During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come here as the Lady of Kibeho. Feel the freshness of that continent, the love that is given to Me by the most suffering hearts of Africa.

After almost a year of work in My beloved Africa, the Lady of Kibeho closes a cycle in order to begin a new one, in the coming months, for today I ardently desire My children to know that I have not left Africa. My Heart is Africa, the Heart of the Mother of the Seven Sorrows.

But today, My children, I want you to know that I am present there and that, just like in Kibeho, I count the days and the months in the calm of this planetary moment in order to be able to go there, just as I went to Rwanda.

My children of Angola are already consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as are all those who pray and all the pilgrims who have placed their faith in the Rosaries of Light.

Each bead placed by your hands over My image has, for your Heavenly Mother and, above all for God, meant a great liberation on the inner planes of the African continent. And although I know that many souls still suffer in that place and only those souls know what suffering and pain really are, today the Seven Swords of the agony of humanity are being withdrawn from the Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the Lady of the Word, so that She may receive in Her Heart the spheres of light, turned into shining and luminous roses in the prayerful hearts of Africa.

I want you to know, My children, that My Plan for going to Africa is still in place. And in some way I will get there and we will celebrate that important meeting, that important meeting in which South America and Africa will unite, with one heart and one consciousness, to be able to sublimate the sin of humankind and the suffering that still exist in that place.

The entryway that I have chosen for returning is Angola, because it is there where I need you to be, not only serving and praying as you have done in these recent times, but so that more consciousnesses of the world may understand what is happening there and what sub-human life means.

I bring, My children, the possibility and the opportunity that, through the merits achieved by My Son, Africa may again be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and that which they did not hear from the Lady of the Word in Rwanda, which was a maternal warning in this final cycle, may be heard in the words of the Mother of God, so that the results of the change and redemption may be accomplished.

So that all this may be possible, My children, I come to ask the world to focus its prayer on that purpose and its loving collaboration, so that the Sacred Hearts may touch African soil once again.

Today, at My right and My left, My children, are the innocent souls of the genocide of Rwanda. And I want, I desire and I ask that, at this moment, in the name of all of humanity, because of what that meant and represented for God, that you silently offer a penitence for the reparation of Our Lady of Kibeho.

I listen to you inwardly.

While you make this offering to Me, My children, I can continue to penetrate the darkest places of the world, where suffering continues to occur and hearts cannot free themselves.

At this moment and at this hour, in which your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven as the Lady of the Word, Our Lady of Kibeho, as the Mother of all Africa, is when I open My Immaculate Heart even further to the whole world and all souls, to receive the offering of reparation and forgiveness.

Because even though you did not have a direct responsibility for the events, humanity is one, and will always be one in the Eyes of God. This will make you grow in consciousness and in maturity so that the assaults and indifference are not repeated.

Africa learned this lesson in life, but Africa is still waiting for the coming of the Messengers of God, one last time, as a preparation for the Return of Christ.

Today I am not only here with you, but also at this moment I am in Africa pouring out the Love of God and the Grace of reconciliation and healing upon those peoples.

My silence works even more deeply in souls in need. Do not forget that I Am also the Mother of the Silence, and in light of the events of the world in these crucial times for humanity, I return here so that My children may not feel alone or defenseless, so that you may know that I am here in the same way that I was with My Son at the foot of the Cross, up to the last second of His life, up to the last second in which He expired, the last and great surrender for the whole human race up to today's times.

This is a great mystery, the mystery of the Love of the Son of God. With this Love, He sends Me to the world to announce His petition and the ardent desire of the Mother of God to return to Africa, once again, just as I went to Kibeho to bring awareness and discernment to My children, to once again save as many souls as possible, the majority of which were not possible to save.

And that is one of my principal sorrows for Africa because it is not the peoples that agitate each other or confront one another; it is those who are above those peoples, who provoke evil in the world and despair in many hearts.

But even though that happens, My children, the faith of the most innocent, humble and simple will never be lost, because that faith will not only be a strength for My children of Africa, but will also be the bridge down that I will use to come from Heaven to meet with each of your souls.

The task done through this Work in Angola was a first step, but will not be the last. Many more steps must be taken and many more will be called to take up alleviating the suffering, the healing of the immorality, the hope of those who suffer in My beloved continent of Africa, because only love can heal the pain.

Today I celebrate everything that happened in Angola through this Work, because the true inner results are placed at the feet of the Creator by the Lady of Kibeho. And that offering, that profound offering, was accepted by your Celestial Father, the merits of the effort, the service, the healing, the love, the renunciation, the fraternity, the generosity, the detachment and, mainly, the transmutation.

For this reason, I return here today so that the world may know and be aware of how, with so little, much can be done in the world; because the real tools that you need, My children, are inner, and when properly used, Divine Providence miraculously comes forward. This is how the Sacred Family experienced it, and today you experience it with Me.

Thus, you must be thankful each day that you wake up, each day that you rest on a clean and comfortable bed, each time the water from the springs of the Earth wash your bodies, each time that before you there is food to nurture your cells; and mainly, My children, you must be thankful for the Love of the Divine Messengers, in this place and in all the hearts that have been graced, blessed and filled by Our Apparitions.

I wish the same to happen in Africa and to begin in Angola. There is much to be done in that place, many doors to open in other parts of Africa that cry out for My Presence and for the Presence of My Son. That will be possible through you, My children, knowing that in this time you are called to live service for humanity, for the planet, for the relief of suffering.

What I ask of you is so simple, that I will tell you again.

In the same way that Africa waits for My coming someday, Asia also waits for My coming, as does Oceania. The pilgrimage is still pending, it still waits to be realized upon the ending of this pandemic. I pray every day for that ending: for the healing of those who suffer the pandemic and for it to come to an end.

At this moment and in this hour, My children, it will depend on your conscious response for some change to finally occur in all of humanity, and for it not to return to the normal way of being of the times of illusion, rather that you may enter, as in other times, the cycle of becoming aware and of fraternity.

I thank you now for your penitence. It was also taken in by My Immaculate Heart, as well as that of all the hearts that, at this moment, in various parts of the world, hear My call.

Today I want to carry My Peace to Africa. At this moment, distances do not exist, neither in time nor space, because I am there with My dear children who truly suffer the world situation.

At this moment, Our Divine lady is showing a rosary made of roses, and She says to us:

These are the fruits, the prayer, the pleadings and the love of My children of Africa. This is the Rosary that I will carry to God today so that He may receive it. I will place it in His Hands so that Our Celestial Father, with great joy, will place it on His Body as a spiritual symbol of the healing of the suffering, of the love above all evil.

This evening, My children, I also welcome the consecration of the families of the world to My Immaculate Heart, through the response given to My requests. Today I am with each one of those hearts that attended to My call.

Lastly, I want to tell you that, just as the pilgrimage to Africa in the coming times is important, also important to Me is the more daring of all pilgrimages, to Asia and Oceania, in which today I include the Philippines. 

If you give me what is most simple and true, I too will give you the most simple and true that I have, which is My Presence and My Heart.

Today, the Lady of Kibeho radiates Her Light and Her Grace upon Africa, consummating this important task carried out in the last months in Angola and in all of Africa, not only on the material plane, but also on the spiritual plane.

And so it is that we offer the Father the lessons and experiences lived during these recent times in Angola.

We aspire and affirm, at this moment, My children, a continuation of that sacred task, so that, through love, you may heal all pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady rises with the rosary in Her hands. And in that rising and assumption of Mary, we will listen at this moment to what She requested, the song "Lady of Kibeho", as a final offering of our hearts for our brothers and sisters in Africa.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

One hundred and three years ago, I came to the world for a greater reason, and today I return again to the world, My children, so that you may be aware of this important planetary moment.

The Light of My Immaculate Heart is reflected on Earth in order to embrace as many souls as possible but, at this time, it is not enough.

My Son has trained you for this moment; He has made you His apostles so that you could serve Him and follow Him.

As a Mother, I come in this time so that the greatest number of My children do not lose the meaning and purpose of being here, the reason for which God brought you to meet Me, knowing, My children, that there are still millions of souls in the world that have never stood before the Mother of God.

You who have been so close to Me through these last twelve years, you have a greater responsibility before God for the causes and the aspirations of your Divine Mother, because the Plan of your Heavenly Mother is not personal, but rather a Plan for all of humanity and the planet.

You must be the ambassadors of My Immaculate Heart in the world; you must be the facilitators for souls that need a great deal of spiritual and inner help.

This is the reason that brings Me here to you today, for all My children that hear Me at this moment in the four corners of the world, who still proclaim their faith and devotion to My maternal Heart. But I also want to say to each one of you, that this is the definitive and crucial time, extremely different from what took place in Fatima one hundred and three years ago.

In that time, humanity had a different state of consciousness, more primitive and immature. But in this time, even with the advancements achieved by humanity, this continues to be so on other planes of consciousness with the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature and of human life itself; through the painful humanitarian crises and the exile of millions of My children in the world who are seeking an opportunity and hope.

Now your home, the planet, is in a great transition and I want you to know this, My children, because there are still many of My children who do not want to open their eyes to this reality, so as to not feel shaken or called to planetary service.

Many of those who are not here today missed a spiritual opportunity, but this will not get in the way of the doors of Heaven continuing to be open to the Earth, as long as each one of My children conform to My call. This will be the great premise for your Heavenly Mother to continue returning or not to the world while the Celestial Father has need of it.

But today My hands are full of prayers, and I can show them to you as small spheres of Light that have lit up the hearts of the world while you obediently pray the Holy Rosary and do this in honor of the Heavenly Mother. Each one of these beads that I carry today in My hands, each small sphere of Light that light up in the humble palms of the hands of the Mother of God, will be special Graces that will return to the world for those children who suffer, which are hundreds and hundreds of souls that still silently wait for a Grace from God.

And so I remind you, My children, of the importance of praying with Me every day. This is a priority for your hearts and souls. Nothing must change this spiritual practice, nothing must substitute it nor cancel it. If you pray, you will be united with Me and My Immaculate Heart. During this month of May, I will be with you, as I was in the hearts of the little shepherds of Fatima.

In the same way that My Heart is still present in the Sanctuary of Fatima and throughout Portugal, the Love of the Mother of God, the devotion of the Heavenly Mother, the purity of the Servant of God has to be in more hearts of the world. For in spite of what may happen on the surface of the Earth, nothing will happen to you and you will be able to follow in the footsteps of the Mother of God on the pathways of reconciliation and of peace so that you may be in communion with Christ, My beloved Son, and thus be sanctified by His Spirit through the Holy Eucharist. 

But now, My children, it is urgent and important that you deepen your Spiritual Communion with My Son. This is the time for each one of you to recognize the truthfulness of your sincere union with My beloved Son, because this is the only thing that will save you and protect you in these times. For this reason, adore Him, revere Him and pray to Christ so that the Fountain of His Mercy may continue to descend to the world and upon those places that are most in need.

Today, your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, has traveled the entire planet to gather the pleas of each of Her children, and you, who are here, have you pleaded with Me? Have you called on Me as your Advocate and Mediator in the face of your possible wrongs?

This is the time for change, but also the time for becoming aware. All the treasures that you receive from Heaven must be testified to in light of the coming of My Son, and this will be an act and a reality for each one of you, as well as for those who are not here and who, in a confused way, lost the footsteps of My Son.

But I do not come to the world with Justice, rather with Love, with a mature Love that allows you to grow and take responsibility for this Plan of Love that God consciously gave you so that you could fulfill it and live it.

All this Grace that you receive is nothing personal; it is a great planetary, human and inner need for each of your souls and spirits.

After one hundred and three years of having been in Fatima, I come to ask you to be consistent with My Son and that you mature, for there is still much to do, there is still much to carry out, there are still pilgrimages to move forward within those places of the world where the suffering is real and painful, where brothers and sisters of yours permanently suffer in chaos and adversity.

The Heart of My Son, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and My maternal and Immaculate Heart need to reach those places in these definitive times.

But this is My aspiration; first you must build it within yourselves, to then constitute it outside of yourselves. That will allow you to experience reality rather than the illusion of what My call means. Because My call is not an illusion; it is a need and a call to congregate each one of your hearts so that you may have the opportunity of giving your best to God, after all that He has given you.

In the same way that I bring this message to you, I also bring a message of Love for the world, because the suffering has to end, the ignorance has to end, ingratitude has to end, and this will depend on each of you, My children.

I invite you to again enter the school of love, the school of gratitude and, especially, the school of obedience, so that your hearts may continue to be guided in the face of a planetary reality that day after day becomes more complicated due to the great distancing of humanity from God.

Did you distance yourself from God? The test of faith will come for each of your hearts and, in that hour, I will be praying for you, just as I am praying for the world, for the special Grace that will grant the end of this pandemic throughout all of humanity, so that hearts, souls and people may reconsider their lives; because without solidarity, without fraternity and without gratitude, humanity will not return to normal.

The time has ended and your consciousness must inwardly grow; in this way, you will be like souls, being accompanied by us from Heaven, to move forward with this task that has not yet ended.

Today I place your hearts in the inner gardens of Lys so that you may remember your original purity. It is the purity that will protect and safeguard you from yourselves in this time, so that you may continue walking in Christ and for Christ, recognizing the strengths that He has given you and the virtues that He has placed within your souls so that you are able to follow and serve Him.

He has His Arms open and His Hands stretched out to the world. In the same way, My children, I stretch out My arms to you so that you may see in My hands the Light of Grace that touches you, for the purpose of living discernment and wisdom, so that you do not make hurried decisions, because this is the last chance.

The cup is already overflowing and the promises that were made by your Lady in Akita, Rwanda (Kibeho), Garabandal, Fatima, and Mexico (Guadalupe), as well as in Medjugorje, will be fulfilled.

Today I have My Heart in those who experience Me, those who love Me, those who wait for Me, those who pray with Me, those who cry out and those who never tire of serving. Within them lie the promises of Christ so that they may be accomplished and realized. I hope that it will be so, in each one of you.

I am grateful, dear children, for the sincere love that was given as a response to My requests for the consecration of families to My Immaculate Heart. Those families, those souls and those hearts today receive the especial consecration of the Mother of God, so that God may hold them in His Mercy and His Grace, and help them to experience the end of these times, which is a time unknown to everyone.

In gratitude for each of them, I bless you and I say goodbye.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace of Fatima, the inner sanctuary, remain in your hearts. Amen.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And although I was placed in the sepulcher, My service for humanity had not ended.

Today I continue with everyone about what really happened in those times during the sorrowful Passion of your Master and Lord.

To be able to understand it spiritually, this afternoon you will enter with Me into the Universe of God, another space of the nonmaterial and cosmic creative manifestation, where the memory was also kept of all the events that took place during the sorrowful Passion of your Lord. Let us prepare for this moment.

Place your souls at the service of the Plan so that it may be they that participate in this moment, and hold in your memory all that you will go through and experience, following the universal records of your Master and Lord.

To enter this Universe of God, it will be enough to open the door of that space with your word and your song; this will be the key that will allow the revelation of all that will happen afterward.

Now, while I show you the Universe of God behind Me and the angels that are accompanying this moment, for they are the ones in charge of revealing the universal records of your Master and Lord, you must intone the musical key that will allow you to enter this span of consciousness.

We will intone "Adonai, Holy Spirit" until the Lord give us a sign, and may Adonai resonate within us and in our consciousness so that our souls may enter into this space. We can begin.

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."

Once again.

Let us return to the previous instrumental.

We are in a space that is not material, yet rather spiritual. We are in a part of the Consciousness of God that expresses itself as a great sky blue Sphere of Light, where angels write of this moment in our essences. The center of this place is a powerful Sphere of golden light that in its manifestations alternate different colors and forms, manifesting the most perfect beauty of Creation.

Our souls are in the Universe of the spirit, a place they have always aspired to reach and participate in.

Our souls participate in this place with their most subtle and elevated consciousness and are invaded by many impulses that come from the center of this Source, where within little Crystals of Light, within a golden Sphere, is held the experience of our Redeemer on Earth, the most important and emblematic portions of His spiritual and cosmic task.

And in the mental Universe, the ultra-terrestrial Universe, another part of the plane of Consciousness of Creation, another faithful copy is held of that space and place, which are other aspects of the task that Christ carried out on Earth in that time.

Feel how, at this moment, the center of our soul connects and unites with that great golden Sphere that governs the center of this space of Creation.

And outside of this blue Sphere, that envelopes us and protects us, let us see the different angelic Hierarchies accompanying Our Lord at this moment.

But let us see Christ absolutely transfigured. A deeper and more complete transfiguration than what He lived on Mount Tabor. He shows us, at this moment, His true Aspect, the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, called the Glorified Christ.

We will contemplate this along side that golden Sphere of Light and, meanwhile, inside of that golden Sphere, let us not lose our focus and our attunement with those small Crystals of Light, of how they spin in likeness to our DNA, like the movement of our molecules and atoms. We are in front of the scientific aspect of God.

Let us contemplate Christ. How part of His Being is illuminated and glorified, and has achieved a transubstantiated and sublimated matter by the power of the Love He incarnated, because of that Love He expressed to each one of us, from His birth to His Ascension.

There, through Christ, all the stages of His life on Earth are gathered, not only the stages of His material life, but also the spiritual ones. We are in front of the revelation of the Living and Glorified Christ. All of His being is the living Eucharist itself, is the great Reliquary of God that is illuminating before our souls and consciousnesses, bringing our beings into spiritual and cosmic communion with the Laws of the nonmaterial Universe.

At this moment, we must believe in what we are experiencing and feeling, beyond distance and separation. The Glorified Consciousness of Christ unites us and gathers us together in this moment to live this experience.

Let us see Our Lord levitating in the Universe, within this great sky blue Sphere of Light and, with us within there, consciously participating with all of our being and consciousness, opening our soul so that all our being may receive, through Christ, the mysteries of the nonmaterial Laws that are to be found there at this moment and which are the Laws that gave impulse to material Laws, called universal Laws. We are under another vibration and spiritual condition, let us keep our connection and our heart open to this.

Let us allow our soul to be overrun by each one of these luminous impulses, which the transubstantiated Consciousness of Christ offers us at this moment.

And so, in an act of profound gratitude and reverence, within this space of the Consciousness of God, where His scientific aspect is present, let us feel the absolute void, in a complete divestment and in a necessary surrender so that it may be He, Christ, Who will act through our souls, rather than us.

Within that golden Sphere of Light that He presents to us and which He lights up through the palm of His right Hand, He offers that we live the Will of God.

He has us face the vision and the conscious moment of being able to recognize Divine Will, which comes from the Source as a powerful emanation of Love and Unity.

Outside of this great sky blue Sphere of Light we see Saint Michael the Archangel approach, also with a transfigured aspect, like a great warrior of light that takes care of the different Projects of Creation. In His right hand we see a lance and in His left hand we see a scale that maintains its balance, its equality and justness.

Let us contemplate all these symbols but, above all, let us merge together this reality that Our Lord offers to us today with all His humility and Love.

In the center of each of our souls He places those Crystals of Light that hold His Christic energy. Our souls yield at His Feet, not feeling worthy of this merit, but recognizing the supreme Grace that has brought them here.

And now, that great sky blue Sphere of Light dissolves into space. Hundreds of souls, from different parts of the world, are present there, yielding at the Feet of the Redeemer, within that Consciousness of God, in which the non-material Laws are active and work through the Law of Silence.

Let us contemplate the beauty that God shows us in this place and in this space, which is part of His Universal Consciousness.

Through our head, from the center of our crown chakra, a subtle thread of light rises, which connects us with that Universe where our soul is present.

The transfigured Christ does not speak through words, but rather through the actions that He performs today with all of us and with all of humanity.

But He requests something of us:

Be aware of what you are receiving and value what is being given to you, because this will be the only time until I return to the world, when many will recognize My Presence, although many others will deny it.

Through this, I am preparing you for that time. For this reason, I have brought you here in consciousness and in spirit, in soul and in essence, because it is here where God resides within each one of His children.

The one who empties themselves is redeemed. The one who yields is redeemed. The one who surrenders to Me is redeemed. The one who gives Me their life, is redeemed.

Meanwhile, the Universe, through the melodies, reveals different impulses of Creation, similar to the great nebula, stars or galaxies, that are etched in this firmament of the Consciousness of God, in the presence of the angels and of the Saint Michae the Archangel. Christ still keeps His right Hand close to the golden Sphere of Light.

At times, we are dazzled and overrun by explosions of golden Light that make our souls invisible. We are bathed by His Love-Wisdom, that Love and that Wisdom that incarnated in the world through Jesus, to bring redemption to the planet for a single purpose, the purpose of Love.

While Jesus was in the sepulcher, various aspects of His Being and of His Consciousness carried out this task that He performs today with us, helping different groups of souls and redeeming the hells, giving an opportunity and Grace to all the fallen stars.

Today, through the divine power of His Mercy, He gives us these impulses from the spiritual Source that holds the records of all His experience on Earth and of all the levels of His Being, which are revealed to our consciousnesses so that we may know and recognize that God is in all things.

With great gentleness and harmony, let us bring our consciousnesses to this material space, to the place where we are now, and let us feel how this experience is kept in the center of our being, in the deepest core of our inner being.

We still see the Glorified Christ, the transubstantiated Christ here, with all His Being like one same and only Eucharist that is offered to the world for its redemption and forgiveness.

We still see, behind Christ, that Universe and space of God beating.

The universal Plan is centered on the redemption of humanity. For this reason, God Himself offered Himself to the world through His Son, so that the humanity of that time and today's humanity could understand that they are here for a divine Purpose and not only for a material life. Your cells, atoms and the center of your beings must understand this, must affirm this so that your souls may govern and move forward with the Aspirations of God and the Will He has determined for each one of His children.

On this seventh day of the meeting, I see the majority of souls empty of self. You must recognize this all the time. You must safeguard it from yourselves. You must preserve it from the world, the chaos and the unfaithfulness. You must commit to yourselves for the Plan of God, because God is waiting to act through His children, as He has acted throughout the times and the different races.

But so that this decision that God has can manifest, after all that humanity has received throughout time, it is for the race of today to take the great and last step so that this Will may be realized and concretized. While that still does not take place, humanity will continue to suffer.

The Kingdom of the Heavens was on this planet. The Kingdom of the Heavens is reflected through the nature of this planet. The more aggression it endures, the greater the pain felt by the human being. There will be no place nor consciousness that will be able to address that pain nor calm that suffering.

You are beings that come from the Source. This is why I have taken you toward that favorite place of God. He has placed all of you in His Heart, have you perceived this? It is the Love that emerges and emanates from the Source, the renewing and untiring Love that will make of each being a new being; this is why your yielding is important.

Do not be afraid of the changes. Open to the changes that will come in the end of these times. Celestial joy is the promise that God has for each of His children, and today He fulfills His promise, taking all souls that listen to the chamber of His Sacred Heart, beyond all errors, debts or traumas that each human being may be experiencing and going through.

God is the unconditional eternal. Your Master is the unconditional eternal. The Holy Spirit that is among you today is the unconditional eternal.

When humanity learns to live within love rather than in indifference, to practice equality, tolerance, respect and faith, everything will be transformed. For this to happen, I will return to the world at the most difficult and culminating moment of the race. The days for this occurrence are drawing closer. 

Today I have asked the Father to give Me the Grace of taking each one of you into His Heart.

Now, Christ, placing His Hands in the sign of imposition, transfigures His vestments and all His Consciousness into a subtle rose color. He shows us His spiritual aspect of Love. That which upon being subject to and assaulted by humankind during His sorrowful Passion, His Love never surrendered. 

We are facing the invincible Love of Christ, the Love that He, at this moment, radiates to the whole world, bringing our planet, all of humanity and the Kingdoms of nature close to His Chest.

Today His spiritual and invincible Love gathers up the groups of souls of different animal species, such as the whales, which are being wiped out; such as the cattle, which are being killed; such as the species that are losing their habitat; and from the plant Kingdom, that is exploited, burned and destroyed on the surface of the Earth.

And even further, the invincible Love of Christ penetrates to the depths of our planet and gathers up the group soul of the mineral Kingdom, the minerals of which suffer and are destroyed and extracted with violence and vengeance. 

His Love, especially today, also reaches those who live in slavery, in Africa and in the world.

We are in the moment and in the Grace, in light of the invincible Love of Christ, of asking for forgiveness for the errors made by this humanity against the Kingdoms of Nature; of asking for forgiveness for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters who are blind and only want the advantages and benefits of Nature.

In light of the invincible Love of Christ, let us ask for forgiveness for destroying Creation and for not valuing it.

We bow down to Christ to ask for forgiveness and so that His Love may triumph in the world by the merits of His sorrowful Passion, for the descent of His unfathomable Mercy.

We may stand, breathe deeply and give thanks.

Today, at the request of Christ, we are going to offer this communion for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for those who thirst in the world and have no water to drink and to hydrate their bodies. Let us ask for the Grace that the Kingdom of the waters, from the deepest core of the Earth and through Mother Nature, may grant the Grace of causing streams to flow from those places where there is great thirst. Amen.

Lord, God of the Universe and of Life, inexhaustible Fount of Love and Truth, infinite manifestation of providence, of abundance and of universal wisdom, we offer you this Sacrament in the name of Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we ask for the Grace and the opportunity that all that we receive here, beyond what we deserve, may reach the souls that aspire and wait for this spiritual abundance that You allow to descend to Earth through Your glorious Son. Amen.

The novena of prayer of this Holy Week, the Spiritual Trilogy that I taught you many years ago, has been of vital importance to Me, because it has allowed this whole task to move forward without interruptions or obstacles.

Thank you for those who strive in their hearts! May Peace be in each one of those who pray, that support this Plan of Love.

Thus, on this Hallelujah Saturday, so that tomorrow your souls may rise in spirit, in joy and in gladness for having the Grace of hearing the Word of God, I offer you this Eucharistic Communion, fulfilling My promise of being with you every day, until the end of times.

Father, Infinite Love, Consoler and Healer, I offer You this bread so that You, by the power of Your Glory, may change it into the Body of Christ so that today, consummating this spiritual and divine task, I will offer it to each one of Your children and say to them again: "Take and eat it, for this is My Body that is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way, I offer You the Chalice of Redemption, Beloved Father, so that You may transubstantiate It into the Blood of Christ. For this reason, I again offer it to those of Yours, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that is still poured out by your Lord up to these times for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And now, taking each other by the hand, and those alone in their homes, place your hands in the sign of reception toward Heaven so that, together with Our Lord, we may repeat this powerful prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth and elevate all fallen stars to Heaven.

So be it.

You can place your hands on your heart, for where there is unity, no illness can prevail.

May the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens be in you and in the whole world.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having shared this afternoon with Me. Hold in memory that which you experienced today.

Special Apparitions
Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.

Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.

It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.

They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.

Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.

The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.

In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.

These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.

Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.

All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.

Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.

Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.

Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.

This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.

Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.

This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.

Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.

For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.

A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.

Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.

I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.

After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.

Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.

With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.

Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.

May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.

May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.

I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sphere of Light of the consciousness

Each human being, as a created spiritual essence, carries a Sphere of Light within the consciousness, which holds the Love the Creator gave them from the moment in which they were created.

We call this sphere the Essence or Sphere of Light of the consciousness. It is as important as the life, for it will respond in the future as an experience in each one of you.

This Sphere of Light of the consciousness holds the most positive memories of your existence, as well as the memories of the acts of Love and of Mercy experienced in the school of this planet.

It is this Sphere of Light of the consciousness that your Heavenly Mother comes to care for and protect from Her eternal enemy.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is capable of providing an experience of Love that the soul may have lost because of suffering or error.

This Sphere of Light is capable of bringing to spiritual life the gifts held in the Source of Creation, and of radiating them to all the deep nuclei of a being.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is the only living memory of what we once were, of what we are and of what we will be, for it can grasp Divine Will, and in this way, provide the human consciousness with the necessary impulses to live a more evolutionary life within the different Laws of the Universe.

This Sphere can unblock a spiritual or inner process which the mind sometimes generates.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is capable of reminding us of our origin and our beginning in Creation.

It can do all things.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
