Pray, child, for the souls that are lost in this world, for those who seek a meaning for their own lives and, even though they are filled with what the world offers them, do not find a true reason to go on living.
Pray for those who are empty of God and distant from themselves, for those who do not even glimpse the presence of their essences and who silence their souls with the constant noise of the world's stimuli.
Pray for those who suffer and do not find relief from this suffering, for those who do not know the way within themselves to go through the layers of chaos and find peace in the Presence of the Creator.
Pray for those who deceive themselves, for those who believe that happiness lies in the achievements that the world gives them and that one day they will find the abyss that exists, still silent, within themselves.
Pray for those who are in the desert and do not find in themselves the courage to move forward, for those who do not perceive the silent Presence of God on their path and, therefore, never stop to try to dialogue with Him.
Pray, children, not just for you, for your miseries and difficulties, for your walls and resistance, for your projects and aspirations.
Pray for the planet, pray for the souls that do not know God, pray for young people, for adults, for the elderly, for those who come to the world and are looking for the opportunity to learn about love.
Pray for humanity, for the essence that dwells in the heart of all creatures, without exception; pray for this light to express itself, for it to expand and reside in all consciousness, opening the way for the Spirit of God to cleanse beings, transmute them, transform and restore the Divine Purpose for their lives.
If you pray for humanity, your heart will be contemplated; the Kingdoms of Nature and the spiritual essence of the planet will be contemplated.
If you pray for humanity, for its divine archetype to be fulfilled, the infinite Creation of God will be contemplated, this universe that is waiting for an unknown degree of love to be expressed so that evolution is transformed and life finds its path of ascension again.
So pray for the Purpose of God for each and every being in this world, for those you know and those you do not know. Do not think about the merits of your prayers, just surrender each life to the Creator and ask, from the heart, that His divine essence, that part of the Heart of God that inhabits beings, grows, expands and expresses itself in all His Creatures.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
How many times and how intensely did your Lord feel the affliction of God in His Heart while He was on Earth?
Many, children.
The Agony of Jesus did not begin in Gethsemane, but in the desert, when His Heart began to contemplate all that He had to endure to rescue from the abysses of the world the souls that suffered there, in obscurity, even if they were alive.
The Agony of Jesus began in the desert, when, for a moment, He contemplated what it was like to live in the emptiness of the human condition; and there the Creator made Him experience and know the abandonment that He would experience on the Cross when, by Himself, with His condition as a human being, He would have to love to the extreme in His last breath.
The agony of hearts begins in the desert, because in the void they feel fragile and susceptible to their human condition, they feel the weight of the world and its false power. But this desert, children, is just the beginning of something much bigger.
The desert is the glimpse of the Cross. It is there that human frailty is revealed and, often, the fear of not being able to overcome it dominates the hearts of mankind. But it is also in the desert where they are strengthened and truly grow in spirit to face greater trials in the silence of their own hearts.
After the desert, the offering of the self will come, represented by the Spiritual Eucharist, in which each being will have the possibility of offering themselves along with Christ and, in service, discover the essence of communion with God and with His Plan.
Then will come the cycle of humiliation, condemnation, abandonment. Then will come the cycle of flagellations and wounds, which will be internal. The cycle of the cross will come. The cycle of true renewal of love will come, and only then will the Lord come into the world again.
You will have to go through all these spiritual cycles in order to renew the Love of God and manifest His Perfect Thought.
Therefore, when you are in the desert, do not fear, but fight. Fight with prayer and silence. Fight with service and with love. Fight with the ever more intense union with the Heart of the Father, even if you do not feel Him, even if He is silent and leaves you with your human condition in the most intense trials.
You will find in the Gospel many keys to imitate the Heart of Christ. In prayer you will find many answers from your own heart, because, although God is silent in the desert, your inner worlds also hold keys and answers that can help you in your trials.
Remember your guardian angels, your souls. Remember the Divine Mother that God gave you, because even if everything is silent and everything is absolutely empty, in your Divine Mother you will always find comfort and peace, relief and compassion.
In each cycle of these final times, know how to live the signs. The transition of times is nothing more than the Passion of the planet. All that the Lord once went through to renew Creation, His companions are called to live today. To know how to do it, read His example and follow Him.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Words and Impulses of God pass through you and find a dwelling place in your heart, find in you fertile soil where they can grow, flourish, express beauty and harmony and bear fruit for souls that are hungry and thirsty for God.
May the Words of God pass through you and remove from within you the resistances and the dark abysses, the indifference and the more accommodated aspects of your consciousness; those who sit in their limitations and who willingly accept where they are so as to not make any effort on the path of transformation.
May the Words of God pass through you and not be romanticized, but meditated on with your consciousness, with your heart, with your spirit. Reflect and pray on the Words that God sends you, because the Word is life, child, life that comes from the creative principles of God called Immaterial Rays.
The Word that comes from God has not only magnetism and love, but the power of transformation, power to renew and recreate His Creation. Therefore, He sends Messengers to the world; therefore, He sends His Son, so that He may speak to humankind, not the words of humankind, but the Words of God.
Therefore, do not listen to the Words of God as being the words of humankind. The Creator uses vehicles for His Message, but the essence of His Word comes from the Source of His Heart, not the human heart.
So listen again to the Words of God, meditate, pray, reflect, live, experience the transforming power of His Word. Let Him reach the root of your human condition and let all the vibration of the Divine Words find space to echo within your heart.
Do not miss a single sound; do not miss any silence. Experience the vibration of each letter, as well as the vibration of each pause. Experience the intention of each concept; receive the divine ray from the One who creates with the Word and recreates with the living dialogue with His Creatures since the beginning of existence.
This is how, child, you must penetrate the mystery of communication with God in these times: without evaluating the concepts with your human mind, without analyzing the channels that He uses to measure the veracity of the Divine Words by the vehicles that He summoned at the end of time, for the vehicles which God uses are imperfect, and their transformation is part of the miracle which, slowly and patiently, the Creator works in the human condition.
Therefore, listen again to the Divine Words, just as I taught you today, and allow the impulses of this Sacred Week, which were unique for humanity and Creation, to pass through your being again, and this time to remain in you, transforming and redeeming every space of what you are, leading your heart to the deepest union with God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While new cycles continue to open, and your Lord remembers His Passion to rescue souls once again from the deepest abysses, you too, child, accompany each moment with the solemnity of the heart, with the sacrifice of life, with a surrender of love.
You too, remember the Footsteps of Christ with the Cross, allowing your consciousness to enter mysteries that you could not understand before.
Allow your being to know greater degrees of love and surrender, greater degrees of service and unity with God so that, like Christ on Calvary, your consciousness learns to be beyond the events of the world and, in the face of ignorance, chaos, of evil, humiliation or violence, be able to respond with a degree of love that goes beyond all these things.
Reflect, then, on what I say to you, meditate on the profound Love of Christ for life and for the Presence of His Father in all beings.
Place your eyes within the Eyes of Christ, your heart within the Heart of Christ and pray, contemplating His experience of the Cross, in which the pain, yes, did exist and was excruciating, in which the tiredness, yes, did exist and was exhausting, in which humiliation existed and was like a spear that slowly cut His Chest, in which abandonment existed and was like the greatest of sufferings.
And, beyond all this, far beyond were Love and Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, the understanding of human fragility and the knowledge of its greatness. All this was lived and experienced by Christ in every step with the Cross.
Feel the Love of His Mother on the path, the fortitude that was born in the Heart of the only living being capable of understanding that which Jesus experienced and who, even today, children, is capable of deeply understanding the heart of every creature. That is why She still accompanies every step of the Children of God, who are also Her children.
In the Calvary of these times, deepen your surrender and love and also your love for Mary. Come to know more deeply the silence of the Mother of God, who, in Her humility, seeks nothing more than to support the learning of Her children, to lift them up in every fall, to renew them in every trial.
May your heart expand today with the Heart of Christ, so that this cycle, which is being opened with the cross of the world, reveals to you one more step, a little more of the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more