Tuesday, August 19 of 2014

Monthly Messages

Saint Joseph appeared with a censer in His right hand and with a staff in His left hand, making a prayer and asking us to start writing down. While He prayed, by His right and His left sides would pass souls that were being rescued from Africa and from the Middle East. Then, He transmitted the following devotional:

Devotional of Saint Joseph, so that all of the souls of the world will receive Forgiveness
To be prayed, above all, for Asia and Africa

First decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
for Reconciliation with God.

Second decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
to achieve Peace and Redemption.

Third decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of 
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
for the absolution of their sins and the
dissolution of all suffering.

Fourth decade
By the Merciful Power of the Celestial Father
and under the intercession of  
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
to be healed from all evil
and so that all sorrow may be erased.

Fifth decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness 
and the assistance that
they need to return to the Kingdom of God.

Union bead
Lord, may Your infinite Mercy be poured upon
the souls of the world 
and may they be forgiven
by the strength of Your Divine Love.
Under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You.

This is a prayer that I transmit to the world, so that all beings are able to receive the Grace of being intermediaries between God and humanity, and so that, through the devotion of the hearts ,all souls of this world may receive the opportunity of being forgiven and rescued by the merciful Spirit of the Father.

My dears, I want to teach you to be missionaries by means of prayer also, which crosses the spaces and reaches all the continents of this world; whose power heals and redeems all of the Kingdoms of Nature, without distinction.

I want you to learn to be missionaries also in your hearts, and to cross the boundaries that separate you as humanity, because for the Heart of the Father, your hearts are represented by a single human heart that must begin to pulsate to the rhythm of the Divine Creation of the Most Sacred Heart of God.

Missionaries are those who fulfill their mission before God and who assist Him so that other souls may awake to their own mission.

Missionaries are those who dissolve the barriers, the limits, and through the love that is born in their hearts, are bearers of God for all the creatures.

If you aspire to serve and to live a life of absolute service and charity, begin by discovering that the greatest of services is found in the transformation of yourselves into an instrument of God. The greatest service is found in awakening first your own spirit for the Divine Love, and in this way you will be able to bring the Heart of the Father in all acts of life. Your lives will be turned into a permanent act of charity and of service.

My dears, begin by the most simple things in life; with the small deeds, with transparency, with humility; in this way you will be constructing within your hearts a fortress to be used by the Creator in order to dwell among humankind.

Each one of the attributes that I have given to you along this period in which I have been with you is a brick of this construction that, at the request of the Celestial Father, I am accomplishing in all those who open themselves from their heart.

Each one of the keys that I have handed to you opens the same door. If you engage yourselves in living one of these attributes, you will advance towards experiencing all. For this reason I have given you so many ways of travelling this pathway, so that each one, according to their own possibilities, be able to open the door that will make them meet with God and fulfill His Divine Plan of Love.

Do not waste the words of Those who, in humility, come to your assistance, but rather, with care, seek that they will become life in your beings.

I leave to you today My Love and My Peace, and I ask you to accompany Me in prayer for all those who are in the world being instruments of darkness. That the souls may be forgiven for everything, and that they may again find the path from which they got lost, so that they may return to the Heart of God, to living the Divine Laws.

I wait for you in prayer and in service, in humility and in fraternal and Christic charity.

Saint Joseph, Most Chaste and eternal Server of God

Tuesday, August 19 of 2014


Today I will bless this Communion with Christ, consecrating it so that it may become a path for all souls that aspire to achieve transformation. May these molecules of Christ enter your beings and transform your lives forever, for, in each of those little pieces of bread, there is a mystery of infinite Love, there is a part of the Heart of God, which was given by His Son through His Holy Cross.

As Teacher and Father of each soul of this world, and by the power granted Me by God to come to the Earth and bless beings, today I consecrate this Communion, so that it may serve as a source of redemption and freedom for your souls.

I thank you always for persisting in responding to the call of the Divine Messengers. May the celestial impulses enter into your consciousnesses and come alive in your beings.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

At the request of Saint Joseph, we will once again listen to the song 'Father of the Missionaries' so that He may pour out His blessing over this world.

Song: Father of the Missionaries

Today the Apparition of Saint Joseph was a little different than it usually is; something happened that was similar to what we perceive in the Apparitions of Mary. While we prayed, already at the end of the prayer of the Devotional, we saw a part of the planet, a part of Africa, and we saw that a portal from Heaven was opening. Suddenly, Saint Joseph began to descend through that portal; He came with a thurible in one hand and a crosier in the other.

Saint Joseph came alone, I mean without sheep, because He wasn't shepherding, but rather He was coming with many angels. He positioned Himself over that place in Africa, and while the incense from the thurible He brought was spreading, He began a prayer. While He prayed, the souls of that place began to rise up to His right and to His left and entered the portal through which He had come.

Afterwards, He positioned Himself over a part of the Middle East. We saw a place at war, a city in ruins, wounded people, and Saint Joseph was doing the same thing: He prayed and was rescuing souls through His prayer.

At one point, the angels asked us to kneel, to follow along with this prayer that Saint Joseph was doing. And when the portals gradually opened to here, Saint Joseph continued with the same prayer.

Today we perceived His Omnipresence because while He was here, at the same time, it was as if He continued in those places of the world, and for a time, we continued to see that souls were still being rescued and went by Him on His right and on His left to Heaven.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the prayer that Saint Joseph was speaking: the Devotional of Saint Joseph so that all souls of the world may receive Forgiveness and she reads the Monthly Message of August 19, 2014.)

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
