Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You expired, Jesus,
but Your Death brought forth
a wellspring of Life for souls
and the ocean of Your Mercy
flooded the whole world.

Oh, Fountain of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
flood the whole world,
pouring out upon us
up to Your last drop of Blood.


Behold this ocean, which many do not know, vaster than all the seas and lakes of the world. The Fountain of My Love is so abundant and unknown that some souls are afraid of penetrating My mystery.

This is why, on this third and last day of the Presence of your Master and Lord in Canada for the whole world, I invite you to rise to the unknown again, through the spiritual and celestial staircase that I presented to you on the first day. And I invite you to patiently and calmly dare to cross the narrow door of God, which will liberate you from any human condition, the narrow door of God that will lead you to your own spiritual freedom.

This is why it is inevitable, companions, that, in order to find the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy, you have to feel, and at the same time detach yourselves from all that which is old, from everything that cannot be part of My Redeeming Work of the Return.

For this reason, I Am here to impel you and to encourage you, so that you may know that in the spiritual foundation of your lives, your consciousnesses and spirits, lies the Fountain and the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy. This Fountain of Love and Compassion was generated and spiritually manifested from the moment your Master and Lord drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, until the last moment of His expiration on the Cross, when I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of God to give Him all the spirits that would come to Me throughout the times and generations, and to give Him, through My offering, in the deepest pain of the Cross, all the groups of souls that would come to My Heart throughout the times and events of the planet.

This is why you are today before this spiritual and celestial staircase, you are ready to take the first steps of the ascension, of the total detachment from what you believe, from all that which you could question or doubt.

Because by taking the first step on this spiritual and celestial staircase of divestment, I assure you that if you walk in trust, you will no longer remember nor will you feel or think all that which can humanly press you.

You already know that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can reach the Father but through Me. If I remind you of this, it is because you must keep it in mind at this moment and in this time, given the events that the planet lives and suffers today, throughout the nations and peoples who are subjected by war, conflict and pain.

Be very much aware that ascending through this celestial and spiritual staircase is not something personal or individual; it means elevating through a mature and responsible consciousness, and doing so not only for all your ancestors but also for all of humanity. Thus, you will help your Master and Lord to elevate all that which is being corrupted and is darkening, within and outside of the human consciousness.

At each step that you may take, through this spiritual and celestial staircase, you will also help your Master to have humanity detach itself from every human condition, from everything which acts as an obstacle to the evolution of consciousness.

But it is inevitable, companions, that when the moment comes for each one to cross the narrow door of God, they must recline their head and spine to cross the door of humiliation and humility, just as the Holy Mother did as She entered the Grotto of Bethlehem, so that in a humble and simple space the King of the Universe might be born.

Therefore, learn through the Humility of Mary and the absolute trust of Mary in the Plan of God. Even today, being a Glorified Consciousness, She continues to be a Slave of God, so that all Her children on Earth may attain the great day of redemption and conversion, through an act of repentance for all the offenses committed against God, so that all of the human race may be reintegrated into the universe of the Laws, of the experience of Values, Attributes and Principles of the Father, which in this time all of My disciples must practice in their daily lives, as these Values, Principles and Attributes of the Project of God in some regions and nations of the planet are gradually dissolving.

Thus, you will be able to understand, with a conscious, ready and whole gaze, that climbing this spiritual and celestial staircase is not only for yourselves, but also for the world, for all those who, in this time and at this crucial hour of humanity, for the suffering generated in wars, persecution and death, cannot even raise their heads to implore God, due to the very traumatic and miserable conditions in which they live.

Are you aware that you are working with Me for something greater?

It is time, companions, to abandon all that which is petty and arrogant, it is time to abandon the action of manipulation and egocentrism.

Your Master and Lord has taught you the way, but all can be Christs of the New Time if you submerge into My ocean of Grace and Mercy.

Have you learned to wash your faces, hands and feet in the fountain of purification that I offer to you?

Behold, physically before you, this mystery that does not hide to remain secret, but which reveals itself to the pure in heart. This is the Fountain of My Heart, which never ends, and that few, on many occasions, visit or look for.

God thought of everything before you existed as race and civilization, even as souls or essences.

Do not think that you are in the wrong place; rather than think, try to feel: where has God, through Me, placed you in trust? Because if this were not so, even within your material or even concrete reality, you would not be here before Me today, listening to Me.

I do not come here to waste the time of God, I come here to seek the response from the hearts of those who once walked by My side, from those who were healed by Me, those who were liberated by Me, those who were forgiven by Me many times. Just as Mary Magdalen was liberated from sin and converted, until today, into a sanctified consciousness.

Do you believe in the power of conversion that I grant to souls as a Grace?

To all those who still do not manage to surrender their hearts to Me, but wait to do so, I Am here for this. It is God who sends Me as His Messenger, as His Bearer of Peace and Good for humanity.

In these three last Messages of your Master and Lord lie the guidance and also the keys to live this stage that I present to you today, the last preparatory stage of My Return to the world.

Do you want to participate in this? May your answer not be immature, but rather a conscious one.

I Am here to help and bless you through My Sacraments, inexhaustible Source of renewal for those who believe in them, just as the holy women did from the beginning, professed them and lived them in themselves, later on being the witnesses of the Resurrected One.

Will you be the witnesses of the Return of Christ, first being witnesses in your inner world, in your life example, and in your coherence with what you profess and all that you believe?

This is what I expect with infinite patience and with loving dedication.

The narrow door of God has been presented in these days for souls. Now is the moment for each one to walk with their own feet, because all has been consummated, just as all was consummated on the Cross.

May those who are tired and oppressed come to Me.

May those who doubt and those who are lost come to Me.

May those who seek the truth come to me.

May those who are anguished come to Me.

May those who seek peace come to Me.

May those who aspire to liberation come to Me.

May those who seek to have their wounds healed come to Me.

May all come to Me, because here is My Heart, the secure door for your spiritual protection.

I also thank all those who walk with Me today, by My side, and who, despite everything, continue and trust in the Lord, in his Unfathomable Presence, but also in His Word, and who. even at the most difficult and darkest moment, continue to walk in trust until they find the embrace of Jesus.

May Peace be in the oppressed, afflicted and lost so that Peace, which is the living presence of God, may be in the world, just as My Peace is in you today if you believe in it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to My Ocean of Mercy, and in faith walk upon the waters, just as I told Peter. Before His faith weakened, he walked upon the waters without realizing it.

This is what I invite you to do again today. I need the world to walk towards that which is unknown to learn to overcome the fears of everything it cannot control or retain.

I come to teach you the way, because I Am the Way. I have been with you in the Holy Land, and you have been with Me, closer than you can imagine.

How many times did you touch My tunic? How many times did you beg for My blessing in the Holy Land? On how many occasions did you listen to My Voice, preaching and teaching the Gospel? How many of you followed the steps of the Cross of the Lord to the top of Mount Calvary?

Remember all that which you once lived with Me, and have faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that believe in Me.

And today I Am here, upon the seas of Uruguay, because I come to fulfill My promise, the Lord is returning and with Him will return all the stars, all the suns and the entire firmament.

Happy will be those who walk with Me until the end, overcoming their own fears, transcending their own obstacles, fully trusting in the Love of My Heart.

Behold the Living Heart of the Master, which beats with Love for souls. It is a Heart thirsty for those who are lost and agonizing. However, My Mercy and the Ocean of My Love are greater than this entire ocean.

I was born for you, I lived for you and for you I died on the Cross; for you I resurrected on the third day and for you I ascended to the Heavens to be able to return to the world at some moment.

In your souls is written the story that unites us, that makes us meet time and again throughout times. I Am by the side of those who walk upon My Path, and My Hand stretches out to bless you in the Love of My Father.

Today, I come with a Message of gratitude for all Uruguayans; for those who work day by day preparing My Return; for those who expect to meet Me face to face, just as Saint Mary Magdalene met Me in the garden of the Sepulcher.

Today I call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene, to tell you that here I Am.

My Presence is unchangeable. My Love is inexhaustible. My Consciousness does not change but rather evolves, just as you can evolve, taking the steps that are needed in these times, in the face of a world wounded and outraged by conflict and war, by cruelty and wickedness.

However, I come to bring you and your brothers and sisters all the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and all the joy of serving God untiringly, doing one’s best until the end.

Through this moment, I come to be with you so that you may feel and recognize Me as your Master, as the One Whose Feet were washed with the tears of the holy women, as the One Who was anointed with the blessed oil of the holy women.

My sustenance was in them, and the sustenance of the holy women was in Me, and in this way the White Fraternity was manifested. Today, you are part of this same Fraternity, because we already know each other and have experienced each other. Therefore, do not deter yourselves in that which is material and concrete, nor in that which is mental.

Let your hearts grow, allow them to grow in love, kindness and mercy. May your lives be My gesture of Love for the world, despite the offenses, despite the grievances, and despite the indifferences that you may experience.

Do all in the name of My Love, so that Love may reign in the world and humanity; so that love may return to the hearts that are losing it due to suffering, emptiness, anguish and despair.

May your lives be My example in the world, the example of the untiring Presence of the Lord, Who does not deter Himself, Who does not rest. Because the Shepherd works for His flocks so that all may attain the spiritual goal that is written in the profound essence of each being.  

I wish this year that begins to be a year of greater agreement, hope and peace. May you recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the same path and of the same Father Who is in the Heavens. Because I Am the Lord of Israel, and I come to remind the whole world of the Call of God.

Stop chaos, stop conflicts, dissolve disagreements.

Love one another, just as I love you.

Live just like I live, and the Truth will free you forever.

Upon these oceans, and even more, within your hearts, the Lord finds rest today. Because I want to be within you, just as I hope you want to be within Me, in communion with infinite life, in union with the entire universe.

In this Marathon, let us pray, companions, for this to be a year of greater hope, peace and justice, so that love may replace revenge, so that peace may replace hatred, so that good may replace evil, so that unity may replace indifference, so that forgiveness may replace error.

Let us pray for peace to be achieved in the world, as well as the end of war, of all wars in their different manifestations and forms, so that souls may attain relief, healing and redemption.

I gather you in the name of Grace.

I thank you for being here with Me, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit. Because there lies God, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ocean of Cosmic Light, I come to the world, to have souls become immersed in the great Essence of God, so that, in this Infinite and Eternal Essence, souls may find again the path toward their origin, toward the first Law and toward the first Purpose that created them in this sacred immaterial universe.

In union with this Eternal Essence of God, may the souls incarnated in this world find the path of return to the House of the Father. Through the secure door of My Heart, they find again the Principles that emerged and came forth in the Origin, for the manifestation and expression of each divine essence.

For this reason, I place you within this universe of Light, which was the first to emerge and become manifested before the Law of Creation, before all existed in the sacred mental universe. And in this material universe, that Light of the Divine Origin was what manifested itself before did the Creator Fathers, known as the angels and archangels.

And today, because of an emergency and a great necessity, humanity is in contact with this unknown pattern, which is an Attribute of God. In truth, it was His first Thought, before His Project manifested itself in the dimensions and on the planes of consciousness.

It is in this Light that you will manage to be nothing. You will become immersed in the void, to be completed by the Sacred Matrices of the All.

I know that today I Am speaking to you through symbols and analogies, but open your hearts so that this Law, which today descends upon the planet for the first time, may touch what is most supreme in your spirits, so that they may be filled by this Higher Light, which slowly transforms all forms and principles, converting them according to the Will of God.

This is how it is possible to correct this Human Project, through a minimum representation of humanity that says ‘yes’ to the Call of the Master.

But today it is not just Jesus the Christ that is here with you, but the One who is speaking to you is His Face of Ascension, that Face that was able to touch the Higher Spheres, and was welcomed by the great Masters and Hierarchies to begin to live the Spiritual Government.

Because My Spiritual Government begins to concretize itself and become a reality first in the hearts of the anonymous beings, of all those who are devoted to Me, and do not fear the righteousness of My Laws, because what I promise to you for the next life is something very great. It is in no way similar to what you live here on Earth, in this world of afflictions and sadness.

I, as the Son of God and the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, incarnated among the men and women of the Earth to announce the Good News, carry the Cross of the sins of the world, endure, suffer and die for you, and then resurrect in Glory on the third day.

You must live the same school, but a school of first dying to yourselves, to all that in which you believe and that you know, to all personal and individualistic convictions.

To attain the Kingdom of the Heavens in the next life, you must not only become detached, but you must also become divested of yourselves. You cannot bring the burdens of this world to the Paradise, because your spirits learn, in this school of redemption, to fly quite high, like birds, so as to merge in the Light with the Divine Essence of the Father.

This Light, which I bring you today from the Creative Essence, was the same that inspired the first twelve main archangels to design the Plan in this material universe. A Plan that first had to be permeated by the mental and ultra-terrestrial forms so that it might follow the principle of the Good and of unity, something that is not lived in the world today, and this unity and this good are not seen in all places of the Earth.

Therefore, companions, so that this Divine Light of God’s Essence may permeate the most corrupt particles of your beings and of the beings of the Earth, and for the corrupt to be transformed into what is incorrupt, you must first take the steps toward the total surrender of attaining the emptiness of yourselves, and of living the different degrees of renunciation, which is not about sacrifices or sufferings, but rather a gradual divestment that will free you from the concrete and corrupt forms, which you know as spiritual ties and prisons.

Today I present to you this apparently abstract Message so that your minds and consciousnesses may come out of the normal form and may enter the great geometry of what is immaterial and unknown, from which all eternally emerges and manifests itself.

All this, and much more, through the Divine essence of God, is what your Master and Lord found when He ascended to the Heavens.

And through the sacred ministry of the Eucharist, through the institution of the Body and Blood of Christ for souls, these first Matrices descended so that, after two-thousand years of spiritual and priestly exercise, souls and hearts in this end of times could have the Grace of receiving, on this day and for the first time, this spiritual impulse that My Ascensional Face brings. In this way, everything will have the opportunity of redemption, so that you will always know and remember that there is a way out beyond the lesson being learned or the school, beyond what it means and represents for you.

This is the ocean of the Divine Light of God, which invades and blesses the orbit of the Earth today, so that all beings of the Earth, all of this humanity, may receive the Grace of redemption, which perhaps they do not deserve, because all this is for one reason: for Love.

As this Law, which acts today through My Words, is unknown to you, this is as far as I can go today, because all has its time and moment for God. Although the schools among you are so different, the Light of the Divine Essence of God is not selective, it blesses all creatures without exception.

Lastly, I want to tell you, so that you may meditate on it later, that it was this Light of the Divine Essence of God that granted My Resurrection, and transformed Me into an Immortal Being.

All those who in the past, participated in the reappearance of Christ after His Death and His Resurrection, had the Grace of being before this Light. Therefore, I declare and explain to you that I told Mary Magdalene not to touch Me when she saw Me and recognized Me, because I had not yet ascended to the House of My Father.

Before manifesting Creation, God first thought of His Light, preciously permeated by His Love and His Unity, so that souls and above all essences, might learn to spiritually drink from His Fountain every time it was necessary. Just as today you are before this Light, which comes to bring understanding and wisdom for a wounded world.

Because when I return, the main spiritual bases of the Project of God must be pre-established in souls, in all those who throughout the times, regardless of their religion or belief, have received My Christic Love from the East to the West.

I want to thank you for solemnly sustaining this moment. Because God is not only grand and powerful, God is simple, He is close, He is a Father and a Friend, He is a Shoulder on which you can always lean and the Hands that you can always hold, to feel His Love and His Strength.

And now, let us celebrate the Holy Eucharist, so that souls may again have contact with this Creative Light.

Remember your origin and beginning, the path of emptiness, but the path of the Whole, where unity based on Love and the Truth can be lived.

I thank you.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(5 times)

I have fulfilled My promise and here I Am, with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body.

Revere one of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Forms are permeated by the Light of My Heart at the moment.

Corrupt matter begins to be transformed, density is transmuted and elevated, and within the atoms and cells of beings the Sacred Science of Healing is fulfilled. In this way, the bodies of human beings will liberate themselves from this retrograde condition of the surface.

The angels send their voices to the Heavens, so that the shackle of perdition may be broken and souls may be liberated from the cage of spiritual enslavement. In this way, the time of My prophecy is fulfilled. Hearts begin to attain redemption.

The doors of the Heavens open with the help of the saints and angels. Those who dare to cross them will discover in themselves the sacred mystery of the unknown, which will cease to be a higher mystery and become an inner reality in the consciousness.

Thus, the angels, responding to the request of the Lord, begin to remove the very fine layers of planetary illusion. In this way, many veils will slowly begin to fall from your eyes, from all the eyes of humanity and, on the horizon, those who used to be enslaved and now are liberated begin to see the Son of God coming.

And the Son of God will no longer hide behind the Sun. He will no longer withdraw into the stars, because the great mystery is unveiled and, just as it was on Mount Tabor, the Lord will arrive transfigured. 

And that which has always seemed to be unattainable for many, will be a palpable reality for those who have faith and persist on My Christic path. Because the chosen and the self-summoned will feel the planetary cross with Me, not as suffering, but rather as a great moment of liberation.

And that hope that has been suppressed from humanity, due to all the errors it has committed throughout the ages and up to the present moment, will again emerge and appear as a supernatural force in the heart of those who persist in Christ.

Thus, life on the surface will cease to be a calvary, because the school of suffering will no longer be necessary. The law of spiritual debt will be dissolved, and those who have come with Me until the end, will never again know about duality.

There will be no differences, there will be no dissociations, there will be no wickedness, there will be no sadness, anguish or disease. Because those who will be part of the Last and New Humanity will not know what sin is, because sin will have been transcended by the merits of the power of My Blood, and souls will be bathed in My Light, just as My Light envelopes the world today.

Despite the errors and outrages, despite the indifferences and omissions, despite the fact that the majority no longer seeks God today, nothing will prevent Me from returning to the world.

You may feel at the moment that the spiritual desert becomes more and more arid, that you cannot find the oasis to quench your thirst, that the soil under your feet dries and cracks, perhaps leaving the paths confused.

When all seems absolutely dark and it may seem that the Light will not shine at the bottom of the abyss, that will be the hour of the Lord, just as it was His hour during His Death and His rest for three days in the sepulcher.

At that moment and in that time, which are not so far away, I will descend to the hells of this world, in which many dwell on the surface, to put an end to that suffering and despair.

I will come to heal the deepest wounds, and with My own Hands touch your bodies, just as it was in the Holy Land at each place where your Master and Lord passed.

And at the least expected hour, I will open the door of your homes and you will see Me, just as the apostles saw Me in the Holy Cenacle after I had resurrected.

I will re-appear and fulfill My promise. At that hour, the existing evil will tremble and cry, unable to come out of its profound abysses, because I will give the order to Saint Michael the Archangel to close the uncertain dimensions of the planet, because He will pour out upon the world a Source of Light that is unknown, and never seen before.

But this will not be an analogy or a theory. The Source of Light that your Lord will open upon the world will be seen by all. It will have more power and splendor than a rainbow.

And thus, little by little, the spiritual darkness will dissipate, the sick bodies will be healed, the blind who have never seen will see. Many of My enemies will be converted; and I will be upon a Mount, similar to the Mount of Olives, so that all may see Me come in glory.

I know that many still lack preparation for this event. But do not be perfectionists. Be simple, just as your Master and Lord, just as your Most Holy Mother is, just as Saint Joseph is in humility.

Because God is in that which is simple and true. God does not stand out by Himself, because He shows Himself where His Love lives and reigns, not only in the Heavens, but also on Earth. His Love is shown and manifested among the brothers and sisters who love each other, who are capable of giving their life for their friends, just as I did for you.

When you have Me close in your homes, or when you find Me on your paths, at the moment or on the day you least expect, what will you do? Because I will see everything in you, just as I saw everything on the Cross, in the solemn Silence of God.

When you are face to face with Me, what will you say to Me? Will you do the same as Mary Magdalene did, when she found the Lord in the garden of the sepulcher? In this way, I will call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene. Just as I called the apostles, because they were afraid for having abandoned Me.

And how many times have you perhaps abandoned Me, through the brother you do not love, through the service you do not assume, through the step that you do not dare to take, through the lack of prayer? But I will not come to point out these facts. I will come with Love and Mercy, because I know who Mine are.

Therefore, prepare yourselves to meet Me. May your lives be a mirror of gratitude, let there no longer be complaints, may you no longer be petty. May you value and honor all that I have given to you, because just as you listen to Me today, you will listen to Me when I call you by your name and your guardian angels will be witnesses of that moment.

Therefore, you must remember the Tabernacles of the Earth, just as the angels remember them every day and adore them, so that your hearts may be ready for the first moments of the Return of the Lord.

For just as I showed some of My apostles My true Face on Mount Tabor, so will I show to Mine their loved ones who have left. And at that moment, the covenant of Love will be sealed. And through your efforts and sacrifices, you will allow many of your loved ones to enter My Kingdom, just as many have already entered.

Now, the Chalice of the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body is in My Hands. It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that comes to offer this Chalice to humanity, so that it may be filled with the most precious offerings of My children, because in the self-giving itself of each one of Mine lies liberation.

Give of yourselves and you will be liberated, and the cross of each one will no longer be a burden, because there are worse crosses in this world, and many of them are in Africa. And My children of Africa are brave, because their faith overcomes all adversity and the Holy Spirit guides the humble in heart.

Now, we will do what I have asked of you, before the moment of Spiritual Communion, when this immaterial Chalice will be attentive to your offerings: you will offer the adoration to My Eucharistic Body so that the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body may receive the offerings of the hearts.

Thus, I bless you in this new stage and in this new cycle, when My Love must be brought to the nations of the world. Remember this: the Love of Our Sacred Hearts must be brought to the world and to the nations that need it the most. Do not forget it, because the coming months will be definitive to avoid more suffering in humanity and on the planet.

Let us adore God, the Creator, through His First-Born Son, the Lord of Israel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prostrate yourselves at the foot of Calvary and recognize My Legacy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Omnipotent Father of the Universe and of the Earth,
maximum Power among all the universal powers,
sacred Igneous Current of the Cosmic Universe,
inexhaustible Mirror of the universe, perpetual and eternal Alliance.
O, sublime Father of the Universe,
High Regent among all regents,
sovereign Lord of the Heights,
Sacred Emanation among all divine emanations!
O, sublime Lord,
most pure and beautiful Source,
powerful and supreme Love!
O, eternal Grace of God,
Higher Light among all darkness!
O victorious Heart of God!
By the merits achieved by Your Son, Your Servant and server,
at the foot of this spiritual Calvary,
reintegrate in the human consciousness of the planet
the victorious triumph of Your Son Jesus,
over all hells and evil entities.
May the powerful Scepter of the Archangel Michael descend
with his Divine Consciousness
to make the hells of this world tremble
and for all to be paralyzed for a moment
so that the triumph of Your Love, Adonai,
may occur and be fulfilled throughout all humanity.

Let us continue concentrated on the Light of My Purpose, in the eternal Source of the Light of God, where the sacred Calvary of your Master and Lord was recorded.

Therefore, today I tell your human persons not to be another wound in My Body, but to be those who anoint the wounded Body of Jesus through their prayers, the Sacraments and, above all, the faith that makes you part of My Mystical Body, that eternal Body of the Son of God integrated by all the souls of the world within My Celestial Church.

Therefore, accompany your Lord in this glorious moment of the Cross, in which the Codes of life, love, forgiveness and spiritual resurrection descend upon the world to reach the souls most in need of My Christic Light.

You, in a profound way, are aware and are also participants in this internal task of your Master and Lord, especially with those fallen souls that were defeated by the armies of evil and that, through the power of My Love, today I come to save, all of them, for the times to come.

For this reason, today the darkness stops in the world and the most miserable souls are contemplated at the foot of this spiritual Calvary, just as you today are also at the foot of this spiritual Calvary of your Master and Lord, a deeper and more difficult Calvary than the one that I lived for you, here upon this planet.

A spiritual Calvary that I invite you to penetrate through the heart, spirit and consciousness that believe in My Christic Legacy, registered in each of the stars of this universe as well as of other worlds.

God, through His Son, could never have incarnated on this planet for a small task. His material expression had to be humble, simple and chaste through the Holy Family; but His power, His omnipotence and His splendor would be great on the inner planes, for that is where all things begin.

While the seeming defeat of the Son of God was seen by all at that time, the hells could not bear the Blood, shed by My Body, drop by drop, touching the ground and every part of Calvary. Imagine, for a moment, what the Angels of the Lord did with each drop of Blood and with each Code of Light that, out of Love, was shed throughout the world.

Now have your consciousnesses placed within these facts and not only see the suffering that your Master lived, which was an indescribable suffering, but also see the triumph of your Lord through one of the main aspects of God, the Will.

The Will of God is what allowed Me to carry the Cross to the top of Mount Calvary. Now, after the renewal of your vows on Holy Thursday, would you be able to carry that Cross by the Will of God and not only see it as symbolism, but as the true and profound reality of doing everything possible, and a little more, so the world stop suffering its own condemnation and damnation?

For this reason, I come to renew you through the Cross; so that their lives, consciousnesses and, above all, your cells do not fear sacrifice, renunciation and unrestricted obedience to Our Creator Father.

If the world of today were obedient, there would no longer be a pandemic, the disobedience of human beings is the cause of many evils.

Could God not have already resolved this planetary situation? Where is the cure for humanity?

Do not forget obedience, companions, first as codes of life for yourselves and second as a principle of loyalty to the Lord of the Universe; but the majority of God's children have no responsibility for everything that happens today.

Many were called to Christify themselves throughout these times. Many were called to surrender their lives, just as the Son of God gave it into the Hands of God.

You will not be crucified, you will live what the universe sends you, but your hearts must be open to be able to perceive what your teaching is at each moment, what test the universe invites you to overcome for Me.

Do not stop contemplating within yourself that spiritual Calvary that I offer you today, and that I also offer to your brothers and sisters around the world who no longer live the chaos of humanity.

But through My Peace and the power of the Light of My Wounds, which today are signs for your ascension and sublimation, I invite you to elevate your consciousness and, in an intelligent way, leave the lies and chaos of this time, because I experienced similar things for you and at no time during the Passion and Calvary did I abandon you.

May the triumph of your transformation, the redemption of your hearts, the ascension of your consciousnesses be the new victorious cross that each of your lives offer to God so that His Plan be fulfilled.

Now, close your eyes for a moment and at the top of the spiritual Calvary see the victory of My Sacred Heart, before the pain and suffering that was experienced by Your Lord.

Contemplate His five powerful Wounds, the Wounds of His Hands, His Feet and His Side; and how Mary, My Mother, when she held Me in Her arms, in the sacred pity of Calvary, She cleansed My Wounds with each of Her kisses, making a part of herself all the pain that I experienced.

Kiss My Wounds and receive My Light, My Christic Light.

In that scenario of seeming defeat, contemplate the Soul of Jesus, redeeming and transfiguring all consciousnesses and all abysses; and ennoble this moment with the honor that He deserves before the splendid Tree of Life, before the fruits of the Passion and the Death of Jesus.

On that Calvary that was recorded in the memory of humanity forever, see My Mother holding me in Her arms when they took Me down from the Cross, and the Cross lit up, as a powerful symbol over all evil.

And then, see John, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, the Roman soldier, all contemplating the sacred Death of Jesus, which was the absolute death of sin through the Love and Mercy of God that once again illuminated the world and all its creatures.

Contemplate the same mystery that My Mother and Her followers contemplated. Contemplate the surrender of God, an unknown mystery, a surrender offered through the Death of His Son Jesus.

On this day, I invite you to die to yourselves so that from now on you will be other people, you may be My blazing flames of peace throughout the world, you may be My own testimony of your redemption.

Eli, Eli, Olam,
Iod He Vaud He, Shekinah,
send Your Spirit, send Your Spirit,
send Your Spirit and heal the Earth
by the merits of My sorrowful Passion.
Eli, Eli, return to Your children,
take their lives and make resurrect, with Your Spirit,
all imperfect life.
send the breath of Your Spirit,
the consolation of Your Soul,
just as You sent it to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane;
I ask you, Father,
because today they do not know what they do.
Look at them, Lord, with Your Eyes of Mercy,
with the Love of Your Heart,
with the Wisdom of Your Consciousness
and through My redeeming Cross,
make all things new,
so that souls may live Your Will
and Your angels may lift the crosses of Your children
so that they no longer feel tormented,
disturbed or that they have gone mad.
May Your Soul, Lord,
illuminate every space of consciousness.
Therefore, Eli,
I offer My spiritual Blood
to purify Your children
and make them, on this day,
partakers of the Spiritual Communion with My Cross,
the Cross of sacrifice.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

All who listen at this moment and have a cross with them may raise it so that Christ, Our Lord, may bless it, and make of our cross, our Calvary and of the Calvary of this world, a victory of love, light and redemption so that souls may be blessed by the Spirit of God, renewed and healed by the Blood of Jesus.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now bring the cross towards your heart and feel the fortitude of Jesus and the merciful Love of His Heart for all creatures on Earth.

I will stay a moment in silence so that, through a song called "Christ of the Calvary", on this day of the Sacred Cross, each one of the souls may be the cross of victory, of redemption, of surrender and of humility, in honor of Our Heavenly Father.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am listening.

Let us contemplate the spiritual Calvary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us make our inner prayer, at His Feet, and adore the Heart of the Lord, present before all humanity, preparing once again for His great sacrifice.

Let us accompany His solemn silence and feel His Heart, which is once again offered to us for the salvation of the world.

Before My sacrifice, I want you to be at My Feet like Mary Magdalene, and for your tears to cleanse the Feet of your Lord. Place upon them the sweet tears of love so that everything may be repaired in the face of the injustice and inequality of the world.

I want you to feel the warmth of My Feet, of the Feet of your Lord who, once again, receives the wounds of the world, as well as His Hands and His Side; Spiritual and deeper wounds that you do not know, that are part of the sacrifice of Your Lord.

Therefore, prepare My burial with your tears, with your true love, so that the Heart of the Lord may be restored and loved by good souls.

There are deep feelings that I have not yet revealed to anyone, only to those who decide to be at My Feet, in total divestment and emptiness. Today I bring to the world the ones who know these feelings, so that you can feel them first, and then know them.

These feelings, which are born from the Heart of your Master and Lord, are feelings that confirm your vows with Me, in the renewal of sacrifice and renunciation for the salvation of humanity.

That is why Mary Magdalene knew what she was doing, even though her mind could not conceive it.

Today, you can do this before Me, placing your heads upon My Feet so that your tears of redemption and love prepare the moment of the surrender of the Lord.

Now, in this time of a deeper surrender that I want to offer and share with My companions, so that they are encouraged to follow My steps, the unknown steps of the Light that will lead them, sooner or later, to live My Will.

Mary Magdalene surrendered at My Feet to live My Will, she abandoned sin to learn to live in My Glory, in the Glory of My Word and of My Love for all souls.

For this reason, today I have come, like more than two thousand years ago, with the same clothes, with the same gaze as when Mary Magdalene met Me to surrender to Me and make her life a new life, a life that led her to be faithful up until the foot of the Cross.

But the burial, which I invite you to prepare, is for the death of your sins, of your aspects, of your entire past; because I need new vessels to deposit My new Codes into, which they will be receptacles for the preparation of the Return of Christ, to prepare all of humanity and yourselves, for that moment.

But for this to happen, there must be souls who are victims of My Love, who do not think about what I ask of them, who do what I need, who carry forward what I have waited so long for, always saying yes to Me.

For this reason, I also multiplied the bread and fish. Do you remember? There, I was giving the symbol of new life to those who, in Communion, were returning to the path towards the Father.

Can you now place your head on My Feet again?

And so, open your hearts to what I need, because I still hope to fulfill what I need. My Father still asks Me, that His Aspirations be fulfilled through His children.

In the emptiness of life and in the fullness of His Purpose, I want you to know that this moment is important for Me since these impulses that I bring you will prepare you for the end of the cycle.

Raise your hearts to God and give thanks for offering yourselves as instruments of the Aspirations of My Father, through the Light of My Sacred Heart, the Heart that lives for you, the Heart that cries out for you, the Heart that ignites in Love for you.

Let yourselves be converted like Mary Magdalene, who just by having placed her head upon My Feet had already fulfilled the Will of My Father and consecrated her life for all eternity.

Are you ready for that?

To consecrate life is a mystery and that mystery is revealed in the steps of your transformation, in the renunciation of your lives and in the permanent surrender of your being.

I need that, in Me, in this difficult time of humanity, you make all things new, because in this way you will be telling the universe that you and your brothers and sisters accept My Return.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus offers Itself as an intercessor for souls so that they may know the joy of living in God and not the suffering of living in sin.

I want that, in this Holy Week, your lives be converted in a deeper way, just as Mary Magdalene converted herself, giving her tears to My Feet and washing My Being as it had never been washed before. This also justified, before the Celestial Father, the reason for My incarnation in the world, just by placing herself at My Feet.

At My Feet, I hear your prayers, I hear your pain, I feel your love, I understand your disturbances, but I renew you with the celestial blessing so that you get up from where you have fallen and continue walking until you find My Will.

From your transformed imperfections, I will make all things perfect. From your endured miseries, I will make treasures for Heaven. Because those who place themselves at My Feet do not fear the unknown, that which is immaterial and eternal; because they are in the void, in divestment, in total surrender.

Allow me, once again, to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I anointed Mary Magdalene, redeeming her whole being for the glory of God.

After living this renewal and initiation, you are ready to fulfill what I need, if your hearts are truly placed at My Feet. And thus, you will accompany your Lord on this long path that is left, of helping humanity and of service to those who suffer, so that My Love may triumph in you and through you.

Thus, I invite you to prepare for a new sacred Spiritual Communion that will be the preamble for the day of My Passion and also for the great day of Easter, in which My sheep, today being marked, will follow the Shepherd along the paths of the planetary emergency without saying no to Him, only saying yes, as long as I so need it.

Think about what I have told you.

My Words are the manifestation of the Truth, the Truth of the Purpose and the Will of My Father. Do not miss the opportunity anymore. Recover your lives. Restore your consciousnesses. Purify your hearts and you will be worthy of My Peace, of the same Peace that I gave to Mary Magdalene.

I want that, in this Passion in which we will enter in the next few days, your souls be like Mary Magdalene who, with fidelity and faith, did not abandon the Messiah, and who, together with Mary, My Mother, were the hands that sustained the Cross, which later became, during the Resurrection, the Tree of Life.

For this reason, I invite you to be a part of Me, to stop being a part of yourself, for this, I have given you the Sacraments. And after so many Sacraments lived, throughout all this time, it is time, companions, for you to have faith and trust in the Spiritual Sacrament, offered by the power of the Eucharist.

I will leave you with a renewed Communion in faith, in the faith of souls. This makes My Presence more alive in the hearts that commune with Me, just by offering to be at My Feet. And as a bridge of light for this moment, I will leave you with a song that I have chosen for this meeting, called "Holy Communion."

Thus, I say goodbye, but know that, no matter how often I return to Heaven and to the House of My Father, in a spirit of omnipresence and omnipotence, during this Sacred Week, I am here, as I am also with your brothers and sisters, in every home of the Earth that may open their doors to receive Me.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prepare yourselves through the song.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I want to see you divested at this moment, so that I move forward with My task on this day.

Do so!

Lord, I who am nothing,
surrender to You,
so that you may make of me Your Dwelling.
(three times)

There are still wounds that the world causes Me to suffer.

Today, I want you to contemplate the Wound in My Side. That Wound that once, on the Cross, poured out Water and Blood as the last and great surrender of your Redeemer.

Through the Celestial Church, let us go to Mount Calvary, not to remember My suffering, which is still very unknown, but so that you may know My Victory, which is the Victory of My Father through His Son. This is why I need you divested.

The Lord is showing Mount Calvary, between smoke and fire, and His empty Cross. At the foot of the Cross is the glorious Mother. Let us place ourselves beside Her so that, together with the angels of the Celestial Church, we may contemplate this moment and the revelation of this mystery that is held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Let us go to the moment in which Our Lord expired for the last time and had His Head drooped upon His Chest. Let us contemplate the Death of Jesus and how all the angelic choirs place themselves at the Feet of the Lamb of God, between the smoke and the fire, to feel the transformation of pain into Love.

Let us see the Virgin Mother contemplating the mystery of this surrender, Her Heart being pierced because of sharing the pain with Her Son, the pain that redeemed and liberated.

And in the heights of the sky of Mount Calvary, we see an angel coming, the Archangel Gabriel, with twelve of His angels, carrying in His hands a Chalice to collect the fruits of the Blood of the Lord.

In the apparent Death of Jesus, He was more alive, laboring over and redeeming the inner planes in all aspects of the planet and in the lower worlds of the human consciousness.

Let us contemplate the Soul of Jesus, the resplendent and living Soul, together with the angels, cleansing the hells, lifting up fallen souls, in the mystery of His Love.

Let us see the Soul of Jesus transfigured, illuminated and glorified, lifting up the not chosen to Heaven through the mystery of His Death on the Cross.

And so, the Archangel Gabriel descends to the top of Mount Calvary and takes in His hands the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Holy Mother has the revelation of that mystery, just as we also have it today.

The Mother of God offers the Archangel Gabriel the Heart of Her Son so that the expansion and the work of Mercy may be stronger.

Let us offer our imperfect hearts, our human hearts, to be considered and accepted by the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

In honor of the merits of our Redeemer, we remain on the top of Mount Calvary, contemplating the pain of the Death and the victory of the Light, being bathed and filled by the mysteries of Our Lord.

Now, in this moment and in this apparition, let us see the pity of Mary with Her Son in Her arms, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint John the Apostle, Joseph of Arimathea and some of the holy women, in the Death of Jesus, all contemplating the life of the Soul of Jesus. And how, from the Chest of Christ, a deep light emerges from His wounded Heart. It is the Light of God's Love, untiring, that does not cease giving itself out of Love for His children.

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception; we are at the top of Mount Calvary with Our Lady and the companions of Christ, and also with the angels of the Archangel Gabriel, who hold the relics of Our Lord, the fruits and the treasures of His experience on Earth.

And on top of Mount Calvary, we see the Consciousness of God approaching, Emmanuel.

Let us keep in our hearts the Light of the Love of Christ, just as Our Lady and the holy women kept that Light in their hearts.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

Let us repeat.

Now let us see that Light that emerged from the Heart of Christ in us. Let us feel the Presence of Jesus, His loving Presence, the Love that transforms and heals, the Love that accepts and understands, the Love that calms and brings the new life.

Let us raise our consciousness higher, as the Archangel Gabriel does, taking the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to the Celestial Church.

And now, let us see ourselves inside the Celestial Church. Our souls are there again, also contemplating this mystery revealed on top of Mount Calvary.

Inside the Sacred Ark, the Archangel Gabriel places the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, holding the wound of the Heart of Christ as the great offering of the Love of God for all Creation.

The Ark of the Holy Covenant shines forth until it disappears into the intense light. The entire Celestial Church is illumined. Our souls disappear in the intense light and all of Creation is lit up on the spiritual, mental and material planes, and all life is illuminated.

Today the planet receives the mystery of the Heart of Jesus, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, dressed as the Wife of God, holds wedding rings in Her hands. Being next to the Sacred Ark, She offers them as one more step in the consecration of our souls. Our souls appear before Our Lady, in the center of the altar of the Celestial Church.

The Sacred Heart still continues to illuminate all the spaces of Creation. And behind the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the main temple, is Our Lord, sitting on the Throne together with the twenty-four Elders, the Elders of the Apocalypse.

Mary, in Her humility, offers these rings to the children who want to accept the path of Christification, in this time of humanity.

Our Lady waits, in light of the scenario of the Celestial Church, for Her children to approach in soul to take the rings, before the paternal Gaze of Jesus.

Bring me here the rings of the new helpers. Our Lord has requested them so that, in this exercise, all of us also experience this consecration and renewal of vows.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that by the Birth, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, that demonstrated Your merciful Love to the world, receive into Your Celestial Church the acceptance of our souls, of this eternal alliance with Your Divine Spirit so that Your Will may be done.

I would like you to learn to live in My Kingdom all the time, because I am always there, sharing the fruits of Love with the angels and the blessed. It is thus that your union with My Celestial Kingdom will make the sanctity of your lives emerge, and the imperfection will be transformed through the Sacraments of Love that I gave you.

Let us adore this moment and prepare for this consecration and Eucharistic celebration, bringing into our awareness everything that the Lord has revealed to us today. Let us not leave that space and that place. Let us feel ourselves embracing the wood of the Cross and expressing our gratitude for the triumph of the Love of Christ in all humanity. Amen.

Incense. Blessed water.

Lord, we offer this incense on Your Altar as an elevation of our souls and consciousnesses to Your Celestial Kingdom, so that the souls most in need, at this moment, may be touched by the Light of Your Love and of Your consecration. Amen.

Baptize us, Lord, with the Water of Your Spirit, so that every part of our being may be blessed by Your Light. Amen.

Now, sisters, make your inner offering to Our Lord, so that this moment may be sealed by the covenant with His Sacred Heart.

And now that everything has been consummated, the most important moment has come for your Master and Lord, in which He can remember and relive the surrender of His Love to His companions.

In light of the power of the Celestial Church, also offer yourselves at this moment to the Most High, so that the merits of the Passion of Christ may be a part of your beings.

Jesus, when gathered together with His apostles, knowing the mysteries of His Sacrifice, took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it could be transubstantiated into His Body. He then broke it and offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
(in Portuguese)

After the Supper had ended, He took the Chalice and raised it up, offering Himself again for each one of us, so that the wine could be transubstantiated into His Blood. And thus, He offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant that will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

In the emptiness of our beings, in the surrender of our souls, we are filled through the Celestial Church with the glorious and victorious merits of Our Lord.

And thus, just as Christ taught, on top of the Mount of Beatitudes, let us pray:

Our Father (in Aramaic, Portuguese, and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

And with three bell sounds, we unite with our brothers and sisters from all over the world to announce the spiritual Communion.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

And at the request of Our Lord, we are going to sing: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof", so that we may join this moment of consecration of the helper sisters.

Remember everything that I have told you today, because you will need it in the times that will come. The Love that comes from God will always be a triumphant and eternal Love, and it is that Love that will strengthen and unite you with My Father.

In this time, let Love be above indifference, so that hearts may open, feel and glorify God, Who is in Heaven, the God of Creation.

I thank you for having accompanied me in the mystery of the top of Mount Calvary, in the victory of the Cross and of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us withdraw into the Heart of the Lord, re-experiencing His Words and His impulses.

We close this transmission with the heart full of gratitude and joy, for once again being anointed by Our Lord.

Thank you all.

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come among the clouds of Heaven to bring good news.

Happy are they who will prepare to spend the seven days with Me, reliving My Passion, bringing the new codes for them, which will transform their lives forever.

The codes that I will bring for this cycle are not the same as what I have brought you in previous times.

I will come with the codes that will illuminate your cells; because it is the cells that will first be prepared for what is to come to the world.

I come with the good news of bringing you more hope, so that your spirits may be still and may perceive the frequencies of the Cosmos, which My Rays will bring from the Universe to the Earth during the seven days.

I will let there be silence between the words so that you may attentively listen to what I say to you.

My Words must not only sound in your minds; they must vibrate in your hearts so that the prophecy may be fulfilled.

 You are part of that prophecy, of the prophecy of John on the resurgence of Christ, on His glorious coming to the world.

For now, companions, I can show Myself in Divinity to you, for My Body is still Glorified and My total Consciousness is also.

It is until you achieve new vibrations that I will show Myself in Divinity to the world. While you have not achieved a transcendence of terrestrial energies, I will come in Divinity to talk to you, and then show Myself in glory to everyone.

In the same way that I ascended to the Heavens, so I will return, when the seven trumpets of the angels sound, which will announce the seven new cycles that this humanity will experience on its five continents.

It will be the new tribes of Israel, which will be called by the sounding of the trumpets; that is why what you experience today is a preparation, the prelude to a great event.

Thus, avail yourselves of this, drink of the Fount that I bring you today so that your hearts, at the most crucial time of Earth, not be indifferent in the face of all that will happen; but, rather, let them take on all the human events and those of this planet, that will unfold in these new seven cycles.

The Sacred Week will be an inner preparation for everyone. A portal will reopen, just like in each previous Sacred Week. But this portal will be different from the previous ones. You will have the chance to vivify My Spirit, to feel new things that you did not feel before, to experience new lessons that you never experienced before, to take sure steps that you never dared to take before.

These are all the possibilities that I bring you today, for those who are happy and are preparing their hearts for the Sacred Week.

The revelations of these times are part of the awakening of the consciousness. Nothing will remain hidden, all will have the possibility of knowing everything, outside of and within beings, in humanity, and on the planet.

We are in the time of the prelude of the coming of Christ.

I Am that Consciousness that is reemerging in these times, and that is written in the prophetic books of the sages.

All of humanity will be able to know that I am here, and although My Church may be mobilized, do not fear, for if your Lord was not accepted in the temple of Jerusalem, do you believe that you will be accepted?

I come to build the bases of My Spiritual Church in souls.

I come to revive what is dead in beings, I come to ignite what has been extinguished in beings.

All of these are the offers that I bring you today. Do not allow the spark of your love for Me to be extinguished. In spite of what may happen, be brave.

The Kingdom of God is drawing closer.

I bring you My sincere Heart, so that you just may feel it.

Today I will call a group of women who have served Me in other times, just as I will have the opportunity during Sacred Week of calling many more souls to meet Me, so that they may receive the treasures that I want to give them with so much Love; non-material and invisible treasures that will make souls joyous because, through that treasure that I will give them, they will be able to be in the Sacred Glory of God, and by the Father will be considered as possible merciful souls.

This is why, companions, I need you to definitely awaken to these gifts because the world and humanity need it.

Each impulse that I bring you is definitive, it is the opportunity to take a great step, and to dare to cross the abysses, to be able to find the Ocean of My Mercy.

I still hope that you can enter this Ocean so that I may transform you, and convert you into My brave soldiers that will not be afraid to proclaim My Word, to announce My new gospel through the instructions that I have brought you in these times. They are only words of salvation and of love.

It is that light that I need you to distribute in the world. That is why I will always send you on a mission so that suffering may be alleviated and your hearts may awaken to unconditional service within the Plan of God.

While I speak to you, I leave you many keys, so that you may penetrate My Message, be a part of My Message, and live it in these end times, for in such a simple way you will help Me to carry out My Work of Redemption.

Through My Love, I come to teach you to be able to resurrect to the impossible, to be able to bring into your lives the mercies you have lost.

This is the spring that I offer you.

That is why I am sending My soldiers two by two; because I need, companions, for you to distribute and share the mercy that you have received from My Heart for all the hearts of the world that are shipwrecked in their suffering, that cannot find the way out, nor can they find peace.

You were deserving of My Peace, and what will you do with the peace that I have given you?

Be carriers of this legacy, for many souls in the world that do not have it.

When you are about to abandon My Work, remember these words, regain your inner strength, and continue onward, without looking back; just observing the horizon of love that I bring you and, in this way, the forces of evil will be defeated, because the very evil consumes itself by not knowing the power of the Love of God.

You are sparks of that invincible love, believe in this and you will never perish.

Around Me contemplate the inner universe. That is what I seek from you all the time, to be able to build the foundation of My Work in the world.

It will be through your inner universe that My Work will be carried out in humanity.

I do not come to make you materialists of My Plan, but rather spiritualized beings under the Love of God and of His infinite Mercy.

Again, I come to open the doors for those who have them closed.

I come to bring you the balm of My Love because it will be the flame that will comfort you for the times of darkness all over the Earth.

The Sacred Week is the refuge for My soldiers, it is the manna that will come from Heaven to give an impulse to the consciousnesses to carry onward the banner of peace that I give each one today.

Through the Sacrament of Communion, a union of souls with God, Heaven and Earth, like a single consciousness, is established through the adoring exercise of the angels.

Show Me the bread and the wine, so that they may convert into My Body and My Blood, divine codes of rehabilitation for consciousnesses.

Friar Elías: Let us softly sing "Christ, You are love."

Today I consecrate them, My daughters, as the first helpers of My sacramental ceremonies.

As servants of My Mercy, through their giving of self, they build the altars for My Work in the world.

I want them to be the first servants of My Mercy, because you will be who testifies that during this time I was among you, to have you know the power of My Love and My Grace.

My servants, be consolers of My Passion. Prepare to serve Me during the Sacred Week, just as the Holy women served Me in the Sepulcher and to the foot of the Cross.

Be like Mary Magdalene, who, with her tears, washed My Feet, and I drew her toward My Mercy.

Be in likeness of Mary Magdalene, be the new Marys, for this next Sacred Week.

I want you to be around your King, contemplating the love that I have for you, for each small step that you have taken in this manifestation of the ceremony of My Heart.

Thus I consecrate these elements, that in your hands will be signs for a new life.

Today you, My servants, are being witnesses of the last legacy that I give to humanity.

From your lips must come divine words of praise and prayer; from your hearts, consoling love must be radiated for your Sorrowful King, Who suffers the indifference of the world in His most silent agony.

I consecrate you as Helpers of My Divine Mercy; as the first women, of your Glorious King, who will be an example for all the rest who will be inwardly called for the concretization of the divine ceremony at each new altar.

Today God brings you this merit, so that many more merits may be distributed in the new holy women that I will call by name.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From your lips I want to hear the song "Sincere Heart," so that you may be like Me, in each new detail.

I thank you for serving Me, may peace be in you. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
