that all souls may be saved, especially those who most need rescue and wait for your prayers and supplications so that the door of redemption may open for those souls.

I am here, in the name of My Son, as Co-redemptrix of the world, as the Mother who announces to all the expected Return of Christ.

Now is the time, My children, for you to be part of this Plane of Love and Redemption of the world. And this begins in your daily life, in what is smallest and most commonplace, in your relationships with your neighbors and brothers and sisters.

Aspire to be instruments for the redemption of the world so that more souls in this humanity may feel the impulse to live the redemption and conversion of the heart. This is what I hope for in My silent and perpetual prayer every day.

I hope My children will someday be able to understand and assume that a part of the Plan for the Return of Christ belongs to them. For a good reason you are here, incarnated in this time, and I, as your Mother, come to remind you that My Son expects the participation of each one in a permanent and authentic way at this planetary moment.

Dear children, while I am here with you, I am also with the needs of the world and humanity, which are infinite in the eyes of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

In your hearts and prayers, place the most urgent and impossible causes so that they may be resolved. In the same way, your personal and individual needs will be satisfied by the Eternal Father, through Our Sacred Hearts, because God the Father knows what each one of His Children needs, at the right moment and hour.

His Eyes of Love and Mercy, His Gaze of Celestial tenderness never cease to be upon His Children of humanity. Therefore, dear children, have faith and renew your vows. God has a destiny written for each one of His Children, and He hopes to show it to each one of them.

Therefore, I tell you, in the name of My Son, do not fear your own cross, no matter how heavy and difficult that carrying it may seem to you. Tirelessly follow the Footprints of Christ, and He will always quench your thirst, the spiritual thirst for His Water of Life, for this Water that sprang from His Side just as His Blood sprang from the deepest core of His wounded Heart.

His ocean of Love is infinite for the souls of the whole world, even for the souls that do evil in the world today.

What would be the point of the Return of Christ in this end time, if it were not for you, and especially for those who are lost and condemned?

This is the reason for the Work of His infinite Mercy. And with this infinite and simple Mercy of the Heart of the Redeemer, My Son hopes that you will act and work in the same way in the world, beginning with those who are closest to your lives day by day, with your families, with those closest to you.

Once and for all, enter the School of Mercy, just as many enlightened ones and saints dared to live this school, just as many servers of Christ live it in the world and in this time.

There is no other reason for you to be here in this world, My children, but to live the Mercy of Christ. This is what you must achieve in this very dark and painful time, because Mercy will always lead you to the path of Love and Truth. Someday, without realizing it, you will live in the Compassion of the Redeemer, through your simple and small steps.

Love, compassion and tenderness is what is missing in the world. It is what is missing within the families of the world. It is what is missing in the relationships of daily life. However, I pray so that you may attain this goal and aspiration, because if you listen to Me today, as you have listened to Me many times, I know that you can live it.

Therefore, I tell you again to prepare for this next Lent. Special and unique impulses from Heaven, the last impulses of the Divinity, are being delivered out of Love, into souls and hearts open to receive these Graces.

And it is for the work of Grace that I am here today, with My children, for My children and to My children. There is no other reason for Me to be here tonight, but for those who gravely suffer in this time, from the smallest ones to the most elderly, for those who are in captivity in this world of today, who live in spiritual prison and are punished by impunity.

I come to bring Light to all hearts. I come to allow you to live in My Immaculate Heart, because each one has a place in My Immaculate Heart. By any chance, have you ever seen yourselves reflected in It? It is prayer that allows you to reflect yourselves in My Heart; because just as Heaven has many dwellings, My Heart also has many dwellings for My children who seek to live love, truth and unity.

As a demonstration of this, with the simplicity of the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, I come to consecrate those who have offered today to be My Children, although all are already My children.

The consecration as Children of Mary is a step to live spiritual commitment, the commitment that each one of your souls has, the commitment that was written by the blessed Hand of God for this life.

Draw near, My children, those who will be consecrated today.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may come up to the stage, the Mother is calling you.

We will listen to the “Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary” while we prepare for this consecration.

The Divine Mother is praying at this moment for these brothers and sisters, who make their offering today to be consecrated as Children of Mary, as part of Her Universal Mantle, which envelopes all Her children, which protects all hearts, relieves all wounds, brings peace to all disturbances, heals all illnesses, and grants all Graces.

The Heart of the Heavenly Mother, which listens to the supplication of all Her children, extends Her Hand to caress Her children, to express and manifest Her spiritual tenderness.

The Heart of Mary, which opens as a safe place for Her children. It is the Heart that illuminates the paths of all prayerful beings, all servers, all those who supplicate to the Mother of God.


Today, I come to place you in My Heart, beloved children, so that you may be in Christ Jesus. Because through My Heart, His Rays of Water and Blood bless and consecrate you. And in this way, we live in the Triune Unity: in the Divine Father, with the Most Beloved Son, and in the Blessed Holy Spirit.

I thank you for this offering. Live with Me the vows of prayer and service for souls.

Today, My Eyes look at the innermost depths of your hearts, and My Hands caress your faces and embrace your souls, to lead you to peace, healing and forgiveness.

Therefore, hand over to Me today that which weighs you down and hurts you. Give Me that which you still have not been able to forgive.

May My Love dissolve your anguish and agonies. May My Heart raise and strengthen you, because I Am your Mother, the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, the Mother and Lady of the Children of Mary.

Blessed are those who say ‘yes’ to God, because they will be worthy of Paradise, and I consecrate you, together with My angels.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing to the Mother of God that we are Children of Mary.

I thank you for responding to My call!

A good Lent to all, and a good meeting with Christ in the next Sacred Week. 

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
