In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come as the Light that dissipates darkness.
Today, I come through the symbol of the Sorrowful Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Behold this deed before your eyes and within your hearts.
From the most profound abyss of Light of My Consciousness, inner life emerges, a path I build within the souls that follow and seek Me. Without this inner life, nothing is possible.
Behold that which is most profound in My Being and Consciousness. This is the enclosure that I have for all those who dare to enter Me through the narrow doorway of humility, so that what is superficial, arrogant, what believes to be superior but does not exist may separate from you; so that your sensible resignation, your true humiliation, your essences of peace may enter Me.
Without this inner construction that I offer to you, it is not possible to materialize the Plan and the Purpose of God on Earth. For this reason, today I come to try to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of those who are blind, of those who have lost the path of the spirit, and also of those who have never found it.
See before yourselves how the world is. Is it not a sufficient sign that inner life has become lost, even in great religions, in which the communication of these times is more important than the inner communication among souls and all the spirits that live in God?
I want you to remember that I call you to My Path to rebuild the communion with inner life, the sacred emblem of the spirit that vibrates and communes in higher dimensions and that, in the example of its life, reflects the Simplicity of God, without pride or arrogance. Therefore, this is a decisive time, it is a crucial and significant time.
Through this impulse of My Sorrowful Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, I come so that you may remember that, just as your Master and Lord had to cross the narrow doorway of humility, surrender and the acceptance of all sins of the world, in the same way, you are also called, if you accept it, to carry the Cross of humanity with Me, the sorrowful Cross of this humanity. However, I know that you will not fully understand this meaning, because it is something spiritual.
In silence, I contemplate you and I contemplate humanity, which walks toward its definitive state of spiritual disconnection.
This is why God sends His Messengers and Hierarchies, to remind everyone about the path of the spirit and of inner life. The more souls seek the path of inner life, the more they will understand what is unknown and everything that is immaterial because there lies true life, which must be reflected in harmony and attunement with this surface to be in perfect communion with the Heights.
Today I bring you a very abstract part of My Being, which I have never revealed to the world, and that I know you will not understand it with your minds, but which you will only be able to feel with a heart that opens itself to grasp My cosmic and spiritual impulses.
My Inner Life, which is the Life of God, is a Law. In it, the absolute Love and the perfect science between the Laws of the universe and of the spirit are reflected.
Then, I tell you: how many times a day do you contemplate your inner world? How many times do you allow your intuition to guide you, rather than your preferences?
Do you understand the difference between being in communion with inner life and being in relationship with superficial life?
I do not need to give you examples of what happens in the world, because you already see them with your own eyes.
Inner life needs to be reestablished in many more consciousnesses and hearts so that your own incarnations may not be wasted or lost.
What incomprehensible pain does My Father, Who is in Heaven, feels when the essences created in the image and likeness of God become lost in the abysses of the world, or even when many incarnated essences are led to the abysses of the world without deserving them.
This is the time of effort and the exercise of communion with inner life so that even material forms may be permeated by the sacred cosmic energies that, as currents of Light, Love and Wisdom, permeate everything they touch and wherever they circulate, removing the excesses of the superficial and materialistic life of humanity, even of those who claim to be spiritual.
Because this school of the Earth, of this planet in this universe and within this Creation, is lived up to the last moment, up to the last expiration, just as I lived it on the Cross for all of you, being a Man Who learned how to love and forgive, despite the weight of the Cross of the world's errors and injustices.
When I speak to you of the New Christs, I Am not speaking of something theoretical or romantic. This is not My vocabulary. I Am speaking of a Christic life that externalizes the Truth and applies it in all its consciousness, in communion with all the Laws of the Universe, without skipping the rules of the Commandments.
This is why humanity has reached this situation, and it could become worse if communion with inner life, which is urgent for your Master, is not recovered.
I want you to know and remember that this Work, in which you participate due to an inexplicable state of Grace and an unknown merit, has been graced with the sovereign spirit of the Instruction and Knowledge of the Hierarchy. This is what, in a silent, anonymous and simple way, has reopened the doors so that souls might recover and continue to recover the path of communion with inner life.
Do you now understand where you are and what you are here for?
Ask yourselves this without fear, but with honesty, and I would even say with courage, so that the mirages of superficial life may no longer exist but rather the profound contacts with the inner world. These contacts must not enrich the personal or spiritual ego but allow your souls to govern and fulfill this incarnation, which for many is the most significant, the incarnation of passing from one state to another, internally, anonymously.
Therefore, divest yourselves, divest yourselves every day, although you may believe you have done so; because the inner life, which is unique and inextinguishable to God, is wise, merciful and just; solemn, sacred and immaculate for the one who opens themselves to understand, live and experience it, and through their own heart, nourishes the flame of the Divine Purpose, which guides souls in this school of redemption and forgiveness.
How many more are seeking this path and still do not find the door to enter!
The Hierarchy entrusts to you the reconstruction of this path that is purely spiritual so that, later on, it may reflect itself in that which is material. And may that Law that once was fulfilled in the origin of this Work, through the venerable brother José, be fulfilled and applied in as many souls as possible, souls who, regardless of their school or even of their errors, receive an opportunity to commune again with their own inner life, which in essence is to commune with the Life of God.
Today I can share with you that which is most profound that I have, but also the most sacred that I express, not as something I own or something personal, but rather as something that is part of God, of the Living, Resplendent and Merciful God Who, in His silent cry, waits for His sons and daughters, all His creatures, to rise again from the abysses and find within themselves the path toward the origin of inner life.
If inner life reigned in the world and in many more souls, conflicts would not exist.
If inner life reigned in the world and in many more souls, there would not be conflicts or incomprehensions. Because the language of inner life is unique and comes from the Holy Spirit, which, with Its Gifts and Graces, transforms the souls that open themselves to find again the meaning of incarnating here, in this world and in this end time.
Only one Message and not even My Words would be enough to express the greatness of inner life, which is humble, austere and pure.
However, the foundations for the reencounter with inner life have been given and unconditionally granted by the Spiritual Hierarchy since this Garden of Gethsemane, which was the witness of the most unknown pains of Christ for the souls of the world.
In the face of the darkest shades of humanity and of many hearts, may the Light of inner life shine again in the abysses of the Earth, so that the fallen stars may rise to the Heavens in redemption and love, and may become a part, as so many consciousnesses of the universe, of the great existence of the inner life that God nourishes with His Cosmic and Divine Fire, which guides souls as sacred flowers that seek the rays of the Sun of God's Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the Son of the Father is present, the universes stop to receive the Light of the world, the Light that dispels darkness, the Light that defeats chaos, the Light that leads you to peace.
It is this Divine Light that comes from the Universe to meet the essences created by God, so that the essences may abandon the abysses of illusion, of lies, of indifference, of omission.
The Divine Light of God, through the Son, descends to the world to find you, to summon you and to call on you to remember the Will of the Father, and all of your inner existence since the origin.
It is this Divine Light of God, through the Beloved Son, that brings you into the sacred knowledge of the Universe and of all the manifestation of the Sources of Creation.
Through the consciousness of the Divine Light, I come to elevate you, I come to withdraw you from perversion, from spiritual blindness, from the lack of discernment and of wisdom.
I come to recover the values of your people and your nation, the origins of your origins, the hospitality of each one of your souls, the solidarity of each one of your spirits that once, united with the Source, brought a spiritual and material openness to receive other cultures and other peoples, just as Germany has done in recent years.
It is by living these principles of fraternity and of solidarity with your peers, and with your brothers and sisters, regardless of nation or culture, opening the doors to acceptance and to love, that the nations of Europe will be able to be forgiven for all that they did throughout time, no matter the seriousness or the evil generated.
Because this Divine Light that comes to meet you from the Greater Universe is the Light that brings you Mercy, a Source of Grace and of expiation that you need so that your lives may completely transform according to the Will of the Father and the commitment that each one of you must experience in this time.
For this reason, companions, be glad, experience joy through the Divine Light of God, a Light that the Son of the Most High brings to change essences into the Love of God, so that essences may be bathed in Wisdom and be filled by the Grace that comes, in these difficult times, to open the eyes of humankind, so they may recover their filiation with the Universe and their existence.
This is why I come to recover one of the most important attributes of your nation, the attribute of hospitality and of solidarity that you once experienced with your sister nations and that today you experience with other nations of the world, so far from yours.
This, companions, spirit of solidarity and of hospitality, will awaken in you a love for service, not only for the human being, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature, which cry out for the help of humankind from the surface to be able to bear the end of these times, the most definitive times of the Earth.
To recover these values that allows for equality to live in each one, not only as a society but also as a people, sharing in fraternity all that you have, you will be able to prompt other nations of the world to also open their doors, not only of their homes but also of their hearts, to receive the refugee and the one that suffers, because in essence and in Divine Light, all are brothers and sisters, all are children of God, beyond faults or errors, beyond the successes and the facts committed.
Remember that you are children of God and that the Source of Divine Light is today drawing closer to you to bring Holland a spiritual opportunity that is today sown in the consciousnesses of many so that in the coming time it may bring about results, just as the Father hopes for and needs.
Today I come to lead your consciousnesses toward the universality of life, toward a broader understanding of the greater and higher reality, which in this time brings impulses of Light to consciousnesses, in order to make them participants in the truth, in all that will transform them and have them become aware of the planetary situation of these times.
The spirit of solidarity and of acceptance will take you out of yourselves in order to find, at each point in this city and beyond, the Love of God that is lacking in the hearts that have forgotten their inner commitment because of substituting the tendencies of these times for this commitment.
But today I open My Arms over Holland and the whole world, just as I open your hearts, so that you may feel the beauty of being in God and of participating in His Divine Love in communion, which makes you worthier children of God, more helpful, more humble, more available for carrying forward the Plan of the Father in this end cycle, which must be accomplished, companions, first within each one of you to then be accomplished in all of humanity.
It is for this reason that the time and the moment is coming for all nations and their inhabitants to consciously awaken to the Return of Christ. Thus, I come in this cycle in Divinity so that your souls can receive My subtle vibrations, so that then your whole consciousness can be a participant in the fulfilling of that promise that I once made, on the height of the Mount of Olives, when I said to the apostles and to all the people of Israel that, in the same way that the Son of God was raised by the clouds of light, so the Son of the Father would return for a second time among the clouds of the Cosmos, so that the Light of the Father may completely transform and redeem the entire human race.
The time is approaching, that event is drawing closer. For this reason, the voice of the Celestial Messengers resounds within the nations of the world so that the greatest number possible may overnight be participants in this moment of the Second Coming of your Redeemer.
While I contemplate a Holland that must renew itself in the Love of God, I contemplate many nations in the world that also need to receive the Mercy of God.
At this moment, companions, this hour that we are living together between Heaven and Earth, between Higher Will and inner will, which are fusing to be able to fulfill the Plan, it is through the joy for all that has occurred on this pilgrimage, for the real and sincere effort of each praying being and collaborator, for each gesture of love given even in the smallest details, after all the cities visited and all the purposes accomplished according to the Will of My Father, that Europe will be ready to receive the Redeemer in Body, Soul and Divinity, as will Africa someday.
My Heart beats also for that suffering continent, exploited by humankind, forgotten by the most powerful and taken advantage of by the most unjust.
But the prayers of the most innocent, of the souls of Angola and of all of Africa, through the mediation of Our Lady of Kibeho, have prepared the inner and spiritual path so that the Divine Messengers may someday arrive there.
We hear their hearts and their prayers, we hear the petitions of our children of Angola who have prayed, in their greatest misery, for those who have more so that they may be saved, as they have already been saved and are with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I want the world to know the truth. For the next cycle, My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will descend in love, justice and compassion in France, and it will propagate with the Divine Mother on the Mauritius islands, from which Africa, Madagascar and the south of India will also spiritually benefit.
These are also the results of the generous and loving work of the men and women, the young people and the children who have truly worked, no matter how long, for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the victory of My Sacred Heart during this pilgrimage throughout Europe.
Here, at this hour and at this moment, before Heaven and Earth, before your souls and before all your brothers and sisters of the world, through the Mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I come to close a cycle, proclaiming the victory of Love in the most lost essences of the world so that, elevated to the Celestial Kingdom by the Supreme Mother of the World and sheltered by the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the advent of Christ in humanity may be accomplished.
And the Graces of God will not only reach France in an upcoming time, but also to the Mauritius islands, so that Madagascar, Africa and the south of India may also be contemplated by the immense ocean of the compassion of God.
Let it be so.
At the Doorways of Heaven, let us celebrate communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, offering these elements of the altar that will be lovingly transubstantiated by your Lord so that the values of faith and of solidarity may not only be reestablished in Holland, but also in France, in Africa and in the Mauritius Islands.
Let us celebrate, thank and rejoice in God because Love in humankind triumphs again.
Today are presented before the altar the fruits of the work of humankind through the wheat that converts into bread to give food to the children of God and through the wine, to quench the thirst of the hearts of the world.
We stand up.
"Bless this water, Lord, so that with Your Love and Your Light it may wash the hearts of Holland, so that they may find the true path of their spiritual union with You for the centuries to come. Amen."
"In the same way that the incense protected and sheltered the Son of God while He rested in the Holy Sepulcher, through this element, Lord, exorcise all that does not belong to Your Light so that the human consciousness may be elevated."
"By the Water that flowed from My side, may this water purify and sublimate everything so that souls may be freed of self and achieve Your Peace."
At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we invite all those who are able, to kneel for the consecration.
Remember My child, when the Lord took the bread, lifting it up to God, the Divine Light blessed it and I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
Then I took the Chalice between My hands and giving thanks to God for this sacrifice, the Divine Light blessed it, I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink from this Chalice, for it is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
And just as I taught Israel the prayer of the Our Father on the Mount of Beatitudes, today I ask you that as a new people and a new consciousness, you recite this prayer together with Me.
Prayer: Our Father.
The Body and the Divine Blood of Christ, happy and blessed may be those who avail themselves of this Sacrament because today they will receive a Grace that will endure for the rest of their lives, and will bring them an expiation because of the merits achieved by your Master and Lord on Mount Calvary up to His death on the Cross.
Prayer of offering to the Celestial Father.
May the unity among consciousnesses prevail so that the Plan of God may be accomplished in each human heart and the beauty of the Love of God may be expressed in hearts, as in all of Creation.
I bless Holland, just as I will bless France and Mauritius Islands with My visit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In honor and glory to God, by the Mercy that emerges from My Heart so that also in Holland may always be present peace, and in gratitude for the whole pilgrimage carried out, in a miraculous and resounding way in My name, and for the thousand years of Peace, you will give each other the greeting of peace.
May the Celestial Father always bless you.
I thank you
You are all invited to stand, in reverence to our Lord. At the time He appears, those who can, may kneel, those who cannot, can sit.
We can sing.
This is how I want to see the world, in reverence and love, recognizing the inner Christ within, He Who has never died, He Who always lives throughout time and the facts.
I am not dead, I am alive in you, each time that you allow Me to be, and can be even more so when you become aware and wise about your commitment to the Celestial Father.
Everything that took place during the Passion of your Lord has already been spoken of, to a certain degree, but humanity still does not know the true Mysteries of God that are held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant and that keep watch over the memories of your Master and Lord, from His birth to His Ascension.
But today the world must know what really happened beyond the facts, and why God Himself incarnated as a man and as a human consciousness, to give Himself to His children completely, in Mercy and in Love.
You must go beyond this Mystery, through the attunement of your hearts, in this great Universal registry of the Passion of your Master and Lord.
The Lord asks for three candles in order to bless them.
And so that by means of their light, companions, this material plane, this Universe created by God Himself through His angels, may be a witness to the revelations of the Ark of the Holy Covenant about the mysteries of the Passion of your Master and Lord.
I invite you at this moment to prepare inwardly, and that you not only listen to the words or that your hearts become affected.
It is necessary, companions, in this crucial time of humanity, in which millions of souls and nations are at stake, that there exist a consciousness of responsibility, of maturity and of adherence to Divine Will.
These three candles will represent the Most Holy Trinity which, through Its non-material presence and Its divine impulse, will bring toward Earth the revelation of God.
The light protects the Sacred Knowledge; it ignites essences in the Wisdom of God.
God needed to surrender to the world, to descend from His Supreme Source to save His children. There was no other way. Humanity was at the point of perishing and destroying itself. The darkness of the human consciousness and of all the hells would have been able to completely take over the planet if there had not been divine intervention.
For this reason, the Mother of God was chosen among all women. And at that time and at that moment, She had knowledge of the Truth, beyond the incarnation of the Son of God as the manifestation of the Second Person of God, which is God Himself.
It was the Archangel Gabriel who, before descending to Earth to meet Mary, asked the Celestial Father to be able to rescue the Human Genetic Project from all the errors that the generations before Me had committed through perversity and for having gone outside of the Law.
Stay concentrated, because if you don't, I will not be able to continue. Your heart must be in what is taking place and not in another place, because if you are here, it is because you seek Me and because you call upon Me, it is because you need Me.
What is being registered here today will not happen anymore, because the end of times is now happening and the world must take responsibility for what it did not correspond with and for having gone outside of the law.
But if your hearts seek My path, in spite of what occurs, nothing will happen to you because you will be within Me, within My Mystical Body, upon fully living the Eucharistic Communion.
Thus it was that the Archangel Gabriel descended to the Earth, in a moment of great tribulation and darkness.
While the doors to the hells were open, on the other hand, the Divine Consciousness, the One Source, the Living God, Who made Himself present through the Archangel Gabriel before the divine person of Mary, arrived to express and reveal His Will to Her.
At this moment, our Lord is presenting and showing the Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary and what happened during this fact.
If Her "yes" had not been firm, you would not be here today, nor would the world exist.
But although God knew that humanity would be saved through the redemption of the Son and through everything that He offered to humanity, the "yes" of Mary as a human being was the before and the after of the salvation of the world and of all the generations that would follow, from the people of Israel to the peoples of today.
This story is written in the Scrolls of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, as are many other events that still spiritually assist the world in its redemption, bringing renewal and life to souls so that they may take on their commitment with love and responsibility, and thus accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.
The Angel Gabriel blew the Holy Spirit into Mary and incarnated the Son of God within Her.
At that moment, something important happened; not only did Mary have a spiritual revelation about what the birth of Christ would represent, which is to say, about God Himself as a human being and as a consciousness, but also for humanity it was an important event that opened the doors to the redemption of humankind and the exorcism of the hells.
In order for the Son of God to be able to be born, a divine and spiritual project was thought of by the Father, before He descended to Earth through the Presence of His Beloved Son.
The acceptance of Mary of the Will of God was the beginning and the emergence of a new humanity, and thus, the Spiritual Universe began to act upon Earth, and on the inner planes everything was happening according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, a great portal was opened in humanity, which all were called to go through, including those who would be the enemies of Jesus. Because beyond the human aspect or the human ego, through His Son, God was seeking the filiation of humankind with Him and the sense of an inner union with His Spirit.
But in the scene of the Passion of Jesus, each one fulfilled their role and their test, each one was in the place they deserved to be and had the opportunity of being able to learn through love and manifesting the truth.
You already know the unending pain of Jesus because it has been thoroughly told. You still do not know, companions, what occurred in the higher planes, where the angelic universe acts and labors, during the events of the Passion of the Lord in which the signs that remained engraved and registered are that which intervenes in the consciousness of the planet for the redemption of humanity and for the consecration of humankind to the Will of God.
It is these signs, of the occult events of your Lord, that today are helping the world so that it may be redeemed and converted, as was foreseen by the Father.
This is why My Church must know these Mysteries rather than deny them, because I do not want you to deny Me anymore, as those who were with Me so long ago denied Me and who today are again here, receiving their last chance through the work and intervention of Divine Grace.
But by truly remembering what happened in the Passion of your Lord, you will be able to recover what you spiritually lost through the different experiences of life and through what still has to be corrected within your consciousnesses.
This moment that I bring to you today is the same moment that God used to carry forward the victory of the Passion of your Lord in humanity, in the higher planes of consciousness, where everything really happened and manifested.
Thus, My Holy Mother accompanied Me until the end, and continued, up to Her last days upon Earth, carrying My Word and My Love to the world through the foundation of the first religious orders, the ancestors of the Templars, the first Christic congregation upon Earth, which built the bridge between the Legacy of Christ and all humanity.
The events of My Passion were not only physical events, seen and re-written by various apostles and by all those who participated in that time. The very angels of God registered the spiritual and cosmic facts of the Passion of your Lord, because behind this terrestrial scene in the Passion of Christ, the universes were mobilized and great consciousnesses of light moved toward Earth to cooperate and work in the redemption of humanity and in the expulsion of Luzbel from the sphere of the planet.
Because when I expired on the Cross, he was defeated seventy-seven times, and the hells were closed, the dead were resurrected and sang glory in the streets of Jerusalem, the sick were healed, souls were awakened and became aware of why they were on Earth and of what they came to accomplish as essences.
The Universe of God descended to humanity, but He in His High Command allowed His greatest enemies and the fallen angel to learn of the victory of the Passion of Jesus so that these events not be repeated ever more. Because the faith of the believers of Christ, throughout time, would be so great and powerful that it would allow for the reappearance of your Lord in the end of times, which is to say in this current time and in this moment.
Now you understand, companions, that you are a part of a past occurrence and of a story that must come to a conclusion in your lives with the triumph of love and truth within each one of your beings, and that you must not miss the opportunity once again, because there will not be another, in this time or the next.
The universes moved toward Earth and the higher forces entered this planet with all the power of the Light of God to withdraw from captivity all those who had been there for a long time, since Abraham up until the present.
So today, you are here, because somehow you were withdrawn from captivity, from the unending chain of errors, which come from the Universe and continue on Earth.
Throughout time, you received a great Grace in order to be here today before Me, and many more wait for this Grace, for this opportunity of being before their Lord to learn to fulfill His Will and to not miss the time of Divine Grace that is coming to an end, before the Great Universal Judgment takes place.
I brought you here as souls rather than as people, to tell you the truth, a truth so similar to the one that I told the apostles in that time.
But you already have an experience, an origin and a past, that is still being redeemed and transmuted because of your responsibility in the faith and the spiritual life with Christ.
There is no time to lose, no time to wait. The spiritual knowledge that is in the universes still awaits to descend toward the planet, and while you maintain your adherence to Me, the divine Knowledge will come much like a rain that falls from the sky in a continuous and permanent way.
Thus, your spirits will be ennobled, your souls will be exalted because they will give recognition to the Passion and death of your Lord, and you will not do the same as many are doing, of not valuing what I did for you in that time.
Each time you remember My acts, you are faced with an opportunity of taking a new step in the degrees of love and consciousness. With responsibility, you are assuming the path, stepping away from the appearances and disappointments of the world, and all the confusion and spiritual paths that humanity offers at this time, just to distance from God each one of the souls I summon.
You decided to be My new flock, to join My old flock of the Church, spread throughout the Earth, and so in this fusion of love and brotherhood, the Earth and the human consciousness may be prepared for My physical reappearance in humanity, in the awaited Second Return of your Lord.
Hold this knowledge as the last. From time to time, re-experience the Sacred Week, so that your lives may become sacred upon entering into contact with the Apparition of your Master and Lord, and especially with His Word, which is the Word of the Father, which is being pronounced to the world for the last time, in this crucial and definitive time of humanity, in which great decisions must be made, and these decisions in your lives place you near or far from Me.
This is why prayer is necessary, so that temptation not prevail and the Divine Codes that I give you in each Apparition may be able to produce merits in your consciousnesses and awaken new fruits in your spirits, so that more talents may be available for your Master and Lord. May I be the reason for your existence.
And so, My Mother Mary, giving Her "yes", saved the world, and, through Her humility and poverty, granted that Her Son and Her Lord could be here on this day, to share with Her children the triumphs and the merits of God through the person of Christ, in Divinity and in Spirit.
On this day, in which the body of the Lord is flagellated by the world, by the indifference of humankind, by the inequality of the nations, by the hunger of the poorest and the lack of healing for the sick, this hurting Body is anointed by the prayers of those who love Him, those who venerate and recognize the Person of Jesus as the Redeemer.
Today I come to announce the Passion of the planet and the agonies of humanity, which nobody has yet managed to heal nor alleviate, because there are so many.
Thus, it is in your offering of service to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, in your surrender in prayer and the living of the Eucharist, in your responsible commitment and in your adherence to the Plans of God, that the hurting body of your Lord will be alleviated and the spiritual wounds of humanity will be closed, being anointed by the Holy Spirit, which renews all things and heals all things.
In the name of the Wounds of your Master and Lord, and of all His sufferings, I come to offer you, companions, the spiritual anointment and healing of your errors and your deep inner wounds, that only I know in each one of your lives.
We place our hands in the sign of reception and we stand.
We open to the miracle of the Wounds of Christ and to the power of the Light that they contain and we offer our love to close the Wounds of Jesus, so that our own wounds may be healed of all evil and all pain.
I will place Myself upon you to help you.
Whoever can, kneel, and feel in your beings the presence of Jesus and the power of each one of His Wounds.
We hear His Word and in the silence of our hearts we accompany this divine intervention, and this moment of Grace that our Master and Lord grants to the whole world through the merits of His Passion and for the triumph of His Invincible Love.
The Lord is spreading His Light upon everyone. That Light enters through our heads and reaches our hearts, to the deepest core of our spirits, in the depths of our souls.
Jesus grants healing through His Luminous Wounds and walks upon you, radiating His Light, doing so also for the world, for those who suffer most, for those who die, for those who suffer wars, for those who are refugees, for those who are mentally ill, for those who are imprisoned.
He spreads His spiritual Light and, by means of this Light, on this day of His Passion, He grants Peace and equilibrium on all planes, thus establishing, on this Holy Friday, the spiritual communion between souls and God, just as the Most Holy Mary experienced the communion with the Father while She gestated His Son for nine months.
Now Jesus has delegated four great angels to place themselves at the four corners of the Earth, so that He may pray for humanity. We will accompany His prayer in our silence, knowing that in this hour and in this moment we are being assisted by His Spiritual Light and by the merits of His Passion.
Let us then allow our being to be empty, surrendered and given in communion with His Divinity.
"Adonai, Source of Truth and of Justice, Origin of origins, infinite Ocean of Love, unquenchable Universe, representation of all created, manifested Divine Grace, Breath of the Universal Spirit, Powerful Lord, Source of Renewal and Love.
Just as you granted Me to come to the world and incarnate among humankind, today I ask you, Emmanuel, that divine absolution come from Your Source to transmute the errors of human beings, sublimate hearts with Your Light and expel evil from the Earth so that once again it be Your Love that triumphs and is able to emerge in all Your children, in all those who affirm their faith and their trust in You.
Do not look at the errors of the world, the perversion of these times. May Your Heart, Abba, no longer feel indignation nor anger, but rather that Your Heart be glad because of the gladness of Your children. May Your Heart be ignited in gratitude for the gratitude of Your children because, in this way, Your Love will triumph and there will be justice. Console the oppressed, just as You consoled Me at each step of the Passion. May Your Grace expand, may Your powers descend and Your Will be fulfilled, until the end of our days. Amen."
We place our hands on our heart. We may sit and give thanks.
Live My Passion as a triumph and represent Me on Earth as My new apostles who will carry My Love to humanity and surrender to the requests of God in an unconditional and permanent way, so that His Will may be fulfilled.
Stretching out My arms and My hands over the world and over you, I grant you Peace so that you never lose sight of it, so that you always remember it, for in Peace you will be redeemed and in your redemption you will achieve the trust of the Father, just as the Father trusted in His Son.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the presence of Jesus, let us repeat the prayer that He taught us:
(Our Father - in Portuguese).
And in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, at the request of Christ, let us thank our Celestial Father, on this day of solemnity and of retreat in the Heart of Jesus, pronouncing His Sacred Names. Let us sing the Names of God as one people and one consciousness so that the Universe may descend to Earth.
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
And united with the Passion of Our Lord, let us remain in this reclusion, in this deep union with Christ, renewing the sacrament of faith, and let us thank all those who accompanied us through these means, and after this transmission, which we will end now, in all the Marian Centers, we will re-experience the Passion of Christ through Via Crucis. And within ourselves, we will continue to receive the impulses of Light that Christ left upon the planet.
In reverence and in love, we give thanks and close this meeting:
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
And under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Who lives in Me, lives in the angels, who decree powerful affirmations for the immaterial life constantly.
Elevated be the altars upon your beings so that you may participate in the Resurrection of the Lord.
May the Sacred Words be kept within your hearts and may your inner worlds shine through My Light so that the currents of evil may be closed to the hearts of the Earth.
You will revive these Holy Words with Me, but you will not be able to take them. If you did so, you would be outside of the Law, because what I come to rebuild on this seventh day of Glory and Resurrection is to fulfill the elevation of your spirits and consciousnesses of the whole planet so that you live the Plan and it be fulfilled in all the creatures.
This decree is healing for your hearts. It is an answer to your inner call and to your offer throughout these days. Do it in reverence and in union with My Heart so that My Purpose is not erased from your cells and so that you never forget, companions, that if I have placed you in this life and in this group consciousness, it is because you have a purpose, of which a part you will never understand.
Let us repeat in adoration and while kneeling, for those who are able, without submitting the bodies to the effort; because it is the hearts that vibrate in your lives and not the movements. So you will glorify My Father on this day of Glory before the twelve choirs that I have brought to My Meeting for you and the world.
This is a decree that was transmitted by the seraphim angels of the ultra-terrestrial Universe, before the arrival of Christ.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Christ, we are going to repeat, word by word, first the decree and then we will repeat the meaning.
(three times)
Seven bell chimes.
Companions, you may be seated.
Now, companions, never lose what I have left you through this Sacred Decree, that unites you with Heaven and Earth, with the angels and archangels, who adore the redemption of the Son of God for the whole world and for all humanity.
The twelve heavenly choirs have important missions for the world and for all souls on Earth.
They are the same ones that helped Me to concretize the redemption project in the past and throughout the ages and of all the icons that I have revealed to the world, throughout the centuries.
The most immaculate icon, since the beginning of Earth, is the Ark of the Holy Covenant. It is the synthesis that keeps all the Mysteries of God revealed in His inner scrolls, where the Creator Father and His helper angels have written the History of humanity, the same that is kept like a mirror in those sacred places of the world, where they have not yet come to light in their majority, only some, and for some.
May the sacred knowledge of the patriarchs, of the prophets and of the Master Himself, with the intervention of all angels and of the twelve choirs, be sacred in your lives, may they ennoble your hearts and not your minds; because in truth I tell you, companions, that things on Earth will happen, but My Words will remain in those who have been consequent with Me and with the treasures of Heaven, that were fruitified by the Sacred Family from the beginning of their incarnations on Earth, as consciousnesses of light and service to the Plan of the Most High.
Gladden your hearts, because they have to be cleaned of any stain for the codes of the Divinity to enter into your consciousnesses and consequently, into the whole world.
This is the task of all who pray to My Heart and to the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and Mary. This is the task of the columns that follow the groups of prayer in their different regions of the world.
Your spirits, companions, must be these Sacred Disks that keep the codes and information of the Highest, of the Supreme Divinity and of the Infinite.
It will be this Sacred Knowledge, that in reverence and love will be able to reach those who need it and will be able to awaken all those who sleep in the dream of illusion and deceit.
This Decree that you have repeated before My Holy Name is part of the Sacred Covenant.
I have made it known to you as a vow of trust and as an answer to your dedication.
Record these vibrations and words within your hearts, beyond your memories, because I tell you companions, that your spirits will be the ones that will rise to the Kingdom of My Father and not your bodies, and thus you will be able to enter into the abodes that I have prepared, after My Ascension, eternal abodes in the Universe, that will always radiate peace.
I ask you, companions, solemnly and joyously: Do you wish to repeat the Decree before My Father?
If your decisions and actions were like this "yes," the world would be saved.
Glorify your Guardian angels for so much mercy that they give you.
And now, let us pray in My Glory, for Adonai.
So that this decree may be realized by all, companions, it must be sung as a melody, so that you may learn it correctly in the next meeting. And I will wait for those sacred worlds of the Ark of the Holy Covenant to be alive for the next Holy Week.
Companions, do you wish that I return here, for one more week, next year?
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:
The Master is smiling.
I will not only come for you, but also for those who need Me because I know that it is important for the souls and the strengthening of faith in the hearts.
But you will commit yourselves with Me, companions, that next year we will be two thousand here, as it was on the Mount of Beatitudes.
You will have one year to work on this invitation that should not be forced, but worked through prayer and your persistence in My Sacred Heart.
So that I will be able to say, next year, that My task will be largely fulfilled with you and that you will put your talents to use for the end of times; the talents of your prayer, of your charity, of your service, of your trust in God and in the brotherhood with all your fellow beings, without differences or judgments.
That is why I hope, companions, that for the next year, the base of the Auditorium of Mercy will be laid on the ground of Aurora.
I will come here again to bless you in Glory and to carry you all to My Heart.
Aurora offers you this Grace of being present here for one more year.
When some time has gone by, this auditorium will be small for My Work. But Aurora will open its doors to receive you all as this house has done it in honor of My Heart.
I would like the coordinators of the groups of prayer to come here, to take a sign to their brothers and sisters, that I will now give you.
That on this day of Glory, all the sacred elements be blessed and sanctified by the angels of Heaven and the twelve choirs.
The water that blesses you and quenches your thirst.
The oil that cures and heals you.
The Blood that divinizes you.
The living Body that makes itself body in you, the Body of Light and Truth.
This is the Blood that is kept as Light in the Sacred Ark.
Blessed are those who drink of My Glory.
Drink and pray with Me, so that the Father may always comfort you in the unity of His Spirit with His Son and with the Holy Spirit.
Drink and feel My Peace, My invincible Strength that gathers you as a flock around the Cenacle of your Lord. Feel the trust of what you receive and multiply these codes wherever you go, in union with My Spirit and the maximum Will that is fulfilled in those who correspond to God and to His Legacy.
Embrace this flame of My Blood, that ignites you, and feel in your paths the realization of My Will, for those who most need to come back to rekindle their paths in My ways.
Drink and remove within you whatever bothers you.
Glorify yourselves every day in prayer with your brothers and sisters.
You can be sparks of My Light each time you meet me in adoration and in prayer.
You can be currents of My Mercy and so I purify you from all evil.
You can walk beside Me in trust, persevering in all challenges that the Lord presents to you in order to reshape your lives to the purpose of love and truth.
Feel in this Mystery, which is infinite, the manifestation of My Love for each one of my followers and of My disciples.
Precious Blood is poured into the loyal hearts who drink in union with all souls who need peace.
In this work that I perform is found the purpose for everyone, which you will discover and understand when I am no longer here, until My return to the world.
May your groups be this light that the world needs for these times and may all difficulties dissipate so that the Love of My Heart among you will always be reborn until I come back to search for you at the indicated time. There are many who depend on you to take steps towards My Heart.
Blessed be Father, for all that You give to the souls, for all the medicine you give to those who listen to you, for all the trust You emanate to those who feel You, for all You cultivate in those who search for You.
Sacred ceremony of love, I infuse for all, so that My designs may be fulfilled in those who await My coming.
Drink with trust and renew your vows within My Heart because He will never abandon you. My light is stronger than all the darkness and My Heart rejoices in those who understand My projects and I give peace to those who most need it.
With My Blood I can cleanse an entire being and unite them with Me so that My Will is fulfilled in those who follow Me.
Drink of the fruit that I give you.
And now I will leave you anointed for your strength, in the name of the Holy Trinity and of all the custodian angels that accompany this ceremony, for the souls that join Me.
I never forget those who ask Me to.
Our Father... (in Aramaic)
I bless you and keep you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now, in the elevation that I live with the angels from heaven, your Father will listen to "Peacemakers" and may this song be performed as one voice for humanity.
I await and expect you for the next Sacred Week of 2017.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more