In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To follow My path, there is a single pathway, which is the pathway of the heart, a safe pathway protected from any interpretation and interference.
If the disciple does not walk with their heart, they will be lost, because their own human persona will confuse them.
Has the disciple realized when they have walked on the pathway of the heart, but also when they have not?
That is the keynote of this time, to follow the path of the Heart of the Master so that, in this time of tribulation, the Holy spirit may guide you through Me, by means of Its Gifts and Graces.
The pathway of the heart is a path that is always open and, I would say, unforgettable, because the pathway of the heart is guided by the spirit of each being, when the human person allows their spirit to act and work.
Imagine that, if your Master and Lord had not given His life through the path of the heart, even at Calvary, how could He have consummated His surrender during His Death on the Cross?
The path and the pathway of the Heart, sooner or later leads the disciple into dying to the self, so that I, as Master and Lord, will be able to be born again in them.
But this path of the heart must show itself to each one; you must seek it incessantly through your good works and prayers. Because the path of the heart is the path of those who humble themselves before Christ, of those who no longer want anything for themselves, but rather the common good of humanity.
What I tell My disciples today will seem simple to you, but I know who lives the path of the heart and who does not.
I patiently hope that many more may feel encouraged to walk on the path of the heart in order to discover their true self and their true essence; because it will not be in the explanations that you will find the path of the heart, but rather in the absolute conviction of aspiring to live in God, of aspiring to find My Heart, that you may be one in Me, just as I Am One in all of you so My Father, Who is in the Heavens, may be in you.
The great saints and disciples of the East, the seekers of truth, those who really seek the truth and do not condition it, lived the path of the heart. At some point in their walk, they found that path.
And many of those saints and disciples of the East had to give up their own accomplishments and also their own aspirations. Because to reach the end of this path, which is My Heart itself, there is a single condition so that your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters are able to definitively live in My Heart: it is the condition of divestment.
It seems a simple word, but is not, because holiness is achieved through the path of the heart and will never be reached through the path of illusion.
What are the illusions that still surround your consciousness?
What are the dreams that coexist within you and are not dreams of God?
In light of all this, what is the rule of your lives? What is the code of your evolution?
What is the reason for being here before Me today, responding to My Call?
You could ask Me the same:
What is the reason for You still being here, Lord?
What moves You to come from Heaven to the Earth, to live this great encounter with souls?
What makes You untiring, Lord, patient, humble and loving?
What drives You to come here; even, Lord, when around You, You find almost everything in ruins?
What is the answer?
Love, which is what led Me to go to the Cross to be crucified, to die and be buried; because God Himself, in His human persona, allowed Himself to die so that you could be resurrected. And I know that this is still part of a divine mystery, incomprehensible at this time.
But it is an act of Love that your Master died on the Cross; that He is here today, hoping that many more should decide, for once and for all, to follow the path and the pathway of the Heart so you may understand the reason for My Will and My ardent desire for souls.
As I told you some months ago, now is the time and now is the moment for each one to walk on their own feet, but without crawling along with lamentations or in your lack of understanding, that you walk determined and firm in your love, in the Sacred Teachings that I have given you for such a long time.
For the time has come to act through what has been taught and conveyed to you by My Heart. Meanwhile, the world that suffers, the souls that are hurt, the hearts that agonize without seeing love, light and truth, wait for decided disciples and servers.
I want you wholly with Me, because such a broad and unknown Will cannot be concretized and realized in tepid hearts, for it would be unsustainable.
I am always here to show you the path and the way out. The signs have already been clear. The impulses have already been given. The Mercy has been distributed and shared among all, as well as My Grace, through the blessing of the Holy Sacraments.
May this amnesty, which My Celestial Mother has granted to you in these days of a positive spiritual conjunction, be well used and may souls respond well to it, because there is only one reason for all this, which is that through the souls surrendered at My Feet, My Will may be accomplished.
This why I come here time after time to knock on the door of your hearts, even though you may have already heard Me. But have you truly heard Me? Have you truly submerged yourselves in My Message? Where are the talents that I come looking for?
It cannot remain only in books; My Word is an act of communion so it may live ardently in hearts. My Word is a living water that quenches all thirst, for there will not be any holiness in this life without crossing the desert.
If your Master and Lord lived it, why could you not experience the dark night? If I Am the Light of the world for you, what darkness do you fear?
Thus, I come to dispel the darkness, mainly within hearts. My Word will be sown time and again in the hearts that trust in Me.
Here is the pathway of the heart for everybody. Will you walk on it?
Think about what I tell you. Meditate on what I give you. Embrace what I grant to you. Because I am already leaving to prepare Myself for the great moment.
And in the most culminating moments of the world and of humanity, when I will no longer be able to come here, you must remember and re-live these moments, the countless Graces that were given and poured out, like so many stars in the universe.
May this be honored and valued through the consistency of your attitudes, and above all, through your surrender to My Heart.
I come to speak to the disciples who have already walked for a long time. I come to speak to adult, aware and awakened people.
It is this that will make My Work possible on Earth, especially in these times, when love and peace must be the premise, the first rule of life, so that all manage to be supported, because this is brotherhood.
On this first day, before celebrating Holy Communion, empty your hearts so My Words are able to enter and work within you, like small sparks of Light that come from the source of My Love, from My unfathomable Mercy.
Let My Peace permeate each sphere of the Earth.
Let My Peace permeate and deepen into each heart.
Let each cell and atom receive My Peace, so that healing and forgiveness may be achieved.
By this Peace that reigns today and fills us in the Kingdom of the Heavens, I bless you and thank you for being here, for seeking your Lord in the truth of the heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father (in Aramaic)
Today I joyfully come to celebrate the self-sacrifice of the Lamb, but this time through My Mercy, rather than My suffering.
Because I have already endured for you, suffered for you, as was said in the annunciation of the Gospel today.
But many more things happened in that time, and today especially, at the request of My Celestial Father, I come to tell you about many more of the mysteries of Love that Your Master and Lord lived for you and for the world.
Today, may your hearts again be glad, let your spirits become joyful, because the beginning of your redemption is near, and the end of captivity will come for many souls that have desperately sought the presence of Your Lord.
Today you will be anointed by the Holy Spirit.
It is this priestly mystery that I invite you to experience so that you are able to represent Me on Earth as My apostles, not only in this church that I build with you, but within the whole Church that is upon Earth, that in spite of experiencing its time of tribulation, as was prophesied by Your Lord, the love of My Church will never perish because this love is sustained by the faith of the believers and of the devotees, by religious life and, especially, by the living of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
This, companions, makes the foundations of My Celestial Church still remain firm upon the surface of Earth, in spite of the times of chaos and planetary crises, in spite of the blood that is still unjustly spilled in the world.
But it is by the devotion and the faith of My believers and devotees that I establish My Celestial Church in souls, so as to make them worthy in the Lord and participants in His Holy Peace. Amen.
But before revealing the mystery of My Love to you, present at the Last Supper, this Supper that today we will celebrated together will be the moment in which each one of you will have the opportunity, before the Celestial Father, through your souls as well as humanity, for this planet to receive the last chance that it needs for repenting and doing penance, affirming the Presence of the Lord, the Almighty, in the life of each being.
We will begin with this Ceremony.
Let the bells ring for the Celestial Church, that in this culminating hour of the Planet, before the great suffering of humanity, the Principle of Light and Redemption descends to Earth.
I am waiting for the bell chimes.
It is part of the Ceremony of God to build this moment together, even on the physical plane, and thus, the Spirit of God draws closer to humanity in this hour.
Let us begin this Ceremony.
Instrumental of the Pater Noster.
Let us stand.
Lord, God Almighty, infinite Mystery of Love and Truth, may Your angels descend to Earth in this moment so that the doors of evil may be closed. So be it. Amen.
With this water, Lord, bless those who are in need of Your Forgiveness and Your Grace, and may this water pour out Your Mercy throughout the world.
Today, the High Priest gathers together all the priests of the Earth, so that they may live His Christic Principle and so that, through their practice and their ministry, they may bring Christ to Earth through the Sacraments, through prayer, song and faith.
Let us sing the Pater Noster.
We breathe.
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will proceed with the consecration of a priest, on this special day in which the High Priest is present to renew our lives.
And just as I formed the first apostles, today I form you so that you may live the Principles of My Early Church, the sacred roots of the Church, the sacred Gifts that I once gave Peter, and that today I give you so that you may carry My Love to the whole Earth. Amen.
Mothers, you may light the candles.
May God, through these Hands, allow Heaven to descend to Earth.
With this instrument, may you exorcise the impure spirits so that hearts may be freed of all disturbance and achieve peace.
Eternal Father, consecrate this soul to Your eternal service, may it represent My Designs on Earth, and may it carry forward My Holy Will so that all souls that encounter it may be able to receive, through him, My Holy Communion, My Holy Forgiveness, forever. Amen.
As in that time, I purify your hands, head and feet, so that in this practice of surrender to Higher Life, the Will of My Father may be concretized on Earth. Amen.
More water, please.
At this moment, we are going to carry out the representation of the Last Supper, after Our Master and Lord washed our hands, freed us from our impurities, we enter the Temple of His Heart to celebrate with Him this mystery of Love.
The Mothers can approach, because in this Sacred Eucharist Your Master and Lord was not only with the apostles, but also with the holy women, in spirit and in omnipresence, spiritually celebrating the Communion with each one of them.
In spite of everything that I lived and suffered for you, I surrendered unconditionally for the remission of sins.
This is why I took the bread, giving thanks to God, and He blessed it. I said to My friends: "Take and eat all of It, for this is My body that will be given up for you, for the forgiveness of sins."
And so I took the Chalice, giving thanks to God, and He blessed it. I said to My friends: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood that will be poured out for you, for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We adore You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.
And in perfect unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, companions, repeat the prayer that I lovingly taught you:
Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese)
The Divine Body and Blood of Christ. Blessed will be those who avail themselves of this Sacrament, for they will have eternal life. Amen.
We listen to seven bell chimes.
Eat of My Body. Drink of My Blood.
Please, some cloths for the Chalices.
Let us sing in union with our Lord; He is still present in this Eucharist, in contemplation and in adoration.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Those present can sit.
And so the apostles, at that time, received many mysteries from My Heart, because from the first moment in which they communed of My Body and My Blood, they received the great help of the Holy Spirit, which after My Ascension, would prepare them for the great moment of their lives, which was to represent Me and live Me through My Priestly Ministry.
In the same way, the holy women, with My Holy Mother, received the inspiration of surrendering their lives completely, to consecrate themselves to God, to live in reclusion and vigil in order to contemplate and remember the Passion of their Master and Lord.
And also, all those who participated at some moments in the Sacrament of Communion, even after My Resurrection while I appeared in various towns of Israel, these souls inwardly carried with them the merits of My Passion and the triumphs of My Heart, while still human.
The Eucharist is the greatest testimony of the revelation of the Love of God for humankind, because within it is concentrated the very manifestation of the Most Holy Trinity, when the Body and Blood of Christ are consecrated and transubstantiated in the eucharistic celebration, before the Consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the transformation into Light of the bread and the wine, because all souls again have the opportunity of living the Passion of Christ, of recognizing His suffering and His pain, His sacrifice and His surrender until the last moment of His death.
To live the Eucharist is to renew the vows with the Celestial Father, it is to assume a Christic life of service and love for others, it is to fortify oneself in the face of the tempests and the tests, of all that will happen in the end of these times.
Receive Communion, totally transubstantiated and illuminated by the merits of the Passion of Your Lord, is to enter into the Celestial Church of Christ and to go on to become part of the Mystical Body, everyday living Communion with His Spiritual Body.
The holy women were not able to be present in the last Supper because the legacy I would leave for those of Mine would mean and represent the transformation and the redemption of all beings of Earth, simply when they remembered, through the Eucharist, the Passion of their Lord.
Each time you celebrate Communion with Me, you not only reaffirm the merits of the Passion of your Lord, but also that your lives gradually transform, until someday you find unity with God, completely. Be One with the Father, just as the Son is One with Your Father and, in this way, I will be able to be One with you, and you will be One with Me.
In that time, I surrendered everything, without any condition or rule. I accepted the sacrifice for you until the end of times because I knew, from the beginning, in the depths of My Heart, that throughout the times and generations, many more would represent Me.
This is why you must have your priesthood be of value, so that the priesthood may prevail on the surface of the Earth, a space in which Heaven will find a place through which to descend and act, through which to work and give the Graces of the Father to all souls.
The Lamb was delivered to the worst slaughterhouse, but that happened out of Love and Mercy, so that the men of Earth, throughout all times, could achieve the Forgiveness of God.
Today the world does not truly relive My Passion.
The priesthood has become a disgrace throughout humanity. This is why I have decided to come here to seek you, the imperfect, the unformed, the least instructed, so that through the intervention of God, responding to His Will and to His request, His Own and Divine Son may instruct you in the Celestial Church, a Celestial Church that many souls lost through their errors.
That was the true legacy that I left Peter and the apostles. And through the Sacraments, especially the Sacrament of the Eucharist, not only the priests, but also the people of God will achieve Spiritual and Divine Grace: to enter the Celestial Church. Because it is in the Celestial Church, which levitates in the Higher Universes, where you will reach and find Truth, beyond humanity and all forms.
It is into that Church that I invite you to enter, every day. And in your hearts, in your essences, in your inner world, lies a spark of God that unites and connects you with that Celestial Church.
Thus, companions, do not allow appearances to confuse you, nor let the tests of the end of times haunt you.
Reaffirm your faith in My Celestial Church and visit Your Master and Lord frequently, present in all the Shrines of the Earth. In this way, your hearts will ignite and the living fire of My Love will be within you.
You will traverse storms and deserts, very hard and difficult times, you with your families, with those you know, as well as in your nations. But there is something that will never let you lose your faith: it is My Heart that surrenders in sacrifice again to the world, so that it may be recognized, respected and adored in the Sacrament of the Altar. A Sacrifice lovingly given to the men and women of the Earth, so that they may live the Path of Redemption.
The doors of the hells will tremble in the presence of My Celestial Church on Earth, and furthermore, My Church will achieve its power and splendor in the hearts of all those who invoke it, respect it and live it, as well as the Commandments.
Never cease to love each other, because it will be that love, no matter how small, imperfect and insignificant, that will keep you in unity, and you will not perish in the face of the attacks of My enemy.
Before, I will send the Archangel Michael, so that He may close the doors and exorcise evil, and souls will be reborn in the divine Hope of God for these times.
Today I do not say this only for you, but also for all of humanity, which is blind and deaf to the sacrifice of its Master and Redeemer.
But today, you, with your present adherence and love before this great sacrifice offered by the Lamb of God, dignify the Altars of the Father, and the angels sing glory and praises to revive peace in the hearts.
I would like to tell you many more things, but I know that your bodies need some time to be able to bear it.
The true Supper of Your Master and Lord did not last only a moment, but three hours, in which My apostles contemplated the three phases of the Mystery of God, present in the Body and Blood of Christ.
Today, receive this Sacrament with this awareness and love that God Himself gives again to the world, so that His Mercy may save you and redeem you in this end time.
"I elevate My prayers to Heaven, Father, so that You may ignite the Truth in Your creatures. A Truth that will cause them to find the Path of Love and peace, of Hope and renewal. Do not let anybody remain without this impulse of Light that My Merciful Heart brings today. And by the infinite merits of My Passion, may souls live in the Universe of Your Faith and Your Love forever. Amen."
In this Supper of renewal, I consecrate you and renew you, and I give you My Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In solemnity and in absolute silence, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that this impulse of Light that I bring you today may be radiated to the world.
May you give each other the greeting of peace in the same way that I gave peace to My apostles, in silence and in contemplation.
I thank you.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more