Dear Children,
While the doors to the Mercy of God are open, in this year of a new Jubilee I invite you to really be able to adopt in your lives acts of mercy to replace the acts of indifference and of rejection in the human consciousness.
As the doors of the new Jubilee of Mercy are piously open for all souls, Your Mother of Mercy wishes to see your hearts full of the Mercy of God.
Dear children, there is still much to be forgiven and redeemed within you; be more intelligent than My adversary and submerge in the ocean of Mercy of My Son in time, so that soon your faults will be more balanced in the eyes of the Law of the Lord.
Truly, I am inviting you to have your souls, day by day, recognize the time of the Mercy of God, which comes to a meeting with a perverted humanity that is distanced from the essence of its true purpose. But if there are more and more hearts that, in repentance and forgiveness, ask for this Celestial Mercy, human pride and arrogance will be replaced by divine and holy humility.
Dear children, take advantage of this moment of important atonement; many things will be able to be repaired through the prayer of the heart, and through your prayers, the Heart of Your Celestial Father will have a reason to help you and set you on the path to the good.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who raises you through the Mercy of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To transform the spirit and the consciousness of a nation, it is necessary that its representatives generate in it such a light that first balances the darkness and then dissipates it.
Prayer is the tool to transform one’s spirit and, as a result, to transform everything which, on the level of the spirit, acts and moves, everything that has life there in it. Action exists to transform consciousness and, thus, reach the consciousness of the nation.
When you pray, you are attracting from the superior worlds the Divine Laws, which transcend the laws of the Earth and, thus, generate merits for salvation and spiritual awakening. When you act, following the steps dictated by God and live in the matter the principles that your souls already know and already understand, you are radiating examples, these are the best source of conversion and salvation for the souls, because a lost soul, without faith and without a prospect of life, finding before itself an example, rather than a doctrine, feels in the heart the hope that a superior life can exist in this world and finds meaning for its own existence.
Uruguay, as a nation, has a primordial mission at the end of times, but, as a consciousness, has accommodated itself in what it is and does not want to strive to live a sudden change. This will cause most of the population to awaken from pain, because people will suffer when they see that nothing they have lived had any real meaning. They will also suffer for not understanding the Will of God and, for it being so different from all that they feel and live, many will prefer to deny it. That is why, the Divine Messengers arrive in this city, which corresponds to the material heart of the nation, the point from which a greater transformation and a greater effort must begin.
Work on all aspects that lead you to the comfort and let your consciousnesses be incorporated into the permanent service, the fraternal life and the constant act of conquering oneself to love the neighbor.
Those who are in this nation, in general, and more so those who were born in it should seek the transcendence of their own tastes and their comforts for the love of their neighbor. This will bring them to the awakening of what God truly expects of all.
It is time for each nation to do its part, to prepare in itself the emergence of a new humanity. This impulse will not come from your governors, nor from those you have beside you, for it will come from each one, whose own example will radiate to all.
I hope that, after this impulse of God, rather than to distribute information, you distribute love, fraternity, service and prayer, beginning with those you have next to you and then expanding to those you want to keep far away.
I love you and so I tell you all these things.
May each nation seek its point of transformation and set out to awaken.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the consecration of America to the Heart of God the Creator
Dear Children,
Your prayers are like this dew that cleans and refreshes all the flowers. Your prayers are this flame that burns and purifies everything in the sublime fire of Creation. For this reason, seek the inner transformation every day so that the Father sees the result of this great conversion.
Dear children, following the footsteps of My Son, you will be able to reach the redemption of your lives, and they will be able to be the spiritual model for the New Earth.
Children of Mine, find the possibility of configuring your consciousnesses again in the inner change, so that promptly they receive from the whole universe the spring of the Divine Law, the unbreakable force that transforms you.
The Spirit of God will be blessing you this month of December, the Spirit of Grace and Mercy. Be like this, constant, in order to ascend on the stairway of love and humility, the stairway towards the Sacred Heart of My Son.
I thank you for answering My call!
I bless you. I Love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this month of December that is beginning, your hearts must only seek to reestablish this inner and spiritual union with Christ, through the advent of the sacred Birth of Jesus.
It will be important during the days of December, before the 24th, when you celebrate the eve of the blessed Birth of My Son Jesus, that your consciousness be placed on the real need of bringing to the world the Spirit of Peace that no longer exists.
In truth, this Christmas that approaches will be different for the whole world, because humanity is facing a cycle of high resistance to change, a change that is so awaited by the whole universe.
December will be a month in which everything will strengthen, from the inside to the outside, and this can not be avoided; but if your hearts, through prayer, will prepare this path of purification and transcendence, it will allow the process of change to be a little lighter.
If hearts place their attention on the mystery of the Birth of Christ, in truth, they will open many doors towards the path that everyone needs to fulfill and carry forward.
My children, when I say that this Christmas will be different, it is because, in truth, it is urgent that the consciousness of humanity adheres to experience a deep transformation that reflects the balance so necessary for this planet and the whole race.
Starting from December 8, the day dedicated to your Blessed Mother, divine intervention will be descending over the planet and will be pouring impulses into those hearts that will be in prayer and in tune with the Celestial Universe.
A form of amnesty will be granted as a Grace to those souls who in truth make a plea, an act of repentance and forgiveness.
Your Heavenly Mother will have a special mission on this day. Therefore, from today, with love and consciousness, prepare the path so that Christ may return to you on December 24, thus the planet will have a little more time of peace and serenity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, in preparation and prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The strength of those who will keep others standing in the times to come will be profound prayer, the one which leads the heart to be in the presence of God and remain there. It will be like being in a world without being involved by all that happens around, seeing only the truth and the real purpose of all things.
Those who build within themselves the union with God the Father and allow Him to be the One who thinks and feels in their beings will be as the apostle John, capable of accompanying the transition, as John accompanied the Passion of Christ.
John learned to contemplate the truth and, by the absolute trust in Jesus, that he had reached, he would see – in each one of His steps with the cross – the manifestation of His words and of His teachings. As well John would see what Jesus had said in the Last Supper being fulfilled, he also remembered that Jesus would reappear. He also remembered the hidden instructions that Jesus had given to His own and that revealed the true meaning of the sacrifice made for love. John knew that He would see the portals of the Divine Mercy open themselves before his eyes.
Today I want to call you to construct with God and with Christ the same union of John with Jesus and that, thus, you be able to see in the coming events the fulfillment of the instructions given in the last years.
May you know to contemplate not the suffering and the pain, but rather the purpose of all that you will live. Participate of this planetary birth labor not with the attention in the contractions and pains of the planet, but rather in the New Humankind, which will emerge inside of each being who accepts redemption to renovate the Project of God on Earth.
Dear companions, the passages of the life of Jesus lasted throughout the centuries because they repeat themselves in the lives of all those who follow God. Study the Gospel of Christ and find there the keys for you to cross over the times you live and reach the manifestation of the resurgence of Humankind, the resurgence of Christ, inside of each being.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Silence of Mary
During the Passion of My Son, silence was the key that opened the door to Grace.
Silence made Your Mother invisible because God and all His manifestations are present in the silence. Your Mother not only had a sorrowful Heart, but She also lived as a silent Heart; this allowed the deep doors to be closed to evil.
The enemy does not know what silence is because he lives through conflict and disorder. Silence penetrates the consciousness as a spirit of serenity and harmony. It is this inner and mysterious silence that carried forward all the Redemptive Work of My Son during His Passion. Silence bore all martyrdoms because His Divine Consciousness was united with God and His Great Purpose.
Evil is overcome through silence and becomes disoriented because it cannot find any doorway into conflict. This silence was what prepared Jesus during the forty days before He began His public life. Silence designs in the spirit a state capable of transcending the most resistant conflicts in the consciousness. To reach this state of silence, neither arrogant nor introspective, means a task of detaching from forms and ways that can interfere with the awakening of each soul.
Silence is more than remaining quiet or not speaking words; the true silence of the universe is achieved through inner connection with prayer, which is the first step to gradually dissolving the human roots that generate disorder in material life.
At this moment, the planet is very far from true silence. This is why Your Mother teaches you that silence is an act of prayer capable of traversing to levels of consciousness where peace reigns. Silence is also healing; it is a powerful spring that in these times will help to safeguard the spiritual path of the consciousnesses that accept penetrating that state of union with the Creator.
Silence brings light, brings wisdom, brings serenity, and renews the spirit so that it may have the impulse to continue in Divine work. The complete silence of a part of humanity could reverse all the causes that take advantage of noise and disorder to generate world conflict.
Silence is like a remedy against verbiage that causes debts and constant faults. Silence liberates without a struggle.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who carries you into inner silence,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May peace and hope always be attributes in your hearts, attributes that keep you protected by faith because if you are filled with faith in the Plans of God, you will be able to go through the coming tests with harmony and perseverance.
My beloveds, My Heart is filled with an infinite love for humanity. This is why, day by day, I invite you to grow and mature in spirit. It is because I can truly count on each one of you that I reveal these realities of the world and ask for more awareness before everything that you receive.
Many already know that these are the final times for the evil and infidelity of the human heart towards God and His Plan, but the human consciousness, as a whole, does not want to accept that these times have arrived, so as not to leave its comfort and its own will.
These resistances weigh on the hearts of each one of My servers who try to be true in their surrender, and yet, again and again, they fall before the same tests of criticism, judgments and separateness.
This is why, children, you must make an even greater effort than what you have done so far. I know, as the Mother of all, that some steps have already been taken, but they are not sufficient for the emergence of a new race.
You must be more vigilant and silent, observing yourselves more than your neighbor, because in this way you will avoid many misunderstandings and you will close the doors to disunity and lack of fraternity that so tempt the human consciousness.
My dears, never forget that while you have everything because you are beside the King of all things, there are many more brothers and sisters of yours in the world who, motivated by false representations of God, are making each other suffer in demonic and spiritually transgressive ways. Therefore, be a little stronger and braver in relation to yourselves and do not let the enemy also work through My soldiers, removing the peace which I am trying to institute in the world.
Always remember that you are here to fulfill the Greater Plan, to establish peace in these times of chaos on Earth, just like in the universe, since what happens in this world interferes with the whole Creation of God.
I urge you to fight against yourselves when necessary, because many islands of salvation for the spirit no longer exist on this Earth. I count on very few and they must remain faithful and strong because it is possible to establish the Plan of God in the human consciousness, through the victory of Christ in His beloved companions.
My dear children, know that the acute hour of the planet has started in some parts of the world now and will expand to the whole of humanity in a short time. Purify yourselves soon of all the evil that is still inside your consciousnesses and do this through prayer, as well as conscious transformation. Do this by loving the Plan of God, each day more, so that the true love for something superior may banish from your hearts the false pleasure of destroying the unity among beings.
I tell you all of this because you must feel within yourselves that an urgent and definitive change needs to happen. I just urge you to take your steps and do not waste time because, by the time the planetary purification knocks at your door, I need you to be ready and willing to help others, those who have not listened to these Words.
I thank you and leave you My maternal Love so that you may never give up taking the steps in your constant and immediate transformation.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
After twenty-six years of preparation of the spiritual foundations for My long awaited Return, through the work and life of the Light-Communities of My Heart; today I come to announce a special Grace that in critical times will try, above all, to spiritually elevate the life of humanity through the sacred values that it must express to all universal Creation.
It is for this cause that My merciful, glorious and living Heart grants to the International Humanitarian Federation, in the name of My living Heart, the divine and autonomous permission to spread all the works of fraternity, service, healing, instruction and prayer that all My selfless volunteers carry out.
This will mean to your Master the unique opportunity that, through a space in the channel of communication Misericordia María TV, you companions, lead the world to know this Work of redemption, love and Mercy that has been carried out for twenty-six years with the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms.
In the name of the ultimate Creator who governs everything, I wish you to relieve My Heart outraged by the disasters and punishments that the Younger Kingdoms and also the Human Kingdom have received.
If the world knew the Work of service and rescue that is carried out through the union of all Associations of the Fraternity, this would widely help all the human beings, that are not interested in the Kingdoms of Nature, to find out the value, the reverence and the compassion that the younger brothers and sisters of nature deserve.
After My last visit to northern Brazil to spiritually work in the Amazon, an atoning door was opened to this part of the world. That is why your Master, joining you in this mission to value life and Creation, lovingly requests that several spaces dedicated to the diffusion and knowledge of life and of creation on the planet, manifested in all the Kingdoms to be included from now on within the calendar of meetings with the Divine Messengers, in the schedule of Misericordia María TV.
I wish for humanity to come to know what a mineral is and how it lives spiritually. I wish for every human being of the surface to know what a plant is and what an important mission it fulfills. I wish for you to love the Animal Kingdom as you love your own lives. Thus, you must know why God created them and why they exist.
I also wish the world to be motivated to serve their neighbor through the spirit of charity, so that the majority may step out of themelves and there be no longer borders or languages, only the profound language of your hearts.
If in a short period of time My request were put into practice, the world could suffer less from purification. If millions of human beings placed their interest in the Kingdoms and made works of restoration of all evil that is done to them, there would be no third world war. I will give inner and humble powers to anyone who is willing to offer a great reparation to God.
Companions, today, before the Creator and the celestial choirs, I open this door for you.
I wish the International Humanitarian Federation and the life in the Light-Communities, as well as the appreciation of the Kingdoms and the healing of all beings, to be known. This will placate the actions of evil in the world and My Sacred Heart will grant some more time of peace.
It is for this purpose that today a spiritual and material union is instituted among Misericordia María TV, the International Humanitarian Federation and all those who would lovingly like to be part of this diffusion of the creative life of the planet.
From Heaven We expect humanity to deeply value and love what God has given you since the beginning.
Under the glory and the Grace granted by all these things, be blessed.
Who always loves and supports you,
Your Master, the Glorified Christ Jesus
Dear children,
While My most pure Heart of Love listens to your prayers and the prayers of all those who respond to the call of your Heavenly Mother, God the Father has mercy on His children and tries, with His most precious Power, to have His angels of Heaven help reverse the evil of humanity.
My children, so that this may happen and so that impossible Graces may expand, I come to ask you to place your trust in My Son and in each prayerful word that is pronounced daily. It will be the inner power of this confidence that will prevent many things, and this full confidence will awaken faith and, above all, you will be recognized as worthy children of God.
Dear children, you know that the whole world will pass through its deepest cycle and acute spiritual illness, an illness that lies in the soul and mainly in the heart of each child of Mine. Throughout the years, I have taught you the path to dissolve all evil. This path is love, love among yourselves and your peers. This powerful and divine love will allow the cure of the spiritual illness which the whole of humanity experiences.
I encourage you to make every act of the day an act of love and mercy. Do not allow, My children, the hatred or lies to prevail in your lives. Starting today, seek to transform all evils of humanity through the important inner conversion. Do not wish to convert your whole being in a short time, open the path so that your being may know in consciousness all that which you must banish. Thus, dear children, you will gradually be changing all customs that lead the world to separate itself from the Love of God.
The world forgot to love God; therefore it suffers. God needs you to seek His Kingdom and to live in this world through His Kingdom of Love. Be apostles in transformation. Be true witnesses of the One who will come, in the most culminating hour, bringing once again His Glory and His Peace.
Be loving at all times, the world needs your hearts to pour the Love of Jesus without arrogance or control. Give love and your deepest wounds will be healed. Surrender to God that which until now you have kept under a thousand keys. Surrender your little hearts; thus, My Heart will also triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who rules you in the name of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If you are peaceful in your lives and in everything you seek unity and harmony, you will be able to perceive the union of the times and what it causes in the consciousness of humanity.
If you enter into prayer every day, seeking to truly feel what is happening in the spiritual life of the planet, you will realize that the conflicts and wars that are happening in the world today are not like those that happened in the past.
Just as the good that permeates the hearts at this time sanctifies them and fulfils them in order to bring them to Christification, the evil that lives today in some human beings is destructive even to the essences and the spirits of beings. Everything is intensifying; everything is growing in unbridled proportions, both for good and for evil. And this, the heart that prays can feel and live. I tell you this, dear ones, because you must learn to deal with the situations that are present in the world today.
The real time of the universe is beginning to unite with Earth’s time and human consciousness will also begin to feel its true creative potential, both positive and negative. The thought and the verb will have more power than ever; so we ask you to pray, pray without ceasing to balance and oppose the evil ideas that infernal plans try to shape in the minds of the human beings and manifest in Earth’s life.
You should never fear, because the greatest tool of the human being is the heart, not the mind. There will be no evil thought that is not destroyed and erased by the sincere and full prayer of a heart that responds to the call of God. It is only necessary that you pray, truly pray, with love, with conscience, filling the verb with the intention that the Will of God be reflected in the planetary consciousness.
When God’s time approaches Earth, your spirits also draw near and your souls are filled by the impulses of the true being. Therefore, when you enter into prayer, seek what you truly are. Get in touch with your own essences by means of silence and peace and receive from it all that you need to live today in union with God and His Plan.
You know that humanity is very ignorant in relation to the truth and few understand what the Divine Messengers are trying to transmit to the world. Therefore, it is very important that those who are conscious and who understand, at least a little, the Will of God can live what we teach, thus opening the door for others to follow the same path.
As you take your steps, dear ones, new opportunities will open up so that you can know ever greater truths and so that those who are stuck in their evolutions can be propelled and take the first step.
I love you and that is why I instruct you so that you not only know the Will of God, but also live it.
Your Companion of always, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Through the Holy Spirit of God, once again I gather you together in the sacred oratory of My most pure Immaculate Heart.
It is for this cause, dear children, that today I would like to tell you that the task of prayer from yesterday, November 13, had great repercussions at a spiritual and planetary level.
Many things were avoided when those who prayed, present in the city of Porto Alegre and in the world, simply placed their consciousness and their love on all that was happening.
Once again, prayer triumphed in various regions of the planet and, through the love placed in each one of the words, sinful souls were benefited by the powerful channel that was opened yesterday by all.
I will always want to see you, My children, with the same attitude and enthusiasm as yesterday. This brings joy to the Heart of God, and His Works of Pity and of Mercy become possible in the world.
Dear children, thus today I invite you to have your lives become a place of constant prayer and attunement with the Celestial Universe. When more souls dedicate attention to the importance of praying from the heart every day, greater will be the divine effects upon the world and especially upon the causes of conflict.
May peace be the purpose of each server of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you with the loving Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Before the powerful presence of My Heart, the abysses of the Earth close so that souls may leave their prisons and be elevated, in redemption, to the Heart of God.
The angels of the universe descend on this day with your Mother of the World so that those who were lost may find the liberation from their captivity.
The powers of the cosmos materialize in the voice of those who cry out through prayer.
Hearts are led to live a miracle of love and of forgiveness because they truly prayed from their heart to all the Heavens.
The present hour marks new steps for those who cried out for redemption. The voice of your prayers broadly resounds in your previous generations, and the chain of errors of the past is cut and liberated by the Angel of Redemption.
Nobody will remain outside of this circuit of miracles. What has always seemed impossible to liberate will be liberated.
You are going through a time of special Graces; Graces that must be utilized, because those who are further away from God will also be benefited.
When prayer is proclaimed by peace and good, the universe acts so that the mediocre and the atheists may awaken to the power of the Kingdom of God. There will always be praying beings resolved to work for the Plan of God and all of them will be the ones who will generate the conditions for more hearts to be redeemed.
Imagine a great army of souls waiting for the second Coming of Christ and keeping the doors to the Divine Universe open so that the unity between souls and God may not be broken.
Imagine thousands of angels lifting all the prayers of those who cry out up to the Greater Thrones so that the Father may have the happiness of granting you His infinite Mercy.
Just imagine how many uncertain doors are closed when there is an absolute union of all with the great and only Purpose.
Imagine how much malice and adversity will be dispelled and taken from the path of souls when the supplication is real and has no false intentions.
Think for an instant of all your Most Holy Mother can do with the volume of your prayer, and how many souls who are deported in this world have the Grace of finding again the path of forgiveness.
Inwardly think about how many spiritual benefits the sick receive, those who are completely lost and above all, those who have externally condemned themselves.
See how the flow of a good prayer disarms the cruel ideas of wars and conquests of peoples and of nations in the minds of humankind.
See how the redeeming Love of Christ triumphs when just one or more hearts feel within themselves to call out to God so that He may be among all.
So then, see how infinite is the power of a prayer that cooperates and builds the bridges between the celestial dimensions and souls.
See how the prayer from the heart has no boundaries or impediments. See how this spring of Light, which is generated by a group of consciousnesses in the name of all of humanity, powerfully deactivates the roots of evil and its false works. When one believes in the power of the Divine Word, it is fulfilled on this plane and on others.
In times of battle and of the Armageddon, let prayer be that shield which protects and leads hearts toward peace.
Today, children, I would like these instructions to be very clear for you, so that you may truly understand that each meeting of prayer is a planetary opportunity for all and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
For each praying being, I leave the divine inspiration of a good and worthwhile prayer, essential in these times, because it strengthens the path of surrender to Christ, your Lord.
I thank all those present for the effort of having carried out a good vigil of prayer yesterday.
United to each praying heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, day on which you are praying worldwide and clamoring for the energy of Mercy of Christ for the planet, I want to help you in the path of prayer.
Dears, the weight of the world will become internally, mentally and emotionally heavier and heavier, mostly for those who are trying to walk an evolutionary path.
On the current days of the planet, to be a praying consciousness is like paddling against a great current of inertia, distractions and quest for pleasure and for gratification. That is why, even more in this time of intense inner purification for all, you must be attentive to what I will tell you.
Throughout all the human existence, all the codes that humankind has generated with the quest for power, for pleasure, for gratification, with competition, vanity, wrath, were impregnating the human consciousness as a whole, and they even reached the depth of the cell consciousness of many beings, those who have never lived an experience of seeking the sacred, the evolutionary, the pure.
In different proportions, these energies, called capitals, are inside of all beings of the Earth, because they inside of the human consciousness and, in certain parts of the world, some of these energies completely control the consciousnesses.
Why do I tell you these things? Because - even if it may not seem it – the small and great distractions during the moments of prayer, the thoughts and the recurrent desires against the evolutionary path, all the impulses that you cannot control in yourselves and that are always taking you to the opposite of what you try to build, all of this has its roots in the human consciousness, and these roots are not so easy to extinguish as it seems, but this is not something impossible.
You must start changing your own deepest interests. For instance: during prayer, observe to where your mind conducts you and what is more important for it than the act of praying. With much peace and harmony, seek the roots of those things, in order that you can transform them. Think about the reason for your distractions and, then, think about the Middle East, about Africa, about the children, about the youngsters and the adults that suffer in the whole world. So, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: the distractions or praying to reverse these situations of the planet?”
And do it so with everything. Talk to yourselves. When you are before a desire that does not lead you to an evolutionary path, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: this or fulfilling the Will of God?”
Do not fear the answers, because – even if they are not the ones you expect – they might reveal to your consciousness what is in your most profound inner abyss, in order that you can clean and purify what prevents you to fulfill the Plans of God with perfection.
Review, dears, in your own interior, your priorities, your desires and your aspirations.
Ask yourselves while you pray: “Why am I praying?”. And if your mind answers you: “So that the others can see me praying”, so, tell it: “Well, now I will pray for the planet.”
Thus, transform yourselves with peace, with love and with joy, but do not cease to take a small step each day.
My Chaste Heart tells you in a simple and clear way, because I need that you understand Me definitely and take the steps that God expects from all, because there is no longer so much time left.
I love you and I guide you to the transformation of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Today remain in the arms of Your Mother so that this act may represent, before the Throne of God, the response to the union of all souls with the Creator. This affiliation with the Celestial Father is what hearts should resume after having separated from God through the realities of life.
As your Heavenly Mother, I bring the possibility that hearts reconsider and find again the union with the celestial universe.
The lack of affiliation with God generates discord and darkness in the hearts. The Eternal Father is the Source that renews all things and grants the most special Graces to hearts that trust in Him.
Beloved children, it is thus that through the fervent bridge of prayer you will hold the doors of Light open for the world, and so that the most lost souls may reintegrate with the pathway that they have lost sight of.
My children, this affiliation with the Most High could regenerate planetary life and guide all souls to the fulfillment of the Universal Purpose.
I thank you for answering My call!
May Peace, which is My Peace, be amongst you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
All the human and spiritual efforts that My serving children make are recognized by the Celestial Father; and a form of inner Grace and atonement is granted to that soul which, opening its heart to God, listens to the request of fulfilling the works of Heaven.
Dear children, for this reason, today I invite you to follow the path of sacrifice for all of humanity, so that in this way your lives may attain holiness and the fulfillment of always serving My Son.
I, as your Mother, always take care of everything, of your lives and of your small consciousnesses, and give you the possibility of loving the Will of God, just as I love It all the time.
Dear children, continue brave and serene, continue meek and strong through this path of consecration to the Plan of God. In truth, My beloved, you are invited to follow the first steps towards an overwhelming holiness of the soul and of the consciousness, holiness that is also found through peace.
I am united to you, I see and feel in your heats the effort to love the essence of sacrifice, which will give you redemption and will open the doors to new states of consciousness.
Dear children, let us continue praying. In the silence of the heart everything can always be comprehended and the sacred Divine Will be lived.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
There is no greater service than true prayer, in which the heart does not find boundaries and does not need to go so far, neither takes so long, in order to be before those who are most in need.
If you ask God to take you to the encounter with those who are most in need, so, when the Lord places you before each prayer throughout the day, find there the answers to His requests, to His holy will of serving and of helping the most destitute in the matter, as well in the spirit.
However, if in the moments of prayer you were tepid, asleep and without much enthusiasm to encounter God, it is in truth because you have not discovered that the essence of service is found in the praying heart.
The greatest service is the one that takes the divine presence to the hearts; it is the one that places the essences before the possibility of returning to their origin, to the Most Sacred One and Only Consciousness, from which comes all the things created for an evolutionary purpose.
If it were not so, you would be doing social works, which the world has plenty of; but, however, the Kingdom of God has not manifested itself among humanity yet.
All those who accept to live the path of humility, of prayer and of surrender are, in truth, missionary hearts and spirits and they must renovate this spiritual charisma every day and in all the opportunities that they have to find God and take Him, in divine essence, to all those who most need Him.
Make of your lives the perfect work of service to humanity and to the planet. It is achieved with the awakening to the truth that is to know that in everything there is the possibility of serving and that in all of your prayers you can cross boundaries and reach those who are most in need of aid.
Today, for instance, praying before My Most Sacred Heart, you accompanied Me to the Middle East and, thus, relieved the small hearts of many children who have already lost hope to be happy in this world.
Learn, dears, every day, to transcend yourselves, so that the Light of God comes to the most lost and forgotten ones among humanity and among the Kingdoms of Nature.
Learn, with My Chaste Heart, to be eternal missionaries and to carry out on Earth this universal mission, in which the transformation itself will result in the salvation and in the evolution of the whole universe.
I love you and I encourage you to move forward, growing and maturing, as fruits of the Sacred Plans of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the networks of evil are furiously unleashed on this day across the entire planet, which celebrates naive bonds with these realities, My Heart thanks all those who pray and, strengthened by faith, together with Me defeat the adversary and, through the heart, establish the perfect alliance with My Son.
It is for this reason that once again, I come to ask for more prayers, not only for the Middle East, but also for the whole consciousness of the planet, which is damaged through the actions and the decisions that do not cease to be carried out.
So that My Heart may have Its triumph, at least in a part of humanity, My wish is that at the end of the novena that you are carrying out to Saint Joseph, your hearts please God through the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus, praying the 81 beads for nine consecutive days.
On finishing this practice, My deep desire, My children, is that you dedicate nine more days of prayer to My wronged blessed Heart by means of the Rosary of Forgiveness.
When this new cycle of prayer ends, I will tell you, My children, how much Your Mother is able to do for all of humanity, and especially for those who fulfill these simple requests with devotion, interest and faith.
My guardian Angels never cease to accompany the spiritual life of all those who please My Heart with their praying word.
For all of the prayers given, I thank you all.
Let us continue working for the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My petitions!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Consciousness of humility is reflected in the innocent souls. My eyes shine in the good souls.
In all of humanity, My Consciousness has Its manifestation, specially in those hearts that pray for redemption.
Dear children, today My pilgrim Consciousness traverses Venezuela together with you, trying to pour the Graces that the hearts need. Follow the steps of Your Mother that will open the paths for the souls to receive the mercy that they need.
I am united to all the children that pray for this cause of peace in all of Venezuela. I lovingly accompany the prayer of all those who are united to this mission. Here, in this village, the souls need a lot of light and redemption, they need to see in their faces the joy of finding Christ again in the heart of each brother and sister.
Let us continue on this pilgrimage, because Your Lady of Coromoto carries between Her hands the flag of liberation and peace, and all of Her Children walk behind asking for mercy; thus, the most just and the most sinful shall have the Grace of being helped by the love of My Immaculate Heart.
Prayer to Our Lady of Coromoto,
Liberator of Venezuela
Holy Lady of Coromoto,
Bridge of Light to the New Humanity.
Pray with us constantly,
convert the race of this entire planet
so that, lifted to Heaven by Your arms,
we may say yes to our holy freedom.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who leads you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day I want to bring the flame of My Divine Hope to your hearts, a harbinger of faith in the hearts of the world.
Just like the Sun that shines in the center of the Universe, My Heart descends to the world to illuminate the abysms within and outside of beings, and thus be the guide for each consciousness moving toward the Most Sacred Heart of My Son and the Creator God.
I return to the world crying out to the hearts to live the awakening, because the Plans of the Most High God have still not been fulfilled on this sacred planet, and the majority of souls are not seeking the correct path to the goal that God has given them.
I ask you, My beloved ones, to go deeper into the path of prayer, so that you not be in a praying state only during your moments of liturgy and attunement. I want you to make your lives a permanent prayer.
If, in prayer, you ask for the Forgiveness of God for the world, then live forgiveness all the time.
If you cry out to the Father for His Mercy when you pray, then be merciful in each act, word, and thought.
If, in prayer, you ask of God for the Kingdoms of Nature, then take care of the kingdoms that are closest to you and radiate the love that you ask of God for these little bearers of Divine Consciousness.
If, in prayer, you entreat for the poor and for the helpless, for those who are in deceit and in ignorance, for those who live with lies and errors, then, dear ones, when you meet a sibling who lives all those things, love them and be as the hands of God that carry peace and celestial help for all those in need.
I do not ask you to do great works, because a pure seeing and a true smile can bring the presence of God to beings in a way that no great work would do.
May each one, within your possibilities, live your prayers with acts, thoughts, feelings, and words.
May God find in you, My children, a doorway to enter the world.
Indoctrinate through the experience of the word and make the power of your prayers more potent through being a living manifestation of prayer in the world.
I love you and leave My maternal blessing for My beloved children of Venezuela, who in prayer and perseverance wait for Me, trying to understand what they experience in this time, and learn from it all.
Now, My beloved ones, strengthened by My presence, may you help others so that they may find My Immaculate Heart and the Most Loving Heart of My Son.
May Peace and the Mercy of God be in all the hearts of the world.
Never lose peace and the hope of seeing the Plans of God fulfilled on this blessed Earth.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
I come from Heaven to prevent a future war of famine. Therefore, with all the choirs of Heaven, I implore the Almighty for all peoples and their constant errors throughout times.
I come to ask everyone not to forget the Power of God which is the purest, holiest and highest; for all will be concretized through Him. For this reason, dear children, do not rest until you live in His infinite Will.
I come to offer you the healing of your sadness, the light to your hearts, the redemption of your lives. I have come to prevent chaos, but also to pray for you and with you; listen to My Voice, listen to My Holy Call.
Dear children, pray with Me and all will be resolved. If your families and peoples pray wholeheartedly to My Immaculate Heart, there will be nothing that will make you fear. I am your Mother and Lady of Coromoto. I am your Guiding Star, follow My footsteps and My petitions, and everything will pass.
Dear children, form prayer groups and may your words reach the Heavens so that My Son may have the joy of freeing you from this captivity. As your Mother, I come on this day to announce My Peace to you and to give you My Peace because, through My Heart, you will find the gates of redemption.
Children, forgive yourselves, for in human beings there is blindness, there is pain and misunderstanding. In spite of everything, do not forget to love so that all may soon be healed.
Days and nights I prayed to be able to come here; you called Me and here I am, I come to help you because I love your people, I love each one of you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you in the Holy Heart of the God of Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more