Monthly Messages
Special Message of the Most Chaste Servant of God, Saint Joseph, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My beloved companions,

If you truly aspire with your hearts and souls to live at this time what God has planned for humanity, here I am to instruct you.

My word is heard in the four corners of the world, by a special request of God, searching those who are faithfully determined to take the steps in the consciousness and to finally cross the threshold between the old and the new human being.

Bravery is necessary and also a lot of courage to take the steps that all humanity would need to take in this time. And, from the Heavens, the Most High Lord contemplates the souls and consciousnesses that are thirsty for the water of a new life and that can no longer wait to take the definite steps in their transformation.

Therefore, as the faithful Father and Instructor of souls, I made an offer to Our Lord, an offer that humanity never received throughout its long existence and that demonstrates to the world the urgency of the times in which you live.

Through My humble consciousness, the Lord will send divine impulses directly to His creatures, for them to be able to change the patterns of life and behavior that hinder them to live the plans of God on Earth.

Therefore I tell you, companions of My Chaste Heart, that during a period that will be determined by the answer of your hearts, I will be accompanying you more closely and directly, I will instruct you on this path of the transformation of all aspects of the being.

The Lord allowed My Instruction to reach, in the first six months, the missionaries, residents, and families living in the Light-Communities, in this way, healing the heart of the heart. My first disciples will place, in a simple way, the questions of their consecrations and their lives, all that which they do not understand and that need assistance to daily experience and practice.

I ask you to write to Me with love, those who really aspire to take the steps of their transformation, those who are determined and really willing to experience the Instruction that was given to them throughout the last years. My fatherly answer will reach everyone so that all humanity feels contemplated by My humble Instruction.

My beloved ones, the current times ask for true and urgent transformations, and the Universe gives you all the necessary keys to open the doors of a new time and to be able to bear the transformative currents that this time brings to the world.

Do not fear. As Father and Instructor, I will always be at your side, but do not deter yourselves and walk with firm steps.

I guide and love you.

Your Faithful Companion, Saint Joseph



My beloved and so loved brothers and sisters,

On the anniversary eve of My Apparitions, I want to leave you a present, another service to be provided to the world; and I speak about the Sacred House of the Merciful Service of Saint Joseph, which must be done through a spirit of humility, charity, and service, and will work together with the sisters of Merciful Service in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.

That house will be guarded by My simple Consciousness, which will take on this whole region of Venezuela through the love and the charity radiated by My missionary children and by My consecrated daughters of the Grace Mercy Order.

That house will be a reflection of the life of the Sacred Family and will radiate the simplicity, the charity, and the humility to the world experienced by the Sacred Hearts so long ago.

Here you will learn to live a life of humility and austerity, but full of joy, because the life of the Sacred Family was a life full of the Spirit of God, which brings a vivification to the human spirit.

My dear ones, in this way, I want to expand the spirit of charity throughout the world and awaken in hearts the vocation of selfless service, because today I tell you that real service, done with love, transmutes and transforms the human condition.

You will soon see the fruits that emerge from trees that are planted with love, and the need of the world itself will show you the path to follow. My fatherhood will guide the brave hearts and will bring you the sustenance needed to continue forward.

The world is in need of firm hearts ready to transform the malice and the lack of love that are in hearts; for this you can count on My intercession.

Today I was before God, and through the feelings and impulses of hearts and souls, I interceded for the world, so that more beings could be freed from the situation they live in. For the world itself, this generated the merits for the opening of a house, renewed by the Spirit of God and protected by My Chaste Heart.

You will walk under the guidance of My Spirit, and you can always count on My most sacred intercession.

Your beloved Instructor, Saint Joseph


That My Heart, full of Peace, may radiate today to the world the calm and the faith which the beings need in order to strengthen their spirits for the times that will come.

My beloved companions, with joy in My Chaste Heart I come in a special way to prepare the anniversary of My Apparitions among the servants of Christ.

I contemplate today the fruits of My instructions in your little souls and as a living testimony of the presence of the Messengers of God on Earth, today I ask you to commune with the example of those who walk towards a new life, so that they may bring to the world the inspiration and the courage that it needs to initiate a new walk.

I do not want to demonstrate favoritism nor generate in the hearts vanity and separateness.  With this action of Graces I want that all My children of the world may discover a way to answer to the Divine call and that through their brothers and sisters on Earth, incarnated under the same human condition, they may discover that it is possible to walk towards a Divine life, even amid so many imperfections.

My dears, that to be a living testimony may be the main goal of your hearts; that the miracle of conversion and persistence in constant transformation may be the true aspiration of each soul.

Today I bring you the example of those who took a small step, a first step, and that in this way have propelled all of humanity to a true walk.

I do not ask perfection of you.  I conduct you to persistence and to sanctity, and today I say to you that the Saints and blessed ones from the Celestial Kingdom did not reach perfection, but faithfulness, humility and persistence, so that before all the temptations of the world, they could overcome themselves and seek eternally the resemblance with God and with His Son Jesus.

Many are the paths to an encounter with Christification because many are the attributes that each soul is capable of manifesting in life, and each being in this time must find their own way to be consecrated to God and to be converted, little by little, in the living and renewed Christ, that the Lord hopes to find in all of His creatures.

God sent His Son not just so that He would be praised and adored over the centuries, but so that He would be imitated and renewed in the different times and lives of each one.  The life of Christ renews itself in your hearts, and each one must find Him in their possibility of loving.

For this today, My beloveds, I ask you that with joy you may let yourselves be propelled, and that the fruits of this last year of precious instructions that the three divine messengers gave to the world may mature in your essences, in your souls, and that they may reflect above all, in your lives upon the Earth.

The continuity of this divine mission depends only on the answer of each heart.

I accompany you always and I welcome you in My Chaste and great heart.

Saint Joseph


My beloveds,

Today I come to announce to you the Power of Mercy that all must attain in this time and I reveal that I come to the world at noon time because this moment is known in the Universe as the primordial hour in which the Kingdom of God made itself visible to My eyes, and the Mercy that flows out from the Primordial Source permeated each space in My little being.  At this instant I was able to see the Celestial Greatness and all of Its mysteries, that were revealed to Me.  I received the Grace of being before the Consciousness of God because I recognized My littleness and Its Greatness.

The Lord allowed the most simple of His servants to enter totally into His Kingdom and there was nothing that was hidden from My eyes and from My Heart.

I understood then the essence of life upon the Earth and how that experience would commit Me with God for all Eternity.  The Lord showed Me there My true Self and He revealed to My Heart His plan of rescue for humanity, a Plan that would be carried out through the Christ King, incarnated in My Son Jesus.

From then on My eyes began to see the world as it is and all the pain and anguish that I would be able to feel for the chaos of My time were converted into Mercy.  I would no longer be surprised by the evil of the world, but I lived to convert, as long as I was able to, through the example of Love and Charity, this evil into Mercy for the souls.

My dear companions, today I tell you this because for all must come the time of being completely filled by the Mercy of God.  To all must be revealed the Kingdom of the Heavens because to Him you must return in this time.  But the key that allows you to receive this Grace is humility and the incessant search for the consecration of life.

Recognize each day the Greatness of the Universe and be willing to get to know something that you have never found on this Earth, because the Universe of God is as unpredictable as your hearts and so little known by humanity as the human being is by itself.

Today I want to give you an impulse to seek a life of humility and of service, a life of charity, of love and of conversion because it is to those who are willing to be nothing that the Celestial mysteries will be revealed.  It will be to those who become empty of heart and of spirit that the Divine Mercy will be able to fill totally.

At this moment of life upon the Earth there is nothing more important than walking in the direction of a superior life.

All of the Keys are being given to you, only be persistent and win on each day a little more of yourselves because your own cunning is what separates you from the victory in Christ and from the true Redemption.

My dears, count always on My intercession in the face of the difficulties of life.  I will listen always to your most sincere pleas and I will carry them with Love to the feet of the Creator, that for the humility of His Servant must concede Grace for the creatures of the Earth.

I love you and I conduct you to a Celestial life.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph


Those who permit themselves to enter into My Most Chaste Heart discover in their inner the life of simplicity and of purity which I talk to you about day after day.

Before seeking with the mind to live My words and to understand through reasoning My instructions, dive into the depth of My Chaste Heart that today is given to you.  By means of My Chastity you will sprout in your beings the chastity and the purity that is held in your hearts.

The instructions that I bring to you are unveiled in the silence and are lived in the purity and in the simplicity.  Be simple of heart, of mind and of spirit and seek in the joy of praising God the key for the most consistent transformation.

Seek to express that which your souls ask you and seek to be as God inspires you because that which comes from God is serene, pure and truthful and radiates light to those who need to exit from darkness.

Everything in your lives must be in Glory to the Creator: each action, each thought, each feeling, each prayer and each song.  If you think only in God you will soon forget about your own selves and you will see the light of the transformation of Christ acting, without you realizing it.

My dear companions, it has come the time to receive one more impulse from My Son Jesus, because for those that know how to see and that open the heart, the birth of Christ will not only be in the memory, but it will be alive in the inner and in the essence of all beings.

Prepare for the Child King the most simple dwelling because it will not be in ornateness that you will receive Christ.  Within the kingdoms of nature that humbly express the simplicity of the Son of God must be prepared the crib for Jesus Christ, the King of kings of this Universe.

Beloved companions, by means of My presence and of the Light that I radiate through My Most Chaste Heart, feel in your hearts the greatness of the moment in which you are living because, by means of My presence, I bring to the inner memory of your hearts the birth of Christ and the infinite joy that was lived in the Heavens and on the Earth with His great arrival to the world.

Meditate today on this birth and permit that it happen again and to be a reality not only in the Sacred Family but also in the life of each one of you.

Year after year this mystery will become more visible and to those who may know how to transcend the worldly festivities to discover the Divine celebration, an impulse will be given and, to the extent of the openness of each consciousness, a living Christ will be born and will awaken in the inner.

I thank you eternally for being united to My Chaste Heart.

I accompany you permanently.

Your faithful companion,

Saint Joseph.


With humility, today I want you to learn about trust, a divine trust that comes from the Celestial Kingdom to be deposited upon the Kingdom Itself.

Today I say to you that many lack faith and full trust in God, to understand in this way the signs that we send you by means of the happenings of life and of the actions of others.

Today I transmit this to you because these are times of purification, times in which the changes of consciousness are happening in an accelerated manner, and those who resist transforming themselves suffer the friction that many times hurts their hearts and destabilizes their consciousness.

I hope that today you understand that everything that was announced throughout the centuries, all the happenings that before were kept in hidden scrolls, today have become current, and can no longer be hidden.

As Father and as Instructor I warn you that the time to mature with full trust has come.  This is the moment that all suffer when they are about to cross the threshold of the maturing of consciousness.  But if you permit that the divine energy itself may illuminate the discernment, and show you the path, you will feel fluidity in each step, and you will be able to walk with profound harmony.

Do you remember when you were children and the moment came for your parents to not accompany you to school?  This moment has come again.  Your parents never stopped accompanying you, but they were not so near as before, and they did this out of love and out of necessity.

If you understand in truth what I say to you today, listen with attention to My words, and read what I write between the lines of My Divine word. It is time to listen, to assimilate, and to practice.

It is time to heal that which is ingrained in the consciousness, that which throughout time could not be liberated, because it did not have the permission from consciousness itself to do it.

My dears, My word penetrates the souls of those who know how to listen.  For those who do not fear growing, there will be no pain that will stop them, and even if they recognize their own faults, when they are presented to them they will not hesitate to move ahead with all diligence of spirit and of heart.

Those who know how to listen to Me today, will know how to listen to My voice in the instructions that they receive by means of the instructors that I Myself have sent to them.

Do not create doubts, nor barriers.  Fear before anything that you will not  accomplish with precision the Plan that has been entrusted to you.  And continue, continue with trust and with the banner of fraternity raised in your essences.

No one is outside My teaching of love, no one is outside My Heart.

To those who listen with attention to My words, to them will come the clarity to understand them.

I thank you today and always for being united to My Chaste Heart.

Your Father, Friend, and Instructor Saint Joseph.


Today I place My feet upon a lily to show to the world the spirit of purity and simplicity that there is in the Heavens.

Today I come to your little hearts to inspire you to live under the spirit of humility, and that you may find in it all the attributes and virtues of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Each day that I come towards your hearts, My word touches your souls and brings to you instructions that in the depths of the words, bring all to the same path.

This is a day of absolute Glory in the Kingdom of the Heavens, because angels, archangels, saints and blessed ones contemplate at the feet of the Lord the Source of Grace that is poured over the world, by means of the presence of the Most Faithful Messengers of the Lord.

It is for this that I radiate to the hearts of the world the joy that comes from the Most Holy Heart of God, so that all the Earth may also contemplate this sacred moment.

Dear and beloved children of the Lord, with infinite gratitude I deposit today in your spirits the attribute of Obedience that goes beyond what your beings may glimpse.

Today I bring you a divine Obedience, of which, without perceiving, many are already an example in life.

The Obedience of which I speak to you consists in following attentively the voice of the heart and the voice of the spirit, so that that which is manifested in your hearts, so is that manifested in the heart of the other.

Because today I say to you that many times God speaks to you through the voice of a brother or sister, or even through the signs of life that touch mysteriously your hearts.

To live Obedience it is necessary to love it, and to love it in this world you must understand it as a door that unites you permanently to the Divine Will.

By means of Obedience, God, the Eternal potter of the Universe, shapes your hearts and spirits silently.

It is Obedience, absolute and unrestricted, that will make you channels of the Divine Mercy that will open the doors so that a new life may arise upon the Earth, because without Obedience there will not exist a new humanity.

Disobedience lives in the old human, the one that must be rendered at the feet of the Altar of the Creator, to undress itself of its own wills, empty of divine purpose, in order to find the Source of Supreme Truth, the one that will make it pure of heart, humble of spirit and servants of the soul.

And in this way the creation of God re-emerges, manifesting its true Grace, its image and semblance with the Creator of all things.

I thank you for today glorifying the Creation, and opening your hearts to receive the Divine in your lives.

I bless you always.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I come today from the Heavens and from each one of your hearts to renew the commitment with My Most Chaste Heart that God has conceded to each one of your souls.

With this I tell you, dear servers of My Son, that each one of your souls is under the permanent guidance of My Heart, as well as all of humanity that must wake up for a New Life.

As a Messenger of God I prepare you not only to receive My Son Jesus who will soon return, but I also come to prepare you so that you may be able to live with Him a life of sanctity upon the Earth.

My Heart arrives to the world at request of God the All Powerful so that through My presence your souls may be instructed in the spiritual virtues that lead you to the path of eternal consecration.

Apparition after Apparition I radiate to the world the codes that I achieved by the Work and Grace of the Holy Spirit as a consciousness that is most pure and most faithful to God and to His Purpose of Love.

These virtues and attributes of My Heart are born in those who open themselves to live a life of simplicity and of surrender to the Creator under the vows of service and fidelity to God.

Service will make you grow and mature the spirit and it will make your hearts humble and simple.

Fidelity to God will allow that your consciousnesses answer to the Will of the Father under any circumstance, and when you are faithful to this Holy Will you allow God to work in your lives and, as a perfect artisan, to build in each one of yourselves the perfect Archetype of humanity.

My dear companions, if you are today together with Me and remain at My side it is because your souls have decided to answer to this Sacred Call that My Heart makes to humanity. For this today I tell you that it is already time for humanity to manifest in itself the perfect Plan of God.

When Our Lord thought about the human being He created a being of perfect Love and perfect Peace. A race that would allow that the Consciousness of God acted in all the Universe because it would open the door to It through the heart.

Today I come to announce to you that the times are accelerating and the Graces also pour out from the Kingdom of God. It is in this way that you are able to see in your lives the presence of the Most Sacred Messengers of God.

For this trust the words that are pronounced by these Messengers; follow step by step, with attention, without faltering. Trust that God Himself talks to you through His faithful Servers, those who once lived upon the Earth this perfect Archetype of the Creation and who today return to teach you and to conduct you through this same path.

Today I tell you that so great is the Grace that you receive and that so intense is the presence of the Holy Spirit in your lives, as it was in the life of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. Only turn your eyes to the High and open the doors of the heart so that this Source of Divine Presence may enter into your lives.

I bless you and I love you always.

Your Eternal Instructor and Intercessor, Saint Joseph.


Listen with your heart to the story that I will tell you, let that My words flow like pure water in the river of your mind and may the mysteries of My life run within this water with the same harmony. Trust in the commitment that your heart has with Me because the world knows very little about this story, and it will continue to know very little until it enters into the Kingdom of Heavens.

I was born from a gestation of infinite purity, prepared by the angels, as if they were creating a flower, but it was My soul that was growing in the maternal womb of My holy mother. I say holy to you because upon her the Holy Spirit descended through dreams. She was prepared by the angels to understand the maternity that she was going to live, of an uncommon child for those times.

My mother used to sing to My heart, praying and preparing her pregnancy with deep love. Love that God infused in her to inspire her creation that was going to be the seed of what was going to become Joseph, called the son of David.

I was born and I grew up accompanied by angels. My holy mother, adorned by the Holy Spirit, was the one who first taught Me to realize the initial works of charity. She taught Me that to the neighbor we would always offer the best and whoever acted in this way, giving to the neighbor the best that one had, would receive from God the best that He Himself had in the Kingdom of Heavens.

In this way, I began to understand the Laws of God that were very different from the laws of the Earth, and the more My child’s consciousness was submerged in this Kingdom, the more I saw Myself outside of all of the laws of the world, above all the laws of matter, those that tie humanity and make it a hostage of the energies of vices.

Gifted with a deep union with God, the Lord never allowed the laws from the Earth to act upon My youthful consciousness.

I learned about work and about solitude, silence, prayer and fasting, and within these daily habits, I grew. From a simple and poor family, life was reflecting itself in My soul, I grew up simple and poor from the things of the world.

Solitude taught Me humility because in solitude I used to deepen Myself into the mysteries of Faith, and in the science of the Kingdom of God, that which made Me understand, day by day, how small I was before the Greatness of the Most High God.

It is true that I made a vow of chastity when I was 12 years old. In truth, chastity and purity were infused in Me by the Divine Will, and these were natural virtues of My little being. When at the age of 12 I understood part of the Will of God for My little consciousness, I confirmed Myself in this Will and I offered the vow of perpetual chastity.

I did not only make this vow before God, but I also promised Him to be eternally of service in all things as long as I lived and into Eternity, I would be His faithful servant and worker,  eternally serving His Holiness and all His children, those most in need.

When I married Mary, I also found within Her the perfect charity of which we were examples as a family, and as individuals.

All works carried out by My hands were offered to the poor, those who were poorer than we were. And, as I had learned from God, when I gave to those in need, by Work and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we would receive at our table all that we needed to survive.

Mary was also an example of spiritual charity. She would form in the Love for God all those who were in need, from the elderly to the youth. She was always surrounded by women from Nazareth and Jerusalem.

In My work as a carpenter, I carried out the trade always united to the Will of the Lord, and this allowed the craft made to be endowed with the Holy Spirit.  Many miracles happened within and outside of my knowledge, miracles over which I asked for perpetual silence regarding those that would receive them, and total attribution to the Divine Grace and to His Holy Will and Work.

In My carpentry, I trained the young and the children of Nazareth, among whom was the Child Jesus, who would teach Me more than what He learned.  With His presence, the miracles realized through the objects that were made began to grow.

Since our creations were made for people that were very poor, but who had much faith, it cost them nothing to believe in the Works of the Holy Spirit and, though deeply grateful to this quite mysterious family of Nazareth, seeing such great humility and purity, they did not hesitate in attributing these holy works to God. 

The life of Joseph was above all a life of silence, work and prayer. The Lord says that this is the archetype of consecrated life, a life that existed so many years ago and that, by many, may be considered outdated, but that came to reveal to the world the archetype of families upon Earth.

Joseph and Mary completed each other in virtue and in devotion, in Love of God and in caring for Jesus. Jesus learned in His childhood about the virtues of His parents and He excelled in all, growing up with them and teaching His most humble parents to live under the Law of God.

The Sacred Family was the complement of perfect holiness, the most pure Work of the Creator, seen in the smallest details and prepared not only in Joseph and in Mary, but in all previous fourteen generations of both parents of Jesus.

These generations were growing in holiness and purity to offer the two saints the most pure sanctity that could exist upon Earth and, from this perfect union, they would be able to birth, protected from the world and sheltered by the Holy Spirit, the favorite Son of God, His firstborn, Jesus Christ.


The writings that are found in The Mystical City of God are complemented by those that are in the Gospel.

All must be read and studied with the heart so that, through it, it shall be transmitted.

May first be born in your hearts this devotion that later will cross the world.

Your beloved Brother and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Walk by My side as I walk today by the side of My Son Jesus. I come as an example of humility and of life for the hearts of the world. My tunic is anointed of simplicity.  My feet walk barefoot because they have already been divested of the things of the world.

I was once a Carpenter because in this way I attracted the Holy Spirit of God for the construction of a new Earth, of a new Archetype of life for humanity. Today I come as a Shepherd because, as My Son, I come to reunite and to conduct the souls to His Blessed and Christic Heart.

I call My flock through Love.  My voice silently travels the hearts because through Me you will wake up those who may be receptive to listen to the Voice of God in their own heart.

I will be followed by the simple ones who come, with bare feet from the past, who will walk with me and who will divest themselves from their old and embellished garments to dress themselves in humility and purity such as I did.  In your hearts must dwell only silence and loneliness – a loneliness that you do not know in the world – a celestial loneliness that leads the hearts to the encounter with the Sacred, with the Mysterious and with the celestial secrets that are guarded in the silence.

The sheep that follow My steps walk by My side and, attentive to the goal to be reached, never lose sight of Me.

If today you aspire to walk with Me, you must be receptive to live a new learning that transcends the understanding and that includes only the heart.

My Call is not detained at the frontiers because the silence of My voice permeates all, but It respects the free step that each one must take and It only enters with Its Power into the hearts that say yes.

Today I come to seek those who must continue with Me and arrive to My Son through My Heart.

Today My hands are extended to the world, above all they are extended to those who have decided to live a new life in the Communities of Light of My Son. To them, I invite to walk through the unknown, to live what until this day they have not lived, to forget the old laws that they knew until today, in order to enter into the Law of all the possibilities.  Law in which nothing is impossible, in which the Love of God and of His Divine Consciousness can enter the hearts and the human spirits in order to transform them, in this way, into creatures similar, in life, to their Blessed Creator.

Under the Merciful Love of God and in the Presence of His Son Jesus, I bless you and I wait for you in My Peregrination through the celestial valleys and mountains.

I thank you for being with Me.

Saint Joseph, the Eternal Server of the Creator. 

Monthly Messages

From the true Purity of the heart is born the profound link with God. In Purity of intention we attract His Holy Spirit and in Purity of actions we become carriers of this Spirit and true workers of God on Earth, the so-called Missionaries of Christ.

On the last day of this novena, you will pray to consolidate in heart, in intention and in spirit, the pure union with God.

This novena was delivered to those who aspire to transform the deep aspects of the consciousness and through the intercession of My Most Holy Heart, to find a path of simplicity and of union with the Spirit of God.

By means of this novena not only will you be able to achieve the intercession of My Heart for your spirits and consciousnesses, but also and above all, you will learn to be intercessors before God for all of humanity, so that each being finds the union with God, and by means of this union they can return to the arms of the Creator.

Feeling in your hearts the moment to offer this novena and deepen the contact with God, you will pray the prayer each day for 72 times. At the end of the nine days you will realize a sincere offer to the Lord of each prayer pronounced, so that through the intercession of My Heart, together with yours, humanity can achieve a New Time, and can live its true archetype of similarity with God and with His Messengers.

To finalize the novena, you will pray, with the depths of your heart:

Lord God, who created all,
consolidate in our hearts
the union with Your Sacred Spirit.
Consecrate our souls to Your Purpose of Love.
Fill our spirits and our hearts
with the undying Light of Your Kingdom.
And through this prayer, Lord,
Permit that our hearts be definitively united to You.

Under the Love of God and the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart, go on in Peace.
I bless you always and thank you for praying with Me from the Heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here


While we prayed, Saint Joseph approached us in silence, He observed us for a while, and afterwards He began to pray the following prayer:

By the Sacred Silence,  
that rises in the depths of the Most Chaste Heart,
silenced be our aspirations,
silenced be our bad intentions,
silenced be our desires,
silenced be our senses,
silenced be our word and thought.

And under the sacred intercession of Saint Joseph,
silenced be our spirit
in the holy meeting with the Creator of the Celestial Universe.



Be blessed by the silence of My Heart and in it learn to hear your own heart and the Most Sacred Heart of God.

Saint Joseph, Humble Shepherd of souls.

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here

Monthly Messages

Children of God, and blessed, will be called those who summon themselves to be intercessors before God for all of humanity, for the kingdoms and for the planet.

Children of God are those who recognize Him as the Lord and, knowing about His Infinite Greatness open the heart so that it may be a door for the entrance of God on Earth.

Many are the ways of being a faithful worker of God, many will proclaim His Name and His Glory but the most important and the only essential that must exist in all of the children of God is the Love and the True Fidelity to His Heart.

My dears, servers of God, sheep of the Great Lord and Shepherd:

Today I tell you that you must work with fervor to construct in your hearts a fortress with firm bases, strong walls and an unbreakable ceiling because from all sides they will attack the hearts of the world and those who do not work neatly to construct the Dwelling of the Lord in their heart will see their simple dwelling being blown away by the wind of the enemy, like a feather flies in the blowing of a breeze.

But if on the contrary you listen to the Voice of the Messengers of the Lord, those who come to indicate to you the way, the fortress of your hearts that must have a base of Faith, with Love as the wall and Fidelity towards God as the ceiling, that will not even wobble, even with the most strong wind that may blow on the path on the opposite side to the path of God.

If you take the first step and put upon the bases of Faith the first brick of Love that is the aspiration to Love, the Divine hands of those who guide you will come to the aid of your hearts. It is only necessary that you begin, with joy, with Peace, with the enthusiasm of the spirit, this that does not falter from facing the difficulties and that even grow test after test.

Get  to work, workers of the Lord because those who construct their own fortress will be ready before God to assist so many others who will be under the rain and the cold of the night for not having got to know God and, often, for not even having heard His Name.

These are times of Faith, times of bravery and of Fidelity. You can count on My aid and on My sacred hands in your work of Love.

I bless you always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Monthly Messages

True humility is born from the perseverance within the Heart of God, because the soul that never tires of searching for the Lord ends up merging itself in Him, in heart, in essence and in spirit.

In this incessant search for the Union with God and for the unveiling of His Celestial Mystery will be dissolved in Him all of the aspects of the being that today do not allow you to be perpetually in God.

For this today I tell you that the only path upon which you must eternally continue is the path of the incessant search, as a soul that is always thirsty and walks towards the Source of the most pure and crystalline water, knowing that it is available for all.

Do not worry your hearts about the moment in which you will find this Source because It is so mysterious that it appears suddenly in the life of those who search for it, always at the least expected moment.

For this moment of eternal walk, you shall pray on the seventh day:

Unfathomable Source of Humility,
under the guidance and intercession of Saint Joseph,
emerge before our hearts,
dissolve our little spirits
into the Eternal Spirit of the Creator.



Under the protection of the sign of the cross, I bless you always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.  

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here


My dears, today I say to you that it only depends on the intensity of the clamor of your hearts so that the Messengers of God may be able enter with more depth in your hearts.

The more Love and truth you place in the words of prayer that you pronounce to the Celestial Universe, with more depth Those who are sent by God will be able to act, and in the more deep and hidden places of your consciousnesses will the Redeeming Light of the Celestial Father be able to arrive.

Trust in truth that which I say to you today, that only the true and intimate clamor, lifted to God through the heart, opens the doors so that His Light enters not only in your lives, but in all the situations that need Light, so that the Will of God flows, and the more you expand this Love made word, the more actuality it will have in all of the planet.

To arrive to the Universe of God, you need to cross many doors and overcome innumerable obstacles, and prayer is like a pure fluid that passes with deep Peace, as a soft key that opens all the doors, as an aroma of Love that crosses the Universes, which nothing can detain, and that has as its direction the Most Holy feet of the Creator.

On this day of deepening your own contact with the Universe of prayer, you shall ask God for His intercession by saying:

Celestial Father,
who has sent Saint Joseph as our Instructor and Shepherd,
under the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart,
permit that our word be pure
like the most gentle aroma of a flower
and as truthful as the deepest feeling of our hearts,
thus, opening all the doors
that lead us to Your Celestial Universe.


By My intercession and Love, walk with Peace.

Saint Joseph, Most Chaste server of God.

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here


By the sublime Law of the Kingdom of the Heavens, call and the doors will open themselves, so that the Saints, the Angels and the Blessed ones come in your aid.

If you need something for the growth of the spirit and the soul, so that the Glory of God may be expanded over the Earth, return then your eyes to the Heights, and direct to the Lord clear words, filled with sincerity, purity and truth. Ask with the heart, with the purest word that you can manifest, because this is how the Lord will be able to hear the souls.

It is worth nothing to you that you turn to the infinite with a word empty of true intentions, this word will not have enough strength to come to the feet of the Lord.

God knows and sees the need of all His children, you do not want to say to God what He must do, only allow Him to do what must be done, even if His Will may go against all human expectations.

To open the door of your heart to the Lord and give Him permission to act within your lives, on the fifth day you shall pray:

Lord and King of everything that exists,
Supreme Will among the wills of the world,
manifest Your Wisdom in our lives,
manifest Your Power and Will
in all needs of the world.

You who know, Lord, what each being needs,
through the intercession of Your Faithful Servant, Saint Joseph,
help all of humanity.


In this simple way, repeating to the Lord with purity of intention, you will lift the word to the Kingdom of the Heavens and permit that from there departs the Supreme Will to the whole world.

I bless you under the Power that God has granted Me.
May Peace live in your hearts.

Saint Joseph, Most Chaste server of God.

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here

Monthly Messages

So that your actions may reflect the Greatness of Divine Actions, and your hearts may be living extensions of the Heart of God, you shall pray:

Crystalline will be my steps,
because in my heart lives
the pure intention of serving God.

O Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
manifest in our existence
the Eternal Glory of the Creator.


Pure intention leads to pure actions and, when we act in a crystalline way before God, the Lord sends His Spirit so that help comes in aid of the souls and reflects in the spirits of the world the Eternal Glory of the Creator.

I bless you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Joseph, Most Chaste worker of God.

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here

Monthly Messages

THIRD DAY - To build within your heart an unshakable fortress of union with God and complete Faith in His Truth, you shall pray the third prayer. In the face of any obstacle against the works of the Creator, you shall pronounce the words of the prayer firmly and with Faith in the Will of God.

By the Power and Infinite Grace
of the Most Pure Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all obstacles that
do not permit the fulfillment 
of the works of God be dissolved.
Saint Joseph,
Most Chaste worker of God,
manifest the Divine Will today.

The greatest secret of the worker of God is the strength in the Truth of the manifestation of the Creator. All that is a work for God, belongs to Him and by His Glory must be manifested.

Trust in the powerful ray of the Lord that through His Spirit can manifest the unthinkable and the impossible for the human minds.

When We refer to the works of God, they are not only physical works but also and above all, spiritual works. To construct in the heart an unshakable fortress of union with God and the full Faith in His Truth you shall pray the third prayer. In face of any obstacle against the works of the Creator, you shall pronounce it firmly on the word and with Faith in the Will of God.

Count on My intercession and together with Me be intercessors before God so that all the work, known or not known by our consciousness, and that is born for the Glory of God, may be able to manifest itself.

In this way, praying for each other, even for those who you do not know, you will discover that the work of the Creator is a Single and Great Work of Love to be manifested in the Universe.

May, with the aid of the Holy Spirit of God, the obstacles be dissolved and the Divine Works be manifested.

I accompany you with Love.
Persistence and perseverance for your hearts.

Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste worker of God.  

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here

Monthly Messages

If you aspire to achieve the Grace of having a humble heart, seek through perpetual service the union with God and through a deep silence, the union with His Holy Spirit.

On the second day of this novena, you shall pray so that the entire world may be a reflection of Divine Actions and workers of His Will.

O Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
place within my hands the Light of God,
make my gaze serene and pure.

May my feet walk towards those who are most in need
and may my soul remain in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

May the service provided by each heart
be a crystalline reflection of eternal Union with God.


Through the aspiration of serving, you will find truths that are unknown for the human heart. Discover in the current times the secret of eternal service that finds the need presented at each step that is taken in life.

The Heart of God expands Itself throughout the world by means of your prayers, but you still need much more in order to achieve the true Archetype of this humanity. The consecration to God must happen in life, in the small and simple actions.

Be the missionaries of the new time, those who start serving as soon as they take their feet out of bed, and at the end of the day they continue to serve even while they sleep.

Offer your hearts and souls to God and soon you will understand what I tell you.

Be always merciful.

I bless you always.

Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste worker of God.  

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here


During the Vigil of prayer of the 12th day of July Mary requested us to make a novena of prayer with Saint Joseph for the Manifestation of the Marian Centers, for the Missions and for Asia. She requested me to pray alone because Saint Joseph was going to come to transmit short messages.

On the first day, Saint Joseph appeared and explained to us that each day He was going to send a prayer that together with the others would form a novena and that at the end of the nine days He would explain how it should be prayed. He transmitted the following message:

In order to achieve Purity within your heart, within your spirit, within your mind and within your senses, you shall pray:

O Infinite Purity,
that was born in the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
radiate Your Light to the hearts of the world
and live eternally in our hearts
so that we may reach
sublime humility.


 You shall repeat this prayer for 72 times on the first day, including the hearts of all of humanity, asking for the intervention of Saint Joseph and being intercessors before God.

I bless you today and always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.  

To download the Novena of Saint Joseph, click here


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
