In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Supper is served, but very few want to come and help themselves to My Spiritual Banquet.

I offer to Mine all that I have. I offer to Mine all that I Am and, in truth, I tell you that I do not ask for anything in return.

Thus, I hope that Mine will respond in the same way, that you will always give everything for nothing in return, because this is the wisdom of the Law of Love, of that heart that lives its own void, that heart that divests itself and does not fear to confidently take steps toward Me.

For still no one knows or is aware of that which I have prepared for each one of Mine. I have the most perfect and sacred wonders kept in Paradise for My Apostles.

This is why I know the hour of each one of you. I know the hour when you will rise to the Heavens to meet Me, to give Me the triumph of your crown of thorns, the triumph of each moment and each experience lived on Earth as the most perfect fruits for God, the fruits of self-giving.

Today I have come here in an extraordinary way. You have prepared the house to receive Me and once again I tell you: “Here I Am, receiving the offering of your consecration, for in the depths of My Heart I knew that this hour and this day would come.

So, today I want you to understand the meaning of cycles, the sacred time of opportunities, the unique moment of inner surrender, in which God attentively contemplates your steps, in which God silently knows your sufferings and tests. Despite all that the Eternal Father sees in this world, everything, absolutely everything, is under His Paternal Gaze.

This is why, on this day, He has sent Me here, in an extraordinary way, to commune with those who are starting to climb the steps of consecration, who, trusting your Lord Jesus Christ, walk toward that which is unknown and immaterial, where God has a space and a place for each one of you, so that someday you may merge with His Absolute Void, and, in this way, you may no longer want to be anything, but rather want to be all in the Creator.

Today, I have received the Grace of having this time with you, of re-appearing to you, just as I re-appeared to My apostles in Jerusalem.

And facing the doors of Israel, the sacred spiritual mission that your Master will share with you, I want you to internally and spiritually feel today the same thing that I felt when your Master and Lord entered Jerusalem, when the Living God Himself was recognized, adored and praised by humanity. And, on that day, no one died on Earth, because God’s Grace abundantly and Mercifully descended upon souls, establishing His most precious Gifts and Virtues within hearts.

Taking this example and this fact, the triumphant entrance of Christ in Jerusalem, I thus prepare you, as from now on, for My sacred task in Israel and in the Middle East, as well as in Turkey and in Syria.

From this fact and this example, I want to share a synthesis with you, and also a reflection about this fruitful cycle, all that I myself have closely accompanied, although it does not seem so.

And on this afternoon, when souls are consecrated to Christic and missionary life, I want to express a fraternal gesture of love, and also of protection to those who dare to walk toward Me in trust, responding to My Supreme Will, even if you do not know it profoundly, uniting to My Eternal Love to relieve the suffering of the planet, so that love may heal pain.

For this reason, today, Aadrika, Tissianie and Timoteo, receive from My Hands My Sacred Crown of Thorns, the symbol of sacred resignation before the Lord.

For just as you are today with Me on this solemn afternoon of consecration, in the same way you have been with Me in Israel in other times, with the difference that today you again remember, in the innermost depth of your souls and spirits, in communion with the Life of the Master and Lord.

After more than fifteen years of this Order consecrated by Me, in the last seven years up to the present, through the Message and the Word of the Mother of God, souls have been called and summoned to serve in Humanitarian Missions. They were called to live a greater challenge than your consciousnesses. They were called to be ambassadors of selfless service and of charity. They were summoned to be sparks of Christ’s Love in the darkness so that, through service for the neediest and most vulnerable in any part of the world, you might be before the suffering of the Lord through the innocent, in the tears of the child that is lost, in the pain of orphans and of the discarded, in the disease of those who are not welcomed, in the despair of those who flee from wars and conflicts.

You have been before Me in those who are forgotten and repudiated, in those who are slaves of the corrupt systems of this world. Many times, you were before Me while you faced those who suffer natural and migratory disasters, but also, together with Me, you have been before those who are indifferent and wicked.

Many times, I have passed before you and your brothers and sisters, and few were able to recognize Me.

See how many you are, and you will realize how few have responded to My Call. I offered to all the deepest Graces of My Heart, but few were able to appreciate and recognize them.

However, today I come here for those who continue and trust in Me, because, just as two-thousand years ago, My Sacred Prophecy is again fulfilled.

I will send you two by two to the most suffering places in the world, where not only food, but also love is lacking. Where not only a home, but also compassion is lacking. Where not only water, but also the Supreme Fountain of God in each heart is lacking.

Considering the coming spiritual mission to Israel and Turkey, I come to beg the world to listen to My Voice, and to know that I Am thirsty. I remain in this world, in the hope that I will be helped through the needy.

How far will the indifference of humanity go?

Where is the goodness of humanity?

Why is the heart being hardened by indifference, after the Living God Himself shed His Blood at each step to the Calvary?

Where is the essence of charity?

God did not make this world to be indifferent. God did not create this world to be selfish. He did not let Himself be flagellated or let Himself die for the ungrateful.

What else shall I do so that the world may change?

But yes, I Am consoled by the voice of the innocent from Africa and other parts of the world who, submerged in grave need, do not lose faith in Me, because the faith that emerges and springs from their hearts is their own nourishment and inexplicably overcomes the whole human condition.

Even though they are beings incarnated in this world, the faith of the little ones and of the innocent renews all things and grants to the world an inexplicable time of peace, despite the wars. The faith of the discarded and forgotten grants the balance of the axis of the planet, because they live in God and God lives in them, just as God lives in His Son, and His Son lives in God.

With the deepest cry of My Heart, I tell those who still have not taken the step to respond and listen to God, because the hardest hour is approaching, just as the Lord lived His hardest hour in the Garden of Gethsemane.

I have nothing more to offer to you, other than this reality.

Who will be capable of not losing any more time?

Who will decide to be a piece within the great puzzle of the Plan?

A New Earth cannot be built with the inconsistent.

And all has been said. This is why today I kneel before those who are consecrated, because God alone knows about the reality of each heart, what hides in the depths of the spirit and the soul.

After these honest years of effort with the suffering brothers and sisters of Venezuela through the Humanitarian Roraima Mission, now the cycle comes of harvesting the fruits of surrender, allowing My Redeeming and Consoling Love to descend upon Africa, Poland, Turkey and the whole world, allowing the souls that are discarded and not considered by the world to be part of My Celestial Kingdom.

This is something inexplicable to Me. It is a Mystery of God, in which He can work through His Children, those who say 'yes' to service and to self-giving, without anything in return, with the only aim of consoling My Heart. For this reason, today I bless those who are brave, regardless of their imperfections and miseries.

I do not come to point out that which is not right. I come to seek that which I left to you as talents two-thousand years ago. Thus, the Word of the Lord is fulfilled, the Sacred Prophecy revealed by the Angel of God in the Garden of Gethsemane: despite the darkness that was surrounding the Master, the visions of the New Christs of the end of times, who would raise My Celestial Church through your life and your consecration, in the hardest hour of the Lord, when the Chalice of sins was to be drunk by Me, the awakening of the New Christs comforted Me and gave Me the strength to say 'yes'.

Today I come to recognize that which no one sees. This is why I Am here.

I will bless you through the Sacraments, as an inexhaustible sign of My Presence, the Presence of the Eternal Love of God in His Children. May all this be for the good of humanity and the planet so that no more innocent blood may be shed in this world, so that war may not be unleashed upon humanity, because the Hand of the Son of God deters it through those who accept the Crown of Christ.


Elohenu, Adonai, Eli,
hold in Your Heart this sacred moment,
one of the so many promises that you gave to Me
in the Garden of Gethsemane.

And today, before those who aspire to live
the path of simplicity and surrender,
My Eyes become illuminated at seeing this moment
that You, Lord, have carefully prepared
for Your Children and for Me.

Thus, I praise You, Adonai,
and I thank You, Sacred Father,
because in the face of such a confused and obscure world,
Your Celestial Kingdom awakens in simple hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, we will ask Tissianie, Aadrika and Timoteo to draw near.


Dear children and apostles, missionaries of the Love of My Heart, in the name of Our Lord, Adonai, Elohenu, Abba, I come once again to bless you and, with plenitude and Love, consecrate you to this sacred mission of giving your lives for Me.

Aadrika, today I consecrate you, in the name of My Celestial Mother, with the name Shalom.

Timoteo, you already have a name that to Me is special, very significant for this incarnation.

Tissianie, I consecrate you with the name Aajhmaná, so that the spiritual food of the Heavens may be that which nourishes your spirit and life.

Thank you for this enthusiastic response, toward the unknown Love!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite you, once again, to walk upon the  waters and follow my steps without fearing that your feet might fail, because I invite you to walk upon the Sublime Consciousness of the universe, where your beings will be able to expand and achieve realization, through honest union with Me.

This is why today I come walking upon the waters, so that you may have faith when you walk upon the oceans, without fear of failing or sinking, because I come to rescue you at this time. I come to call you by your names so that you may follow My Path toward the Light of God.

Because after this entire trajectory lived and experienced on the planet, as I once told you, your souls and consciousnesses must merge with the Immaterial Source so that, finally, this Human Project may be renewed and in this way the New Earth may be concretized on the surface, free from sin, indifference and arrogance.

Therefore, walk upon the waters, just as Peter did, being the most imperfect apostle of all. And, even so, he overcame himself when he saw the Master walk upon the waters.

What sustained Peter upon the ocean?

Not only was it due to the sight of the Lord of the Night, but also due to the awakening of his deep and inner faith was that which helped Peter overcome his own limitations of consciousness and of material life. His faith, permeated by his love for the Master, allowed Peter, the apostle, to reach Me upon the waters. This is why I told him: “Have faith.”

And today, I tell you to have faith and trust all that I tell you and ask of you, because times will come when you will not only have to learn how to walk upon the waters of the consciousness so as to learn how to sustain yourselves and not sink, but the time will also come for you to learn to sustain your loved ones and families, so that at least a smaller group of consciousnesses and souls may safeguard the Sacred Project of the universal family on this planet.

In this Work, founded by Me, the mission with the families is the most important, because you must not help change the ways of families, but rather you must express through your examples the values of a spiritual family. Values that are being lost in families in these final times for different reasons and motives, through the interference of modernity and for how distant from God souls live.

As a member of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, I invite you to pray with Me, for the next Holy Week, for families, so that the main cell of God’s Project on this planet may continue to express itself through an evolutive family, which will be in communion with Creation and nature.

This is why today I bring you the values of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, because you need them, the most important facts that I lived together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, trying to leave expressed on this surface the values of Divine Spirituality.

In the face of the needs of the families in these times, if this spiritual situation is not attended to, the Human Project will not be able to be fulfilled.

For this reason, when I return to the world, I will also call your families and the families of the whole world to be physically present during My Return, to receive My Message, and also My Paternal Blessing, so that the innermost nucleus of the families of the world may be liberated from spiritual slavery. In this way, each family member will be able to finally fulfill their Purpose, the mission that each family member came to live in this end of time.

So that all these aspirations may be fulfilled, you must dare to walk upon the waters and overcome your own limitations of consciousness, dissolving your fears and anguishes, being reborn, time and again, through My Call.

For this reason, today I place you again before the Universe of God’s Consciousness, through this Mediterranean Sea, so that the deepest wounds may be closed, especially in those who have shipwrecked and, even as family of this humanity, were not helped, were discarded.

I come to place Myself before you and God, as a Mediator and Spiritual Judge, so that the faults committed here may be mended through the step upon the waters, which My apostles will take, without forgetting that this humanity needs imperious redemption.

For this reason, upon this Mediterranean Sea, and as a Fisher of souls and hearts, just as I told My apostles on the Sea of Galilee, today, before this Mediterranean Sea, I tell you to board My spiritual boat, because you must still get to know universes of love that you do not know, you must still know universes of service that you still do not know, and you must still reach the safe harbor of the Heart of God, because when you arrive at this Spiritual and Sublime Harbor all will be consummated, just as the Son of God had His consummation on the Cross, at the moment of His Expiration.

I not only want My Message to resound in this ocean, but also My Message and My Word to reverberate in your hearts and lives so that you may keep in mind that it is time for you to become different, and that, divested and empty of yourselves, without any burden on your backs or consciousnesses, it is time for you to freely walk upon the oceans, just as I ask you, feeling the elevation of the spirit, communion with the soul, the favorite union with My Heart.

Today, I leave this Message for the brave.

Today, I leave this Message to impel the tepid.

Today, I give this impulse to those who have the courage to follow and recognize Me as your One and Great Master among the Masters, as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Today, I will stay in prayer upon these oceans, helping their great spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness of the oceans, faithful witnesses of the errors and indifferences of the world, which is now being repaired and spiritually re-built.

Therefore, walk with faith upon the oceans and do not lose heart. No longer consider yourselves miserable or sinners. Consider yourselves as a part of My Mystical and Spiritual Body, cells of the Great Body of Light of Christ in redemption. In this way, you will live, to a greater extent, that which I ask of you and, at this hour of planetary inflection, your spirits will help you to fulfill My aspirations on this material plane, just as I have expected for so long.

My boat has a place for each one of you. I always wait for you to sail in the Consciousness of God, through the absolute void and the encounter with the Whole.

Lastly, I would like to thank the brothers and sisters who are here and came from different places of Europe to meet Me face to face, to reaffirm through them the union with Me, to say to Me:


“Master, here I am
and here is my heart for You.

My heart, Lord, is Yours
and I give it to You in trust
so that you may convert it, Lord,
into an instrument of peace,
into the profound emanation which I feel of Your Love,
so that this Love, Master, may radiate to the world
and to all those I have around me,
so that Your Love, Lord, may liberate souls
and we may all celebrate, at this hour,
the communion with Your Love,
the Blazing Love of Your Merciful Heart.”


This is what I hear from honest hearts, from those who do not fear transformation and from those who take risks by saying ‘yes’ to Me at each new step.

With this feeling from your hearts, I withdraw and retreat in prayer, fulfilling, in this third Apparition, that which the Father has asked of Me. Leaving you ready to enter Israel, where you will be able to feel Me very close, so that also your brothers and sisters may feel Me close, despite the distance, so that we may continue to commune with the Love of the Creator.

Now, I invite you, once again, to prepare for the Spiritual Communion and to offer this Communion for the refugees and discarded throughout the world, so that the unfathomable universe of the Mercy of Christ may justify the grave errors of war, destruction, abortion, discarding and human indifference, so that all may be converted, just as My Heart converted you at each step of the Cross, renewing planetary life.

I bid farewell, in gratitude, love and faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I speak to the hearts of all, on this night that withdraws, yet is illuminated by the Presence of the Living Love of God.

I have called you here and you have responded to My call, and for this reason I thank you. Even if you do not deeply understand what this means, I do know what it means and what it will represent in the next stages of the Plan of Rescue in humanity, in the next tasks that your Master and Lord will carry out in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole Middle East.

Because in truth I tell you that tonight, by being with Me and able to enter My Merciful Heart, you are again living what you lived with Me in the past, when your Master stepped with His Feet on the surface of this planet, to preach, heal and cure, to announce the Good News, which, in these times, I hope will echo beyond the material life of the planet, beyond all ignorance and indifference, because My Voice and My Word echo when souls live Me and feel Me, when hearts trust Me.

This is why tonight I Am here with you and with the world. I Am here for all refugees and exiled, for all those who tragically disappeared in Turkey and Syria.

But today I assure you that all those souls are being contemplated by the Eternal Father so that they may achieve their path of liberation, and also their path of reconciliation with the Heavens, because the Eternal Father has listened to the prayers of His children, of all those who, in these times, decide to respond to His Call, in the face of the tragic planetary reality.

However, once again, through the ocean that lies before you, I bring you the reflection of the Great Mirror of God’s Love, the Eternal Love of the Source, from which all of you come, and so do all your brothers and sisters. The Supreme and Immaterial Source which is being forgotten by the world, due to indifference, due to the wars, due to the lack of religiosity or all spiritual connection.

For this reason, through My serving and paternal Presence, I come to congregate all My sheep, call them by their names on the inner planes, because the moment of the final times has come, when all My companions must be firm, available and whole, to sustain with Me this moment of the great Armageddon.

However, do not despair nor be frightened, because if you trust the Mercy of My Heart, nothing will happen to you. If you faithfully follow My precepts, you will be protected from yourselves and, just as I did to My apostles in the Sacred Cenacle, in these times I will send the Holy Spirit of God to guide you and lead you toward the concretion and the experience of living Divine Will, a Supreme Will that is also being forgotten and, in some cases, is despised by the men and women of the Earth.

But when I return, I will show the whole world all that they have abstained from living with the Eternal Father. Because the signs that I will give will be concrete, and all that is kept as a treasure on the inner planes will be revealed, so that the signs may redeem the planet and human consciousness. Because it is the time for these signs to begin to descend upon the whole world, upon those who are asleep and have not awakened, and those who must again find the path of redemption.

This is why this is the time of immediate preparation. This is the hour to give all for the Plan, so that this Plan may be concretized on the surface of the planet, even if this begins to happen in the smallest things, or in the transformation and rehabilitation of your lives.

This is what the Eternal Father needs in these final times: that souls may decide to be His Great Mirror, that the lives of His Creatures may reflect His Divine Attributes, in the face of a world that, more each day, moves away from the truth and loses the path toward the Kingdom of Peace due to living everything that is petty and indifferent.

This is the time for your eyes and the eyes of your brothers and sisters to open, so that you may understand that, through the current planetary situation, a change in consciousness is necessary, and also in the material life.

For this reason, I am here once again, not only to bring with Me to the Heavens those who have died in this Mediterranean Sea, but also to warn the world and, above all, Europe, that it must mend its errors and correct all its indifferences to those who suffer and are subjected to slavery, because this planet, which the Eternal Father has given to you, has a Spiritual and Higher Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.

Therefore, companions, it is time to mend the errors and live the change. Once and for all, it is time for peoples and races, nations and cultures to consider themselves as one spiritual family, because although this may seem distant to the majority, it is not so for your Master and Lord.

Thus, dedicate your life to a life of service and prayer, do not allow uncertain doors to keep opening on this planet. Through your prayers and your act of surrender and sincere self-giving, you may maintain the doors of Mercy open for humanity, because otherwise the world will continue to be purified intensely.

I only want you to grow in wisdom and understanding, because I do not want to see anyone else suffer and have to endure that which this world does every day, outraging the Laws of the universe, moving away from Love and Truth, failing to fulfill Divine Will.

For this reason, I will raise again, upon the ether of this planet, all the merits that I attained through My Public Life, My Sorrowful Passion, My Death and Resurrection, through My Presence in the Holy Land. For not only does the Middle East need it imperiously, all of humanity also needs it, because if I do not carry out this task in Israel, humanity would be headed toward a dead end, and no one would manage to remove it from that place, not even the angels.

Therefore, you must continue to pray for this great mission in Israel. I invite you to be with Me, in heart and in essence. I invite you to accompany each step of your Master and Lord during the days of the Holy Week.

In this preparatory Lent that you are living, I also ask you to truly live it, with introspection, with deep reflection and penitence, for the great indifference that the world lives, for not being able to see the Light of God.

In this way, you will finish your preparation for the culminating times to come and nothing, absolutely nothing will take you by surprise, because what you may have to live in these final times will only impel you to be the New Christs. These Christs are the ones that My Eternal Father hopes to see present on this planet, within this humanity, converting all through faith and prayer, selfless and simple service that may erase, once and for all, the stigmas of this planet, and heal the still open wounds of this humanity, stricken by wars and conflicts, inequality and also by the madness of that which the modernity of these times offers, leading the majority to live an artificial god.

But do not forget, companions, that the Blood that I once shed upon the surface of this Earth has a price, it has an incalculable and inexhaustible value. And it is this Powerful Blood that you must invoke and aspire to spiritually receive so that your lives may be healed, redeemed and liberated from error and sin and, through a powerful communion with Me, you may be born again and renewed.

Therefore, may this Lent be a conscious Lent, which may spiritually prepare you to enter the Holy Week. In this way, you will be able to accompany Me, as I need and expect, in all that which your Master and Lord will do in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole world. Thus, your hearts will be ready and in the place where I want them to be.

May you receive My blessing tonight, just as My apostles received it many times, and in each place that I had visited, in each space where I had preached, in each heart where I had worked a miracle in the name of the Eternal Father.

I want your lives to be a miracle of love so that this miracle in your lives may transform the world. Many more souls can achieve the Grace of being worthy of this miracle of love, just as you are living it.

I anoint you with My Spiritual Light, and in this month of March, I prepare you for the Holy Week. Know that this month of March will be the month of the great preparation, as has never happened in the history of humanity and in any other Holy Week. In this way, you will understand the importance of all that I Am saying to you at this moment. I Am here, also for this reason, so that this Purpose may be fulfilled as it is written, and you may  once again be partakers in the Mercy of God, which humanity and the planet need so much.

I thank all those who are present, for having worked with the souls and essences of the refugees.

In the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I wish for you to wholeheartedly pray to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, for all those who are discarded and oppressed, for those who have disappeared on land and in the oceans, for those who do not have the opportunity to live hope, in themselves and in their families.

Pray for all this and thus you will relieve My Heart of the evil spirit of indifference.

May Mercy convert miseries.

May hearts receive peace and may everything be renewed. Just as it is renewed in the Heavens, may it be renewed on Earth, and just as it can be renewed on Earth, may everything be renewed in your inner worlds. For what I wish the most in these times is that you may be part of the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the angels and blessed ones are a part of it.

I withdraw into the hearts that adore.

I Am strengthened in the souls that pray.

I renew Myself in the hearts that serve.

I make Myself present in those who commune with My Body and My Blood. In this way, I establish the Light and the Love of God.

I thank you for being with Me tonight, and although it is late at this moment, know that your Master and Lord, in the deepest nights, would make His great decisions, elevating His Gaze to the Heavens or seeking, in the infinite, upon the horizon, the Presence of the Eternal Father, to feel His embrace and His solace, because it is He who comforts us and renews us through his Love and His Truth.

I thank you and once again invite you to pray during this Marathon of Divine Mercy, for all that I have asked of you, with the honesty of My Heart.

May Africa, Europe and the Middle East be blessed, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Those who in the past announced the coming of the Messiah are those who today announce My Return to the world.

The last Scriptures are being fulfilled and this goes beyond human understanding.

My Celestial Church is preparing to descend in all its glory during the month of August; a final culminating moment for humanity.

Today, the domes of My Church and the high towers of the Sacred Cathedral of God are beginning to be built in this place in order to be able to help the whole world from this Center of Love.

Through your prayers, your souls are consciously preparing to participate in the descent of the Celestial Church, which will come like the New Jerusalem, with the power of all the Heavens, with the glory of the whole universe.

The sacred Celestial Church, in its non-material aspect, will touch the Earth for a few days and, in the inner worlds, it will resonate and call upon the last, who will be self-summoned to be present for My Return.

Israel will again have an opportunity, and that ancient people that walked in the desert will no longer search for the Promised Land, for it is within each one of you, in what you truly are, rather than in what you appear to be.

Today, the first domes of My Celestial Church are built by the angels of the universe, and by the order of the archangels, they also call the souls that will avail themselves of this precious and last impulse that will emerge from My Sacred Heart.

Feel the coming of My Celestial Church and the revelation of its sacred treasures, which are kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant. They will no longer be distant from souls, rather they will be part of the souls that, throughout the end times, have trusted in My Word and in My Presence.

The Mystical Body of Christ will be strengthened after this final school, which was experienced throughout these last years, in which your consciousnesses were participants in My Graces and in My Mercies.

The Celestial Church, which will descend in the month of August, will administer the sacraments to the last self-summoned. They will be those who, together with you, will build the unity and brotherhood so awaited for by the world. And that impulse will be so strong that the other religions will feel it, even the atheists and the non-believers.

In the descent of My Celestial Church, the last doors of salvation will open and souls will be called to gather and assemble at the center of My Altar, where the Most Holy Trinity will be present, in union with all beings of goodwill.

It is there where the souls will understand what My Church is, the Church that I built two thousand years ago within the hearts of those who believed in the Messiah.

I will place My Stone Foundation upon you and I will release the evil from the darkness, and My Church will be erected through the brave hearts, the peacemakers, all those who unite with Me in truth and in transparency. And while within My Celestial Church, from your souls will emerge your gifts, you will know your talents and you will offer them to Me in light of the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Celestial Church will descend in the month of August and reach all homes throughout the world. Prepare your homes, announce to your families that the Grace of My Celestial Church will pierce your hearts
and fill your souls with My last impulses of Love and Redemption.

But some souls are already at the doors of My Church, together with the angels, building the sacred geometric shapes of My Spiritual Church; because everything will be offered, not only the construction of My Church in the heart of humankind, but also the efforts of those who will set out to work, with their hands as a gift, day and night, to build My Church in humanity.

And the archangels will write of this moment, and the offerings of the pure souls, although imperfect, that will be offered at the High Altar of My Heart, where the flame of faith is blazing and eternal.

And thus, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be placed upon the High Altar of My Celestial Church, and the sacred relics of the Passion of Christ will be able to be in the hands of those who always aspired to have them, to love My sacrifice and My surrender even more, to love each particle of My Blood and of My Water, for the redemption of the planet.

"O sacred Celestial Church, that descends upon the New Jerusalem, may your doors be opened, may the abysses be closed, may the angels with their trumpets call for those who were self-summoned to serve you and adore you through the Celestial Father. May the signs of your presence be heard in the inner worlds, may the impulses of your Grace be poured out like an inexhaustible fount upon those who cry out for relief and for healing.

O sacred Celestial Church, reveal your sacred shapes, your precious symbols, so that souls may recognize that you have always been there, in the universe, waiting for those who aspire to enter into you, to be in adoration and in prayer for the Love of Christ."

Before the last and great moment, humanity will become aware of what I came to do in the world, in this final time.

May the testimonies of your lives continue to be written by the humble Hand of God, so that His Love may multiply in the world and souls may find the peace of belonging to the Kingdom of God.

May your lives be the first pillars for the building of My Celestial Church in the month of August.

May your commitment and fidelity be the great dome that will express the beauty of the art of Creation and, in the end, may your hearts be the great offering of the Altar so that the price of the Blood of Christ, which was poured out in the world, be rectified and recognized by your transformation.

May your Guardian Angels silently follow this moment and guide you to the great meeting with My Celestial Church in the month of August.

Sister Amerisa, Our Lord calls you here.

"Today I want to announce to you, by the merits of your love and your striving for My Sacred Heart, in gratitude for the descent of My Celestial Church to this material plane, for all the moments that you have experienced and I have closely followed from the moment of your consecration, I want to tell you, sweet daughter of Mine, that your mother is with Me in Heaven and that, in the same way as many mothers that silently suffer in this world, she prays for them so that they too may achieve the Grace of the Blessing.

By the merits of the suffering of your mother, she has entered My Celestial Church, and together with the saints, she has been crowned as blessed.

Today I leave this testimony for the world, so that you may know that My Words are real and My Promises are kept in the hearts that strive for Me.

I bless you and thank you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Let us celebrate these last moments in union with the Eucharist and the Blood of the Lamb of God that today, once again, will be offered upon the altars of the Celestial Church, so that more souls and more hearts may be redeemed.

Bring the incense and the water here to be blessed.

In this moment and in this instant, in the presence of the Love of Christ and by the victorious merits of His Passion, as an act of thanks, in love and in reverence, let us offer our lives into His Hands as a testimony of our faith in Him. Let us do so now.

Oh My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love thee,
and I ask pardon
for all those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love You.

(repeated three times in Spanish)

You may bring the altar.

Let us offer this moment so that, through the consecration of these elements, our lives may also be consecrated and deserving of the Mercy of Our Lord.

On the night when Jesus was to be given up, He took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for the surrender that He would experience. He gave it so that it would be consecrated as His Divine Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

Once the supper was ended, He took the Chalice and raised it to offer to the Father as a sacrifice for humanity, so that it could be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ. He then handed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take it and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

In union with the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the angels and the archangels, with the saints and the blessed, and with all beings of goodwill that work for peace and fraternity, we unite in prayer and in supplication, together reciting the prayer that Christ taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese and in English)

May My Peace descend upon Earth and fill hearts with the Love of God.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen."

Sister Amerisa can come here.

And Our Lord, at this moment, in spiritual communion, unites with all our brothers and sisters of the world. We announce this spiritual communion with three rings of the bell.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.
(in Spanish, Portuguese, and English)

May My Celestial Church, which is being built and is erected within your hearts, be perpetuated for these times, so that you may always find My Peace and the consolation of My Heart.

I bless you and your brothers and sisters under the redeeming Light of My Grace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite the whole world to sing a simple song that was born in this Marian Center, from a devout soul, to alleviate My Heart and that of My Father; you will sing: "Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that You may make of me Your Dwelling."

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

Today, I come as the Lord of Israel so that, through My Mercy, the material forces of chaos calm down and Peace reigns, the Peace I bring from Heaven and from the Universe.

Do not believe that everything is lost, but rather that the triumph of My Heart is close.

Let the banner of My Mercy be placed at the four corners of the Earth and may souls drink from that Source that will well up from the soil, because it will be the very spring of My renewal that I will give you so you may learn to overcome the times and the difficulties.

With this announcement, I come as the Lord of Israel to bring Peace to the place where I was once born; to reactivate the codes of Christianity in those who are still awake. 

But the Lord of Israel will not fight against the materialistic forces nor be submerged in the conflicts. The strategy of the Eternal Father is different. Thus, one who is always vigilant will know what to do and where to be, and what stance to take at the right time so as to not be surprised by anything.

My first aspiration was to reach the Middle East in a direct way, carrying this practice of peace that I teach you and which I encourage you to do daily; knowing that, in spite of conflicts, peace cannot be dispelled from the planet nor from its humanity.

My Sword will not battle another sword. The Lord of Israel always triumphed through His Silence and His loving surrender. In the withdrawal is the victory. In the silencing is the triumph, and in the surrender is the defeat of the enemy, because it does not know sacrifice, but only destruction.

In any case, My Consciousness still encompasses many more things than those that were foreseen. This time I will not be able to come to My origins or to the places where I once resided. My Consciousness will encompass other spheres so that, in some way, the Plan will be able to be fulfilled.

In this battle, we must act intelligently, and above all, with wisdom; without losing the vision of the Purpose, the essence, even if the events should change from one day to another. It is in this way that I encourage you to experience the strategies of the Plan, which humanity has no interest in knowing in this life.

These strategies are operations for the triumph of the Plan and for the development of the same on the surface of the Earth. For this reason, adherence is the key which protects the fulfillment of the Plan, although it may constantly change.

What you must always learn to safeguard is the aspiration of the Hierarchy that, even though it is not fulfilled in matter, is indeed accomplished in spirit, uniting spirit with the Source.

The Lord of Israel must broaden His Consciousness so the planet is contained, and above all, its humanity.

What is important is that the mission should move forward. What is important is that souls pray with their heart and ask the Highest for forgiveness and Mercy. That is enough for Me, for then I will be able to continue laboring, for then I will be able to continue building and moving forward with the Designs of God that, as much as they are not completely understood, they can be loved, which is what the Father needs so that His Plan can be built in souls, rather than in matter or in the concrete.

In this way, I come to place you in the school of rescue operations that the Hierarchy is carrying out and which always must watch for the establishment and continuance of peace, in spite of conflicts and confrontations.

Brotherhood is peace, and that brotherhood cannot be disturbed, because it is the brotherhood that protects the essence of the Purpose for this planet; and it is the brotherhood which adapts to the changes, to the different moments and the current events.

In this brotherhood you will always find wisdom, you will find a clear and precise answer. But if that brotherhood is not maintained, there will be no discernment, and in this way, you could enter into the coordinate of chaos.

At the most decisive moment, you must be in this brotherhood so that everything can continue on. The changes that are present today are part of the protection of that purpose of the brotherhood, for it is still necessary that the designs be accomplished.

From another part of the planet, I will carry a greater impulse. I will give that impulse with precision. It will be a measured impulse of Light to be fulfilled in the place it will touch, which is the Middle East.

I will not place My Feet in the Middle East, but I will do so with My Mercy. And I will allow that Mercy to emanate from the Source I have opened in Poland, through the consciousness I have chosen so as to reveal it to the world.

The Source will reach the Middle East because you must go and drink of the Source. You will go to the origin and to the beginning so that My impulse of Light has even more strength and resolve where it will be projected and placed.

But I will not cease to aspire to reach Egypt or Israel someday, for that is still pending for My companions, for all those who follow My Work and help Me to accomplish It with their donations and contributions, with their prayers and pleadings.

The Lord of Israel will show Himself as the Lord of Mercy, Who emanates Rays from His Heart to the whole world and to souls.

He will show Himself as That Lord Who once died on the Cross for you and Who, through the piercing of the lance, poured out that Water and Blood, divine elements that will be able to rectify the errors of humanity in this time and in light of all the universe. They will be the lifeline in this last part of the emanation of My Divine Mercy to the whole world.

I will open that Source in Poland and will expand it, not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East; and from there, I will be able to labor with greater safety and protection.

My apostles of these times do not touch the wounds of conflicts with their hands; on the contrary, they try to heal them with their prayers and their withdrawal. In this strategy of war, everything must be thought of to the nearest millimeter so that there not be any failures, frustrations nor frights.

Although I know that the sensitivity of those of Mine is very great, even though you have said 'yes' to Me, I must protect what I am building, not only in your persons, but also in your souls, which, in the end, on the last day of your lives, you must fully surrender to Me.

The world must know that it is still possible to truly love.

And in spite of the fact that My Roman and Apostolic Church is decaying through its own members, I will not allow My Celestial Church to be dispelled in those who seek to find it one day, with their most ardent aspiration to be a part of My Kingdom.

With this testimonial, I invite you to continue working for the Plan, to continue supporting it and building it, wherever and whenever.

I thank you for sincerely accompanying Me in these decisive moments; knowing that, above all else, God must reign on this planet.

I give you Peace so Peace may be in the world, and that Peace may be multiplied.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 3, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón
My God,
I believe, I adore You,
I wait for, and I love Thee.
I ask for pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for
and do not love Thee.

Children of My Father, listen carefully to what I will tell you:

Here is the testimony of My living Love for you. Blessed are those who contemplate it from the heart, for they will deserve eternal life.

Listen, tribes of Israel, today spread throughout the Earth. Listen, peoples of the East. Listen, peoples of the West, for My Voice resounds in the four corners of the Earth.

Listen to your Lord, who is declaring the last time of His Mercy for humanity.

Raise the flags of peace among all the nations of the Earth. Light the flame of peacefulness in your hearts. Become reconciled between brothers and sisters. Become united between tribes, and may all be exalted by the coming of the Son of God.

Here is the testimony of My Love for you, made Body and Blood, for the reconciliation of humanity with God. Blessed are those who contemplate it in Adoration and in Communion.

Hear My Voice, tribes of Israel. The Almighty Lord is sending His Son a second time. Blessed are those who believe in His Words, because their eyes will open to see Him when He comes at the least expected moment, glorious and sublime among the clouds, announcing to the world the end of pain and the resurgence of hope in hearts.

Tribes of Israel, children of David, stop opposing each other. May the nations no longer rise one against another. A lot of innocent blood is being spilled in the world.

Today I come here for My beloved Holy Land, for Egypt, for Eritrea, for Sudan, for Syria, for Turkey, and for Greece. May humanity listen to the Word of God, while the angels bow down before the Divinity of the Son of God.

Be resigned for those who are not. Humble yourselves for those who do not humble themselves before God. May all hearts hear the Word of God. May they hear the Word of the Son of the Father, impregnated by His Divine Mercy and by His profound Pity.

May languages ​​and peoples unite. May borders and barriers no longer exist. May each one welcome their brothers and sisters and their fellow being, so that the Kingdom of God may guide them in this bloody hour of humanity.

May Our Father Abba bless those present. May those who are not blessed be blessed. May they receive from the Heart of the Son of God the encouragement to return to hope, the joy in continuing to live, the cure to heal their deepest wounds.

I want you to hear the voice of the One Who was among you as a Brother and Who once again, this week, pours out once again His Spiritual Blood over the world, so that Divine Justice will not descend upon a large part of humanity.

I would like that today, when your hearts are before the adoration of My Eucharistic Body, the universal teraph of all expressions of humanity, you could consciously and with your heart, take up the nations of the world, that suffer their own agony. In this Sacred Week, My friends, offer My seven agonies for Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Israel, Greece, and Syria. In that place I left for the world a treasure that many are still searching for, in their pilgrimage of faith.

But I come here to South America, to show you the Omnipresence of the Son of the Most High, because in His Omnipresence, He loves His creatures, in the essence of their spirits and souls, constituted of the molecule of the Love of God, from the beginning of their existence.

Today I want you to not only be sincere hearts, but faithful to My Call. I am opening the doors so that you may enter the new schools that My Heart offers you, in Its immensity and infinity.

Today seven adorers of this Order that I have constituted, will offer their Lord, their Most Holy Eucharistic Spouse, the flame of their hearts, lighting a candle at the foot of this Blessed Sacrament. And they will do it for each one of the nations that I have named, that suffer terror and the immense loss of My Divine Mercy.

I wait for them to continue. Keep your attention on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because My Eucharistic Body and My Divinity are present, working with the whole world.

While I wait, intone that song.

And so, I entrust you, dear daughters, to pray, as many others do, for each one of the nations that I have named, which are part of the sorrow of My Heart, in this Sacred Passion that at this time, I am sharing with all of you.

Relieve the agony of My Heart, so that, being able to come out of yourselves, you unite with Me, like so many of My servants, to clamor for this race, which is losing its project. But My Divine Mercy overcomes all those things when your hearts unite with Me in constancy and faith, and in spite of what happens, you respond to My Merciful Heart, so that I may be Mercy in you and you may be Mercy in the world that is suffering so much.

To all My adoring daughters and sons, today I give you the greatest treasure of My Consciousness, which is the spiritual Communion of your Master and Lord. Because each time you adore the Most Holy Lord, in the silence of your spirits, you must know that you will be communing fully with Me every day, until My Plan of Peace can be fulfilled.

The angels, like you, creatures similar to God, have in themselves the potential to divinize things, when they deeply and trustingly love.

I ask all of My servants, consecrated or not as adorers, that each day they encourage themselves more and more to penetrate this mystery, this teraphim and this symbol, which will elevate you in humility, renunciation, and sacrifice, for all that your Master desires to fulfill in the world.

Today, companions, I will take each one of you by the hand, so that you may accompany your Lord in this agony, which He sees happening in the world, day after day, and that does not stop. But the Power of God is stronger than all humans and all nations.

Woe to those who do evil to their brothers and sisters! Because on the day of My coming to the world, they will fear Me, because of so much Love that I will emanate to the ends of the Earth, until the new humanity arises.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand.

Children of My Father, revere that the One Who comes among the clouds, bringing the Love of God and Mercy, and making it live in all who trust in His Most Sacred Heart.

I am here to be close to you and never move apart, because what I have for each one is eternal.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing.

While I prepare the altar, to bless the water that will baptize souls in the Holy Spirit, let us unite in this moment with the Source of Love of God, which is what sanctifies the consciousnesses that unite to experience these sacraments in their essences, representing many more souls.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord is preparing to live the most sorrowful moment of His Passion for humanity. And you must receive the sacraments, to be able to accompany Him on this path of the incessant search of His Heart.

"Lord, exorcise this incense, so that it may be as sublime as the angels of Heaven, who release all the creatures of the Earth from the evil forces.

Eternal Father, bless this water, so that it be more chaste and pure, and be as blessed as You are in the Universe.

Beloved Father, bless these candles, so that they may be Divine Light in the world, just as You made Yourself Light and expansion of Consciousness in all that is created. Amen.

Lord, Adonai, and Most High Father, You, Who created water to generate life in consciousnesses; You, who caused this element to be born, so that all may aspire to find Your sublime chastity; You, Who has given this element to all the planets and stars, so that this water would act as a Source of healing and reparation for all the wounds that Your creatures would experience through the ages, have it reflect Your Love in those who will receive the sacraments on this day. Lord, let it, in its chastity and essence, purge, purify, and cleanse what is impure, so that each heart that will be sanctified may find healing, renewal, and peace. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here, at this moment, Adonai, and through these elements, which are part of the humble that plow the earth so that the wheat may be born, and those who harvest the vine to nourish their bodies, today I again surrender to You, Lord, so small, humble, and insignificant among Your children, so that through this transubstantiation, hearts may find refuge in My Spirit.

I lift up, Lord, this offering, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, at the foot of Your altar, so that Your Grace may be poured out on Me, and My Grace may be in them, in all those who suffer and endure wars. So be it.

And today I will also ask for a song, companions, in order to lift it up to God, crying out for this Mercy for humanity; a song that represents the love of the Word of the Universal and Celestial Hierarchy, because My Word is like the water that quenches thirst. "My Word is living water."

I thank you for being in Me and for allowing Me to be in you.

Let us pray an Our Father for all the planet.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

