In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My children, thank you for having responded to My call once again.

I Am your Mother, the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of God, and today I bring you the Heavenly Domes, the different Heavens of God, so that souls may unite to the Father through the sacred presence of the angels and saints. 

Today, a ray of Heaven touches the wounded Earth so that the streams of evil may be dissolved, so that hearts may be reborn in the hope and in the love that they have lost, so that those who are unprotected may be under My Mantle. 

Today, dear children, I come not only for you but also for all of humanity. I come as the Perpetual Mother of prayer, Who cries out before God for Her children day and night, mainly for those who become lost in these times.  

With the Light of the Heavens of God, as the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of the Father, I come to pour out the Light of My Graces, the Light of My Beatitudes, the Light of My Eternal and Immaculate Love, so that hearts may feel the relief from Heaven, so that the souls that cry out may hear the response of God within themselves. 

My children, in this end time, may each one of you, as a good soul of God, continue to be united to Me in perpetual prayer, just as many of you in this place blessed by the Sacred Heaven of the Father dedicate your daily lives to the Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, so that balance may be maintained in humanity, so that the axis of the Earth may be maintained in its harmony and peace, despite the atrocities of these times. 

Dear children, I invite you to elevate yourselves in spirit to the Sacred Heavens of God, because remember that here, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, which I bring to each one of you today, there is a dwelling that awaits you, in which you will eternally keep your experience on Earth, mainly your experiences of love, charity and mercy. 

For this reason, continue to work in the name of My Son. Continue to be peacemakers on Earth so that the peace that reigns in the universe may descend to the planet, and especially to the places where war and conflict are experienced; because while nations and peoples are in confrontation, the doors of evil will remain open, and everything will take place.

Therefore, with maternal and special affection, I thank the brave hearts that are decided and disciplined in their inner lives, in the life of the spirit, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which will always renew and appease you, which will always place you in the correct place and path. 

How much My Heart longs for many more souls to find this secure path in these times!

How much My Heart suffers at seeing the souls lost and distracted!

How long will humanity be able to bear this inferior condition?

God created each one of you so that you might be happy and, through My Most Beloved Son, you might have life in abundance. This is why I Am decided, at each moment and at each new step, and I tirelessly go behind each of My children, although in this time many feel that nothing happens and that there is no solution. 

Through Her Eyes of Love, the Eternal, silent and prayerful Mother watches each one of God’s Children, especially those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, even while living on this surface. Because in essence, My children, all are Children of God, all come here to be redeemed and to reconcile with higher levels. 

God has given you this school so that you may learn and grow internally. And I, as a good Mother Who loves and guides you, offer you My Heart so that you may have a place where to feel sheltered and protected from the tribulations of these times. 

But I also offer you My serving Hand so that you may hold it tight and follow the steps that I spiritually indicate, because My ardent desire, dear children, is that the world may cease to experience suffering and may rather experience peace. 

However, My children, it is necessary that even in these critical times you may have your choices and decisions very much in mind, because peace vibrates throughout the universe and in all of Creation, and it can be present within the heart of each one of My children. 

Therefore, do you understand that a correct decision is important?

Thus, you will never lack peace if you do not neglect your inner life, the life of the spirit. Because although you live the chaos of these times as humanity and as a planet, you will feel the strength of the Holy Spirit, the inexhaustible fire of the Love of My Son, which, as a sacred torch of Light, will illuminate the times of darkness and tribulation so that, through your souls, as good instruments of God, other souls may find again the path toward the House of the Father. Because you know, My children, that day by day many souls lose the path toward the House of God.  

I do not come here to speak to you about something religious; I come to speak to you about something profoundly spiritual and internal. The world and humanity need to recognize that they are here for a Higher Purpose and for an infinite cause that many still do not know. 

Despite this time of pain and anguish in the world, I come to open the door of My Immaculate Heart to you once again so that you may feel the presence of My Consoling Love, but I also come to open to you the door of consciousness and discernment, because humanity must no longer continue to take precipitated actions. 

Therefore, My children, first protect yourselves from yourselves, and then from the world. Unite your families through prayer, because you will need it in this end time. In the Kingdom of the Heavens, lies all that you need, even in this cycle of intense purification. 

I teach you not to lose trust in God. 

I invite you to trust in the Love of My Son, the Christ. 

I call you to surrender your miseries to My Immaculate Heart. 

Because everything has a solution to God, My children. Even in painful learning experiences, everything has a spiritual cause and a reason. Therefore, do not question your tests, your purifications, or even your deserts. 

Openly dare to go through these times of tribulation with bravery. Because I assure you, My children, that your own life experiences will help you not only to strengthen yourselves and understand the life of the spirit but also to help your loved ones and fellow beings, because the door of redemption is open to all.

After many years, many efforts, many true and unconditional surrenders, the Celestial Father has poured out His Grace here, a Source of rescue and reparation for thirsty souls, spiritually depositing one of His Sacred Heavens here so that souls may find again the path toward the Father, the meaning of life and a reason for living in these times, because nothing is by chance. My children, everything has a spiritual reason, and I Am here to make this known to you. 

So that you may understand the magnitude of such Grace, that one of God’s Sacred Heavens, with His silent and imperceptible Light, may touch this Light-Nucleus, this point of Light, and this entire city and country, I come to ask you to build here the Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may cleanse and purify themselves, and drink from the Fountain of Graces of Christ’s Heart. 

This little Fountain will be a wellspring of blessing for souls, as well as for moments of Sacraments. 

Through His Fountain, My Son will deposit the blessing and Grace that souls need. 

Next year My Son will come here to bless this Fountain. You will have one year for its manifestation. 

Because as you know, My dear children, the thirst of souls is great but even greater is the thirst that My Son feels for souls when they cannot perceive that His Heart is filled with Mercy and Love for them, that His Heart overflows with so many Graces while not being able to deposit them in thirsty hearts. 

This is why I come to ask you for this simple and humble Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may find the Laws of Healing that they need so much. 

Trust, absolutely trust in the Higher Love, which will always bless each one at each new step, at each new challenge, at each new life experience. 

This Sacred Fountain of Christ, which I ask you for out of Love today, will be especially dedicated to the unborn so that the Fountain of Graces of Christ, the Supreme Healer, may mend the errors of abortion and interruption of life of the little ones and innocent, because someone in the Heavens, My children, must assume these sorrowful souls. 

As a gesture of renewal and Maternal Love, I will consecrate new Children of Mary again.

You may draw near. 

Today you will be the flowers that I will offer to God, your souls at the Feet of the Most High. So different from one another but united in the same love and under the same spiritual cause, the untiring Love of your Celestial Mother. 

Cristiano and Riad from Syria, you may come here. 

In such little children, see the strength of great spirits that have crossed and made their way through the thresholds of a war to find here, in Brazil, a space and a place of love and hope. 

This is why I bless this moment, I consecrate these little children of Mine and all of you, who are present here before Me, to take an eternal vow of union with Me, to be children of prayer and Mercy, souls that will open up to serve God with one goal: relieving the suffering of the world and of the souls that cry out for help throughout this planet. 

 Your spiritual task will be to pray for those who suffer and for those who are helpless. 

Beloved children, under the authority that My Son has granted Me, as the Slave and Servant of the Lord, as the Mother of the angels and the Mother of all souls of the Earth, by the merits achieved during the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus and the Seven Agonies of the Heavenly Mother, by all the Graces that the Father has granted Me and that I deposit today upon all My children, those who are consecrating and those who are here, I bless and consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Children, I thank you once again for your response. 

Move on, firm in faith, confident in hope, sustained by My Love. 

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Land of Mary” together to celebrate this moment of consecration. 

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

One hundred and three years ago, I came to the world for a greater reason, and today I return again to the world, My children, so that you may be aware of this important planetary moment.

The Light of My Immaculate Heart is reflected on Earth in order to embrace as many souls as possible but, at this time, it is not enough.

My Son has trained you for this moment; He has made you His apostles so that you could serve Him and follow Him.

As a Mother, I come in this time so that the greatest number of My children do not lose the meaning and purpose of being here, the reason for which God brought you to meet Me, knowing, My children, that there are still millions of souls in the world that have never stood before the Mother of God.

You who have been so close to Me through these last twelve years, you have a greater responsibility before God for the causes and the aspirations of your Divine Mother, because the Plan of your Heavenly Mother is not personal, but rather a Plan for all of humanity and the planet.

You must be the ambassadors of My Immaculate Heart in the world; you must be the facilitators for souls that need a great deal of spiritual and inner help.

This is the reason that brings Me here to you today, for all My children that hear Me at this moment in the four corners of the world, who still proclaim their faith and devotion to My maternal Heart. But I also want to say to each one of you, that this is the definitive and crucial time, extremely different from what took place in Fatima one hundred and three years ago.

In that time, humanity had a different state of consciousness, more primitive and immature. But in this time, even with the advancements achieved by humanity, this continues to be so on other planes of consciousness with the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature and of human life itself; through the painful humanitarian crises and the exile of millions of My children in the world who are seeking an opportunity and hope.

Now your home, the planet, is in a great transition and I want you to know this, My children, because there are still many of My children who do not want to open their eyes to this reality, so as to not feel shaken or called to planetary service.

Many of those who are not here today missed a spiritual opportunity, but this will not get in the way of the doors of Heaven continuing to be open to the Earth, as long as each one of My children conform to My call. This will be the great premise for your Heavenly Mother to continue returning or not to the world while the Celestial Father has need of it.

But today My hands are full of prayers, and I can show them to you as small spheres of Light that have lit up the hearts of the world while you obediently pray the Holy Rosary and do this in honor of the Heavenly Mother. Each one of these beads that I carry today in My hands, each small sphere of Light that light up in the humble palms of the hands of the Mother of God, will be special Graces that will return to the world for those children who suffer, which are hundreds and hundreds of souls that still silently wait for a Grace from God.

And so I remind you, My children, of the importance of praying with Me every day. This is a priority for your hearts and souls. Nothing must change this spiritual practice, nothing must substitute it nor cancel it. If you pray, you will be united with Me and My Immaculate Heart. During this month of May, I will be with you, as I was in the hearts of the little shepherds of Fatima.

In the same way that My Heart is still present in the Sanctuary of Fatima and throughout Portugal, the Love of the Mother of God, the devotion of the Heavenly Mother, the purity of the Servant of God has to be in more hearts of the world. For in spite of what may happen on the surface of the Earth, nothing will happen to you and you will be able to follow in the footsteps of the Mother of God on the pathways of reconciliation and of peace so that you may be in communion with Christ, My beloved Son, and thus be sanctified by His Spirit through the Holy Eucharist. 

But now, My children, it is urgent and important that you deepen your Spiritual Communion with My Son. This is the time for each one of you to recognize the truthfulness of your sincere union with My beloved Son, because this is the only thing that will save you and protect you in these times. For this reason, adore Him, revere Him and pray to Christ so that the Fountain of His Mercy may continue to descend to the world and upon those places that are most in need.

Today, your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, has traveled the entire planet to gather the pleas of each of Her children, and you, who are here, have you pleaded with Me? Have you called on Me as your Advocate and Mediator in the face of your possible wrongs?

This is the time for change, but also the time for becoming aware. All the treasures that you receive from Heaven must be testified to in light of the coming of My Son, and this will be an act and a reality for each one of you, as well as for those who are not here and who, in a confused way, lost the footsteps of My Son.

But I do not come to the world with Justice, rather with Love, with a mature Love that allows you to grow and take responsibility for this Plan of Love that God consciously gave you so that you could fulfill it and live it.

All this Grace that you receive is nothing personal; it is a great planetary, human and inner need for each of your souls and spirits.

After one hundred and three years of having been in Fatima, I come to ask you to be consistent with My Son and that you mature, for there is still much to do, there is still much to carry out, there are still pilgrimages to move forward within those places of the world where the suffering is real and painful, where brothers and sisters of yours permanently suffer in chaos and adversity.

The Heart of My Son, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and My maternal and Immaculate Heart need to reach those places in these definitive times.

But this is My aspiration; first you must build it within yourselves, to then constitute it outside of yourselves. That will allow you to experience reality rather than the illusion of what My call means. Because My call is not an illusion; it is a need and a call to congregate each one of your hearts so that you may have the opportunity of giving your best to God, after all that He has given you.

In the same way that I bring this message to you, I also bring a message of Love for the world, because the suffering has to end, the ignorance has to end, ingratitude has to end, and this will depend on each of you, My children.

I invite you to again enter the school of love, the school of gratitude and, especially, the school of obedience, so that your hearts may continue to be guided in the face of a planetary reality that day after day becomes more complicated due to the great distancing of humanity from God.

Did you distance yourself from God? The test of faith will come for each of your hearts and, in that hour, I will be praying for you, just as I am praying for the world, for the special Grace that will grant the end of this pandemic throughout all of humanity, so that hearts, souls and people may reconsider their lives; because without solidarity, without fraternity and without gratitude, humanity will not return to normal.

The time has ended and your consciousness must inwardly grow; in this way, you will be like souls, being accompanied by us from Heaven, to move forward with this task that has not yet ended.

Today I place your hearts in the inner gardens of Lys so that you may remember your original purity. It is the purity that will protect and safeguard you from yourselves in this time, so that you may continue walking in Christ and for Christ, recognizing the strengths that He has given you and the virtues that He has placed within your souls so that you are able to follow and serve Him.

He has His Arms open and His Hands stretched out to the world. In the same way, My children, I stretch out My arms to you so that you may see in My hands the Light of Grace that touches you, for the purpose of living discernment and wisdom, so that you do not make hurried decisions, because this is the last chance.

The cup is already overflowing and the promises that were made by your Lady in Akita, Rwanda (Kibeho), Garabandal, Fatima, and Mexico (Guadalupe), as well as in Medjugorje, will be fulfilled.

Today I have My Heart in those who experience Me, those who love Me, those who wait for Me, those who pray with Me, those who cry out and those who never tire of serving. Within them lie the promises of Christ so that they may be accomplished and realized. I hope that it will be so, in each one of you.

I am grateful, dear children, for the sincere love that was given as a response to My requests for the consecration of families to My Immaculate Heart. Those families, those souls and those hearts today receive the especial consecration of the Mother of God, so that God may hold them in His Mercy and His Grace, and help them to experience the end of these times, which is a time unknown to everyone.

In gratitude for each of them, I bless you and I say goodbye.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace of Fatima, the inner sanctuary, remain in your hearts. Amen.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The world suffers, but the Queen of Heaven comes to liberate it. The healing of the universe comes to the Earth for all.

Dear children, it is time to open your hearts to peace, so that the evils may dissipate from your lives and you may be reborn in the Spirit of God.

Today, I am in this city to bless it once again, to bring the Merciful Presence of Jesus to your spirits.

Let your eyes open up to the signs of Heaven. It is time to live in My eternal Peace. The Powerful Star is indicating the new way to you.

The new flocks gather in the Lord and proceed on the way to redemption, toward the Sacred Temple of God, that will renew them and heal them, that will liberate them from all evils and they will be reborn again in the Love of God.

Today, dear children, I bring you the Mysteries of Heaven, the Higher Rays born from the Heart of God. The Eternal Father ardently desires to live in your lives.  My Immaculate Heart has offered to fulfill this promise.

I come from Heaven to bring you My Peace, the favorite essence of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I perpetually pray for your hearts. In your lives I need to build warriors of prayer, who can accomplish the call of Heaven which My Heart brings you in this cycle, to generate the freedom of humanity and forgiveness of the sins that offend God and distance souls from God.

I need you strong in the Rosary, that the beads be a weapon of protection and a constant emanation of love and wisdom; for in this way, dear children, the wise Spirit of Christ will be in you in the end of these times, so that you can recognize Him and live in Him permanently.

Adore His Most Sacred Heart that, day after day, is offended by the actions of souls.

Today, My Kingdom is not only in you, dear children, but it is also is in purgatory and in hell, to liberate hearts that have fallen into error.

Beloved children, raise the flags of peace, raise the banners of love and that your hearts may be perfect stars of faith, so that the darkness may be dissipated from the world and many years of peace may reign among you, waiting for the prompt arrival of My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I need you to be determined, ready to serve in this very definitive era. I only want from your hearts, a flame of prayer; a perfect communion with My Son Jesus every day, that repairs His Flagellated Heart, and that you may be born in Christ to face the difficult moments.

I know that many demons are scattered throughout the world, and the temptations are stronger than the power of prayer. But today, I give you a celestial key, invincible and powerful, that defeats any evil: a unity among the groups of prayer, souls who gather together to pray in the Lord. In this way, you will create celestial spheres in your homes, pillars and banners of light that will expel any evil or sickness.

Dear children, I was on Earth among you. I learned to pray just as you did. But it is necessary, dear children, that you place love and strength in the prayer. It will protect you and shelter you, will make you free of yourselves, and you will find the conversion you seek so much, the liberation from constant failures in your lives, because the Love of Christ will enter your hearts.

Today, dear children, My wish is that on this victorious night of light and redemption, you can be reborn in My arms like new children, because My Immaculate and Celestial Heart once again brings you the blessing and the absolution from your sins so that you may walk firmly behind Me.

Dear children, I Am the Bridge to Christ. I Am the Mediator between your souls and the Great Shepherd. I want to carry you into a profound Adoration, into a true Eucharist, into a constant Confession of your hearts, into a new spiritual Baptism that My Merciful Rays bring to all on this night.

For this reason, dear children, overcome yourselves, surrender yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. I do not come to harm you, but rather to open your eyes to Heaven, that infinite gaze that many have lost for the matters of life.

Heal your hearts through prayer.

Let the Sacraments be pillars of Peace and of Light in these times, in your spirits, in your families and in all the human community.

Resurrect the Teachings of Christ. Be living parables of life. Act through love and unity, that you may now be the true manifested Gospel, because the Words of My Son, the instructions He gave you so long ago, in the same way that He gives them to you in these times, are to be lived, are to be professed by all. Count on My maternal and immaculate help.

My arms stretch out to your hearts, My hands warm your hearts, radiate love, grace and unity, forgiveness, healing and liberation; but it is important that you accept My call.

My time for being among you is ending. Remember My passages throughout the centuries. I need you to rescue the teachings I left to the world. Be the true Marian Message for these times. I need you to be living mirrors of prayer, that you frighten away the evils, that you radiate peace to hearts, and find perfect unity and communion with God.

I need you, now and forever. Listen to My call. Listen to My Voice.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children, on this night, a ray of liberation crossed the universes, because the Lord granted His Servant the opportunity of opening the abysses of the world to rescue the greatest possible number of souls, to illumine the eyes of those who have lived in darkness for a long time.

My children, today I ask you: who among you will overcome fear and overcome themselves to feel the pain of a neighbour in their own heart and help those who eternally suffer?

This world hides realities that your hearts do not know; and I pray, day and night, so that it not be necessary that you know them. Thus, today I ask that you see the hands that are raised and ask for help to the world. I ask that you fervently pray, that you pray with faith in your heart, to hear the request of those who cry out and whose voice resounds in the world as if resounding in a desert.

My children, today I ask you for a moment of awakening, because the Heart of God is scourged more each day by human actions and by the forgetfulness of hearts. Thus, to those few who came to meet Me, I ask that you are able to awaken for many who live on this Earth.

Today, I ask you, My children, to encourage your hearts to serve for all those who do not serve, to pray for all those who do not pray, to cry out for Mercy for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which each day are more outraged.

My children, I do not want to wound your hearts with My Words, but I need to count on each of your souls. And so that you may truly awaken, I need to show your hearts truths that many refuse to see.

The world chose to learn through pain, although the Son of God came to Earth to offer a learning through love. For this reason, today I tell you not to ignore the Word of Christ once again, to accept to live His teachings at this time, because it is still possible for many souls to learn through love and to not need to know the pain that the world offers them.

My children, today I tell you that it is possible to experience a lesson of joy and of fraternity of one another; but you need to want to, you need to aspire to live that life. You will need to overcome the world and overcome yourselves through prayer and persistence, and in this way, you will receive the merits for a greater time of peace in the world.

I need to form warriors of Mercy, apostles of a new time who do not fear pain, who do not fear death, because they recognize the Power of My Paradise and know that, far beyond the pains of the world, a Kingdom of infinite Peace awaits them.

Today, I invite you to find your strength in sacrifice, in surrender for the awakening of others. I ask you, once again, that you not fear, that you dispel the fear of your hearts and that you give way to the faith that exists in My Kingdom and that each day I radiate into your lives.

Today, I ask you, My beloveds, that you strengthen yourselves through prayer, because the times of definition have already come to the world and it is necessary that you cry out for Mercy, during the time of Justice, so that others may have the opportunity to emerge from the darkness in which they live.

My children, today I ask that you listen to the Voice of My Heart, because today I cry out to humanity as a mother who cries out for her children, because My eyes not only contemplate your hearts, they contemplate the whole world and, beyond this world, they contemplate the souls who are lost and are no longer among you, but continue to suffer and to cry out for help day and night.

Today I ask you, My children, that you never forget the power of prayer, because the world needs more prayer in these times. What you give God is not enough, because humanity is blind to Divine Life, and I need those eyes that are able to see and feel the Divinity, that can be in My Presence, to be the bridge for those who are lost.

My children, may My cry reach your lives, touch your souls and your hearts, so that, once and for all, the world awaken from the illusion in which it lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While the Portals of Heaven open up to the Earth, My Grace is poured out upon the hearts that open and upon these sacred objects that are a divine impulse for hearts of faith.

Thus, I ask, dear children, that you open your hands so I may bless you and your families.


Holy Spirit of God,
flood the simple hearts,
heal the wounded hearts,
close all wounds.

Holy Spirit of God,
ignite the hearts that are in darkness,
resurrect the lives that have fallen,
 bless all spirits that are upon the Earth.


Under My maternal intercession and by the powerful Presence of Christ, your Lord, may the intercession of Emmanuel, the Father-Mother Universal Creator, the Supreme Existence in all things and universes, the Grace of God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And thus, dear children, My Star of universal brotherhood is projected in all hearts that open to feel My Words and My Eternal Love.

I will listen to your voices and songs.

Let us glorify the Lord: Grace has descended upon you. Rejoice and live in peace.

I love you always and I lead you through My Immaculate Heart.

I will preciously remain here, for a few seconds more, to radiate the Light of My Heart to all those who listen to My Voice, in this hour.

I will lovingly receive your pleas and your requests. The time has come, dear children, for you to place your needs in My Heart. The Queen of Peace will respond to your pleas.


Song: "To Look at You".


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Responding to a request of our Most Holy Mother, we are going to distribute these flowers, these roses that were blessed for those present, were touched by the pure hands of our Mother Mary and directly received the irradiation of Her Immaculate Heart, as a spiritual and divine energy which was radiated upon these flowers.

In this way, in the first instance, all the brothers and sisters who have a rose, we are going to distribute them, according to the request of our Mother, to those who most need them, to whom we feel in our hearts. And at the end, we will distribute the roses that our Mother also blessed.

The brothers and sisters who are in the room below can also come forward to receive the roses.


Song: "Luminous Bird."


Before distributing the roses, we want to share with our brothers and sisters a short account of the Apparition of our Mother.

Before Our Mother's arrival, some angels approached directly from the Celestial Universe, coming to this city, and began to deeply work with our essences, with our inner self and with our souls.

At a certain point, before the Apparition, the portals of the Celestial Universes gradually opened and various triangles of light of a blue color were projected out here. We understood that this symbol represented some portals that were opening.

Our Lady, through a sphere of light, crossed through these triangles of light and presented Herself.

She came as the Queen of Peace. She manifested Herself very strongly for us, with a very crystalline and pure gaze, constantly smiling at us, wearing a white veil, a rose tunic, a golden belt, a blue mantle that covered Her.

At some moments, Our Lady manifested Herself as Our Lady of Sorrows. In light of this Presence, we understood that She was calling us to live the Passion during the Holy Week; that we prepare consciously for that moment, because through the Passion of Our Lord, Our Mother said, when celebrated during the Holy Week, the universe is widely available so that we may receive Codes, Christic Codes that were recorded through the Passion of Christ and that are Light for us, for our beings.

During the Apparition, Our Lady approached increasingly closer.

Today, we were faced with a quite powerful and intense Message, and with each word transmitted by our Mother Mary, She lit up with Light more and more, and symbolically further embraced each person.

She blessed the roses. She asked that we distribute them to whom we felt like, and the rest of the roses here will be distributed also, according to the request of our Mother.

She wants each one to take a petal of the roses, because She wants us to understand, through this symbol, not only the state of Grace She poured out today, but also that we be able to imitate the humility of Mary, receiving a simple petal which each one of us will keep with much love or give to someone who really needs it.

So let us proceed to do what Our Lady requested of us, and after distributing the petals, we will close this work, giving thanks with great joy. Some brothers and sisters of the Monastery will do this task.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
