Today My pain for humanity converts into Divine Mercy, and I radiate the Rays of My Heart to the whole world.

On this special day, after the adorers of My Eucharistic Body sincerely offered Me their spiritual union with Me; it was like feeling a balm for the thirst I once had on the Cross, a thirst not understood nor known. That ancient and deep thirst for lost souls was quenched by the adoration of My companions.

That special moment was when your Redeemer, for an instant, found the inner spring of good souls.

For this reason, today I was able to spiritually help South America, the Promised Land, so that its peoples and nations could perceive that they have distanced themselves from the Love of God and that, in the struggles and conflicts, they will not achieve the freedom that souls seek for so much.

But at the most acute moment, do not fight with swords; withdraw into My kind Heart so that you may feel the peace and trust of being upon the path to redemption; in this way, I will always renew you and fill you with My spiritual gifts and virtues.

Thank you all who, with sincerity and love, adored My flagellated Heart, because today I also was inwardly reborn and I can say to you again: "I make all things new."

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Receive from My Heart all the inner strength you need to contemplate the present reality of humanity.

Feel yourself participate in the Commands of the Lord so that you may learn to expand Divine Mercy wherever you go.

Allow me, time and again,  to show the way for you to always find the truth and know how to learn to process it within you, according to the reality of these times.

Build within you a fortress that is based on unconditional love, charity without consideration, service without premeditation, and total surrender, in spite of mistakes.

All of this will help you to always be in transformation and not detain the steps toward your Master and Lord.

At this moment, may every reality of the planet and humanity awaken in you the need to give everything for something greater, so that the rest of current humanity may have the Grace to redeem itself and express a true repentance of its sins and offenses before the humble Heart of God.

The opportunity to live in God must always exist for everyone. Trust!

I thank you for keeping My Words in the hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My companions,

Like so many others that silently follow Me, may you learn to walk amongst tribulations and evil.

Let the Shield of My Heart be, for you, the barrier that separates you from the wickedness of the world and from enemies.

Let the Light of My Heart be your guide in the moments when only intuition will provide the answer when I am no longer here.

This is why, in silence as in meekness, I prepare you so that you may continue firmly in the Purpose that is above all adversity.

In truth I tell you, first you will find your own hell, but I promise you that I will not step away from anyone who invokes Me by heart and by word.

With a single breath, I will be able to dissolve any disturbance from your core.

So open the door to Me and invoke My Holy Name:

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me, guard me, and protect me."

Thus, I will be your perfect alliance in the name of the Love of God the Father.

Afterward, later, you will see the hells of this humanity burn up in flames and you will see how many will be lost, believing that I am present in some incarnated person.

I am present in the tabernacle of the humble hearts of the Earth. My Spirit is Holy and cannot yet descend to the abysses of this world, until the prophecies are fulfilled.

Have you read the writings of John, My beloved disciple?

Observe, then, that these times were already written, see the signs and do not fear, the Lord will help you to walk in faith and in love.

While you still have time, renounce, avail yourselves of each meeting with the Heavenly Messengers, for the time is coming to an end, the fruits must awaken through the prayer and the devotion of the simple.

My brothers and sisters, do not allow anybody to deceive you. I am only present in the Eucharist, in confession, in the prayer of the one who pronounces My Blessed Name without arrogance or fanaticism.

Seek Me and you will not lose sight of Me. In this time, I come to reveal to you the wise Mercy of the universe and to unmask the false Christs with My own Hands.

The only Christ is I, your Master, Who lived two thousand years ago among you to teach you to walk in faith and in forgiveness, Who was humiliated and martyred by all humankind and was resurrected and rose to the Heavens, whence He will come for the second time.

Woe to those who use the Name of the Son of God in vain and as a lie! On the day of Judgment, you will know the power of My Holy Justice.

Open your eyes and see the true Light of Heaven, which assembles you so that one day you may die for Me and live eternally in My Glory.

Read My Messages. Now I have sent you Saint Joseph every day, so that He may help you to truly find Me in what is most simple and pure.

Under the merciful Justice that comes from Heaven, be blessed and be attentive.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Light-Nucleus Sagrado Ceu, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

While part of the world is in a never-ending war that unleashes the wrath and evil of humanity, My Divine Mercy approaches every day at three o'clock in the afternoon to restore and heal the vices of humanity.

My Divine Mercy is mainly poured into hearts that every day revive My Holy Passion. Thus, through them, all the gifts and merits achieved by My Sacred Heart are deposited as cells of light in simple and pure hearts.

In order to attain My forgiveness it will be enough to recognize oneself as a worthy child of God, and, despite the fact that sin is great and irreparable, I have the celestial authority to absolve you from all faults. Thus your lives will become crystalline and limpid when you seek to live My Mercy, beyond professing it and confirming it in your lives.

Heaven unites in harmony and prayer, every day, at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to help balance the spiritual and material disorder of this world. Therefore, only through My Unfathomable Mercy will the most hardened and sinful souls be able to find their lifeline, and the same will be true for those who serve Me but face the game of temptations of this world.

If in truth you decide to seek the spring of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, you will be able to lessen on the world the weight of its own law, and many souls will stop being condemned to the fire of hell, so as to be recognized as rescued souls.

In this last hour of the transition of the Earth, seek the straight path to My Divine Mercy because, in these times of greater confusion, you will be left only with holding on to My Path of redemption and salvation.

I give you all that I have, I give you the possibility to re-dimension your lives through the transmuting and purifying fire of My Divine Mercy.

The time indicates a quick and decisive decision. The time has come to place yourself at the feet of the Greater Source so that you can be washed, freed from stains and redirected toward the eternal Kingdom of God.

Today I especially pray for those who will incur a spiritual union with Me in the new times. This will determine the possibility of fulfilling My redemptive Project before My return to the world.

Pray for those who persevere on the path of transformation, but also pray for those who courageously abandoned Me, forgetting about Me. I place all of them in My Sacred Heart and I hope to see them, someday, in My Celestial Glory.

I determine, in this age, that you follow only one path.

Under the supreme Grace of God, be consecrated to My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

The precious souls of My Heart are those I rescue and lift straight to the Heart of My Father. The precious souls are the simple people that honestly contemplate Me and glorify My name every day.

Today I wish to say to all precious souls: thank you!, infinite thanks for truly trying to alleviate My flagellated Heart. In this way, My work is accomplished in the whole world through the help of all the groups of souls that, in critical times, follow My redeeming Path.

On Earth, God manifested certain groups of souls that, being immature and imperfect, fragile like the crystal of a cup, were assembled by Me.

In all of them, I pour out My Christic gifts and fulfill My designs through their essences.

Now that many souls are captivated by the benefits the world promises them, My Divine and unfathomable Mercy seeks the souls ready to follow and to live My Commandments, to be loving, helpful, meek and peacemakers in all the places they go.

I want and I wish to have souls that in this time will be a true testimony for planetary life. If you imitate My simple example of a peacemaker, the world could already change many things. Day and night, I need living examples of brotherhood and of fraternity.

The great Agriculturist of Heaven has already plowed the earth to sow new seeds that will give divine fruit and food to other hearts. I ardently hope to harvest the best fruits from these seeds, for you know that today, My Divine Grace is among you, while a large part of the world is dying in the spiritual life because it cannot find the Light.

I want you to define yourselves so that you may be visible sparks of My Divine Mercy; in this way, the world will be able to heal. Call Me, invoke My Sacred Name and say:

“Lord Jesus, enter my little life
and make my existence Your spring of life.
Come Lord Jesus, stay among us,
so that we may feel the Love of Your powerful Heart!”

Thus, your 'yes' will define the events. I need you, now and always, for eternity.

Under the Love that comes from the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My eternal Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
