Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hope is that which must not be lost in your hearts and in the world, because hope is a Sacred Light of God that fills Creation through His patient and mature Love.

Contemplate the coming time with hope, under the spirit of My Peace, which blesses you today so that God may bless humanity tonight.

For this reason once again I express, to each one of My children, the abundant and infinite Graces that spring at this moment from My Immaculate Heart and My Hands.

May this Grace, which comes from the Light of the Hope of God, renew you at this moment, so that your consciousnesses may confirm themselves to God, to the Plan and the Will that He has written for each one of His children.

Through the Graces that spring from My Heart, I come to heal the wounded and outraged surface of the planet.

Through this special day to your Heavenly Mother, I come to appease those who struggle, I come to appease those who battle and all those who promote the inner, spiritual and physical war; because it is important to My Beloved Son that, through this future of hope that must draw near you and the world, the world and humanity may be reborn in the Love of God.

See how great this Love is, an infinite and inexplicable Love, which allows the Mother of God to be here with Her children today and with all those who attentively listen to My Words.

In this coming 2025, My Beloved Son already has a path drawn and delineated. It is the last stage of His preparatory path, the spiritual foundations that He needs to finish laying, through the souls who confirm themselves, so that He may prepare His Return, which draws nearer to the Earth with each passing day.

For this reason, beloved children, be reborn in the hope of this Love that My Immaculate Heart brings to you today. Drink from this fountain of Grace and purification, of renewal and atonement that I bring you today.

Remember what I told you a few days ago. Your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, has opened this fountain at the foot of the Sacred Tree so that, in this coming year and in the coming days, souls may receive a spiritual atonement, one of the last and great atonements of God.

For this reason, I encourage you to move forward, regardless of the experiences you have lived, regardless of the past that has been traveled up to this very present, regardless of any circumstance or reason, regardless of any situation or even any error.

Tonight, My beloveds, in this spirit of vigil, love and celebration, before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son, which many of you will adore in vigil and reverence, I invite you to enter the portal of reconciliation and peace.

My Son sends Me to tell you, through the Voice of His Holy Mother, beloved Mother of all of you, that you cannot enter the coming year with inner or external conflicts. You must enter it with hearts free from apprehensions and disturbances.

See here, My children, on the inner planes, this Heart of a Mother that again gives of itself to all so that you may cross this portal of Grace and reconciliation tonight.

For this reason, in the Name of God, Our Creator Father, Lord of hope, of renewal and of life, on this night of solemnity of the Mother of God, reconcile among yourselves, love one another again in trust and faith; because there is no other reason for being here at this moment and in this Work, but to prepare this fertile ground of your hearts for the Return of Christ, because My Son cannot find His companions disoriented, confounded or restless.

In this 2025, He needs to find you steady in the commitment to God; in the absolute trust that each step you take is to live a learning experience, so that you may learn to mature in love, but also in forgiveness.

I want you to reverence this Grace that My Heart brings to you at this moment, because God needs your hearts to be open, and I see here hearts that are not open. However, through My Maternal and Divine Love, through My offering and also My sacrifice for each one of My children, through faith, which is a powerful and inextinguishable power, through the power of forgiveness and of Divine Grace, I can open your hearts, because for Me there is nothing impossible.

May the walkers of the cosmos arise. May they place their swords at the feet of the Governor and Lord. May they renounce their expectations and ideals. May they relieve their hearts in forgiveness and love. May they be reborn through the power of the Holy Spirit, which I bring to you today.

And in the emptiness that you are invited to live to attain inner divestment and surrender, in this night of great planetary suffering, when many still struggle among nations and peoples, may you, who have been so deeply replenished and filled with Graces, abundant and unknown Graces that you still cannot measure, be reborn in the Love of Christ, My Beloved Son, and thus enter this new year under the spirit and the impulse of the Hope of God.

For this reason, tonight, My beloveds, in the name of a divided, darkened and disturbed humanity, in the name of a fragmented universal family, purify your hands in My fountain of Grace, wash your faces through My Light and feel the freshness and renewal of My Maternal Love, the Love of the Mother and Lady of the apostles and disciples of Christ who, in this time, already know how to say ‘yes’ to the Will of God and His Designs.

In an unexpected way, God deters the pencil with which He writes in His Book, to wait for the response of His children, His creatures.

What is it that the Celestial Father will write in the coming time, in 2025?

What will be the coherent and consolidated responses that His children will give Him?

What will be the strengthening that His children will offer to Him, before all Graces received, so that He may write His Will through His children, regardless of the errors or the lessons?

By any chance, will the Celestial Father be able to see His Mirror of Unity reflected in you, so that you may recognize the communion with the Heavens, with the Primordial Source, with the Most High Lord?

Your lives are an open book to God, in which He can read what is most intimate and inner; remember that the essence of the children of God can never die or disappear, even from those who are lost in this world.

However, you, who have everything in Heaven and on Earth and, above all, in your hearts, give honor to the Creator God tonight, for His infinite Paternity, Love and Grace for His children. Because when you believe that you will not be able to do or will not be able to live anything that He asks of you, you will be able to do it through the Love of Christ, because He will give you the strength and conviction to do it.

However, do not forget, My beloveds, to cross the door of reconciliation through My Heart and to live this reconciliation with your brothers and sisters tonight.

The doors of hope are open before the inner worlds that decide to cross them tonight, because hope is what the world needs. Souls need to live hope so that they may no longer live in depression and agony.

Through this atonement that is granted tonight in the name of the merits of Christ, God grants the opportunity of renewal.

Remember that you are here to live together, with hope. This is the aspiration of My Son.

Let us celebrate now the Holy Communion with Our Lord, so that through this Blessed Sacrament granted by Christ, as many souls as possible may live a synthesis, at this moment, in the innermost depth of the heart, to enter the portal of hope, of faith and renewal, that My Heart grants to you tonight.

For a moment, I will withdraw to tend to humanity, but I will return at the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine.

I invite all those present and those who are listening to participate in this Spiritual Communion, in the name of and in honor of Mary, the Mother of God, and in the hope that is Christ.

Let us celebrate so that the angels may make themselves present at this moment, so that peace may be established and it may be possible to put an end to wars, to inner and external conflicts, and as many hearts as possible may enter the portal of hope, which the Grace of My Heart opens tonight.

I am waiting for you.

Let us celebrate. 

Upon concluding the Eucharistic Celebration, Friar Elías shared an important request of the Divine Mother.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Before we withdraw, we would like to announce to all, at the request of our Mother, that as from today, and until January 6, that is, until the end of the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, all those who come to Marian Centers and participate in them and, mainly, receive the Sacrament of Confession, Our Lady, at the request of Christ, has announced that She will give a plenary indulgence. This opportunity of indulgence will conclude at the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, on January 5 and 6, when we will have live Apparitions of Christ.

At the request of our Mother, all those who are here in São Paulo and Minas Gerais are invited to be present to accompany Christ in the impulse He will give for the next year.

And all those who participate through the broadcast are also invited to come to the Marian Centers and the Marian Sanctuaries in the world, to receive this plenary indulgence, which is a special moment of atonement and spiritual forgiveness that the Father will grant during these days.

Let us benefit from this moment and spiritual opportunity that the Hierarchy gives us.

Good night!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, holy angels of God, respond to the appeals and calls of the Divine Mother, so that nations may convert to God.

Holy angels of the universe, help lost souls, especially those who need it the most.

Listen to the plea of the Mother of God, who comes to meet your holy consciousnesses, just as the Mother of God comes to meet Her children on Earth, to make them, My littlest children, remember that there is very little time for conversion. However, your Heavenly Mother is already pregnant, to announce the birth of the New Humanity.

Therefore, this is the time of inner preparation. This is the hour when souls must be ready to live what they have never lived before, to learn what they have never learned before, to grow internally in what they have never grown before.

This does not mean that My children will live unimaginable situations, but rather, My beloved children, that you will live experiences that are necessary in these times, because it is necessary to mature the commitment to God, so that this sacred commitment, which each one must fulfill, may be a profound commitment and no longer a superficial one.

This is why I ask the angels of the universe to participate in all this event, because I know that many souls are disoriented today, as they cannot see, on their paths, the Light of God’s Purpose, because the attention of My children is placed on superficial, ephemeral and illusory things.

Therefore, I come to remind you that the commitment of each child of Mine is gradual, but that in many cases this commitment will be immediate, because souls need to do what they have come to do here on Earth. And this will mean that My children will be removed from their own will, to live the grand Will of God, just as your Heavenly Mother lived it in fullness, in infinite happiness, for She was responding to the Lord.

This should be the spirit of each child of Mine: the happiness of responding to God, rather than the obligation of obeying Him, because God, in His Essence, is so Simple, but at the same time so Powerful and Glorious, that He hides in His Humility and shows Himself in His Creative Beauty.

He is visible to all. He is not visible to the opulent, the greedy and the selfish. His Infinite and Divine Love is for all. He becomes great in the smaller ones. He reveals Himself in the simplest ones. He hides from those who claim to be powerful.

If this were not the Essence of God, how could the Living God be?

His Love is so great and merciful that He created the angels of Heaven so that they might praise and adore Him. Not in His Throne, but rather adore His sacrifice and His surrender, the infinite surrender of God for His Creatures.

There is no being in this Creation, there is no angel in Heaven, there is no consciousness on Earth, there is no Kingdom of Nature that does not feel capable of imitating Him, imitating the Father-Mother Creator. See how this is fulfilled in harmony, in peace and balance, through the beauty of Creation.

Thus, I told you a few days ago that humanity had learned to destroy its own creative essence.

How great is the Mercy and Grace of God, who, with His Love, overcomes all errors, grants Forgiveness for all offenses and omissions, surrenders to the world again through Our Sacred Hearts.

His Cosmic and Infinite Love can never be destroyed or dispelled. From the ruins life can rise again, from falls the spirit can rise again, from perdition the Light emerges again, just as the Light of God and of all His angels of Heaven illuminate Estonia and the whole world today.

What is it that impels the universe to make this movement?

What is the cause that allows the existence of this Work of Love and Mercy?

I summarize it for you in one answer: the Love of God. Aand I say again that it is the Love of God that permits it all and grants it all. Because many of My children, especially those who are far from God, still have not decided to commune with the Merciful Love of the Father, because they think that God will not forgive them.

I tell you, My children, to no longer think of the God of Justice, think of the Great God of Love and Infinite Mercy. His Heart is offended today by the atrocities of war, by the omission toward the refugees and exiled, by the immeasurable death of the needy in the Mediterranean Sea and by so many other situations that many do not know, but which happen throughout the world.

Even so, the Heart of God is always open to His Children, and His Eternal Light is always there to radiate and bless you, even if you make a mistake or start from scratch again.

What relieves Our Sacred Hearts is that you may rise again, time and again, just as My Son did after falling three times during His Sorrowful Passion. In this way, with this attitude, you will be able to be born again as many times as necessary.

But careful, My children! The only victims in this world are the unprotected and the helpless, the children, youths and elderly people who do not have the opportunity that you have, of raising your heads to see the sunlight every day.

Do you understand now the difference between true and false victimhood?

I come to make you truly grow; this is the request of Christ, Our Lord. This is the work, the tireless task of the angels, who, in this end time, work without time or delay so that the great sphere of the Earth may not come out of its balance and peace.

But while innocent blood continues to be shed, while laboratory experiments continue to take place, while the propaganda of abortion continues, without the least degree of piety and sensitivity, while weapons continue to be activated and military forces enjoy the suffering of others, how do you believe Justice will not come?

Therefore, prayer from the heart will always be essential.

Today, the Lady of Peace is here, barefoot in surrender, surrounded by God’s Light, giving Herself through Her Hands, pious through her Heart, the Lady of Heaven is present here, because I do not want to see My children suffer without reason, I want to see My children rejoice, just as the elements of nature rejoice, responding to the Mother of God.

This is the Message that I wanted to leave to you. Tomorrow I will continue to instruct you. It is My wish to be in this very place with you, to continue to build the Work of God on the inner planes.

I thank all those who have prayed in different languages so that My Love may expand to the whole world.

I am infinitely thankful to all those who trust this Work of the Divine and Unfathomable Hierarchy, especially those who make it possible for this to be a reality on the material plane and to be a Miracle of God on Earth, in a time of suffering and pain.

The Light of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart fills everything, the Light of My Heart dispels and renews everything, so that peace may be achieved.

Opening My Hands, giving My Light, surrendering My Spirit, loving all My children, once again I implore the Creator:


Eternal Love of God,
listen to the Voice of Your Servant and Slave.

Pour out Your Peace in the world.

Heal the wounded souls.

Grant Forgiveness to those who need it the most.

Oh, Holy Creator God!
Relieve the wounds of the Lower Kingdoms,
through the service of Your holy angels.

May everything be renewed, now and always,
in Your Name, Lord.


I thank you for responding to My call.

May My Peace be with you, My children, and with the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fifteen years ago, I called upon you to be by My side and, although you did not know what that meant, you were obedient and followed My call. Through your response, you taught many others, who are here today with Me in this Work, to also be obedient to My call. This obedience is what builds the Purpose of God upon the planet, because it is the first step of the disciples of My Son who dares to love the unknown.

You, without really knowing what this was about, on that August of 2007, reflected an innocence that allowed the Eternal Father to authorize the Mother of God to carry forward a Purpose and a Plan, beyond Aurora.

As you well said today, remember all that you have lived with Me for fifteen years, because I Am the Mother of Peace, I Am the Holy Virgin, who emerged and was emanated through the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

It has been a request of My Son, since before 2007, that this would happen, by a mandate of the Celestial Father, so that you could accompany the Redemptive Mother in this Work, which has grown a lot internally and which has been able to embrace the whole planet, through the fidelity of those who said ‘yes.’

With this I want to tell you, My children, that your step toward the total consecration of your lives was major for God. Because, after the first meetings with Me in Aurora, not only did the Light and Power of this Center of Love definitely emerge toward humanity, but so did the great spiritual task of Aurora, for then the healing, rescue and redemption of souls began to take place, according to what had been indicated by the intervention of Archangel Raphael.

Stop for a moment in that which I am telling you and think about how you have never been alone and you have never lacked anything, and you never will, because God has determined it to be so.

For this reason, you must keep learning to take care of the manifestation of the Plan, in obedience and adherence, just as you have done with Me up to this moment, fulfilling fifteen years of inner experience. This has led each one of you to give their best for My Son and this will lead you to give your best for God, in the times to come.

Now you are no longer children, you are now adults on the spiritual path. This is what I must give to God so that He may see, with His own Eyes, the offerings of the life transformation that many have gone through, although their transformation was not easy, although their transformation was even painful.

And they will keep transforming so that I may give to God, through My Son, this precious crystal that He wants to polish and polish, which is the inner essence of each one of you and of each one of your brothers and sisters of the planet.

This is why, also for My Heart, as it was for the Heart of My Son, Africa has marked “a before and an after” in the spiritual history of His Work. And all that will take place on the planet, through the Work of the Sacred Hearts, will also transform all your lives, and lead you to live new events and experiences so that you may keep maturing in the humility of the heart and in selfless service.

The second step that you have taken, which was very significant to My Son Jesus, was the concretion of His Monastic Order, which has grown throughout the times in its virtue and gifts and, mainly, under the teachings of My Son Jesus.

Up to the present, not only His Work, but also the planet, not only your lives, but also the lives of your brothers and sisters, have continued learning about the degrees of Love-Wisdom, in the same way that We learned about it when We were here on Earth, as a humble and simple Family of Nazareth.

And see how important this August 8, 2022 is, for the sacred task in Africa, which has also been very significant to all, and has opened the definitive door to the Middle East, where My Heart can no longer stand seeing the pain of the innocent, subjected to war and conflicts, to hunger and to tears.

All this has been foreseen by My Son, and I, as His Mother and as the Mother of each one of you, have committed to My Lord so that His Plan may work out, whatever it takes.

And the preciousness of His treasures and gifts do not hide in what is external or visible to human eyes. The riches of the Kingdom of the Heavens hide in simple hearts, in the hearts that are capable of loving the Plan beyond themselves, that are capable of placing others first, knowing that, with this attitude, they cross the threshold and the portal toward Eternal Love, which is what each one of Our Words and Messages have been teaching you up to the present moment.

Do you want to know something, My children?

From this August 8, 2022 on, beyond the Justice that the planet and humanity deserve, I ask God, the Eternal Father, that His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may give a new opportunity to all My children of the world. Because when My Son, the Christ, returns, just as He has taught each one of you throughout the times, He will call one by one by their names and He will keep being capable of leaving His ninety-nine sheep to rescue the lost sheep, as someone among you has experienced in the most recent times.

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming Justice?

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming indifference?

By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming the power and love that you believe you have?

Yes, Love will be capable of all this and much more. It is this Love that I have been teaching you in Aurora since 2007, and your Heavenly Mother, more than anyone else, has seen how many of Her children have left unjustly, missing the opportunity of knowing Love and Truth.

However, I will not rest, for I have never rested. My duty and commitment is to fulfill the promises of God within My children, the promises of His Celestial Kingdom in hearts, the promises of His Hope, His Love and His Faith in each one of His Creatures and, especially, in those who have lost Divine Love and Divine Unity.

This is why I will keep working, My children, this is why I also invite you and call upon you to keep working for this cause, because nothing else matters at this moment, but the Love of God in hearts. Because, truly, My beloved children, there exists an intention to root out Love from humanity, through vengeance and impunity; there exists an intention to root out Love from this humanity, through inequality and injustice.

For this reason, this is the great time of the attribute of fraternity, because while each one of you and of your brothers and sisters place another first more and more, I assure you that you will be taking one step more in the Love of Christ, just as He placed on His Back all of humanity, through the wood of the Cross. He taught you how to do it and He taught you what the path is, for you to be the New Christs.

For this reason, have faith and never doubt that you will not fail, because the heart that trusts in My Son will never perish. The Heart that is capable of completely surrendering to My Son will never perish. For this reason, I am here, to remind this to everyone, to tell you that there is still a very long path to walk and there are many experiences to live within this duality of the planet.

But if your purpose lies in Love and in the fulfilment of the Will of the Father, and if you feel you are within this Eternal Love and this Divine Will, what should you fear? In Love and in the Will of the Father there is no injustice nor darkness, therefore be brave and take risks.

Because not only you as a Work, but also the whole world, is called to take a step in the maturity of consciousness, through love for the fellow being and through respect to the life that God has given you.

From this August 8, 2022 onward, may the flame that today you are offering to Me always guide you and sustain you. May the flame of faith and hope never be put out. And not only in you but also in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, may this flame guide you toward the great purpose of Love, toward the Heart of My Beloved Son, where He always wants to have you and hold you.

Today Aurora shines more than in other times, because Its powerful healing and redeeming Light attracts towards itself the essences of the world so that the most suffering and traumatized essences may be healed through this amnesty of August 8, the spiritual Grace that I once again bring to each one of you and your brothers and sisters. 

For this reason, before Me and for a moment, empty yourselves and divest yourselves, walking barefoot to be before God, just as your Divine Mother, Saint Mary of Aurora, is before God and before you today, to transmit Her Eternal Love and to share it with you.

Thus, today I offer and ask you to again sign your commitment in the Sacred Book of God, which I have in My Hands today, so that you may seal this commitment to the Father and to Christ, knowing that the world needs not only love, but also peace, faith, compassion, healing and forgiveness.

Sign your commitment toward eternal transformation. The Elders of the Universe are also witnesses of this today. Because They want to lead you to love the Plan of God ever more, until it hurts. So that many more may be free from illusion, from spiritual captivity and from the slavery that this surface builds in good souls.

Today, I come to undo the knots of consciousness. I come to break, with My Feet, the shackles of perdition, through the essential Light of Aurora that emerges from My Heart.

The power of healing and will blend today as one, so that all lost souls may remember the purpose that brought them here to Earth, so that they may recover their filiation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

One the inner planes, many more than just you have signed this Book that I presented to you today. I give thanks for souls having dared to make this gesture, because this means a lot to the Eternal Father. This means that much more than what had been foreseen will be able to be done and that, when each one of you knows what will have to be carried out and fulfilled, concretized and manifested, you must fulfill it, because you have signed the Book, and this is indissoluble.

I bid farewell, carrying gratitude in My Heart for each one of you and your brothers and sisters who, in these last fifteen years, since My first Apparition in Aurora and up to the present moment, have learned to follow and understand the Hierarchy. Remember that this is an incalculable treasure and it is an incomprehensible Grace for the hearts that can live it, and for you, who can feel it together with Me at this moment. 

Remember that those who have been a part of the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers throughout these last years always have had their families and loved ones held in My Heart, because I take care of them.

Therefore, I thank those who have left their children and their loved ones entrusted to God to follow the Heavenly Mother in this challenging task of the end of times. Because just as My Son Jesus, I have had your children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, your families, under My protection. Just as you made a commitment to Me, I also made a commitment to you.

We must always give thanks so that the world in itself does not lose gratitude. Because gratitude opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens and grants incalculable Graces to all.

Through the Light of the essence of Aurora, which springs from My Heart today, on this sacred anniversary of My Apparitions, I bless you and reconsecrate you to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that the One Thousand Years of Peace may be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Well, brothers and sisters, what a moment!

As fifteen years ago, during the first Apparitions of Aurora and Figueira, I do not know if some remember that the Divine Mother asked us to make accounts of the Apparitions.

Today She asked us to do the same, and communicate to you something very special, which I felt this is really one more Grace of Mary.

I say that this is a Grace because it demonstrates to us once more that Mary is in all places, in all situations and that She takes care of the whole planet.

We have learned with the Hierarchy that, when They communicate something to us, the brothers and sisters of the Council of our Work are the first who should come to know about it, because they all obey an inner and universal order. And after this happens, everyone is informed of the requests of the Divine Messengers.

But today the Divine Mother was very explicit, and I tell you that I asked her three times if I had to talk about it, and She told me, “Yes, yes and yes.”

So, before I tell you the special request of the Divine Mother, before I forget, She said that this request is a gift of God for all, an inner gift of God, a gift of God for all.

But before I transmit this request to you, I will try to make a synthesis of the moment of the Apparition, which was extremely intense. I say extremely intense first due to the way the Divine Mother appeared, as she came dressed as the Spouse of God.

Why do I say this? Because not only was Her beauty so clear and indescribable, but Her gaze was also a penetrating gaze, which demanded an effort from me to stare at Her continuously, because it was like seeing God through Her. And through the garment of the Divine Mother, which was like a silk from other dimensions, so to say, She came with a ceremonial that I had not seen in all fifteen years.

Why do I make such emphasis in the details of Her garment, of Her Mantle?

Because Her entire Mantle was made of stars and radiated and filled all hearts, the planet. Also, through the garment of Our Lady, today, She was representing all the Attributes of God in one, these Attributes that we pray in the prayer of the Universal Mother and many more that we do not know. And the central axis that united all these Attributes, which She was expressing today through Her Presence, was the Love of God.

So, through all this Energy and Divine Presence, at one moment of the Apparition, I perceived that Mary wanted to be with Her children for as long as possible. Because the Angels who obey Our Lady were doing a very important planetary work.

This was possible through something that She revealed to us, which you will now remember, when She spoke about the essence of Aurora in Her Heart.

That is to say, Light was springing not only from the Mary’s Hands, Mantle, Face, but also through Her Heart. It was an image in three dimensions, as if I were seeing the brothers that are filming or as if I were seeing you.

So this Light was a Light that had no end, it was the Light of the Essence of Aurora, which She was bringing through Her Heart, and it seemed that Mary’s Heart was going to explode in Light.

She placed each one of our consciousnesses, of our souls, within this state of the essence of Aurora and, with this inner work, which She did throughout the Apparition, the Divine Mother gradually solved many situations on a planetary level and on the individual level of each one of our souls.

She gradually placed our consciousnesses in even more sublime states, which allowed us, as consciousnesses, through Mary’s Heart, to enter these states of the essence of Aurora. What was conducting this inner work that Mary was doing was Her Love, the Eternal Love of God.

So, at this moment when She was raising our consciousnesses and the consciousness of the planet to a more elevated and higher state, that which might be called sin or spiritual debt was being balanced by the Mary’s giving of Love to us.

So, throughout the Apparition, that which we know as duality did not exist. What did exist, through Mary, was a principle of deep neutrality between Heaven and Earth. And the different Angelic Choirs that were surrounding Our Lady were spiritually sustaining this vortex that was also being shared and assumed by other Spiritual Hierarchies.

In addition, also during a moment of the Apparition, we saw Christ, who appeared in another dimension, on a more distant plane, in that space of the Universe that He has already named to us, where He governs all of Creation.

So let us think for a moment how many things happened simultaneously.

And this went a little further until She, the moment She spoke to us about the healing and redemption that the essence of Aurora grants to us through Her Heart, She led us to these higher planes and we, as essences, were brought before God. At that moment, we all lived a judgment, but not a judgment like the one we know on Earth.

For this reason, at this moment, you remember that the Divine Mother mentioned the Twenty-Four Elders of the Universe and that, a moment before, She offered a Book to us, a blank book, which appeared in three dimensions.

The vortex of the Light of Her Heart was also what was sustaining that moment. She said, at that moment, at the request of God, that He was intervening through the Divine Mother, and the Father said, “Sign again and reaffirm your commitment to Me.”

Then, at that moment, in this lapse of time, Our Lady had an amnesty in Her Hands in the face of the sin and the errors of humanity. I am speaking of what is taking place at this moment on the planet. When this happens, She begins to intervene through Her Grace.

And do you know what She does to intervene with Her Grace? What She accesses to intervene with Her Grace? She accesses a fact in the history of humanity which was the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary.

That moment, which is registered in the Heart of God and in our humanity, which we pray in one of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Our Lady, on this August 8, brought that event here so as to be able to make this intervention.

At that moment, God as a Judge and also as a Father of Mercy was before our errors and also before the deeds that the Sacred Hearts accomplished when they were on the planet. Then, God granted the Divine Mother this authority of the forgiveness of souls.

And when our consciousnesses were before the Father, through Mary, our souls, as Our Lady well said at the moment of the Apparition, signed this Book that She showed us. She told us: “Now that you have signed it, you have made a commitment. It is a commitment that you have to assume from the depths of your hearts.” And this will allow the Divine Mother, as Queen and Lady of Heaven and Earth, to intercede so that those events that are foreseen for the planet within Universal Justice may not take place.


Because we have signed this Book, and what signed it was not our human person, it was our soul. Our inner world signed this Book, and also many other people who presented themselves at the Apparition, those consciousnesses that Christ told us that will awaken.

At that moment, Mary reminded us of the last Message of Christ for the Marathon, when Christ told us that He would carry out His Work of preparation of His Return through those who are awakened and through those who will awaken. And as we have signed this Book, through the offering that the Divine Mother made to us, She will have more time, or our chronological time, to intercede.

And I know that none of us will be able to understand what this means at this moment, because the Divinity and the Spiritual Hierarchies know what truly has to happen at this planetary moment. And through these revelations, the Hierarchy awakens our consciousness, reminding us of our commitment to the Father’s Will and, above all, this Apparition of today reminds us of what we came to this planet to do.

Why does Mary say this to us today?

Because the lessons and tests will keep happening in the end of these times. And at this moment or in the times that will come, when we are going through some test or difficult experience, we must not forget, brothers and sisters, what Mary also explained to us during the Apparition, that we are Children of God and that we emerged from a place that is the Source, where He created us in His Image and Likeness, and that He loves us above all things.

So, when we go through these difficult experiences, let us remember, she Said, that we are under a state of Grace, and it is the commitment of each one of us not to lose it. We must not come out of this state of Grace that Mary brings us.

In synthesis, that was it, and I know that many more things happened that at this moment I cannot remember, because I am processing them.

At now, at last, I will refer to the request of the Divine Mother, and for this reason we talked with Her a little during the Apparition.

As we know, August is an important month for the Divinity, and when we are gathered and united, many things can happen for the Hierarchy.

For this reason, just as Our Lady and Christ asked us to go to Africa and have asked us to go to the Middle East and to Northern Africa, where we will go, the Divine Mother asked us to go to Aurora also.

So the brothers and sisters of Aurora are invited to make a little room  for us at the Community, because we will be with them in the second half of August, as the Hierarchy needs to gather the group and all those who want to go to these meetings in Aurora, which we know we have in August and the reason why Our Lady made this request was, She said, it was a gift that She was giving us.

Do you know why?

Because She told us that we obeyed what She said to us fifteen years ago, although sometimes it may have seemed it was a very great and difficult challenge.

And also, the reason for this request is because Our Lady, before we travel to the Middle East, needs to do a task through Her Apparitions of August 24 and 25. She opened the doors of Aurora, of the Marian Center of Aurora, so that we may all carry forward this task with the Divine Mother.

The Divine Mother told us that, at this moment, South America needs special help, considering what the Hierarchy is observing and accompanying in South and Central America. This will prepare our task in the Middle East and, well, there we go, in obedience and infinite gratitude.

This is all that I wanted to share, at the request of the Divine Mother. As She said, let us give thanks.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, the third secret of Fatima, announced by My own lips more than one hundred years ago, has been altered by the consecration of humanity, and, especially, of Russia, to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, My children, I tell you again not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother, the Sorrowful Mother, the Pious Mother, the Loving Mother, who made a commitment to Her Son at the foot of the Cross.

Today, My Rosary, My Rosary of Light, is filled with the prayers of My children, which I will keep looking forward to receiving in the coming times, because what is happening in the world today is just the beginning.

But pay attention, My children, to the powerful key of prayer! With it, the doors of the Heavens are opened so that My angelic and archangelic armies may intervene and transmute the causes that imprison humanity.

Especially today, My Mantle is wrapped up in the flag of Ukraine, for all those who have supplicated for this nation, highly destroyed by the blue tyrant. But do not fear, My children, because it is in the apparent destruction where life is reborn, and the consciousnesses resurrect, which persist and resist the adversities of these times.

For this reason, keep holding the rosary in your hands, as a powerful alliance between Heaven and Earth, so that the Woman clothed with the Sun can step even more upon the head of the crafty serpent, and so that the Archangel Michael, in My sacred company, may send to the hells all impure spirits that wander throughout the world, as well as those spirits that enter the planet through uncertain doors that are open.

But I tell you again, My beloved children, not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother.

Now, the time will come for the reconstruction of those places in the world that have been highly destroyed. Therefore, My Light, the Light of the Kingdom of Heavens, descends upon these places to again consecrate them to God and to the purpose they have had since the beginning of their existence.

For this reason, I tell you again not to fear, I am here, and am your Mother.

Keep placing at My feet the true needs of the planet, all that which does not have a solution nor a way out, but I ask you to leave in My hands your hearts and all your circumstances so that your Mother, the Queen of the Angels and of Heaven, may transform and heal all.

May your hearts, and the hearts of your brothers and sisters, keep working for peace because in it, through peace, lies the way out for souls to re-encounter My Son, for souls to prepare to receive My Son, because His Arrival is near and it will be at a moment of even greater uncertainty, of world uncertainty, when My Son will return in a surprising and unknown way, and many of Mine, of My dear children, will be able to recognize Him. The one who is united to His Merciful Heart, in spite of the circumstances or of all adversities, will be able to feel the Arrival of Christ, the expected Return of the Redeemer.

If your lives have decided to fully consecrate themselves to God, they will be able to prepare the Return of My Son, first through the transformation of your lives and hearts in the small acts of daily life.

He will avail Himself of these moments, of these small acts of love, true and honest acts which all souls can provide to Him, so as to transmute, liberate and purify the extremely serious errors that humanity has committed, especially that part of humanity that benefits from wars, famine, persecution, slavery and even death.

My Son will count, one by one, all the small and true acts of love, in order to be able to pour out His Divine Mercy in the places where the Light cannot penetrate; because He is the very Light of God, the Light that surrendered for you, and the Light that keeps surrendering for you with one aim: your redemption.

Today, I also unite in Spirit to all souls and hearts, to all the places and spaces that have opened a channel of prayer so that, on this day, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be more and more real and true.

All this has allowed, as I told you at the beginning, for the third secret of Fatima to be altered. For this reason, we must keep praying with fervor and commitment. This is what the Celestial Father needs from each one of His children, He needs you to be in a spirit of prayer and unity so that the dreadful forces of evil, ruled by My enemy and adversary, do not have the least authority to cause peoples and nations to succumb, nor have the authority to use many souls as instruments of evil.

Keep making the fruits of the Rosaries of Light grow and expand throughout the world because your Heavenly Mother, just like Her Son, avails Herself of simple and humble hearts, of poor and austere families that have, as their main nourishment, the prayer of the heart.

My Son, when He returns, will come for each one of them. He will come for those who have been anonymous in prayer, who have been at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar for hours and hours of their lives, with one objective and one mission: for Heaven to descend to Earth.

My Heart will also avail itself of the fidelity of all those who have received the Sacraments, of those who keep in mind and in their consciousness that they cannot spend one day without communing with the Eucharistic Body of My Son, that they cannot spend even a moment without addressing a prayer to the Altars of Our Creator.

Throughout these times, and throughout all public Apparitions, I have prepared you for this moment, My beloved children. I have prepared you so that you would be a solid and strong army of Light, which, present and spread throughout the planet, could be united in spirit and omnipresence under the powerful impulse of prayer.

I know that these times lead each one of you to run after practical and material needs, in the face of the demands of these times, of work, family, the problems you may have in your daily lives. But I assure you that if in your lives, each day, the prayer of the heart is present, you will find the solution to all things.

God needs humanity to be united more fraternally, to enable the eradication of the indifference that My enemy has sown in many consciousnesses, an indifference that causes the heart to become cold in the face of so much impunity and planetary destruction.

But you, before My Presence, have the duty to respond to My call, because I know that you are more conscious and awakened, and these last thirteen years of Apparitions have not been in vain.

Now, in this next Holy Week that is approaching, you are invited to take new steps; in the same way, you are invited to assume, with responsibility and love, the inner and material spiritual tasks that God is entrusting to you for the coming cycle of humanity.

For this reason, My Beloved Son, during the Sacred Week, will come to definitely ask you for the talents He gave you. And, although you do not know this in depth, you will, by just being connected with Him, recognize in yourselves the talents that He gave you, talents that He needs in order to carry out His Return, the time that prepares His Arrival.

In the silence of My Heart, I hear the voice of those who cry out, and of those who grow with My Son on this path of apostleship and redemption.

If you, My children, have come as far as this moment, it means that you can complete and accomplish your personal mission and come to more broadly know your commitment with the Heights. A commitment that many of those who are not here today did not understand, did not value, did not love and did not appreciate, because they did not realize that the commitment with Our Sacred Hearts is unchangeable.

Now that you have listened to this, I hope, as your Mother, that you act in a way that fits My Son. He will not demand anything from you, He will not request anything from you. When you can feel His silence, you will realize, through prayer, that He has had something thought of for you since long ago.

Allow your lives to be written by the Hands of God and never again by your personal wills because My enemy dwells in personal will, it takes advantage of the personal will, confuses through personal will, and distorts the flocks of Christ through personal will.

What eradicates this personal will? It is the Law of Obedience, founded on the sacred spirit of humility.

My Son has asked me to tell you all this, not only in order to celebrate the triumph of My Immaculate Heart through all those who on this day have offered to be consecrated, in soul and heart, but also I have told you all these things, as a good Mother, so that you may be ready for what will come after the Sacred Week, in the months to follow, when your lives must be firm, surrendered and strengthened in your commitment of love to Christ.

Today, My Immaculate Heart rejoices at having the opportunity to be in this House, which has open arms to welcome Me each time I call. But, children, however much I will travel again to other places of the world, where hells dwell and souls need urgent liberation and atonement, there will be plenty of blessed opportunities for the Lady of Figueira to be here again.

Before I retreat into the deep withdrawal of My Heart, where I hold each one of you, My children, each one of your aspirations, problems, deserts and trials, I want to announce to the Community of Figueira that tomorrow, Saturday, I will wait for you on the Hill so that you may receive Me, because it will be the last opportunity in this cycle, before your Mother returns to Europe, for Me to leave in your hearts a very small key that will be able to open the right door, at the most important moment, as long as you are attuned with My Heart.

I want you to go on pilgrimage to the Hill, for all those who have seen themselves in the impossibility to go on pilgrimage to the Marian Centers, because tomorrow this Sacred Community must be re-consecrated to My Heart.

I wait for you in joy and motherhood. Will you say ‘yes’ to Me?

Those present say: “Yes!”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is smiling, but she is also crying.


Because it is the love of those who live Me, as well as the love of those who live My Son, that allows Us, before God, to return here to bring the Message of Peace to the world.

Today, I bless, in a special way, these sacred images that have been offered by My pilgrim children, especially by a pilgrim son that has had absolute faith in the miracles of My Love, which I invite you to also live; to have absolute faith in the Graces and miracles of the Mother of God.

My Son has asked Me one last thing, for you to consciously prepare for the next Sacred Week so that you can understand the importance of commitment in these times, as it is not transitory, but rather eternal. With this aim, I want you to gift Me your songs, especially a song that makes you be nothing: “Make me nothing.”

This is what you must fervently ask in this Lent and on the eve of the meetings with My Son during the next Sacred Week, thus, your hearts will be empty, in the plenitude of God, and, as new wineskins, you will be filled by the Consoling Spirit of My Most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

May this Light that you offer to Me today be the symbol of the establishment of peace throughout the whole world, and especially in Russian and Ukraine.

I thank you for having responded to My call and My summon.

I bless you, under the spirit of the Peace of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I return to Heaven with the melody “Make me nothing.”

Special Apparitions
Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.

Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.

It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.

They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.

Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.

The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.

In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.

These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.

Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.

All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.

Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.

Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.

Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.

This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.

Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.

This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.

Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.

For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.

A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.

Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.

I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.

After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.

Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.

With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.

Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.

May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.

May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.

I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want everybody to live in the peace that My Heart pronounces. We are in a difficult time, but peace is possible.

My Heart shines because of being in Argentina today. I have seen that My children responded to My call with more devotion.

You do not know, dear children, the repercussion this had in Heaven; for while you worked with Me today, I remained praying for you so souls could be touched by My Celestial Light.

In this way, dear children, see how simple it is to be an apostle of Christ; pronouncing a true word at the right time and proclaiming faith from your hearts for all, opening doors for those who have them closed.

My Immaculate Heart draws close to your lives today, as it once drew close in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. I Am the same one yesterday as today, I Am the Mother of eternity and the eternal present. I know each of your lives, your inner worlds and your intentions.

For this reason, on this night, I gather you together in My Cenacle of Prayer, the same way I did with the apostles, after the victorious departure of My Son to Heaven.

In this same way, My Son sends Me, during this era, so that I can group the flocks and take them to the stable of His Heart, in which all will live an eternal and perpetual Communion; in spite of the fact, dear children, that you are facing a time of purification, My Heart wants to strongly support you, hold you in My arms so you can feel the warmth and the Love of My Heart.

Today I announce Myself in Argentina as the Queen of Peace, just as I announced Myself in Venezuela, a short time ago. Understand, through this mystery of My Heart, dear children, how God sends Me on pilgrimage among the nations and the peoples, opening new doors of Light for all, reconciling hearts and healing lives.

Your true healing of the heart, dear children, is to be found in praying the Holy Rosary. But these times merit praying in an operative way.

Heaven needs to draw close to your consciousnesses so the Holy Spirit of God can act, can gather you as souls in the service of the Creator and aid sick humanity.

Many spirits that are on the Earth are extensively lost because of their actions and deceits; but My Celestial and Maternal Light is seen on the divine horizon and the Star of Peace draws closer to your hearts to remind you of your commitment to Christ.

My Heart does not come to evangelize your lives, but rather to open your hearts to the Greater Source.

Dear children, many of you have forgotten God. Life has taken away the time to pray with God from you and, in this way, you have forgotten about the Commandments, which were so important, dictated to Moses.

In these times, dear children, Christ sends Me to give you New Commandments, Commandments that you will find in the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Be charitable with others. Be generous with those that most need it. Love those who have never loved and support a true faith in your hearts.

Heaven wants to pour a special Grace over you, but each of your souls has a time to be able to receive it.

Dear children, it is necessary that you create a condition with prayer, so that this Grace, which comes from God through My Heart, is able to be poured out in your lives and your families. I need you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart every day.

Know, dear children, that a good Mother always protects Her children; She prepares them to sleep at night and puts them into the arms of the Creator so that no evil may attack them; evils that are expanding in this world through the bad actions and grudges of human beings, the disturbances many hearts experience, the absence of peace that many live.

Dear children, accept My Universe of Peace, enter into My Ocean of Peace. My Son has granted Me this opportunity for all of you from the beginning, at the foot of the Cross; when He gave Me, as Your Mother, to all the children that are on the Earth. But there must be an inner permission, beloved children, so God may concretize His Plans in your lives.

Difficult times will come, but also times of Graces will come. I call on you to live in that special Grace, and that will begin, dear children, when you place your faith in God and alleviate His offended Heart through prayer, conversion and peace. I invite you to practice these simple things. I have been repeating it throughout the centuries, but very few hearts hear My call.

If you loved the Law of the Lord, there would be no suffering in your lives.

I was a Great Woman on Earth. I was a prophetess of Christ, and carried the Gospel to everyone, through teachings and love.

I know what it is to be a human being. I need you close to Me, so you are able to perceive My celestial energy. I gather you all together in the depths of My Heart. Pay attention, dear children, to the signs that will come. A Greater Grace always awaits you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As I promised, on this night, I bring celestial healing to your lives, and this healing I speak of, My children, is the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, which will be able to manifest in your lives only if you say 'yes' and if you open the doors of the heart to live something new, something unknown to your consciousnesses.

My children, at this time, I invite you to find Me with the gaze of the heart. You can visualize My blue Mantle, My pink robe, My white veil which falls over the shoulders, My bare feet which come to teach you the divestment of everything. You can contemplate My Crown of Stars, which represents the Love I have for each of your hearts. Each of your beings, My children, is one of the Stars of My Crown, which I ignite permanently through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

See now, My children, how the hosts of Light bring to this Earth the Light of My Kingdom, and this Light permeates each of your hearts, enters into your lives and goes beyond your souls; because My Law is not of this world and I can reach all hearts that are connected with your beings, I can reach your families, those beings near and dear, because if one of you says 'yes' to Me, it is as if all of humanity receives that healing.

My children, I invite you to truly open your heart, to allow My Voice to resound within you, and as pure and simple children, you wake up to this call which for some time I have been making.

My children, each of your souls has a universal commitment to Me; thus, today you face My Heart, but it is up to each of you to decide if you will take on this commitment and become an apostle of My Peace or if you will continue in life ignoring the Light that calls you.

My children, these are times of definition for the world, and I want nothing more of your hearts than that you experience the Peace of My Kingdom, that you are able to live a life of fraternity, of unity with others, that you are able to be an example for the souls of the world that did not have the chance of being in My Presence.

My children, in this time it is necessary that there be a great change in humanity, a change in human actions, in feelings and in thoughts, a change in the relationship with the Kingdoms of Nature which have such need of your help.

Today, once again, I reveal that My Maternal Presence is in everything and that My Heart expands in the Kingdoms of Nature. Thus, when you care for these Kingdoms, you are communing of My Presence and of the Purity of My Immaculate Heart.

On this night, My Celestial Light enters into your lives. Thus, I ask that inwardly, you place at My feet all those situations that need light, that need redemption and healing, because if you trust in My Presence, I will always be able to help you, will be able to heal and guide you. In the silence of your hearts, cry out for My help, for I will lift the plea you give Me today to the Lord that, through the purity of His Servant, will grant Her the intercession for all of humanity.

My children, today I call you to a consecration of your life, so that many more are able to be consecrated to the Divine, surrendering their hearts to a Higher Life, opening to the unknown and bringing a Greater Life to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The healing begins with the faith in God and as from there, dear children, the doors to redemption open.

The Mother of Heaven loves all of Her children, the good Mother of Heaven has no preference for anyone, She loves all hearts the same, for all emerged from the Greater Source. You are sparks of the Spirit of God, flames of devotion which can be ignited in these times to help humanity to conversion and forgiveness.

For this reason, My Son sends Me to the cities to wake up those who sleep and, as a good Mother, remind you of the commitment to Christ, the perfect union of your beings with His Merciful Spirit.

Today, I will give you a simple example, in a new consecration of three precious souls, who on their paths, found Me and recognized Me as the Faithful Feminine Energy, the powerful manifestation of God in this world and in others, in the universes and in the stars, for My Heart comes from the Greater Source.

I Am the emanation of the Love of God for the Earth. I Am the incandescent Star for souls that are in darkness. I revive in spirit all those beings who are fallen, I lift them up with My hands and help them to walk toward Christ for a greater coming together.

Bless their hearts every day; it is possible to receive a Greater Grace, to find forgiveness and peace, which many have forgotten to experience because of the realities of these end times.

But My Merciful and Compassionate Heart also received the Precious Blood of Jesus. I adored the mystery of My Son on the Cross, and Am the first disseminator of His celestial powers, through His Body and His Blood, in the sacred mystery of Communion.

I invite you, on this night of the Cenacle, to enter into My Immaculate Heart so I may bless you and into your lives you may carry the Christic seed of Peace, which must sprout in the end of this time so that you may serve God and those that most have need of God.

You are possible apostles of Love. You are the new evangelizers through prayer. Live the devotion of My Heart. Open the doors of your homes so I may enter; I only need to be with you to be able to fulfill what I came to do in this time: to be the Mother of all, of all creatures, of all souls and of all hearts.

For this response you have given to My Heart, during this night of prayer, I deeply and eternally thank you.

Now, come close so I may bless you, placing My hands on your heads and, in this way, I am able to intercede for all My children before Christ, your Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is waiting for you to come. Please stand up and come here.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, on this night, I bless these sacred images, as I have already done so many times for My children. They are a symbol of the favored union between hearts and God, of those who trust in the mystery of My Divine Motherhood.

But I have come from Heaven on this night to bless these three precious creatures who have heard My Voice, just like all those present.

Today, over you I pour My Maternal and Immaculate Love, My Grace is projected like Light over your beings; opening My arms and reaching out My hands, I consecrate you and bless you, asking the Most High and Almighty God to intercede with Christ for all these precious souls that have found a path to My Son in this end time.

Thus, I ask the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to accompany these precious spirits, so they may assemble as a single flock and accomplish the promise of My Son, ardently and with devotion preparing for His Return to the Earth.

As the Most High Mother, I deeply aspire that you be able to recognize My Son when He returns, for He will show Himself to all those who want to hear the Return of the Master in their heart.

I thank you, now and always, blessing you with the Archangel Raphael and His Rays of healing and of transfiguration, which are born from the Fount of God for all the dimensions, the planes and existences, which the Almighty created.

Thus, I bless you under the Power God has given Me as Universal Mother, as Mother of the World, as Queen of Peace and of all hearts, so all beings may stand up from where they have fallen and walk toward Christ in trust and in peace.

My Motherhood protects you, My Light will guide your paths, My Heart will beat in your hearts as long as we are united in the prayer of the heart.

Be glad! This day is special, the Grace of Heaven is close to you and My Heart regards you with Love.

I thank you!


Song: "Revelations in Aurora."


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To close this meeting with our Most Holy Mother, we want to briefly reveal what happened during today's Apparition.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, as we all were able to hear, Our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace, as She described to everybody, with a white veil, light blue Mantle and a rose robe.

And a little before our Divine Mother came, while we were praying, the Angels and Archangels were already approaching this place and were beginning to carry out an intense task with us and with all this city.

They were freeing us from energies that were in us and in the world, which are generated by human actions, which as we all know, are not always the best. So, this is why praying fervently is important, of preparing this path with all our heart, because today, as we prayed intensely, our Divine Mother was able to deepen the task She was doing in this place.

When She was already present, behind Her we could see several doors that reached Heaven. It was as if we could see Paradise behind Her, a place full of Light where angels walked.

And from that place, an intense light was descending, which at the moment when She was speaking of healing, gradually became a green light. And that light entered into each of our beings, cleaning our hearts of all that we have difficulty with in our lives.

When She asked us to surrender those situations we needed to transform, it was as if your souls became very clear. And although you did not say anything, She could see all your beings as if you were transparent. And those who had a small opening of the heart received the intercession of our Mother.

She lifted up our offerings, which went through that portal from whence She came, and they were going to a place we could not see, but which She told us was at the Feet of the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We had the same vision with Sister Lucía. We just want to add that during a moment of the Apparition, several planets and constellations manifested which surrounded the aura of our Mother.

When our Mother asked for an intercession with the Father, the Archangel Raphael approached and worked directly with our essences and souls, with that which Our Mother calls divine; that inner point which each of us has, which connects us with God. For example, when we pray, that divine nucleus which is our inner God, is activated through prayer and we enter into perfect communion with the universe.

Our Mother emphasized this a great deal to us, and needs us to be able to consciously recover it. She was lovingly offering to help us, not only to heal our inner life, but so that we could unite with God more each day.

At the moment of the blessing, She descended a little more, approached us a little more. She lovingly called all of you for the blessing and, as She said, placed Her hands on our heads and we felt Her Motherly Love, Her protection, Her peace, Her profound harmony and hope. We felt God through Her hands, through the energy She poured out like Light; and symbolically, She embraced us all, holding us tightly to Her Heart so that, on this night and as from this moment, we could trust in Her, because She is our Mediator. She comes to recover that precious thing in us which we have lost, as She told us: joy, hope, fraternity, and mainly the prayer that will, according to our Mother, help us survive in these difficult times.

So, She universally invited us, on this night, to unite with the Universe of God through prayer, reconciliation and the union each of us is able to generate daily through striving, collaborating for this planet, for this humanity, which our Mother sees is spiritually sick and has need of healing, preparing to receive Her Son. And it is not the first time that our Mother tells us Her Son is returning.

On this night, She truly placed each one of us in Her arms, and like a loving Mother, contemplated our problems and difficulties. But on this night, She did not see our problems or difficulties; She contemplated our essences, the love we hold in our heart, and which She said we needed to pour out in this time to avoid some events and to be able to be healed in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

While the Friar was telling the story, I remembered something.

When our Divine Mother began to make a movement, in which the Light descended from the Celestial Kingdom, and we could see that the Archangel Raphael was approaching with an intense green Light, and we felt the energy of healing reaching this place, our Divine Mother was telling us:

"I will be able to heal your souls, your hearts and your lives, but will you be ready to maintain what I will give you?"

We would like all of us to hold this question in our hearts, because in the same way that it is simple to receive this healing, it is also very simple to lose it through the actions in our lives. Because little by little, we go forgetting God, and if we don't hold on to this moment through our persistence and our prayer, this moment goes, getting lost in our lives.

So, our Divine Mother left us with a commitment, which is something simple: that we remember that energy She leaves within us and that, through our devotion and our faith, we become able to make it grow and multiply beyond ourselves, so that it may reach our brothers and sisters, so that others, through us, are able to receive what we received today.

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
