Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You expired, Jesus,
but Your Death brought forth
a wellspring of Life for souls
and the ocean of Your Mercy
flooded the whole world.

Oh, Fountain of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
flood the whole world,
pouring out upon us
up to Your last drop of Blood.


Behold this ocean, which many do not know, vaster than all the seas and lakes of the world. The Fountain of My Love is so abundant and unknown that some souls are afraid of penetrating My mystery.

This is why, on this third and last day of the Presence of your Master and Lord in Canada for the whole world, I invite you to rise to the unknown again, through the spiritual and celestial staircase that I presented to you on the first day. And I invite you to patiently and calmly dare to cross the narrow door of God, which will liberate you from any human condition, the narrow door of God that will lead you to your own spiritual freedom.

This is why it is inevitable, companions, that, in order to find the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy, you have to feel, and at the same time detach yourselves from all that which is old, from everything that cannot be part of My Redeeming Work of the Return.

For this reason, I Am here to impel you and to encourage you, so that you may know that in the spiritual foundation of your lives, your consciousnesses and spirits, lies the Fountain and the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy. This Fountain of Love and Compassion was generated and spiritually manifested from the moment your Master and Lord drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, until the last moment of His expiration on the Cross, when I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of God to give Him all the spirits that would come to Me throughout the times and generations, and to give Him, through My offering, in the deepest pain of the Cross, all the groups of souls that would come to My Heart throughout the times and events of the planet.

This is why you are today before this spiritual and celestial staircase, you are ready to take the first steps of the ascension, of the total detachment from what you believe, from all that which you could question or doubt.

Because by taking the first step on this spiritual and celestial staircase of divestment, I assure you that if you walk in trust, you will no longer remember nor will you feel or think all that which can humanly press you.

You already know that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can reach the Father but through Me. If I remind you of this, it is because you must keep it in mind at this moment and in this time, given the events that the planet lives and suffers today, throughout the nations and peoples who are subjected by war, conflict and pain.

Be very much aware that ascending through this celestial and spiritual staircase is not something personal or individual; it means elevating through a mature and responsible consciousness, and doing so not only for all your ancestors but also for all of humanity. Thus, you will help your Master and Lord to elevate all that which is being corrupted and is darkening, within and outside of the human consciousness.

At each step that you may take, through this spiritual and celestial staircase, you will also help your Master to have humanity detach itself from every human condition, from everything which acts as an obstacle to the evolution of consciousness.

But it is inevitable, companions, that when the moment comes for each one to cross the narrow door of God, they must recline their head and spine to cross the door of humiliation and humility, just as the Holy Mother did as She entered the Grotto of Bethlehem, so that in a humble and simple space the King of the Universe might be born.

Therefore, learn through the Humility of Mary and the absolute trust of Mary in the Plan of God. Even today, being a Glorified Consciousness, She continues to be a Slave of God, so that all Her children on Earth may attain the great day of redemption and conversion, through an act of repentance for all the offenses committed against God, so that all of the human race may be reintegrated into the universe of the Laws, of the experience of Values, Attributes and Principles of the Father, which in this time all of My disciples must practice in their daily lives, as these Values, Principles and Attributes of the Project of God in some regions and nations of the planet are gradually dissolving.

Thus, you will be able to understand, with a conscious, ready and whole gaze, that climbing this spiritual and celestial staircase is not only for yourselves, but also for the world, for all those who, in this time and at this crucial hour of humanity, for the suffering generated in wars, persecution and death, cannot even raise their heads to implore God, due to the very traumatic and miserable conditions in which they live.

Are you aware that you are working with Me for something greater?

It is time, companions, to abandon all that which is petty and arrogant, it is time to abandon the action of manipulation and egocentrism.

Your Master and Lord has taught you the way, but all can be Christs of the New Time if you submerge into My ocean of Grace and Mercy.

Have you learned to wash your faces, hands and feet in the fountain of purification that I offer to you?

Behold, physically before you, this mystery that does not hide to remain secret, but which reveals itself to the pure in heart. This is the Fountain of My Heart, which never ends, and that few, on many occasions, visit or look for.

God thought of everything before you existed as race and civilization, even as souls or essences.

Do not think that you are in the wrong place; rather than think, try to feel: where has God, through Me, placed you in trust? Because if this were not so, even within your material or even concrete reality, you would not be here before Me today, listening to Me.

I do not come here to waste the time of God, I come here to seek the response from the hearts of those who once walked by My side, from those who were healed by Me, those who were liberated by Me, those who were forgiven by Me many times. Just as Mary Magdalen was liberated from sin and converted, until today, into a sanctified consciousness.

Do you believe in the power of conversion that I grant to souls as a Grace?

To all those who still do not manage to surrender their hearts to Me, but wait to do so, I Am here for this. It is God who sends Me as His Messenger, as His Bearer of Peace and Good for humanity.

In these three last Messages of your Master and Lord lie the guidance and also the keys to live this stage that I present to you today, the last preparatory stage of My Return to the world.

Do you want to participate in this? May your answer not be immature, but rather a conscious one.

I Am here to help and bless you through My Sacraments, inexhaustible Source of renewal for those who believe in them, just as the holy women did from the beginning, professed them and lived them in themselves, later on being the witnesses of the Resurrected One.

Will you be the witnesses of the Return of Christ, first being witnesses in your inner world, in your life example, and in your coherence with what you profess and all that you believe?

This is what I expect with infinite patience and with loving dedication.

The narrow door of God has been presented in these days for souls. Now is the moment for each one to walk with their own feet, because all has been consummated, just as all was consummated on the Cross.

May those who are tired and oppressed come to Me.

May those who doubt and those who are lost come to Me.

May those who seek the truth come to me.

May those who are anguished come to Me.

May those who seek peace come to Me.

May those who aspire to liberation come to Me.

May those who seek to have their wounds healed come to Me.

May all come to Me, because here is My Heart, the secure door for your spiritual protection.

I also thank all those who walk with Me today, by My side, and who, despite everything, continue and trust in the Lord, in his Unfathomable Presence, but also in His Word, and who. even at the most difficult and darkest moment, continue to walk in trust until they find the embrace of Jesus.

May Peace be in the oppressed, afflicted and lost so that Peace, which is the living presence of God, may be in the world, just as My Peace is in you today if you believe in it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through this meeting today, you have removed many thorns from My Immaculate Heart. This Heart is no longer bleeding due to the pain and suffering for My children, though the world is in darkness.

Today, this Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mother of God is illuminated and re-ignited through the prayers of Her children, of all Children of Mary.

But this event, which happens today within My Heart, is not only due to this moment which you have, in honesty, mysteriously lived with Me and through Me with God; but it is also due to all moments that you have shared with Me in the prayer of the heart, which prepared this event in the most intimate and profound part of My Maternal Heart.

I know you will not understand what this means. Thus, I come today to expose My illuminated Heart, to demonstrate to God the response of His Creatures in this world, of those who foster peace and the good in humanity and unite to all brothers and sisters of this planet, regardless of religion or beliefs.

Because the center and the energy that unites all of humanity is the Love of God, something that the world is losing, and it is a commitment from you: being  able to recover it every day, first of all through your sincere acts of love for those beside you or even within your families, because you know in which situation the families of humanity are in, subjected to ideologies, hypnotized by technologies and put to the test at each moment of life.

Therefore, through sincere and honest prayer, every day until My Beloved Son returns, you must have your families be this spiritual cell that God needs in these final times.

Protect the values of the family of this humanity, even from your very selves, the values that in these times are being eradicated and rooted out through a so-called freedom that comes from many people in this world, deceived by My enemy, deviated from their spiritual paths and their Purpose.

These are the thorns that you have removed from My Maternal Heart, through the prayer of all Children of Mary. In this way, I can count on you in each task and request that the Father makes to Me to protect His Project of humanity.

And although everything in this world moves hastily, I only ask you to stop and think. In these times, do not decide impulsively, do not allow your minds to deceive and confuse you. Before everything, enter the sacred universe of prayer, as you are doing at this moment and have done at other moments. Thus not only will your consciousnesses be united to the Heights, to the Source that many still do not seek today, but you will also be protected and supported by the sacred spiritual energy of prayer.

Today, I would like to thank the Grace Mercy Order and all collaborators of the Marian Centers, who make the sincere and honest effort of elevating the values of divine spirituality on the surface of this humanity, through the hidden life of the Marian Centers, sacred epicenters of Light of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which mirror gifts, attributes and Graces upon those who seek them.

The pillars of these Marian Centers are My children. A Center of Grace and Mercy cannot sustain itself without the constant presence of all Children of Mary.

This is why I maternally want to tell you that I have been having the great joy, throughout these last years, not only of seeing the Marian Centers being concretized as Islands of Salvation, but also of contemplating, with love and joy, each moment of liturgy shared at the Marian Centers, each offering that was made by each one of you, regardless of your purifications and of your deserts.

Although it does not seem so, all the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries of the world were opened by Me so that souls might drink from the Source of Healing and Reconciliation.

Therefore, I ask the brave warriors and stewards of the Marian Centers to never give up. At each passing day, the hidden life of the Marian Centers will be more necessary and urgent for souls.

You must allow the Spiritual Source, that is open at each Marian Center, to never close, because little by little, day by day, week by week, you have seen for yourselves the serious thirst of the souls that are far from God and in conflict with Higher Love. Therefore, your welcoming, reception, attention and, above all, kindness for the pilgrims, is something that cannot be understood in these times.

This is why I ask you now to be attentive to the signs that I will send through the pilgrim hearts, because they are My children too, they are Children of God who deserve the same redemption that you are receiving. They need to be before the Fountain of Grace, just as you have been many times.

See what modernity does to My children. Could you be more united to Me, despite everything, just as the Hierarchy is united and concentrated on God, in the face of the hardest hells of this world?

You must not miss the opportunities, My children, because My time with you is ending and My Word is not in vain, because I come as the Great Messenger of God, as the Great Mirror of the Father’s Love, which comes to include and welcome all creatures, regardless of their spiritual debts, for it is Love and Grace that converts what is impossible into something possible, transfigures darkness into light, and redeems perdition into freedom.

Today, I want to withdraw from here with this feeling lived and shared with all Children of Mary and, especially with the stewards and guardians of the Marian Centers, because at this moment I have the joy of again contemplating that which each Marian Center has been able to express up to the present moment.

More than your hands and arms to serve the Marian Centers, I need your hearts, loving and peaceful hearts that someday, with the mere presence of My children who guard the Marian Centers, can bless the spaces and make them sacred, just as your Heavenly Mother blesses each meeting and makes it sacred.

To understand in Depth My Message of Love, I will again consecrate, on this special day, new Children of Mary, whom I invite to approach this Altar to receive My blessing.

And while the melody of the Children of Mary begins to resound, your Heavenly Mother, through this simple yet profound consecration, prepares to again bless all of My already consecrated Children.

I invite you to place your hands in the sign of reception, to receive from My Heart the flowers of Light from Heaven, which hold the most beautiful attributes of Creation.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may draw near.

Today, I want to bless these children of Mine, who come to live their consecration on this special date for My Immaculate Heart, when, on March 13 of every year I can present before God the offerings, merits, prayers and supplications of all Children of Mary.

Today I gather here, through this consecration, different nations of Europe called to live the time of redemption through hearts that pray.

I consecrate and bless you, giving you My blessing and a kiss of love.  

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all sing the Hymn of Consecration. Let us stand up.

Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary.

We will close this meeting with the Mother of God, a meeting with this Love of a Mother who never tires, who always gives of Herself and shows us the immensity of Her untiring Love, and patiently renews us all through something that is so simple: Her profound, mature and maternal Love.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 



Third Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ,
when anguish comes,
may I not fear my own purification
or that of my fellow beings.

May the glorious flame of Your Love
fill us completely
so that we have the inner strength
to overcome ourselves.

Lord Jesus, teach us to live
in the same way that You lived
the Eternal Father in each moment.

That we be able to be ambassadors of Your Legacy.

That we be able to represent You on Earth
just as You deserve it, so that
we may cease to disappoint Your Heart
and we may fill It with bliss and joy
through fulfilling
Your Designs, step by step.

Make our hearts brave,
willing to suffer for You,
and thus that we be able to repopulate the Earth
with new values of brotherhood
and mercy.

May each test that You send us, Lord,
help us to confirm our fortitude within You.

We ask You, dear Jesus,
to make us like You in humility,
true in charity and peaceful
in the face of the attacks of life.

May we not fear to humiliate ourselves before You, Lord,
as many times as You need it,
because some day we hope to be nothing
and in this nothing merge ourselves into God forever.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

