Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like the last rays of the sunset, I will come in the end of these times.

Like the wind that caresses your faces today, I will come at the end of the times.

Like the day that withdraws so that a new day may begin tomorrow, I will come in the end of these times.

And I assure you that many will find it difficult to recognize Me, because I will come with the same Face that I once revealed to My apostles on Mount Tabor, and all that which your Master held as a secret in His Heart will be revealed.

This is why I tell you today, “Be attentive and watchful, because My hour is drawing near,” and My Priestly Presence must not go unnoticed by any of you. Because just as I come today in Divinity to meet you, so I will come in Glory to meet My companions again.

But before the skies open and the clouds move apart, My reappearance will take place in the world and this will be gradual on the whole planet. Because there will be no place where I cannot be. On the contrary, the Son of God will be able to be everywhere at the same time, and thus once again the Law of Omnipresence will be fulfilled in humanity and on Earth, just as it was for the ancient people of Israel, who closely listened to the Word of God, just as it was for the prophets who listened to the Call of God.

My Return will cease to be a mystery to become a revelation.

And today I come here, in the vicinity of Ukraine, to give this Message, because after seeing so much innocent blood being shed in this country, the Lord of Israel presents Himself to this nation and to the whole world, to announce that in these great times of tribulation the hour of the Return of the Son of God draws near and thus the promise  which was once made on top of the Mount of the Beatitudes will be fulfilled. 

Because in that hour all the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse will already be opened, and the seventh angel of the Choirs of God will have already sounded the last trumpet, so that the last seal of the Book of the Apocalypse may be opened.

The great door of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will be converted into the great door of My Glory and Grace to the whole world. Because I will reappear to small groups of souls throughout the world, just as it was on the path of Emmaus, where I consecrated and broke the bread again to share My Glorious Body with Mine. in the same way I will do it again as in the previous time. In this way, you will be able to recognize Me face to face and will know that I Am Jesus, the Glorified Christ, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.

I come to give this Message of hope especially to Ukraine, so that its people, whose faith and trust in God has been taken away, may recover this hope and faith in the Father, may recover the trust of being worthy Children of God, in Heaven as in Earth.

I will not oppose weapons, I will oppose My enemies to convert and redeem them. Just as your Master and Lord, during the three days in the Sepulcher, while His Divine Body was restored and repaired, the Divine Soul of Jesus, in the deepest hells of the planet, redeemed those who were condemned and lost, those who could no longer see the Light with their own eyes; in the same way will I do it, perhaps in a way unknown to most, but this will be fulfilled. This is My Word.

It will be the great moment of redemption of the world, when, for the price of the Most Precious Blood, shed by Jesus, responding to the Commandments of Christ, the angels of God will again descend to Earth, just as they did on top of Mount Calvary to collect the Blood of Christ, with the Divine and Holy Mother,.

Thus, they will return to the world to pour out the Precious Blood of Jesus upon all the Tabernacles that have been profaned and outraged in the world.

And thus, the Light will be re-established in humanity, and everything will begin to be converted, not by the work of a miracle, but rather by the work of the Holy Spirit, who will congregate the 144,000 from the four corners of the planet, the so-called Children of God, who have sacrificed for Me throughout the times and generations, to bear witness of My Word and My Priesthood, for all those who were with Me at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, to adore Me and recognize Me as the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Thus, I will gather all, just as at the beginning, just as in Eden, God gathered Adam, Eve and all the little creatures of the Kingdoms of Nature to tell them that they should love God above all things, to be under His Law, His Love and His Light. In this way, within His Laws, all were happy as the angels are happy in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Therefore, prepare yourselves and do not fall asleep. I do not want to see My apostles sleeping while the Lord arrives as a Vigilant, as the Guardian of the Portals of the Light, to tell you that the hour has come in the deep winter night of this world, when indifference replaces love, when evil tries to replace peace.

The Lord of the Universe will descend from Heaven, just as the angels descend from Heaven to help nations and, especially today, to help the Angel of Ukraine, so that He may be helped by the merciful prayers of all of you, so that martyrdom, slavery and war may be dispelled from this world, so that no more weapons may be activated to harm your fellow being. This is the great cause of My Presence in the vicinity of Ukraine. 

Just as the angels of Heaven are present with Me in this afternoon, which is withdrawing, in the same way I want and wish that your hearts, rather than your emotions, may also be present. Because I want imperfect yet true hearts, those who take the risk of seeking purity even while being in this world, those who are not afraid of overcoming themselves, those who do not step back, do not doubt, are not lukewarm.

I seek defined, yet imperfect hearts. I seek those who decide to follow Me until the end. Because My hour is already marked, companions, and the world and humanity must not continue the way it is.

Who will continue to carry the wood of the planetary cross with Me?

Who will cease to be negligent, to be responsible in Christ and for Christ?

Each time I come to the world, as on this day, I must remind you of these principles so that you will not forget them. Because under no circumstance or situation must the vow of your love for Me be dissolved.

If you do not reflect on all these things, why are you here?

The Light of My Mercy continues to descend upon the world, although this is not perceived. But at some moment, this Light will withdraw so that humanity may live its own definition for itself, just as your Master, Christ Jesus, lived in the Garden of Gethsemane.

May this not be interpreted as abandonment. God makes, of imperfect hearts, mature hearts, consistent and available hearts, so that one day they may be unconditional hearts, who have clarity, at the center of their being, about the Purpose that they have come here to fulfill.

While wars unfold in the world, while innocent blood continues to be shed under impunity and false power, while millions of children die of hunger and disease in Africa, who will be able to be in Me forever, so that I may be in them forever and may work and labor without anything in return, just as I did many times in many saints, while I needed it?

Do you understand, in the deepest way, the Christic life, the mirror that Christ needs on Earth, through the human heart, to reflect His aspirations and wills?

I do not come here to waste time, I come here as a Messenger of God because of an emergency. Because My hour is closing, My Apparitions will be withdrawing, because it is the hour of each one of you, companions.

I will accompany you in spirit if you allow Me to, just as I accompanied My apostles in the great time of Evangelization.

Oh, wounded Ukraine, although you are under siege, do not lose the light of your faith, the sacred pillar of trust. Because the time will come for the liberation from your slavery, just as the people of Israel were liberated. The desert will end, darkness will disappear, and the time of spiritual and physical reconstruction will come.

Beloved souls of Ukraine, rise up to Me. Enter the deepest entrails of My Mercy, and I will relieve you and strengthen you in this difficult hour. My Rays of Light and Mercy are upon you.

Rise, Ukraine, and do not step back!

I Am here to heal you. I Am here, Ukraine, as your Peace.

Never forget those who suffer in war, because if someday you live it, you will want someone to remember you. When fear embraces you, and dissociation disturbs you, you will cry out for someone to pray for you.

Do you now understand the reason for My Return to the world?

May the next Marathon of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy be a Marathon of prayer, may it make you feel in your heart the need to pray for this world and especially for those who suffer from wars and conflicts.

Once again, I will be attentive to the voice of your supplications, because I need that. My Ears will be attentive. My Heart will be attentive. The Tabernacle of My Heart will be exposed for all those who pray this Marathon of prayer with Me.

I want to quench the thirst of the afflicted.

I want to calm the tears of unprotected children.

I want to have the unborn in My Arms.

I want to raise the elderly from the ground.

I want to strengthen the life of the mothers of war and, especially, the mothers who experience war in their families.

I want to establish unity in all beings.

I Am the wellspring that quenches the thirst.

Let those who are without hope come to Me.

Let those who feel alone come to Me.

Let those who have sinned come to Me, because My Love is capable of transforming everything. I will not judge them with a rod, I will teach them about the righteousness of the Law, I will open the door of My Unfathomable Mercy to Ukraine and to the subjected nations of Africa.

I will be thankful to you if you respond to My Call, in this special and unusual Marathon of Divine Mercy.

Remember that My time is ending, and the demand of this world is still very great.

Who will be the apostles who will join the lines to accompany the Lord with nothing in return, with nothing in exchange?

I impart My blessing upon Ukraine and the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While darkness makes the planet succumb, I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to give life and renewal to souls, to deter the hells of this world.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness so that souls may turn to God, so that the hearts that have not yet repented, may repent.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring healing to wounded hearts, to give shelter to those who are exiled and to refugees, to calm the cry of the innocent, of all the children of war.

I come as the Great Solar Consciousness to awaken the sleeping hearts, to bring wisdom to the closed minds, to nourish spirits through My Solar Light.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring hope to those who have lost it, to deliver My Love to those who do not have it, to give My Mercy to those who do not deserve it. Because I am the Great Solar Consciousness that comes from the heart of the universe, and that, crossing dimensions and planes of consciousness, comes today to Europe and the whole world to tell all: persist! because the triumph of My Heart is near, although it may not seem so at this moment.

For this reason, this is the time of the apostles, this is the time of those who will give their life for Me, not only by bearing witness of My Word and My Presence, but also by giving their life for Me where it may be necessary, in the place and at the moment when I need them, for there is much left to help in this humanity.

And while conflicts and wars are unleashed, many Angels of the Nations can no longer do anything. And the Angel of the Wrath of God wants to precipitate upon the world, with more than thousands of rays, bringing the power of cosmic and solar elements to correct the world. But the prayer of the consistent and the just, the service of the selfless and unconditional, placates the fury of this Angel of the Universe.

But this Angel does not want to impose punishment, but rather severe correction, as the world has not heard the Message and the warning of Heaven, and souls keep living the same way, with the same ways and habits, as if the spiritual and the divine no longer mattered.

For this reason, My Celestial Mother, just as it has been in these recent days, places Herself between the Angel and you, in order to intervene. Thus, a Universal Judgment is unleashed, the first stage of this Judgment that humanity has begun to live.

But while weapons and ideas of destruction and conquest are carried forward, who will be able to deter this Angel of the Wrath of God? Because the world and, above all, humanity, have been living out of the Law for more than two thousand years now and, for many Creator Angels, the price of My shed Blood seems not to justify it.

For this reason, through the angels that accompany Me today, and, especially the Angel of Portugal, I come to implore the world for a change in consciousness and above all in attitude, because it does not know Higher Laws, let alone Divine Laws.

I need this Message to be propagated throughout the world and that you may listen many times to what I am telling you today, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain in the hearts open and adhered to offer themselves to build the Return of Christ.

With these angels that accompany Me today, together with the Angel of Peace, we implore the Celestial Father that the merits of the Mercy of Christ may be contemplated, in honor of the suffering that I endured for you on the Cross.

To placate the power of the Angel of the Wrath of God, I come today to expose to you My Thorned Heart, gravely outraged by the wars and conflicts throughout the world and, especially, by the souls that generate the wars and have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, allying with My enemy.

Who will do the same that I did for you?

Who will give their life for their friends, just as I did for you?

Who will be capable of not only having their heart ready for whatever it takes or giving something more to the Lord, but also who will be capable of living something they do not deserve, for love, for the salvation of humanity?

But I do tell you something: do not be naïve, so that you may not be ignorant. The offering that I make to you is in that which is smallest and even in that which is simplest, in the places where your hearts sometimes resist to collaborate with Me, although you do not realize that you are serving Me through your brothers and sisters.

By uniting the efforts needed in these times of tribulation, My Solar Consciousness will be better able to help the world and humanity for the Law of Divine Mercy to be perpetuated and fulfilled in the souls that most need the Light.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy, which in these days you are praying with Me at the doors of the re-opening of the Marian Centers, be a Marathon of supplication, of pleading and intervention with the Guardian Angels of each one of you, so that this situation in Eastern Europe not be precipitated due to an absurd selfishness of humanity, to an impunity that no longer fits these times and which will have to be eradicated from the human consciousness forever.

Because when I return to the world, in the coming time, you will be able to understand and see what the true Power of God is, which is not based on imposition or authority; the Power of God is nourished in its center by Universal Love, which, as a sublime sphere of consciousness, emanates wisdom and discernment to all dimensions and planes.

Today, I am in a place that is different from where you are used to seeing Me. I am in another space of the Community Fleur-de-Lys, which is the most important space for Me, because it represents the house of consecrated life. For this reason, I ask you, in this intimate analogy, that you pray for all missionaries consecrated to My Plan of Redemption, because both in Africa and in the Middle East and Europe, some souls of this Work that I have formed and founded through effort, will offer to give their life for Me, beyond what may be meant or represented by the service that will be offered to Me for the relief and peace of afflicted hearts.

Since two thousand years ago, when I was just a child in the arms of the Heavenly Mother, when I was taken to Egypt to be protected, not only was Our Family the first refugee family in the world, but also My Heart, from that moment up to the present, has been feeling sorrow for the suffering and the pain of Africa, which is the next stage, the next mission that, despite the distance or the moment, I will invite each one of you to live so that the spiritual debt of Africa may be relieved and so that, never again may any human being, in Africa or in any part of the world, dare to throw a life away, because the human race has gone this far, to the point of devaluing life, due to its great ignorance and even to its great wickedness, to the lack of knowledge about the essence of life.

I wish for you to keep this aspiration of Mine in mind that, when the doors to the missions in Africa open, there may be hands, arms and legs that offer to walk on this continent to rescue the innocent and lost, those who are discarded in the landfills of the world.

If you knew what the Father feels when a life is discarded or aborted, I assure you that no one would be capable of doing it, because it would challenge their evolution and even their destiny, deviating their purpose from the path of God and assuming an unpayable spiritual debt, which only My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy can heal.

Being aware of this, and placing this situation in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you once again to abandon your little miseries, to leave behind your resistances and incomprehension, and to place the mature consciousness where suffering and pain truly exist  in the world so that you can grow as conscious and available apostles, to serve wherever and whenever necessary.

As the Great Solar Consciousness, I assure you that if more souls paid attention to all this, there would be no reason for the existence of wars, exiles, famine, suffering, madness or even adversity, because all would be more fraternal with one another, and would always be impelled by the Love of God, which, throughout the times, has knocked at the door of your hearts, has called your souls countless times, to awaken you to a truth, a truth that has been buried in the consciousness of the world.

For this reason, only through My Return will many situations be repaired and exorcised and a new Spiritual Government emerge from the hearts of all who have had faith in Me until the end of days, so that they may learn to live in communion with the universe and with the Confraternity, without the need to keep wasting time and missing the opportunity to raise the consciousness of this whole planet to the fourth dimension.

Because when you have the Grace to see in the fourth dimension, you will not only understand the Passion of Christ, but you will also understand the point in which humanity is at this moment, a point of inflection that becomes irreversible.

For this reason, do not cease to pray; may your lips not tire of praying and of asking the angels of Heaven to intervene at all moments, because not only must souls be protected from war, impunity and harassment, but also the most innocent and little ones must be protected and prevented from being discarded by their own parents in the landfills of the world.

If many more nations of the world hold on to the ideal of the law of abortion, how can it be justified that no more wars should take place and that no more nuclear bombs should be activated?

After 1945, with the extremely serious spiritual debt of the United States through the atomic bomb, humanity demonstrated to the universe that it knows how to self-destroy and that it has imposed, through corrupt systems, the commercialization and distribution of weapons, to justify the so-called freedom of peoples and nations.

But awaken, companions, we are in the end of times. Since the Garden of Gethsemane, when I drank the chalice for you and for humanity, I did not expect, I confess to you, that the world would reach this moment and be capable of going to such extremes, farther than it went more than two thousand years ago, crucifying your Messiah, martyrizing God Himself, the One who had created you since the origin.

For this reason, once again the very same God, made flesh and made man through His Son, tells the Father again, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

It is time to be on the lines of the Armageddon, because while time passes, not only time ends, but the events are unleashed, and people do not change.

May the Supreme Truth permeate the spaces and consciousnesses so that the sacrifice of the Son of God and all His Blood shed on the path of Calvary, up to the Cross, may justify the atrocities of these times, relieve the cry of children, and, especially, of the unborn, so that the Most Holy Virgin Mary may re-establish the spirit of maternal love in the consciousnesses who today do not know what it is to love; so that life may be respected and loved, so that the life of the innocent may no longer be discarded, so that poverty in many places of the world may no longer be the cause of despair and lack of peace.

May true Justice, which comes from the Divine Source, balance the scales of inequality. Because My great wish is to never again listen to the cry of the children of war, the cry of the innocent discarded in the landfills of the world.

Learn to love life and someday you will learn to appreciate it. While life is used as a justification to generate death and impunity, the world will not reach the healing of all its diseases. For this reason, I thank all those who have been conscious up to now, and, week by week, have prayed for the unborn. There lies the answer to why the world is the way it is.

And although My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are torn within, just as My Heart was torn on the top of the Cross, Our Love is immeasurable and incomprehensible, because it comes to give life to what is dead in those who believe they are alive.

Let us pray to the Celestial Father.

May each one say their prayer to the Father, in the innermost depths of their being, in the silence of the heart. I am listening to you.

May your souls pray to the Celestial Father so that all mistakes may receive the atonement they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us repeat the prayer that Jesus taught us:

Angel of the Wrath of God,
calm your sorrowful heart,
receive the fire of our love
and establish peace.


Go in peace, meditating on My Words and concretizing My aspirations.

Be very aware of this, so that it may not be just another Message, but rather the projection of a new stage that all are called to live.

I thank you for having the courage to listen to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We give reverence.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: “Our Father.”

I come to the world with My Spiritual, Celestial and Divine Government to be able to be reborn in the hearts of human beings, in the life of all souls that say ‘yes’ to Me.

In this way, there may be nothing that will separate you from Me, there may be no evil that can prevail, there may be no obstacle that can reign, because the one who believes in My Name will be blessed, will be called “a child of My Father.”

For this Nativity that is approaching, the Nativity of your Master and Lord, I ardently wish, through the Fire of My Heart's Love, that everyone may come to know, at this moment, that I still so much thirst for souls, and, My Heart, filled with Mercy and Kindness, agonizes, day by day, for not being able to pour out My Light and My Love within hearts.

After a long time and in this spiritual scenario of the Nativity of your Master and Lord, today, indeed, I can pour out My Kindness and My Love in your hearts, today, indeed, I can embrace your souls, contemplate the spirit of each one of My companions, and espouse them in this sacred Covenant with the Redeemer.

I tell the world not to lose hope, to strengthen its faith. The times are very hard and difficult, but My Celestial Kingdom approaches you to elevate your consciousnesses, to elevate your hearts so that Christ may be born again within the human heart.

Do not fear your purifications and tests, do not become frightened. I am here, I am your Higher Love, I am the manifestation of God, Love-Wisdom expressed before you as the King and Ruler of the universe.

Enter My Heart through the path of Light that I show you today.

Return to My Love so that you can return to the Truth, because, in the face of so much planetary need, I want to enter into communion with those who say ‘yes’ to Me, because  think for a moment: how many times, in spite of the circumstances, of the moments and even of the challenges, have you communed with Me? How many Graces have you been able to receive throughout the times and throughout all the moments you have shared with Me?

This is what allows Me to return here, not only to Fatima, the blessed home of My Mother, which is the blessed home of all of you who are here, under Her Maternal Kingdom, but I can also reach the whole world through this moment, to attend to the despair and anguish of many hearts, which keep facing this time of Armageddon, this cycle of the Apocalypse.

But trust, because I am returning soon. Have faith that you will be, face to face, before the Master of Love, before the Master of the Way, before the Master of Life. Because what I ardently wish is to be with you and with your brothers and sisters, not only so that you may again hear My Voice, which is the Voice of the Heavenly Father's Love, but also so that you may be by My side to feel My Consciousness, to commune with My Spirit, to receive healing and cure within the beings of each one of you.

This is why I extend My Hands to the world, to tell all My companions, all My servants, believers and devotees of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, that My Light descends today to the world to dispel the darkness from the consciousness, to remove from the earthly hell all those who are lost in obscurity.

And this is possible through all the hearts that adore Me and love Me, that are faithful to the sacred liturgy of prayer, of Communion, of the Sacraments, of Adoration and of service.

All this attracts incalculable merits to the world, such as today, when My Heart is attentive to the need and suffering of all My children of Afghanistan, who experience unprecedented captivity, who experience the hardest test of their nation.

Because My Love is not only for Christians, My Love is for the whole world, My Love is not religion, My Love is sidereal, divine and higher, it is an immeasurable Love that impels souls to live in kindness, in solidarity, in generosity.

Do not forget these three pillars. Kindness, generosity and solidarity: this will allow for the healing of the planet, this will eradicate the pandemic forever, because souls will awaken to their inner purpose, that purpose which was gestated in the Supreme Source, when each one of you was still a tiny essence of Light in the Great Ponds of the Universe.

Through the next Nativity, allow for the inner Christ to reemerge in your essences, because Love is coming to an end in the world, and if Love ends, peace cannot be present, and, even worst, the good cannot be present within souls.  

Follow My Steps with firmness and determination.

Just as I can be reborn today in the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in spite of their hardships and tests, would it not be wonderful if, once and forever, you might become victims of My Love, and if all that you experience at the moment is a sincere offering of your hearts for the triumph of the Return of Christ?

There are children of Mine in Africa, in the Middle East and even in Afghanistan, who, as it was with the people of Israel, are waiting for the coming of the Messiah, of the Redeemer.

Opening My Heart to each one of you, I reveal to you My purest intentions, because, do not forget, I am a part of you, I come from the Father, just as you come from the Father, we are brothers and sisters, but we are also children of the Creator, because, as much as I has ascended into the Heavens, My Heart is a human heart, transcended and glorified.

By any chance, do you believe you are capable of glorifying your hearts, of being transformed by the transverberation of the Lord?

I am not speaking of mysticism nor of great experiences, I am speaking of the transformation of life through the kindness, the generosity and the solidarity that each one of your hearts can experience.

Thus, on the eve of the next Nativity of your Lord, the Love of your lives, your Shepherd, Redeemer and Lord places at the feet of this world His purest and most sovereign intention, His Divine Aspiration that souls may live the Love of Christ, by living love between brothers and sisters in generosity, solidarity and kindness.

This will transform the world quickly. Because it is in what is smallest and not in what is greatest that you must learn to live the Work of God. And this Work is formed by all souls, in spite of their differences or even in spite of their nations, because the time has come for souls, at this Nativity, to be a part of the Mystical Body of your Master and Lord so that the impulses of My Spirit may redeem the planet and transform souls, through all those who postulate to be victims of My Love.

This is why the Celestial Father knows that all that I tell you is possible.

Now is the time for you to not only listen to My Words, but also to be My Words in action, in kindness, in generosity, in solidarity, so that this world may be transformed.

The seed of Christic Love returns today to the hearts that have lost it, because this moment and this offering carried out by devoted hearts has attracted such Grace and opportunity toward the Earth.

I know that you will not understand in depth what I am telling you, but do not worry, because it is your inner worlds that have to listen, understand and know all that I tell you, that is where the change begins.

Leaving the door to the Tabernacle of My Heart open, I show you the Flame of My Spirit, vibrating at the center of My Being, where souls can adore, contemplate and recognize the Wisdom of God's Love. Because it was this Love, like a vibrating Flame of the Spirit of God, that not only conceived Creation at the beginning, but also created your essences in the Image and Likeness of God.

Keep this image in your memory, the vibrating Flame of God in the Tabernacle of My Heart, at the center of My Being, at the center of My Soul, at the center of My Divinity.

May this deeper and eternal love, which I reveal to all today, heal the planet, restore souls, sanctify hearts, rescue those who are lost and bless all those who cry out for spiritual help.

Let us pray:


Sun of God,

that illuminates the darkness of our lives.

Spirit of God,

that liberates the faults of our beings.


Come, Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus!

So that, united to You,

we may reach eternity and paradise.


(three times)


On December 24 and 25 of this year, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her angelic hosts, the Government of My Spiritual Universe's Love will be descending within every heart that offers to pray for peace during the Vigil of Prayer on Christmas Eve and also during the Apparition of December 25.

On these days, may your inner worlds be attentive, because special Graces will be able to descend to souls and to the planet, to relieve it of the calvary in which it lives.

I thank you, My companions, for having opened up to recognize, adore and contemplate the vibrating Flame of the Spirit of God, at the center of My Being.

Through the powerful Light of My Five Wounds, and as the Son of God, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
