Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hope is that which must not be lost in your hearts and in the world, because hope is a Sacred Light of God that fills Creation through His patient and mature Love.

Contemplate the coming time with hope, under the spirit of My Peace, which blesses you today so that God may bless humanity tonight.

For this reason once again I express, to each one of My children, the abundant and infinite Graces that spring at this moment from My Immaculate Heart and My Hands.

May this Grace, which comes from the Light of the Hope of God, renew you at this moment, so that your consciousnesses may confirm themselves to God, to the Plan and the Will that He has written for each one of His children.

Through the Graces that spring from My Heart, I come to heal the wounded and outraged surface of the planet.

Through this special day to your Heavenly Mother, I come to appease those who struggle, I come to appease those who battle and all those who promote the inner, spiritual and physical war; because it is important to My Beloved Son that, through this future of hope that must draw near you and the world, the world and humanity may be reborn in the Love of God.

See how great this Love is, an infinite and inexplicable Love, which allows the Mother of God to be here with Her children today and with all those who attentively listen to My Words.

In this coming 2025, My Beloved Son already has a path drawn and delineated. It is the last stage of His preparatory path, the spiritual foundations that He needs to finish laying, through the souls who confirm themselves, so that He may prepare His Return, which draws nearer to the Earth with each passing day.

For this reason, beloved children, be reborn in the hope of this Love that My Immaculate Heart brings to you today. Drink from this fountain of Grace and purification, of renewal and atonement that I bring you today.

Remember what I told you a few days ago. Your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, has opened this fountain at the foot of the Sacred Tree so that, in this coming year and in the coming days, souls may receive a spiritual atonement, one of the last and great atonements of God.

For this reason, I encourage you to move forward, regardless of the experiences you have lived, regardless of the past that has been traveled up to this very present, regardless of any circumstance or reason, regardless of any situation or even any error.

Tonight, My beloveds, in this spirit of vigil, love and celebration, before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son, which many of you will adore in vigil and reverence, I invite you to enter the portal of reconciliation and peace.

My Son sends Me to tell you, through the Voice of His Holy Mother, beloved Mother of all of you, that you cannot enter the coming year with inner or external conflicts. You must enter it with hearts free from apprehensions and disturbances.

See here, My children, on the inner planes, this Heart of a Mother that again gives of itself to all so that you may cross this portal of Grace and reconciliation tonight.

For this reason, in the Name of God, Our Creator Father, Lord of hope, of renewal and of life, on this night of solemnity of the Mother of God, reconcile among yourselves, love one another again in trust and faith; because there is no other reason for being here at this moment and in this Work, but to prepare this fertile ground of your hearts for the Return of Christ, because My Son cannot find His companions disoriented, confounded or restless.

In this 2025, He needs to find you steady in the commitment to God; in the absolute trust that each step you take is to live a learning experience, so that you may learn to mature in love, but also in forgiveness.

I want you to reverence this Grace that My Heart brings to you at this moment, because God needs your hearts to be open, and I see here hearts that are not open. However, through My Maternal and Divine Love, through My offering and also My sacrifice for each one of My children, through faith, which is a powerful and inextinguishable power, through the power of forgiveness and of Divine Grace, I can open your hearts, because for Me there is nothing impossible.

May the walkers of the cosmos arise. May they place their swords at the feet of the Governor and Lord. May they renounce their expectations and ideals. May they relieve their hearts in forgiveness and love. May they be reborn through the power of the Holy Spirit, which I bring to you today.

And in the emptiness that you are invited to live to attain inner divestment and surrender, in this night of great planetary suffering, when many still struggle among nations and peoples, may you, who have been so deeply replenished and filled with Graces, abundant and unknown Graces that you still cannot measure, be reborn in the Love of Christ, My Beloved Son, and thus enter this new year under the spirit and the impulse of the Hope of God.

For this reason, tonight, My beloveds, in the name of a divided, darkened and disturbed humanity, in the name of a fragmented universal family, purify your hands in My fountain of Grace, wash your faces through My Light and feel the freshness and renewal of My Maternal Love, the Love of the Mother and Lady of the apostles and disciples of Christ who, in this time, already know how to say ‘yes’ to the Will of God and His Designs.

In an unexpected way, God deters the pencil with which He writes in His Book, to wait for the response of His children, His creatures.

What is it that the Celestial Father will write in the coming time, in 2025?

What will be the coherent and consolidated responses that His children will give Him?

What will be the strengthening that His children will offer to Him, before all Graces received, so that He may write His Will through His children, regardless of the errors or the lessons?

By any chance, will the Celestial Father be able to see His Mirror of Unity reflected in you, so that you may recognize the communion with the Heavens, with the Primordial Source, with the Most High Lord?

Your lives are an open book to God, in which He can read what is most intimate and inner; remember that the essence of the children of God can never die or disappear, even from those who are lost in this world.

However, you, who have everything in Heaven and on Earth and, above all, in your hearts, give honor to the Creator God tonight, for His infinite Paternity, Love and Grace for His children. Because when you believe that you will not be able to do or will not be able to live anything that He asks of you, you will be able to do it through the Love of Christ, because He will give you the strength and conviction to do it.

However, do not forget, My beloveds, to cross the door of reconciliation through My Heart and to live this reconciliation with your brothers and sisters tonight.

The doors of hope are open before the inner worlds that decide to cross them tonight, because hope is what the world needs. Souls need to live hope so that they may no longer live in depression and agony.

Through this atonement that is granted tonight in the name of the merits of Christ, God grants the opportunity of renewal.

Remember that you are here to live together, with hope. This is the aspiration of My Son.

Let us celebrate now the Holy Communion with Our Lord, so that through this Blessed Sacrament granted by Christ, as many souls as possible may live a synthesis, at this moment, in the innermost depth of the heart, to enter the portal of hope, of faith and renewal, that My Heart grants to you tonight.

For a moment, I will withdraw to tend to humanity, but I will return at the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine.

I invite all those present and those who are listening to participate in this Spiritual Communion, in the name of and in honor of Mary, the Mother of God, and in the hope that is Christ.

Let us celebrate so that the angels may make themselves present at this moment, so that peace may be established and it may be possible to put an end to wars, to inner and external conflicts, and as many hearts as possible may enter the portal of hope, which the Grace of My Heart opens tonight.

I am waiting for you.

Let us celebrate. 

Upon concluding the Eucharistic Celebration, Friar Elías shared an important request of the Divine Mother.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Before we withdraw, we would like to announce to all, at the request of our Mother, that as from today, and until January 6, that is, until the end of the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, all those who come to Marian Centers and participate in them and, mainly, receive the Sacrament of Confession, Our Lady, at the request of Christ, has announced that She will give a plenary indulgence. This opportunity of indulgence will conclude at the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, on January 5 and 6, when we will have live Apparitions of Christ.

At the request of our Mother, all those who are here in São Paulo and Minas Gerais are invited to be present to accompany Christ in the impulse He will give for the next year.

And all those who participate through the broadcast are also invited to come to the Marian Centers and the Marian Sanctuaries in the world, to receive this plenary indulgence, which is a special moment of atonement and spiritual forgiveness that the Father will grant during these days.

Let us benefit from this moment and spiritual opportunity that the Hierarchy gives us.

Good night!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I elevate your consciousnesses to the heart of the universe, so that, just like the Hierarchies, you may contemplate the existence of My Spiritual Government. This is what humanity needs to recover peace and inner unity among creatures.

The Spiritual Government of Christ is the authentic expression of the Law. The Law leads the manifestation. Just as it was at the beginning, the Law of the universe continues to act, although at this moment the planet and humanity are not fulfilling the Law.

Re-establishing the Law of the universe in this world will be one of the great tasks of the Master. Because it will be from this operation and movement that, from the spiritual plane to the material plane, the Law will re-establish unity of the human consciousness with the Source and consequently, it will re-establish unity and communion with all the Laws of the universe.

I know, companions, that while this world lives duality, attaining union with the Law of the universe will be a great effort, because you will have to climb several steps in evolution until you are united, in your inner consciousnesses, with the Higher Law.

If the world, from the beginning, had understood the Laws of the Commandments revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, I assure you that today there would be no need for purification, no inner or external purification, because the Laws of the universe help the human consciousness to transcend itself, the Laws of the universe help the human being to live fidelity to God and, at the same time, the Laws of the universe help the transparency of the human consciousness itself.

But these attributes in this end time, the attributes that are provided by the Laws of the universe and, in this case, through the Commandments themselves, have been attributes discarded by the greater part of the human consciousness.

In this deep reflection and meditation which I bring to you, see in this present time, the result of the decisions that were made by humanity and, even more, see the result of the individual decisions that each being has made in this time. And in this way, you will understand and know who is and who isn’t in the Law. But I do not come, at this moment, to bring you something severe or rigid, because the very Laws that governed the people of Israel in those times, were lived in a rigid and very severe way.

This, companions, is not God. Through His Laws, He wants you to live His Mercy. Through His Laws, He wants you to live a communion with the Divine Plan and that, through each cycle and each time that presents itself to you, through the different moments of life, you may contemplate and observe how you can gradually concretize this Divine Plan on Earth.

Because this Divine Will, which God presents to you, is not something personal or a group thing, it is a Divine Will expressed by the unity of beings and consciousnesses. It is a Will that grants, through the Laws, the possibility for souls to live their spiritual commitment without having great delays in taking the steps the universe needs you to take, so that, at each stage, through the souls that offer themselves as Instruments of God, the cycles of the manifestation of the Plan may be fulfilled.

This Work, conceived for Christ for so many years, has lived a special guidance to concretize the Plan of manifestation. You can see that with your own eyes, as this has happened even on the material plane.

However, if from the beginning, through the founder of this Work, there had not existed this fidelity and transparency toward the Law, in a simple yet profound way, in a self-given and surrendered way, just as its founder surrendered his live to the Plan, I assure you, companions, that there would not be a single brick manifested here.

Do you understand what it means to live communion with the Higher Laws?

This is fundamental and essential for this time. Although you do not understand the depth that the Laws have, although many in this time do not know the basic Laws of the universe, Our Words and Our Messages, the Message of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, demonstrate to you the path to live in the Law.

And it is not through complex or difficult actions, it is not through very transcended or unattainable actions, it is not through an absolutely transformed, though imperfect life. Because you will be able to live the Law through the simplicity of the heart, through not allowing yourselves every day to stop being true, first to yourselves, and then to your brothers and sisters.

This will allow you to live in the Law day by day, and by being true and authentic to yourselves, you will be able to take the first steps of transparency so that you may then live the steps of consecration, which is gradual and infinite.

Because I want you to know, My friends, that consecration is granted by living and experiencing the Law and that after this life on the surface of the Earth, you will continue to live the infinite path of consecration until your souls, and above all your essences, merge with the Source, being nothing so as to be in the All. And from this absolute nothingness, when your experiences will merge with the Source, a new experience and a  new learning will emerge, which will take place on other planes of consciousness, in other dimensions and in other spheres.

And thus, your essences will continue to evolve with all that you have learned on Earth, after you have lived your own spiritual judgment before the Lords of the Law, who rule this material universe. That spiritual judgment is not about condemnation or punishment, it is rather a profound synthesis in the consciousness, in the soul and in the spirit.

And at that hour, when you have evolved through the Law, after you have passed to the next world, you will become aware of all that you have received and lived here, even what is apparently difficult and painful, even all that which weighs on your back as a heavy cross. Because if the Son of the Father lived it in His own flesh, what is the reason that you cannot live it?

Evolution cannot be compared to a painful or unattainable path. Evolution is sustained through degrees of love. And it is in these degrees of Love, in the daily routine of your lives and all your experiences, that you will be able to understand the manifestation of the Law and its concretion on the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material.

Thus, I need to prepare what is deepest in you, what you know as the essence of life, for what will come in the next time, in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.

This is the reason for My Presence here, not only to bless again My little Holy Land, but also so that, within yourselves and through yourselves, you may yield the fruits that God needs at His Altars, to be able to reach the time of redemption.

Within what is most intimate in your hearts, hold each treasure that I give you. In the innermost depth of your essences, hold each impulse that I give you, and allow these seeds of Light, which I give you today, to germinate in the coming times, and to someday be converted into the spiritual fruits that may serve as help and collaboration for the rescue of the planet and humanity, to prepare the Return of Christ.

Do not fail to be attentive to all that I have told you. You now know that this is My last time with you, because the time of the final decision will come for each one of you.

I want you to know, companions, that each step in life must be a final decision that will place you near or far from God, for the decision depends on each one of you, the decision that you may be transformed, the decision that you may be redeemed, the decision that you may be transfigured, the decision that you may be converted, the decision that you may be consecrated, the decision that your lives may be totally different forever.

Thus, I will be able to deposit My legacy in brave hearts, and I will pour out My Graces upon the hearts that supplicate, because the abundance of My Spirit is inexhaustible, and I want and wish that your spirits may merge with My Spirit, to be united to My Christic Love.

May the Lord, God of the Universe, renew the spiritual foundations of this Work and of all works of charity in the world, so that the Spirit of Peace may reflect itself upon the Earth, and so that, through all the self-given and surrendered servers in the whole world, the human fraternal attitude and the common good may be re-established in the whole world.

I leave you My Peace, so that you may be My Peace in these times of great challenges.

Remember that I Am present in all Tabernacles of the Earth. And whenever you may be before a Tabernacle, adore the Eucharistic Jesus, so that souls no longer suffer, and that the whole world may recover justice and hope.

I thank you for being with Me once again.

Let us continue forward in Holy Communion.

May God protect and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Consciousnesses of Light permeate the Earth. Eternal and cyclic Councils present themselves on behalf of the entire Hierarchy to help humanity, to amend the errors that were committed in the world, so that in the ardent aspiration of God, the Sacred Project of the Father in this humanity may be corrected.

For this reason, these Consciousnesses of Light permeate the Earth with universal forms and matrices, so that the spirit of each being that dwells on this planet, on a set day and at a set hour, may receive the Message from Heaven, the last and great Message of the Hierarchy, moments before the last stage of purification of the Earth is defined.

Before this happens, most consciousnesses must already be awakened and remember their commitment, that commitment that was signed in the Universe moments before their incarnation.

This means and represents that the most intimate circles of the Brotherhood are now closing. The doors of the call are now closing and, by Grace and Mercy, this call with a set day and hour, this Message of the Universe that will descend upon the inner worlds, will knock on the door of the heart of each being so that, for an instant, they may remember what they stopped living evolutionarily and spiritually as the premise of the fulfillment of God’s Plan.

Today, I give continuity to the Message of yesterday. Remember that I told you that this last impulse would be gradual, because your spirits must learn to bear it, so that, at this last stage of humanity and the planet, the last armies of Christ may materialize the Promised Land, free from personal wills, free from personal decisions, filled with the Spirit of God, filled with His Divine Cosmic Impulses.

This will be the New Earth. This will be the moment of the emergence of the New Humanity, which will commune again with the Higher Laws, and will finally manage to apply them to material life, because the duality that condemns you will no longer be there, there will only be the Divine Unity that will open for you the doors to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that in this way you may repopulate the Earth, after it is purified, with the Values and Codes of God, those values that the people of Israel once received.

Thus, everything will be renewed, although at this moment this may seem to you impossible or even unreal. Everything will be renewed because I will already be present. You will no longer have to wait for Me, you will just have to welcome Me with open arms and hearts, to live with Me the last and great Communion, which will consecrate you as the New and Last Christs.

That should be the aspiration of all those who follow Me and all those who listen to Me.

That should be the flame that shines in the darkness of this planetary night.

That should be the ardent wish of My companions of the end times, and for this you should tirelessly work until the end, doing all that is possible and a little more, so that this New Earth may be possible.

However, this New Earth, which is now permeated by the Consciousnesses of Light of the Universe, must first emerge in yourselves, and then be a reality on the surface, something concrete and truthful.

I have been working for this since My incarnation on Earth until the present, and the consciousness of the planet knows this in its deepest silence.

Does the consciousness of this single race and humanity know it by now?

There would be no reason for My being here, if not for this great spiritual cause, which must be broadly fulfilled in all the disciples that follow the steps of the Hierarchy.

Therefore, I remind you again that I Am the only Way, I Am the only Truth. I Am the Life, for the one who seeks to live in Me and through Me. And being in Me, nothing else will be needed. Because I have wonderful things kept for all, although very few accept them.

From My Hands and, above all, from My Heart, Graces overflow for souls. Who will consecrate themselves as this instrument? Who will consecrate themselves as this sacred tabernacle, capable of receiving the Gifts of Christ, to live, express and radiate them?

Do you now understand My emergency? If the cycles of the Hierarchy are now closing, and the doors of the call are now closing, how can I remain with all the Graces of the Father in My Heart? Because the one who surrenders to Me is abundantly blessed by my Graces.

There is no other motive or reason for your lives, but to be with your Master and follow the Master, just as the apostles did, to take to the ends of the Earth the Word of Life, the Living Water that springs from the Fountain of Creation and will heal souls, especially those who suffer the most in this time.

Thus, I bring you once more the revelation of My Grace, so that the most lost souls may also be guided and led to the infinite paths of God.

All of you have committed to Me, at some moment, to be stewards of all souls, of the different groups of souls, who in this end time must also attain redemption.

For it is in what is most simple and anonymous that I work, where no one can see Me, but where all can feel and recognize Me as their Master, the Master among all Masters. In this way, I conclude this spiritual impulse that I have brought you since yesterday.

I invite you, in the name of Love and consistency, to relive these impulses, which I Am bringing to you these days, because you must come out of here quite aware and awakened regarding each one of My Words, as they are the last ones, yet the most precious instructions for My disciples.

This is why I Am presenting here for four times, so that you may comprehend and understand that it is now My last time, just as the last time of Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane.

In the simplicity and truthfulness of My redeeming and consoling Love, before you can relive My Passion once again through the Sacred Eucharistic Celebration, I will call here a soul that I have accompanied since the beginning, and whom Aurora physically healed. Although at that time it seemed that everything was lost, because all the souls who are incarnated on Earth and have a Divine Purpose before God, have their hour and moment to receive the great revelation of the Master, the reason for being by My side, following My steps, contemplating My footprints, embracing the planetary cross with Me, which many fear because they do not know it.

What would become of you and the world if I had not drunk from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane?

What would become of the New Earth and the New Humanity, if the Christs of the end time did not position themselves in the lines and commands of the Universal King, beyond all  human condition, beyond all suffering and agony?

I do not demand a response from you. I only remind you of the commitment you have before God, just as I reminded My apostles and so many followers of Mine during My public life.

This is why the consecration that we will live now, of a soul that will closely help me in these end times, will also be a consecration for many more souls who need it on the inner planes, so that their paths may become aligned with the Paths of the Father, and these souls, who are not present here, may find again the meaning of living on Earth.

Today, I am speaking to you of the victims of suicide. May the Light of this consecration, which I will personally transmit, reach each one of these souls that are thirsty for Light, love and relief, so that these souls throughout the world may be reborn.

And I also include all those who are mentally sick, and who offer to transmute the mental sickness of the entire planet, something that cannot be compared, due to the degree of suffering that is experienced.

But My Love will always strengthen all those souls and hearts. This is why I will dedicate this space of consecration to each one of them, so that none of them may take their own lives tonight, but rather be reborn and renew themselves day by day under the Light of My Solar Heart.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare for this consecration with Christ, and we accompany the task of the Lord in the silence of our prayer.

May those who can stand up to accompany this consecration.

My daughter, your hour has come, the hour for you to be liberated from this cross and embrace My Cross, because, for your service and giving of self, from this day on I will take care of everything else.

Although this may seem impossible, you have lived the miracle of being reborn, you have been My faithful witness for a long time. This is why this consecration, on behalf of all the souls who need it today, will bring you the renewal of My Spirit, and you will be able to meet the strength of My Soul face to face, so that everything you do until the end of your days you may do it for Me, just as you did in the Holy Land, together with My Holy Mother, Mary Magdalene and Mary Cleophas.

Offer this moment to Me in our silence, so that, as the doors of the Heavens open up, I may elevate souls to God through your offer, just as I elevated Lazarus in spirit to God, by resurrecting him when he was dead, through the transmuting power of the Archangel Michael, which He Himself granted to Me at that time.

May the angels, witnesses of Christ at this moment, write in their books this consecration, which I have preciously waited for so that it might be fulfilled today.

Let us elevate to God our sincere prayers through “Our Father.”

Prayer: “Our Father.”

As in the sacred Wells of Betsaje, may this water be transubstantiated, transmuted and magnetized by the divine particles of the angels, so that the Mercy of God may be poured out upon the world.

Just as incense elevated itself in honor to the Son of God, to transform the corrupt forms of humanity into incorrupt forms, may Our Father in Heaven receive, in His honor and glory, this incense, which will sanctify the matter and spirit of all those who are in contact with it. Amen.

May this oil anoint those who have lost hope, may it heal souls and sanctify the consciousnesses that are anointed by it, just as your Lord was anointed in each part of His Body by the holy women. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

I consecrate you in the name of Our Lord, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Just as the Holy Shroud, which enveloped My wounded and flagellated Body, was a witness of My Resurrection, so may this mantle, which is blessed by My Most Holy Mother from the inner planes, protect the paths of this soul, who consecrates itself to Me.

I bless this wedding ring, which will spouse you with Me in the commitment of fidelity with Christ, in the spiritual union of souls with My Heart.

This is the little symbol of the heart that sacrifices itself for Me. Remember that this Heart, which loves you deeply, must always be adored and recognized as the only Love, the Love of Salvation.

Today, I consecrate you today with the Name Kyrie Eleison, so that you may make My Name reverberate everywhere you go, the Presence of Christ the Savior and Redeemer of the men and women of the Earth.  

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, holy angels of God, respond to the appeals and calls of the Divine Mother, so that nations may convert to God.

Holy angels of the universe, help lost souls, especially those who need it the most.

Listen to the plea of the Mother of God, who comes to meet your holy consciousnesses, just as the Mother of God comes to meet Her children on Earth, to make them, My littlest children, remember that there is very little time for conversion. However, your Heavenly Mother is already pregnant, to announce the birth of the New Humanity.

Therefore, this is the time of inner preparation. This is the hour when souls must be ready to live what they have never lived before, to learn what they have never learned before, to grow internally in what they have never grown before.

This does not mean that My children will live unimaginable situations, but rather, My beloved children, that you will live experiences that are necessary in these times, because it is necessary to mature the commitment to God, so that this sacred commitment, which each one must fulfill, may be a profound commitment and no longer a superficial one.

This is why I ask the angels of the universe to participate in all this event, because I know that many souls are disoriented today, as they cannot see, on their paths, the Light of God’s Purpose, because the attention of My children is placed on superficial, ephemeral and illusory things.

Therefore, I come to remind you that the commitment of each child of Mine is gradual, but that in many cases this commitment will be immediate, because souls need to do what they have come to do here on Earth. And this will mean that My children will be removed from their own will, to live the grand Will of God, just as your Heavenly Mother lived it in fullness, in infinite happiness, for She was responding to the Lord.

This should be the spirit of each child of Mine: the happiness of responding to God, rather than the obligation of obeying Him, because God, in His Essence, is so Simple, but at the same time so Powerful and Glorious, that He hides in His Humility and shows Himself in His Creative Beauty.

He is visible to all. He is not visible to the opulent, the greedy and the selfish. His Infinite and Divine Love is for all. He becomes great in the smaller ones. He reveals Himself in the simplest ones. He hides from those who claim to be powerful.

If this were not the Essence of God, how could the Living God be?

His Love is so great and merciful that He created the angels of Heaven so that they might praise and adore Him. Not in His Throne, but rather adore His sacrifice and His surrender, the infinite surrender of God for His Creatures.

There is no being in this Creation, there is no angel in Heaven, there is no consciousness on Earth, there is no Kingdom of Nature that does not feel capable of imitating Him, imitating the Father-Mother Creator. See how this is fulfilled in harmony, in peace and balance, through the beauty of Creation.

Thus, I told you a few days ago that humanity had learned to destroy its own creative essence.

How great is the Mercy and Grace of God, who, with His Love, overcomes all errors, grants Forgiveness for all offenses and omissions, surrenders to the world again through Our Sacred Hearts.

His Cosmic and Infinite Love can never be destroyed or dispelled. From the ruins life can rise again, from falls the spirit can rise again, from perdition the Light emerges again, just as the Light of God and of all His angels of Heaven illuminate Estonia and the whole world today.

What is it that impels the universe to make this movement?

What is the cause that allows the existence of this Work of Love and Mercy?

I summarize it for you in one answer: the Love of God. Aand I say again that it is the Love of God that permits it all and grants it all. Because many of My children, especially those who are far from God, still have not decided to commune with the Merciful Love of the Father, because they think that God will not forgive them.

I tell you, My children, to no longer think of the God of Justice, think of the Great God of Love and Infinite Mercy. His Heart is offended today by the atrocities of war, by the omission toward the refugees and exiled, by the immeasurable death of the needy in the Mediterranean Sea and by so many other situations that many do not know, but which happen throughout the world.

Even so, the Heart of God is always open to His Children, and His Eternal Light is always there to radiate and bless you, even if you make a mistake or start from scratch again.

What relieves Our Sacred Hearts is that you may rise again, time and again, just as My Son did after falling three times during His Sorrowful Passion. In this way, with this attitude, you will be able to be born again as many times as necessary.

But careful, My children! The only victims in this world are the unprotected and the helpless, the children, youths and elderly people who do not have the opportunity that you have, of raising your heads to see the sunlight every day.

Do you understand now the difference between true and false victimhood?

I come to make you truly grow; this is the request of Christ, Our Lord. This is the work, the tireless task of the angels, who, in this end time, work without time or delay so that the great sphere of the Earth may not come out of its balance and peace.

But while innocent blood continues to be shed, while laboratory experiments continue to take place, while the propaganda of abortion continues, without the least degree of piety and sensitivity, while weapons continue to be activated and military forces enjoy the suffering of others, how do you believe Justice will not come?

Therefore, prayer from the heart will always be essential.

Today, the Lady of Peace is here, barefoot in surrender, surrounded by God’s Light, giving Herself through Her Hands, pious through her Heart, the Lady of Heaven is present here, because I do not want to see My children suffer without reason, I want to see My children rejoice, just as the elements of nature rejoice, responding to the Mother of God.

This is the Message that I wanted to leave to you. Tomorrow I will continue to instruct you. It is My wish to be in this very place with you, to continue to build the Work of God on the inner planes.

I thank all those who have prayed in different languages so that My Love may expand to the whole world.

I am infinitely thankful to all those who trust this Work of the Divine and Unfathomable Hierarchy, especially those who make it possible for this to be a reality on the material plane and to be a Miracle of God on Earth, in a time of suffering and pain.

The Light of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart fills everything, the Light of My Heart dispels and renews everything, so that peace may be achieved.

Opening My Hands, giving My Light, surrendering My Spirit, loving all My children, once again I implore the Creator:


Eternal Love of God,
listen to the Voice of Your Servant and Slave.

Pour out Your Peace in the world.

Heal the wounded souls.

Grant Forgiveness to those who need it the most.

Oh, Holy Creator God!
Relieve the wounds of the Lower Kingdoms,
through the service of Your holy angels.

May everything be renewed, now and always,
in Your Name, Lord.


I thank you for responding to My call.

May My Peace be with you, My children, and with the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fifteen years ago, I called upon you to be by My side and, although you did not know what that meant, you were obedient and followed My call. Through your response, you taught many others, who are here today with Me in this Work, to also be obedient to My call. This obedience is what builds the Purpose of God upon the planet, because it is the first step of the disciples of My Son who dares to love the unknown.

You, without really knowing what this was about, on that August of 2007, reflected an innocence that allowed the Eternal Father to authorize the Mother of God to carry forward a Purpose and a Plan, beyond Aurora.

As you well said today, remember all that you have lived with Me for fifteen years, because I Am the Mother of Peace, I Am the Holy Virgin, who emerged and was emanated through the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

It has been a request of My Son, since before 2007, that this would happen, by a mandate of the Celestial Father, so that you could accompany the Redemptive Mother in this Work, which has grown a lot internally and which has been able to embrace the whole planet, through the fidelity of those who said ‘yes.’

With this I want to tell you, My children, that your step toward the total consecration of your lives was major for God. Because, after the first meetings with Me in Aurora, not only did the Light and Power of this Center of Love definitely emerge toward humanity, but so did the great spiritual task of Aurora, for then the healing, rescue and redemption of souls began to take place, according to what had been indicated by the intervention of Archangel Raphael.

Stop for a moment in that which I am telling you and think about how you have never been alone and you have never lacked anything, and you never will, because God has determined it to be so.

For this reason, you must keep learning to take care of the manifestation of the Plan, in obedience and adherence, just as you have done with Me up to this moment, fulfilling fifteen years of inner experience. This has led each one of you to give their best for My Son and this will lead you to give your best for God, in the times to come.

Now you are no longer children, you are now adults on the spiritual path. This is what I must give to God so that He may see, with His own Eyes, the offerings of the life transformation that many have gone through, although their transformation was not easy, although their transformation was even painful.

And they will keep transforming so that I may give to God, through My Son, this precious crystal that He wants to polish and polish, which is the inner essence of each one of you and of each one of your brothers and sisters of the planet.

This is why, also for My Heart, as it was for the Heart of My Son, Africa has marked “a before and an after” in the spiritual history of His Work. And all that will take place on the planet, through the Work of the Sacred Hearts, will also transform all your lives, and lead you to live new events and experiences so that you may keep maturing in the humility of the heart and in selfless service.

The second step that you have taken, which was very significant to My Son Jesus, was the concretion of His Monastic Order, which has grown throughout the times in its virtue and gifts and, mainly, under the teachings of My Son Jesus.

Up to the present, not only His Work, but also the planet, not only your lives, but also the lives of your brothers and sisters, have continued learning about the degrees of Love-Wisdom, in the same way that We learned about it when We were here on Earth, as a humble and simple Family of Nazareth.

And see how important this August 8, 2022 is, for the sacred task in Africa, which has also been very significant to all, and has opened the definitive door to the Middle East, where My Heart can no longer stand seeing the pain of the innocent, subjected to war and conflicts, to hunger and to tears.

All this has been foreseen by My Son, and I, as His Mother and as the Mother of each one of you, have committed to My Lord so that His Plan may work out, whatever it takes.

And the preciousness of His treasures and gifts do not hide in what is external or visible to human eyes. The riches of the Kingdom of the Heavens hide in simple hearts, in the hearts that are capable of loving the Plan beyond themselves, that are capable of placing others first, knowing that, with this attitude, they cross the threshold and the portal toward Eternal Love, which is what each one of Our Words and Messages have been teaching you up to the present moment.

Do you want to know something, My children?

From this August 8, 2022 on, beyond the Justice that the planet and humanity deserve, I ask God, the Eternal Father, that His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may give a new opportunity to all My children of the world. Because when My Son, the Christ, returns, just as He has taught each one of you throughout the times, He will call one by one by their names and He will keep being capable of leaving His ninety-nine sheep to rescue the lost sheep, as someone among you has experienced in the most recent times.

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming Justice?

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming indifference?

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming the power and love that you believe you have?

Yes, Love will be capable of all this and much more. It is this Love that I have been teaching you in Aurora since 2007, and your Heavenly Mother, more than anyone else, has seen how many of Her children have left unjustly, missing the opportunity of knowing Love and Truth.

However, I will not rest, for I have never rested. My duty and commitment is to fulfill the promises of God within My children, the promises of His Celestial Kingdom in hearts, the promises of His Hope, His Love and His Faith in each one of His Creatures and, especially, in those who have lost Divine Love and Divine Unity.

This is why I will keep working, My children, this is why I also invite you and call upon you to keep working for this cause, because nothing else matters at this moment, but the Love of God in hearts. Because, truly, My beloved children, there exists an intention to root out Love from humanity, through vengeance and impunity; there exists an intention to root out Love from this humanity, through inequality and injustice.

For this reason, this is the great time of the attribute of fraternity, because while each one of you and of your brothers and sisters place another first more and more, I assure you that you will be taking one step more in the Love of Christ, just as He placed on His Back all of humanity, through the wood of the Cross. He taught you how to do it and He taught you what the path is, for you to be the New Christs.

For this reason, have faith and never doubt that you will not fail, because the heart that trusts in My Son will never perish. The Heart that is capable of completely surrendering to My Son will never perish. For this reason, I am here, to remind this to everyone, to tell you that there is still a very long path to walk and there are many experiences to live within this duality of the planet.

But if your purpose lies in Love and in the fulfilment of the Will of the Father, and if you feel you are within this Eternal Love and this Divine Will, what should you fear? In Love and in the Will of the Father there is no injustice nor darkness, therefore be brave and take risks.

Because not only you as a Work, but also the whole world, is called to take a step in the maturity of consciousness, through love for the fellow being and through respect to the life that God has given you.

From this August 8, 2022 onward, may the flame that today you are offering to Me always guide you and sustain you. May the flame of faith and hope never be put out. And not only in you but also in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, may this flame guide you toward the great purpose of Love, toward the Heart of My Beloved Son, where He always wants to have you and hold you.

Today Aurora shines more than in other times, because Its powerful healing and redeeming Light attracts towards itself the essences of the world so that the most suffering and traumatized essences may be healed through this amnesty of August 8, the spiritual Grace that I once again bring to each one of you and your brothers and sisters. 

For this reason, before Me and for a moment, empty yourselves and divest yourselves, walking barefoot to be before God, just as your Divine Mother, Saint Mary of Aurora, is before God and before you today, to transmit Her Eternal Love and to share it with you.

Thus, today I offer and ask you to again sign your commitment in the Sacred Book of God, which I have in My Hands today, so that you may seal this commitment to the Father and to Christ, knowing that the world needs not only love, but also peace, faith, compassion, healing and forgiveness.

Sign your commitment toward eternal transformation. The Elders of the Universe are also witnesses of this today. Because They want to lead you to love the Plan of God ever more, until it hurts. So that many more may be free from illusion, from spiritual captivity and from the slavery that this surface builds in good souls.

Today, I come to undo the knots of consciousness. I come to break, with My Feet, the shackles of perdition, through the essential Light of Aurora that emerges from My Heart.

The power of healing and will blend today as one, so that all lost souls may remember the purpose that brought them here to Earth, so that they may recover their filiation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

One the inner planes, many more than just you have signed this Book that I presented to you today. I give thanks for souls having dared to make this gesture, because this means a lot to the Eternal Father. This means that much more than what had been foreseen will be able to be done and that, when each one of you knows what will have to be carried out and fulfilled, concretized and manifested, you must fulfill it, because you have signed the Book, and this is indissoluble.

I bid farewell, carrying gratitude in My Heart for each one of you and your brothers and sisters who, in these last fifteen years, since My first Apparition in Aurora and up to the present moment, have learned to follow and understand the Hierarchy. Remember that this is an incalculable treasure and it is an incomprehensible Grace for the hearts that can live it, and for you, who can feel it together with Me at this moment. 

Remember that those who have been a part of the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers throughout these last years always have had their families and loved ones held in My Heart, because I take care of them.

Therefore, I thank those who have left their children and their loved ones entrusted to God to follow the Heavenly Mother in this challenging task of the end of times. Because just as My Son Jesus, I have had your children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, your families, under My protection. Just as you made a commitment to Me, I also made a commitment to you.

We must always give thanks so that the world in itself does not lose gratitude. Because gratitude opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens and grants incalculable Graces to all.

Through the Light of the essence of Aurora, which springs from My Heart today, on this sacred anniversary of My Apparitions, I bless you and reconsecrate you to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that the One Thousand Years of Peace may be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Well, brothers and sisters, what a moment!

As fifteen years ago, during the first Apparitions of Aurora and Figueira, I do not know if some remember that the Divine Mother asked us to make accounts of the Apparitions.

Today She asked us to do the same, and communicate to you something very special, which I felt this is really one more Grace of Mary.

I say that this is a Grace because it demonstrates to us once more that Mary is in all places, in all situations and that She takes care of the whole planet.

We have learned with the Hierarchy that, when They communicate something to us, the brothers and sisters of the Council of our Work are the first who should come to know about it, because they all obey an inner and universal order. And after this happens, everyone is informed of the requests of the Divine Messengers.

But today the Divine Mother was very explicit, and I tell you that I asked her three times if I had to talk about it, and She told me, “Yes, yes and yes.”

So, before I tell you the special request of the Divine Mother, before I forget, She said that this request is a gift of God for all, an inner gift of God, a gift of God for all.

But before I transmit this request to you, I will try to make a synthesis of the moment of the Apparition, which was extremely intense. I say extremely intense first due to the way the Divine Mother appeared, as she came dressed as the Spouse of God.

Why do I say this? Because not only was Her beauty so clear and indescribable, but Her gaze was also a penetrating gaze, which demanded an effort from me to stare at Her continuously, because it was like seeing God through Her. And through the garment of the Divine Mother, which was like a silk from other dimensions, so to say, She came with a ceremonial that I had not seen in all fifteen years.

Why do I make such emphasis in the details of Her garment, of Her Mantle?

Because Her entire Mantle was made of stars and radiated and filled all hearts, the planet. Also, through the garment of Our Lady, today, She was representing all the Attributes of God in one, these Attributes that we pray in the prayer of the Universal Mother and many more that we do not know. And the central axis that united all these Attributes, which She was expressing today through Her Presence, was the Love of God.

So, through all this Energy and Divine Presence, at one moment of the Apparition, I perceived that Mary wanted to be with Her children for as long as possible. Because the Angels who obey Our Lady were doing a very important planetary work.

This was possible through something that She revealed to us, which you will now remember, when She spoke about the essence of Aurora in Her Heart.

That is to say, Light was springing not only from the Mary’s Hands, Mantle, Face, but also through Her Heart. It was an image in three dimensions, as if I were seeing the brothers that are filming or as if I were seeing you.

So this Light was a Light that had no end, it was the Light of the Essence of Aurora, which She was bringing through Her Heart, and it seemed that Mary’s Heart was going to explode in Light.

She placed each one of our consciousnesses, of our souls, within this state of the essence of Aurora and, with this inner work, which She did throughout the Apparition, the Divine Mother gradually solved many situations on a planetary level and on the individual level of each one of our souls.

She gradually placed our consciousnesses in even more sublime states, which allowed us, as consciousnesses, through Mary’s Heart, to enter these states of the essence of Aurora. What was conducting this inner work that Mary was doing was Her Love, the Eternal Love of God.

So, at this moment when She was raising our consciousnesses and the consciousness of the planet to a more elevated and higher state, that which might be called sin or spiritual debt was being balanced by the Mary’s giving of Love to us.

So, throughout the Apparition, that which we know as duality did not exist. What did exist, through Mary, was a principle of deep neutrality between Heaven and Earth. And the different Angelic Choirs that were surrounding Our Lady were spiritually sustaining this vortex that was also being shared and assumed by other Spiritual Hierarchies.

In addition, also during a moment of the Apparition, we saw Christ, who appeared in another dimension, on a more distant plane, in that space of the Universe that He has already named to us, where He governs all of Creation.

So let us think for a moment how many things happened simultaneously.

And this went a little further until She, the moment She spoke to us about the healing and redemption that the essence of Aurora grants to us through Her Heart, She led us to these higher planes and we, as essences, were brought before God. At that moment, we all lived a judgment, but not a judgment like the one we know on Earth.

For this reason, at this moment, you remember that the Divine Mother mentioned the Twenty-Four Elders of the Universe and that, a moment before, She offered a Book to us, a blank book, which appeared in three dimensions.

The vortex of the Light of Her Heart was also what was sustaining that moment. She said, at that moment, at the request of God, that He was intervening through the Divine Mother, and the Father said, “Sign again and reaffirm your commitment to Me.”

Then, at that moment, in this lapse of time, Our Lady had an amnesty in Her Hands in the face of the sin and the errors of humanity. I am speaking of what is taking place at this moment on the planet. When this happens, She begins to intervene through Her Grace.

And do you know what She does to intervene with Her Grace? What She accesses to intervene with Her Grace? She accesses a fact in the history of humanity which was the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary.

That moment, which is registered in the Heart of God and in our humanity, which we pray in one of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Our Lady, on this August 8, brought that event here so as to be able to make this intervention.

At that moment, God as a Judge and also as a Father of Mercy was before our errors and also before the deeds that the Sacred Hearts accomplished when they were on the planet. Then, God granted the Divine Mother this authority of the forgiveness of souls.

And when our consciousnesses were before the Father, through Mary, our souls, as Our Lady well said at the moment of the Apparition, signed this Book that She showed us. She told us: “Now that you have signed it, you have made a commitment. It is a commitment that you have to assume from the depths of your hearts.” And this will allow the Divine Mother, as Queen and Lady of Heaven and Earth, to intercede so that those events that are foreseen for the planet within Universal Justice may not take place.


Because we have signed this Book, and what signed it was not our human person, it was our soul. Our inner world signed this Book, and also many other people who presented themselves at the Apparition, those consciousnesses that Christ told us that will awaken.

At that moment, Mary reminded us of the last Message of Christ for the Marathon, when Christ told us that He would carry out His Work of preparation of His Return through those who are awakened and through those who will awaken. And as we have signed this Book, through the offering that the Divine Mother made to us, She will have more time, or our chronological time, to intercede.

And I know that none of us will be able to understand what this means at this moment, because the Divinity and the Spiritual Hierarchies know what truly has to happen at this planetary moment. And through these revelations, the Hierarchy awakens our consciousness, reminding us of our commitment to the Father’s Will and, above all, this Apparition of today reminds us of what we came to this planet to do.

Why does Mary say this to us today?

Because the lessons and tests will keep happening in the end of these times. And at this moment or in the times that will come, when we are going through some test or difficult experience, we must not forget, brothers and sisters, what Mary also explained to us during the Apparition, that we are Children of God and that we emerged from a place that is the Source, where He created us in His Image and Likeness, and that He loves us above all things.

So, when we go through these difficult experiences, let us remember, she Said, that we are under a state of Grace, and it is the commitment of each one of us not to lose it. We must not come out of this state of Grace that Mary brings us.

In synthesis, that was it, and I know that many more things happened that at this moment I cannot remember, because I am processing them.

At now, at last, I will refer to the request of the Divine Mother, and for this reason we talked with Her a little during the Apparition.

As we know, August is an important month for the Divinity, and when we are gathered and united, many things can happen for the Hierarchy.

For this reason, just as Our Lady and Christ asked us to go to Africa and have asked us to go to the Middle East and to Northern Africa, where we will go, the Divine Mother asked us to go to Aurora also.

So the brothers and sisters of Aurora are invited to make a little room  for us at the Community, because we will be with them in the second half of August, as the Hierarchy needs to gather the group and all those who want to go to these meetings in Aurora, which we know we have in August and the reason why Our Lady made this request was, She said, it was a gift that She was giving us.

Do you know why?

Because She told us that we obeyed what She said to us fifteen years ago, although sometimes it may have seemed it was a very great and difficult challenge.

And also, the reason for this request is because Our Lady, before we travel to the Middle East, needs to do a task through Her Apparitions of August 24 and 25. She opened the doors of Aurora, of the Marian Center of Aurora, so that we may all carry forward this task with the Divine Mother.

The Divine Mother told us that, at this moment, South America needs special help, considering what the Hierarchy is observing and accompanying in South and Central America. This will prepare our task in the Middle East and, well, there we go, in obedience and infinite gratitude.

This is all that I wanted to share, at the request of the Divine Mother. As She said, let us give thanks.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, the third secret of Fatima, announced by My own lips more than one hundred years ago, has been altered by the consecration of humanity, and, especially, of Russia, to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, My children, I tell you again not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother, the Sorrowful Mother, the Pious Mother, the Loving Mother, who made a commitment to Her Son at the foot of the Cross.

Today, My Rosary, My Rosary of Light, is filled with the prayers of My children, which I will keep looking forward to receiving in the coming times, because what is happening in the world today is just the beginning.

But pay attention, My children, to the powerful key of prayer! With it, the doors of the Heavens are opened so that My angelic and archangelic armies may intervene and transmute the causes that imprison humanity.

Especially today, My Mantle is wrapped up in the flag of Ukraine, for all those who have supplicated for this nation, highly destroyed by the blue tyrant. But do not fear, My children, because it is in the apparent destruction where life is reborn, and the consciousnesses resurrect, which persist and resist the adversities of these times.

For this reason, keep holding the rosary in your hands, as a powerful alliance between Heaven and Earth, so that the Woman clothed with the Sun can step even more upon the head of the crafty serpent, and so that the Archangel Michael, in My sacred company, may send to the hells all impure spirits that wander throughout the world, as well as those spirits that enter the planet through uncertain doors that are open.

But I tell you again, My beloved children, not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother.

Now, the time will come for the reconstruction of those places in the world that have been highly destroyed. Therefore, My Light, the Light of the Kingdom of Heavens, descends upon these places to again consecrate them to God and to the purpose they have had since the beginning of their existence.

For this reason, I tell you again not to fear, I am here, and am your Mother.

Keep placing at My feet the true needs of the planet, all that which does not have a solution nor a way out, but I ask you to leave in My hands your hearts and all your circumstances so that your Mother, the Queen of the Angels and of Heaven, may transform and heal all.

May your hearts, and the hearts of your brothers and sisters, keep working for peace because in it, through peace, lies the way out for souls to re-encounter My Son, for souls to prepare to receive My Son, because His Arrival is near and it will be at a moment of even greater uncertainty, of world uncertainty, when My Son will return in a surprising and unknown way, and many of Mine, of My dear children, will be able to recognize Him. The one who is united to His Merciful Heart, in spite of the circumstances or of all adversities, will be able to feel the Arrival of Christ, the expected Return of the Redeemer.

If your lives have decided to fully consecrate themselves to God, they will be able to prepare the Return of My Son, first through the transformation of your lives and hearts in the small acts of daily life.

He will avail Himself of these moments, of these small acts of love, true and honest acts which all souls can provide to Him, so as to transmute, liberate and purify the extremely serious errors that humanity has committed, especially that part of humanity that benefits from wars, famine, persecution, slavery and even death.

My Son will count, one by one, all the small and true acts of love, in order to be able to pour out His Divine Mercy in the places where the Light cannot penetrate; because He is the very Light of God, the Light that surrendered for you, and the Light that keeps surrendering for you with one aim: your redemption.

Today, I also unite in Spirit to all souls and hearts, to all the places and spaces that have opened a channel of prayer so that, on this day, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be more and more real and true.

All this has allowed, as I told you at the beginning, for the third secret of Fatima to be altered. For this reason, we must keep praying with fervor and commitment. This is what the Celestial Father needs from each one of His children, He needs you to be in a spirit of prayer and unity so that the dreadful forces of evil, ruled by My enemy and adversary, do not have the least authority to cause peoples and nations to succumb, nor have the authority to use many souls as instruments of evil.

Keep making the fruits of the Rosaries of Light grow and expand throughout the world because your Heavenly Mother, just like Her Son, avails Herself of simple and humble hearts, of poor and austere families that have, as their main nourishment, the prayer of the heart.

My Son, when He returns, will come for each one of them. He will come for those who have been anonymous in prayer, who have been at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar for hours and hours of their lives, with one objective and one mission: for Heaven to descend to Earth.

My Heart will also avail itself of the fidelity of all those who have received the Sacraments, of those who keep in mind and in their consciousness that they cannot spend one day without communing with the Eucharistic Body of My Son, that they cannot spend even a moment without addressing a prayer to the Altars of Our Creator.

Throughout these times, and throughout all public Apparitions, I have prepared you for this moment, My beloved children. I have prepared you so that you would be a solid and strong army of Light, which, present and spread throughout the planet, could be united in spirit and omnipresence under the powerful impulse of prayer.

I know that these times lead each one of you to run after practical and material needs, in the face of the demands of these times, of work, family, the problems you may have in your daily lives. But I assure you that if in your lives, each day, the prayer of the heart is present, you will find the solution to all things.

God needs humanity to be united more fraternally, to enable the eradication of the indifference that My enemy has sown in many consciousnesses, an indifference that causes the heart to become cold in the face of so much impunity and planetary destruction.

But you, before My Presence, have the duty to respond to My call, because I know that you are more conscious and awakened, and these last thirteen years of Apparitions have not been in vain.

Now, in this next Holy Week that is approaching, you are invited to take new steps; in the same way, you are invited to assume, with responsibility and love, the inner and material spiritual tasks that God is entrusting to you for the coming cycle of humanity.

For this reason, My Beloved Son, during the Sacred Week, will come to definitely ask you for the talents He gave you. And, although you do not know this in depth, you will, by just being connected with Him, recognize in yourselves the talents that He gave you, talents that He needs in order to carry out His Return, the time that prepares His Arrival.

In the silence of My Heart, I hear the voice of those who cry out, and of those who grow with My Son on this path of apostleship and redemption.

If you, My children, have come as far as this moment, it means that you can complete and accomplish your personal mission and come to more broadly know your commitment with the Heights. A commitment that many of those who are not here today did not understand, did not value, did not love and did not appreciate, because they did not realize that the commitment with Our Sacred Hearts is unchangeable.

Now that you have listened to this, I hope, as your Mother, that you act in a way that fits My Son. He will not demand anything from you, He will not request anything from you. When you can feel His silence, you will realize, through prayer, that He has had something thought of for you since long ago.

Allow your lives to be written by the Hands of God and never again by your personal wills because My enemy dwells in personal will, it takes advantage of the personal will, confuses through personal will, and distorts the flocks of Christ through personal will.

What eradicates this personal will? It is the Law of Obedience, founded on the sacred spirit of humility.

My Son has asked me to tell you all this, not only in order to celebrate the triumph of My Immaculate Heart through all those who on this day have offered to be consecrated, in soul and heart, but also I have told you all these things, as a good Mother, so that you may be ready for what will come after the Sacred Week, in the months to follow, when your lives must be firm, surrendered and strengthened in your commitment of love to Christ.

Today, My Immaculate Heart rejoices at having the opportunity to be in this House, which has open arms to welcome Me each time I call. But, children, however much I will travel again to other places of the world, where hells dwell and souls need urgent liberation and atonement, there will be plenty of blessed opportunities for the Lady of Figueira to be here again.

Before I retreat into the deep withdrawal of My Heart, where I hold each one of you, My children, each one of your aspirations, problems, deserts and trials, I want to announce to the Community of Figueira that tomorrow, Saturday, I will wait for you on the Hill so that you may receive Me, because it will be the last opportunity in this cycle, before your Mother returns to Europe, for Me to leave in your hearts a very small key that will be able to open the right door, at the most important moment, as long as you are attuned with My Heart.

I want you to go on pilgrimage to the Hill, for all those who have seen themselves in the impossibility to go on pilgrimage to the Marian Centers, because tomorrow this Sacred Community must be re-consecrated to My Heart.

I wait for you in joy and motherhood. Will you say ‘yes’ to Me?

Those present say: “Yes!”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is smiling, but she is also crying.


Because it is the love of those who live Me, as well as the love of those who live My Son, that allows Us, before God, to return here to bring the Message of Peace to the world.

Today, I bless, in a special way, these sacred images that have been offered by My pilgrim children, especially by a pilgrim son that has had absolute faith in the miracles of My Love, which I invite you to also live; to have absolute faith in the Graces and miracles of the Mother of God.

My Son has asked Me one last thing, for you to consciously prepare for the next Sacred Week so that you can understand the importance of commitment in these times, as it is not transitory, but rather eternal. With this aim, I want you to gift Me your songs, especially a song that makes you be nothing: “Make me nothing.”

This is what you must fervently ask in this Lent and on the eve of the meetings with My Son during the next Sacred Week, thus, your hearts will be empty, in the plenitude of God, and, as new wineskins, you will be filled by the Consoling Spirit of My Most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

May this Light that you offer to Me today be the symbol of the establishment of peace throughout the whole world, and especially in Russian and Ukraine.

I thank you for having responded to My call and My summon.

I bless you, under the spirit of the Peace of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I return to Heaven with the melody “Make me nothing.”


Dear children,

This is the time of the apostles of My Son, it is the time of your maturity, it is the time of your action for the accomplishment of the Will of Christ.

The apostles of My Son are the ones who will prepare His arrival at the most culminating moment of humanity.

Be determined apostles, open to facing the challenges of these times.

I, as the Mother of the Apostles, call you to climb one more step on this ladder that will lead you to assume the responsibilities that My Son expects of each one of you.

Children, I do not speak of a material responsibility, but of a spiritual commitment to My Son, to help Him carry the heavy cross of this time, because the weight of the cross is greater than those who are available from the heart to carry it, along with Christ, your Master and Lord.

At this time, may the apostles of My Son be confirmed and also define themselves.

There are many needs, but one of them, the most important one, is the need of souls to receive love and forgiveness.

May the apostles of the end of times open to assume what does not correspond to them. May they do so as an act of Love and Mercy, so that each apostle of Christ may discover within themselves the universe of the Love of God, so that the mystery of the absolute surrender of My Son may be revealed to the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

There are moments in life in which it seems there is no meaning or reason for why some experiences take place. But in these situations that are presented, the soul lives a school that it needs in order to be able to grow and mature in its commitment with Christ.

The motive or the reason for something painful being presenting in life is so that love may be able to return to the consciousness with more expression, because love teaches the importance of considering others and of putting ourselves in our neighbors' place, so that one day you may feel what others feel. 

This school is the most demanding for the human being, because humanity has always done the opposite, fighting for its own benefit and result, forgetting about its neighbor.

When this school, of strong and painful experiences, begins to be attended, it is because the moment of living a greater experience has come, which will place the soul in a level of consciousness that will allow it to see and comprehend life from another perspective. 

For this reason, you must open yourselves to be impelled by this school, the one which at times could seem too tough or difficult, but the essence of this learning is to no longer have to live some experiences, but rather to be with your heart wide open in order to collaborate and cooperate with the fraternity and the well being of all. Thus, you may get out of yourselves.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


VII - The Strength for Seeking Light and Crying Out for Mercy

A soul that was treading their path of surrender to God, one day, while experiencing a profound moment of inner definition, tempted by the forces of the world, thought about abandoning everything and launching into the pleasures and illusions of life. This soul was tempted to think and to feel that their surrender had no meaning, that it made no difference to the evolution of life and that despite so much effort, they were standing still; so it would be better to leave this path and launch into the world.

Upon inwardly planning to abandon their spiritual path, the soul felt they could not do so and something tied them to God. With a mixture of fear and of indignation, the soul began to question the Lord, saying: "Tell me, Lord, why do you tie me to Your Heart? What difference do I make for You if I am always the same invisible and imperfect soul in the infinity of Your Creation? God, why do You not allow that I abandon this path and that, surrendered to the world, I may learn to find You through other ways that are not this one?"

And with a smile on His Face, showing His celestial compassion, the Lord answered:  "Can an organ decide for itself to live outside of the body and leave? However much it wants to be independent within this body, and it might create illnesses and imbalances, that organ cannot leave on its own. And if one day, after so many illnesses, it were to be removed from this body, do you believe, little soul, that it would survive alone?

This is how the souls are like that have committed themselves to Me are. All the souls I have created are cells of My Mystical and infinite Body, but those that have committed themselves to Me are organs inside of Me, which have a fundamental role in the evolution of life, and even if they do not realize it, they are part of an infinite Work that does not begin nor end in this world. Therefore, beloved soul, it is not I Who ties you to My Heart and does not allow you to follow other paths; it is your own life and your condition of union with Me that makes you feel that, in spite of all the temptations, you cannot do so.

But for you, this moment is not the expression of your purest thought. You are going through a moment of blindness and ignorance, in which clouds cover your face and your heart, and you cannot see or feel the truth. So that this truth to be revealed to you, do not distance yourself from My Love and do not stop crying out for My Mercy. Even if you are in the desert, I will give you the strength to persist. And even in the inner dryness, you will feel My Fount that, in the very depths of the depths, springs up again within you. In a time of confusion, do not stop seeking Me, and I will give you peace."

In this dialogue with God, children, may the souls that today are blind find the strength to seek the Light and cry out for Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

When a new cycle comes into your life, in the conjuncture of the stars, beloved soul, contemplate the celestial message that your Creator sends to you.

Receive the impulses that He generated in the manifestation of your essence and, through a deep communication with God, understand His Sacred Geometry and, through that, the designs of the Father for the cycles that will come.

When you become another year older on this Earth, know that your evolution is renewed and your commitment with God expands. The depths of maturity of your human spiritual being will lead you into ever greater responsibilities for God and His Plan.

So then, renew your spirit in this new cycle, letting His Love close the deepest and most hidden wounds that are still open from the experiences of life.

Surrender your most inner sorrows to your Creator, your silent feeling of helplessness when facing that which you cannot offer to God.

For an instant, allow the pain that you share with the Creator, for what He sees of the world, to be eased and healed because to begin a new cycle it is necessary to restore and ease the heart.

Reacquire the impulses lost in the battles of this life, rebuild the hope wounded by the cunning actions of the enemy upon souls and trust, little soul, that each prayer recited by those who were once lost on the path will be the merit that will open the Doors of a new Heaven to them at the last instant of their lives.

Breathe for a moment and receive the Breath of God. His Divine Love renews your consciousness and, in a profound and silent dialogue, everything is made new. This is your birthday with God.

Receive My blessing for the cycle that will come.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

When a soul has a commitment with God, God patiently leads it through the path of surrender.

First, He inspires it to transform its life, to go through the path which leads towards His Heart, not toward the world. Little by little, He places upon its path opportunities, signs, encounters that inspire it to assume new steps towards the Heart of God.

As this soul knows the Love of God and trusts It, the Creator starts asking it for new things, new surrenders, new renunciations, until a definitive point arrives for this soul; when the Lord asks it for a greater renunciation, a complete life transformation.

When the soul throws itself into the unknown abyss of surrender, it discovers that it was falling into the Hands of God, into an endless Fountain of Love, which was hiding deep within the soul that learned to renounce and take the risk of living surrender. 

Still, upon this path, the soul, inspired by the Love of God, makes many offers to Him, placing everything into His Hands. However, it offers that which in truth is known, that which had already been surrendered while jumping into the abyss. The Lord then opens a door within the depths of its consciousness and points out that which must be transformed.

A new unknown abyss is then presented. The soul is faced with aspects of its consciousness that were like hidden treasures: its skills, magnetism, self-confidence, its most hidden vanities.

And however much it continues offering its life to God, its Creator always seeks, in the deepest layers of its being, the focus of surrender, that which must be emptied from its heart. Sometimes it hurts and the soul suffers but it knows that every space that is emptied within its heart and consciousness, hidden spaces of its being, are those which are given to the Heart of God, to His Love, to His Spirit, so that there He may have a sweet home, clean and ready to dwell in.

The path of surrender, children, is eternal, deep, a path to emptiness and, at the same time, a path to unity with the Whole.

So never think that you have surrendered everything, but always allow God to go deeper. And even though it sometimes causes pain, know that the pain is human and will be repaired by the Divine Presence within.

To this day and in each moment I offer the Father all that I am, all that is within Me and all that I do, live, experience, think and speak to the world, because surrender is eternal.

I invite you to follow these steps and each day deepen into your union with God.

You have my blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the second Sunday after Easter comes, and souls have already been washed by the Blood poured out by Christ in His Passion, the time has come to reconfirm the commitment with Him, to confess before His Heart the most hidden sins, those that cause shame within the beings and that sometimes cannot even be said before God.

It is the moment to surrender before the absolute Love of the Creator who, with compassionate eyes, turns towards each being upon this Earth and, with Pity and Mercy, forgives them of their oldest and most unknown sins.

It is the time to live in the spirit of humility and to recognize one's own imperfections and weaknesses, the fragilities and ignorances that cause souls to fall, every day.

It is time to look at the Cross of Christ and also to look at the empty Sepulcher, and to know that the One who has been lifted up by human sins, by His Love and Forgiveness, has resurrected, showing each being the path to eternal life, to transcendence of every human condition, including that which separates it from the Time of God, which is death.

The Feast of Divine Mercy is the moment when souls rejoice in Christ. No sin was greater than the power of His Love, and even the self-condemnation of souls can not overcome the Mercy of the Redeemer when hearts surrender before the Cross.

Today, children, is a day to remember the absolute and unfathomable Love of God and to also do this for those who do not, because the One who died on the Cross and resurrected did it out of love for all souls and for everyone.

Therefore, pray for those who are lost, pray for those who do not look to Christ and who are indifferent to all the Graces and Mercies of the Redeemer because, in this way, you will be able to intercede so that at least, at the last moment of their lives or after, these souls may have an opportunity to repent.

The Feast of Divine Mercy is the moment when souls understand a gift that God gives freely to those who only open their hearts and repent. Be humble before the Creator, resigned to His Will and willing to be loved with an immense and unfathomable Love. And, beyond any error, you will know the power of Divine Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


On this day, I return, carrying the flag of Colombia as a Mantle of Light, causing its stars to shine so that the attributes of God may awaken in the souls that seek peace and Mercy.

Today I come with the Mantle of the flag of Colombia to say that I trust in this dear people, which expresses its devotion to the holy Mother of God and which, in these times, must always remember that it should live reconciliation, so that all may be in harmony.

I come with the Mantle of the flag of Colombia because I want to remind the Colombian people of their commitment to the Plan of God and so that, through the inner experience of this commitment, the nation may fulfill the spiritual mission that is its responsibility, which is to prepare the bases for the expression of Andean communities that again may become the contact between Heaven and Earth.

The Colombian people have the duty of protecting this spiritual task and mission for, in this way, it will keep the doors open so that divine values of the Source may inspire and motivate everyone to achieve the manifestation of this Plan, which is waiting to be concretized upon the surface of Colombia.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


To define oneself, child, is to reaffirm the Will of God for yourself, every day, to walk towards that Will and no longer feed human deviations that, in spite of being small, distance you from God.

To define oneself is to understand your mission and fulfill it: the mission of loving and of preparing for the Return of your Lord to the world; the mission of serving and of being a precursor for a new life, starting by constantly transforming yourself.

To define oneself is to abandon what separates you from God and from His Truth, to leave behind the behavior of the old human being, your own will, your self-affirmation, in order to decidedly tread the path of evolution in Christ.

To define oneself is to no longer feed the doubts and imaginings that cause you to dream a life of illusions, in which your most human desires are fulfilled, and to allow your heart to be faithful to the Divine Plan, even in thought.

To define oneself is to surrender to God, with all that you are, overcoming the fear of being another, different than what you thought of for yourself.

To define oneself is to climb aboard the ship that takes you to the Infinite, to the Heart of the Father and to not look back, in the certainty that your steps open the way for all beings, for all of life.

The definition occurs every day and is reaffirmed in each instant.

For you, child, there is no other definition but being in God and allowing Him to express within you. That is your mission, your path, your plenitude, your commitment. Let all that prevents you from living the Divine Will be dispelled.

It is time to define your heart in God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as in My Heart I had welcomed each apostle and disciple of My Son, each new soul that awakened to the Eternal Covenant, between God and men, thus children, I invite you to receive those who are awakening in these times.

My Heart of Mother and Protector, not only of the message and of the mission of My Son, but also of those who were listening to it and who were awakening through it, comes to welcome in these times all the hearts that surrender before God.


Regardless of your past in this world and beyond, My Heart contemplates your truth, the essence that you are, part of the Living God and the Origin to which you must return.


In this time, in which souls will not find meaning and encouragement in things of the world, I invite you to contemplate each heart as I used to contemplate those who were awakening through the living Presence of Christ on Earth.


Among pagans and saints in spirit, among devotees and the worldly, all of them were touched and washed by the Love of God, through Christ, to return to His Heart. Time has passed, My children, and many of these souls that had sealed a commitment with Christ have gone astray. But the time has come for them to return to His Heart; the time has come for them to take in their hands the torch that illuminates the world and announces the return of the Redeemer to the Earth. 

Therefore, while receiving the souls that are arriving and are awakening, little by little, do not look at your past and your sins, but be  the examples of love yourselves, that which they will need in order to consolidate their awakening and endure the transformation of their lives.


It is time to welcome and unite what is separated, it is time for the cells of God to return to His Heart. And this will occur, My children, not only with you, but with all souls that left the Divine Founts with the mission of renewing and re-creating the Creation of the Most High God.


Embrace with love the part that is up to you to do, and learn to welcome your neighbor with your heart. This will also make you grow and will also bring you closer to God, as it must be.

Together, you will return to the Origin of Life.


I bless you and thank you for imitating My example of Mother and Guardian of souls.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

Each one of the prayerful beings of the world know about the planetary reality and about the importance of sustaining, within the world, a pillar of light of prayer that, each day more, awakens the Love of God within hearts and dissolves the conflicts in nations and peoples.

Therefore, My children, for this Vigil of Prayer of today, I invite you to renew your efforts and especially the commitment of continuing to pray for the nations so that more spiritual miracles may continue to take place in humanity and in the lives of people.

I wish, as a Mother, that every day you may be able to penetrate the mystery that the power of prayer holds, and the physical changes that the praying word generates in planetary life, as well as in the Kingdoms of Nature.

To this day, the commitment undertaken by means of the Prayer for the Nations has allowed, miraculously, for new Light-points to be established in South America, North America, Africa and Europe; and soon in Central America and Oceania.

Thus, My children, when a prayerful commitment is undertaken and assumed by a consciousness, not only do they benefit spiritually over time, but also the planet which, as a living state of consciousness, receives an opportunity, especially the nations that have witnessed the depredation of humanity, of conflict and of chaos.

For example, with the Prayer for Peace in the Middle-East, your Celestial Mother has attained the aspiration, through the missionaries of Fraternidade, to be able to enter Lebanon and thus bring inner human relief to souls, because the next Plan of your Most Holy Mother is to establish a humanitarian and religious task for this region so that Africa, the Middle-East and Europe may be even more contemplated by the Mercy of God.

All this is possible, just as other events, because the power of prayer works and acts daily in the souls that participate and accompany the important task of praying for the nations.

When one or more souls assume this commitment with the Celestial Mother, they assume it up with the Celestial Father, and the Universe can feel the loving response from those who pray and make an effort to do it every day.

Therefore, I call you to a moment of renewal of commitment so that, even more in the world, the powerful and invincible Mercy of My Son may save humanity.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



The souls that I have chosen to accompany Me in My planetary task experience their tests in order to strengthen their commitment to God.

Thus, souls experience many transitions and challenges so that from them may be born the fortitude and the momentum of the inner Christ, an inner Light that will always guide you toward the goal so that someday you may be able to find Me.

This is the time in which every consciousness on the surface of the Earth is tested so that they may inwardly define what side they will be on before your Master and Lord returns to humanity.

In this confirmation, My Mercy may be present so that the soul that is defining itself may count on the inner support of Divine Light.

I encourage My followers to cling to the Power and the Light of the Heart of Christ in spite of their histories or their past, because God is present there and in God you will always achieve peace, even though everything is in transition and being defined.

I am with all those who say "yes."

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


When you truly and from the heart ask Me for something that would benefit the redemption and the elevation of the planet, I will give it to you according to your intention and your motivation. In this way, you allow Me to work through you as an instrument that offers itself to the Father to accomplish His Will.

This is why you should know that all that you ask of Me will come to you at the precise time and not when you need it.

Thus, again and again, you must trust in all that I do even though it seems incomprehensible to you.

When you ask Me for something that will help humanity, you must know that it will manifest itself and that the fulfilling of this request, on the part of the Divine Universe, will mean the moment for your taking on the commitment.

Now, if your request is sincere, it will touch My Heart, and right away I will respond in the way considered by the Father and manifested by the Universe.

We are still in the time of miracles, but we are also in the time of renunciations so that the renunciations can compensate for the deviation of souls from the path of love and maintain the equilibrium of the planet.

I will grant My Graces and My Mercy when the requests are born from a sincere heart.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Through the passage and the visit of the Divine Messengers to the nations of the world, certain ideals and projects created in the function of the human mind are deactivated so that the rest of humanity not be affected, nor interfered with.

For this reason, and also for others, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to bring souls into an awakening of the consciousness, and to encounter their greater commitment with the Heights.

In this time, the Celestial Hierarchy is present in humanity because humanity, as peoples and also as nations, easily deviate from the path of the sacred and of redemption.

And so, the strong currents of My Divine Mercy draw closer to humanity to carry them into the act of their repentance and so that within the world there may exist instruments of Christ, capable of representing Him within the phase of planetary rescue.

The Son of God comes to the world to offer souls an opportunity capable of redeeming and healing human life and, by means of Grace, granting humanity special assistance so that change may take place within them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While more souls enter My Universe of Light, more events from the past are dissolved by Christic Love, and thus I triumph again in the face of darkness, and souls recover their spiritual meaning of being here in order to stop being disoriented.

Souls walk towards the inner planes to have an encounter with your Master and Lord. Even though it may not seem so, this is what happened with the souls of Croatia and is also what may happen with the souls of Hungary, strategically imprisoned in a system of human self-destruction.

But My Mercy shall reach all those who wish to receive it, and even more.

My Mercy shall fill all spaces when My arrival is announced, just as the arrival of your Heavenly Mother to Croatia was announced through the diffusion of the heart, which was to share Christic Love.

This is the last time in which souls will unexpectedly receive the impulse of awakening directly from the Source so that each one may take on their commitment with the Celestial Father and be a part of the soldiers of Christ of the end of times.

But this impulse shall happen only once and will not be repeated.

Therefore, the more the diffusion group is aware of the work it performs on the inner planes, the greater will be the effects for the Work of the Hierarchy in the whole world.

I thank you for all the efforts made; I thank you for keeping My words and impulses in your heart.

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
