Friday, April 14 of 2023

Weekly Messages

May the Words and Impulses of God pass through you and find a dwelling place in your heart, find in you fertile soil where they can grow, flourish, express beauty and harmony and bear fruit for souls that are hungry and thirsty for God.

May the Words of God pass through you and remove from within you the resistances and the dark abysses, the indifference and the more accommodated aspects of your consciousness; those who sit in their limitations and who willingly accept where they are so as to not make any effort on the path of transformation.

May the Words of God pass through you and not be romanticized, but meditated on with your consciousness, with your heart, with your spirit. Reflect and pray on the Words that God sends you, because the Word is life, child, life that comes from the creative principles of God called Immaterial Rays.

The Word that comes from God has not only magnetism and love, but the power of transformation, power to renew and recreate His Creation. Therefore, He sends Messengers to the world; therefore, He sends His Son, so that He may speak to humankind, not the words of humankind, but the Words of God.

Therefore, do not listen to the Words of God as being the words of humankind. The Creator uses vehicles for His Message, but the essence of His Word comes from the Source of His Heart, not the human heart.

So listen again to the Words of God, meditate, pray, reflect, live, experience the transforming power of His Word. Let Him reach the root of your human condition and let all the vibration of the Divine Words find space to echo within your heart.

Do not miss a single sound; do not miss any silence. Experience the vibration of each letter, as well as the vibration of each pause. Experience the intention of each concept; receive the divine ray from the One who creates with the Word and recreates with the living dialogue with His Creatures since the beginning of existence.

This is how, child, you must penetrate the mystery of communication with God in these times: without evaluating the concepts with your human mind, without analyzing the channels that He uses to measure the veracity of the Divine Words by the vehicles that He summoned at the end of time, for the vehicles which God uses are imperfect, and their transformation is part of the miracle which, slowly and patiently, the Creator works in the human condition.

Therefore, listen again to the Divine Words, just as I taught you today, and allow the impulses of this Sacred Week, which were unique for humanity and Creation, to pass through your being again, and this time to remain in you, transforming and redeeming every space of what you are, leading your heart to the deepest union with God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph