Raise your eyes and look at God. Allow your heart to meet the Heart of the Father.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Lose the fear of standing before Him with transparency and humility. Let your shame for the sins that are still part of you be healed by the infinite Love of God for His children, a love that heals your sins and restores your faith.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Do not be afraid to know His Will for you.
Raise your eyes and look at God. It does not matter how small you are you before a Great Creator, because in your smallness dwells His Greatness.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Reclaim the courage to stand face to face with the One Who has created you. Allow yourself to be overcome by His infinite Love.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Leave aside all that dwells in you and does not want to be worthy to be called Child of God, because the things of the world still please you.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Tell the Father: Lord, here I am. Do Your Holy Will in me.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Rest in His Heart your weariness and the pain of still being in this world, even though you do not belong to it.
Raise your eyes and look at God. Feel His Mercy and let yourself be healed and uplifted by It. Allow the Creator to open a new path before you and follow it.
Lift up your eyes and look at God. Be brave to tell Him, finally: Lord, fulfill what you want of me. I tell You yes!
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Lord, may Your children find in this time the way to overcome themselves; may they see the abyss of their miseries and, nevertheless, contemplate on the horizon the hope of Your triumph in their hearts.
Wise Father and Creator, show Your creatures that this is the last time of redemption; time when the wounds from all centuries shall emerge in order to be healed; time when all debts shall come to light in order to be balanced.
Show Thyself, God of the Infinity and of Mercy, as the Lord Who pays the debts of His children, of those who cannot find within themselves the way to balance them. Be the Kind Father Who contemplates the efforts of His children and helps them to walk, fearlessly, towards the final goal.
Creator and My Lord, may Your Mercy make Your children understand that beyond the abyss lies the horizon of hope. May Your Mercy be revealed to those who offer and surrender themselves before You, for they do not find in their own strength the impulse to cross such a wide abyss.
With Your Divine Essence, God of Love, strengthen the hearts of Your children and make them understand that Grace exists, that Mercy is an inexhaustible Source and that their hearts are a mystery, made only of hidden miseries that never end being revealed; but in reality, they hold, behind all misery, the Truth, the potential of love and unity with You.
Reveal Yourself, Beloved Father, within Your children, for the moment has come to make Your Plan for Creation triumph. Reveal Yourself as the Omnipotent God and allow Your creatures to come to know Your unfathomable love.
Lord and Creator of all things, as Your servant and intercessor of souls, I beseech You: help Your children to find the Truth, for the time to return has come.
For the sake of the merits achieved in the redemption of this Spirit that serves You, I eternally pray for You.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, when your mind thinks of giving up, remember the universe. Contemplate every star your eyes can see on an open night sky, and know that in each one of them there are sister-souls waiting for your evolution, waiting for your renunciation to become a triumph and for your sacrifice to become a victory.
When you think that your renunciation is too great and you feel incapable of living the surrender that God asks of you, child, remember the Calvary and how He gave Himself for you, the One who was the owner of all things because He was One with the Creator of all things. Contemplate your King divested of everything, divested even of His Celestial Power, embracing the sins of the world, so that today you would have an example to imitate.
When your path seems long and endless, remember those who already walk the calvary of these times, those who have, upon themselves, the weight of their own sins and also of human injustice. Contemplate the orphans, the abandoned and mistreated Kingdoms, the wars that mutilate bodies and also souls and hearts.
Child, you have everything; you have all the riches of the world, because you have God in your heart and in your consciousness. Even if you lack food and your body perishes, your soul will not perish.
Trust that every renunciation holds a great treasure. Every human failure holds a divine victory. Every humiliation holds a step towards humility. Every fall brings a future fortitude. A heart that rises from the ground after falling, will be a hand that will extend to others in their fall.
Trust that God has a plan for you and that every purification precedes the emergence of inner purity. The unveiling of illusions about yourself precedes the knowledge of the Truth. The emptying of self precedes the encounter with the Whole.
Rejoice and give thanks during tribulation. Think of those who do not suffer inwardly because they do not perceive the illusion in which they find themselves and no longer feel the clamor of their souls because they have silenced them.
Live each trial in the certainty of the triumph of God.
Just beg every day:
Be sincere of heart.
I will be with you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
It is not by chance that I am here today, that I unite time and space, that I unite the Kingdoms of God, in Heaven as on Earth, to express the unity that exists in His Plan.
Today My Heart only thanks God for being able to be among His children, for being able to witness the Divine Mercy in His Creation.
Today My Heart only thanks God because, although many think and feel that they do not take any step, this Work, children, is growing, and the Words of the Creator through His Messengers is reaching ever more souls, more spirits, more essences.
Today My Heart only thanks the Father because I know that His Plan will be fulfilled.
I know that His Will shall triumph in those that listen to Him and also, one day, in those that did not listen to Him.
I know that the Divine Essence will grow through the union of your essences with God.
Today My Heart only thanks the Father, because since the beginning of this Project I surrendered My Life, My Consciousness, so that this Plan could be fulfilled.
Even though I do not fully know it, have never known it, just as it is for you, once it was also a great mysteryfor Me. It also meant a great abyss for Me in which I had to throw Myself and lose Myself, so that I could find what, in truth, I Am.
Today My Heart only thanks the Father because I see that this same abyss is to be found before humanity. And it is not an abyss of perdition or an abyss of illusions, it is just a symbol of something that is unknown to you and into which you must throw yourselves, to die as a human condition and to be reborn in the true archetype that God once thought of for humanity.
After these four years of instruction, and of many other years of inner instruction, I only want, children, for you find the truth within yourselves, and that you follow it.
That you lose the fear of expressing yourselves as you are, that you lose the fear of being true.
That you make known to the world that which only your inner world knows.
You already know that in the depths of your hearts something pure and simple dwells. Something that is similar to God in its humility, in its giving of self, because it came from the Divine Consciousness and today dwells within It.
Many have only seen this part of their consciousness for a very short time, but everyone knows that it exists.
Prayer has opened the door of the heart and of the consciousness to you, and has shown you this space of yourselves that, in truth, is what you are.
After these four years, children, I have been uncovering each space of illusion of your minds, of your human and spiritual egos, so that you could reach this space, recognize it, and love it, loving yourselves through the likenessto God that exists within you.
In order to transform, it is necessary to recognize your own imperfections, it is necessary to face the challenge of humbling oneself.
However, I ask you to not get stuck there, because your goal should not only be in this recognition. To recognize the imperfections is the beginning; to reach the essence is the true end.
Recognize the imperfections as you recognize the human skills and know that in the same way that you are not the skills, you are also not the imperfections.
Behind all of this is what you are in truth, that which is pure and that holds within it a Gift of God. This is what you must reach, and for this you must lose the fear.
To lose the fear of not having skills; to lose the fear of being imperfect. To lose the fear of seeming weak in the eyes of humankind, of seeming something good or bad.
Look within yourselves and find that which is, that which has no skills, that which has no adjectives. That in which nothing and everything are to be found, because there is nothing there of what you expect to be, and at the same time, it is the essence that unites you with the Creator of all things. Where all things dwell, and He dwells in everything.
May My words not be a mystery to you, as is a great part of the instruction you have received.
I want My words to be palpable, to be alive for you, that you are able to feel them, that you are able to touch them. That you are able to feel how this Word that comes from God enters into your essences, permeates your beings, breaking the layers that separate you from the comprehension of Truth.
Today My gratitude to the Father is infinite, and I wanted to transmit this gratitude to you, so that you may also learn to be grateful, in spite of any difficulty or apparent challenge and trial. I say apparent, because what for humankind is a great test, for God is a great opportunity. What for humankind is a great abyss, for the Creator is to finally be facing the Truth.
Allow yourselves, children, to transform, to change the meaning of your lives, to change the concepts of your minds, to not have concepts.
Enter into the spirit of gratitude that I bring you today, and together with Me, thank God for all you have received.
Thank God for all you will receive each day, even if it is painful to you, even if it brings you difficulties.
Thank God for the challenges that make you grow.
Thank God for the humiliations that make you die to the human condition, and find the truth of your hearts and your spirits.
Be thankful for the tests that you do not understand, and the truths that you can understand.
Be thankful for life and for these times, because they are great times for all of Creation.
In this spirit of gratitude and of humility before God, ask Him for His Grace. Offer yourselves for giving all that you are, to try to live His Plan in all the ways that are possible for you, because when you will be facing your impossibilities, when you will have done everything, is when the impossible will become possible, because the Grace of God will descend upon you.
Cry out to the Father for that Truth. Cry out so that you may be the expression of that living essence within you.
Cry out so that you may accomplish the mission that you have come to fulfill in the world, that you may help other souls that are in so much need.
That you may be worthy of being called ambassadors of peace, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. Because this is what you must become.
When the Voice of the Divine Messengers no longer can echo in the world, it will be your voices that will make It echo. It will be your example what will multiply the Graces that one day We left for humanity.
I see that Plan fulfilled. I see that Grace alive within you. Therefore, I thank God and I also thank you.
For this reason, I ask you to be patient, but also to be persistent. May you be tireless, and may you be persevering.
For this reason, I ask you to give all of yourselves, but not trust only in yourselves.
Give all of yourselves so that the Grace of God may permeate you, and you may be worthy of experiencing His Victory and of being His living triumph, just as His Son was.
Today I lift up My hands to the Heights, and I thank the Father for being among His children, for being among His companions, for being able to help His Plan to be fulfilled.
One day, children, you will be in My place, with hands raised to the Heights, thanking God for the salvation of other souls that, in this world and in many others, will have you as an example, of your transformation, of your steps to find God and to return to the Source.
Keep My words in your hearts, keep that hope in your spirits, and that certainty in your consciousnesses. Avail yourselves of them when you lack faith, because all will one day cross the desert of the lack of faith. But this does not mean that hope fades away.
Remember what I told you, when everything seems to be impossible do not stop trying and persisting, because Grace will come, even if it is invisible to you.
The triumph of God does not manifest in human conquests, but rather in the life of the spirit.
Many times you will think you are failing, and you will be triumphing, just as the Son triumphed, with His scourged Body, without a drop of blood, on a Cross.
He gave all, and Grace descended upon Him. God Himself became One with Him, and caused Him to revive.
Remember this example, and always revive when you seem to die in life.
With these words I thank you as I thank the Father, and I hope to receive from God the possibility of being together with you four more years, so that one day you may see what I see today; so that you may see My words being fulfilled, and that you may testify that they are true.
Today, by the power that God has granted Me, I again offer you the Body and the Blood of Christ, in which are kept all those words that I have transmitted to you, all those Divine Principles that I bring you in the name of God.
Commune of this Hope of the Creator, that the surrender of His Son may become Life in each one of you.
May this piece of bread and this wine multiply, grow, and expand in your cells, in your consciousnesses, in your essences.
As a symbol of the Grace of God that comes to meet you, I consecrate these elements, and I place in them My eternal gratitude for serving humanity, for serving God in His children.
Eat of this Body and drink of this Blood, so that your body and your blood may be a testimony as faithful to Divine Mercy as this Body and this Blood present today on the Altar.
Commune, children, of the certainty that these Codes of Redemption permeate you and are multiplied for all of humanity, for all the Kingdoms, and for the whole planet.
Be intercessors of life, be a bridge to the Heart of God.
Live the offering for those who are blind, for those who are deaf, for those who are incapable of taking action, of walking.
Renew the Lamb of this Easter, each one of you being a new living lamb, so that the Cross may no longer weigh only on a single man, on a single Son of God.
Be His living Word, the fulfilling of His Promise, and so that a race of those that can be called Children of the Most High may emerge from each one of you.
He was the First-born to give the example, and now the time has come to renew His steps.
Each one will know what they can offer to the Father in the name of His Son.
I leave upon you My blessing and My eternal gratitude, so that you may fulfill the Will of God for your lives, and thus open the doors to the fulfilling of that Will in all of humanity, on all of this planet.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And I thank you.
Commune and witness this Communion every day.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, renounce all personal will and you shall find the Higher Will.
Renounce all the fear of losing yourself, and lose yourself in the vast Universe of God.
Find, in the Grace of being nothing, the All that the Divine Consciousness is.
Find, in the Grace of being simple, the greatness of the Celestial Universe.
Everything that is great for your heart, in truth cannot be compared with the greatness of God.
Everything that for you is little, for the Creator it provides all things, for it is in the empty heart that His Stronghold is built; it is within the pure that His Dwelling Place is made.
Try every day, child, to renew the concepts of your life. Lose the fear of humiliation and humility, in the certainty that it is by being simple and being nothing that you will become an instrument of God.
Lose the fear of being small, unknown, because it is in being small that you will find the Celestial Universe deep within you. It is in the least of cells that Creation is re-created, and you will find the vast cosmos in the depths of your being.
Dissolve human concepts from of your consciousness, those which aggrandize what, in reality, is poor and does not recognize the value of being nothing. Child, let the Creator show you in this time, that it is in the void and through the void that you will follow in His Footsteps.
Do not fear going through the doorway of humiliation. Do not be afraid of an apparent failure in human eyes. Unite with the Cross of the One Who was a failure to humankind and victorious to God. Deliver the wounds of your heart to the wounds of the One Who was wounded by the sins of humankind and Who assumed, in each Wound of His Body, the pain of the Father, caused by His children.
See how small you are, how in reality you are nothing and take on that nothing that you are, so that the All of God may fill you.
Renew yourself in the Cross, renew yourself in humility, renew yourself, finding the meaning of your life in imitating the Steps of Christ, steps of sacrifice, humiliation, service, steps of renunciation, of love and unity.
I will accompany and guide you day after day, until you become an instrument of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even if your eyes do not see it, there is a Universe that observes you.
Even if your mind does not know it, there is a perfect Plan that waits for you.
Even, child, if your more human side does not want it, there is a portion of Creation that also depends on your surrender.
Even if you are tired, there is a part of this Work that is built with your hands.
Even if it seems you have walked much, you have not reached the definitive path because your surrender must be absolute.
Even if Light dazzles your eyes, do not cease to contemplate it.
Even if the New Time places your being before unknown currents, bear it. Let your consciousness recognize a new universal and cosmic cycle, a new cycle for all Creation.
Even if you think, feel and live as a mind, a heart and a human body, let your humanity be transcended by what it truly is. Renounce to the illusion of the world to love the Truth. Renounce to the illusion of your own being to find what you are.
This is the cycle of transparency and of truth. Do not try to hide your miseries and neither let the worldly life hide your spiritual aspirations, the most profound feeling of your soul of finding and being the Truth.
Even if you do not know what the Truth is, recognize the illusion and move away from it. Even if the Real is unknown to you, walk towards its direction, renouncing to all lies and vain existence.
Child, let your heart emit a “yes” to the Universe and bear all that which, within and outside of you, wanted you to have said “no”.
Trust in the Power of the One Who called you, because He created you for love and not for falseness; He created you for perfection and not for tepidity; He created you for unity and not for selfishness.
Contemplate the starry sky and recognize the greatness of Life. Even if your eyes only see stars and do not know about the life that inhabits them, let yourself be flooded by the Love of the One Who many times left aside all the stars you see in the sky to shelter your small consciousness.
Recognize your smallness and then, child, give thanks for the greatness of the Love of God that – among so many stars in the sky and such vast celestial Creation – have found you and called you by name.
Even if it is with the ears of the heart, listen and respond to His Call.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, there are situations, internal as well as planetary, that depend on the Law of Mercy, because they are out of human control and capacity to transform themselves and the planet, for they are so degenerated and distant from the Divine Purpose. In such situations, Mercy descends when the being surrenders and, having done everything that was within their reach, did not move from their place. Mercy is the Hand of God which elevates you, that lifts you up from the abysses and places you where you do not deserve to be.
However, there is part of the transformation, both of the planet as well as of the beings, that depends on the will and perseverance of each one, because in this case it will neither be justice nor mercy that will correct them.
When the consciousness is able to take the steps with its own legs and does not do so because it lacks will and bravery, Mercy has no permission to descend upon it.
I tell you this because this is a definitive time for many, and you are before the possibility of crossing the threshold between the old life and what you really should be, but you lack bravery and perseverance, constancy and will.
Know how to invoke the right principle at the right time and do not cry out for the Mercy of God when, in truth, what you need is within you. Invoke the Divine Will, which is in the interior of all beings, because it is only with this energy that you can bear living in this world with so much chaos and density. Invoke the Divine Will for it to emerge from your beings and be strengthened with spiritual bravery to take your steps.
Cry out for Mercy for those who truly need it, because if you hear these Words today it is because Mercy has already acted in your lives.
Your Father and Friend,
The most chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more