Friday, May 26 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Make silence the instrument to relieve your mind and heart.

Make silence the way for your consciousness to withdraw from the tensions of the world and to dive into the celestial mysteries.

Make silence the door to higher knowledge, the vehicle that will show you how to find the answers that you seek so much within your own heart.

Make silence the vehicle of peace for times of conflict, in which you can observe events and understand more fully how to cut the roots of evil and establish balance.

Make silence the path to awaken humility in your heart, learning to listen, observe and revere your neighbor, and life itself manifested in all things.

In times of so much chaos, child, when the noises of the world increasingly confuse hearts, seek in silence the way to be in balance.

Let there be in your life, in each one of your days, moments of silence, when you just focus on that which is true and that dwells in you, in which you are only willing to listen to God, even if God is also silent within you.

It is in this way, by learning to cultivate silence, that you will find the answers you so desperately need, that you will discover the source of wisdom in your inner universe, that you will be united with God and ready to listen to what His Holy Spirit dictates in your heart.

Silence is the great key that the Creator gives to humanity so that it learns to find peace.

It is in silence that you will perceive the union of times and the arrival of universal life and its realities on Earth.

It is in silence that you will learn to watch and perceive that which is outside the Law in you and around you.

It is in silence that you will be able to recognize the change of cycles.

It is in silence that you will feel the descent of the Immaterial Rays.

It is in silence that you will be beyond the stimuli of the world and you will constantly transmute them so that they do not take you off your path.

It is in silence that you will learn the meaning of surrender.

It is in silence that you will know what you lack to overcome the Love of God in your heart.

Silence then, and discover the simple and profound mysteries of the act of silencing.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, May 19 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With these candles lit, I want you to pray for souls, the ones that most need the Mercy of Christ.

I want you to pray for the lost souls, for those who cannot find purpose in life, who cannot understand the gift of living, those who pass by the world without perceiving that it is sacred. For those who live upon the Earth without understanding that this is a unique opportunity, not only for their consciousnesses, but also for the whole universe, for all of Creation.

I want you to pray for souls, for those who live in ignorance and outrage their own bodies, those who submerge in the abysses of the world, for not perceiving the difference between the Light and darkness.

I want you to pray for the awakening of all the souls who made a commitment to God at the beginning, so that, while there is still time, they may fulfill their mission and resume their path, so that their commitment does not remain lost.

Today I come to the world, children, at the request of the Celestial Father, to ask for prayer for souls, for those who wound the Heart of God through their ignorance, their pride and for being immersed in the capital energies of this world.

But I come to ask you not only to pray for souls, but also that you may be examples of transformation, so that those who see you may find a path. May the Light ignited within each one of you not remain just within you, but that it may be exposed to the world through your actions, your words, your silence.

By simply observing the world, you can notice the needs of the souls. By simply looking within you, you can perceive the potential you have to transform this planetary situation.

Today, children, while you pray for the impossible causes, find the answer within yourselves, for nothing is impossible.

Today I want all of you to ask yourselves:

Why did you come here?

Why do you listen to My Words?

What are you looking for?

Are you thirsty souls seeking a source? Or are you serving souls that will take from the Source to give drink to others?

The whole world is thirsty. Thirsty for truth, for purpose, for Mercy.

Where is your consciousness when this Apparition ends?

It is through these reflections, which seem so obvious for the human mind, that you will achieve the transformation of consciousness. If you do not observe yourselves, if you ignore and hide that which must be transformed, you will never take the steps that the Creator expects from your souls.

Do not be afraid of seeing that which dwells within yourselves. Do not be afraid of answering these questions and of facing human superficiality, because it is apparent. Beyond this superficiality, there is a profound mystery of the heart and consciousness of all beings, a mystery that goes beyond that which you appear to be, your personalities, your physical, mental and emotional limitations. Beyond all this, children, beyond what you see on the mirror, a truth dwells.

Because before such a great treasure, humanity prefers to remain poor.

Do not allow superficiality to be enough for you. Do not let your hearts be filled up by that which the world offers, because you did not come here to be filled up by the world. You came here to transform the world and fill it with the truth that dwells within you, not the other way around.

Human beings came to Earth to serve it, not to be served by it. To serve it through their life, through the gift of love, of charity, of humility, through the gift of knowing how to unite Heaven and Earth, of opening the doors to the Heart of God, so that all creatures may start a dialogue with the Creator. This is why you came to Earth: to go beyond the limits of life that inhabited the universe, because evolution was no longer ascending, it was no longer rising. Creatures had reached their limit, they no longer learned how to love.

Will you stay within this limit, repeating your mistakes in the universe? Or will you welcome the opportunity to transform this Creation and open a new evolutionary door for all life?

When your Lord was on the Earth, He taught you the path, the path to overcome yourselves and, within yourselves, surpass the Love of God.

Has anyone understood this path?

I am not speaking to you about flagellation, humiliation or sacrifice. I am not speaking to you about dying on the cross. I am speaking about loving, about transforming the meaning of suffering when the consciousness is in the right place and can see the events of the world and transform it from within.

That which surpassed the Love of God within Christ were not His wounds, but rather the way He experienced them. It was what happened within His Heart, it was His Gaze of forgiveness in the face of human ignorance, it was His capacity to see the Divine Presence before those who expressed hatred and were only seeking to kill Him and feed on His suffering.

That which surpassed the Love of God in the Heart of Christ was His capacity to give a new opportunity, His capacity to understand that, beyond human darkness, dwelled a mystery which was the silent essence of God within humanity.

From this birth of Divine Mercy emerges the surpassing of God’s Love.

Who of you is willing to experience something similar, to look at your neighbor with compassionate eyes? To be willing to listen, understand, transform through your own example, love even if silently, to pray for those who suffer, rather than for yourself, to adore Christ so as to transform the human condition from within, to contemplate the Eucharist with humility, allowing it to transform you and, through you, transform the human condition? Who is willing to be nothing?

Now look within and ask yourselves, “Why am I here?”

Can you rethink the purpose of your lives at this moment?

What is your goal on each day?

Why do you wake up?

Why do you get up and begin to act?

What moves your actions?

I would have a lot more to say to you today. How many mysteries I could unveil! How much wisdom I could bring to your hearts! But what I am doing today, children, is teaching you to enter the mystery, because I could say a lot to you about life in the universe and about life on Earth, I could speak to you a lot about the mystery that dwells within your hearts, because human ignorance is endless and you do not even know about yourselves.

But if you do not learn how to look within, if you do not learn to find the true purpose of your lives, there will be no point in revealing the universe to you, the intra-terrestrial worlds, the celestial mysteries, because they would remain in human superficiality.

But if you are willing to go beyond, to transform your human condition, to give an example of a new life, to be new beings, to overcome yourselves little by little, day by day, then yes, children, that which is Sacred and descends from the universe and rises from the intra-terrestrial worlds will touch your consciousnesses and lead you even more deeply, so that what you cannot solve by yourselves may be touched by Divine Grace.

All is available for those who do not fear to say ‘yes’. All is available for those who will take the first step. All that is needed is to take the first step.

When you walk toward the truth, the truth also walks toward you.

When you walk toward overcoming, overcoming also walks toward you.

When you seek renewal of love and, with your imperfection, you aspire to live this renewal, it comes toward you, because this is part of a Law, a Divine Law, which immediately responds to the effort of human beings.

When you decide to live that for which you were designed to live, this very same purpose that dwells within you attracts from the universe the rays and energies that will help you to live it. The essence that beats within your hearts will attract, by itself, the manifestation of its expression, as long as you allow it to express itself.

What I am bringing to you today is the understanding of the Higher Life, the one I learned to live, with My Son in Nazareth and with the Holy Spouse that God granted to Me.

There are many mysteries that will remain in the Heart of the Sacred Family, and what I am doing this morning is to prepare your hearts to enter these mysteries.

Praying, children, is the great door to transformation. It is the great opportunity to transform the impossible into the possible. This is why, when I came here, I asked you to pray, but do not pray only for yourselves. Pray for souls, pray for this planet, be capable of having a more encompassing gaze, like the Gaze of Christ, who would contemplate not His suffering, but rather the human ignorance that needed to be transformed.

The prayer of Christ for Himself was only a few words: “Father, let this cup pass from Me, but Your Will be done, not Mine.”

Everything else during the Cross of Christ was a prayer for the planet, for His neighbor, for the universe, for all those who had reached the limit of their evolution and who, to continue existing, evolving and manifesting the gift of life, needed a new opportunity.

This is why I invite you today that your prayer for yourselves also be this, “Father, Your Will be done, not mine.”

Today, in the silence of My Chaste Heart, between one word and another, I observe you and lead your souls to the depths of the Heart of the Sacred Family, so that you may live this experience of simplicity, yet of spiritual depth, so that from this, from this Triune Heart, you may take your steps toward this definitive cycle, which is beginning in humanity.

The Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts does not happen by chance, but rather because we are bringing to you, as well as to all of humanity, the impulses you need to go through the end of the end of times. In this way, when the Real Time of the universe touches the Earth, you will not be in human superficiality, but rather in the depths of the truth that hides within your hearts.

Reflect upon My Words and about that which each Sacred Heart has brought to you. Do not only meditate, but also relive each impulse so that they may be present in your lives and may thus lead you to the fulfillment of the Will Of God.

This is what I have to tell you today.

Place your hands in a gesture of reception and receive from My Chaste Heart a virtue so that you may respond to the Divine Purpose.

Place that Grace in your inner world and send to God a prayer for some situation that seems impossible to you today, impossible to be reversed, to be transformed. May your prayer touch the Heart of God and may the Heart of the Father emit His response.

I bless you and thank you for persevering on the path of transformation, for opening from your hearts to see that which is hidden within yourselves and dive beyond the human condition.

You have My blessing for this.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

At the request of Saint Joseph, we will sing a song that He said is very dear to the Divine Messengers, because it teaches us to intercede for this planet and for all Kingdoms of Nature. We will sing “Rains of Love.”

Friday, May 12 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Contemplate, child, in your heart, your inner world. Observe in silence what goes through your heart, your mind, your subconscious universe.

Let the silence slowly cleanse what is hidden within you, and realize how the human condition is, not only in your being, but in all beings.

Contemplate humanity from the inside out, not judging what your eyes can see, but observing what your inner world can reveal from the unity that exists between your consciousness and all the consciousnesses in the world.

Watch how the enemy works today, silently stimulating the subconscious world of beings, giving them ideas, feelings, emotions, thoughts that do not belong to them.

Many beings today live by observing the lives of others, by feeling their apparent feelings, by thinking their apparent thoughts, by living other people's lives in their imagination, while their souls are slowly being buried and silenced in the dungeon of the internal abysses.

The cry of souls is reflected in beings like the diseases of current times: panic, fear, depression, lack of purpose for life, suicide, immaturity, mental and emotional deconstruction.

The cry of souls is reflected in lost human beings, seeking reference in the thoughts and feelings of other people, seeking freedom in the maximum expression of new and old capital energies, but at the end of it all, in the depths of beings, child, souls still scream, still cry and still clamor to see the Light again.

Likeness to God is not something that can be buried in human beings, not even by the greatest involutionary stimuli in the world. For this reason, in the depths of a superficial humanity, cries out a soul in search of the truth for which it was created.

Behind emotionally and mentally immature, childish human beings, cries out an ancient soul that seeks its Purpose and cannot remain buried by the enemy's stimuli, when it most needs to express itself, at the moment of the transition of times.

The saints of old, child, made the gross infirmities of their time the instruments of their sanctity, because they converted their weaknesses into a holy cross, through the attitude with which they experienced what for others was simply bad luck, suffering or an unpleasant situation.

The saints of today must go deeper than the senses of the body, must go beyond superficial appearances, because the instrument of their sanctity is now beyond the mind, in the subconscious worlds. That is where they must learn to be to find the thoughts that are not theirs, the feelings that are not theirs, to pull out the roots of worldly stimuli and the chains that prevent them from freeing their souls so that they can express that which they came to express in this world: likeness to God.

The great disease of this time is not in the body, but in the mind and its deep subconscious mystery. It is there where your silence must reach to understand what does not come from you or from God, but from the enemy, who seeks to confuse beings and today does so from the inside out.

Therefore, child, also from the inside out, observe yourself and observe the human condition. Do not remain in what is apparent and superficial, but go beyond and fight your battle in silence, in prayer and in the possibility of diving into your inner world and knowing the truth about yourself, knowing and living what it is to be a human being.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, May 5 of 2023

Weekly Messages

From the moment the Creator emanated the expression of His Firstborn Son in the material dimensions, Mercy already began to exist in Creation. The Love of God, who surpassed Himself through Christ, opened a new opportunity for souls and bestowed the Grace of Mercy upon all life.

When Christ was raised onto the Cross and His Side was pierced, also piercing His Sacred Heart, there, children, the Blood and Water of Christ flowed within the entire human race and Divine Mercy was not only poured out from the Heart of Jesus to the ground of the Earth, but also flowed as a potential for redemption in the essence of all beings.

With this I tell you that Mercy dwells in the essence of all creatures on Earth, of all beings who, being created in the image and likeness of God, live with Him the renewal of His Grace, through Divine Mercy.

Mercy inhabits creatures as a potential for sanctity and spiritual plenitude, and its manifestation can have greater power than the forces of the world, the new and old capital energies, whenever you perceive that this potential dwells within you and allow it to grow.

To allow Mercy to expand within your beings, be merciful and compassionate; meditate on the Footsteps of Christ, on His Passion and on His expression of Love; meditate on the Presence of the Creator within you, through the essence that He has bestowed upon you.

Take care of the divine life that dwells in you like someone who takes care of a precious plant, which must be watered, must receive light and attention, care and love, in order to grow healthy.

So, children, you must take care of the potential of Divine Mercy within you, the one that opens the doors to sanctity for you, which is nothing more than allowing the expression of God within you to grow and be realized in your lives.

Service, charity, respect, reverence, transparency, prayer, surrender are all ways of nurturing the divine potential that dwells within you.

Contemplating Christ and aspiring to imitate His example will keep your souls always willing to move forward and to overcome the challenges of these times, being expressions of the Mercy of Christ.

So allow My Words to be a reality in your lives and bear witness to the power of Divine Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
