Dear Children,

The world has delivered all of its senses, mainly the inner senses, to the destructive hands of My adversary.  It is because of this that throughout the times I have been announcing the importance of the prayer of the heart and of the constant search for peace so that at least the most lost essences may find the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My Son sends Me in Glory, to spiritually demonstrate that the Universe is the true source of union with the Will of God.  As the Mother and Advocate of Peace, I come to try to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, those which have led them to the darkening of the heart and the spiritual death of the soul.

Dear children, I bring you My Grace so that, by opening My arms to the world, souls may be protected in the Sacred Temple of My Heart.  But most souls are strongly handcuffed to the illusions of a material fulfillment that is capable of breaking the union between the families and God.

As a Conciliator of the poor of spirit, I bring the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to the world for the last time, because there are still many souls that will have to awaken their inner senses, those which are asleep by the plan of the enemy.

Meanwhile, My children in Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters who are hypnotized by the ideas of the world.  I receive in My Maternal Heart the true consolation of being able to continue coming to work as the Co-redeemer of humanity.

Pray, pray for those who day by day lose their inner senses and thus forget about God and His invincible Kingdom of Love.

Children, let us pray together, let us pray in the name of peace and sacred silence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the most pure source of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When your hearts open, the Eternal Paradise comes to meet you and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as flames of light, descend in order to merge into the depth of your spirits.

When your souls contact with one of the Gifts for only a few seconds of fervent prayer, the Grace of the Celestial Father converts what was irredeemable before; this is possible because your Heavenly Mother finds your hearts open, willing to accept the Will of the Eternal Father.

Dear children, when a heart simply opens to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I can assure you that My plan of peace is made possible because there is a spiritual receptivity.  Thus, My deified Soul, which glorifies the Lord, rejoices and the spiritual joy, the bliss, is great for all in the Universal Heaven.

Do not allow, children, your hearts to close; love, forgive and live in the name of God the path of conversion towards finding Peace.  Feel in everything, the blessed hand of God working and doing wonders in situations that did not have solution.

My Heart thanks all the pilgrims that will accompany with the heart the work of the Divine Messengers during this month of September, through the immediate answer that you will give.

My Immaculate Heart shall triumph!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who raises you to the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations.  Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.

While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.

In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.

Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious.  Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.

Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.

If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you.  I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.

While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a  personal intention that must be purified.

When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.

For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves.  On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.

Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day.  And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal.  The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.

I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Today I have come to speak to you about a spiritual and prayerful community consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. 

On this holy day, I wish you to understand, dear children, that at this moment and in this place blessed by God, you are forming part of His Aspiration that here, through the offering of service, giving of self and charity you have carried out, you may be able to establish the Kingdom of God in your hearts, to then radiate it to your fellow beings. 

You know, My children, that there are many spiritual communities, both Christian and Eastern, in the world, but in these times only a few obediently manage to follow the Will of God through the sincere and non-profitable service of their members.

Imagine those communities also created for a Higher Purpose, but that do not live prayer, nor form oratories, bridges of elevation and of contact with the Celestial Universe. 

Dear children, I am your Mother, and I hope that all My children, regardless of whether they accept Me or not, may be able to hear the call to prayer, to supplication, to a true union with God. 

My Light-Communities must work every day for that sacred Purpose, and each member who tries to live a consecration to the Plan of God is responsible, before My presence and before the Presence of My Son, for this fiery aspiration to be fulfilled. 

Children, I ask that every day you renew your vows made to the Celestial Hierarchy; this will motivate other consciousnesses to also awaken and abandon this material life subject to property, to power and to unlimited competition. 

I come from Heaven to ask you to imitate the Community of Nazareth, which was formed by Saint Joseph, by the little Child Jesus and by your Heavenly Mother. 

Each Community in this time must represent that inner Temple, so that the angels may find spaces of companionship and of guidance for all the souls offered to the Plan.

It is for this reason that My Immaculate Heart suffers for the souls that have a true aspiration to live for God and who are deceived, disregarded by the ones who guide those flocks.

The results of those situations, in the loss of souls, are irreparable. This is why, since the beginning, I instituted spaces of prayer and of communion with Christ so that nothing would stray from the path, since My adversary always wants to impose obstacles as a way of hindering the life of those who take small steps. 

Humanity should already be one single community, and even if this seems impossible to happen, that is the original Will of your Heavenly Father, according to what is expressed in Genesis. 

Dear children, I leave you with this reflection so that as from now you may recognize where you are and by whom you are being guided, in the name of Grace and of Mercy, an opportunity that the majority does not have because they are not obedient or simple.

The project is one of humility, of beauty and of fraternity. All are invited to be an example and constant testimony of the Sacred Family. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My wisdom is as beautiful as the rosebush, each petal of the roses represents the beauty achieved by the souls in My garden: the beauty of redemption, the beauty of forgiveness, the beauty of conversion, the beauty of Compassion and of Mercy.

My Heart pours out all Graces upon you, so that your lives may go through the path of rehabilitation. Do not allow your inner realities, children, to wither the rosebushes of My garden.

May the beauty and the love that you express in My immaculate garden be the portal that leads you to reencounter, every day, the divine commitment with God, the Creator.

In these times, each prayer offered by your lives opens the doors so that your consciousnesses may purify the heart and free it from all evil.

I leave you the remembrance of belonging to My gardens of Light, so that when you go through the time of purification and of confirmation, you have the devotional strength necessary for walking with courage at the side of your Heavenly Mother.

I bless you, I absolve you, I assemble you all in the powerful Mercy of My maternal Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you toward higher beauty,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Yesterday you found out about one of the mysteries of Heaven, which few consciousnesses know, through your inner union with the Kingdom of God.

Today, dear children, we will talk about the reach of the Mirrors of Heaven from the spiritual plane, which is where they emerge for all of Creation into the material plane, which is the closest reality to yours, and which receives the impulses of light of these instruments of universal harmony.

The Mirrors of Heaven are receptacles of Divine Light that radiate principles of higher life to the whole cosmos. There is no star or planet of this solar system or another, nor galaxy, which does not receive the universal impulse of the Mirrors. They remind us of the Purpose for planetary life and for all the Universe; we are referring to the Purpose of the constant elevation of matter through the principle of purity.

From the beginning, your Heavenly Mother knew about these instruments coming from the Universe of God, which are guided and accompanied by the angels, who revealed the existence of those instruments of Peace to your Most Holy Mother.

A Mirror is an immutable instrument. The Mirror of Heaven always fulfills the same purpose and radiates this principle to all of Creation.

In the case of the current process of humanity, the Mirrors of Heaven are mobilizing more and more because of the process of densification of human beings and, mainly, due to the mass transgressions  of the Laws that govern all the Kingdoms created by God.

As everything is moving towards a serious psychic and emotional imbalance in humanity, because of the innumerable amount of debts and sins, the Mirrors of Heaven are now assisting, in collaboration with the angels, so that there can be at least a little bit of balance existing on the axis of the Earth and, especially, in the sleeping and abused consciousness of the current humanity.

The Archangels, called Fathers of Creation, are intervening in the Project of this race through the essence and the matrix of the Mirrors.

For you, My children, what would be a matrix of a Celestial Mirror?

It represents what is purest among the pure; we would say, what is fundamental and essential in all of Creation, what you once knew as the Rays of the Universe. They are the universal currents of Creation that, through the Mirrors of Heaven, are bringing humanity some spiritual resources that are capable of substituting an error with a state of peace.

The Mirrors of Heaven are not only attributes manifested in Creation that help in the constant upliftment of the consciousness, but are capable of acquiring and retransmitting principles of higher spiritual life, which are totally unknown to the consciousness of humanity.

We said that the Archangels are closely following this Universal Project of humanity; what was established by Creator Law since the last world war, which was prophesied in Fatima; a war that as a result, brought about the destruction of planetary spiritual life.

For this reason, the Mirrors of Heaven, since the beginning of the existence of humankind, created in image and likeness to God, have always radiated sources of higher life that place the planet within universal harmony.

Throughout the ages, the commitment of humanity to the adversities of the enemy rapidly moved it away from the Purpose and the Will of God until reaching this cruel moment of the race.

The interventions of the Messengers of God and the warnings throughout time never ceased to be stated. Diverse forms of celestial messages have been transmitted through different visionaries in different parts of the world and in pressing times.

Receptivity to the Call of God has been scarce; humanity went on pilgrimage to Marian Centers to find relief and received it. The majority of souls that do not know of the existence of higher life received a healing, but continued to live in the same way, without changing anything.

This quickly delayed humanity and the Heavenly Hierarchy had to hold back on the impulses of the Plans of Redemption of the Eternal Father among a few consciousnesses, among the least prepared.

Up to now, this continues thus, and a real change, which is imperative, could reverse the absence of the spiritual life in humanity. Your Father knows that humanity does not do enough to change, because the terrestrial consciousness of human beings adopted ways and forms of involutionary life which, in the majority of cases, has erased an awareness of the soul.

What to do?

The most awake to the life of prayer must do twice as much spiritual and evolutionary work for the rest of humanity that does not do it. But everything will fall to the ground by its own weight and the time of Universal Judgment will come to reconfigure and transmute the planet and, in this way, prepare it for the thousand years of peace.

While everything is about to happen, prayerful souls of the planet must remember the presence of the Mirrors of Heaven and, through their prayers, receive the impulses of Light that emanate from them for all of the universe.

If your response to higher life were positive and true to Creation, the impact toward the universe would be greater than what Christ generated when he defeated death on the Cross.

Everything begins in love; thus, it is the first thing the adversary causes to disappear from the heart of humankind.

Fight for the New Humanity and do not give up. Your Mother accompanies you in union with the Mirrors of Heaven. Bring about the re-establishment of the Kingdom of God in this world.

I thank you for responding to My plans of Peace!

Who awakens you to the life of the spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In the time that comes I want to invite you to live the spirit of love and of peace, something you must always seek through your prayers and communion with My Beloved Son.

With this purpose I come from Heaven to announce to you that peace is possible on these times, despite the serious condition in which the world is found.

My children, I bring to you the possibility of finding the state of silence such as the peace of heart.  Day by day I want to see you strong and humbler so that you may be able to face such decisive times that will place all of humanity before the judgment of the Divine Law and Justice, something that no one can image how will happen.

But I open the doors of My Heart so that you may be able to feel, in every moment, that you are in My lap, despite the spiritual battles that humanity will face in the last cycle of the final time.

Children, I reveal to you the only path of peace because if you are in My Peace, in spite of all, you will be able to see the Face of My Beloved Son shining in you little hearts.

Children, the time has come to act according to the indications of the Will of God.  As the Mother of all, I know that the majority follow other paths.  For this, day by day I come, through these messages, to guide you and mainly for you to value the Word of God.

If that happens at least in a small part of the humanity, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who takes you to the consciousness of Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When an inner sun illuminates the darkness of your hearts, this is Me, children of Mine, that announces that the end of chaos is near.

This is the definitive beginning of the end, the cycle on which all the steps taken through actions, thoughts, feelings and definitions will be placed on the scale of the Divine Judge, This One that will dictate to angels and archangels what will be the destiny of this humanity.

Before such ignorance and darkness in the heart of most people of this world, the smallest light ignited will shine as a resplendent sun and a creature who remains sane and in the balance of their prayerful soul will be able to guide the millions who will wander with no aim, with no destination, except their own abyss.

My dear ones, My Heart will no longer come to the world to warn you, because this, I have already done for the last eight years here, and for the last thirty years in Medjugorje.  Many times I have come to this world and many were the attempts to awaken you to a life of prayer, of holiness and of pacification.

From now on, the times that will come will no longer expect you to be ready, because the Justice of God will precipitate over the world and each being will live according to the merits earned on their days of existence.

Many will seek the peace of My Heart and will not find it, because they did not want, in other times, to build the path between their own heart and My source of Peace.

I will no longer be able to intercede for the world as before, because until now I have taken many steps for your feet, but the time has come for you to begin your own walk and start to generate your own merits, not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, because today I tell you, My beloveds, that in the time of Justice that announces itself, it will be the conscious humanity itself that will have to open the doors so that Mercy and Piety may descend upon the unbelievers and the dormant in spirit.

Many will regret in time and others will not; for this you must be conscious that the Justice of God will not cause harm to the hearts, but, to each one, it will give what they deserve in order to live their learning in this world.

The humanity that today inhabits the surface of the planet is very old and has had many opportunities to learn and follow the designs of God.  But many preferred to turn the back on celestial things and open the arms to illusion and to the infernal life that manifests itself through the capital energies.

The ray of the Justice of God will break the ignorance of humanity and, those who laughed so much with the king of the hells, will cry for their great ignorance.  Those who teased the Light, will blind their eyes before It, because, after everything that will happen, the King will come and give new opportunities for those who will repent of heart and extend their hands to Him, clamoring for pity.

My beloveds, prepare your hearts and listen to Me carefully, because at this time I will not be able detain the power of My words for the fear that your hearts may feel or for the unbelief that may be generated in some souls, for the incapacity of transforming themselves in order to accept My words.

It is the Will of God that the Truth be revealed to you, because it will be a part of the awakening of faith and of consciousness to see My words being fulfilled in the times to come, times in which I will no longer be here, so close to you.

When My prophecies be a fact, you will look to the skies, where I will be observing you, and some will thank, others will ask for forgiveness, but no one will be able to say that I did not warn you and that I did not let you know about the final days of this world.

But know that such as I announce the times of difficulties and trials, I also tell you that those who may walk in faith will not toddle.  Those who may make of prayer the pillar of their consciousnesses, will always be a door of peace and a guide star to humanity.  Through these ones, I will guide the world.  But you must be brave and persistent, trusting the power of My Word, that announced to you the times of chaos, but also told you that, at the end of all, your King will come, will cross the clouds and the seven heavens, will step on Earth and rebuild it, inside and outside of humanity, so that in it the new humanity may inhabit.

May Peace be the engine that leads you and keep you standing in the times to come.

Pray, pray and trust in Me every instant of your lives, because thus they will be sanctified by My presence.

I love you and bless you, so that in this cycle I shall find you inside My Heart.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day, My message of Peace and of inner preparation for all.

At the doors of a new time, My Heart continues to guide you through the path of redemption, a path that all have been called to live before the beginning of the Armageddon.

My Heart is donated to you like a flower when it opens itself to the rays of the sun.   My sole purpose is to make you aware of the truth that very few live in this cycle; a truth that is hidden by the impure hands of a few people of the Earth. 

For this, I come outside the Church in order to recover and to rescue the dignity and the affiliation of all of the souls with the One and Only Celestial Father.  In the Church of Christ, My voice was pronounced many times and is still doing so through Medjugorje in this time, but for My children it seems that many years of warning and of messages are not sufficient. 

So that you may not waste the precious time that God gives you in this moment, I come so that on this 8th of August you may learn to love the Word of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which as life and vibration, guides you and shows you the way.

Children, the present time indicates a decadent reality in the life of humanity, and it will not be necessary that I talk about this today, because you already see that around you.

It is for this reason, as well as for many others, that My Son comes in this cycle to ask you for the consecration to His Most Sacred and Blessed Heart, so that your lives in matter may represent at least ten percent of the materialization of the Plan of God for this humanity.

Children, the state of the world and the consciousness of this humanity is in this way because the omission of the majority blinds you completely and does not let you see the graveness of a world that burns in flames all of the time.

For this, as your Mother of the Apocalypse, I come to warn you over the importance of having, in the coming times, a spirit of peace, of neutrality, and above all, of love and of hope.

When a consciousness resists changing certain habits of life, those which broadly influence in the atrocious conquest of the forces opposing the Plan of God, the essence misses the cycle and then it must wait for the next opportunity. 

But My Grace is infinite and it is such sublime Grace of God that reunites all under the same goal and the same spiritual proposition.  I come to save the last roses from the wildfires of this world; I come to awake the consciousness to the higher realities, where the Sacred Purpose of God reigns and dwells.

I come to remind you of the scared path of prayer, and at the same time I come to remove the blindfolds from your eyes again and again, and in this way you will be able to see what My blessed Eyes can see about the destiny of this world.

I come so that the scripture of John the Evangelist will be fulfilled, in the same way as once Jesus fulfilled it by being the Messiah of Israel. 

Now, all has already been said, it is time for acting from the heart but without haste; the need of Light and of Mercy is great for you and for the kingdoms of nature that are the target of great disasters, human errors that are irreparable in the Heart of God.

When your attitude is fair, the Universe shows its balance.  When your action is precipitated, falsely powerful and petty, the Universe will be fair in all of the levels of consciousness.

Enter in the new cycle with a greater expansion of your hearts and with a little less of your own ideas.  God needs you complete, humble, and blissful so that you may finally become columns of a Plan that is in danger of not being accomplished.  It will be enough to pray, pray and pray, and to be a collaborator of the Heavenly Hierarchy, cooperating with the development of the mission of all of the Heavenly Brotherhood.

I bless this day that has come at last, so that all will be purified, and in love will consecrate themselves to the Holy Spirit of God.

I thank you for answering to My final call!

Who unites you to the Divine Principle of the Supreme Will,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Confirm every day that I am present in everything.

As your Mother, I follow each inner movement and I can, thus, be closer when your heart trusts that I am present in your path in order to guide you towards this expected pathway, the pathway of purification.

In many souls this will happen in different ways, for this, keep the neutrality and peace in order to being able to transcend the new times that are coming.

The path of perfection is achieved through the principle of purification, remember that the liberation from your whole being will happen in different cycles.  It is the Will of God that you learn to grow slowly and to comprehend each aspect of your being in order to be able to mature in Christ.

Remember that forgiveness exists and that it can unlock the padlock that ties many chains.  In this way, you will be free when you simply ask of heart and in prayer for inner liberation.

Now, walk in confidence, the purification of everything will show at these times the direct pathway to purity.  For this, My Maternal Heart donates itself in order to help all those who aspire to truly find Christ and His Mercy.

Today I am present in the simple hearts, seeking in all My children a greater scale of consecration.  On the so expected day of the inner freedom will happen the fusion with Christ and a new stage will begin in the life of all of those who have been patient and constant before the tests of the inner world.

Faith will allow you to raise every inner state and thus, you will be able to start again in the name of peace.  Pray with Me in absolute trust.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you to the eternal consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

In the silence of My pure Heart lies the most intimate secrets about the destiny of this present humanity.

Today I wish to reveal to you one of them, which I consider most urgent in these times: the spiritual effect that modernities have on a good Christian and a good consecrated person.

In Fatima, I announced to Jacinta about this time that would come, and I asked her that, before her death, she should only reveal it to her confessor.

From Fatima, I wanted to awaken true peace throughout the world. This is why My call from that time is repeated in this cycle, warning everyone to seek the path of prayer that elevates them, and to turn away from the modernities that embrace everyone much more than the Spirit of Peace.

In Fatima, I said to Jacinta that, in the coming time of the planet, humanity would idolize modernities as a god of their own, and all of them would be the fruit of a negative cosmic infiltration into the unconsciousness of all beings on Earth.

Later on, this would generate an addiction, like so many other tendencies that would be activated by the very claws of My adversary.

At that time, the Woman Clothed with the Sun should again arrive in the world, to disarm the plans of the enemy of hypnotizing and conquering the unconsciousness of the souls and, consequently, the life of the spirit of the creatures.

This form of modern hypnotism would awaken the idea of an "advancement of the times" and would bring very determining consequences for the sleep of human beings, generating further effects of insomnia, loss of inner alignment, and, mainly, a lack of peace.

This weapon of modernities would occupy the daily life of people, making them dependent on a false system and with a net of satanic relations. Thus, this dependency on modernities would malnourish the spiritual life and make them lose the sense of the search for the Celestial Universes.

This plan, contrary to the evolution of the universe, which was announced in Fatima, would in the future generate an absence and a separation of life and love of the families. Children would cease to be loved, to be occupied all the time by the device of this same plan. The little ones, from the wombs of their mothers, would feel the lack of interest of being recognized and, thus, they will become a difficulty in the busy life of the mothers and fathers.

These modernities would still occupy the hours of sleep, creating a negative dependency and a high lack of interest in the life of the spirit and the search for God.

At that time, I said to Jacinta, in Fatima, that in the future there would be all kinds of modern forms and devices that would completely absorb the attention of the people and would make them lose their inner senses, such as being able to listen to God and, thus, rapidly withdrawing from Him.

I also revealed in Fatima that from the year 2000 onward, a conviction, contrary to God, would arise in humanity, based on wanting to advance through modernities and develop this evil idea within the lives of the souls and all their families.

Later, I told Jacinta that these modernities would be the apex of a false model, which would be the sovereign deceiver that would enter into religious life, and, whoever would not pray many Rosaries, would not perceive with the heart where they would be deviating.

I also revealed to Jacinta, when she would spend her last days in the hospital of Lisbon, in Portugal, that in humanity there would awaken a  competition based on false modern goods, which would generate a desire for comfort, pleasure and for knowing who would have the best modernity. All this would make you lose the spirit of that which is sacred and the spirit of wisdom.

I said in Fatima that I could not reveal the last part of this story of perdition that My adversary is taking forward at the present time. I also told Jacinta that I would return to the world for the last time in a poor and lost place in the southern part of the Americas so that, outside of the traditional Church of Christ, the world could recognize Me and listen to Me for the last time.

For this reason, I promised Jacinta that, at the request of Jesus, I would consecrate legions of heavenly souls, so that, on Earth, they could be My armed arms, through prayer, fasting, communion and confession, which would prevent the total unconscious and spiritual destruction of human life. For this reason, I would come to ask for the consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart, so that at least half of the one hundred percent might listen to Me and respond to My call.

I told Jacinta, three days before her death, that if Russia were consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, a great part of the world would be protected for a while longer, and the day of the great Universal Judgment would be postponed.

Also, I confessed and revealed to Jacinta that, if the world continued to adopt modernities and their actions as their own mundane gods, a great part of humanity would suffer the consequences of having exchanged God for these modernities.

I also revealed to her that My enemy would mainly rule over a large part of religious life until the fountain of thirst for My Son would dry up completely.

If that were to happen, I told Jacinta that My beloved Son would appear for a second time, in a certain place of the world, to try to attract to Him the last Graces of God upon the hearts that would not deserve them, due to indifference and error.

If only a part, more than half of the one hundred percent, would respond to the living Call of Christ, My Son would grant that the Mother of God could support humanity during a cycle of three solstices, in the hope that it would awaken in time.

History has not ended, and the Judgment will define everything. Therefore, the repentance of the heart and the sincere search for the Kingdom of God will be that which will save the arising of the New Humanity, of the New Jerusalem.

Meditate upon My words and pray with Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you towards higher consciousness.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The great sign will mark a before and an after at the end of the cycles, times that will be manifested by means of two different nights. The two days of darkness will signal to the world the arrival in a time soon, of a profound change in the whole planetary life.

For this, from the 8th of August onward, a new time will begin, which will be framed by the spiritual definitions that humanity will live.

When the upcoming times show themselves with signs on two different nights it will mean that the souls in their homes must be in prayer and in communion in order to be able to pass through the last critical cycles.

But before this ends, the Mother of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will reveal, as sign for the world, the moment to unite to God forever. It will be at this hour that from Aurora, as well as from other places on the Earth, this sign, that will be visible to the world, may be seen during the darkness of the coming time.

The day of the 8th of August, throughout recent years, marked, for all time, the change in which the planetary consciousness was passing through: the first moments of transition. The inner strength that will ignite the hearts will be the fire of prayer. Whoever prays in these moments with devotion and faith will be invisible and hidden in the face of the snares of the adversary.

Whoever in the last hour adores My Son will be hidden in the Spiritual Heart of the Supreme King. Whoever embraces their own cross, carries it and lives it, will be relieving the great burden that the Law will have.

The Aurora of My Heart in the days of August will demonstrate inner signs in the hearts that have had humble faith in the Mother of Heaven. The soil of Aurora will be one of the witnesses and thus, the world will be late in comprehending that it should have changed.

The Archangels Michael and Gabriel will witness the Judgment of the Earth and the simple but humble eyes will see them as light on the greater horizon. Thus, the seventh seal will be opened by the Woman Dressed of the Sun after the two nights of the coming time.

Some will get to know this revelation which is guarded by the angels in the blessed safe of the Holy Ark of the Covenant. This will be the last sign before the red moon and the pathways of the self-summoned must be cleaned from all stain.

On the 8th of August the Mother of God will bless everyone, and those who receive this Grace with a humble heart will recognize the inner meaning of it. Thus, the rays of the Immaculate Heart will show the seven pathways in order that the disciples of Christ in redemption may define the fulfillment of their commitment before the Creator.

The Work of God will be understood and loved by few during the last times and faith will be the shield against all darkness. Before the Mother of God retreats into the arid fields, a sweet aroma from the flower of the orange tree will indicate the moment of a spiritual change.

In the days of August your souls will be able to renew their mission before God, the Portal of Peace will be the blessed refuge for those who want to hear God in their interior. On these days there will be moments of clarity and understanding, this will be the greatest portent of the Grace of God, to know what to do with your life and how to comply with heart with the Higher Will.

While a great part of the world is blind, the Aurora of August will open its heavenly doors so that the souls may receive the gift of redemption. The most sublime Graces will be in the most simple and devoted hearts of the Son of God. Christ will complete on these days an inner cycle for all.

Certain doors will be closed in order that the souls may walk by means of a last impulse of light. Those who are empty of self will be able to feel a priceless well being, a peace that will restore the wounds and a love that will make happy the life of those who in truth enter Aurora without expectations, only in surrender and in prayer.

The days of August will be the last moments of preparation, it will be at this hour that the hearts will be able to unify themselves in the Purpose of God. Joyful are those who will not get lost nor be distracted because of the apparition of the signs of the coming time and that will only seek to be in God, this is what will make the Work to be concretized.

Greetings of Peace and Redemption for the most young of the world and, especially, for the youth of the New Earth. If you are with your Mother of Heaven you will not allow to die the seed that has been sown for Mercy.

Be receptive to the guide that accompanies you. Be builders and collaborators of the New Humanity. Be an example of gratitude, love and Grace. Be the favorite flower in the blessed garden of My Heart.

May the heart of this soil remind you that it will be the refuge and the dwelling for your redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who lifts you to the Kingdom of God in Mercy and forgiveness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Your consecrated essences, like roses in My garden, can express the honor of feeling loved by God in spite of the times of purification that you are going through.

For this, children, day by day I come to encourage you on the path of conversion, something that you must work every day by means of a sincere prayer and a true service for your fellow humans.

It is this way, children, that your steps will enlarge in order to reach the aim and thus you will not face the abysses of consciousness, because your heart will already be as donated as Mine to you.

Therefore, children, let us build in each interior a great fortress that will be supported by the love and by the unity of always seeking the perfect communion with the Creator.  As your Mother, I teach you to give a little more of yourselves every day so that your consciousnesses, out of love for all of humanity, may embrace the path of sacrifice and redemption that My Son offers to you, just as He once did for you.

Your prayers are heard when your consciousnesses embrace the path of sacrifice for others; in this way, a part of this world will not become lost nor will it succumb.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who teaches you how to donate yourselves from the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From Heaven and from the whole Greater Universe, I come to awaken your souls and your consciousnesses to the infinite life of the Cosmos.  In those divine spaces and divine dwellings, your inner beings have a favorite place before the Kingdom of God.  It is in this way, children, that evolving life makes up part of a great experience of love, forgiveness and redemption throughout the entire Cosmos, where suns, stars and galaxies, unknown to humanity, rule.  

Other humanities express themselves in the Universe, just as the rays that have their own colors and shapes.  In the spaces of the Universe, evolving life is the keynote of the whole ancient experience and this transcends the history of your humanity.  You, children, come from different parts of the Universal Heaven and from there you came to Earth in order to learn about rehabilitation and love in this Earthly school in which the Sacred Hearts deigned to also live for some time.

In the celestial spheres of the universe, the attributes are applied in life and each attribute is a divine experience that allows one to awaken their consciousness even more and implements them, liberating them from any error.  Children, in the Universe, which is vast and infinite, laws are manifested as a principle of education and awareness for everything that is life; it is in this way that harmony, order and peace are expanded throughout the suns, stars and great galaxies. One lives a communion with the Consciousness of God and always seeks to learn through love.

Adonai is the principle and the reason for everything that exists in the different stellar governments.  Life is impregnated by the Consciousness of the Father and the Presence of God is the spiritual guide in all of the paths.  It is the One and Only Source of Adonai, which springs and re-springs in the galaxies and in the stars and the whole life is a participant of a divine font, which is able to restore and heal every creature.

In the Universe, children of Mine, your planet represents an initial Project of God, an experience of love that once had a purpose, and from genesis everything has changed.  For this, after humanity has experienced many lessons and mistakes, your Eternal Father sought, contemplated and meditated upon what He would do for the Earth to again be a rescuable planet.

Thus, the Archangelic Hierarchies started working so that the best project of redemption, forgiveness and liberation could be manifested and, also, to avoid deviation and the decay of humanity. It was so that in the infinite spaces of the Universe, where the Spiritual Source of Abba expresses Itself, the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, worked in order to express the principle of divine love which would provide redemption to this material world.  It was at that universal moment that God chose to become a man and a living consciousness on this Planet, through the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, through the Firstborn Son.

For this, in the Celestial Universe and in the other universes, the governments thought about manifesting this precious life through a Holy Woman.  There, at that moment, God chose the consciousness of Mary to be the Mother of the Redeemer.  The Spirit of the Sacred Hearts, which is divine and pure, gave Itself in order for this project to be carried forward.

And as Jesus was born from a womb touched by the Holy Spirit,  Mary also was born from a generation that followed the Will of God.  And My Maternal Spirit comes from the Universal Creator Source where the conception of life is the greatest present of the beauty of God.  Mary and Jesus were one before the Project, They lived the experience of salvation, and Mercy defeated Justice before the world became lost.

Today, dear children, I wish I could make you understand with the heart the true history of this Creation, which continues learning and maturing through the universal life from which the world forms a part, even as ignorant as it may be of it.  For this, I come to awaken your interest in divine life so that you may at least let go of Earthly life and believe in something greater that is waiting for you.

On this day, children, by means of prayer, reflect your true mirror of love to the world and help Me to dissipate the horrors that this blind world carries forward before the Celestial Father.

I tirelessly come to guide humanity towards the path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the true universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Lady and Mother of the entire universe, I deign to descend to your beloved planet in order to awaken you to the purpose of the greater Task. 

Closing the doors to evil, the hearts reconsider and are placed before their spiritual and inner task, for the time has come, and humanity urgently needs solid pillars to carry forward the Plan of the Divinity.

That current of Light cannot be interrupted or cut off by anyone. The prayer of the heart will keep you united to this Divine Principle and thus you will achieve the expected steps in the consciousness.

Children, you knew that the time of the Armageddon would come. Now, on your paths and in your families, you find beings hypnotized by the modern illusion of this world, and no one manages to perceive the absence of the spirit of peace.

You knew that these times would come; this is why you were led to understand the Will of God, and now it is necessary and indispensable that you are able to live it fully.

Children, you knew that these times would come. The Father expects you to be sacred vessels into which the Rays of Mercy can be poured and become part of the life of each soul.

Dear children, you knew that these times would come. While the hardest things are taking place in this last humanity, your Eternal Father takes care of the emergencies, because if He did not take care of them, you would have no perception of things or of your realities, and thus you would lose the meaning of the inner mission.

Now, the time indicates transparency in the work; you have been called to participate in the Work of your Heavenly Mother. The need grows and it must be filled.

The Universe counts on the consciousness of everyone. My Son hopes to be able to pour out His Gifts of Mercy over all. With attention, seek this Legacy.    

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the essence of the Purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I come to ask the world to convert itself into a true mirror of prayer that reflects peace for itself and for the lost souls.

Who will accept My offer?

Who will understand the urgency of My message?

May your lives be a mirror of Prayer, of Mercy, of Piety.  Permit that, in these times and through prayer, the celestial spheres of the mirrors of My Heart radiate those all the time.

The definitive hour approaches and I must train My praying mirrors so that they may reflect the true principle of humility, of purity, and of simplicity.

My Heart congregates you through the sacred vigils of prayer, so that after almost three years of continuous prayer you, My children, may learn to work at the planetary level.  For this, every month I ask you to gather in order to pray with the heart, more than with words; the true ability of praying is found in the art of knowing to love it, beyond knowing or not the language in which it is being prayed.

Children, a true mirror can be the soul itself, which is the first to receive the impulse of the spirit, and the spirit is filled by the celestial spheres of prayer.

Every month, as your Mother and Universal Governess, I have attempted to make you learn correctly about this school of the mirrors of prayer; a school that is based on unity, on the non-competition, and mainly, that is free from arrogance and from human pride, because these are the aspects of the superficial human life that poison the life of a praying-mirror-soul.

This school in which many participate is constituted by the most simple and surrendered in order to search all the time for the path of the prayer of the heart that is the first school for the Christic discipleship.  To be a mirror does not mean to have ability or self-impetus; to be a mirror is to be in a permanent inner emptiness, because the being’s inner strength to reflect good things is given by the Love of the Celestial Father that lives in you, since He is the Greatest Mirror of the Creator Mercy.

Dear children, why do I tell you these things?

Because in order to fulfill the mission entrusted by your Heavenly Mother it is time, through the instruction that you have received, for you to be able to reflect good principles and fraternal attitudes.  As long as your lives be under self control and your determination, in truth I tell you, dear Children, that you will not be able to reach the state of a true and pure inner mirror.

The planet needs true emanations of Mercy, and this will be possible when you let go the reins of personal power and of the pride that blinds you.

I come to guide you towards My Kingdom of the Greater Mirrors, where sources of life and of light-energy that radiate to the whole universe exist, which is the first school of your great learning.

If one day you decide to surrender to My Heart I will be able to count on you as part of My praying army of the Mirrors of God’s Mercy.  I wait for you and I ask you to reflect good actions.  Abandon the old being, and take advantage of the last Grace that I bring to you.

Peace and Redemption!

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who elevates you to the Mirror of the Inner Healing of the Kingdom of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Everyday I am crowned by your simple prayers and all of the crowns of love that you offer Me, I place them at the feet of the Creator so that His Mercy keeps on being poured over the Planet as a powerful flow.

Children of Mine, all prayers convert themselves into spiritual nourishment of salvation for the most sinful and thus I have the permission to help the most lost souls, those that have been denying God for a long time.

EsIt is in this way, under the intercession of My Merciful Heart that I, your Mother of the World, descend in order to look for the lost essences in the abysses of the Earth.   Each time that you pronounce: “Hail Mary”, an angel of My armies ignites a torch of light so that I may find in the hells of this world the most condemned souls.  In this way your Heavenly Mother activates the liberation of evil and these souls reencounter the path of union with Christ and then with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, the humble prayers are the shield against all temptation and they save lost lives, and especially the hearts are able to reconsider their actions and take the decision to change in their process of conversion.

Beloved children, all of the honors that I received on the part of My dear children, I pour them in Grace and in Mercy over those who are mostly in need.  Keep on working united to Me, thus My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who envelops you in the mantle of peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In these difficult times, I come every day from Heaven so that one day you will reach peace.  For this, with the rosary between your hands, look in the prayer for the essence and the attribute of the Peace of God, because in truth I tell you that it will be the Peace of God that will lead you to find the patience  that is so much sought in these moments.

Embrace prayer as the only shield of protection against the evil of My adversary.  Do not give up the path of consecration and surrender that My Son proposes to you.  For this cause I am here to help you because as your Heavenly Mother I wish you to take the same steps that My Son took to the Cross, achieving the redemption of the world out of love for all.  For this, imitate Him and be consistent with what the Universe gives you.

My Heart accompanies you through this pathway of transformation and renunciation that some are being called to live in the name of humanity.

Love each other and together you will reach the goal that God has set for you. 

Humanity needs many more who people who pray, in this way the Earth will also be able to consecrate itself.  

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who fills you in the Sacred Love of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I thank you for your sacrifices and effort, because it is through this surrender that your Heavenly Mother can help the planet, mainly the serious situation of humanity.

Facing now the first part of the end of a time, My Luminous Heart comes to guide you and move you away from the paths that My adversary creates to deceive the good souls.

Through the act of renunciation is found the liberation of the inferior self and thus, the consciousness sees itself totally free of doing wrong and of deviating from the Will of God.

It is by means of sacrifices that your Most Holy Mother can repair many things, like the causes that produce the perdition of the hearts and souls of this world.  For this I come to remind you of the act of your sacrifice and penitence as a key for the liberation of oneself and for the deep healing of the world.

It will be through prayer that the fundamental foundations of the new Christianity will be manifested.  And will be these foundations that will create the interior condition in the souls to reach redemption and specially the preparation for the second coming of Christ to the world.

Dear children, day and night I pray for you, to encourage you, despite the consequences, to be founders of these new foundations that will be formed through the love and the interior donation of everyone to the Plan of God.

You cannot imagine, My children, all that your Heavenly Mother can do to help the souls and the Plan of Evolution in all of the humanity.  For this your sincerity before God will allow you to walk towards this Purpose and thus I will also be able to count on your immediate help.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who congregates you to the apostolate of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us.  He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers.  He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet.  When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present.  In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.

       I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.

I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.

Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.

Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.

Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.

Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God.  I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.

Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed.  This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things.  He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.

As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.

I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.

But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves.  They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.

Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior.  However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.

My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.

And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.

Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.

Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.

Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.

This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.

Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you?  Who will come to Me everyday?

Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?

I wait for you, love you and guide you always

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
