Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Word became Flesh and dwelled among you, and the Word of the Lord was fulfilled on Earth within the lives of those who are consistent and selfless.

The Incarnate Word became One in the children of God and the Word of the Most High reverberated and will continue to reverberate throughout time, through those who hear the Word of God.

Of the most imperfect, I will do wonders for our Father. I will convert miseries into Mercies, and nothing will be impossible for Me, as it has not been until now.

With this, today I want to tell you, on this afternoon of Mercy and solemnity, that for the merits achieved by your prayers in these last seven years, the Most High God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, He repays from His Source, for each one of his children, His Peace and universal atonement, amending the mistakes made by all humankind up to the present.

Thus, today I want to tell you that I will never abandon you, because you already know how to enter My Heart, and in My Heart there is only eternity, there is never an end.

Children of My Father, open your hearts even more as you did yesterday, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, in which the Eternal Father was attentive to the voice of your supplications.

After the Celestial Church descends here and for the world, in the month of August, I will continue to come, but this time in a special way. On the third Friday of each month I will give the world the final spiritual and divine impulses that, for a certain amount of time, will erect humanity and prepare it for My Return.

The Eternal Father testifies to this moment through the presence of His children and all of His who pray. And even more, our Mother of Heaven and Earth, the great Empress of the Universe, will accompany My Sacred Heart after the month of August, only on the 13th of each month, in which she will finish carrying out the task that She once began in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and thank God, because you will never be forsaken.

Saint Joseph will go to Heaven and from there He will continue to bless the world, just as He blessed the Son of God when he was still a child.

The last secrets will be delivered, the last mysteries will be unveiled and humanity will no longer be able to say that it does not know it because, through My Spiritual Government and My Celestial Church, I will give them what they need.

So that, after August, I may return and bring more relief to the world, I will trust and accept your prayers on the 5th and 6th of each month, even though I will not be present here. But you know that I will make use of your prayer work in order to bring My Peace and the force of My Mercy to the world.

I would not want to leave here without first seeing all the pilgrims one last time, those who pray and serve, when time permits. Because My aspiration is to merge your essences with Mine and, at the end of this time, to recreate Creation for the victory of Love and forgiveness.

Your Guardian Angels commit themselves to the Lord of the Universe to guard and watch over this moment.

While I am silent, I contemplate with you the world, hurt and in need of love, Mercy, healing and redemption.

Today I accept the surrender of those who have decided to live this path, for all the hearts and lives of this planet that did not correspond to Me and that have failed Me in recent times.

As I accept these offers, the power of My Blood is poured out upon the unredeemed so that they may once again look up to the Heavens and find the hope and peace that they once lost, and also the signs of My Passion, the five sorrowful wounds from Your Lord, that enlighten the world at this time and pour out the Grace of the Lamb of God upon the children of the Eternal Father, upon those who hear Him, feel Him and love Him.

Today a cycle closes, but a final preparation time begins. Commune of My Words, be filled by My Grace and move forward.

You can surpass Me in love. When will you prove it to me? The value of My Life can be surpassed for your lives. The surrender of your Lord can be surpassed by your surrender.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, I want you to be part of My Mystical Body so that all My Mercy may descend upon you and the world, and you may purify yourselves within Me in order to achieve redemption.

Today I gather all the force of the Light of the universe, and the hells feel this repercussion because each drop of Blood poured out by your Master today has value and victory in those who have corresponded to it.

Even more souls are waiting to enter My Heavenly Church, this must now be spread to the world. All are called, without exception, to be at the doors of My Celestial Church and enter it in the month of August, in which the great celebration will be established between believers and God.

As I speak to you, I purify you and bring you closer to My Heart. Now let your souls lay their heads on My Chest, right now, do so.

And through this melody, which you listen to at this moment, feel My divine and universal embrace, and how each misery is transformed by the power of My Light and the force of My Love.

Surrender into My Arms, you have the opportunity and, in the void and in the emptiness, find My Peace.

I am who I am, I am the beginning and the end, I am the maximum for your lives.

My Love wants to be throughout the whole world.

Today be anointed by My forgiveness that dissolves your miseries, that forgives your sins, that renews you after each fall, that places you before God to feel the Love of His Heart.

Surrender into My Arms and everything will pass.

My Love merges with your love and a single Love is born, the Living Love of Christ that sanctifies souls and leads them to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, today I wish, in the depths of My Soul and Divinity, that you may commune of Me through the Sacrament of the Altar.

Bring the altar here and remain in My Arms, until I tell you what to do.

Stay in My Arms, feel the beat of My Heart and the triumph of Love through this perpetual Covenant with Me.

The Father is attentive to this moment, just as He is attentive to all the souls of the world that surrender in My Arms at this moment.

May we be worthy of this moment and that in the Arms of our Redeemer our hearts and lives be renewed in Christ, knowing that Love, above all, the one that renews all things, will win.

Today the Father will participate in this consecration. Place at the Feet of the Eternal Father your needs, the true needs that benefit other souls.

Today the Cherubim Angels, Guardian Angels of My children from Africa, are here to bring me the offer of their little hearts, for that wounded people and for the world.

My Love penetrates the core of the deepest human pain, because today you have accepted being in My Arms to feel God.

Let us celebrate.

"Oh, Eternal Father, how great is Your Love, Your Power and Your Mercy, that you are able to invite Your children to surpass Me in Love and in surrender, because a good Master works tirelessly so that His companions will surpass him, and someday be good people in charity and in good, in love and in transparency.

Oh, Eternal Father, so many offerings I have received into My Heart from Your children. So many prayers have I heard throughout the recent years. So much, Father, in the triumph of Your Love and Your Truth, faith and unconditional service have you built in the hearts of Your children. This is what brings Me here today to the world.

Adonai, once again I place at Your Feet that everyone can surpass Me and that the prices of My Blood was not in vain, because it pours out upon the oppressed and fallen.

Today I offer you, Beloved Father, the embrace that I have felt from each soul at this moment, so that You, Our Lord, may give them an opportunity like You have given Your Son, to save the planet.

Receive in Your Kingdom, Eternal Father, the love of Your children, the prayers of Your children, the service of Your children and the daily improvement of Your children to achieve Your Peace and Your Mercy.

And so, before the consecration and offering of this Sacrament, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, the faults are erased, the sins are dissolved, because the triumph of Your Love was fulfilled. Amen".

Today the Cherubim Angels, the Guardian Angels of My children in Africa, will transubstantiate these elements together with their Master, because God shows Himself to the small and humble and hides His Power and His mystery from the proud and selfish. Holy Scripture is fulfilled once again.

On the night when He was to be given in, in spiritual company of My Mother and the holy women, who were praying for Me, I took the bread before My apostles, I raised it to the Father, thanking Him for the sacrifice, so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into my body. And the spiritual Light of the Creator descended to Earth.

Afterward, I broke it and gave it to My apostles saying: “Take it and eat, because this is My Body, which will be delivered by humanity for the remission of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

And thousands of fallen who were in the depths of the abyss of the Earth, became aware of the moment of their redemption. The stars of the universe drew a sacred geometry for the triumph of Love.

Afterward, I took the Chalice and offered it to the Father, so that the wine would be transubstantiated into My Blood, and the divine Light of God descended. Then, I offered it to My apostles saying: “Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me. "

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Amen".

Sister Maria Jerusalem, can you come here, please?

We announce spiritual Communion, with Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, by means of three sounds of the bells.

Heavenly Father who leads us all,
Accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
for Your Will to be done.

When you feel you cannot, be in My Arms.

When the night is too dark, be in My Arms.

When you think you will not succeed, be in My Arms.

When you feel hopelessness, agony or disturbance, be in My Arms.

When you have no inner strength, and only confusion and lamentation, be in My Arms.

When you do not find meaning in life or in your spiritual mission, be in My Arms.

Be in My Arms, be in My Arms, because I come to liberate the afflicted, I come to give Light to the blind, I come to fill the dryness of hearts, I come to transform miseries into the power of My Mercy, because I need you to be able to surpass Me, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

There is a song that touches My Heart very much, like so many offerings that are given to Me. But this is special, because it reflects the improvement and persistence of My companions in the world. This song is called "Everything I Have Lived". I want you to make this last offer that closes, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, a seven-year cycle of work, effort and hope, with your Master and Lord.

May peace be in you and may you be bearers of My Peace. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We will prepare for that song.


"We adore You, Christ, and we bless You, You who through Your Holy Cross redeemed the world" (Repeat three times). Amen.

Let me go through the door of your heart and I will be able to completely transform your life. While I wait outside, near your heart, meditate for an instant upon the meaning of the surrender and the Passion of your Lord, and each suffering experienced and suffered for you.

Let me speak to your heart, because there the greatest treasure of God is kept, where someday may arise the healing for your life and the redemption of your consciousness, so awaited for by our Heavenly Father.

Open yourself, just as I open to you today, extending My Arms and My Hands towards you, for you to be able to feel My consolation and My embrace, the spiritual breathing of My Heart, the palpitation of My Spirit that comes to meet you and your brothers and sisters, to sanctify and sublimate your lives.

I hope that everyone can someday rest upon My chest, as John the Apostle once did, in the most culminating moment of your Lord, the major surrender lived in the experience of the Last Supper.

Therefore, decide to open yourself without fear. I come to heal your regrets, your doubts and your difficulties because if you call Me, today, I call you to meet Me, to the spiritual encounter, to the inner and profound communion with the Divinity of Christ.

Let the Breath of the Spirit blow upon your head by means of the pronunciation of each one of My Words.

Rejoice and be happy because your redemption is near, and as the people of Israel, you will announce within your hearts the second advent of Christ.

On this Easter that will come, may you be able to rest in My consolations, in the warmth of My Love, in the firmness of My Spirit, because what I need is only to transform you into My instrument, for you to be able to be an instrument in the hands of God, for Him to be able to rewrite the history of this humanity.

Place your hand on your heart and feel the divine vibration that descends through Me. There is no longer a cross that can weigh in your life, there is no longer helplessness that can prevail in your consciousness, there is no longer guilt that you can feel, because My Mercy is infinite and immeasurable.

Receive the Graces of My Heart, as John the Apostle received Them in the fidelity of his presence, in each step with the cross and of calvary, in each agony, in the most important moment of your Master and Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, because among the Apostles he was the only spirit who was in vigil for Me.

Today I invite you, My companions, to be in this Vigil with Me, in this crucial time, for you to always find My path, receive My wisdom and discernment to be able to face, in the coming times, the great decisions that will bring you closer to Me, if you meditate and reflect correctly.

Today, as more than two thousand years ago, I hand you the Heart that gave its life for you, perched, in the palm of My hand, this is the ardent Heart that loves you, that contemplates  you and begs you: redeem yourselves, repent and make penitence for those who do not do it, for those who do not listen, for those who are blind in spiritual life.

Now open your hands to receive, uniting one with the other, creating the cradle, for the sublime and divine Heart of the Lord to rest. Feel in the palms of your hand the Love of your Lord, the fire of His Heart, and shelter it in your spirit, establishing the alliance between your heart and Mine, strengthening the communion with My Divine Presence.

Today it is the fire of My Heart that purifies you, today it is the flame of My Heart that transubstantiates you, today it is the life of My Spirit that brings you eternal life.

What else do you wish for your existence, if you can be in Me wherever you are? I can be anywhere, I am the Son of the Omnipresent and Omniscient Lord.

My Spirit brings healing and liberation for your life.

Let us repeat the words that Jesus is saying at this moment, in union and in communion with His Divine Heart:

"Make me firm, Lord, in the decisive moments,

give me Your temperance during the hardest tests,

strengthen me with Your Love for the decisions of life,

and may I never distance myself from You so that I may see the path

that will lead me to the Sacred Temple of Your Heart.


And now that you are again clean, on this day, let us celebrate the encounter with the Grace of God so that, strengthened by His Spirit, we receive His Mercy and His Spirit of renewal.

My Eucharist heart is the greatest testimony of Love for humanity, it is this living and humble Heart that will today transubstantiate the elements for souls to experience the Divine Grace and be able to enter, through the sacraments, into My Celestial Church.

Let us stand.

"Lord, bless these elements for them to be celebrated in Your Honor and for Your immense Glory. Amen."

"Baptize with this water, Lord, those who need Your Spirit. Amen"

John baptized them with the water of life. Today I once more baptize you with My Spirit.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

The moment has come of the great Love of God for the world by means of the transubstantiation of the elements.

Those who can, please kneel.

"Father, accept the offer of Your Son, He who delivered out of Love for humanity, today surrenders again to the world for the redemption of sinners."

And after the holy blessing, I took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, raised it and gave it to the apostles saying:

"Take and eat all of It, because this is My Body that is given for all beings for the forgiveness of sins."

We adore you, Lord, and we bless You.

Taking the Chalice, I gave thanks to God for the sacrifice and said to My Apostles:

"Drink of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is handed to the world for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

Let us raise our pleas toward Heaven, for God to listen with attention to the request of His children.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

The Body and the Divine Blood of Christ.

Blessed are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament for the redemption of humanity. Amen.

And at last I could enter into many hearts, and the hearts, through this union, entered into Me.

That the Peace and the Love of God be in your hearts and that this Love and this Peace spread into the world for the redemption of all the fallen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In fraternity, you will give the greeting of Peace to one another.

I thank you.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

Now ignite the light of your hearts, just as you did in these last hours, so that I can enter and have My definite dwelling place.

I Am the Jesus of Mercy, the Source of all the prodigies for all the Universe and all of Creation.

Let us greet our Father Who is in the Heavens, for His Grace permeates us, He deeply interpenetrates us in order for us to achieve peace.

Happy are those who are with Me now, in any part of the world, because there I am with them to pour out My Divine Mercy, just as today I poured it out upon you.

Place your hands in reception to receive My Light.

I Am that Mystery that many have not understood and that comes from the Infinite, from the origin of Creation.

I Am that Mystery that has not yet been revealed, because only a part of it was shown when I was on Earth among you to preach the Word of God and to have you live again in My Spirit.

I Am this visible signal for all. I Am this infinite and invincible Love that can enter into each human heart to completely transform it, in the image and likeness of God.

I Am this Mystery that is being revealed little by little through each meeting with Me. And in all the months that have gone by, I have left you a key so that you could deeply know Me.

Thus, I am here today, in omnipresence and with each one of My followers that open again to receive My Grace, the glorified Grace of the Son of God Who is returning to the world again and preparing consciousnesses for this great moment. For this reason, you still cannot see Me, because I am a Mystery, but I cease to be so when My Love is in you. In this way, all is understood and all is revealed.

I am bringing new revelations to the world and to the consciousness of your group; because you are a very old flock, which not only walked with the peoples of the desert, under the guidance of Moses, but also walked with Me to find the Path of Light and of Redemption again.

It is for this reason, companions, that it is not the first time that you meet Me, nor is it the last time that I call you to live My Plan of Redemption.

There is still much to do in this world, and I awaken young spirits so that they may be My apostles, just as the twelve were in the past. But these apostles of the new time come to complete My Redeeming Work, the Work of the new era, the Work of the Mercy of God.

That is why I reveal the Mysteries to each one of them, in the silence of the heart and of prayer. The veils fall from the consciousness and souls know their true reality; they cease to be ignorant about the Plan of God and they know universal life within themselves.

Thus, today I do not only come in Mercy; I come in sidereal Light, like a potent Sun among all the suns that exist within this material universe. 

But I Am not a physical sun. I Am more than an angel, when I rose to the Glory of God.

I Am this Mystery that shows itself, month after month, to the heart that opens, little by little, to recognize Me.

I Am this spiritual Sun that illumines the darkness and the abysses, that brings peace to lost hearts, and causes spiritual life to resurrect in consciousnesses.

I Am this solar Light that permanently emits impulses, and that in the end of these times, awakens the consciousness of each being to the principle of their real origin, of their real essence, of their real Source within Creation.

I Am this infinite life that came to be with you 2000 years ago.

I Am the Beginning and I Am the End. But not a material beginning or end.

I Am the cycle that renews all things.

I Am this Purpose of God manifested in the world through the Heart of the Son of God, that can beat in each one of you to transfigure you and transform you.

I come from a very distant place, which you know as Heaven. It is more than that, companions, it is Divine Life manifested in the Consciousness of God; it is this cosmic impulse that originated the creation of all the universe, on the spiritual plane, on the mental plane, and on the material plane.

You are part of this principle and of this origin. You are molecules of Light that emerged from a Greater Source to bring to the Earth the redemption that humanity needs.

You came here to learn about love and forgiveness. You came here, companions, to learn to be real suns on the Earth, that would be able to illuminate all the times until you reach the Real Time, the real time of your consciousnesses, which is not here in this material life, but rather beyond your souls and spirits.

But on this afternoon, I draw you closer to this reality, because your hearts have implored for this. This is your true revelation, the most important one of all time: that you come to know who you are and what you have come to do in this place, in this planetary cycle. 

So, I emit My Impulse of Light to all, like a constant and shining powerhouse that renews all consciousnesses and the creatures that listen from the heart to the Word of God.

I come to expand your consciousnesses all the time; I come to bring the new and the unknown, what you have never learned in any other time.

For this reason, companions, I Am this Sun that descends from the Greater Universe on these sacred dates, so that souls do not miss the opportunity of being reborn, of awakening and of serving the Plan of God.

The world must change and this will first begin in you.

Many of you are already aware that Infinity, the Beginning and the End, that the One and what exists beyond everything, has come to visit you to awaken you to the Great Truth at this end time.

Be witnesses to this legacy that I bring you, which is not material nor mental. It is beyond the spiritual, beyond that which you truly are, where the real things of God are held, in the sublime spirit of each being.

I want you to wake up to this, companions, because My soldiers must be strong for the end times that are coming to the world. I will not be able to teach these things to all of humanity, because of its great indifference and ignorance, but I will be able to teach you, because you will be responsible for re-transmitting it to the world, with simplicity and love, in the language that each heart can understand.

And now I show to all of you the Sun that I Am; because I Am that I Am and I come from the beginning, where all was created in the essence of the Love of the Heart of God.

From there emerged the Son of God, the Firstborn, your Great Patriarch, Prophet and Master of humility.

I came to show the world, in that time, that things are not how they are experienced and that a deep and true reality exists that goes beyond this material life.

All the material Universe learns from this sacred existence, and thus, the codes descend, from dimension to dimension, to renew all things and generate the evolution of all lives of the Universe.

I come to show you My patriarchy and also the Government of God, which rules all the Universe and beyond this one.

Do you now understand, companions, Who you are with? I was a simple man of Nazareth, but that was only an aspect among all those that I have in this spiritual, mental, and material Universe.

I am not just one thing, or one form, in His likeness. I Am something more than that, companions.

I Am more than the Breath of the Spirit of God.

I Am His Messenger and His Great Servant, who in essence and life offered to die for you, so that today you would be here, listening to this great Mystery of the Sacred Books of God, of the keys of Enoch and of King Solomon.

In all the history of the planet there is a precious legacy that is kept, in which you are participating today, on coming to know the Truth about the Son of God, in His deep essence of Love and of Unity.

I bring the Universe so that you may know it, but mainly, so that you may love it; because the Universe of God, which is everything, has been forgotten by this humanity.

It will be enough, companions, for you to find yourselves in the night of a starry sky and to look upward to find your origin in all this Creation; precious pieces of a great puzzle that begins to be built by each one of your hearts in this redeeming work that you experience with Me today.

I asked you to be like angels. Today I ask you, companions, to be like all the suns of the Universe. Because in spite of being millions in all this Creation, your inner Sun can shine more than them, because held inside of you is the key of Love and of Unity; something that the Universe learns about, from time to time, through the project of this humanity and the story of its evolution.

You are writing a story at this moment. And at the request of My eternal Father, I come to write, companions, with the pen of God, what is now happening within and outside of you in this sacred Unity.

In this way, I have you understand that you are not only matter, body or mind; that you are something beyond that, which you can know when you open every day to experience it in a profound and sacred prayer, to glorify the Father that is in the Heavens and be witnesses to His legacy on Earth.

I thus come to relieve your cross, so that you can awaken to the new, which is written in the parables of the Gospel as the first initiations of My disciples, as the basic laws to learn to love and know to be in unity with your neighbors.

If you simply live these basic rules you will have no reason to suffer.

It would make no sense, companions, because who lives in the Law of Love and of Unity will always be in peace and will know what to do in the vast Universe of Divine Will.

Again, now, I show you My Sun, the Sun that I Am.

And from the center of My Chest, I emit and radiate the Rays of this Sun to those who open to receive them, in profound humility, and in reverence to God for this Grace and this Mystery that awakens to its great revelation.

And so I can say to you: you are part of the Divine Consciousness; beings in redemption and rehabilitation, who must hold in your cells the experience of forgiveness and of love, to offer it when you ascend to the feet of the Creator.

Your souls find repose, your feet find rest, your bodies find a refuge of peace, so that My Father may be glorified for the centuries to come.

Feel the magnetism of My immaterial and spiritual Consciousness, which embraces all that is corrupt to make it incorrupt, luminous in the eyes of God and sublime in the eyes of the Creation. It is matter that transfigures, just as the Son of God was transfigured at Mount Tabor, preparing for His Death and His Resurrection. In this way I come to teach you, companions, the eternal Laws.

Let us give thanks to God for having manifested these principles in the sacred Sacraments; which are the deepest and core roots for the souls of this great tree of Light and of Wisdom of the Father.

Through the Sacraments, I left you a legacy, the Source of Renewal, which is what you most need in this time in order to follow My Plan of Peace in the world.

May your hearts live the ardor of My Heart, the sublime Fire of My Spirit, which transforms all molecules and vivifies all cells, to make them into an image and likeness of God, to have the consciousness of each being remember what it really was in the beginning, before having deviated through Adam and Eve.

So, I come to institute the original Project in a new aspect, showing Myself as the most solar and humble, serving and simple Angel of the whole Universe.

My Kingdom is not of this world, it is of others, it is of God; of your Beloved Father, Who contemplates you through the Sun of My Heart, thus establishing sacred Unity.

Now place your hands on your heart and feel the peace of My Spirit, the serenity of My Soul, the Love of My Consciousness, the grandeur of My Heart, in Mercy and Pity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of the Master, we are going to gently connect with Abba, with the Primordial Source of Love and of Unity. With all love and gratitude because Christ is here.

Song: "Abba, Fuente Primordial."

Who washes their feet, renews their paths. Enter My Path of Light to be able to renew in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Who eats of this Body and drinks of this Blood, I tell you again companions, will have eternal life. This is the greatest gift for God and for all the self-summoned that reaffirm their vows in Christ to continue onward, until I return to the world to have you know My Glory.

Today I rise from this place, happier, seeing that the results are immaterial for each one of the consciousnesses that dare to live in the Law of God and to know the true treasure, which is Love and Unity.

Now sing to thank My Father.

I stretch out My Arms to you and, imposing My Hands on your souls, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and joy, because a new Christ is joy and a source of renewal, until the Plan is fulfilled.

I thank you.

Now I want you to sing "Hallelujah" to Me, as you have sung twice before, because in this praise, your inner children can be born. Remember that the littlest children are the first to enter the Kingdom of God and you can be as children, to praise God and bring His angels to Earth.

I invite all those who listen, companions, through this medium of communication that My Mother has blessed, to sing to My Heart, without fear of opening to the truth of what you are: the Origin.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
