Mary, at this moment, appears dressed in white, barefoot, with the moon at Her feet and the Crown of twelve stars.

At the center of Her chest, a symbol of a great Eucharist appears which has the letters JHS. And in the Presence of Our Lady, the spaces balance. Her energy of peace establishes harmony and unites this space and this place with the Fount of God, by means of the work of prayer that was carried out.

Thus, at this moment Our Lady asked us to first transmit Her Words so that we can accompany Her in what She is doing at this moment.

We will join and attune with this Presence of Mary, as the Mother of the Sacred Eucharist.

Dear children,

From Heaven, I bring you inner protection, because if you are with Me, you are with God and with His Plan of Love which, although for humanity it is unpredictable, it is a Plan that will be fulfilled, first on the levels of the inner worlds and then it will manifest on the surface by means of the souls and the hearts that will be redeemed in Christ.

I bring you this inner security because I know you need it in order to be able to keep trusting in God and in His Presence.

Thus, today I bring you the Sacred Eucharistic Body of My Son because, as a Servant and Disciple of the Lord, I am the first who must adore and honor Him, not only for His task and mission carried out on Earth, but rather for His great Work of Mercy and of Grace in the Universe and in humanity.

I bring you, at this moment, a space of the Kingdom of Lys in which this inner security expresses and manifests itself through the angels who are present there and work with all pilgrim souls that come to the Sanctuary of Fatima to recognize, time and again, the Mother of God, the victor and triumphant one over the darkness.

However, this is the time, My children, to learn to live the most difficult moments of humanity, because thus you will help other children of Mine to do so. You will help and teach others to go through the end of times knowing that, although the three days of darkness will be present, you will know how to continue because who is before the Eucharistic Body of My Son, is before God, His celestial Presence, His Throne, His Power, His Majesty.

Thus, in the silence of My Heart, I bring you the Truth of knowing how to listen to God through the Divine Messengers, of being able to trust beyond the events or the changes.

I bring you the opportunity of truly living sacrifice for My Son without illusions nor imaginations.

I know that it is a very great step for all the servers of Christ, but God needs to express these very difficult moments within humanity so that the human consciousness may learn to change and transcend itself; so that it may learn to seek reconciliation with God and never again move away from Him, from the Source of His Love and of Grace.

Before the Presence of the Eucharistic Body of My Son in My Heart, I also bring you the Wisdom of God, knowing that in these difficult times great decisions must be made so that the Work of My Son may be fulfilled, in spite of the consciousnesses or of the changes.

Know, My children, that you have never gone through such a different time as this, such an unpredictable time as this, because it is a time in which you must learn to be in Christ and in the Love of My Son so that in this perfect union with Him you may strengthen and move forward, fulfilling His Plan and His requests.

By means of the Kingdom of Lys, I bring you Peace, the Peace of the Angel of Portugal because this faithful Messenger of God, in this pilgrimage, is working hard to help the angels of the other nations of Europe that need liberation and help, just as all of My children of this historic and wounded continent.

However, the Light of the Kingdom of Lys emerges as great spheres of consciousness in which Hierarchies and angels of Light manifest themselves to assist and help the inner planes, where the great intermediations take place to relieve souls, to rekindle the hearts in devotion to the love of God, to bring peace to the world in places where it no longer exists, for ignorance, for error.

But the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will occur during extreme situations, in extreme moments, in culminating and decisive times.

Therefore, My children, I appeal so that you can recognize these moments and be attentive and watchful, just as your Heavenly Mother is, before the adversity of these times and before the spiritual battle of these times.

But the Hand of God will never separate from you, if you allow the Hand of God to be upon you all the time.

God profoundly wishes love and good for humanity, but many do not accept it.

In order to be able to see Christ in His Second Return, important changes must take place within humanity and on the planet, changes that must begin in the consciousness and then be reflected in actions, in examples and in acts, knowing that a group like you, at the service of My Son, must sustain what is impossible for the three-dimensional and human consciousness.

However, the force of My Immaculate and maternal Heart will impel you to carry forward the torch of peace, which will illuminate the world and in consequence will bring the Presence of Christ to humanity and to the lost hearts.

Know that you must not survive in these times as many are surviving, in a spiritual and material way.

God gives you everything, so that you can give everything.

God does not complain to you. God waits for you and listens to you, welcomes you in His eternal and infinite Heart.

God brings you Peace through His Heavenly servants.

God establishes His Mercy in those who hear His call and do not retrogress, because this is a time to grant a great healing for the planet and humanity. It is time to sustain what is unsustainable and to love what is impossible to love, to understand what is impossible to understand.

It is time to consider the values that the Hierarchy has given you, at each moment and at each stage, because in this way you will always have a direction, a path, a light on the horizon of the times of darkness.

I bring you, by means of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, the Strength of God, that same Strength that My Son needed in the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane when, in a profound loneliness and darkness, He did not doubt God not even for a moment. Because although He had been a simple and humble man, He maintained His Faith in the Heights, in the Will, beyond understanding or experiencing it.

For this reason, He is the Christ. And you can also be so.

My Son, in this time, does not say words only to cheer you up or to encourage you.

The New Christ is the one who imitates My Son in the example and in the inner life, although they fall and stand up many times.

My Son gives you the impulse to be New Christs because they will be the apostles who will defend and proclaim His Second Return to humanity in the four corners of the Earth. Brothers and sisters whom today you do not know will proclaim the coming of the Redeemer, and the prophecy that is written in the Bible will be fulfilled: “The Woman clothed with the Sun will come again to the Earth, with the Moon at Her feet and the Crown of Light on Her head, announcing the arrival of the Redeemer, of the Savior, of the Master amongst masters, of the one who triumphed in Love and in Truth”.

Be one in Christ, in each moment, in each circumstance, under any situation or experience. Thus, he will be amongst you and you will be within Him. Thus, He will fulfill His prodigies and will manifest His graces to those who have needed them for a long time.

I offer you the Eucharistic Body of My Son as a door to your redemption and to your surrender to God.

My Maternal Grace will be your strength and your consolation for the difficult moments.

Have faith in what I tell you and pray for the causes of God so that His Will may be fulfilled and His Plan of Love may be carried out on Earth.

I thank you for listening to me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Reserved Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the Heart of Fatima, today I send blessings to My children of the world and as Mother, today I come to look for your inner universe so that it may be recognized, contemplated and loved.

I wish for you to seek within yourselves, My children, that which truly exists and that goes beyond material life, the superficial life or the human life.

The Universe is attentive to the awakening of the consciousness of each human being because with this movement many more situations will be able to be regenerated and healed in this race.

The awakening of your inner universe is important for this cycle because it is where you will find the answer to your questionings or doubts, it is where you will find the Wisdom of God, it is where you will find peace.

If you come out of this inner universe, My children, you will not be able to understand the coming circumstances in humanity around you.

The signs of the Universe will come directly towards the deep levels of the consciousness.

Humanity has demonstrated that in the superficiality of life, God cannot be found.

I teach you, by means of  the path of prayer, to enter into communion with your inner universe and with your whole existence, even though you may not know it.

I invite you to enter into this state of consciousness, day by day, so that you can penetrate this Mystery of God even more, a mystery that keeps important revelations for the souls of this time.

If you are in this cycle, present in humanity, it is for a spiritual and inner reason.

This is why I invite you, My children, to understand, beyond the senses, the Word of the Hierarchy.

You are before a crucial time in which everything must be defined, but this definition can be loving or painful. The human being has the opportunity to choose it.

I come, as Mother, to look for this inner wealth that there is within each one of My children.

I come with the intention that you look within yourself, beyond the imperfections and miseries, beyond the obstacles or the difficulties of the day-to-day.

God has left a spiritual treasure in each creature and the time has come for this treasure to awaken and be conscious for each of My children.

Thus My children will be able to be in communion with the Universe, they will be able to understand, even if they do not know, the Laws that will act in the end of these times and the events that will develop at the end of this cycle.

I only hope that, through the virtues of the soul, you can access this inner knowledge; thus, your most ancient registers will be transmuted and will be liberated, and it will not be necessary to remain in the vicious chain of errors.

I invite you to let the inner Sun of love dawn within you, because by means of this Gift you will overcome everything, you will transform everything .

I need, My children, that you disconnect from what is known and connect with the unknown, that you may cross this portal that today the Universe opens for you so that you may not only be in filiation with the High and the Superior, but that within you new things can be gestated.

As Mother of the Universe and Mother of the Confraternity, I give you the impulse to a new change, to a new state of consciousness, to a new perception of life, different from what you have understood and experienced until now.

The great Creator Fathers of the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes wait to give new impulses, to humanity and to the planet, and to be able to reflect all these impulses for the Universes of which you are a part of, all the time.

This will allow, My children, for humanity to be worthy of new revelations and, although it is within a path of inner and material transition, the Guidance and the Knowledge of God will never be lacking for humanity; but not everyone is prepared to receive these impulses, but the majority will be able to benefit from them, because God continues to be merciful.

The Laws that try to awaken in souls will change the events, it is necessary to learn to perceive them, even if they are not known. For this reason your union with the High will always be indispensable.

Renew this union every day so that, in your hearts, the Will of God may be mirrored.

As Mother of the Universe I bring you all of the Knowledge of the Cosmos because it is time for you to learn to perceive reality from another place.

The Universe is a constant dynamism, it is a constant flow of knowledge and information.

The Universe is like a power source that renews and regenerates everything.

The Universe never stops, since it was created it has never stopped.

The spiritual stagnation is not part of the dynamism of the Universe, for this reason  constant and permanent change leads to the awakening of consciousness and to the understanding of new realities, you must only do what is correct to be able to live it.

What I bring you today is not a mystery, it is something that any being in this Universe can live, can experience, can vivify in theirselves.

God is still open to receive His children and their intentions, to listen to their hearts and their prayers.

In this time, there will not be the path of retrogression, you must only rest your gaze on the horizon of God and move ahead.

The times that will come and their experiences have never been lived by humanity; everything you feel, think or perceive in this cycle will be something new, although it is not good and in everything there is a learning and an inner lesson for souls.

It is time to recognize the time of purification and to not want to distance from it, because there will not be how to escape from it.

There are souls in this time that are purifying more than others, but all will live their purification, to some degree and in some sense.

You must not fear to discover in you what still must be redeemed.

Thank God, every day, for having knowledge of His reality, because the planet must still be redeemed as Consciousness, humanity must still find the path toward the Purpose.

I need you to understand everything I tell you in a single sense, which is the sense of the ascension.

What is superficial will be superficial. It will remain in the superficial, but at some moment this will change when the Laws of the Universe descend to conceive new Principles in souls and in consciousnesses.

It is time to perceive that something is changing.

It is time to perceive that everything does not remain equal.

The Spiritual Universe presents itself to announce this to you.

By opening your eyes to Infinity, you will discover the Truth and will recognize its purpose.

Because there is a Star in the Universe to which you belong, and it holds your history since the beginning until the end, and this Star waits for the synthesis of your lives.

And these Stars will ignite even more when you take your steps toward the path of the spirit, which is in constant sacrifice and effort; there the wonderful experiences of love and of redemption of the hearts will be registered.

In the Firmament of God will be written the result of His Creation and everything will begin from scratch because the souls will have learned to overcome duality in themselves and will have learned to win by means of the Love of the Redeemer.

Each time I come from the Universe, I descend from Heavens and come to meet you, My children, something new is registered in the Universe of God and also in this Material Universe.

You must openly perceive what this means and for this you must be in the correct vibration and in the correct channel in order to be able to understand and feel it.

The Universe is still a mystery for humanity, but the one who first loves the Universe will understand and know it.

The mind of the human being will never be able to understand the Universe, it is the heart that God has given to humanity that understands and perceives everything; for this reason, My Immaculate Heart is the door to your understanding and your wisdom.

In My Heart is the path for those who want to learn to transcend themselves.

My Heart is the refuge for your lives and it is the offering to God, in constant offering and surrender.

The one who passes by My Heart changes their life, forever, because My Heart is part of God and of this great Universe that waits to definitely show itself to humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for everything you give us.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary on May 21, 2018, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I come to the world as the Lady of Silence so that, in silence, humanity may hear the Voice of God, that sacred Voice that echoes throughout times and brings the announcement of the new and of the salvation of humanity.

For this to be possible, My children, and so that humanity can truly listen, today I bring you the Gift of Silence, so that it can be awakened in you and in your brothers and sisters, so that through this Gift you may comprehend all things and, above all, feel all the requests that our Sacred Hearts announce to the world, again and again.

Today I come as the Lady of Silence, so that many more souls may hear God within themselves, so that through the path of silence peace may be established in the world through the ears that listen to God with sincerity and fervor; because it will be this silence that will transform you, it will bring the renewal of your lives and consciousnesses.

From the Celestial Universe today I come to you as the Lady of Silence, because I know that most of My children still do not listen, and the Word of God, My children, cannot be wasted.

With this welcome that your hearts lived today before My Presence, I invite you, My children, to deepen into the path of silence for humanity; so that away from the noises, the distractions and the perturbation, you can glimpse into the inner Universe of each being the path of healing, a path that will lead you to the truth and to the elevation of consciousness.

If you now listen to the Lady of Silence, it is because Her words bring a potent energy which will permeate your cells and consciousnesses with the Gift of Silence that the Mother of God has lived on Earth, from the birth of Christ to His ascension, and a little more, after that event.

The Gift of Silence, My children, will lead you to reflect on the Passion of Christ and you will discover great mysteries that are kept in the Passion of Jesus; I would say, sacred celestial merits that humanity needs at this time to be able to live the redemption and conversion, the total transformation of the Planetary Consciousness to a Consciousness of compassion and love, not only for the Creation and the Universe, but also for the whole planet and its Younger Kingdoms.

The Gift of Silence will make you see the truth and the need of the planet and even more: if you unite silence and prayer you will see many more things, as the Mather of God sees in this difficult time.

It is this Gift of Silence, the one that I must take to Europe in this cycle, in order to take My children out of the great planetary distraction and illusion.

You, My children, who are here, have heard, by means of the Gift of Silence, at some point. This is why I need this Gift to echo through these times, may it first incarnate in your lives so that afterwards it may incarnate in the world.

The Gift of Silence will lead humanity and especially Europe to become conscious of what it is not doing well and of how urgent it is, My children, to change the planetary situation.

Therefore, between your hearts and as sister nations, there can be no differences or omissions.

The Gift of the Silence of God is for all, and on this special day I come to generate it within you, because the Gift of Silence will bring humanity to have more wisdom and, above all, discernment before the trials it will face.

If, My children, you still do not understand what to do with your lives and do not have a clear answer as to which path to follow, it is because the Gift of Silence has not yet penetrated your beings; your thoughts have not been silenced, your feelings have not been quieted, there has not been a moment of peace in order to be able to reflect.

Through the path of prayer of the heart that you experience in these times, I invite you, My children, to invoke the power of the Gift of Silence; so that not only your lives but also the planet is transformed, so that there may be a greater time of peace in humanity and especially in those who are more disturbed and immersed in darkness and evil.

By means of My Immaculate Heart, as the Lady of Silence, today I pour out the power of this spiritual Gift so that it may be propagated in the world, in order for My Immaculate Heart to triumph for many more centuries, by the help of My children, by the response of My apostles and the sincerity of the servants who are prepared in this time to build the Plan of God on Earth and, above all, to manifest it step by step, according to the designs of our Father-Mother Creator.

May the Gift of Silence, My children, lead you to the understanding, so that the flame of the Wisdom of God may spring up in your heart. And when you have to make a very important decision in your lives, the Gift of Silence can intercede and bring Light to the necessary answers.

I only ask you to help Me build the Work in Europe and in the world. Today is Europe, but tomorrow it will be another part of the planet; for example, Asia and Oceania, which are being specially prepared by My Heart, so that it first gestates internally in you and then becomes a reality and not an extensive and extreme request to ask for loving help.

Through the Gift of Silence, that today pours My Immaculate Heart into the world, I come to speak to you about the importance of fulfilling the designs of God, not only through the path of prayer and faith, but also through collaboration, unconditional and permanent.

Children, it is important that you clearly understand My words so that you do not get confused. Everything I say and decree comes from the precious Source of God for the world; and today, it is the Gift of Silence that acts through this moment, but tomorrow it will be another gift or other Virtue of God that will act because of the great planetary need, because of the great urgency of a true and not a tepid response, a response that can overflow with love in your hearts, to make them everyday wiser and worthy to be receptacles of the designs of God and to fulfill them, one by one.

I do not need you to make great efforts to fulfill My call. Through the Gift of Silence that I bring to you today, I ask that your effort be true and transparent so that My enemy cannot confuse you.

Remember that my desire for Europe is to step on the head of the serpent and keep on stepping on it, in order for many, many more souls in the world to be able to enter through the heavenly door that I am opening at this time, through My Immaculate Heart, that everyone may cross and pass through, so that no one is left behind, none of My children, however small a believer they may be of the Will of God and His designs.

I invite you to be precursors of this Gift of Silence, so that the Gift may impel you to carry out the Will of God, just as it is presented and displayed.

With this love that today I give you from the depths of My Spirit, and as I have done in other moments, I implore you for collaboration, because greater things must happen and this will depend on the response of My children and the sincerity of their hearts.

Again I say to you, My dear children: May the Gift of Silence show you the truth of all this, which goes beyond the power of men and the will of souls; it is a Higher design, which your Heavenly Mother is weaving and building in the world through the nations and the response of Her children.

I would like, tonight, that your immediate response, your unconditional collaboration and your greater dedication to God, were like this flowers placed at the foot of My altar; and that today I can raise to Heaven, not only your prayers and supplications, but also your confirmed response before the Mother of God.

I know that you will not reach full consciousness about the Mysteries of the Father yet, but believe, My children, that through the Gifts of God and the experience of each one of them, you will be able to reach it, because this is My desire of Mother, for your spiritual and inner growth in these times of emergency.

Europe needs a lot of help, like you.

I invite you to live, through the Gift of Silence, what the Holy Family of Nazareth lived in fullness and love; not only sharing what little they had, but also donating themselves unconditionally to those most in need, to the great Will of God, for it to be fulfilled, even though at some point our poor and humble minds did not understand it.

Love can do all, transform all and reach all. That is what opens the Gates of the heavens, so that the Graces may descend and the consciousnesses are redeemed according to the Will of God.

I invite you, My children, to pray for this cause, for the mission in Europe and Africa, because very difficult things could happen in those places and much more blood could shed, not only in the Middle East but beyond that region.

I do not want you to see My Face full with tears, but full of love, sweetness and light, reflecting the joy for the response of My children, who become aware before everything happens and who's hearts move more than their minds to carry forward the Will of God, the infinite Work of His Mercy and His divine Pity.

With all this, I invite you from tomorrow on to pray, with your Heavenly Mother, a novena, for the concretion of the Plan of God in Europe and Africa; so that each step that will be given and each effort that will be lived, can be realized by all in an unconditional and true way.

For this I ask you to invoke, through prayer, the Sacred intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph; and that through His presence and His divine intercession, this Work is fulfilled as planned, with the help of My children, with the sincerity of their hearts, with the truth of each of their lives.

On the ninth day, I will announce if this mission will be fulfilled or if the tragedy in Europe will be installed.

As the Lady of Silence and Dame of Justice, I would like to see the plates of the scale in balanced and not in imbalance, as it is at this moment.

Balance in the world is build, by the consciousness of the humanity of the surface, and this brings opportunities to the world and the plenitude of God in the hearts of the simple.

This is all I wanted to say today, thanking you for the love that I have felt in you today, the fervent devotion you have expressed and the peace that you have implanted through this offering to the Mother of God.

I would like these sacred expressions of love from My children today to be repeated, celebrating with the Heavenly Mother the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth, in order for the angels to spread throughout the world the infinite Graces from the Heart of God, which will transform those who suffer and heal those who are sick of spirit and body.

Receive now My blessing, placing your hands in the sign of reception and gratitude.

Beloved Mother of the world,
incandescent and Universal star, 
pour your powerful rays upon the whole world, 
pour the codes of the precious Blood of Christ, so that all may be purified and we may be worthy of living in the Kingdom of Abba. (x3)

Let us raise all gratitude and honor to God; and also to all the angels of Heaven for transforming and transubstantiating all forms, within and outside of beings, and in all the planetary consciousness.

I would like that on this day of celebration and light, confirming your absolute 'Yes' to God and the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth, we offer to our Creator Father, on this sacred day, the song 'Hallelujah', as a praise to the Father and as a moment for each one of you to make an offering to the Creator, so He may welcome it in His bosom and thus, He may mightily express His Mercy.

I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call, up to the present.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer: Immaculate Lady of Peace

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I want you to repent for all that you have not done well up until today. You are in the Kingdom of My Peace, and this is the last chance to pour out My Grace over you.

I have come to purify and cleanse your hearts of all stain; and just as I do with you, I also do it with all of this sleeping humanity.

Today I have come so you may seek a reflection of the heart, a deep meditation of the soul and spirit in light of the Graces and the opportunities received.

It is My duty that you may mature and that each day you love the Plan of God more as it manifests.

You have no knowledge of what is happening in the universe; all you have to do is unite with the Thought of God to be within the Law. Thus, day and night, I bring you into My arms so you may feel My full and deep Heart, a Heart that accompanies you every day of your life, which accepts errors, lack of understanding and difficulties so as to be able to free and heal you.

I come to bring you a Light that is unknown to you. I come to bring you the Present of God, which is His deep and true Love for you. I am passing through here, in these times, as I have passed through other places in the world.

You are in time to be able to grow and take on the tasks that I entrust to you; loving them without judging them, experiencing them in sacrifice and in surrender for all those who do not do it well.

I come to meet with you to ask something special of you: release all misunderstandings from your hearts. Evil is sowing poison in many hearts, and many adhere to that poison, believing that things are all well. Thus, I bring you the Law so you may know it, so you may live and practice it.

I know your hearts are immature and impure and have many faults before God. But throughout the times I have been with you, I have come to remove your faults and give you My Graces, which many have not considered very well, because it is something non-material and spiritual which will be projected in the near future for all.

For this reason, you must understand My Heart, beyond My requests and petitions. I come to ask you for simple but true things. I come as the Immaculate Heart to free this humanity, because through your offerings, the world will become calmer. All who have listened to Me, throughout the centuries in different places of the world, never ceased to receive My Love and My Will. Remember that I am the Spokesperson of the Divine Message and only need to pass on to you what God plans for these times; in this way, you will understand the Message with your heart rather than with the mind.

I come to bring you the strength of renewal and of peace.

Look back a little, in what shape were your lives and your hearts; what is it that you could not achieve on your own?

I bring you a greater knowledge, which is My favored Love for all of you. You must also want My favored Love so lives may change and transform.

At this moment, I come to bring you some truths that your hearts and souls must recognize. Thus, I gather you in My Sacred Cenacle so you may receive My divine perspective, My divine and pure thought for humanity.

Today, I need you to unite with all these things and define yourselves by living the Plan of God as it presents itself. In this way, you will not create problems for the universe, but rather will bring relief to this very sick humanity.

I come as your Mediator to transmit My Peace to you. Have you perceived that your hearts have been resurrected in spirit and that you have found what you lost a long time ago?

Dear children, today I invite you to be aware in your heart. My Son will be deeply grateful for your opportunity to reflect. All are imperfect in the eyes of the universe. And I, through My Grace and My pure Love, come to rescue the precious virtues in you, which will serve for fulfilling the Plan of God in these times.

Stop looking at the miseries of others. Look at yourselves and find the purity that dwells within you. I need you to be true transmitters of My Peace, verbs of the Divine Verb, emanations of this Sacred Holy Spirit that many times has filled you to overflowing with the Grace of God.

Dear children, the world is very difficult. Do not become lost in simple things, in insignificant things. Many serious situations are happening, day after day, in this world. Imagine that if you were not within My Grace, you would be part of the great cycle of the total purification of the Earth.

I come to prevent many things in this part of the world, as I wished to in the United States. Times are critical for everybody's spiritual world. Who is not redeemed through prayer will not be able to take the steps toward the Return of Christ, and you have been notified just like in Rwanda. Thus, I bring you a conscious Message, a call to reflection and the reconciliation of everybody.

The new Work of God will be built through good spirits. The Americas must be the morning star for the final cycle, must be the great antenna that acquires the Mercy of God. Thus, I come to seek simple but true channels.

Amongst all these impurities of the world, My arms and My hands have been extended to you to rescue you, so that you may be part of My Marian army of Peace. Thus, dear children, open your hearts every day, seek to open your hearts more each day. In this way, I will be grateful and will be able to dedicate My universal time to great situations in the world.

God has allowed Me, in this last century, to say things to all of humanity; one at a time, so that souls are able to grow and seriously listen. I need an honest sincerity from you, a profound adherence to My Marian Spirit that goes beyond emotions and feelings.

I come to discover warrior spirits in you that are able to help those who fall day after day. The only important thing in this time, dear children, is the salvation of this humanity and the Kingdoms before the great cause of the Law comes.

I come to prepare you in heart and soul, in devotion and prayer, so that you may be firm and safe, and be helpful to those who will have need of aid.

On this night of Graces and of reconciliation, I again ask, dear children, that you meditate on what you have not done well with your thoughts, with what you feel in your hearts and with what you allow to enter your souls.

I ask, in this last opportunity Heaven has given Me for you, that you be mirrors of prayer and of peace. Reflect joy and relief to the world. In this way, many who cannot do it alone, will achieve the healing they long for.

From Heaven, I guide you; from the Celestial Thrones, I assemble you. With Love and Purity, I call your attention, because it is time to truly grow and unite in your heart and soul with the Greater Purpose, which must descend to this material world, where non-material Laws must be energy and life for all. Laws that will transform you overnight into redeemed and rescued beings, and you will not be able to recognize yourselves.

Before the return of My Son Jesus, I come to announce the time of your purification. You will not be able to say, dear children, that I did not tell you; from the Mother of God you have heard the Sacred Words of Heaven that radiate and bless you with each Word pronounced by Me.

And this final request which I make from My Heart, in light of all the Graces received and the opportunities for redemption given to you, I come especially on this night to bless all the Children of Mary with the rain of My Graces and My Love; strengthening you in faith and in love so you may be seekers of the Supreme Wisdom of the great Thought of God, which will allow you to be united with His Will. Thus, I will descend over you a little more, in a spirit of Purity and Redemption, to bless you and thank you.

Come with Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

With all our heart and soul, we will sing "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary," waiting for the blessing of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, know that I deeply love you and need your consciousnesses to grow through the preferred love of the Law of God, which you will know when you follow My simple steps in prayer and in each offering that you make each day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I want you to know that throughout the centuries, under My Mantle I gathered those who committed to Me in the beginning. And today, in your hearts I want a question to echo, because if you do not allow yourselves to transform, My children, if I cannot count on those who committed to Me in the beginning, who will I count on in this world?

Today I want your hearts to be glad, but also that you confirm yourselves so that My Mantle, which today is over each of you, is able to definitely eliminate the cunning of the adversary in your lives.

My children, many times I have already told you that those who say 'yes' to Me will achieve peace and unity. But those who open the door to the enemy and do not allow My Heart to draw close, will not be able to give Me the permission for My Love to act in their lives.

Today, the Children of Mary multiplied in the world. These hearts are igniting to demonstrate to humanity that, in spite of all that is taking place on the planet, a Greater Light will shine.

I want you to be formed through prayer, through adoration and perseverance in the transformation of your lives. You are wearing a part of My Mantle so you may testify to My Presence in the world. And those who today are not wearing this shirt, do not be distressed in your hearts; the time will soon come in which all will be able to do so. My Heart acts little by little for the response of spirits and also for the material causes of this world.

My beloveds, today I leave My Maternal Light, My source of perseverance, upon you. Be renewed in My Presence and do not tire of being with Me. Let My Heart not be something normal in your lives, because I need your hearts and your consciousnesses, I need each one to discover, at this moment, that this Voice speaking to you is more than the Voice of the Virgin Mary. Before you is the Presence of God, and although you do not understand what you are experiencing in this moment, strive to respond to the universe for so many Graces and so many blessings you have received. Day after day, struggle to not lose the spirit of unity. Let the enemy not be able to enter into this house, which today I definitely consecrate through each one of you.

Those who say 'yes' to Me will never be touched by darkness, because you definitely belong to the Heart of the Servant of God, to Her Immaculate Spirit which descends to the world to show humanity that these are no longer ordinary times and that it must awaken to the Greater Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, dear children, on this night bear My Graces and My reflections so your hearts are able to grow in the Spirit of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and may the holy blessing of the Archangel Michael be within you, now and forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing now the "Spirit of God", so He may fill your lives and fill you with His Love and His Peace.

Tomorrow, on the Hill, a universal ray of My Heart will trace a new time.

I thank you.

I count on the response of each of you. I count on the response of all those present, all those who hear My Voice and who in their homes say 'yes' to Me: Yes, Mary, I am with You!


Today I am here, dear children, and also am in Venezuela with all My children of that nation.

My Plans of Peace have not changed and are being spread in the heart of all My children.

As Lady of Graces, today I pour out the Grace of God over that nation, and at this moment, I invite you, dear children, to pray for the nations of the world, as in every month.

Today, in My Hands, I also bring you, dear children, the Ears of Wisdom: the Wisdom of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This is the symbol of the Ears of Wisdom, something you must consider important in the end of times.

Today, I materialize these three ears for your understanding and so you can see the beauty of the Creation of God.

In the ears is found the Wisdom of the Lord. It is an ancient symbol of Christianity, something you must consider in this time, for your inner instruction.

The wisdom will carry you onto good paths, and as a result, you will have good discernment when you are united with the Father in prayer.

Let us pray for the nations at this moment. This is a celestial request, it is important, it is the Will of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

After the definitive secret which Our Lady revealed to us, we're going to pray at Her request.

For this reason, we're going to pray not only for Venezuela, but for all the nations of the world. And Our Lady asked that we especially pray for the governors, that they may find the Light of Christ.

At the request of Our Lady, we're going to pray the Universal Mother in different languages. We will repeat the prayer twice in each language.

We will begin by praying in Spanish, and our sister Kueipeh of Venezuela will pray with us, at the request of Our Lady.

Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian).


On this night, dear children, I thank you for the presence of each of you in My Heart.

Under the almighty blessing of God, today I give you My motherly blessing once again.

Go in the Peace of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

In this deep silence of reflection Our Mother left us, in this inner silence, let us place our gratitude in our heart and keep present, in our prayers, the request of Our Mother to pray for the governors.

Now, Friar Elías will give a brief account of what happened during the Apparition.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

While we were praying, during the task of the prayer, the process of the Apparition gradually deepened.

Before the Apparition, different situations were developing, which we'll tell you about now.

For example, at different levels, different states of what we understand as Heaven, were gradually projected toward this physical place where we were, and that movement of energy was guided by angelic consciousnesses.

As the prayer process developed, something also happened: Abraham and Isaac appeared in the sky, accompanied by other beings which we know as saints; and here, on the surface of the Earth, another scene was developing while they were present.

While this situation was developing, we asked Abraham what was happening. He told us that they, the prophets, are governed by the Queen of the Universe, and at that moment, Abraham showed us a scene of the Final Judgment and told us that it was the symbol of the separation of the chaff from the wheat. That was manifesting through a judgment, as we know it here on Earth, a judgment in which a person is condemned by a judge.

At that moment, we didn't know what was happening until that situation was clarified. Abraham was showing in that judgment that the path of many souls was being defined; he told us that they were souls of this humanity and explained that this judgment happened on an inner level of the consciousness of all beings of the Earth.

We asked him if this situation, this reality he was showing, was concurrent, if it coincided with this time of the Earth which we're experiencing. He said that yes, souls were defining themselves on one path or on another.

We asked Abraham and Isaac why they were present today. They told us they were fulfilling a part of the prophecy written a long time ago.

Afterwards, this situation disappeared from this place; it was as if the prophets had withdrawn into the inner space of this sky.

Then the time of the Apparition came, and our Mother appeared at the highest point of the sky. She placed Her Feet on a great rose of Light.

What drew one's attention was that the rose was inverted downwards, to here. And the Light of the rose spilled over this place, while Our Lady slowly descended toward here.

Today, She manifested as the Lady of Graces, because She told us that once again, She was carrying out a task with the nations. And when She appeared, She began to slowly address Her Words.

One of the things She told us was that She wouldn't speak very much because She was fulfilling the Will of Her Father. Then She showed us the symbol of the three ears and explained the meaning of the three ears She carried in Her Hands, which She was gifting, giving and offering to us.

Today, once again, She spoke to us of the importance of us asking for wisdom, especially that we ask the Father for wisdom in our consciousness in the end of this time. She told us that when we should receive that wisdom or ask for that wisdom, we would be on correct paths.

During the then prolonged silence, She revealed a secret to us which She called "the definitive secret". Afterwards, She remained in a profound silence, contemplating us. Through this secret, She showed us various images, events that She asked us to pray for. And above all, She said: "I need you to pray today with sincerity"; and then She asked us to pray the "Universal Mother".

At the start of the Apparition, She made a special request of us, which She defined as a clarification for us, about tomorrow's Apparition. She said that tomorrow, it would be an important Apparition and promised us that She would address Her Words to us with more precision.

She told us She is going to consecrate the Portal of Peace that is on the Figueira Hill of Apparitions. And for that, She told us that the Apparition would be at 9 p.m. We asked Our Lady if there was a special reason for this time, and She said: "Of course, yes, there is a reason; 9 p.m. is a special time for the planet; it's the time of watchfulness, in which the soul can be more vigilant; and it is also the time of the reparation of the Heart of My Son". For those reasons, She will appear at that time.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, tomorrow we're going to prepare our heart so as to be vigilant; and in this way, together with our Mother, we will be able to repair the Heart of Our Lord.

She asked that we do a pilgrimage with candles, from the entry of the path that leads to the top of the Hill of Apparitions.

To close, we will sing.

Song: "Divine Mother".

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all very much.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
