Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We revere Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

My path is for the brave and decided, because it is a path of inner divestment. You will feel this divestment within your being and soul, until it hurts you, because I come to deposit My treasures and blessings in new wineskins, in instruments empty of themselves.

I come to deposit My gifts in those who can fulfill them, and you have received all these treasures and Graces throughout the times. For this reason, I come here to remind you of them.

The hour has come, companions, for your Lord to testify, before the Creator, to each one of the Graces and virtues that have been received.

Therefore, I come to draw, with My own Hand, a line on the ground that distinguishes the past from the future. This line that I draw on the ground is this moment at which each one of you are now; it is the moment, companions, to make the last decision.

For this reason, on My path I do not offer roses, but rather, I entrust to Mine thorns and very deep deserts, because what I want and ardently wish is to see the Christs of the New Time.

Although your miseries are still abundant and present, although the path of perfection is very long, and even if each one has to go through their own dark night, I come to offer to Mine everything you can carry out to achieve My aspirations in this world, through the souls that live Me and adore Me.

Because through what is imperfect, and through what is impure, I come to renew all things and what I expect every day is that you may live it for Me; through a mature, responsible and conscious commitment, which may allow you someday to see and understand all that your Master and Lord sees and understands, all that He sees in this world and in humanity.

I expect that each one may take their last and great step, knowing what this means, although it may seem unknown and even if you do not know everything.

It happens that I come to deliver My Plan to you, a Plan that must still be concretized through the true and sensible decision of each one of you, knowing that you will not oscillate, although the storm may come, although darkness may draw near, knowing that your true decision, a mature decision, will define the next step and the next event.

Thus, I come to start the last synthesis, the last reflection that will define the next times, through the souls that adhere to transformation.

I come here, companions, to finish My task with you and so that, from the moment when I Am no longer among you, just as I was not with My apostles, you may be My own living Gospel in a real and true way, with My Words, all My impulses and all My Graces as part of your beings; because this is what God will contemplate at the end of times.

It is through this that the Creator will plan and project the coming time, that is, the New Humanity, in which many are called upon to participate, even in this time of transition and despite what is apparently uncertain. Because what must be written through each one of your lives is the Will of God, which has already been written since the origin in the Source, but which is a Will that must be fulfilled in these times, which must be carried out through you.

In silence, I pray for those who will try it. But also, in silence, I pray for those who will deny it. Because My path is for the brave and also for the imperfect, for those who do not fear to be transformed by My own Hands.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today.

I Am beginning to bid farewell to each one of the inner worlds, to all those who were blissful, throughout the times and the years, to have the Grace of being present before the Lord, as you are today.

Do you know how to understand what this means in this time, knowing that there are thousands of souls that cannot live this?

What does it mean and represent to be before the Lord?

What does it mean to be before His Soul and Divinity, which comes directly from the Primordial Source, and which, through the Divine Word, expresses itself to you and to the whole world, so that you may listen to what God thinks and feels?

May the sound of My Voice reverberate. May the echo of My Words be perpetuated so that you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world may always find the Guiding Star of the Lord, the Great Star in the dark night, the Light of Christ in the darkness, so that you may once again feel guided and accompanied.  

I have come to fulfill My promise, throughout these years. Have you realized this? The promise that I would be with all of you and your brothers and sisters every day until the end of times.

My Work, expressed here through the gathered souls, begins the cycle of its deep and inner transformation, to which everyone will be led.

My advice is that you may adhere and above all trust in Me, in My instructions and also in My decisions if in truth you say you believe in Me.

The cycles exist to begin, but also to complete. The end has now come in this month of August; just as the beginning had already been written, the end had already been written.

This must be understood with wisdom and above all with love, because the foundations of My Work will be raised again through the souls who, from the beginning, founded them and through all those who gradually joined My Path, which is the path of the solemn Hierarchy.

This is not just a change, this is a renewal, because your Master is renewal itself and you also need to be renewed, that is, to re-learn, just as many times the apostles and the disciples re-learned until they themselves managed to carry out My Work in the whole world, following the guidelines of the venerable Law.

I pray for all this and for all those who will live it, for all those who must face it for themselves. Because it is the test of faith, of the confirmation of those who say they are with Me. May My Love, which is not personal, but of the Eternal Father, help you at this moment.

From the innermost depths of My Merciful Heart, I thank all those who have prayed throughout the times and the years, all those who, despite everything, were present at each moment of merciful prayer.

I want you to know that all is counted by God, down to the last hair of your heads.

May this impulse multiply, may this impulse renew and bring hope to those who no longer have it, because I come to make all things new until the end of times.

Thank you, all beings who pray from the heart!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


"We adore You, Christ, and we bless You, You who through Your Holy Cross redeemed the world" (Repeat three times). Amen.

Let me go through the door of your heart and I will be able to completely transform your life. While I wait outside, near your heart, meditate for an instant upon the meaning of the surrender and the Passion of your Lord, and each suffering experienced and suffered for you.

Let me speak to your heart, because there the greatest treasure of God is kept, where someday may arise the healing for your life and the redemption of your consciousness, so awaited for by our Heavenly Father.

Open yourself, just as I open to you today, extending My Arms and My Hands towards you, for you to be able to feel My consolation and My embrace, the spiritual breathing of My Heart, the palpitation of My Spirit that comes to meet you and your brothers and sisters, to sanctify and sublimate your lives.

I hope that everyone can someday rest upon My chest, as John the Apostle once did, in the most culminating moment of your Lord, the major surrender lived in the experience of the Last Supper.

Therefore, decide to open yourself without fear. I come to heal your regrets, your doubts and your difficulties because if you call Me, today, I call you to meet Me, to the spiritual encounter, to the inner and profound communion with the Divinity of Christ.

Let the Breath of the Spirit blow upon your head by means of the pronunciation of each one of My Words.

Rejoice and be happy because your redemption is near, and as the people of Israel, you will announce within your hearts the second advent of Christ.

On this Easter that will come, may you be able to rest in My consolations, in the warmth of My Love, in the firmness of My Spirit, because what I need is only to transform you into My instrument, for you to be able to be an instrument in the hands of God, for Him to be able to rewrite the history of this humanity.

Place your hand on your heart and feel the divine vibration that descends through Me. There is no longer a cross that can weigh in your life, there is no longer helplessness that can prevail in your consciousness, there is no longer guilt that you can feel, because My Mercy is infinite and immeasurable.

Receive the Graces of My Heart, as John the Apostle received Them in the fidelity of his presence, in each step with the cross and of calvary, in each agony, in the most important moment of your Master and Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, because among the Apostles he was the only spirit who was in vigil for Me.

Today I invite you, My companions, to be in this Vigil with Me, in this crucial time, for you to always find My path, receive My wisdom and discernment to be able to face, in the coming times, the great decisions that will bring you closer to Me, if you meditate and reflect correctly.

Today, as more than two thousand years ago, I hand you the Heart that gave its life for you, perched, in the palm of My hand, this is the ardent Heart that loves you, that contemplates  you and begs you: redeem yourselves, repent and make penitence for those who do not do it, for those who do not listen, for those who are blind in spiritual life.

Now open your hands to receive, uniting one with the other, creating the cradle, for the sublime and divine Heart of the Lord to rest. Feel in the palms of your hand the Love of your Lord, the fire of His Heart, and shelter it in your spirit, establishing the alliance between your heart and Mine, strengthening the communion with My Divine Presence.

Today it is the fire of My Heart that purifies you, today it is the flame of My Heart that transubstantiates you, today it is the life of My Spirit that brings you eternal life.

What else do you wish for your existence, if you can be in Me wherever you are? I can be anywhere, I am the Son of the Omnipresent and Omniscient Lord.

My Spirit brings healing and liberation for your life.

Let us repeat the words that Jesus is saying at this moment, in union and in communion with His Divine Heart:

"Make me firm, Lord, in the decisive moments,

give me Your temperance during the hardest tests,

strengthen me with Your Love for the decisions of life,

and may I never distance myself from You so that I may see the path

that will lead me to the Sacred Temple of Your Heart.


And now that you are again clean, on this day, let us celebrate the encounter with the Grace of God so that, strengthened by His Spirit, we receive His Mercy and His Spirit of renewal.

My Eucharist heart is the greatest testimony of Love for humanity, it is this living and humble Heart that will today transubstantiate the elements for souls to experience the Divine Grace and be able to enter, through the sacraments, into My Celestial Church.

Let us stand.

"Lord, bless these elements for them to be celebrated in Your Honor and for Your immense Glory. Amen."

"Baptize with this water, Lord, those who need Your Spirit. Amen"

John baptized them with the water of life. Today I once more baptize you with My Spirit.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

The moment has come of the great Love of God for the world by means of the transubstantiation of the elements.

Those who can, please kneel.

"Father, accept the offer of Your Son, He who delivered out of Love for humanity, today surrenders again to the world for the redemption of sinners."

And after the holy blessing, I took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, raised it and gave it to the apostles saying:

"Take and eat all of It, because this is My Body that is given for all beings for the forgiveness of sins."

We adore you, Lord, and we bless You.

Taking the Chalice, I gave thanks to God for the sacrifice and said to My Apostles:

"Drink of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is handed to the world for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

Let us raise our pleas toward Heaven, for God to listen with attention to the request of His children.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

The Body and the Divine Blood of Christ.

Blessed are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament for the redemption of humanity. Amen.

And at last I could enter into many hearts, and the hearts, through this union, entered into Me.

That the Peace and the Love of God be in your hearts and that this Love and this Peace spread into the world for the redemption of all the fallen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In fraternity, you will give the greeting of Peace to one another.

I thank you.



By the spear that pierced the Heart of Jesus and poured Mercy for the world, forgive us, Lord. (x6)

I am in silence, as I was in the Sepulcher, contemplating the world.

I would like to see the results of the trajectory of these days, and My Heart is ennobled on finding it in the most simple and the most open of heart, because My Wounds are still open and they are shown to you on this day: My Wounds of Light and of Mercy.

Drink from the correct Source that I offer you and do not drink what you like the most, but rather what God has prepared for you.

Today I am in the silence of My Spirit, speaking to your inner worlds, because it is where true things are built.

That is why I am here today, in the silence of My Sepulcher, preparing to resurrect tomorrow in those who knew to offer Me the best from within themselves.

I will no longer pull on the ropes of the ungrateful so that they may be saved. If they fall from My boat, they must learn how to swim, because everything was given to them, and that is irrefutable. My treasures cannot fall into impure or unjust hands.

I come to give you something, companions, that will serve for the next life. But some of you still do not understand Me, do not live My desire and even less My Will. You think you are following My steps, but you do not. Do not deceive yourselves any longer; open your eyes to the Light that I bring you, the Light of Truth and of transformation.

If I offered Myself for you, I want you to offer yourselves for Me, truly and without lies. For you may lie to your fellow beings, but not to My Father, and even less to My Heart that donates Itself completely to you.

I would truly like, companions, that you abandon your miserly abysses, where you only waste time because of your own ideas. I do not come to activate the power of your thought nor of your decision. I come to awaken Christs of the New Time in hearts that accept My designs, just as I write them in your spirits.

I will not be able to wait, companions, so that you can change. It will not be your brothers that will take you off the path, but your own decisions and your own paths that sometimes are not Mine.

Today I come again to show you the Wound on My Side, the last and great sacrifice that I lived for you, even when I was dead on the Cross. If I allowed Myself to be martyred and flogged for the unjust, could it be, companions, that you have learned the lesson of My Love for the whole world?

I would not like, companions, that after this Sacred Week you should live on the same paths of your wills. Everything that I have given you in these last days has been a preparation for this moment, even more for those who consecrated themselves to Me and made vows before My Heart, which they sometimes do not fulfill.

But today I do not come to give you My Justice, because you could not bear it. The world always seeks its own defeat and thus does the human being of the surface.

You are the same as the Apostles from the past, who had to face their own banishment, their own ignorance and lack of faith. But God dwells in all the hearts that follow Him, but not in the hearts that are prideful and think they live in God. God is not constrained to unjust souls. How can the Heart of God be in a closed heart, when it is blind and does not want to see what the Universe shows it?

To be My disciple there must be no preferences or doubts, but rather trust, obedience, and love. If you do not live within love, companions, you will not be able to bear the purification, and nobody will be at fault in this, because the Law as It is above, so it is below, and It responds, just as you respond, to material life.

I would like that your hearts reflect with Mine, without forgetting what I tell you with so much Love.

I do not want you to observe your miseries with contempt, but rather that you banish them with love and will, at least for Me. I cannot build My Work in fragile and tepid pillars. I have given you all the materials so that your pillar may be strong and victorious.

I have given you the Creator Parents so that you may know Them by Their hidden and profound Face.

 I have given you My Mother so that She may console you and guide you on the path of faith and of obedience. Each one will know, companions, what they are still not doing well.

I do not come to unmask you nor make you feel like sinners.

I have come to show what truly is and the urgency of your hearts being clear and less false. But still, My Heart pours out Its wonders over the unjust, because My aspiration is great for each one of them, something that you would never understand in this life.

During all of this time, with Love I brought you the Kingdom of the Heavens so that your lives may be lifted up from the ground, just as you have fallen so many times. But it is no longer the time to judge. I told you once that you should take the speck out of your eye rather than from that of your siblings.

Nobody is perfect in this time nor in this old humanity, but rather, in the next one you will live the glow of My Spirit for those who have given their full "yes" to My call, rather than to their will.

Just as I teach you today, companions, I have taught My apostles the true transparency of things and of the paths. I do not want you to leave here thinking that everything is fine. In truth, companions, it is time to face what must be faced and not be lukewarm towards those events.

In this way, today I want you to live this communion with Me, because just as I love you, I also instruct you so that you never again deceive yourselves. If you do not accept what I tell you, because I know that you do not accept it, you will not be able to love My Heart. But My infinite Mercy allows the revelation of these things so that your hearts may mature in consciousness and in love.

I asked the twelve for everything, and to you, companions, and all those who hear Me, I also ask for everything. How do you think the 144.000 will be gathered if you still do not accept My convocation? I chose you for this moment and you cannot deny it.

But your feet are so free to walk, like your hearts are to feel, meditate, and reflect. I do not want you to be distressed today, but rather that you feel everything with more neutrality in order to truly grow without emotions.

I come to ask for something very demanding from each one, especially from those who have consecrated themselves and that through the Mercy of My Mother are here again today, so as to not forget My Path and to not forget on the path that I placed you in unity with your fellow beings.

As a token of My Love, I will bless you again in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your consciousnesses may open to the new and to the path that I invite you to walk on every day.

How many offerings you have left here on My Altar to please Me. May this always enrich your spirits in union with My Heart.

I purify all things when hearts open to receive Me. I consecrate what is impossible and transform what is imperfect. In hearts I ignite the light that was always in darkness.

In the name of Heaven and Earth, I ask God for your salvation and the salvation of humanity. Through this living example of the Body and the Blood of My Heart, may souls find Peace.

Today I will give My Holy Body to those who make an effort for Me.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon:

Will the brothers and sisters of the TV come here. Abel and Anita also.

Do not lose your connection with Me, I am here.

My God, I believe in You,
I adore You, I wait for You and I love You,
and I ask Your forgiveness for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore you, do not wait for You, and do not love You.


The Our Father in Aramaic.

And by the power of Love and of Truth, companions, I bless you and the world in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now you may go in Peace, following My ways.

Song: "In Your Gaze"

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
