Voice of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I Am the Light that announces the beautiful horizon of God. The one who contemplates this Light will not become lost, because it is a divine and inextinguishable Light.

It is this Light of the beautiful horizon of God that announces, in this final time, the arrival of Christ to put an end to the cruelty of the world, and the endless suffering of souls.

For this reason, dear children, in the name of the Lord, I am here today to fulfill the promise that My Son had made to you, as I bless this Sacred Fountain of the Supreme Healer, so that souls may remember that the Heart of Christ is open to all, regardless of the sin or error.

I come as your Celestial Mother to once again lead and guide you toward the Heart of Christ, so that you may find His infinite and inexhaustible fountain of Love, which flows like water, as a spiritual tributary in all souls.

For this reason, this fountain, which we will bless and consecrate today, will gain its spiritual, inner or material power and expansion, depending on the faith of each heart and each soul; remember, dear children, what My Son told the Roman centurion: “Your faith in the Lord saved your servant.”

Today I come to renew the gift of faith in this place and, above all, in hearts. A gift that is being transgressed and violated by the situations of the world, by all that is being replaced and changed.

For this reason, I bring you closer to the fountain of the Lord again, so that you may not only purify your faces and hands, but also so that you may reach the path of conversion of the heart, which means, dear children, that your lives, as of today, have the door open so that you may completely change both inside and out, so that you may be different people with new values and attributes for life, fundamental in this time of transition and chaos; because it will be these very same values that you can cultivate within yourselves that will allow you to be free from yourselves and from the world.

Today humanity is facing a complex scenario. It is before two paths and must choose only one path: the path of Light, or the path of perdition.

My Son comes to intercede for all of you and the world on this day, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that souls may come closer to the Graces of Christ, sanctifying and renewing Graces for souls, so that each heart may internally receive what it needs so much.

Beloved children, in this time it will depend on each one of you that your lives may become the very Grace of God manifested and concretized. This should be the miracle in each one of you.

You yourselves must choose what life you want to live in this time, in the face of a challenging scenario for humanity itself and the planet. For this reason, I remind you again of the values of life, the so called Attributes of God, which are granted to all souls through the Sacraments and, above all, to the hearts that faithfully pray to God every day, because humanity in this time needs much spiritual guidance.

You know, My children, that this is urgent for the world, in the face of so many things that are happening in humanity, because it will be these very same values that you may cultivate in yourselves that will help your families and your loved ones.

And thus, the nucleus of the human family will be protected and supported by God from the grave interferences that the world manifests and radiates to souls. Because there is an attempt to replace the true and only God of Heaven and the Earth by an artificial god.

Do not let yourselves be confused or deceived, beloved children. Rather turn to the prayer of the heart, turn to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, to the sacred moment of the Eucharist, of confession and the fervent and supplicating prayer; because everything will happen in this time, but on yourselves, beloved children, depends what will be the result of your paths, of your own choices, of what you may choose, the Living God or the dead god, the dead god of humanity that appears to have life and intelligence of its own.  

For this reason, in these simple and sacred moments, through the fountain that springs today from the Heart of Jesus, by means of this water of the fountain that today will be sanctified and consecrated for each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as it was in Massabielle in Lourdes, Our Sacred Hearts, in self-giving and as an offering, grant again to souls the Graces they need, mainly the Grace of the conversion of heart, of the change of habits and modalities of life, so that you may be worthy of the Graces and miracles that you need.

Because the Grace of God is not wasted in this universe. It is a sacred and sublime current that, when it acts through the Holy Spirit, as it does at this moment, transforms souls into what God has expected so much since the beginning.

I not only want you to place your miseries today at the Feet of My Son, but I also want you to place at the Feet of the Supreme Healer the honest and sincere offering of each heart, of what is most intimate in your inner world, where God dwells and lives, and expresses His Kingdom in souls.

Thus, you will be heard by the Supreme and Sublime Healer, by the Humble Sheppherd of souls, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, who, from His deepest cores, causes Graces to be poured out upon souls, and reveals the ardor of His Love for hearts.

God listens to the hearts that cry out, but above all, God listens to the hearts that suffer unknown situations that they have never experienced upon the surface of the Earth. For this reason, He opens the fountain of His Graces to sanctify souls, to consecrate them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady asks if anyone can bring a glass of water for the person who is coughing, please. You may bring the glass of water here, please, because She will bless it for the person who is coughing.


It is necessary to let go of what is oppressing us, so that we may be renewed in the presence of the Love of God.

The purification of the world is not a punishment, it is a necessity for hearts to become liberated and thus to become healed of their deepest wounds, mainly their spiritual wounds.

Jesus has always taught us, the holy women and the apostles, that the good Samaritan is the one who first thinks of the other, and is capable of giving from their heart for the salvation of their fellow being. And it is in this way that unity and fraternity are multiplied, through service and charity among hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And now, with our Mother, all of us will draw near the fountain for its blessing and consecration. We will go singing, all of us together, with the brothers and sisters of the Choir of the  Nucleus tthe opening song that you sang today.

We will go in procession, in solemnity, in reverence and silence, to place ourselves at the Feet of the Supreme Healer for Him to bathe and purify us with His water, that water that sprang from His Side on the Cross.

And thus we will bless, together with Our Lady, this fountain that will be offered as an instrument of Healing and Grace for souls.

And then we will return here to officiate the Holy Eucharist, administer the Body and the Blood of Christ to all those present, and then finalize with the Sacrament of the Baptism.

We may start singing with the choir.


Song: “By the Fountain of Grace.”


Let us breathe in.


Prayer: “Hail Mary” (three times in Portuguese).


I come here with My beloved Son, just as We would go to the wells of Betsaida so that Our Lord could heal and cure the leprous and the sick, restore sight to those who were blind and, above all, open the hearts of those who had closed their hearts to God.

Today My Son comes to bless you through His fountain of Grace and Mercy, Pity and Love.


The Voice of Christ Jesus:

By the authority that My Father has granted Me, in union with Heaven and Earth, and with the holy angels and the blessed ones, I come to bless this fountain of Grace so that souls may be purified, renewed and consecrated to the Eternal Heart of God, and may surrender to the Supreme Healer.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear Children,

As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, on this day of Pity and Mercy for the whole world, I would like My Son to be recognized once again by all, through the consecrated Bread and Wine; so that, through the adoration of good souls, the errors and outrages, which the Heart of the Creator continues to receive, may be repaired.

Therefore, My children, through this gesture of merciful love of your hearts and lives, the Tabernacles of the Earth that are destroyed by wars or profaned by ignorant souls, spaces that are blessed by My Son, shall also be repaired and contemplated, just as the angels of the choir of reparation do.

I would like to tell you, My children, that the holy places, just as the Eucharist sanctifies everything that it touches and radiates, are fundamental spaces for the elevation of souls and especially of the planet, which need much Light and Mercy in these times.

The first step is that souls adore and value the Sacrament, so that humanity does not continue to lose its authentic spiritual union with the Creator.

As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, I thank all My children who faithfully carry out every day the holy adoration of the Eucharistic and Heavenly Body of the Redeemer.

United in prayer for all impossible and urgent causes, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved children,

Today, holding all of you in My lap, I invite you to continue praying and adoring the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, so that here the time foreseen in the Plans of the Father may be fulfilled.

Through the Monastery of the Door of Mercy, I would like you, in this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, to open that door of Mercy for those who need it most; but mainly that you, My beloved children, learn at this stage to open the door of the heart so that all may have a place in you, just as God, the Creator, has a favorite place for His Children.

Through the Sacred Fountain of Jesus that you will open here, in this house, for all souls, remember that, from the most sinful to the most rescued, they will be able to use the Fountain of Jesus to purify their lives and thus, wash the marks of the past from their faces.

Today, once again, I come to bless you, I come to encourage you and to impel you so that My Sacred Heaven may continue to expand the Light of the Eucharist in this needy city of Belo Horizonte.

In the name of My Son, I thank you for these days that were shared.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of God's Sacred Heaven


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rivers of blood flood the surface of the Earth; just as this ocean, before your eyes, floods life.

Who will pay the price for the innocence that was destroyed?

Who will take charge, My children, after the Precious Blood of My Son was shed, drop by drop, in order to redeem and save the world?

Today, I come to Russia, also as the Mother of this nation, which has another Spiritual Purpose and not the one that it is committing in these times.

If all the nations of the world had fulfilled their Spiritual Purpose from the beginning, I assure you, My children, that war, famine, exile and impunity would not exist.

But this Project of God, on the surface of the Earth, deviated from its intended path. For that, God the Father sends us to the world as His Messengers to awaken the consciousness of humanity.

How much more will have to happen on this surface, My children, for something to change in the human being?

Although the majority is not responsible for the wrong decisions made by very few and which have repercussions on millions of souls in the world, I ask you, My beloved children, that your profound school of prayer, in these critical and challenging times, be deepened even more, so that this school of prayer, which is a permanent invocation to the Kingdom of Heaven, may touch the Heart of God, a Heart offended and hurt by His Children.

But I come to offer to the world the Reliquary of My Immaculate Heart so that souls may enter God through My Heart, and the difficult and complex situations that are lived in these times may be repaired by the offer of good souls, of souls who seek God unceasingly, of souls who live the gift of the Fear of God, not as a justice, but as the imperious need to be in Him and for Him, serving on this surface of the Earth.

Weapons are still being activated. Humankind still lives in war and the souls who, on this surface, are under these difficult living conditions, are frightened and terrified by what they hear and by what they see, day by day; from My youngest children, who are the most innocent and pure, to My oldest and most adult children, who are subdued by the arrogance and by the power of a few.

Unfortunately, in this world there is an infernal network that conditions many populations of the planet; but this cannot continue, My children, because the signs of the planetary birth continue to increase. The Earth will continue to tremble, volcanoes will continue to erupt, nature will show its fury and its power for not having been cared for and respected.

Can you imagine, My children, just for a moment, how many will be under this condition?

We can only pray, in heart and in truth, not allowing a single day to fail to be permeated by the light of prayer.

As Mother of perpetual prayer, who prays for all Her children of the world; as Mother of Mercy, in the face of so many injustices and errors; as Queen of Peace, in the face of so many conflicts and wars that are committed; I come to ask you, My children, once again, to heed the appeal of My Heart, because I assure you, dear children, that very few are prepared for the end of times; so few are prepared as the number of angels that accompany Me today.

Do you understand the urgency of these times?

I do not come to give you fear or dread, because that is not from God. I come to pray, today, on my knees, that Russia may be converted to My Immaculate Heart so that the Third Secret of Fatima may not be fulfilled, so that evil and impunity may not continue to spread in the world. My Thorned Heart is pressed by the thorns of My children's pain and My Heart sheds Blood on this day, just as My Son shed His Blood on the Cross.

May this Blood, shed by the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be repaired by the sincere prayer of Her children, those who know that praying is not an obligation, those who already know that praying is a necessity and an emergency, because under the light of prayer they will be protected and sheltered by My Mantle of immaterial and universal Light.

My Hands today are not enough to help all those in need. The hosts of Light, sacred angels of the Eternal Father, are also unable to attend to so many emergencies and needs that are not only physical, but also spiritual, because spiritual needs are the most urgent.

Who will decide to take the step to assume, together with the Mother of Sorrows, this planetary cross?

Who will no longer distance themselves from the cross and will be the new Cyrenian who, through silence, persistence and faith, will carry with My Son all the sins of the world, with the ardent aspiration to help the Lord?

Who will decide, once and for all, to be a mirror of prayer on Earth, to understand that it is no longer the time for selfishness and individualism, to understand that it is the time and it is the hour for the "we", where the whole Celestial Brotherhood vibrates?

Regrettably, mistakes will continue to be made in the world, and this will be so until My Son returns. He knows this, He watches in His utmost silence; but His Love does not judge, His Mind does not question, His Spiritual Government does not pressure, His Light radiates, His Compassion is established beyond the borders of this material plane.

But do not lose faith, affirm in yourselves the Divine Hope. The world will need, more and more each day, that there be good instruments of God, so that His Love may be deposited and His Light may be poured into all the tabernacles of the Earth, which are the sincere souls who offer themselves to enter into communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the sacred science of the Sacraments and of the sublime adoration of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

May all the Blessed Sacraments be opened, in these times, so that the Light of Christ may be multiplied in the world, so that equilibrium may be established, so that peace may fill the spaces and consciousnesses.

As Mother of Russia, I ask you to pray for the religion of this country, sadly conditioned, empty of spirit because of its commitments that are not with God. Many, many souls depend on this.

Now, do you understand My affliction? Now, do you feel My Heart?

I will thank you for heeding My spiritual requests, because you do not have to do anything different from what you already do. You must only become more aware of the reality and the time of emergency, so that the nations do not continue to engage in evil and so that millions of people are not under this condition.

I come to ask you, once again, to pray for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart.

Today, I come here to give this special Message because God has allowed Me to do so. I will do all that is possible and a little more for My children, so that they do not lose peace and unity with the Eternal Father.

Now, your Heavenly Mother will withdraw into silence and thus, She invites Her children to withdraw into the sacred silence, so that My Words do not go unnoticed or souls forget them from one moment to the next, because it is God who sends Me to give this Message, it is the Voice of God that resounds through My Words and My Lips, so that His Love may echo in the world.

I thank you for being here with Me today in this place, praying on your knees next to the Mother of God.

May the Love and Light of My Son bless you all.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It gladdens Me to meet again My faithful and beloved children, at this Sacred blue Heaven, where many experiences have been lived by you, My children. Dark nights have been gone through, moments of joy have been lived and shared and, today, you are here with Me, in fidelity and love.

I would like you to know that the times to come will not be good, but if souls repent from the heart and surrender with faith in the Immaculate Heart, all can be avoided.

Now that your feet are tired from this trajectory and this path, renew yourselves.

I Am here and I Am your Mother. The Mother that will never abandon you, the Mother that will always receive you and give you the Peace that the whole world needs so much.

Rejoice, because I Am here to grant you My Graces once again, to grant you the Pardon of God and the renewal of your lives in this definitive cycle, a cycle in which effort will be the great master key among all keys. The key that will open the door to the descent of God’s Mercy.

Therefore, My children, let your minds expand, let your hearts open much more than they are already open, so that the consciousnesses that have self-summoned may come here, as it is foreseen in the Aspiration of the Eternal Father.

Everything you have learned throughout the times has been for this moment, My children, for this definitive hour, in which you must learn to walk in sacrifice out of love for God and out of love for My Son. Because He will never give you such a heavy cross that you can carry it by yourselves.

He will give you the cross of liberation and redemption, just as He carried it in a brave manner a long time ago, for each one of you. Therefore, continue to participate in this fidelity to God and to My Immaculate Heart.

In advance and forever, I give thanks for the channel offered in this place, for Vigil and Adoration.

My children, it is time to re-build the spiritual bases of this humanity, through the important exercise of Adoration to the Eucharistic Body of My Son. Because while this does not happen, you know that souls go astray time and again. My wish is to bring all toward God, not only those you do not know, but also your families, your loved ones, all those who are close to your lives.

All need to know the Mercy of God. This mystery was revealed and given on the Cross through the Blood that was shed by My Son, in each drop that He shed for the world.

Today, for this renewal, My Graces bring you the Codes of the Blood of Christ so that, after that which was lived throughout the last years, your consciousnesses may feel healed and renewed, may assume, with maturity and enthusiasm, the cross that My Son gives you, out of love for humanity and the planet.

My children, your Heavenly Mother knows, in advance,  all that you will do to receive Me next October 13, because you have learned to serve and give of yourselves.

I would like to see not only the flowers that you always place at the foot of My Altar, which you will raise in offering to My Immaculate Heart. I would also like your lives, on the coming days and in the times to come, to be these beautiful flowers of conversion, forgiveness, love and redemption, which I will be able to pick with My own Hands to give them to God and confirm that the Plan of My Son for this world is feasible.

Today, I embrace with My Mantle all those who need it. Today, I place upon My Chest all those who need to feel the beating of My Heart, so that you may remember that the Consoling and Co-redeeming Mother is always present here, in Spirit and Divinity.

Rejoice, because the end of captivity will come not only for you, but also for the whole world. Because when My Son returns, He will renew and transform everything, by the merits achieved in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.

On this day, may your souls resurrect in spirit under the Love of God, under the Presence of the Mother of the Holy Spirit. Offer to God the best you can give Him. No matter how small it seems, let it be true and sincere. Because it is in that which is small and not in that which is big, that God works, through the souls and hearts open to His Consoling Love.

And just as I have done on these last days, in these last weeks, in this special Pilgrimage of re-encounter with My dear children, I will offer the Sacrament of the Anointment to you again. Thus, may the sign of the Cross of Emmanuel sanctify, protect, heal and accompany you in this new stage of renewal and re-founding of the bases of the Purpose of this Nucleus and of this point of Spiritual Light in this part of the planet.

Children, do not fear the cross, I Am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother of all of humanity and of the planet. Remember that here I find inner strength in those who adore, pray, watch and serve God.

Not only My Son seeks a place where He can rest and restore, also your Heavenly Mother seeks this place in the hearts that serve the Work of God on this planet.

Place your intentions at My Feet in the silence of the heart, and I will take them to God.

Pray and do not fail to do so, for your protection and the protection of your families. Unite to God through prayer.

Let us make the offering to God, from the innermost core of My Heart, at this moment.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I thank you for having responded to My call in such an immediate way, because when this happens, My children, humanity ceases to suffer.

Now, let us go to the foot of the Altar of Christ, you, as His companions and apostles. Let us offer not only the bread and the wine so that they may be converted into the Body and the Blood of Christ. Offer your hearts also, so that this renewal may reach your lives and your families, through the blessing of the Holy Spirit.  

Be in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

As the Celestial Church spiritually approaches the planet, the greater will be the inner and physical movements of humanity.

It is like a great Light that enters into the abyss and the darkness of humanity to turn night into day.

It is at this moment of worldwide inflection when souls must aspire, even more wholeheartedly, to allow the Celestial Church to free them from the chains of errors and suffering.

The Celestial Church will descend with Creative Power and give those who welcome it an impulse so that they may profess their faith and trust in the Eternal God.

While the Celestial Church begins to open its main doors, the angels come out from within it, descend to the Earth and prepare its solemn arrival.

But you, My children, must sustain this moment, since the Light and the darkness will meet, and from that point on, the last cycle of the battle will be opened, which will define love or indifference within humanity.

The more works of prayer and of good that are carried out in the world, the greater will be the spiritual and inner effect of the Celestial Church; and the souls that had no possibility of salvation will be considered.

At this moment, all those who adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar will be collaborating consciously so that the Celestial Church may reach all hearts possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
