They not only want the Amazon to disappear, but also, with the social crises, they want to unbalance the nations of South America and of Central America by means of ideological plans that are now being applied in which, up until today, there is no fidelity or transparency on the part of the leaders toward the peoples.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, with the extraordinary assistance of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, will be preparing, in the Celestial Planes, to enter again into the nation of Colombia, which others also want to unbalance, through a condition of hostile creation and thought. 

In truth, the maximum Hierarchy of the Universe will be mobilized after the important meeting in Manaus, Amazonas, to give spiritual assistance to three Andean nations: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; as in these recent times they have been the scene of manifestations and social rebellion, which only move toward tragedies.

Venezuela was the doorway so that South America, as a future cradle of the New Humanity, would be brought into imbalance.

For this reason, the Divine Hierarchy appeals to all beings of goodwill who believe in the Celestial Father and in the concretization of the Divine Plan, to become mobilized, within all of South America and beyond it, to materialize the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia; as after the last 8th of August, the work as a whole has taken on attending to and aiding in planetary situations rather than regional or local situations.

So that this wave of imbalance in South America, generated by the exploiting countries of the first world, not end in a continental situation, I come to ask you for your collaboration, and I will also come to ask Colombia to become consecrated to the King of Peace so that an extraordinary Grace may appease the future anguish and desolation of the Andean peoples.

As from now, I am thankful for the adherence and the awareness of all.

For this, the Most Holy and Pure Mother, Queen of Chiquinquirá and Lady of the Apocalypse will also come to ask you for the re-consecration of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

If Her request is not attended to, worse and bloody happenings will come, which will be seen by the entire world.

There is still time to stop it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted for the 37th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the desert of Chilca, Peru, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In a desert that becomes silent and listens to the voice of suffering of the world, I have come here to find everyone in soul and essence, in truth and mercy. On this day, I have come from very far away, from a place in the Universe, to bring you again the Peace and the confidence that if I am here, all will be well.

Now I invite all those that participate in this new meeting of prayer with Me to be where I am, where the world needs it, where souls have their need.

Today I invite you to glimpse the clamor of the world and the need for peace, for inner peace.

Because of this, I have come with My angels to announce this moment. And I am here in Peru for the first time in consciousness, spirit, and divinity, after I was here on Earth two thousand years ago.

Do not fear to live your inner desert when the time comes, do not fear to cross it and come to know it, because in the desert of life is God, as arid as it is; His Love is there so that you may find it.

I have brought you here, companions, you, and your brothers and sisters who are present in this Marathon so that you may again understand that I am present in the places of silence, where souls can withdraw in prayer to find God and His Plan.

I do not tire of visiting these places, just as I did in the Holy Land, to teach My disciples that in the solitude of each heart is the greatest moment of maturity and inner growth for souls. The desert is not simply empty, but rather the moment when each soul is able to cross the threshold in which they will be placed when their time is indicated by My Father.

I crossed the deserts with My disciples and I showed them the great treasures of the Universe. It is like in these deserts where the mystery of God, yet to be revealed can be found, and where souls do not focus their interest. It is in the beauty of Creation and of Nature where the true message of the Father for all His creatures is. Blissful are those who know how to interpret it and who adore this beauty that God created in the whole of this Universe and beyond it.

Today I come here with My Universal Consciousness because this place so deserves it; it is a Sacred Land with much knowledge of science and discipline, of brotherhood and light. Here I find rest, as your consciousnesses can also find it in this silence that impregnates your cells and each particle of your atoms, where your lives can vibrate and your spirits can become exalted on finding God in all things.

I have opened the heavens in this place so that My Sun might illuminate you; in this way, you will see how the world is in darkness, but My Mercy triumphs when it is invoked from the heart, and with all your souls. It is this Light that I bring from the Universe so that each being is vitalized by it, and again ignite their devotion so that their gifts may awaken, the talent that I left in each one.

Today I have come to this Sacred Land of Peru, to this Sacred Desert, to make the Mystery of God known to you, which is no longer a mystery, but the evidence for those who may open themselves to know it. Just being here as in each desert of this world, you will see that which God thinks and needs of this humanity, which must carry out His Plan above all things, and the unity that must be manifested in this time among all beings.

Today I come as the Solar Son, as that resplendent Consciousness that lived here with you and among you, that preached, healed, and saved whoever needed it; that lived His Passion and died on the Cross on a hill so similar to this one, in the deep silence of God at the time when Divine Mercy gushed forth for the whole world.

It is those very powerful Rays of God that descend over the deserts to be able to manifest the forms that the Divine Purpose has for this Creation, for this part of the Universe.

It is this Love of God that I bring you, which is so infinite and great, which is also to be found in these spaces where silence penetrates the consciousness, and the soul of each being can emerge so that it may discover its true mission and its task in this final time.

Thus, companions, I invite you all to set aside and abandon the noises of this world, which darken hearts and distract them from their purpose. I invite you to be in attunement with Me and to not fear finding, in the solitude of the desert, the truth that you have been seeking for so long.

The desert is an opportunity for introspection, meditation, and prayer with God. I know that many of My companions, in this very difficult time on the planet, are crossing some part of their own inner desert. But our hands stretch out to lead them through this solitude that they fear, which will not cause them evil or harm; because it is solitude that will allow them to grow in maturity and consciousness.

In this Marathon, companions, I invite you to seek this union with Me through silence. A silence that allows the Plan of God to be revealed. A silence that reveals all things to you. A silence that elevates you. A silence that awakens you to the Greater Life, to Consciousness; a silence that heals, that restores and redeems; a silence that purifies, that opens the doors to knowledge, to the truth, to self-discovery, and for being able to cross the thresholds of consciousness and of trials.

It is this beloved silence that I offer you, so that you may be united to Creation, which is so forgotten by this humanity, as it lives in its own noises, in its murmurings and judgments.

I invite you to seek My Mercy in the silence of these deserts of the world, where your prayer can become more powerful; where God, over the deserts, has His ears wide open to hear His children.

Aridity does not mean abandonment or carelessness. The desert for each one of you, companions, is a demonstration of the void of Self that God lives each time He speaks to the world through His Messengers.

The desert is a demonstration of where no ostentation or desire exists. It is the void of the void, it is the possibility for your consciousnesses to penetrate the depths of the Consciousness of God and thus be able to unite with It.

The desert is a way of being able to dialogue with God in the silence which the desert itself can express for the world. The first projects of God originated in the deserts of the world. From Abraham up to Moses and the Prophets, they drank of the silence of the deserts in order to understand the mystery of God, the infinite Will of His Divine Consciousness.

In the deserts, forms of knowledge are present and they were what permitted the guidance of all the ancient peoples of humanity.

My forty days in the desert meant the before and the after for My consciousness, of accepting each one of you throughout all times and all the errors that would be committed by this humanity.

It was the Love of the Father that I sought in the forty days in the desert. It is that Love that strengthened Me and allowed Me to take the step for you so that you could be here.

Today I come with all the silence of this desert in Peru, to remind the world that it is not listening and that it is deaf to the spiritual plane. Companions, I need you to help open the ears of the consciousness of each one of your brothers and sisters, and I especially expect that those who still follow Me and that are not here in this desert with Me today, may truly listen to Me.

My most beloved disciples, I still wait for you in the silence of My prayer in this desert of love; to see you arrive on the horizon, transformed, after having crossed your inner deserts. When that time comes for each one of you, when you will be at the doors of this inner desert, remember this moment and the promise that I have made to you that if My Father is here in consciousness, present in the deserts, so is His Son, and His Holy Spirit, to help souls cross the abysses of consciousness.

May this Marathon open the doors of the hearts so that I may enter and so that all may be My witnesses of Redemption and of Mercy for a crucial time.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
