Dear Children,

May the hope of Jesus fill your hearts and through this luminous hope that comes from Christ, may souls rediscover the primordial meaning of living in God and in His Sacred Commandments. 

Divine life is governed by Laws and it is through the actions of the Laws of God that perfect balance is manifested and all that is under the Greater Law remains in harmony. 

I tell you this, dear children, so that you learn to distinguish when you are in communion with the Law and when you are not, and this will happen through your free will. This is how the soul knows when it is walking in righteousness or when it is deviating from its Purpose.

In these times of great challenges and unpredictable situations, being under the Law will protect and safeguard each one of your steps because, in the face of the threats of the world and of life, seeking, being and remaining in the Law will allow certain events not to be precipitated.

 You, My children, through the state of the planet, can see with your own eyes how much humanity and the lives of My children are outside of the Law.

Therefore, those who are more conscious and who have had the Grace of being touched by the Word of the Sacred Hearts must make the greatest effort to be in the Law and to practice It on behalf of all those who transgress or deny It. 

For this reason, I spoke to you last Saturday about obedience, because My Son asked Me to, so that your consciousnesses may be aware that, in these last Messages that I am delivering to you, are the final keys so that your lives may become a true mirror of Heaven on Earth through communion with the Laws of God. Many will need this.

 I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who blesses you,

 Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Listen to the Words of the One that will come again among the clouds, announcing the Kingdom of God, but this time to tell the world that the Kingdom of God is in the men and the women of Earth.

Today I am with My companions, with all those who respond to My call, with those who have responded to My universal summons of gathering together christic essences in this Meeting so that they may be able to recover the values of faith, of hope, and of renewal that I bring you at this time.

Here is the New Jerusalem, that is birthed which is gestated in the hearts of the men and women of the Earth when they answer the call of God through the beloved Son, just as the great patriarchs and prophets answered the call of the Heavenly Father.

This is the time, companions, in which all the tribes of Israel will be gathered together again. And after having lived traumatic and painful experiences, filled and made whole by My Mercy, I will once more bring you peace, the peace that has always been in your hearts, but that at this time you will be able to consciously find so as to participate in the Peace that comes from the Father and that will finally set you free.

Today I am here, companions, to establish the first steps of My Return to humanity. Thus, everything that you did for Me through this encounter has been important, because it gave a real answer to God that His children on Earth are understanding His call.

You must not fear to be my witnesses in this crucial time of humanity. For just as I gave My Life for you, I will need, companions, for you to give your life for Me, in different circumstances and situations that will present themselves on your paths and in this school of learning, to once more have the essence of My Love triumph. The essence of the Love that will always show you the truth that you search so much for and need so much so that your lives may feel guided and led by God.

But today, the majority of those who are present here have the infinite Grace of being guided by the Father through the Voice of the most beloved Son Who once more gives Himself to the world through a greater Love, so that hearts may be reborn in faith and hope, do not to lose their trust in the infinite, and confirm their lives before the Creator.

Today I come to a country, companions, that has been placed in darkness. But you know that through your infinite adherence and correlation, I dispel and liberate all evil from your lives and from your nations so that the Christic Light may always triumph, that Light that is always within you, that has formed part of your spiritual life and your existence, which has worked through times and generations always seeking the path of Light so as to be able to merge into the Father and the Father in you.

Today I do not come to enter a spiritual struggle with the forces that are to be found on Earth, because if the Son of God is here, the Father is here, and nothing contrary can prevail, because your love for Me, companions, is true. It is a love that can never end nor be extinguished. It is a love that comes from your hearts, from your confirmation, from your trust so that I may continue to carry out wonders on Earth; today not only in Argentina, but in other nations of the world that also need the Mercy of God.

Just as you surrender to Me, today I surrender to you; and a spiritual victory is established between your consciousnesses and Mine. The forces of encirclement, of confusion, or of disruption no longer prevail.

Trust, for your sorrows will be healed and your inner wounds will be closed. For just as you surrender your lives for Me, in the small details of life, in the sharing with your brothers and sisters, I give you My Christic Codes, codes that will strengthen you and will allow you to experience the end of these times, this planetary transition that will cause you to face challenges and tests that you will learn to overcome for Me, in the name of My Love.

Thus, you no longer need fear the darkness of these times, even though the darkness continues to be generated by humankind on the surface. Do not enter into conflicts. Enter into the powerful current of prayer and continue to commune in this way with the Divine Life that also comes from your stars of origin to expand your consciousnesses, to have you remember your commitment with the Highest, and in this way, you are able to live the sacred mission that God entrusted to you since the beginning of your existence.

So it is, companions, that in the face of the immensity of the spiritual and mental Universe of the Creator Fathers and the angels, of all the hosts who praise the Father, I place before your consciousnesses and inner beings the Creative Source of your origin and of your existence so that in this moment, the forgiveness and reconciliation with the Universe and with its Laws may be established; so that all the errors and mistakes that took place over the course of time, from the first humanity up to the present, may be dissolved by the strength of My redemptive Love and by your infinite trust in My Presence, an eternal Presence that will never be erased from your hearts and your memories.

Thus, companions, I invite you to remember this moment with joy because you are again becoming what you were before. Atavisms will no longer bind you. The disturbances will not bother you. The Doors of Heaven will open and your hearts and lives will commune of the Infinite Principle of this Creation, with the first Purpose that God decreed for the manifestation of life, in this Universe and in others.

And so, companions, in spite of the chaotic times that the nations of the world experience, the subjugation in which the peoples are kept, you have never been alone, a great Brotherhood accompanies you since your origins. And it is this Brotherhood of the Origins, the great Confraternity of the Stars, which today ignites the stars of your hearts so that your true being and your true consciousness may be before the Celestial Father, in perfect giving of self and of surrender.

For this reason, companions, avail yourselves of this special moment that I bring to Argentina today, because I also bring this impulse for all of humanity, for all nations that throughout the times opened the doors to the Heart of the Redeemer to recognize His Word and listen to His message, to make the Word of God part of themselves, at each moment of their lives, as in each gesture of love and affection for their peers of humanity fellow human beings.

Today you are faced with a Mystery that is being revealed and that little by little will show itself in your lives. It will come as a superior and invincible force that will spur your hearts to change in consciousness, where there will be no fear, doubt, or mistrust of confirming it in your lives and the whole world in the name of God; so that the spiritual bases upon the surface of the Earth, which are spiritual and non-material, inner and deep, prepare for the return of your Master and Lord to humanity.

But until I return to the majority of human beings, until I return to the hearts of the men and women of the Earth, and that this be a sufficient majority that will be able to bear the powerful current that will come with Me, that will mobilize all the stars and the Universe, I will not be able to return yet . But the time of My Return is close.

I ardently yearn to be with you, not only in Divinity but also in a physical way so that, as with the apostles, you will be able to recognize your Master and Lord and feel the gesture of My Love for you, the embrace of love that I want to give to each of you, thus merging you with My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, and in this way, fulfilling the Plan of God in humanity.

The Lords of the Law wait for that moment. They know that the world cannot go on, and that the Love of God and the absolute trust of souls in the Eternal Father cannot be extinguished because it would be a complete destruction of humanity and the planet.

Thus, the great consciousnesses that unconditionally serve God gave of themselves in sacrifice and in surrender for you and for the world so that a more powerful and unknown manifestation, which will not be spiritual but rather material, will become present in some points of the Earth so that there may be a spiritual explosion in the human consciousness, that will be capable of bringing to Earth the true beings who signed a commitment for their redemption in the Books of the Creator Father.

You already signed it, but companions, there are still many more who need to recognize this moment because the opportunities are unique and unrepeatable and the clock of the Universe is marking this moment and time, in which real time will unite with this time of illusion to completely dissolve it and the whole world will be able to see what it has never seen, what is above them and is called Universe.

Do not miss the opportunity of waiting for that moment and of confirming every day that this time is approaching, in which your hearts and consciousnesses will rejoice, not only for recognizing the Son of Israel again, but all those that will come with Him announcing the Good News, the change in consciousness, the healing of humanity, the eradication of evil and the Kingdom of celestial joy that will be established on the surface of the Earth, releasing hells, healing the sick, healing the wounds and sorrows of the past, bringing the Hope of God to all those who had lost it for some motive or reason.

And so, at this time, companions, just like your consciousnesses return to your origins, to the existence and truth that created you in the beginning, the same way, I accept your sacrifices and your surrenders so that this humanity may be able to compensate for so many mistakes and tests.

So, carry the Love and Trust of God to hearts. Do not expect great results. It is in the small that love will be sown like a tiny seed of light that will ignite in the darkest and most lost heart. And some day, that seed will germinate and will be a great tree filled with the Wisdom and Compassion of God, achieving the enlightenment of the consciousness and the end of suffering. Amen.

To testify to My Presence among you, companions, today we will once more experience a special consecration of adorers. Because in the same way that I need you to surrender to Me, a little more each day, each one in the best way possible, I also need to be present in your hearts like that great Custodian of Light that holds My Eucharistic Body, as a great portal that unites your souls to God.

Let us celebrate this moment for all those who are not here and for the nation of Argentina so that it, in this moment, may receive the Grace of the Father even more through the participation of your hearts in this fraternal communion with My Spirit and My Consciousness.

I invite you to stand up in reverence.

At the request of Christ, let us say a prayer that many of us know three times , the prayer to the "Celestial Father", so that He may receive our offering at this moment and welcome the intentions of our heart, not only for us but also for Argentina and for all those who must obtain the Mercy of God.

As one voice and one heart, let us recite the prayer:

Celestial Father,
who guides everyone,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

And to establish this confirmation, we place our hands on our hearts and in gratitude, affirming that commitment with the Highest and with the Plan of God on Earth, so that many more may be participants of the Redemption and Mercy of the Father.

At the request of Our Lord, and to consecrate the elements, at this moment let us now listen to the instrumental of "Pater Noster."

The adorers who will be consecrated please.

In this commitment that you will experience with Me today , may the Light of God always be lit in you through devotion to the Holy Eucharist, bringing to your consciousnesses the Truth of God, the essence of Love, and the expansion of gratitude urgently needed by the world in order to achieve peace.

Today the priests will bless these elements through the prayer that I taught them.

Our Father (in Aramaic).

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy water and incense.

We invite those who can to kneel for a moment.

Let us place the pin of the Order, for the brothers and sisters form part of a branch of the Grace Mercy Order that brings  to Earth the Spirit of God.

Now we can stand.

Let us now prepare for the Consecration of the Communion.

Let us invite those who can, to kneel for the transubstantiation of the elements.

At that time, I took the bread, I was among My apostles and many, many more followers in soul and in spirit. And giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed the bread, I gave It to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

And at the strike of three bells, the bread was transfigured and transubstantiated into the living Body of Christ.

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

I then took the Chalice into My Hands and God granted the world the infinite Fount of His Mercy for the Blood that the Lamb of God would shed. And so He blessed it, and I gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be shed by your Redeemer and by many innocents for the remission of sins. Do this in memory of Me."

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

We praise you Lord and we bless You.

In unity with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the presence of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, let us together recite the prayer that He taught us: "Our Father."

The Divine Body and Blood of Christ.

Let us confirm His Presence, participate of His Power, and be touched by His Unfathomable Mercy so that peace may be established on Earth at the sound of the seven bells ring.

And now not only your Origin came forward to you, but also My Eucharistic Heart came to fill and bless you, so that you may be My Peace in the world, in each corner of the Earth, so that you may be encouraged to be My witnesses at the end of these times, so that you take My Word and My Encouragement Breath to all those who need them.

For this reason and many more, I give you Peace. I leave you My Peace so that you may be My Peace in the world and, wherever you go.

Today I am glad for this consecration, you will understand it in your next life.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In fraternity and unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you.


As a Great Mirror of Light, I illumine your consciousnesses, so you may transcend yourselves, and in this way, you may be strengthened during the time of the purification.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I reflect Divine Life, so it may be recognized and loved by beings from the surface.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I bring the world the possibility of finding again the lost path to the Kingdom of God.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I elevate the mental consciousness of the planet, so it may conceive of evolutionary things in its ideas and projects.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I gather together your souls so they may receive the Gifts and Graces that will bring about the birth of a New Humanity.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I purify, transcend and make sublime everything that is archaic, and in this way, I concretize the Plan of God, establishing peace in the human heart.

Unite with My Great Mirror of Light and the Earth will be transfigured.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

I want to make known to the world know the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit, because the time is approaching when this Holy Spirit will fulfill Its primary mission of living in matter, and thus, divinize it.

From the Consciousness of God is born His Spirit, a Sanctified Spirit that will dwell in His Creation and bring divine life to that which is physical and non-physical matter.

The Holy Spirit lives in God  not only because it comes from Him, but also He is It. The Holy Spirit lives as a part of God Himself, His Consciousness, separate from His Great Consciousness, but which acts as God, as His Will and Principle, because It is. 

Being God, the Holy Spirit is like His active and quickening arm, which animates everything It touches, filling it with Divinity, with Divine Soul. It is like a Fire, because the Fire in It represents the active life in God, the Light that lives and ignites matter and spaces.

The Holy Spirit is like the living Heart of God, which travels through the Celestial Universe to touch the Creation of God and give life, divine life, to it all.

In this way, the Reign of God gradually expanded in the Heavens. The Holy Spirit lived in what God created, and It became as God, Father-Mother of all the Celestial Creation.

The Holy Spirit does not have a name, because it is in everything; It Is for living in everything, to be God in all things.

The Holy Spirit is born when in the universe is born the need for Love to exist, a Love  different  from  what already existed in Heaven, a Love that is the very Love of God Itself in His creatures. And for this to be possible, it was necessary that the Love of God incarnate in matter, which was the densest and most distant from the Kingdom of Heaven, because this Love was so infinite that, in order to live its full extent, it would be born in the lowest and would reach the most High, the Kingdom of all Realms, the House of the Father of all the Fathers of the Universe.

So this is how God returned to matter again.

Many ask: "Why did the Lord, which was all Divine, manifest His Love in matter?" Because from there, when He reached Heaven, the extent of that Love would be unique.

And so that's how it was that God sent His Son to  Earth, a Spirit that came from His Holy Spirit, a Verb that would incarnate and bring to Earth His Divine Verb. From here was born the Christ, Jesus, child of Mary and Joseph, of the lineage of David.

His Mother on Earth was like His Mother in Heaven. In the same way that His Christic Spirit was born of the Holy Spirit, so that this Love could live in flesh and soul upon Earth, it was necessary that it be done on Earth as it had been done in Heaven, and the Spirit of God took from Creation a holy body, a pure and immaculate soul, clean of any stain, eternally holy like His Spirit. In this way, the Virgin Mary was born, an incarnated part of the Spirit of God, an archetype of His most pure creation.

I leave you with these words, so that you may open your heart to this new impulse of God and not fear to know the great mysteries of the Divinity and all the Aspects of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
