Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like the Light of God that descends to Earth, I present Myself to you again and, through you, to humanity, so that they may listen to the Voice of God, which resounds from the innermost depths of His Creation, so that souls may attain Light, so that nations may live the Will of God, which was foreseen from the beginning.

However, I know this is not happening. Just like Us, you see it in the daily life of this humanity and of this planet, because the great time of the Apocalypse is being fulfilled, and no one will be able to escape this, companions.

This is why, throughout the times, We have called you to live a state of perpetual and true prayer, while making sure that a day does not pass without praying, because the word of prayer will always guide you, even if you walk amidst darkness and tribulation.

I come here as the Great Witness of God’s Mercy for the world.

I Am that One Who was nailed to the Cross with My Arms extended upon the wood, in the greatest agony, which no human being has ever experienced. I did not condemn you, I supplicated for you. This is why I surrendered Myself for you so that you might have life in abundance, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord.

However, despite so many Apparitions and Messages announced by Our Sacred Hearts throughout the centuries, few are those who have responded to the call of God.

This is why, during the month of April of this year, I called you to accompany Me to Israel, and you were able to closely experience My Holy Land, which, also until today, is guarded in trenches and weapons to be defended from its enemies.

However, what is the limit between what is superficial and what is profound, between what the human being may feel and what they can express?

God the Father has dedicated His Life and Existence, from the beginning of this Creation, since the first humanity on the planet, for all to know Divine Life in depth. Even more, He surrendered and gave Himself for you, so that you might learn to recognize Him, so that you might learn to adore Him, so that the faith of each one of you might be an inexhaustible source that never comes to an end.

This is why I repeat to you again that very few have understood God’s Call. And today, under the Unfathomable Light of His Mercy, through His great channel of Mercy in Poland, once again I present myself in the Name of God to try to bring souls to the essence of Divine Life, in which evil and impunity are not practiced, in which the promised happiness of the Kingdom of the Heavens exists, in which there is no anguish, pain or suffering.

After what I suffered on Mount Calvary, following what I experienced right after My Death on the Cross and in the Holy Sepulcher, I can tell you, companions, that the human being on this surface has lived extreme experiences that many of My children live today through exile, conflict and war, through persecution due to their religion and faith.

Because in truth I tell you that you are a Project on this planet, originated at the beginning to be a unique Project, and thus to be one spiritual family. If this had been understood by the humanity of surface, many things that happen today would not happen.

This is why we must descend from the Heavens time and again, because humanity is always on the verge of becoming lost, of falling into an abyss without return and bringing millions of souls to the same state, without imagining what this truly means.

This is why I Am here today once more for Ukraine and for those people who also live war and are not in the news in the world, because their suffering and pain are hidden.

How is it possible, companions, that after I shed Blood and Water on the Cross, and the surface of this world was transmuted and liberated by My own Blood and My own Water, humanity continues to live like this, under the evil spirit of indifference and impunity?

This is why the moment of the Universal Judgment will come, something that humanity does not know. But I do not come here to speak to you about what will happen in the world, because you have heard this from Me many times. Today I come to speak to you from the entrails of My Mercy, which are spiritually open so that souls may enter the ocean of God’s Mercy, just as you enter the ocean of My Love today.

I come here to be a witness that Love exists and that, regardless of what humanity may do or the errors it may commit, this Higher Love can never be defeated, dissolved or extirpated from the Heart of this Creation, which is the Heart of God. Because evil reflects great disobedience, an illusory capacity to live one’s own will and decide one’s destiny by oneself. Sooner or later, companions, souls suffer, because they resist living the Will of God.

All beings on the surface of the Earth are here, in this school, to learn to love and forgive. I have given you the example of My Life, without conditions and in an intimate and spiritual way.

I instructed you through parables, so that your minds might understand the essence of the Message. So that, with everyday and simple examples such as those that exist in the parables of the Gospel, all beings without exception, regardless of their schools and experiences, could learn to live in Higher Laws. But even so, many do not live in them.

This is why I present Myself as the Merciful God, so that errors may be mended and sins may be transmuted, errors and sins incited by My adversary through the souls of the world, especially those who do not live any degree of consecration.

Who will be with Me on the day of Universal Judgment, to bear witness of salvation and Mercy to the most lost souls ?

I taught you that you should not fight against the enemy, but rather you should overcome it through Love, the Love that converts the heart hardened by its own suffering and pain. Love will always be the Light of Life.

This is why humanity loses this Light in these times, by wanting to abort unborn lives and outraging the Laws of Creation. And this is not part of a religious thought, but rather the science of the ethics of life, of having a minimum capacity of discernment, that if a consciousness destroys a life that was not born, it destroys its own life and essence, distancing itself from Love and Truth.

This is why I tell the world, especially families, for the last time: take care of your children, be good, watchful parents who guard your children. Do not allow the evil influences of these times to make of your children objects that are not of God, expressions that are not of God, running the risk of causing the souls of your loved ones to die.

But this will not happen through imposition, but rather through the living word of love, which, in an incessant and uninterrupted way, repeats as many times as necessary out of love, so that the souls of your children and loved ones may have the Grace of being before the Truth, which is permeated by God’s Love, rather than by a justice that is imposed on hearts for them to change. See the science of language and the mystery of the Creator Word, which, simply through one word, can transform a lost heart.

And do not forget to pray for those who suffer from wars, because this world wants to create more senseless wars and, in this way, create more suffering and more pain in humanity.

Although My time with you in this final cycle of the times is coming to an end, collect all the fruits that I have given to you through My Words, drink from the inexhaustible Fountain of the Love that springs from My Merciful Heart for all souls.

Bring souls toward My Mercy. Do not judge. Do not punish. Do not use authority, because Authority is in God, through His Wisdom and His Science.

Be Merciful. Do not forget this, because the world distances itself more each day from God’s Mercy and places itself in its own justice and impunity, because God’s Justice is Love, not punishment.

Tell the world that this is not God, so that the errors made by many thinkers and writers, even those of religious life, may be corrected so that the world may know the God of Love and Life. Because He knows that you will fall again, but God will not judge you. A father, a good father, knows that his children will try, and He patiently waits for them to take the definitive step toward perpetual communion with His Heart.

There are so many treasures that wait to descend from the Heavens, that humanity, enveloped in its own conflicts, does not even perceive that Heaven is above their heads.

Seek at night, in the great stellar firmament, your star of origin, and tell God:


Lord, here I am,
this is how I am.

I surrender to You in trust
so that, through this imperfect life,
You may reflect Your Love.


May Ukraine and the enslaved nations of the world be blessed once again. Extending My Arms, as the Redeemer of the world, through My Hands and My Heart I illuminate humanity so that it may someday attain communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, together with Me, companions, let us pray to the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus so that, in the chalices that are at My Feet today, your offerings and sacrifices may be deposited, in reparation of the Heart of Jesus and of all Tabernacles of the Earth.

Let us pray together, as one voice and one heart:


Most Holy God,
Source of Love, Light and Life,
receive our most sincere offerings,
in glory to You, O Glorious Creator!
(6 times)

I will leave you now with a part of My Life, reflected through the Holy Eucharist, through the same impulse and the same Light that I instituted in the Holy Cenacle, for all priestly life on the planet.

Let us pray for the priests, so that they may remain steady in their office and in their service for souls, so that they may be light in the world, love and charity.

May the Light of My Spiritual Priesthood accompany you.

Go in peace.

Your hearts have been purified.

Peace for Ukraine and the world. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day after the great purification will come, when the seals of the New Humanity will be opened.

And the Lords of the Law will come to Earth and open these seals, so that the Books may reveal to the world the new time of humanity, of all the redeemed humanity.

And the Lords of the Law will enter the Temple and find the Tabernacle of the Heart of Christ, more resplendent, luminous and alive than hundreds of suns of the universe.

And the Lord, elevating His Hand toward the Heavens, will call for the presence of the Resplendent, of all Elohim.

Thus, the angels will descend with the Scrolls, and the Elders of the Law will enter the Temple with the Books open.

In that hour, the choirs will sing and praise God, and the aspect of Yahveh will come to Earth to present itself, much more than a dove of Light, much more than the Sacred Holy Spirit.

The Living God will make Himself present in the hearts of men and women of the Earth, and all the pilgrims of these times, will come to the Temple, to recognize within themselves the inner dwelling, the existence of immortality, the eternity of the spirit and essence of all those who have firmly proclaimed their faith in Christ.

Also in that hour, from beside the Temple, the Mother of God will draw near, and the new holy women will be congregated in prayer and spirit.

When the angels present themselves in the Temple, with the Scrolls, and the Elders of the Law position themselves before the Resplendent, that will be the time for the descent of the New Jerusalem, and the codes of life, which come from the Supreme Source, will return to the planet.

At that moment, on the top of Mount Sinai, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be opened. And those Patriarchs of old and the Prophets will gather in praise and prayer, as it was in the last times, in the sacred times of the people of Israel.

The Temple will give an inner indication of the great moment, when the Sacred Relics of the Hierarchy will emerge from the planet, will be visible on the surface of those Sacred Places chosen by God and which, since old times, in absolute silence, have kept the sacred treasures of the Brotherhood.

At that moment, the angels will open the Scrolls before the Son of God, and all sacred names will be revealed, the Shepherd will call His sheep again and this will be the moment of the Great Universal Judgment, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat.

The Holy Lady of the Universe will elevate Her Voice as She had never done before, and Her prayer will be heard throughout all the universe, in all Creation.

The holy women will remember the Legacy of Christ lived on Earth and, as new martyrs, they will offer themselves for all humanity and for the redemption of the planet. Upon them, in sacrifice, the Crown of Christ will descend, and the new apostles will be called for this meeting.

In a favorite union of souls with God, the new essence, the new life, will emerge, clean and free from sin, as it emerged at the beginning, from the original purity.

Thus, the Sacred Lakes of Light will be present in the universe and, in perfect attunement and synchronicity, they will cause the descent to the world of the Legacy of the trajectory of the New Christs, those who were capable of resigning and surrendering for love, capable of becoming empty of themselves, so that the Whole may live, the favorite dwelling of the Creator.

In that hour, before the Elders of the Law and the Resplendent Son of the Father, before the Scrolls that will be opened by the angels of Heaven, the secret of the Plan will be revealed, which had been preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, being open on the top of Mount Sinai, will not only be like a teraphim for the whole world, but also Its Light and Resplendence will completely illuminate humanity and the four corners of the Earth.

Then, the Elohim will call the tribes of Israel from the four corners of the Earth. The tribe from the South will come to the top of Mount Sinai. The tribe from the North will come to the top of Mount Sinai. Then the tribe from the East will come also to the top of Mount Sinai. And lastly, the tribe of the West will come. And perfect unity will be established, fulfilling the Original Project.

In this hour, the Son of the Father will receive in His Hand the Sacred Scepter of God, from the Hands of the Heavenly Lady. The Government will be established on the planet and the world will finally enter Brotherhood. The Principles and Laws that were corrupted will be re-established and, upon belonging to the filiation of God, all will find the happiness they had always sought.

Worthy children of God will be called and summoned, not by their birth names, but rather by their names of origin, and within the hearts of all will resound this perfect vibratory key that emerged from your essences at the beginning, and which the Father looked after and supported with attention and love.

At last, the world will live what it has so long waited for, and the Son of the Father will walk among His again, opening the paths of fraternity.

Thus, the Essenes of old will present themselves and so will the Templar Knights. All those who were a part of the Christ’s history will present themselves, from the saints to the blessed ones, from the servers to the most humble and anonymous. All those who did something for Christ during His incarnation will be summoned by the Lord to celebrate once again the institution of the Spiritual Government of the Father, which will remind them of their origin.

Thus, those errors that are kept in the stars will be dissolved and never again will a sword rise against anyone, war will no longer be the cause of so much evil, impunity will no longer be the weapon of those who claim to be powerful.

And all those who were unjustly affected will be honored and placed at the foot of the Altar of the Creator, and thus, the angels of the universe will give them the crowns of Light and bless those who were consistent, who were capable of giving their lives for others, who were capable of going beyond their imperfections and errors.

Everything will be contemplated and considered, nothing will remain outside the Law. This is why the Elders of the Law will come with their life stories, not only those they have lived on this Earth, but also those they have lived in the Cosmos. But these Sacred Books will reveal the experience of My Love in you, of all that which I have managed to make of your lives. Therefore, decide to be free from yourselves, no longer carry the chains of error and guilt, free yourselves, once and for all, from this oppression.

My Blood was shed to free you. My Body was flagellated to relieve you. The Son of God was mistreated so that your lives might be redeemed and sanctified in Christ, giving honor and glory to the Christic Legacy of Love.

This is why, in advance, I prepare you internally for this great moment, which is being lived by all the universe, is being prepared by the Elders of the Law, by the new Council of Sanhedrin.

May your spirits feel the bliss of this revelation, may your souls feel joy for this great moment. Because those assigned and anointed by Christ will be called in the end of these times to testify to the Love of the Redeemer, the Love that has become part of their lives, the Love that, through you, has been able to multiply to put an end to suffering in the world and to the annihilation of life.

I Am here, asking God and aspiring, through your hearts, that no one else in this world may have to live the death penalty, because this is not a part of God, but rather of the pride and arrogance of humanity.

The Tree of Life rose on the top of Mount Calvary. This Tree yielded its fruits for all without conditions, shed Its Blood for all sinners and, up to today, this Sacred Tree of Life continues to pour out Its Love both for all those who have condemned themselves and for all those who say ‘yes.’

Today, I bring you a part of the secrets of God that are unveiled, because it is time for you to be aware of all this, so that you not only grow internally, but also mature externally, as soldiers, apostles and warriors of My Mercy who must give your lives for Me.

This is why on last November 3, I presented several questions to you. I hope you have not forgotten them after just two days. You must learn not only to love the Instruction of the Hierarchy, but also to live it through effort, through the imperious need to concretize the Plan.

The Lord is here, praying for this great moment for all. He says that many will not understand the meaning of this event that I revealed it to you today, because it is necessary to love God first, before everything else, because there is no other way to understand the Plan, but by loving what is unknown.

My time is finishing here in Brazil. With gratitude and love, I give thanks for all those who, through this Pilgrimage for Peace in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, not only were witnesses of My Love for you, but were also consistent and aware enough to collaborate with the manifestation of the Plan, through these sacred meetings with the Divine Messengers.

After this long pilgrimage in South America, I hope that many more will have understood that the Hierarchy is where it is necessary and indispensable, where love, peace and truth are really missing.

My Arms will always be extended as Christ the Redeemer, not only upon Rio de Janeiro, but also upon the whole world, announcing the Return of Christ to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The lady, or whoever is coughing, the Master is telling you to go and drink water from the Fountain, and all will be well with you.


In this way, today I also bless the Fountain of Christ of this Marian Center, which was built with the effort and self-giving of hearts. Thus, I hope that many more, in this new cycle, make efforts to concretize the requests of the Hierarchy on the surface of this planet, in the Light-Communities, at the Marian Centers, in the Monasteries of the Order and in all those spaces of the world where it will be necessary and urgent to manifest a point of Light. This is a task of conscious and awakened beings, responsible for the Plan of Love and Brotherhood.

Therefore, I thank those who made the Fountain of the Seven Rays of Jesus possible. May all those who listen at this moment know that, at this humble Marian Center, on the top of these mountains of Rio de Janeiro, they will not only find Christ, the Redeemer, but also the Fountain of His Grace and Mercy expressed by the Seven Rays of His Heart. Come to drink from those Graces, come to be baptized and receive sacraments, renew the vows to My Heart each time it might be necessary.

This is the Fountain for the healing of souls. For those who, through different paths, must definitively enter My Heart through the Light of the Seven Rays.

My time has ended, I bless this Community and all those who are part of it, My companions who sustain it in liturgy and service, in self-giving for the Kingdoms of Nature, making the evolutionary life possible in the Light-Communities.

Pray for all that the Hierarchy must carry forward in the last months of 2022, and all that must happen from 2023 onward, when more intense situations will be lived.

Pray for the strengthening of the Humanitarian Missions, pray for the permanent presence and existence of the channel of Instruction, because many will need to quench their spiritual thirst, be correctly oriented and led, be removed from this world confusion so that they may return to the encounter with their inner universe, their essence.

Pray for the sacred task that the Spiritual Hierarchy must carry out in North-America and the Middle-East, pray so that Mercy may also come to Asia and Oceania. Accompany Our Steps in collaboration and donation, in perpetual prayer, in constant vigil, in Sacred Adoration. Thus, the most potent channel of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy in Poland may be even more present on the surface through mirror-beings of prayer.

I would like to leave one more Grace before I leave, before you enter My Spiritual Communion, to make the synthesis of all that was lived throughout these days. Because I tell you again, companions, you must not lose the Word of the Hierarchy or forget what We tell you, because the guidelines are unique and the moments are unique, and they can no longer be repeated.

The Grace that I want to leave to you is spiritual, it is not only a Celestial Grace, but it is also a Spiritual Grace, by consecrating, for this Marian Center, new Helpers of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I invite you to approach this Altar and position yourselves at My Feet, just as the holy women always did. And now, I ask the other helpers, already consecrated, to stay in inner prayer behind those who will be consecrated today.

Bring the elements to Me, for this consecration: the rings, the symbolic Heart and the veil.


O Celestial Father!
Through these elements, that I Am blessing today,
through the strength of My Love and My Mercy,
may they have a reason to praise and recognize You as the One God,
as the Lord of the Heights and of the Universe,
just as the angels recognize, adore and praise You eternally.

Through the Sacred Request of Your Son Jesus Christ,
through these elements,
deposit Graces in the souls that will receive them,
to give honor to the Name of Christ,
as the Way, the Truth and the Life
of all those who seek peace.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing the song of the Anointment, to accompany this consecration.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María Magdalena.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María de la Paz.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María del Alivio del Sufrimiento.

Today, Our Lord is consecrating you as Estrella del Mañana.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María Celestial.


Thus, I gather all daughters of My Mother, from different paths and different experiences, renewing each one with My Spirit, bringing My Consoling Spirit, that one which I promised to the apostles at Pentecost.

Make of My Altars points of Light for the planet. Make of your hearts Temples of the Lord, so that your lives may be elevated in an offering to the Heart of the Redeemer.

Today, I offer Myself as your Celestial Husband in this alliance with the Son of the Father, with the Son of the Holy Spirit, as your Master of Fraternity, the One who walks next to the simple and the humble, those who aspire to be bearers of peace.

I consecrate you as My Helpers of the Divine Mercy. Be welcome to My inner army of Light. Be Light for the world through your example, effort and sacrifice, with one goal: for the triumph of My Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.

This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.

For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.

But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.

For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.

And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:

Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!

Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!

Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!

You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.

In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.

For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.

Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.


I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week,  will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.

Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.


Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.

This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.

For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.

I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.

May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.

May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.


Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.


“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.

May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:




“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”


I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.

I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.

I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.

I rest in the hearts that open.

Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.

Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”


At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.

That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.


In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.


In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.

And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.

While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”


I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.

I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the Sacred Week, day 4, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You will see a great sign in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with twelve stars, with a Moon at Her feet, announcing the next coming of your Redeemer.

On Her right, you will see the prophet John the Baptist resume proclaiming the Word of God for the thousand years of peace to be fulfilled in the whole sphere of the Earth and in this local universe.

Afterward, you will see coming among the clouds, with a great crash of light, your Lord and Master, the Redeemer, surrounded by many legions of angels that will proclaim with their trumpets the awakening of the New Humanity.

But before this happens, the Eternal Father will come, through His Beloved Son, with all His Might, with all His Science, and with all His Wisdom He will make His small Heart shine, because the Heart that He will cause to shine, will be stronger than five million suns.

You will see the Divinity of the Father in His most beloved Son and in His beloved Lady, followed by Saint Gabriel the Archangel and by Saint Michael the Archangel, who will place His sword in the center of this world, in direction to the Earth and will signal to the tribes where they should congregate to be able to hear again, in consciousness and awakening, the Word of your Lord God Almighty through His beloved Son, the Redeemer.

Then the Judgement will come, the Universal Judgement, in which the souls will be judged according to the merits reached in their earthly life and, by all the sacrifices offered to God, many of these souls that live today on the planet this experience of love and forgiveness, will become blessed and simple, so similar to God that this sensation and this sentiment will be recognized by all the universes and beyond them.

After that, you will see the judgment of Lucifer, which will be made by the Holy Archangel Gabriel, gathering all the Lords of the Universal Judgement, he will experience the judgment in the face of the world and humanity.

And the Father, with all the power of His Mercy and Love, through Saint Michael the Archangel will make His Throne descend and will give to Saint Michael the Archangel, in one of His hands, the Scepter of Light of His Power, that will be used to defeat evil forever.

You will then see the Holy Lady of God calling Her children who are in the desert so that they can find peace again. In them, an unknown light will shine which will be handed by the Holy Father through the hands of the Archangel Raphael. This Light, that will be poured out as a rain of Graces, will be so potent and infinite that it will be seen from the universe. 

With all the strength of Love from the Father, you will see the new redeemed shining in those creatures, great mirrors of light that will give the signal, at that moment, that the last cycle of humanity is being completed.

Do not worry about the interferences, God allows them for the world to know and, above all the darkness, that the last hour is approaching to surrender oneself before the Power of the Almighty, as it was in the victory of Christ on the Cross. If I Am your Lord and King, you have nothing to fear.

I give you the prophecies for you to listen to them and do not place them in your minds but in your hearts. Let My Word sprout like a new source in your beings. And thus, as time goes by, you will be able to understand My Mysteries that are still unknown to humanity. Therefore, today I have brought here My Divine Mother and Holy Lady, and My beloved cousin John the Baptist. They represent for you the sign of a new announcement that comes, together with your King, to be proclaimed in humanity.

The prophecies do not exist to be understood, but to be humbly accepted because in this way the souls understand the Kingdom of God and His next Project for humanity. Protect these teachings so that, when you leave this Sacred Week, they do not vanish from your memories when you face evil again, that which must still be defeated in this final battle.

After the children of the Divine Lady are removed from the desert, having ignited the mirror of love and the inner sun within themselves, the beloved Son will descend to Earth, accompanied by the Archangels who will bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant between Their hands. Thus, the planet will be renewed and the spiritual and christic impulses will be experienced.

The chaff will be separated from the wheat and the souls will be like flowers, like redeemed flowers, in My celestial Garden, that I will cultivate on this planet and on the continents, with My own Hands.

You will then see your loyal Gardener sow the New Earth with new laws and principles. The angels and archangels will help the tribes of Israel, which are scattered today throughout the whole world for them to be able to congregate in a new ceremony, in the new Communion of Peace, that will be established and instituted after the Final Judgment.

The unfaithful father, the fallen angel, will be removed from the planet. With great solemnity and reverence, the most resplendent angels will prostrate their faces on the ground to ask for the Mercy of God and for the universal, cosmic, inner, soul, and spiritual atonement for all sins, for all outrages and evils committed.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: 
Our Lord is asking the choir to play "Así habló el Maestro".

When the time comes to expel Lucifer from the world, all his fallen troops will be placed in beautiful diamonds of light that the angels will elevate, with their chant and praise, to universes very similar to this one.

The living Eye of God, at that definite time, will be looking and contemplating humanity, while the tribes will gather around the Divine Lady and Glorious Mother. They will prepare themselves to receive their Master and King, in His Return to the world. Unknown lights will be ignited upon the planet, which will be seen in the East and in the West.

The ancient patriarchs of the desert and the prophets will reappear in humanity as living and resplendent beings. All the ancient councils of this humanity will follow the path of their Glorious King and with a serene and patient gaze, fixed on the horizon, they will see the Lord arriving among the clouds. They will hear within the Word and the Call of Adonai.

All will be attentive at that moment because the planet will be in a great universal movement. It will be the set and definite time in which the real-time, that time awaited by all the legions on Earth, by all the peoples of the desert, and by all the beings of goodwill, will enter into the planetary consciousness. A new sign will be given in the universe: a star brighter than the Sun, in the essence of the Holy Spirit, will shine in the firmament, very close to the Southern Cross.

The consistent will thus hear, first within themselves, the words about the return of their King. All will open their inner ears and thus will be able to recognize, in their interior, that the awaited hour is arriving.

Those indicated by the Holy Mother of God will feel bliss and unexplainable joy. After having ignited the mirror of their hearts, they will be in absolute and definite unity with the King. In this way, a profound communion will take place with the New Humanity.

The King, in the company of sages and prophets, will show the world the Tablets of the new Law, those Laws that will repopulate the new planet. All will pay attention to the new Commandments that will have as their fundamental basis to love God above all things and also love their fellow beings.

The Holy Trinity will descend. Finally, after so many mistakes and duties, the souls, in total plenitude and trust, will be in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The last trumpet, which by indication of the Archangel Gabriel will sound in the spiritual plane of the consciousnesses, will bring a new consciousness to humanity and many will recognize their sins, their actions and indifferences, and especially, the injustices committed to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature.

Out of nowhere, the souls will hear the essence of the Kingdoms. The soul group of each Kingdom will speak for itself. And this communication, that has never been able to occur between human beings and the Kingdoms, will be granted by God Himself. At the moment this happens, the New Humanity will become conscious of all the suffering caused throughout the times and centuries.

At that moment, the doors of the most sacred places will open. That which was before invisible and hidden will become visible and material to all. Nobody will believe what they will see, and this new humanity will become conscious of who has really accompanied the world from the beginning of this Human Project. They will have on their chests, written as letters of fire, the legends of the greatest sages that have accompanied humanity throughout the times and who have made it possible for this humanity, the current humanity, not to self-destruct yet.

The souls that have been congregated by the Mother of the World and by the Love of the Divine Lady will prostrate on the ground, will place their hands on their faces, and will cry because the world and the old civilization did not become aware of this, of the presence of the greatest sages in the innermost places of the Earth.

In the desert of Mongolia, a voice that has been very silent throughout the times will be proclaimed. An ancient and great Patriarch will show himself to Humanity and in his warmest and most expressive love, will show the consistent souls a divine and sacred legacy, well kept in the hearts of gold, because the souls will see the heart of that great sage shining like gold, and thus they will understand that a sacred knowledge, kept in the inner worlds, will be given as a key to those who will repopulate the Earth.

During the thousand years of peace, it will not be necessary to suffer, because in truth I tell you the New Humanity will finally have learned that it was not necessary to follow along this path and be distant from the Love of God.

At that time, the holy Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be present in humanity. The Son of God will visit the Earth many times, and at that time many will know His true Aspect. They will not only see the Nazarene, but the Son of God Glorified in His most simple humility and Mercy. The hearts will feel at that moment the greatness of the Love of God and His infinite Pity.

In these times to come, everything will be more peaceful. No nation will oppose itself to another nation. The humanities will not be against the Laws of God nor the principles that lead the universes. Thus, the promised Earth will arrive, will come out alive from the Scriptures, and will be materialized on this planet, in the new congregated for peace.

And when the most sacred places are opened, as doors of light and great consciousness, to the eyes of all who deserve this, the Son of God, brighter than the sun and hundreds of stars, will be in Communion with His new people. The faults committed in the past will be erased. There will be a gap in time and space of the whole history of humanity, from the beginning of Adam to the birth of Christ, and afterward from the Ascension of Christ to the present. These times will be extirpated and this memory of your Master and Lord, in Israel, will prevail in the memory of the most humble. 

When the Holy Communion of the New Covenant between the consistent ones and Our God the Father is given, the essence of the Divine Trinity will be merged in each consciousness and all will rejoice, great joy will fill them, rejoicing, bliss, and glory will last a thousand years.

And finally, after that Holy Communion and the new covenant with the Glorified King, the Shepherd of multitudes and all races, will have all people, all nations and all languages understand themselves as they have never before understood because they will finally live in love.

The most dangerous weapons will be removed from the world. There will not be any weapon more potent than the one that God has through His Heart, which is the power of His Love.

The Earth will be free of many things in the days of the Final Judgment. The Earth will not tremble anymore, the seas will not be agitated when the Son of God comes among the clouds, lighting the entire universe upon the sleeping humanity.

I come today to give continuity to the prophecy that I once announced in the Temple. Joyful are those who believe in what I say, because times will go by, but My Words will flourish in the simple hearts. So be it.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity,
we now invoke Your cosmic intervention. Amen.
(in Portuguese, three times)

Listen to the Voice of the Master with love, for the new codes that are being sown to enter into the consciousnesses of all, and within six months of your time, you will not recognize yourselves.

Today God wants the Son of God to be once more the Higher Priest for all the creatures on Earth and for all His followers.

May the souls be anointed by the sacred spirit of Healing, so that the Designs of God may be fulfilled in it. Amen.

Today I am pouring out the Rays of My Grace upon all the elements exhibited here so that My Grace is multiplied in all humanity. And now, not only you receive My Mercy but all races and cultures on Earth, which I am going to meet with, in a short time.

It is through the mystery of the Communion, of every bread and wine offered at My Altar, that I multiply, at this time, all the Rays of My Grace for them to reach all cultures of the world and for My Voice to be heard on all continents and languages. Remember that I still have this aspiration. Do not delay yourselves, because many souls agonize without being able to meet with the Lord again and not even being able to understand Him in their own languages.

My Message of Peace in this Sacred Week is extended throughout the whole world and, above all, on all those regions of the planet that do not live in peace but only in war and destruction.

Today I have gathered the priests and adorers because My Priests represent My disciples and the Adorers represent the peoples of God, those who listen to the Living Word that comes from the Heart of their Master.

Through these elements, companions, I am confirming that this is My Body, and this is My Blood and that My Word, the Word of God, will also reach the farthest places of the world, through the work and action of your beings in this Plan, united to your Redeemer.

Europe will have to reopen the doors for the Sacred Hearts to reach Asia and Oceania in the next cycle.

Today My Heart shows you the ardent desire to visit Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and Australia, where My Message will multiply itself for the world and for all souls that are there.

Raise your offer to God.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Our Father (in Portuguese and Spanish)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking that a brother who speaks English comes here to pray Our Father in English, please, to complete this consecration.

Our Father (in English)

Be in peace, My son, My Grace is upon you. I thank you.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear companions, for having been with me today in this sacred proclamation of the divine Prophecy of God.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am present in all hearts and tabernacles of the Earth.

Before My Glorious Presence, I again bring you the spirit of My Peace, so that your hearts can heal from all the wounds caused by the evil of My adversary. But My triumph is close within you.

Happy are those who proclaim My Name and glorify My Father who is in the Heavens. Thus the laws will be fulfilled within your lives, and your hearts will become peaceful through finding the Son of God honored and glorified in these times, walking through this orange grove, pouring out His Grace and Mercy, for a world that is very empty.

But your hearts, companions, can be worthy before Me. And in spite of the errors, the imperfections and the judgements, I can pour out My Divine Mercy upon you. But that Fount will cease; the time is approaching, the great time of Universal Judgement. The angels are preparing the Thrones of God to be able to sound the last trumpets. Who will hear the seventh trumpet of the Great Angel of the Lord?

But if you dwell in My Heart and allow Me to transform you as new clay, so that I may deposit My new wine, you will be protected by My Spirit, filled by My Goodness, and you will be in the Lord, because you will be in My Heart during the most difficult times of the Earth.

Today I revealed this glorious Face to you, companions, so that you may remember that Your King, the humble King before the Almighty God, presents His very simple but real Faces to the world, achieved through His Passion and His Death; and through His Victory on the Cross, and His Resurrection, and His Apparition before humanity, for these very critical times.

I will not be able to carry My Message to the whole world. Not everyone will be able to hear My Words at this very moment. But the Omnipresent Spirit of the Son of God, who is in the Heavens, speaks to all the inner worlds of the creatures, because the hour of consciousness is arriving; so that they may awaken to their realities, so that they may see their mistakes and debts, without feeling guilt, nor disturbance.

I come to show you a new path, that path that I showed the Twelve. But today I show this real and pure path to all of humanity.

Just as the heart of My Church listens to Me, extended throughout the four corners of the Earth, I wish for all hearts outside of My church to listen to Me; mainly those that have followed other paths, forgetting the Will of God and the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God.

I reach My Hands out towards you today. I pour out My Grace, My Universal Grace, which emerged after My Mercy, at the moment in which I resurrected physically and demonstrated to humanity, at that time, that the Son of God made man and consciousness, made the Living Christ in the spirit of all beings, is alive and has never died.

I showed you how to defeat death, this death that corrodes and causes your bodies to become corrupt.

But I teach you, companions, that, through the giving of My Spirit for each one of you, you will find this inner resurrection that in these so difficult times everyone is invited to live. To attain the spiritual resurrection, companions, you must first die to your debts, do not feel any fault for knowing yourselves, just as you are.

I come to reveal that which is true that exists within you, which is the gift that God placed, through My Heart, into your lives. In this way, My Stars of Light ignite in your hearts and the appeals of all the children of God throughout the planet, redeemed by Christ, Your Lord, are heard at the Thrones of Heaven.

The angels can stop the Justice of God, the Justice of the Seven Angels of the Great Lord that are about to sound their trumpets. But now sounds the last one, that will reverberate upon the planet and echo throughout the Universe, in this Milky Way, in which you experience this Project of the Creator.

But I come before the great time and while the signs are shown. I come at this time to demonstrate to you the last path, so that you may know how to return to God through My Heart and not suffer the consequences of an action of a mistaken humanity, which continues to outrage the Heart of the Eternal God, of the Elohim, of the living God, resplendent and one, in the maximum expression of His celestial sphere.

Therefore, today I tell you, companions, that through My living glorification before your eyes, this part of the One Consciousness of God, manifested through Christ the Redeemer, is present here, in Aurora, receiving your spirits and your families, so that you may hear My urgent Call to the great change, the great moment of your intense purification. But if your meek, receptive and awakened hearts trust in Me, I promise that you will not suffer.

But your lives and your generations must be purified before the end time, before you will experience with Me the second Supper, after the return of Christ, Your Lord.

How will I be able to visit your homes, companions, if your hearts are not purified in the Lord?

The Messiah, the Redeemer, purified Himself in the Sacred Temple of the Lord. For this reason, companions, you must live the same Law that I lived. I bring you a renewing Law that has no suffering, but rather a deep peace of experiencing a true transformation in God and a perfect communion with His Divine Laws.

The doorways of this Kingdom present in this holy place are open as of today. Happy are those who contemplate the Spiritual Light of the Creator in these spaces blessed by the Divine Messengers, for this belongs to God and to no human of the Earth, and no one can give judgment before the Project of God.

Woe to those priests who did not listen to the Word of the Virgin Mary and who excommunicated all of My companions in the face of the injustice that this cruel world commits.

I do not come to teach you the paths of injustice. I come to teach you the path of peace, the true ecumenism of the heart, which has no boundaries, nor languages.

The real language of the one hundred and forty-four thousand will be the language of the heart, the vibration of love, unity and fraternity. In this way, you will be in communion with the Laws of the Creator and you will not become lost in superficial things.

It will be too late for those who have not believed what spiritually happened here; because there will be witnesses that will sign the Sacred Book of God, this story of the end time. Deeply embrace My Heart, and feel My Will, which wants to transform you into new flocks consecrated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

To Saint Margaret Alacoque, I revealed this mystery of My Heart, surrounded by thorns for the events that would take place in the end of times. But now I bring you My Glory, the Glory of My living Heart, which is the last offer that gives itself to your spirits so that you may live salvation and not constantly justify yourselves, but rather justify yourselves through My heart, full of Water and of Blood for this humanity that must live the Project of God.

I come to show the paths outside of My church, the paths towards the Lord for all those who lost them due to human cruelty, the lies and the deceit of the claws of My adversary. But I Am your true Sun, which descends from the Celestial Universe to bring light to the shadows and the darkness.

I come, dear companions, to open the fourteenth and final door, the one which is indicated in this world for the return of Christ, your Lord.

Fourteen will be the angelic legions that will sing to the Elohim the Sacred Names of God to announce to the world that the Son of God will come among the clouds, surrounded by the Universe, bringing the message of the new humanity. And from that point, everything will be consummated, and everything will begin again, with a new humanity.

Do you yearn for that? Do you know what it means, companions, to be a part of the humanity of Christ? This mystery is unknown to the theologians. It will be truly known by those who dwell within My Heart and wants nothing for themself, for I come to guide you, I come to fulfill the promise, that one which I dictated before My Ascension.

Do you believe that this is happening now? First I must bring you My Divinity. My Glorified Body cannot show Itself to you, because of the impurities that this world lives today. But My Mercy and My Grace are part of the Breath of Spirit; It will bring everyone the opportunity of redemption.

Open the windows of this entire house, with harmony and with peace, without losing the silence that I build within you.

Those who are in the other places, outside of this house, stand up. And now come here, walking gently, like the angels do. Do not lose your concentration. It is part of the divine practice of peace. You will surround this house, and thus I will bless you in the name of the Lord.

Prepare yourselves. Come walking in peace; I guide your steps, I open the doors for those who have them closed. Keep peace.

I am present here and within those who open their hearts.

I come for all, mainly for those who are not here and who have forgotten My Redeeming Path.

I come to show you the new law, the Law of the Heart, known by very few. It is a precious mystery that comes to be revealed to the current world, so that the hearts may convert, unbind their ties, and achieve liberation through My living heart.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is calling two sisters to come in His Name, to hold the sacred elements.

This will be the moment of the Universal Consecration of My living, glorified and merciful Heart, for all of humanity.

Let us stand up for the consecration.

Do you remember the prayer that I gave you in Ecuador, when you were visiting that sacred place where My Mother appeared, in Cuenca?

Do you remember what I said to you there, on top of those hills, where clear water flowed and the sky looked like it was present there, surrounding you all the time, in that experience of love with the Divinity? 


In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I reveal my aspirations to God, 
so that He may ennoble them 
and receive them into His hands.

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I offer myself to Eternal Life, to surrender, 
to the dissolution of guilt, of fear and sorrows,
so that they may be converted into the Love of Christ. 

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I open my heart to receive the Flame of the Holy Spirit, 
so that it may be radiated to other hearts.

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I confess myself before Him
so that He may forgive my actions, my thoughts
and my debts to God.



Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

At this moment, the Lord presents us with a golden basket of light so that each one of us may place an intention in that basket, as if it were a molecule of light, an aspiration of asking God for something, through His Son.

He asks that our intentions be true, something that until today we have not been unable to resolve.

The Lord tells us:

This is why I Am the Shepherd who loves all His sheep, despite how they are, for My Eyes of Light look into your hearts and I see the talent of peace that I placed within your essences two thousand years ago. Happy are those who walk by My side and find this communion with Me once again.

In the name of Adonai, before the angels of Heaven, the celestial choirs, before the Universal Mother, Mother of the new humanity, before the Holy Spirit, which fills you and renews you, before the blessed who achieved Christification through the absolute giving of their lives, of their missions, before the entire Universe that gathers together all the Galaxies, assembles all the stars and suns, before the Elohim, the Resplendent, the Creator Fathers called Archangels, before the Thrones of God in His seventh sacred level, before His Most Pure and Divine Spirit, in Divine Consciousness of Peace, opening My Arms and pouring out My Rays, I bless you in the holy name of the Father, in the sacred name of the Son, the blessed named of the Holy Spirit, so that the seed of the new humanity may awaken.

Before the Thrones, let us now consecrate these sacraments that will be a source of forgiveness, of hope, of peace and of relief for all those who believe in My Path, in My Truth and in My Life.

Let us sing.

Let your voice be heard before God.

Sing louder.

In this Cenacle of Redemption, I leave you peace, I give you peace, so that you may live in peace.

I thank you for having responded to this sacred request.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
