Marathon of Divine Mercy

Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ocean of Cosmic Light, I come to the world, to have souls become immersed in the great Essence of God, so that, in this Infinite and Eternal Essence, souls may find again the path toward their origin, toward the first Law and toward the first Purpose that created them in this sacred immaterial universe.

In union with this Eternal Essence of God, may the souls incarnated in this world find the path of return to the House of the Father. Through the secure door of My Heart, they find again the Principles that emerged and came forth in the Origin, for the manifestation and expression of each divine essence.

For this reason, I place you within this universe of Light, which was the first to emerge and become manifested before the Law of Creation, before all existed in the sacred mental universe. And in this material universe, that Light of the Divine Origin was what manifested itself before did the Creator Fathers, known as the angels and archangels.

And today, because of an emergency and a great necessity, humanity is in contact with this unknown pattern, which is an Attribute of God. In truth, it was His first Thought, before His Project manifested itself in the dimensions and on the planes of consciousness.

It is in this Light that you will manage to be nothing. You will become immersed in the void, to be completed by the Sacred Matrices of the All.

I know that today I Am speaking to you through symbols and analogies, but open your hearts so that this Law, which today descends upon the planet for the first time, may touch what is most supreme in your spirits, so that they may be filled by this Higher Light, which slowly transforms all forms and principles, converting them according to the Will of God.

This is how it is possible to correct this Human Project, through a minimum representation of humanity that says ‘yes’ to the Call of the Master.

But today it is not just Jesus the Christ that is here with you, but the One who is speaking to you is His Face of Ascension, that Face that was able to touch the Higher Spheres, and was welcomed by the great Masters and Hierarchies to begin to live the Spiritual Government.

Because My Spiritual Government begins to concretize itself and become a reality first in the hearts of the anonymous beings, of all those who are devoted to Me, and do not fear the righteousness of My Laws, because what I promise to you for the next life is something very great. It is in no way similar to what you live here on Earth, in this world of afflictions and sadness.

I, as the Son of God and the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, incarnated among the men and women of the Earth to announce the Good News, carry the Cross of the sins of the world, endure, suffer and die for you, and then resurrect in Glory on the third day.

You must live the same school, but a school of first dying to yourselves, to all that in which you believe and that you know, to all personal and individualistic convictions.

To attain the Kingdom of the Heavens in the next life, you must not only become detached, but you must also become divested of yourselves. You cannot bring the burdens of this world to the Paradise, because your spirits learn, in this school of redemption, to fly quite high, like birds, so as to merge in the Light with the Divine Essence of the Father.

This Light, which I bring you today from the Creative Essence, was the same that inspired the first twelve main archangels to design the Plan in this material universe. A Plan that first had to be permeated by the mental and ultra-terrestrial forms so that it might follow the principle of the Good and of unity, something that is not lived in the world today, and this unity and this good are not seen in all places of the Earth.

Therefore, companions, so that this Divine Light of God’s Essence may permeate the most corrupt particles of your beings and of the beings of the Earth, and for the corrupt to be transformed into what is incorrupt, you must first take the steps toward the total surrender of attaining the emptiness of yourselves, and of living the different degrees of renunciation, which is not about sacrifices or sufferings, but rather a gradual divestment that will free you from the concrete and corrupt forms, which you know as spiritual ties and prisons.

Today I present to you this apparently abstract Message so that your minds and consciousnesses may come out of the normal form and may enter the great geometry of what is immaterial and unknown, from which all eternally emerges and manifests itself.

All this, and much more, through the Divine essence of God, is what your Master and Lord found when He ascended to the Heavens.

And through the sacred ministry of the Eucharist, through the institution of the Body and Blood of Christ for souls, these first Matrices descended so that, after two-thousand years of spiritual and priestly exercise, souls and hearts in this end of times could have the Grace of receiving, on this day and for the first time, this spiritual impulse that My Ascensional Face brings. In this way, everything will have the opportunity of redemption, so that you will always know and remember that there is a way out beyond the lesson being learned or the school, beyond what it means and represents for you.

This is the ocean of the Divine Light of God, which invades and blesses the orbit of the Earth today, so that all beings of the Earth, all of this humanity, may receive the Grace of redemption, which perhaps they do not deserve, because all this is for one reason: for Love.

As this Law, which acts today through My Words, is unknown to you, this is as far as I can go today, because all has its time and moment for God. Although the schools among you are so different, the Light of the Divine Essence of God is not selective, it blesses all creatures without exception.

Lastly, I want to tell you, so that you may meditate on it later, that it was this Light of the Divine Essence of God that granted My Resurrection, and transformed Me into an Immortal Being.

All those who in the past, participated in the reappearance of Christ after His Death and His Resurrection, had the Grace of being before this Light. Therefore, I declare and explain to you that I told Mary Magdalene not to touch Me when she saw Me and recognized Me, because I had not yet ascended to the House of My Father.

Before manifesting Creation, God first thought of His Light, preciously permeated by His Love and His Unity, so that souls and above all essences, might learn to spiritually drink from His Fountain every time it was necessary. Just as today you are before this Light, which comes to bring understanding and wisdom for a wounded world.

Because when I return, the main spiritual bases of the Project of God must be pre-established in souls, in all those who throughout the times, regardless of their religion or belief, have received My Christic Love from the East to the West.

I want to thank you for solemnly sustaining this moment. Because God is not only grand and powerful, God is simple, He is close, He is a Father and a Friend, He is a Shoulder on which you can always lean and the Hands that you can always hold, to feel His Love and His Strength.

And now, let us celebrate the Holy Eucharist, so that souls may again have contact with this Creative Light.

Remember your origin and beginning, the path of emptiness, but the path of the Whole, where unity based on Love and the Truth can be lived.

I thank you.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Inner Council of the planet, which is the Hierarchy, is now gathered, and this Council decides about the future of humanity. Upon the table of the Brotherhood are the new decisions. All contemplate and meditate for the best solution.

There are many situations that are being evaluated, and although you do not have total awareness of what this means, I thank you in advance for your prayer with Me, so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may also be helped in the making of new decisions.

A Plan is described before Our Eyes. The Divinity must take the first step and then the whole Hierarchy may take the next step, and thus, all of humanity may advance on the path to the recovery of its Purpose.

In the face of a time of grave emergency, the Hierarchy reconsiders its attitude before the universe. The Higher Spheres indicate this path.

The Scepter is in the Hand of the Mother of God. She is the One Who leads and guides the entire Brotherhood, because in this way Her Word and Her Message will be fulfilled again, as it has been in recent times and through the next August 8, when a special conjuncture will take place for all the inner worlds that are attentive and vigilant; all those who awaken on that day and receive the much expected and longed for revelation from other times, so that all these consciousnesses may also take the step in their evolution and awakening.

Today, I speak to you through the language of My Spiritual Government, because you must already attune with My Spiritual and Divine Government. It is time for you to recognize that, after the Ascension of the Lord, He assumed the Government of this universe and of others, He assumed the conduction of all souls and essences in this universe and in others.

Your Lord assumed preparing Himself to return, and this path starts defining itself within the heart that lives the Message, within the souls that listen to My Call; because everything will happen in what is most invisible and profound, where all eyes cannot see it, where only the fiery heart will be able to feel and recognize it.

These are the gifts and the treasures of the Hierarchy that will be entrusted to the consistent in heart, to all servers of the Plan of Christ.

This will be your last star, this will be your last sun, which will rise in the innermost depths of the universe of each being that believes in Me and that, as throughout the recent times and years, will be part of the new history that I Am writing through the souls that transform themselves in Me and for Me, through the hearts that responsibly assume their role in these times.

The Book of Love of those in the White Garments, this August, is open and exposed to all.

Who will recognize their signature in this Book? Even more, who will recognize their experience of love and redemption in this Book?

Have you realized, companions, that in these last ten years when you have been with Me, you are part of a new history of the redemption of humanity? Just like many brothers and sisters of yours in the world, especially those who have faith in the Lord.

For this reason, as your Redeemer, as your Master and Lord, as the Governor of this universe, as the Son of the Living God and of Creation, I come to open this last and definitive door, the door number 14, which is the door of the Return of Christ, so that souls may rejoice and feel bliss in the Lord, the Redeemer. Just as the angels of Heaven today feel the joy of being part of the history of the Living Christ in the heart of each human being who professes and lives their faith in Me, who lives through My Sacraments and dares to multiply My Graces in this wounded world.

This is why, before the Inner Council of this planet, which is the Council of the entire Brotherhood, around this table, where new decisions will be made and tested, I invite you to assume this part with Me, I invite you to decide with Us, your Masters and Hierarchies. I invite you to recognize your signature and your name in the Book of Love, and to sit at the table of the Hierarchy to build the Plan, not only the Plan of My Return to the world, but also the Plan of the redemption of the world, which must imperiously be fulfilled and experienced in these times.

Therefore, what will you offer to Me today? What will you give to the Hierarchy on this day when the Great Meeting begins, at the eve of August 8?

Who will definitively enter the Sacred Star of My Heart and be part of My Sacred Geometry, which renews and recreates itself through the souls that purify and transform themselves?

Who will be part of the new design of the Brotherhood?

Who will decide to be Light in this world in darkness?

Who will be co-responsible with Me in this Plan of Rescue?

Who will recognize, from other times, what they have lived with Me? The Footprints of the Lord, which you have always followed. The Light of the Lord, which you have always sought. The Love of Christ, which you have always aspired to find.

This is what I have to offer to each one, in this hour and at this moment.

This is why I ask you:

What else will you offer to Christ?

Because the moment has come to make the decision, because on this decision and on this inner moment will depend the next steps of humanity and of the planet.

Be aware that all this is done out of Love and for no other reason.

It is Love, at this moment, that grants you this miracle, that you may listen to the Lord, the Christ, again, and that your inner Christs may recognize Him.

Because it is the time and the hour to gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth, as many of them are gathered today in Portugal, celebrating the Word of the Lord, living the Word of the Lord, communing with the Presence of the Lord.

Behold the Book of Love of those in White Garments, receive it in your hands.

This is the Sacred Treasure of the Spiritual Brotherhood, preciously kept in the Heart of the Hierarchy, where the true history of this world is written. The history that no book of this humanity has revealed so far. Because We have worked on this Treasure throughout the times, throughout the centuries and generations.

In this Book of Love, which We present and grant to you today, is also the history of each one of Mine.

Keep it within your hearts and may your lives be part of it, just as this Book is part of the Light of the Hierarchy, in which all the names are known, in which all the trajectories are represented.

This is the truth of My Love for all, because in this Book is also My life, the life that I lived with you here in this world.

Each moment of preaching, each miracle granted by the Father, each drop of Blood that was shed on the Calvary, each agony that was lived by Me in absolute silence. And, above all, through this Book, My life is represented by the love for Me that many truly have.

It is this love in Mine and of Mine in Me that renews all things, that overcomes all evils, that dissolves all darkness, that resurrects the dead in spirit, that blesses those who are condemned, that sanctifies those who are persevering.

My Love can do all things, even to the ends of the universe.

Thus, welcome to the Great Meeting of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who has opened the door so that all may enter Our Dwellings, so that the Advent of the New Race may be fulfilled and so that the New Christs, through the last apostles of the end of times, may repopulate the Earth with Mercy, Grace and Redemption.

Commune with Me from this moment, just as I commune with you by means of the giving of your lives and, above all, of your hearts.

Receive My blessing and My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now, to celebrate this moment and, above all, to bless the special moment that this Work will live in these days of August with the entire Hierarchy, I come once again in the name of Love and Life, to celebrate the Eucharist with you and with your brothers and sisters, a faithful testimonial of My Love for the world.

Let us prepare for this ceremony, so that My Celestial Church may descend to Earth and make a miracle of each human heart.

I gather you again at My table of redemption, just as I would gather the apostles and so many in the inner planes who would participated with Me in this Sacrament.

Thus, once again, by means of this offering, after having purified your hearts, I renew the life of My companions through the infinite mystery of My Body and My Blood, preciously exposed today at this Altar, in the tabernacle of each human heart.

Let us celebrate.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let those who can, stand up or kneel down at this moment of transubstantiation.

In the Holy Cenacle, I gathered you to give you My Life, to give you My Love, to grant you redemption until the end of times.

Thus, opening the doors to you in this sacred month of August, I come to offer to you what is most intimate of My Life and My Heart, so that you may have life in abundance.

Thus, I ask you again to take the bread, raise it to God in thanksgiving, in inner offering so that the Father may convert it into My Glorious Body, which I again break and share with you, saying that this is My Body, the Body that was surrendered for humanity, and is surrendered today for many, for the forgiveness of sins.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.


We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ, just as My angels of Heaven revere it.

I ask you to take the Chalice in your hands and offer it to God in sacrifice, just as His Beloved Son did, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood at this moment when Heaven unites to Earth, when souls unite to God and God unites to souls in eternal communion.

Thus, I pass it to each one again, saying to you, “Take and drink all of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God. The Precious Blood that is spiritually poured out again upon the world at this moment, for the remission of all faults and the end of wars. Do this in My Presence and in remembrance of Me, because I Am now returning to the world.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Presence of the Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere it and just as the angels collected it on top of Mount Calvary.


In union to the Father, in union to the Presence of the Son and to the Presence of the Holy Spirit, we will say the prayer that I taught you on the Mount of Beatitudes, so that this sacrifice may be pleasing to the Creator and for the triumph of My Heart in this world and in each heart that offers itself in this month of August to be part of the Plan of My Return.

Let us pray.

Prayer: “Our Father.”

May My so awaited Peace descend to the world.

And I want you to say the next prayer with the same faith that the centurion had, believing in the power of Forgiveness and Mercy.


I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word and I shall be healed.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, at this moment of union with Christ and for Christ, We announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls in the whole world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


May My Peace be in you, so that My Peace may give life in abundance.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Gabriel Cruz, Lucía, Michael and the daughter of María Garabandal may come here. Christ will offer this Communion for the youth.


Let us pray:


Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


And after this Communion with Me, which prepares you for the month of August, do not forget the Book of Love of the Hierarchy, which you must glimpse and contemplate with hope and joy, that gift and treasure of the Brotherhood.

I thank you for being with Me today and for being with Me until the end of times.

I impart with you My Light and My paternal blessing:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Go in peace, with Me.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the world is divided by war and pain, I come with the Light of the Heavens to bless all, so as to be able to elevate as many souls as possible before the Presence of the Celestial Father, and so that He, in His Mercy and in His Infinite Grace, may help as many souls as possible.

After having been in Fatima more than one hundred years ago, to deter the greatest cruelty of all times, I am here, at this Center of Love, together with each one of My children, to fulfill the prophecy that I once announced in Fatima: that in South America the Boat of God would sail, gathering all the consciousnesses that would prepare the Return of Christ. Because from South America the impulse of renewal and peace must emerge, from South America the union must be re-established between Heaven and Earth, between humanity and God.

For this reason, I am here today, to tell you again that the doors of the Marian Centers are now open and that your Heavenly Mother is attentively following the coming events of humanity, after the Arrival of My Son during this Sacred Week, when He will re-establish many codes in the planetary consciousness. And on re-establishing these codes in as many souls as possible, My Son will awaken the New Christs, all those who you would not even imagine, who have come in these times to serve Him in this plan of rescue for humanity.

For this reason, My Son also, as He announced in the Gospel during His Ascension to the Heavens, is coming in these times to fulfill His Promises, but He also comes to ask for the talents of hearts, which are indispensable and fundamental to prepare the planet and humanity for His expected Return.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

Our Lady, at this moment, is opening Her Mantle, to show Her Immaculate Heart. And today this Immaculate Heart has thorns that stick out of It and cause the Blood of the Heart of Mary to be shed.

And Our Lady taught us the following prayer:


Oh Bloody Heart of Mary!
forgive all faults of humanity.

Let us repeat this prayer together, with Our Lady.

The Blood of the Heart of Mary, while we were praying, gradually disappeared. And the thorns in the Heart of Mary represent the extremely grave outrages of the wars and conflicts in the nations and, especially, the innocent blood that has been shed, from children to elderly people, from refugees and exiled, not only in Eastern Europe, but throughout the whole world. Our Lady says also in Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan and Syria.

Our Mother tells us: 


Pray to the Heart of Mary, for It not to be pierced by the grave offenses of those who make wars and conflicts. Pray to the Heart of Mary so that She not shed Her Blood, because it is the blood of the innocent, of the forlorn.

Today, I am here to deliver you this sacrifice and relieve the Heart of the Mother of God so that the heart of many consciousnesses may be relieved.

And now that you are ready to cross the desert again, just as My Son has taught you, the deserts of life that will soon come, be brave and have courage. Do not give up, but rather move forward, because you must keep in mind, in these times, that all that you live is not just for you, but also for the whole world.

Thus, beginning thirteen years ago, we have been close to you, bringing the Message of Heaven and of the Universe, bringing the Call of God to all souls and consciousnesses, and re-consecrating humanity, time and again, so that something worse may not come.

It gladdens Me to find you here, as a family, as a family that has learned to endure your own purification, striving every day to forget yourselves so as to place the Plan of God on your paths, that Plan that must be fulfilled and carried out in each one of your lives. And this will make you keep growing in spiritual maturity, in the responsibility to respond to My Son in these times with all that He needs to carry out at this moment.

Know that the door to the Return of My Son is now open, through this humble and simple moment that you are sharing with Me in this house, because this is how God wants to see you, united and close to one another, just as your Mother was with the apostles and is today with you, My beloved children.

May closeness be the keynote for these times, to relieve hearts, to liberate spiritual pressures; may a feeling of compassion sprout in your hearts so that criticism may no longer be in your lives, but rather the compassionate spirit of love, which will make you grow in charity, accepting your fellow beings as they are, just as God accepts you the way you are.

Now, with joy, as in every moment shared with Me on Saturdays, we will finalize this moment in the Presence of the Mother of God, with the consecration of the Eucharist. This will be done so that, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, these elements may be offered for the redemption of humanity, and  also so that the redemption and transformation of your lives through Our Sacred Hearts may be the confirmation which the Father needs to pour out His Mercy and not His Justice.

Know that at this moment, at the doors of the Sacred Week, many souls on the inner planes are being assisted. And this is possible because I have called your Guardian Angels, who, present at this very moment, serve together with the Mother of God.

Let us celebrate in Christ and for Christ.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I come here, to this cenacle that is favored by Me, to the great oratory of the Mother of God.

Today, I come, in a special way, because I want to be close to you and with each one of your souls, preparing you to enter the desert that My Hand is indicating to you today, to this spiritual desert of humanity, which many do not want to cross because they forget that I am in the desert, when you just seek Me and call Me.

In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.

I want to be able to meet you, I want to be able to feel and contemplate you, just as it was with the apostles, when they were together with My Heavenly Mother, in the Re-appearance of Christ, days before My Ascension to the Heavens.

I also come to relieve your hearts and spirits, to remove the weight of the cross that has been placed upon your backs, but I encourage you and I invite you to keep carrying this cross, not only for you, but rather for the great need of Love in this humanity and on this planet.

I come with this Message for all to internally prepare for the next Sacred Week, and, My Heart, with joy and predilection, has chosen this place blessed by My Heavenly Mother, to announce, once again, the Word of God, so that hearts, upon entering this desert that I invite you to cross this week, may again find God and, before Him, be in silence, in attunement and in love, for all that is necessary and urgent to repair in this humanity and on the planet, because the war keeps happening, souls keep suffering; insecurity, impunity and fear continue being established in peoples and nations.

I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.

May the agony of not being able to reach Me or feel me no longer weigh on you. I am here, as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to remind you that you have a part to play at this moment with Me, because My aspiration is that you may be My apostles of the end of times.

May this desert, which I invite you to cross today with courage and bravery, strengthen you. May this desert, which I invite you to cross, with love and faith, make you grow internally for all that will come because, before the Celestial Father, I need souls that justify the errors of the world and the grave sins that outrage the Heart of God in these times.

Adore Me in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar during these days. May your vigil of Adoration expand and be strengthened so that the Kingdom of the Heavens may descend to Earth, not only during the next Sacred Week, but also in this preparatory week which, with bliss and joy, I come to share with you in a special way, and, Our Lord, the Celestial Father, has decided that this blessed house, consecrated to the Heart of My Mother, should be the place, the cenacle and the oratory for these meetings to take place, these unexpected meetings.

Remember your guardian angels, they are thirsty for your offerings to the Heart of God, for your offerings for humanity and for the planet so that Love, Peace and Light may not disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I understand you and I also comprehend you, these are unknown and difficult times, and sometimes you feel you cannot endure them. But have faith, I died for you, so that you could have life in Me.

I bless you and I thank you for welcoming Me in this place, for the simplicity of each detail, for the sincere offering of the hearts that trust in Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Forty-ninth Poem

Sorrowful Mother,
teach us, every day,
to persevere in faith and love,
just as You constantly persevered in God
after the Ascension of Your Son.

Sorrowful Mother,
reveal to us the incalculable value of the Passion and of the Cross;
may we not fear sacrifice, sorrow,
anguish and the end of time.

Sorrowful Mother,
be the sustenance of us all,
impel us to serve and love,
just as You served and loved
the ignorant and indifferent humanity.

May our hearts open
to feel and find the answer
within each learning experience of life.

Sorrowful Mother,
give us the patience that we need
to be able to go through these definitive moments.

Above all,
may we live the unity of spirit among us,
brothers and sisters on the path,
just as You, dear Mother,
live divine unity with Your Son.

At each step, show us the meaning
of our self-giving and surrender.

May we be lovers of the Cross and of Your Son’s Heart
so that, in the example of Christ,
we may experience brotherhood and fraternity,
giving of ourselves, without delay, to the fellow being.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


After the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, the apostles and disciples of the Lord remained some days in deep silence, allowing their souls to assimilate, spiritually and humanly, all they had experienced.

This period of silence was necessary so that they could understand the Grace of the mission that God had entrusted to them.

The world remained the same, humanity seemed not to have changed, but their hearts were inflamed by an unquenchable love that lasted for centuries, until today.

History repeats itself, my children.

The spiritual cycles are like a huge spiral in ascension to the Heart of God and, in each turn, the impulses are renewed and the hearts seem to relive, in different ways, the same events. And so it is.

Today you are in a new turn of this evolutional spiral in which the Lord handed to you the same impulses of two thousand years ago. 

These impulses resonate within you, transform you, move you, break barriers, dissipate illusions, so that your beings may be molded according to the Will of God.

Be aware of what you experience and, for a moment, allow your inner world to assimilate all the impulses received. Meditate upon the Words of Christ, again feel the states in which He places you each day and, finally, perceive what you are called to experience in these times.

You have My Blessing for this.

Chaste Saint Joseph



I know what it means to stop seeing Jesus because, after His Ascension, I still remained on Earth for many more years, awaiting the fulfillment of the eternal Will of the Father.

To stop seeing and feeling Jesus, even being My Son, was an unforgettable experience and feeling of emptiness for the Heavenly Mother. But in spite of that moment, Christ always reminded us that His Love for humanity was eternal,  it would never change, because My Son came from the Father, and from the Father comes the Source of His Love.

A cycle now ends with My Son after many years of instruction and Graces. I understand that, as a Mother, the moment of the end of a stage causes souls to face the possibility of recognizing all that was received, word for word, and as from that point on, each soul has the Grace, in the next cycle, of living everything that it was taught.

Over the course of the ages, all those who were visionaries of the Apparitions of the Virgin or of Jesus experienced and went through this moment of it finalizing so that they could begin another stage.

I know that it is not easy for the visionaries to stop seeing the Son of God or His Heavenly Mother, but everything has a reason, since Our Sacred Hearts ardently wait for souls to apply the message itself in their lives. This will allow the gradual accomplishment of the Plan and the Will of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Since the birth of your Lord, up to His ascension to Heaven, as it was the moment for manifesting His Redeeming Work and awakening souls to love and truth, the Creator sent all those consciousnesses to the world that needed to learn with His Son.

And so it was that, year after year, souls shared with Christ His life on Earth.

Some experiences were quicker, others longer; some found Him only once, others many times, because God Himself, profound knower of the souls He created, was Who knew the real need of each being.

And so it was that, since the childhood of Christ, there were souls that shared in his fragility, the awakening and the manifestation of His childhood purity, the growth of His humanity and the expansion of His Divinity within that fragile body.

Each being learned something with God through His Son; something that the Creator, with His own Hands, built within souls, through Christ.

There were those souls that needed to live the glory of Christ, the revelation of the Kingdom of God in His miracles, in His Words, in His Presence. Others needed to awaken a deep, fertile and eternal love through His Passion, to carry to the world the legacy of His Love, not only in that time, but through the centuries to come. Other souls, in spite of not having looked into the Eyes of Christ, experienced His spiritual Presence and, in the silence, they were able to find Him within themselves.

I tell you this because this is the moment for turning inward and remembering.

Remembering the Child full of God that awakened purity within your hearts.

Remembering the silent and humble Youth that learned with His father in a carpentry shop while teaching him about the transformation of souls.

Remembering the Prophet of Nazareth, the one called the Nazarene, Who walked upon the hills and, with the same simplicity, did so on the waters, revealing the mysteries of God held within His Heart, as well as in the heart of each being.

The moment has come to remember the Gaze that redeemed you, the Hands that reached out toward you, to lead you into a new life, a new human being, with a simple phrase: follow Me.

To remember He who called you to leave the ship of human desires and aspirations in the sea in order to go with Him to rescue souls.

To remember He who forgave your sins and, seeing the truth within you, called you by name so that you never again turn away from His Love.

To remember each drop of Blood that spilled from His Face and His Gaze always fixed on God.

To remember His Heart, elevated above the suffering, pleading for humanity and for each being with the same love.

To remember the empty sepulcher.

To remember His Words and His Face in resplendent vestments.

To remember His body rising up among the incandescent brilliance of the clouds and, in the light, the power of His Voice promising you He would bring the Kingdom of God to the world.

To see the promises of Christ fulfilled, you need to remember; and to remember, you need to enter into yourself and lovingly contemplate what He left in your hearts, because His impulses are eternal.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just like various species of flowers exist upon the planet, in the same way, there are different Aspects of God that are revealed within the Most Holy Trinity.

The same thing happens with His beloved Son. His different faces, in Heaven as on Earth, fulfill a divine and essential purpose.

This mission of your Master and Lord, through the various faces, has expanded since the moment in which Jesus ascended to the Heavens.

The various faces of Christ respond to an unknown and broad spiritual and cosmic Will, with the only difference being that, in this cycle, the various faces of Christ will approach the Earth and humanity so as to prepare, in the inner planes, for the expected Return of Christ.

These aspects will bring souls extremely important revelations that will expand the consciousness of believers and non-believers so that, with such revelations, humanity may enter its great process of rehabilitation and healing.

These revelations will come directly from Heaven.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I was waiting for you, companions, to arrive at this region of Argentina so that, in these days, as it was on mount Tabor, you may get to know My real Aspect, My Cosmic and Solar Consciousness.

Now it is time for a minority, in representation of humanity, to receive this revelation, the one I will try to show you during the coming days. This will prepare the planet for when it enters its final stage and has to inevitably experience its definition.

Therefore, such revelation of My Face, still deeper and unknown, even by the same Church, shall come out of the Tabernacles for humanity to see, once again, the Son of God transfigured, at the top of the mountain.

As it was with My apostles, I will tell you what it is about and you will become conscious of where I come from and where I went after My ascension. Because during the day, the sky is there, but at night you have the whole Universe upon you, many constellations, nebulae and galaxies, beyond your reality, which I govern and lead.

This is the time to deeply know the Son of God, in His Solar and Cosmic aspect, therefore the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy shall be the preamble for this cycle of revelations.

I thank you already for sustaining this cycle!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Sacred geometry is the most ancient symbol of this humanity. In truth, it first emerged from the Source, in order to manifest the creation and originate the principles and attributes of evolutionary life.

The spiritual, sacred and immaculate geometry has always been present on Earth, despite the eras and its different ages.

The first humanities knew these sacred symbols, experienced the sacred geometries, not only for the uplifting of consciousness, but also for the evolution of human genetics.

The whole configuration of the human being as a natural and spiritual being is formed by a sacred and perfect geometry, the main and original idea of the Creator Fathers.

The first designs of this geometry were emanated by the Main Source of God, which to this day, emanates Love, Unity and Wisdom.

Sacred geometry is not only a part of the mentalists and philosophers, it is something that was captured by the different prophets, by the ancient people of Israel, even by Moses himself.

These sacred principles bring to the world, through geometry, the knowledge of the Purpose of God, and this is a way to unite bridges and dimensions between consciousnesses.

The time has come for humanity to be healed and regenerated through sacred geometry, through the only and perfect geometry that comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy and no other.

What comes form the Source is incalculable, what it emanates is indelible.

Since the beginning of the Earth and before the first humanity, the sacred geometry was what constituted the formation of this local Universe, so that later, life, evolution and, finally, the awakening would exist.

In sacred geometry is the root of your origins, the knowledge of your constellations, the reason for your having come to Earth to live a school of forgiveness and redemption.

The moment of the time of synthesis came, in which the East profoundly knew the sacred geometry and revered it; it is still part of it at the present time, despite the inadequate use that many peoples have made of it.

Yet this sacred geometry, about which I speak to you today, companions, is found in the essence of the Holy Chalice, inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where all the attributes, all purposes and elevated thoughts of God, expressed before the origin of Creation, are safeguarded and protected by the holy angels.

This is the purpose of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the emanation of its sacred geometry, which, after the end of times and on the New Earth, with the New Humanity, must return to the planet in order to constitute a new race, free from suffering, pain, agony and evil.

In the sacred geometry, something valuable and inextinguishable is found. It is as if you were before the most perfect manifestation of God, represented through the symbols and geometries that bring a sublime energy to human consciousness.

In Sacred Centers, like this one, are kept sacred geometries, fundamental principles of the Source of Creation, which in silence accompany humanity from the beginning. But, it is the hour and the time for this sacred knowledge to emerge from human consciousness, for everyone who is committed to follow the Purpose of God, and above all, committed to find within, their inner universe.

May I continue?

I can’t hear…

Everyone answers: Yes!

Sacred geometry is most sacred in the Universe. It was God Himself, our Celestial Father, who created it and He delivered it as something immaculate and sacred in the hands of the archangels, so that they could recreate and shape His Divine Will in the spiritual plane, the mental universe and, at last, in this material universe.

The sacred geometries are patterns of conduct that are needed by the human being for this cycle, so that it can transit and cross the end of times, keeping alive within the Christic light, the sacred flame of the essence, or however you want to understand it, the awakening.

Today I have brought in My Hands one of the Scrolls of God, one of the most ancient treasures of this Universe, of the Immaterial Source of Creation, of the Universe of the Resplendent, where the origin of the purpose of this humanity is written.

God thought, in His Silence, the possibility of the existence of creatures so similar to Him, that could live Love as He does, that could overcome it in Love, through experiences of union, light and forgiveness.

Therefore, He created a sacred geometry, which synthesizes the existence of this world and of the local universe.

In this geometry, of which I speak to you today, is the possibility that the whole of humanity rediscovers its path, the path to the Source of Creation that was lost from the moment that duality, or as you are willing to understand it, as adversity, emerged.

But in this sacred geometry, that is also inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, is found a replica of this very elevated thought of God, that emerged from His eternal Heart from the moment that He felt the will and need that His children could know and recognize Him, as the Father of Wisdom, the Father of Love, the Lord of the Truth.

But it was before My birth in Israel, that the most ancient peoples of the desert knew the sacred geometry of God.

During the forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, by being protected and sheltered by the Eternal Father, in that long walk, seeking the Promised Land, had known and experienced the essence of that sacred geometry by means of the manna which satiated and fed them; it was the physical contact that they had with the essence of that Purpose of God that brought forth life on Earth and the emergence of the first humanity.

It was in this way that before the appearance of Christ on Earth, through His incarnation in Bethlehem, the ancient people of Israel could make part of the Divine Purpose, that their genetics and natural constitution allowed; some time after, My human essence would receive from this people what most sacred thing they reached at the level of Spirit and Higher Mental.

When I was on Earth, I was the sacred geometry of God manifested as man and consciousness. I was the archetype itself and divine principle materialized on Earth, through the most pure womb of My Mother in the sacred intervention of the Holy Spirit.

All was thought, contemplated and meditated upon so that the world, throughout times and generations, would never forget the main sacred geometry of God, which is Love, that within human consciousness allows evolution, ascension and the expansion of charity.

In the Universe of God, there are many scrolls such as this one. Such profound and unknown revelations to the human mind that will help all human beings to resume the lost path to their true purpose, to the true reason that brought them here for a spiritual goal, for an uplifted end, for a sacred principle.

Your souls do recognize this legacy because they are part of this manifestation, of this experience, which started in the origin of this Universe.

While Aurora contemplates this scene of the Son, bringing to the world the sacred geometry of God, a great celestial vault in the inner planes is manifested in all of your spirits, in order that they capture the sacred symbols of God, which the people of Israel once knew and which will allow on Earth, to resume again, the reverence to reach the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

Through what I taught to the apostles, by means of the Sacraments, the sacred geometry is also found diversified in different principles and forms, to the point that these sacred geometries are material, through Baptism, Anointment,  Confession, Washing of the Feet and,  most importantly, through Communion.

Because it was at the Last Supper, where the most important sacred geometry of God descended through Me, in the materialization of the Body and Blood of Christ, sacred geometry allowed Me to reach the Cross, in order to expand and give all the symbols that redeemed humanity at that time.

Today the heavenly angels prepare the doors of the Universe, because the impulses of the sacred geometry of God will return to humanity so that souls can experience a different way of life and learn, in simplicity, to overcome fear, error and pain that these human genetics have generated throughout times by having been distanced from the Purpose of God, from the sacred geometry of the Father.

The Archangel Metatron is the guardian and keeper of the sacred geometry of God. He is in charge, within this material and local Universe, of sending this impulses at the end of times, in order that souls reach a profound connection with the Creator Father, by means of the intervention of Archangel Metatron.

It is the fire of this archangel, through His main sacred geometry, that will allow the transmutation of human consciousness and the liberation of the human spirit from sin, error, perversion and perdition.

God taught in the beginning of this world, the first and most important sacred geometry, which is the Word of prayer. It is the bridge and base to build a new life that souls, in a short time, will not recognize in themselves because of the voltage that prayer provides to human consciousness through elevation and transformation.

Those who live in the school of sacred geometry of prayer will know other sacred geometries of the Father and the spiritual plane will no longer be far from you; you will be able to recognize it within yourself when making contact with these divine principles that come from the Source.

Until today, this is what I can say, because the sacred geometry has a high voltage of spiritual and material energy that transmutes human consciousness; and you must learn to live and administer the impulses that come from heaven, because knowledge itself is an impulse that will remain within you, to lead you to take a great step in some moment of your lives.

This is the reason why I stop today, because souls have a certain capacity to endure, but trust in what I am doing, just as I trust in what you do, day to day, and in everything that you have offered Me today for the triumph of My Sacred Heart in humanity.

It is this fidelity, constancy and faith that comes from within you that allows this knowledge to come closer, so that humanity comes out of the superficial, the petty, the indifferent; so that you may be instruments of these sacred geometries in each moment of life, just as in each act of prayer, so that you may be mirrors of God.

I thank those who listen carefully, because this emits a response from the Universe that, at last, the day of your awakening will come in order to be in communion in an intimate and true way with the Main Source of God, so that you are in contact with God, even though you are on Earth learning to overcome suffering and learning to live Love.

Sacred geometry will always uplift you.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master has kept the scroll…

And now, to synthesize this impulse in consecrated life manifested in different ways, because it is something that souls live, and where the sacred geometry is also found.

And today I will consecrate two new helpers because they have manifested this constancy in seeking this Purpose of God, and thus, I keep gathering My flock so that you recognize your filiation with Me and, above all, this intimate marriage with My Heart.

I wish to have here the elements of consecration for the helpers.

And the sacred geometry of God will be mirrored as well in these elements, which will become sacred, so that it may be present in My Spouses that have offered to serve Me through this service of giving themselves to the altars of God.

All sacred geometries are aspects of the Love of God, they are the closest experience of the Source of Creation.

I invite you to stand in reverence to the sacred geometries of God, for yourselves, your families, your acquaintances, the whole humanity that must recover the attributes of God through these last impulses that I bring from the Universe to the humble of heart.

Let us celebrate this event before the doors of heaven. May the whole humanity be worthy of this Grace, because what is true comes only from the immaterial and from the experience of Love in the material life.

Let us listen to the Kodoish melody so that the angels, at My request and call, be gathered here to bring to Earth the essence of the sacred geometry of God, a fertile treasure that is kept in the Sacred Centers of the Hierarchy. Father, in each element that You created is found the essence of the sacred geometry.

Today we raise and offer each one of these elements so that human consciousness may be transmuted and souls reach forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Friar Melquisedec, Friar Juan de la Cruz, both brothers, you may come.

From the element water, that God created, is born the sacred geometry of life, from which every being on Earth is fed and lives, because this element unites it and elevates it to the Kingdom of God.

Let us softly start singing the melodic Kodoish in order to receive the angelic impulses and accompany this ceremony.

Song: the melodic Kodoish.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Pardon, He told me that I forgot a step…

Father, this is My Body that as a sacred geometry, is offered today to the world for the remission of the errors and redemption of consciousnesses. Amen.

Father, this is the Chalice of My Blood that is lovingly offered today for the uplifting of human consciousness, purification of life on Earth and healing of the hearts. Amen.

And through the sacred geometry of prayer, Eternal Father, bless all these elements and especially Your Children, so that all of them have inner strength to go forward and reach the celestial victory. Amen.

Prayer: Our Father in Aramaic.

Father, bless these hearts so that they may always be participants of Your Grace and Mercy and act in this world as shining stars of Your Heart, bringing peace to the whole Earth.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I give thanks to you for being brave enough to listen and not lose the courage to make Love triumph on this planet. Carry on working and living in the Divine Mercy.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, for Me, for My Father and for the Holy Spirit, give each other a peace salutation.

I thank you!

Daily Message received in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

My spiritual Light, which is the Light of the Father, descends to the Earth to fill My children with new attributes so that humanity may recover the purpose that it lost after the Ascension of Jesus.

For this reason, children, from Heaven I bring this Source of spiritual light so that My children may be nourished by elevated gifts that will make it possible to restore the consciousness of humanity within simple hearts.

Through this light, children, the planet as a whole is also helped, and souls benefit from this powerful light, which raises their state of consciousness and vibration.

Through this spiritual light, your Heavenly Mother works miracles in people's lives, and planetary life is reconfigured again and again so that beings may attain redemption.

This spiritual light awakens peace and promotes the good in souls because it comes from the Source of the Greater Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Just love one another, as I have loved you, as Father and Lord, from My Birth until My Ascension. 

Love one another always, and may this love of the heart never be missing from you, however poor or imperfect, may it be true and healthy love, capable of understanding and of accepting everything.

Love one another, much more than I love you, and surpass Me in love and in surrender. I have told you that you would do greater things than I did and this continues to be real and current for Me.

Love one another until you can express compassion, honesty, and transparency.

Love one another without fearing to unmask your characters and to only live for love and in love.

Love one another because it will be the love between brothers and sisters, disciples and friends, that will liberate you from yourselves.

Love without fearing to always say “yes” and to donate yourselves much more than I donated myself.

Love one another so that love may abound on Earth and so that it may be love that will defeat evil, falsehood and all pride.

Love one another in truth and you will fulfill My great Commandment.

Love one another and peace will not be lacking.

I thank all of you who made it possible to fulfill My call this year and those who will fulfill it next year so that the graces may abound on Earth.

Who blesses you always,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Stand before the spiritual scene of the Garden of Gethsemane and now witness the Garden of Resurrection.

Contemplate the moment of the Resurrection of the Divine Son and trust that you too will resurrect in essence and in spirit.

May everything be transformed and may the chains break to give place to the expression of the spirit.

Contemplate the Sacred Garden of Resurrection and elevate yourself as consciousness, just as Christ elevated Himself to the Kingdom of God.

Live this inner transfiguration, step by step, die to the world and be born in the splendorous Primordial Source.

May your sacrifice and your effort be a part of the legacy of the transformation of humanity.

May your heart beat in the elevation of spirit and consciousness.

Contemplate the Garden of Resurrection and affirm that everything will be possible, that you will reach the goal and that you will purify the senses so that your whole being may contact and unite to the Divine Consciousness.

Contemplate the Garden of Resurrection as an opportunity of renewal and faith.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 60th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the city of Vienna, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Now I come from a place many do not know, a place where I was once received and from where I shall return to the world. You may know it as the House of the Father, the Celestial Source or the Universe.

I come from the Heart of this Universe, which has offered Itself to gestate life and Creation, so that all souls could live an experience of true and attainable love; so that souls could live an experience of redemption and of forgiveness.

I come from that Heart that pulsates in the center of the Universe and from where the Father sends Me to the world to proclaim His Word of Salvation and of Light, in order to bring you the impulses you need so that your consciousnesses may awaken to the true reality that emerges from the Heart of the Universe.

Today I show you My Face of Universality.

I am the One Who was among you more than two thousand years ago.

I am the One Who has risen, Who suffered for you and Who offered Himself to you out of love, a love that is still not known.

Behold the One Who ascended to the Heavens and Who is close to the Celestial Father to let you know the immensity of His Mercy, the great goodness of His Eternal Soul, the Infinity of His Love for each one of the creatures that have arisen from this Universe to live an experience of love and a great opportunity of forgiveness.

The history of humanity has not ended yet, nor has its past been dissolved. The Universe still needs to heal humanity and, for this to be possible, you must first heal your hearts, so that afterwards the world may be healed and finally redeemed.

With My Universal Message, I come to remove you from the superficiality of these times, from the ignorance of these times, from that which separates you from Truth and Love.

I do not wish to institute a new church in you. I wish to institute in your hearts My eternal Celestial Church, which is invisible, higher and infinite before the eyes of humankind.

Believe, companions, in the fountain that exists within you, in the universe that exists within you and that no human will be able to take from you.

I invite you to reconnect with the spirit of My Universality because, if you contemplate the Universe, you will contemplate Creation and you will attain the purpose of your lives.

I need New Christs who may feel like My Heart and My Soul do; who may know the immensity of My Works, which go beyond all churches of the Earth.

For I ascended to the Heavens for you and I come from Heaven for you, to reveal to you My new Task and the purpose the Celestial Father has placed in My Merciful Heart.

Therefore, I invite you to open your consciousnesses for you to know that I am more than Jesus, a humble man who came to the Earth to teach you about love and the importance of instruction for your lives.

Overcome the limits of matter. As you open your consciousnesses, your hearts will feel My Presence and you will know the place I come from is a special place for everyone, where all may commune with this precious Divine Energy which offers Itself from time to time, which reveals Itself from cycle to cycle so that souls may recognize the Will of God.

Do not see the Father as a judge. See the Great and Eternal One in the infinity of His Mercy. Recognize within yourselves the attributes He delivered to you out of love. Sacred Gifts of His Spirit which must awaken your talents, so that like many men and women of the Earth, you may feel encouraged to serve Him fully, experiencing service with joy and with deep bliss in your hearts.

I come from that place of the Universe so that you may know I am more than a Nazarene, and that I came here to the Earth just as I come at this time to take you to the Universe of My Truth.

In the Universality of My Heart, which you can find, you will have no restrictions or limits, because that which comes from the Source and which is in the Heart of the Son of God, invites souls to experience the Projects of the Father and to accomplish them on this planet through the donation of souls.

I invite you, companions, to find My Divine Spirit beyond forms and religions; for I come from a higher place that conceived the great opportunity for the world of bringing Love and Redemption to the Earth, so that all followers of My Heart might someday become witnesses of My Presence and of My Word.

Thus, I do not come to evangelize you, nor do I come to compromise you. I come to bring you the message of awakening, for this world and this humanity must come out of the inertia in which they have placed themselves, in order to experience their great transformation in the name of the whole Universe and of all of Creation.

Encourage yourselves to take this step and do it beyond My Name. Do it for the whole Universe, for the sake of the true experience of love that you have had in other times, and which I bring you today for you to remember it and, thus, awaken.

You are not here on this planet only for a human experience. You are a part of a Purpose and of a great Infinite Plan, which was thought and meditated by the Source and delivered to the great Archangels of Creation who, in the name of Love and of the Sacred Unity, have gestated the projects in all universes and especially within the inner universe of each being.

Therefore, recognize your filiation with the Heights. I do not ask you to become religious. I ask that your lives be redeemed and converted according to My Message, so that the Attributes of God may emerge in your hearts.

From that place of the Universe, I come to help the world, and I do not stop for those who have remained behind. I go ahead for those who accompany Me. Each soul will have its moment before Our Lord and this is something irrefutable.

Thus, with the awareness I bring you and with all the Love that I give you, establish this alliance with the Universe and continue to uplift your consciousnesses, not only through service or prayer, not only through fraternity and consideration, but also through the awakening of the consciousness to that which every being on this planet has truly committed to accomplish in the name of Creation, for the redemption of this race and the purification of this planet, for the establishment of a new and sacred humanity in communion and in alliance with all Kingdoms of Nature.

In this way, the history of this suffering humanity will change forever if more consciousnesses respond to My call; if more consciousnesses feel encouraged to search within themselves for the richness of their inner universe, which is a memory that cannot be erased.

I need, companions, that you discover within yourselves what you truly are, thus you will also help build the new times and will bring to the world the peace and the love it needs so much, so that many more souls, just like you, may be encouraged to take new steps into the sacred commitment with the Creator.

As you seek the union with your inner universe, you will be in communion with the Higher Universe and the laws in your lives will change, and you will learn through love and joy. Thus you will be My witnesses by means of the transformation of your lives.

Nevertheless, there are some consciousnesses in this time who fear to take such a step, preferring to remain in their resistance and in themselves, in order to not change. Souls believe they must suffer in order to be transformed; yet, the Law I bring you from the Universe is completely the opposite.

Feel encouraged to cross the portal I once crossed, accepting the Will of the Father and accomplishing It on the Earth according to His sacred designs from the Source.

By means of My Words and of the Universe that today I bring to all of you, I dissolve the past of Austria, the deeds of suffering and of pain, so that, through the rebirth of the Flame of Faith and the trust in the divine, souls may be encouraged to give a great "yes" to the Universe.

All of humanity is before a great choice that could change the course of events. Therefore, just as it happened more than two thousand years ago, but now in all places of the world, I come to call My flocks that come with different experiences, cultures, languages and deep histories that I come to transform and to sublimate in the Presence of the Living God, alive through the Son and His Heart.

Let us celebrate this moment when the Higher Universe enters the inner universe of hearts in order to dissolve suffering and the past, and to revive the joy of being in communion with the Heights.

Be participants of this moment, not only through the Sacraments, but also through the inner union of each one of your essences with the Son of Love.


The altar shall be blessed in order to deepen even more the inner union of hearts with the Creator, and also for His resplendent Angels to descend to the Earth bringing Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy through transubstantiation, a Law which is fulfilled today in the hearts that commune with Love.

Unique and powerful Source of the Universe, which has created everything that exists and everything that vibrates and which makes Itself present in the inner universe of each being; descend now to the Earth, so that souls may be liberated from error and may be reborn in the power of Your Glorious Love. Amen.

For the sake of the water that flowed out from My Side, may this water of conversion and of redemption spring as an immaterial source in the hearts that are opened to commune with My Spirit. Amen.

Those who have their feet washed today will be released from the past and will be granted a Grace for the merits attained by My Heart. Amen.

We offer You, Universe, the Sacrament of Redemption, so that the creatures of this material Universe, which vibrate according to Your purpose and understanding, may receive Your cells of Light, subtle and immaterial vibrations that transform the depths of beings, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.

The Immaterial Source of Love that comes from the Universe, incarnated as a human to witness the greatness of Love and of Redemption to the world.

The Immaterial Source delivers the Body and the Blood of Christ to you so that your cells may receive the impulses and merits that the Redeemer has attained.

Therefore, today I remind you of the Legacy that has been recorded in the memory of the planet for more than two thousand years.

Eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ, in order to commune with the universal legacy which God has expressed by means of His Son.

Behold the Living Love amidst men and women of the Earth. Blessed will be those who commune with It, in order to receive the Grace from the Source and the Mercy from the One and Only.

So be it.

Our Father...

This is the One Who gave Himself for you and Who will continue to give Himself. Blessed will be those who participate of the communion with the Immaterial Source. Amen.

May Peace be established in Austria and in Eastern Europe so that hearts may awaken to the call from the Source, in order to renew the times, to change forms, to rekindle spirits and to rejoice hearts.

In the name of the Source of Love and of the Center of this Universe, I give you Peace, for you to be peace, for you to radiate peace, for you to carry the Peace of My Heart to those who most need it.

God bless on this day, by the intercession of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, all those who listen to My Word.

Receive the Peace and the Mercy of God.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My great Universal Convocation.

Now you may give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you!


Second Message

It is the love of My friends that makes Me come to the world many times and I do not tire of doing it, because in them I will be able to find the reason to accomplish My Work in humanity, and in all nations.

While I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord revealed to Me the wonders that would happen after My Ascension, until this moment, in which we find ourselves today.

He revealed to Me the prodigies and the works that My followers would carry out, and although it would be difficult to accomplish, and to carry forward, they would never be lacking the impetus of the Divine Spirit in order to concretize them.

After so many sufferings lived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of Holy Thursday, after Our Father showed Me all that would happen, not only with My Consciousness, but also with humanity and its generations, an angel of the Lord presented itself to give Me encouragement and joy, to give Me strength and motivation to keep drinking the Chalice, that the Father was offering to Me, for the redemption of all sinners, for the salvation of humanity and for the conversion of the whole Earth and of all of its races.

The angel of the Lord showed Me what would happen after I had been on Earth and ascended to the Heavens.

No one could imagine how many prodigies God can accomplish through the souls that follow Me and live Me.

I am not here for the ungrateful, I am here for those who are consistent with Me and make an effort to be so in each stage of life, at each moment of living a greater sacrifice for My Heart and for My Consciousness, in each opportunity of just saying “yes” to Me.

This “yes” of all of My servers and followers, I use it in order to come to the world and announce the Word of God, which will resonate in the faithful hearts, which will arise as a wellspring in the humble hearts, which will transform those who have not been redeemed yet, nor imagined they could be redeemed by My Presence.

Today I bring you this reality and this revelation.

In that time, the angel of the Lord came to console Me, just as I come today to console you, and all who listen to Me.

Because love is the great key that dissolves all evil.

Love is this powerful current that transforms all, and that vivifies the souls.

The Spirit of the Love of God is invincible and eternal, just as your love for My Heart and for My Consciousness can be eternal. This is what will allow Me to come to the world; it is your faithfulness that will allow Me, through you, to fulfill the Plan that the Father gave Me for this cycle, such an acute and suffering cycle in humanity.

Thus, I invite you in this afternoon to see the positive side of things, to see the fulfillment of the Plan by means of the difficulties and tests. Because what I most hope for is that you can grow internally, that you can give testimony of My Presence and of My arrival in the world in these critical times.

Those who do not respond to Me, or have ceased to respond to Me, I will take care of; because what God has delivered as purpose for these souls cannot be interfered with, nor altered. Thus, everything will have a judgment, not only within humankind, but also in the whole Earth.

I come to pour on you My Mercy, and My Grace, so that everything may purify and sublimate. 

There is still time to save and redeem yourselves, but the first rule I ask of you is your rendition.

Who does not surrender will not be able to follow Me, and in this moment you are already seeing examples.

Rendition breaks and tears resistance.

Rendition breaks the hardest rock of consciousness and the most impossible obstacle of the being.

Love will win together with the rendition of the souls who surrender in faithfulness to My Heart, so that I can build the new in each one of them.

My testimony is to tell you the Truth, because the Truth is love and it is transparency.

Transparency must be the stamp engraved in your hearts, so that you can endure the times that will come without deceptions, nor interferences.

I still need you to work on this, even if it costs you, even if you do not know how to live it, even if you have not incarnated it in yourselves yet.

Live in My inner Transparency and you will always find the Truth, and the heart of your beings will not be lonely, it will be filled by My Spirit and My Grace, in order to be renewed, from time to time.

In this afternoon I encourage you to contemplate the greatness that the angel of the Lord revealed to Me, through the last witnesses that would pronounce My Name to the world and would say that I am already returning, to definitely change this humanity.

Thus, be brave and follow the Star of the Confraternity of My Heart, which will be the emblem that will guide you when I am no longer present, and only My Words will be the testimony of My Love for you and for humanity, so you can remember that in each message delivered, I left you an important key, in order to change.

My Heart feels bliss for those who correspond to Me.

My Heart feels plenitude for those who participate in My Work and make it theirs in their lives, at each moment of prayer, at each moment of service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, at each moment in which you say “yes” to the Lord.

Thus, let your hearts not be mistaken, because if I am still here it is because I need something from you, and you have to give it to Me for the Plan to be fulfilled.

There is nothing more important, companions, than the Kingdom of God being fulfilled on Earth, and the souls being participants in My Celestial Church, in the confines of the world and in each inner being.

Yesterday I gave you the revelation of My pain for those who offend Me; today I give you the revelation of My joy, the joy that the angel of the Lord gave Me for those who accept Me in an unconditional and true way.

I do not need you to be perfect, I need you to be transparent and very crystalline, as the water that runs in the rivers and which encompasses great oceans.

Submerge in this potency of My living and resplendent Heart, and evil will not find you or confound you there. 

Because who is true to My Heart, will be able to be true with their brother or sister, will be able to say “yes” to Me and to their neighbor. Even when you believe you will not manage, even when you think you will not be able to donate yourselves, you will be able to do it, when you confirm your “yes” to My Heart.

The pain may be deep in the Heart of the Master, but the joy that is given to Me, from those who serve Me, is eternal and invincible.

Cling to the living Attributes of My Heart, so that I can keep working in the world, and you will see in a short time, and what I tell you is not symbolic, you will see in a short time, many more who will come, in an unthinkable way, to the Work of your Master and Lord.

May unity be established in the heart of those who want to follow My Path.

I will not stop Myself for those who deny Me.

I will not move away from those who follow Me.

I will not detain My steps for those who turn their back on Me, because My Heart will triumph, just as the Living Heart of God triumphed on the Cross, in His Son.

But now, I will not shed My Blood to demonstrate to you that God died on the Cross for you, to forgive you for your offenses and ingratitude.

Now I will demonstrate the current of My Grace and My Mercy, which will illuminate the hearts of the world, forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monthly Messages

First Message

My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.

My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.

We are in the hour of this great truth.

We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.

Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.

It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.

Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.

This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.

In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.

Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.

But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.

Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.

You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.

For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.

And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.

Companions, the time has come for definition.

The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.

Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.

Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.

If there is not love, nothing can be solved.

Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.

I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.

You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.

The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.

Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.

The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.

And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.

Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.

You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.

You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.

Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?

What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.

I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.

Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.

I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.

I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.

I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.

I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane;  a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.

Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.

Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.

Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.

My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.

My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.

I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.

Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?

Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago. 

May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.

May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.

May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.

May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the 49th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Jesus Christ:

Today I come to proclaim My advent, but also My thanks for the good, honest and sincere souls, that have congregated here to celebrate with their Lord the triumph of His Kingdom in humanity. This event is part of My celestial Victory on the planet.

Do not fear companions, neither here nor in any part of the world, because My rival is agitated, it is a sign that his defeat is near.

Today I also come for the souls that suffer and are not here, present like you are, participating in this intimate Communion with My merciful Heart.

Through your prayers in these two days, a great number of souls could be immersed in the Ocean of My Mercy. The most indelible and unforgiving sins were dissolved by the celestial Flame of My Grace.

Now see, My companions, My soldiers, My disciples, what is the real task for the end of these times. Do not search for greater results through this Work. This will happen if My Father wishes so.

I invite you to always live in love and in truth, because you will always know how to be free from the prisons of this planet and of all the worldly illusions.

Today your souls opened the eyes of the consciousness.

Today your hearts opened the doors to the infinite. And this is part of My Grace, of all that My Sacred Heart grants to the souls, after having experienced the sorrowful Passion, a long time ago.

Today you have made My Cross lighter. Therefore, I am here together with the angels of the universe, to celebrate with you this new Supper, today the Supper of joy. Hope is very necessary in these times. Your hearts can never lose hope, because your brothers and sisters will come to look for hope in you and in each example of love and charity.

So, I come to pour upon you My Gifts, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Flame of God, which builds the evolutionary consciousness, transcendence and ascension. 

Today I come to talk to you, through the Law of Ascension, that Law that the Universe applied to raise My Consciousness to the Universe, more than two thousand years ago. This Law allows you to experience the transcendence of all that is corrupt, only when you open your hearts, as you have opened them in these two days.

The Law is broken under its own weight, and the souls no longer have unpayable burdens to experience. The chains are liberated, the ties are untied and the Ray of Will-Power is manifested in all that is planetary life.

Although the waters of the world and the nations are muddy, know that I will not abandon you. I fulfill the promises that I make, as I have fulfilled them with My apostles, with all the Christians, throughout times and by means of all miracles.

Today I come from the Heaven of My Celestial Church. May the doors open for the angels of the universe to descend and so we will praise the All Mighty, the Creator, for making humanity worthy so many Graces.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us listen to the song "Praise be to God, Glorious His Kingdom. Hallelujah, Hallelujah."

All together. Opening the doors to the Celestial Church.

And now, at the request of Christ, let us open the doors to the angelical and archangelical universe. Let us sing the melodic Kodoish, united to our Guardian Angels, following the exercise that Our Lord is doing.

Let us worship, together with the angels, our Creator.

Let us be accompanied by Christ before the Primordial Source.

Let us visualize, through our hearts, this luminous Presence of the Father that approaches humanity by means of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Sacred Heart.

Let us see how our Master, within His Celestial Church, opens the door that will lead us to the encounter with the Creator.

Let us visualize through this portal of light that Christ opens to us, a great ocean of light, deep blue. Above it, we see a great sphere of golden light, more luminous than many suns and above it, we see our Eternal Father in His aspect of Wisdom and Discernment, of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy.

Let us see around our Father the different angelic winged consciousnesses that kneel before our Father and slightly bowing our heads, we will greet our Father, the Creator. Abba.

Jesus has taken us to Him so that we will hear Him, we will hear the Voice of our Father, just as the Voice of our Father has spoken to His beloved Son, many times.

In this recollection and adoration before the Primordial Source and before this Spiritual Universe, of which Christ invites us to fully commune, let us perform, at His request, an act of forgiveness and reconciliation.

And before the Primordial Source, let us deposit our feelings, our thoughts, our errors, our misunderstandings, our deviations, in order to serve the Father through Christ, from the Source of His Mercy.

Let us put our hands in a sign of reception, resting them on our legs. Let us relax our physical body for the Spiritual Energy of the Creator to enter our consciousness, through our head and towards the whole body, reaching the center of our heart.

At this moment, before the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the angels and the Archangels and our Heavenly Father, let us issue this act of pardon and of reconciliation, liberating our hearts from any bitterness, from any disturbance or any affliction that ties us, that limits us on our spiritual path.

In the silence of our heart and of our consciousness, let us put in the hands of Christ our miseries and let us receive from Christ what He will withdraw from the Source and hand us in a profound emptiness, without intention nor expectation, in a profound nothingness.

Let us surrender at the Feet of the Heavenly Father, let us see His kind and merciful Gaze, let us see how He holds out to us His Arms and His Hands as a Father who embraces His little child, and let us be in peace, in communion with the universal life.

Creator Father:

Listen, children, to the Voice of your Father. Humanity, listen to the Voice of your Creator Father.

Straighten your paths. Place your hearts in the Hands of your Lord because the innocence of the world is being lost and the darkness is advancing, distancing all My creatures from the Source of My Love.

Receive from My Celestial Kingdom the healing for your consciousnesses, the Light for your renewal, the Love for your ascension, the redemption for your liberation.

Enter My celestial Church and say to all your brothers and sisters that the time has come of the return of the Father, to give witness of what you have learned on this planet.

Today a synthesis is taking place in your lives and a new spiritual cycle starts in your small consciousnesses.

Children of this Creation, let your loving Father deposit His Gifts in your hearts and, finally, in the name of Love be others, on this planet that suffers so much, that agonizes so much and that suffers persecution of this race and the destruction of all that I have created in image and likeness of My Consciousness. 

Feel the pain of Mother Earth and the request of Her Mercy. Feel the pain of the Kingdoms and Their request for redemption. Feel nature, that asks for peace. Feel the consciousness of this planet, the Great Crystal at the center of Earth that, in silence, asks for piety.

You are part of this world and of this Creator Universe. You are part of a Life that does not belong to you. You are part of an origin, a beginning and  an end, thought of by My fatherly Heart.

In this profound emptiness, that I invite you to experience today, in the Arms of your Eternal Father and in a profound surrender, of love and unity, I ask you, children, to help My universal Plan, all My angels, all the Archangels, My beloved Son and My blessed Mother.

Receive from the Source, the most Holy Trinity and commune, in My Celestial Church, with these Principles. May your cells awaken to the newness, may your feelings be raised and may your fears be dissolved; the time of the Great Judgement of Love has arrived, where I will come to ask you, children, all that I have given you, from My immaterial universe.

Before My Source, and before the Universe of My Love, find in it the Divine Purity. Believe that it is possible to recover it, because if I Am your Father  in Heaven, nothing will ever be impossible for His children, when it is My Divine Will.

Today receive in your inner worlds, a small spark from the Source of Original Purity and make it grow within you, as a flower grows to praise to the Creation.

Now put your hand on your chest and see how a flower of light opens itself in your inner worlds, and the reconciliation is established between the spiritual universe and the material universe.

There is no evil that opposes this, because if My Will, children, is that I am in you, it is also My Will that you be in Me, as My Son is in Me and I am in Him, in perfect unity.

With this exercise of the purest Love of your Creator, I dispel some darkness on Earth and I bring Grace, on this afternoon, of the awakening of new consciousnesses.

Children, be My Columns, so that I may erect My Temple over you and keep within it all those who suffer.

I leave you with My Son, because in My Son is Life, as part of My divine Emanation and of My sublime Consciousness in all the universes of Creation.

Today, in this place, a cosmic Law is fulfilled and Grace manifests itself to a great number of consciousnesses. This is a work of the Love that I feel for My children, but more so those who distanced themselves from Me and are lost.

Be the mirror of God in the world and My Light will be able to refract itself in humanity. Believe that it is possible, because in this way you will not recognize yourselves.

Jesus Christ:

If My Father had not sent me to the world, I would never have learned to love, because through My enemies is the experience of love and the expression of My Divine Mercy. 

Today I have brought you here, to the Source and before My Celestial Father, for you to listen, to experience and to feel Him, just as I feel Him every second of life and in each breath.

May the world turn its eyes to the universe, for it to recover its affiliation with God. May the world not offend God anymore, because the Father feels very offended by so much indifference, so much evil, so much cruelty.

Be the bearers of the Mercy of God and you will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, as you have experienced today the Kingdom of Heaven for a moment.

God has pronounced Himself, after His Silence. Blessed are those who opened their ears without being able to see, because they will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I would like the world to experience the sublime universes, but I know that My enemy has put himself in charge of distancing humanity from its true consciousness.

Today, after you have learned to connect yourselves to God, imitate My example and do it for your brothers and sisters, for all those who are asleep.

I come to close this meeting through this union with the Creator. I come to officiate these Sacraments as one more gift for the souls. I ask you not to lose these inner treasures. May nothing or anyone takes them away, because they belong to the Creator for the experience of the souls.

Now, My angels will transubstantiate the elements and substances, for them to serve as healing, joy and bliss to the simple souls. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand up, at the request of Our Lord, for the consecration of the elements.

Jesus Christ:

Now, receive from My Heat the blessing of Love, the eternal gratitude for this meeting. And as this is part of the rejoicing of God and of the work of His Grace, today I want the nations of the world, beyond Brazil and the Southern Cone, to receive from their hearts the Ray of Hope, the one that opens the doors for the healing of humanity.

I rise to Heaven, listening to "Hope Color." May your voices sing for the world, for the hearts to heal from their spiritual pain.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, God, for all You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.


Special Message of Mary, Mother and Lady of All Graces, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

As Mother of the Church of My Son, Mother of that sacred spiritual doctrine that Jesus established before His Ascension, today I come to inform you that as your Mother from Heaven, I am gathering together all the soldiers of the entire world, especially those who come from different spiritual paths, in order to fulfill the prophecies of My son, the Apostle Saint John, to be able to unite in one spiritual flock the New Humanity, a humanity of service, a praying and forgiven humanity that in these times, under the intercession of My Grace, must respond to the great Call of the Most High.

Fort this reason, for those who are still asleep, pray! For those who separated themselves from My blessed maternal Heart, pray! For those who suffer physically and morally, pray! For those who do not live in God, pray! Pray for all and for all causes.

I ask you, My dear ones, that today you offer to God the prayer of the Holy Rosary so that My Immaculate Heart may implore before Him. A great moment is approaching for all My children of humanity, a moment that you call purification.

To those children who sustain with Me the banner of peace and of Divine Mercy, I promise you, as your Most Holy Mother from Heaven, that I will be able to change the events, offering God the Father My Heart for all of you.

Dear children, today I do not come to bring you restlessness or concern; today I come to bring you planetary awareness of the things that humanity still does and repeats without paying attention to the gravity of their destiny.

For this reason, strengthen your groups of prayer, strengthen your networks of fraternity, prepare as from now the way for what is to come. No longer waste time on yourselves, but rather, dedicate your time to being united to the Heavens so that, during this cycle, you are within the Kingdom of My eternal Grace.

As I have done in the past, I will do so again in the present; I will step on the evil of the world with My feet and I will liberate with My powers the hearts that simply say 'yes' to Me.

Get into the boat of salvation that My Son is sending you, and with attention, read the signs of the events.

Dear children, before the glorious coming of My Son Jesus, the world must be at another point; for this, to the few flocks that I count on, I will give guidance of where to walk until you are able to reach Heaven and Paradise.

Children, humanity is in need of much help. For this reason, in all the time available to you, offer to God your prayers and your sacrifices, offer the Father your transformation and your inner sorrows; for the world as a whole is drowning and needs to breathe freely and in its nature, as it was in the beginning of Genesis.

Dearly beloved, your planet is part of the great redemptive Project of God; the universe is paying attention to the willingness of the servers who, with love, accept to sustain and support it in the end of times.

Know this and remember this always; I am with you and in you. My Mantle protects those who strive to be in God Almighty.

We are in the time of reparation of the spirit and the soul. We are in the time of liberation and of healing for all consciousnesses.

Let us pray with our heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Grace and Love,

Mary, Lady of All Graces

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
