Marathon of Divine Mercy

First Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rejoice in the sacred reencounter with My spiritual family of Aurora.

Despite the critical situations of the planet, despite the times of tribulation, My Presence is here today to bless you once more, through My Light and My Peace.

How many inner storms you have gone through during these last three years! And how many tribulations humanity is facing today!

And today you are here in the name of My Love, just the way you are, just as I can contemplate and know you, regardless of any imperfection, regardless of all the great spiritual or inner desert.

Today you are here in the name of My Love, and thus, I congregate you around My Divine Spirit, the Consoling Divine Spirit of God, who, in this final time, tries to flood souls with His Love. However, souls do not listen to Call of God, souls listen to the sound of wars and bombs, and to the catastrophes of nature.

This is the time that had been foreseen for humanity to live, a very unknown time for all, yet a time filled with opportunities and Graces for the hearts that are open to inner transformation so as to achieve redemption.

Today, I am standing upon sacred ground, the ground that has witnessed the descent of the Mother of God, who brought Her Message of Healing to the whole world. And today, I Am also a witness of all this, all the Legacy that the Hierarchy has transmitted to you throughout the ages, and the time has come for the synthesis of this Legacy to be lived.

Therefore, companions, you are also called to live this spiritual synthesis, in which you must meditate, for a moment, upon all that which the Hierarchy has done in the last few years, preparing you for this time of tribulation, and preparing many of your brothers and sisters to go through tribulation.

If I brought you a different promise, it would not be real. I bring you the truth of these times, which is hard to go through for many of My companions. But do not forget that I have granted you the gift of faith, so that you may continue to be My witnesses of Love, of this Christic truth that can emerge from each heart and spirit. This will help you to live this cycle of definition, because each cycle will bring you a new definition and a new step.

And now, after all that that has been learned and lived through Our Sacred Hearts, the time has finally come, companions, for each one to live the mission they have come to fulfill on Earth, so that this is no longer just a promise, but a reality, the reality of living the Will of God the way it is written for each essence of the planet.

Despite the painful times which humanity is going through, this is the moment for you to cling to Me, to be instruments of My Mercy, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which is so necessary in all parts of the world, may spring as an inexhaustible fountain for all thirsty and needy hearts, for all the nations in the world that are going through their own tribulation, for the peoples, cultures and religions that are also going through their tribulation.

This is My Message of maturity that I give the world. I have told you once not so long ago, that you are at the same moment as the holy apostles were some time after My Ascension to the Heavens. This is the moment that each one of you will be facing, that of doing what I need you to do, of living what I need you to live, of manifesting what I need you to manifest and concretize on this material plane.

Because My Word, which are the Words of God, must not remain just held in the memory. My Words must be life in you, so that your lives may be in Me and I may be in you, even in spite of the time of the great planetary purification, in which, through your own eyes, you can see the reality of humanity, realities that are very painful and traumatic, in which hundreds of souls are at spiritual and material risk.

Therefore, now more than ever, your hearts must unite to the Supplicating Network. Your lives must be prayer itself, in your acts, thoughts and feelings, and in the innermost depth of the essence of each being.

This will balance the scales of Justice on the planet, in the face of so much imbalance and wickedness, and so many outrages in the world, in which the blood of the most innocent and pure continues to be shed, and this has a great weight before the Law.

For this reason, I tell you once again that your lives must be a prayer, an untiring conquest day by day; try it at each moment and each step. In this way, the Law of My Grace will be more present in the world, and My Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy will act and intercede before the grave errors of the world and humanity.

Uniting to the Supplicant Network is the premise of the apostles of the end times.

Uniting to the Network of Adoration of My Eucharistic Body is the priority of the apostles of the end times.

Because the evil energies that circulate on the planet and that cause whole nations and peoples to succumb, and destabilize the elements of nature, all these interferences must be expelled, so that balance may reign in humanity and, above all, on the consciousness of the planet.

I come to speak about all this for the last time, because the teachings have now been transmitted and shared, and now is the time for My apostles to be mediators between humanity and God, just as My Merciful Heart is the mediator between your souls and God. While this does not happen, innocent souls will continue to suffer, wars will continue to take place, and the imbalance will be greater.

However, even if in the end of times, you see things that you have never imagined or never thought of, do not be afraid, do not be disturbed, because the hour of the Return of the King is already written. This will be fulfilled, and I have told you that this is not very far away.

And through these last meetings with Me, I am preparing you so that, at the great moment of the planet, at the most definitive, the culminating hour of humanity, you may remember all that I have told you throughout the times and years.

Out of love, I want to tell you that My Divinity, My Soul and My Spirit will always bless you, but they will not force your own transformation, the need for change in your lives that I have. Because if you are here today, listening to Me, this is not by chance, which does not exist for God. What does exist is a cause, which, although it is unknown to you, has a Greater Purpose, a Higher and Infinite Purpose.

Aurora, throughout the times, has offered, on behalf of the planet and humanity, to be the Great Spiritual and Inner Consciousness that impels the revelation of the end times, impels the definition of hearts, impels the revelation of the prophecies and last Words of the Hierarchies.

This is why Aurora has come from very far and, in this last phase of the end of times, it will complete this last stage of its universal and planetary task. The Hierarchies are preparing for this.

I wish that you may always live in goodness and in peace, in the absolute trust in My Heart, knowing that this is a time of great efforts, not only material, but also spiritual;  knowing that this is a time for each one of you to face your own reality, not fear it or retrogress, but rather go through it with bravery and courage, with a touch of Divine Hope so that agony may not establish itself, but rather that the great higher impulse of transformation may take place in as many souls as possible, toward an encounter with redemption, to live the encounter of inner healing, of liberation from the ties and chains of oppression, through a profound acceptance of My Mercy.

This is what I can give you, My Mercy, every time you need it and invoke it. Because the promise of My Mercy is to save the world and liberate humanity from its own captivity.

This is why My ardent wish is that, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, your hearts may be converted into supplicating hearts that unite to the Network of Mirrors of the Universe, so that the great Spiritual Hierarchies may intercede again for this grave planetary situation, so that the Light and Love of Christ may triumph, and souls may no longer suffer, because they make My Heart suffer.

As My Mother told you the last time, the door to Christification is open for all those who want to cross it, without knowing what this Christification is.

And through this Marathon of Mercy, may weapons be silenced so that peace may be established, especially where it does not exist, especially where it is not felt and where it is not lived. Because the one who is in peace and lives in peace is in the Kingdom of the Heavens, even while living on Earth.

Now, I gather Myself in the hearts that open the doors of their souls for Me to enter, live and rule through the holy celebration of the Eucharist, which you will celebrate today, in My Name and for My Name, for the peace of those who do not have it, and in the name of the Light in the places where it no longer exists, above all the Light that has dissipated from many hearts.

We will celebrate so that the Divine Hope may descend and this Marathon may be a Marathon of supplication and glory, in which all the guardian angels may intercede and work to unite consciousnesses, reconcile hearts and protect all families under the Mantle of the Celestial Father.


may Your Light reign, despite the darkness.

may Your Sacred Sword cut the bonds with evil,
so that the souls in the world
may be liberated from spiritual captivity.

may Your Light be reborn in the thirsty hearts.

may Your Healing be fulfilled in those who aspire to find you.

open the doors of consciousness,
so that all may achieve relief and peace.

Hail, Aurora of the Lord!



I thank you for this loving and simple welcome. I thank all servers who live here and sustain, day by day, this Center of Love through the efforts of their hearts, through the giving of their lives, through the surrender of their hands to build a Divine and Higher Plan, which many still do not understand.

For this reason, I bless the bravery and courage of the consistent in Aurora.

And do not forget that, despite everything, I Am always there, in the silence of the stars, in the sunrise, in the prayerful and adoring heart. I Am there, because I Am that I Am.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Place your hands in a sign of reception, to receive the blessing and Light of Christ, Our Lord, and thus enter into Communion with His Divine Consciousness.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Allow the Mercy of God to fill your heart and your life, so that you may be a witness of redemption through My Love.

Allow the Mercy of God to be a part of your life, so that someday you may learn to understand My Will.

But today I ask you:

What is the mystery of Mercy?

When you invoke My Mercy, what do you think of?

Is the Mercy of God is just an act of pity, compassion or forgiveness?

The Mercy of God is not only this, you must open up to discover this mystery, which did not arise only from the Cross, from the total surrender of the Son of the Father, but rather the Mercy of God was what allowed, through His Love, for the Creation and existence of life.

Now, with this example, can you understand a little more about what Mercy is?

In this crucial time of humanity, in which all is quickly precipitating, it is important that you understand what Divine Mercy means, because it is not only an act of compassion, of immeasurable love or inexhaustible pity; Mercy is a manifestation of the Cosmos, sustained by the Creative Source.

So that the Angels of the Father could create the dimensions and planes, they had to be filled with the Mercy of God so that they could feel, through love, the importance of manifesting the Will of the Father, just as He felt it in His Heart at the beginning, just as He thought of it from the origin, for all His Creatures.

This is a portion of the Mercy of God, which I came to establish here, in Poland and, through Poland, for the whole world. But My Mercy still keeps being a mystery to many. For this reason, I am here again today, just as I was a long time ago, to reveal My Merciful Face.

It is not only through the Mystery of My Love that you can approach My Mercy, be under My Rays, under the Light of the Blood and the Water, but your consciousnesses and essences, through My Divine Mercy, can approach the atonement they need, after so many errors and experiences; through the power of My Unfathomable Mercy, your consciousnesses can expand in My Love. It will always be through My Love that you will understand what it is to take pity and be merciful, and, thus, your acts and surrenders will no longer be empty, but they will rather be made complete by the fire of My Mercy.

This table of atonement that I bring to all continues springing from the depths of My Heart, not only of My Heart of flesh, but also of My spiritual and cosmic Heart that has expanded Its task of Mercy to all of Creation and to the whole universe.

Through My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy, you can not only remember the three most important facts of My Life on Earth, which were the Passion, Death and the Resurrection of Jesus, but also through these three facts you can penetrate the core of My Mercy, and not only will your lives on the surface be converted and redeemed, but also your spirits will be converted and redeemed until you can attain, once again, the origin that you lost as humanity, as a planet and as the Project of the Father.

Through My Unfathomable Mercy, I come not only to strengthen the manifestation of this potent channel I once opened in Poland, but I also come to offer you, for the last time, the door of My Divine Mercy, so that you may announce it to the world, not only as My apostles and servers, but also as the witnesses of the Mercy of God, of the miracle that God has been able to work in your lives up to today.

Do you now understand why I ask each one of you: Do you know what the mystery of My Mercy is?

It is not only the purification and atonement of faults, of errors or of sins, it is granting to the world and humanity, to all souls and hearts, the opportunity to reintegrate into the Project of the Father through the potent channel of the Mercy of God, which will put you in the place you lost when you committed your errors.

In this way, you will be before the Divine Presence and your paths will open up so that you may fulfill the Will of God. A Supreme Will that is being forgotten and replaced by the personal will of the men and women of the Earth, even in those who live spirituality.

In My Mercy lies the door to your resignation, in Mercy lies the door to your humbling, in My Mercy lies the door to your humility and total consecration of the consciousness to God.

I come to awaken in you this cosmic principle because My Heart of flesh and My spiritual Heart need to have consciousnesses that, as depositaries of My Mercy, can be capable of forgetting themselves so as to surrender to fulfilling and serving all needs, from the smallest to the largest.

If this does not happen with many more souls that could be channels of My Mercy, through the acts of Divine Mercy that they could live in their daily lives, today, with grief in My Heart, I come to tell you once again of the truth that you must hear and the truth that you must receive within yourselves to learn to live My Word: if there are no other souls that could be partakers of My Mercy and if Divine Mercy does not cease to be just a theory in the mind and a coldness in service, I can tell you that the world will submerge into a deep war, worse than the one that exists in Ukraine.

For this reason, My Divine Mercy has brought each one of you, on the inner and spiritual planes, to the higher vortex of My Channel of Mercy, preciously instituted here in Poland by My own Divine Consciousness so that souls may remember the importance of living in Mercy and not just in brief moments of Mercy.

You already have the ability of realizing, by yourselves, when you are not being merciful, when you do not take pity, when your Works are empty of love and light.

Reconsider and, before this mystery of Mercy that I bring to you today, renew your vows with Me, because few are the flocks that I have today, which are available to be true partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.

Mercy is not a theology, nor is it a mental concept. The Mercy of My Heart, which was opened on the top of the Cross of the Calvary, is a concrete and sustainable action.

I invite you today, at the end of these times, for the Divine Mercy in you to be permanent and constant so that your acts of love and mercy may not oscillate or become too cold, as if they were avoiding to look at the light of the sun.

Enter the warmth of My Merciful Heart, and your lives will be in the place that they must be and fulfill the task that you have come to fulfill, without slowing down the steps you must take toward Me.

Today, what is happening in Eastern Europe is not only a tragedy, a lack of awareness, a great absence of Mercy, what is happening in Eastern Europe is also a universal evil to which, through My Spiritual Government, I come to put an end to, especially for the innocent souls, not only of the Ukraine, but also of other places of the world, who are affected and interfered with by the wars and conflicts.

We must not allow, companions, that the pillars of evil be strengthened, we must work hard with all strength of the heart and of life, keeping in mind that we no longer have time and that there is the need for more channels of Mercy to be expressed through souls on the surface of the Earth.

I come with this Message because there are hearts that move away from My Mercy and let themselves be enveloped by their problems or even by their own tests, because they move away from My Mercy and believe in guilt and in justice instead of believing in the atonement that My Divine Mercy brings.

There are already enough victims in the world that truly need merciful hands, merciful gazes, merciful hearts, merciful servers. The world does not need, the universe does not need more victims in this humanity, above all, those who believe they are victims of something, but are not victims, who give excuses for all that they do, and do not change anything at all.

There, My channel of Mercy cannot express itself, because the Graces I have to pour out are many, and the Graces that I have given you have been so many that I can now see with My own Eyes and hear with My own Heart how you get used to My Words, and this must not happen, because My task is not mechanic nor is it a static task.

The dynamics of My Mercy is very broad, and My Universal and Divine Stream can only impel you toward ascension. When you are stagnant, take the step to come out of your own trench and enter the Christic Stream of My Heart, because the times are urgent, the needs are urgent and the planet runs the risk of becoming lost in ignorance, in illusion, in war and in conflict.

Today I can say all this because I have everyone in My channel of Mercy. If we were outside this channel, it would not be possible to say this because, through the channel of My Mercy, I lead you to the maturity of consciousness and of life, to be capable of emptying a little more, every day, so that the commitment with Me that you have may be real and not illusory, may be a commitment that is capable of responsibly assuming what is up to each one one of you, so as to not cause delays to the Hierarchy, in the places which it wants to reach in these times, in the spaces where it needs to enter and penetrate with its consciousness, it needs mature consciousnesses, not mediocre ones, it needs warm hearts ignited by the Fire of My Love, of My Spiritual Government, and not lukewarm or cold hearts that do not manage to take even one step.

Today I can talk to you in this way because it is now time to grow internally. There is a lot to do and there are just few who can do it. If you grow and mature so that I may avail Myself of your instruments, more consciousnesses will come and approach, and you will be witnesses of how much help you will be able to receive to fulfill My Will.

I come to close many uncertain doors and to again lift souls up toward the universe of My Mercy.

For this reason, I thank you in advance for the bravery of living My Words and for the decision to assume this moment through merciful prayer, knowing that we are running after time, after a time in humanity that precipitates, day by day, because of the advancement of ignorance throughout the world, which leaves most of My children in illusion.

May you awaken again through this impulse so that you can follow My Steps.

I am grateful that everyone has internally arrived here to be part of this Command of your Master and Lord, for Poland and for the whole world.

I thank you for walking in faith.

Go forward, warriors of Mercy!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
