The Sacred Lines of Nazca

Nazca is a place considered sacred by Heaven, due to the spiritual and inner wealth that the ancient civilization who lived there left as a message for the future humanity.

That civilization was one of the many Peoples of the Sun that attracted to the planet the attribute of reverence and of the sacred.

Nazca is a place in the world that should be spiritually reverenced, since in this place a humanity advanced in the cosmic and divine knowledge and in its spontaneous relationship with the Universe and with Creation developed.

The Lines of Nazca represent to the Father this inner message of union of the previous humanity to the Divine Source and, in this way, of its most important inner communication with the Cosmos.

The Lines of Nazca leave over the desert the message to the Universe that, in remote times, there was a humanity that could mirror, through these symbols, its union with the Eternal Father and all its cosmovision related to the Solar System that rules this planet.

Thus, the Lines of Nazca not only left an eternal message for the future civilizations, but they also served as Mirrors to establish this system of spiritual communication between the Mirror of the heart of each being with the Mirrors of the Universe.

This demonstrates, in current times, that humanity has spiritual and inner conditions to be able to come into contact with its true inner reality and that life on this planet is not only physical or material.

The Lines of Nazca left for the current world the message of a renewed and permanent union with the Universe that exists within every being and demonstrate to us that we can get in touch with the higher and divine.

The Lines of Nazca left a message of Love for the Kingdoms and the consciousness of reverence and devotion that every human being can conceive for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Nazca is the symbol of awakening for this part of the Americas, just as others sacred places where civilizations before this one taught the universal and divine knowledge to all its people.

In this sense, the consciousness of the Peruvian nation holds one of the most important spiritual legacies, from a human and internal point of view, since the civilization that once lived in this place achieved a state of Love and Wisdom that no other race, in no other age, has lived.

This is the reason why the culture of Peru and its intimate relation with the native peoples will facilitate, in this time, that the sacred values of brotherhood, equality of conditions and love may help the physical and spiritual rebuilding of a country that is permanently submitted by the social and human exploitation of other non-evolutionary cultures.

It will depend on the very consciousness and culture of Peru to be the spiritual and inner bridge so that the sacred values of loyalty and unity with the Universe may manifest again on souls and that these same values elevate the consciousness of their people.

The Sacred Lines of Nazca are also registered on the Book of God as one of the major legacies of spirituality of the human race to present day.

It is time to return to our origins and to the roots that were the cradle to gestate a new humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of all Peoples


Behold the Radiant Sun of God

Behold the Radiant Sun of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the one who announces the arrival of a new and expected time.

Behold the Governess of hearts and the Mother, Help of Christians, the one that keeps vigil and prays for those who are demeaned and miserable.

Behold the Lady of Guadalupe, the Mother who unites what is separated among the consciousnesses, the Lady of Light who gestates in Her sacred Womb a new humanity.

Behold the Mother of Reconciliation, the one who gestates the alliance among cultures and peoples, the Mother who intercedes for those who are exploited.

Behold the Warrior Mother of the Seven Swords, the White Woman who treads with Her Feet on the serpent of evil, allowing the Love of God to triumph within oppressed hearts.

Behold the Mother of the Heavenly Church of Christ, the one who takes care and accompanies those who are truthful at heart, the Mother who prays for the mission of the priests and of the servers of Christ.

Behold the Mother of the Andes and of the Peoples of the Desert, of those who live in the heights, as well as those who live in the prairies, the Mother of the poor and of the simple, of the humble and of the workers of God, of those who cultivate the arid land to make the Life of Creation flourish.

Behold the Mother of the offended and of the discriminated, the Mother of the sick and of the helpless, the Lady of Healing who leads the journey of the non-redeemed ones, of those who search for inner healing.

Behold the Mother of the Americas, the Lady of all the Andean cultures, the Mother of Nature, Pachamama, the one who in Her sacred delivery is ready to give birth to the New Human Being, to the new consciousness of humanity.

Behold the Mother of the Armies of Christ, of the soldiers who only battle with the sincere prayer of the heart, the Mother of those who beg for Mercy.

Behold the Mother of the emigrants, of those who abandoned their lands and their origins in search of a place of peace and hope.

Behold the Mother of Divine Justice, the Mother who intervenes for Her children in spite of any spiritual and inner situation, the Mother who aids those who suffer the chastisement of human beings.

Behold the Lady of Evangelization, the Mother who instructs with examples, the Lady who instructs through sacred words of Love.

Behold the Mother of Peru and all its people, the Mother who prays for equality and justice, for equity and hygiene of those who survive amidst desperation and chaos.

Behold the Mother of the sick of spirit and body, of those who are not helped and of those who are forgotten in the streets of this world.

Behold the Mother of the children, of those who sell on the streets, the Mother of those who are in danger, the Mother of those who are sold and are lost.

Behold the Mother of Divine Mercy, the Mother who implores to the People of God and of the governors for equality and healthy justice, the Mother who tries to avoid greater sufferings.

Behold the Mother of morality, the Mother of healthy education and of worthy teaching, the Mother of the illiterate.

Behold the Mother of Love and the Mother of Hope, the Lady who gives impulse to awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Evangelization

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
