Questions for Saint Joseph

"My Heart arrives to the world at request of God the All Powerful so that through My presence your souls may be instructed in the spiritual virtues that lead you to the path of eternal consecration."  Saint Joseph

In an extra message on the 9th of May of 2014, Saint Joseph, the Chaste Heart, announced a special Grace: He would respond to questions sent by His children in letters.

He also indicated that His answers should be available for everyone, because according to Him, we need to understand the unity of the human heart and that the issues of some are really the issues of all.

In this space are published all the answers transmitted by our Instructor to His devotees during a period of one year.

To deepen the studies of the “Letters to Saint Joseph” is to expand our consciousness, deepen our reading on life, and discover new horizons. We invite you, dear reader, to unveil an essential secret in each of His answers, and to recognize the Science of God that is expressed by means of His Word.

Good work, all!

"I have received from Heaven the permission to be closer to humanity
and answer all the questions that My dear children, companions and brothers and sisters have at this moment."

Saint Joseph,  9th of May of 2014



Beloved Saint Joseph,
Gratitude for this opportunity of receiving Your guidance from so close!
I have much to transform in my being and this task of coordination I undertook has brought me valuable learning, but also many tests and difficulties and thus I take the opportunity to ask for Your support.
The situations have shown that I must develop the archetype of a mother, is this really so?  I have never felt in my heart that I would have children... And I am having difficulties to undertake this role.  How can I open my heart to this?  What is expected from my being?
Which talent has God deposited in me and how to express it in this task?
In trust.

Saint Joseph answers:

This is a time in which many beings must awaken the archetype of motherhood, but not in the act of being a mother, but in the living of the love that a mother has towards her child, the care, the patience and the understanding.  Bring to your heart the impulses that the Divine Mother sends you and try to look at your brothers and sisters with compassion, with patience, cultivating in the heart the certainty that these are the ones summoned by God and with them His Plan shall be fulfilled.  A mother must contemplate the truthful in the interior of her child and not the ephemeral, the illusory.   A Mother knows the inner effort that her child lives and when she corrects them, she does it for love, she does it to help them to take the steps towards their growth. 
May you all know how to be children and how to be mothers, may you know how to let yourselves be loved, instructed and brought up by one another.  This is a moment to awaken and to let be born in your hearts the love for the Plan that God has for this world and may all be guardians of this Plan, knowing that each one has a primordial part in it and that it is fulfilled by means of unity and of love among all.  If you simply aspire to live this purpose, I tell you that you are already with your feet on this path.  Daughter of Mine, your trust must become absolute faith.


Beloved Saint Joseph,
I ask you for an advice: What could help me to transcend the inertia still existing in the bodies and become more open to transformation? Must I cultivate any special attitude?
Thank you very much for Your Love.

Saint Joseph answers:

Trust in what the heart says to you and do not be afraid of following the pathways to which it conducts you, even if it seems to be craziness.  Many times God speaks to you through the heart and impels you to live something unknown, may you know how to recognize the divine impulses and follow them.  Know, dears, that many are transforming themselves without noticing. 
Just trust in the divine words of the Messengers of God and in the divine words that resound in your own hearts.  Do not rush, but never stop.


How must we deal with the great need for silence in the Communities, together with the need for joy, the sheltering of the different kinds of people that arrive and the brotherhood among the own members of the Community?
In face of the work of rescue in the Communities and of the Marian work may one still consider to be important and primary, the education of the bodies, guideline and work postures, attitudes and basic education orientation?

Saint Joseph answers:

Why do you separate silence from joy and from brotherhood?  Those are attributes that were misunderstood by many.  Silence is not mutism, neither repression.  Joy is not euphoria and agitation and brotherhood is not friendship.  There will come a moment when you will comprehend silence as the manifestation of and the impulse of the spirit which calls you to deepen into the discovery of one´s inner world and, in this way, of all of the celestial mysteries which unveil themselves in silence.  You will discover that joy is an attribute of the soul that is manifested in many ways, including through silence. You must know how to measure and to discern the way to manifest joy in each moment that presents itself.  Joy must always be present, sometimes calm and silent, attracting peace to the heart.  Sometimes it exteriorizes itself, awakening devotion, through chanting, through prayer.  Sometimes it arouses leading to the communion with the heart of the kingdoms, of the elements, of the beings that are dear brothers and sisters.  It is only necessary to know how to comprehend the moment of each thing and to love the existence of the different moments that give you the possibility to live various internal expressions, of your own inner world.   And concerning the postures of the bodies and education, the do must always be lived, but as an expression of inner maturity and as an expression of the inner states of the being.


"May My words reach the hearts and the essences and, as simple as they may be,
may they bring clarity and the awakening for your lives."

Saint Joseph,  13th of June of 2014 



On Saturday, April 26, after doing a work in the Hill of the Apparitions, we, 3 people, drove away and when the car illuminated the highest part of the hill, on the way up, I saw the image of Saint Joseph, so I said to the people that were in the car to look at the image and they could also see it.  The image was big, the same size of the Virgin.
After some days, I went back to pray at the hill with a group that I had been together with that day.  I invited them to say a prayer at the image of Saint Joseph that we saw on Saturday, on the way up to the highest part of the Hill.  We got there and we did not find the image and we looked for it with the group, but it was not here.  Then we went to the House of the Immaculate Peace to do a prayer to Saint Joseph.
On the following day I met with a friar who is responsible for the Marian Center and asked him why they had taken away the image of Saint Joseph and he said that the image had not been put there, it was not ready yet, that it is going to be a fountain.
Did we really see the image of Saint Joseph?
The image of the Sacred Heart, which will be placed there, is smaller than the one we saw.  What did it mean?

Saint Joseph answers:

Yes, you saw Me.  My Presence is preparing the way through which will flow healing and mercy for all of the souls by means of the fountain.


When the soul feels or perceives, may there be crying for the pain of the kingdoms, of humanity, and of the planet?

Saint Joseph answers:

Yes, your soul feels the sorrow of the kingdoms, of humanity and of the planet because your heart is united to The One* Who embraces all of this and Who suffers for everything that happens in the world.

* Saint Joseph refers to the Virgin Mary.


Most beloved and venerable Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, blessed be Your beloved Presence among our souls and our spirits.  I thank for this grace of Heaven to deign You to personally answer our doubts and problems.  Glory to God from us for all these blessings and our eternal YES to the three beloved Hearts.
Father of Love, You know how much difficulty I have with my fears, my insecurities, my apprehensions of being judged for not doing the things well.  I always blame myself.  Over the last few days, since Our Lord has been with us, I have been feeling the need of being more in retreat in prayer and in contemplation with the reading of the messages of Yours and of the Divine Mother and I feel that in my heart there is a divine light to which I want to surrender myself, adoring it and contemplating it and I do not want to lose in any way this energy that Christ has left to us.
Beloved Saint Joseph: I know that you know me more than what I say to you and I see the example of your paths, of the one of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, all that You went through and lived, I start crying because I do not have that strength.  I would like to open my heart in order to be able to hear without fear everything that you, my Lord Jesus and our Divine Mother have to say to me.  I look forward with all my heart to living these standards of conduct that You, as Sacred Family, incarnated on Earth.  Most Chaste Heart, I want that my soul and my spirit burn in devotion for my Lord Jesus, I want to live only to adore Him and to praise Him in my heart and to be conscious of that eternal light that lives within me.
I ask you to help me to have more patience with myself and with my physical limitations.
Help me in order for my consciousness to be as much as possible equal to the events, in order to value and to deliver to the Heaven in service, reverence and love for everything that You have given us.  Help me much, beloved Saint Joseph, in everything, to cultivate humility and purity.
I love You with all my heart, as I love Christ, Mary and the eternal light.

Saint Joseph answers:

I want you to live charity and in the same way that you were able to find, through your devotion, the light of Christ in your interior, may you find it and contemplate it on those who are most in need.


Beloved and Venerated Saint Joseph,
Deep gratitude for interceding for all the residents of the Communities of Light!
Despite knowing that You know and see everything, I am going to make a brief report of my latest years of life: I have known the work since I was very young and I have always been into the instruction that it delivers.  I got married, formed a family and distanced myself a little bit from the spiritual life, getting intensively involved with the material world until I fell in a profound depression and I ended up in Figueira.  I was treated here for many years and I healed myself.
In the year of 2008 I was still very involved with the common life and I was going through a serious existential crisis and I was graced by a powerful inner impulse, which gave me strength and courage in order to take the step that I had never imagined that would be possible.  I was instructed internally, step by step about what I had to do.  I left everything in the city I was living and came to live in Carmo da Cachoeira.  At that time I left a daughter of 21 years old and her daughter of 5 years old, a son of 20 and another one of 17, they remained living with their father.  It was very painful for me because I was very attached to them, but in spite of the pain, I knew that there was not another way out for me, if I continued in the life I had I would soon disincarnate.  I   was losing weight quickly and with a lot of health issues, I felt that my soul had decided to go away. My children noticed that as well and supported my decision.  They also knew how important it was for me, the life of the spirit.  In less than a year I was living in Figueira and nowadays I am a consecrated resident.
I consult you, dear Higher Brother, because I know that You have a special look for the families and because I feel a profound pain in relation to my children.  They live the common life, only the oldest got married and many times I feel I am in debt with them.  I would like to free myself from this feeling, accept the life that they decided to live, but without guilt.
How can I transform myself consciously without neglecting? How can I relieve my heart? What can I do for them besides praying? What is my real task?
I thank you and wait for you reply.
Love, peace and light for the whole planet.

Saint Joseph answers:

It is within the Law of Love that you accept the path chosen by the beings and demonstrate to them that you Love them, regardless of the decisions they took and the paths they followed.  Your own love for yourself will show them that there is a harbor in which to take refuge when in this world one no longer finds a way out.  Look for your children and make them feel your love.  Show them you are interested in what they live and always follow them with your heart.  This is what they need.


Taking this unique opportunity of being instructed by Saint Joseph in a direct way, I would like to ask You for guidance about the aspects that I need to work at this moment, so that they may help me to take a step of transforming myself.
I do not have a specific question because I believe that He knows better my difficulties. With immense and eternal gratitude.


Saint Joseph answers:

What I have to say to you is for you to face the fear and to respond to this that your heart so much asks you.  If you persevere, the transformation will come by itself.


Much beloved and most chaste instructor of souls, Saint Joseph, It is a great gratitude and joy to be able to write to You so that I may be able to take a step in the path of transformation.
Some times I clearly feel a great potential within me, flowing in an intuitive way.  How can I, in a balanced way and with much humility, activate this potential and keep it in a more constant rhythm?
How can I achieve the emptying of myself and have the whole time the imitation of Christ as a great example?
How can I bring to my consciousness the divine understanding of all of this?
In profound gratitude and in eternal union.

Saint Joseph answers:

When you respond immediately to what your heart says.
When you open yourself to live the love and the Christic charity.
Only love, this is the path of Christ, love without comprehending.


1- What is my task in the rescue plan?
2- How can I enter into the Heart of Christ?
3- How can I know if I am within the Heart of Christ?
4- How can I be eternally within the Heart of Christ?
5- How can I be a Christ?

Saint Joseph answers:

1 – This you will have to discover as you respond with sincerity to all that God sends to your life.
2 – Loving Him.
3 – When you are, you will not have doubts.
4– Being persevering and surpassing yourself every day.
5 – Loving your neighbor as yourself and God above all things.


Father Saint Joseph, mediator before the Merciful Christ, I ask You to help me to comprehend before Your grace and mercy, what my task with my karmic family is and in what way I must follow it on my consecration path.
I must comprehend if the call that I feel from consciousness of the Monastery corresponds to the task of nun of the Order Grace Mercy and, if that is real, which is the step that my consciousness must take towards that direction.
I thank you from the heart to guide our paths.


Saint Joseph answers:

Walk for them and offer to the liberation of them, each one of your steps.
Yes, it is real.  Let those, who are responsible for this subject, know.


Why am I incarnated now?

Saint Joseph answers:

To learn about love and to achieve redemption and forgiveness of everything that at other times you could not do for the Light.


Beloved Saint Joseph, can you tell me what my task is and where must I be to fulfill the Higher Will of the Plan of God?

Saint Joseph answers:

Listen to your heart because it will tell you now what corresponds to each moment of your life.


Beloved Saint Joseph:
1 – I am in need of some advice about how to deal with situations that happen with my son.  There are various attitudes that I would like to be able to help him to transform.  Those attitudes are:
- Competitiveness
- Control over the others
- Need to be always the best
- Incapacity of admitting that there is something he does not know or cannot.
Those attitudes at this moment present themselves with strength despite of all the conversation about brotherhood-sisterhood, about the necessity of losing in order to win, of sharing, about the damage that competitiveness generates in the world, etc.
Is it something that I must let patiently that he himself discovers or can I do something to help him?
How to support the impulses that come with the being within a healthy balance?
If, for example, a child is fond of construction, is this an indication of a knowledge that he or she brings to contribute with the community?
Now, as far as I am concerned, I would like to ask You for help.  Since I was a child I have not been able to play, my life has been work and responsibility.  I believe that I really do not know how to relax. They say and we see in the life of the saints that spirituality is lightness.  However, it seems that I carry “the weight of the world”.  Is it lack of love in the service?
2 – But when I lived in my house we went to the beach for some days and I had a dream.  In this dream I knew internally that it was the moment of coming closer to the pier.  At the pier a small boat was waiting and I knew it was the moment to get on it.  The night was extremely dark, but without knowing how I could see the boat and I board it.  Once on board, I entrusted myself to Mary in order for Her to guide the boat and a bright light lit up.  But what I remember is that, already on the boat, I bent myself to pick up something that was in the water and it was so, but so heavy(like a steel sheet), that only because from the sky appeared several luminous hands to help me to raise the weight to the boat that I managed to lift  it up.  What does the weight represent?
Thank You for being willing to guide our steps because I feel You close and I really feel Your Love that accompanies us.
Thank You, beloved Saint Joseph, thank You for all that You give us.

Saint Joseph answers:

1- First heal in your heart all those aspects that you see in your son.  When you manage to see him as a child like any other, then you will be able to help him to perceive himself equal to the others.  Let Him be a child first and you surely can, in some moment, collaborate in this respect, but may he go through the phase of his childhood.
2- This weight is everything that must be transformed from the moment you decide to enter a new life.
Yes, talk to Me because I am really close to your heart.


Humble and Chaste, infinite purity Saint Joseph,
I need your help so that I can concentrate more in the task I have in Aurora.  Can you help me?
What can we do for the exploited workers of this world, for the housekeepers, for the ones maltreated by the domestic violence?
I unite to you in Your chastity, in Your humility, in Your purity, but I need to be more concentrated in the task.

Saint Joseph answers:

Gift yourself more to the others and make an effort to share with your brothers and sisters and to serve them.  When you do not think anymore about yourself and only love serving the others you will see how to concentrate in what must be done.  You must only strive your heart and your mind towards love.


Father Saint Joseph, what and how much more can be done in order for us to get rid of the shackles and of all the antagonism against the Higher Law of the Creator Father-Mother, Path of the Original Purity, Law of Sacrifice, of Joy, of Love, of Harmony, of endless Beauty from the chant of the heart?
How to improve, to sustain and maintain the Christic path of our Lord Jesus Christ, steady and with more and more light for all of the brothers and sisters, starting with the closest: children, family and every being recorded by this little heart, if any of them has got resentful to me?
I surrender to You, Father, my little heart, with all the records of the life experiences, treasure collected in the pilgrimage through this beautiful Planet.
In God.

Saint Joseph answers:

Just live with the intention that your live may balance the past because the merits generated each day will heal everything that still needs healing.  Place your attention on the need of your brothers and sisters and contemplate what they need such as you contemplate the heart of God.  Unite what your spirit lives with your life here on Earth.  And if you feel that something still needs to be healed among your brothers and sisters, ask the Universe for the opportunity to do it.


Saint Joseph, Am I doing my part of the Divine Plan for this planet and for humanity?


São José responde:

Yes, daughter of Mine, you are fulfilling and if you persevere the Universe will be in charge of guiding your steps and showing you what are the new pathways through which you must spiritually follow each day.


Master, Higher Brother, Am I truly preparing a dwelling-place in order for Christ to dwell in my heart?

Saint Joseph answers:

Yes, you are beginning to do it, but never get tired to seek to love the others and to serve them.  Charity and prayer are the keys for the encounter with Christ.


So far it has been our aspiration that all of the consecrated residents direct themselves more intensely towards Ascension with the “firm and persistent aspiration that SO BE IT”, but will we get it only through the DIVINE GRACE?

Saint Joseph answers:

With the Divine Grace and with the permanent effort to love the others as they are.


I ask you for guidance to continue working in order to learn to be a good server of the Plan of God.
1 – What does it mean to be a good consecrated?
2 – What does it mean to be a good monk?
I thank God for this opportunity that He gives us.

Saint Joseph answers:

1 – It means to surrender oneself to God every day, to fall and get up as many times as it is necessary, and to make an effort for love of God in order to live the consecration.
2 – A good monk walks every day in order to merge himself with Christ and only God will know if he is really fulfilling that purpose because there are things that each one lives with God and do not manifest themselves externally until the consciousness may be mature.  A good monk shall persevere always.
And I also thank God.


In the face of the reality that we live in Aurora, where the project of the family is pioneering, with an only child, who the community should accompany, both him and his family in order to learn though the experience, we find ourselves without tools for this project of the Hierarchies.  As a Community, what do we not understand?
Preserving due proportions, we live something similar with the dogs, horses, trees, etc.  The time passes and we do not move forward.  Do we need an extraordinary impulse?

Saint Joseph answers:

That the Plan of God, besides building itself with each one, must be built with everyone.  You must learn to walk together and love those who are beside you. You need an extraordinary attitude.
Until the consciousnesses do not get tired of themselves and open themselves to love, they will not be able to manifest the Purpose of the Hierarchy.  As a community you must be more constant in the impulses that you receive inside and not live of great and ephemeral flames that burn and in a minute go out again. Even though it may a small fire, may it be constant.
You will feel the cycles.


1 – When a Community of Light receives a family, must the prayers be adapted to the children or must the children adapt themselves to the established liturgy?
2 – In a message You asked us for the children to get to know You, but what would be the suggested activity in order for them to get to know You better?
3 – When a child from the Community receives external influences from the common life and its habits because one of the parents does not share the same path, how can we help so that the consciousness of the child may strengthen itself without closing or becoming structured in an only belief or entering in comparisons and prejudices?

Saint Joseph answers:

1– Both things.  There must be prayers and ways of getting in touch with God suitable for children and they must, little by little, share the common prayer that the adults do.
2 – You can tell the story of Saint Joseph and tell them I will always be present, only the intention will be enough and I will already be there.
3 – Let he himself take his conclusions and with the experiences of both lives, his soul will give him an answer.   Create the conditions in order for him to live intensely the life of the community, without putting the common life inside of it in order to adapt him.  He must know well the difference between one thing and the other.


Dear and beloved Saint Joseph,
Some time ago, through the messages of the Most Sacred Hearts emphasis were given to the family, to forgiveness, to prayer, to consecration of the home and to the imitation of model the Sacred Family.  On the other hand and for a long time, the instruction led us to encourage solitude, impersonality, detachment, neutrality and blocking of emotional aspects and the contact with our notoriously spiritual aspect (not so earthly) but now, with this new concept of instruction, everything changes.
Is today the time to restore and harmonize aspects associated with the family?
Is it time to harmonize everything that has remained pending in this respect?
And my question refers to the fact that on one hand it is requested from us a solitary life, detached, of monastic tone and notoriously spiritual, while on the other hand, it is encouraged the familiar work, the reconciliation and the harmonization of those aspects of a more “earthly” context.
What is the point of harmony between the two paths?
I will appreciate this clarification.

Saint Joseph answers:

You must feel in your heart what you must do.  The Law of Love dictates the care with the others.   The old instruction was misunderstood by many.  Living the personal path does not consist in abandoning the family and cutting ties with it, but rather, to also walk for it, aware that the steps of one impel the step of all.
That which still needs healing, must be healed.  Show love for your families, regardless of the life they may lead, let it feel the purity of the path that you have chosen and that this path does not exclude, but rather includes, a path in which they will always find a space.
It is time to live love and understanding and this happens among everyone, no matter if it is a member of the community or of their own family, love one another.  Just that one who loves and includes in their heart everything that has been created, can live in true spiritual solitude which edifies the soul and guides it to God.


"Those who begin this path and do not know how to continue go and offer yourselves
as carpenters for the Work of the Lord and serve with humility, with patience and with love."

Saint Joseph,  11th of July of 2014 



Dear Saint Joseph,
I ask Your paternal advice on the difficulty that I have been feeling with living in a group.
I cannot transcend my own incapacity of living together well, of loving others, of being fraternal and tolerant.
How can I overcome my tendency to isolation?
How to learn to understand others and to collaborate more with all?
Am I making little effort?
Thank you for your beloved Presence.

Saint Joseph answers:

No, you do not make little effort.  It is difficult to live an experience of love, when all is given and little is received, because you need to have a strong spirit and a soul that has lived experiences of having been much loved.
The only thing I ask of you is that you begin to serve the others in the simple things of the day-by-day.
Start by looking for the necessities of the sisters, as small as they may be.  It is not a matter of abandoning everything in order to serve them, but rather of  making small efforts each day in order to assist them with something that they may need.
Offer yourself also to pray with one of them, the one with whom you may have the greatest difficulty, and seek to know her better, and in this way do that with one by one, until you find the most beautiful in all.  In this shall be your goal.
In order to live love it is necessary to be persistent and to have an adventurous spirit, because a great adventure is to love without conditions and without distinctions.


What is the divine purpose for which I am incarnated?
What is my task and place in this life, so that I may fulfill the spiritual purpose in this moment?

Saint Joseph answers:

All the beings that are today incarnated in this world have come to live a process of redemption and to discover the true living of the Christic Love.  Your soul has found a path for doing that trough the life that you live today and you must always follow the impulses of your heart in order to deepen this experience and not detain the steps. 


Beloved St Joseph, there is a subject that pursues me: I have not behaved properly in many occasions with my uncle.  Even on the day when he passed away, I did not respond to his call due to negligence and carelessness.  In the way that he departed I could not do all that he deserved.  How can I repair this behavior so that my soul will be in peace?  He has always been the best uncle in the world, and today I feel that I have not done all the good for him.
Another point that I want to improve is to be more neutral.  What to do when I see that the praying guideline given by the Hierarchies are not fulfilled.
Most Chaste St Joseph, I wait with all of my heart for Your words that will calm my soul.

Saint Joseph answers:

Concerning your uncle, may you be in peace and cultivate in your heart the aspiration, from now on, of never refrain from providing assistance when someone needs so and moreover, when one asks you.  That this experience may serve as a lesson for you to observe what you do when others request something from you.  Where is your heart?  Just be attentive to the needs of others and pray for your uncle. And regarding the prayer guidelines, always do that which is your share, knowing that you do not know the real reason for your brothers and sisters not to fulfill them.  God will deal with that.
Each one must do their share with love, and by doing so, they will be assisting the others in the silence of their heart. 



In Light, In the Love and in the Mercy of the Triune Spirit, I welcome the Internal of the Venerable and Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
Beloved Father and Instructor,
1 - When Mary said: “Some more time of peace has been achieved".  Is this extra time of peace related to the hundred years of peace?
2 - There is a prophecy that announces as probable that on the return of Christ, the Master may be arrested.
What can we do to revert this possibility?
3- In the message of 09-08-2013, Mary said that if we kept praying in unity and fasting for the next six months many things would be reverted.  Have we achieved that? What shall we do to not miss this grace?
Thank you for listening, helping and answering.
In the Light of the Triune Spirit, my Soul revers Your Inner Self.

Saint Joseph answers:

1- This time of Peace is the living of the transformation that happens in the heart of the beings.  By transforming yourselves, you generate Peace in the world because your are generating Peace in your lives.  When the Virgin Mary says that She has achieved a time of Peace, it is because She is managing to transform the hearts of humanity, little by little.
2- This will not happen.  Just pray and ask to know how to recognize Him.                   
3. You must only be truthful and respond to the Celestial Calls, giving testimony through your lives and never detaining your steps.  Always trust the voice of the Hierarchy.
I thank you for asking.



In order to live in the Community of Light it is necessary to be far from the family members.  This has ben difficult.  I have a need to visit them quite often, what is not always possible.  What to do to be in peace with this situation?

Saint Joseph answers:

You can write to them, invite them to share the life you live.  And it is not a matter of ceasing to visit them, but rather to also deepen the consolidation of your own surrender and to ask God that it may be stronger and stronger and unbreakable, that it may go deeper each day.
You have to be able to find in the heart what you search in the family, because when you find it, you will be able to take to them something that they do not know and when you are before them, you will become the carrier of the Divine Presence and you will not be there to provide a need, but to fulfill a mission.


"Breathe the breath of the Celestial Worlds so that serenity
may penetrate your consciousness and bring to your life the peace that the world needs so much
and, within this peace, give Me your difficulties."

Saint Joseph,  8th of August of 2014



Beloved Saint Joseph, I do not know how to ask you the reason why my mind is so confused.  There is no continuity in the thoughts and this reflects in some daily situations, but the question I will ask will be the following: Why, sometimes, when I pray to forgive all those that I feel or that I think consciously on unconsciously that “harmed” me, it seems that they were forgiven and, sometimes, there is a small line of energy telling me that they were not?
With much gratitude for the attention that You will give to my letter, I ask You for the blessings for all of humanity.

Saint Joseph answers:

It is a way by which the retrograde energies will bind your consciousness and  will not allow you to walk. Forgiveness is a primordial key in the evolution of the beings, because it brings the liberation from old and present situations that do not allow them to walk.
Proceed with your excercise of forgiveness and reaffirm the power of Light, whenever something will tell you that you were not able to forgive. Call your soul through the power of the heart, with a true intention, and ask that it be present in this act of forgiveness.
Concerning your mind, make sure to carry out an activity with the kingdoms of nature, above all with the vegetable kingdom, with the intention of asking the assistance and the healing of this kingdom.
Through you I bless all of humanity.


Dear and beloved Saint Joseph, would You give us some practical guidelines about the education of children and adolescents in the Communities of Light, so that in this way, their emotional, social, cultural, intelectual and spiritual needs may be supplied in a balanced way? Having in mind that the families that feel encouraged to live in these communities are very few, and that as beings undergoing a formation process with free-will, would they have to have the possibility of making their own choices about whether they too will want to live in a Community of Light or undergo other kinds of experiences somewhere else?
During praxis vertebralis session a few years ago, I perceived that many of the problems that we have to transcend our difficulties, and that prevent us from taking a step ahead, are the result of what we inherited from our parents, in addition to those that we have as an outcome of mistakes made in previous lives. What suggestions would You give me to transcend this?
I thank You for Your attention, with much gratitude for Your answer.

Saint Joseph answers:

Concerning the youth and children who live in the communities, I want them to learn more than anything, about living together and about fraternity.  That they may find out about the experience of love for the kingdoms of nature and for the Universe.
This process of education happens as the whole community takes its steps, reflecting them on what they can teach to the children and youth.  You must deal with them as someone who is building something new in their own consciousness.  You will find the path to education as you find the doors to your own inner self and deepen into the discovery of the life of the spirit.
You must search more in hidden aspects of the heart than in practical and mental techniques of how to act and which way to go.
Regarding the problems caused by heredity: you must enter a greater time of forgiveness of the past and dive into the understanding of the events of life so that you may know how to discover what each event wants to teach you.
My daughter, walk towards the pacification of the heart, there you will find the key of everything.


I have an inner imbalance that disturbs me a lot.  Frequently I am invaded by a deep sadness and I generally have a difficulty to express order and discipline.  I have looked for the cause of my discomfort for years, but so far I have not been able to understand my situation. I ask you, Saint Joseph, to help me to have clarity on how to proceed.
In recent days, it occurred to me the following thought: “I was too young when I moved to the Community of Figueira, therefore, I did not have the opportunity to experience in sufficient degree the learning of the life in the world.  I mostly miss having had experiences in the field of affective relationships.  It seems to me that it is better to leave the community for some time to live the experiences that I need and come back afterwards.  So, when I return, I will be able to feel better.
I ask you, Saint Joseph, is this thought right? I also ask if you have something to say about the kind of imbalance that I have and about the kind of healing that I need.

Saint Joseph answers:

Do not let the thoughts confuse your mind, because much of what you think is part of the collective thinking that the community is transmuting at this moment.
What you call imbalance, is the balance of past actions in other instances in which you did not use well the energy of your mind.  Now you must live it with patience and perseverance.  Put your heart in the fidelity that it knew to manifest until the day of today.  Let your heart live an experience of love, but not this love that the world knows, a love that may lead you to the forgetfulness of yourself, and to the discovery of the inner Christ in your brothers and sisters.
Make your consciousness available to live a Christic experience and walk towards this purpose.
I will be by your side.




With the help of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, what spiritual virtues that may have been deposited in my inner essence by the Creator, must I be trying to awake in this moment, as an offer to the fulfillment of the Evolutionary Plan?

Saint Joseph answers:

The trust in the Hierarchy.  Your soul has always listened to the call of your Celestial and Universal Instructors.  Bring to the daily life this fidelity and ability to follow the voice of God that echoes in your heart and do not turn away from the path.  Follow the steps that once you heart dictated to you and do not be afraid to live the transformation in your life.


Beloved and Venerable Saint Joseph,
I know my mistakes and try to redeem myself day by day, purifying and dedicating myself to love more and more unconditionally.  However, Lord, my heart and, specially my consciousness are still very small.
I have been a solitary person for a long time already.  I am being trained to remain alone and in front of those who should be and deserve to be protected for they are beings of pure and chaste souls.
This honors me much, Master, but also makes me remember of this sad condition of being alone in the material world and even, I believe, in the a little more subtle levels.
Although I do not have merits to be graced by God or by His Divine Representatives as I have always dreamed, I ask you humbly for a guidance to move forward on the paths of Light, Love and Redemption for myself and, specially, for those who I represent.
With gratitude and reverence.


Saint Joseph answers:

Do not be afraid of loneliness, but in prayer meet with Those who accompany you all the time.  Encourage yourself to take a step in your life and follow the call that pulsates within you.  Listen to the voice of the heart. I repeat and I will always repeat to you: listen to the voice of your hearts and do not fear to make mistakes on the choices of your lives, but take the risk each day to throw yourselves in the Will of God and in His infinite Love.  My daughter, you will never be alone, there is One Who is always by your side, encouraging you to move forward.  Overcome fear and open your heart.


"There are in the world those who listen to Me and that throughout their hearts,
generate merits so that My Presence may return one or another time to this world, in order to instruct and impel humanity."

Saint Joseph,  12th of September, 2014



Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
Your daughter speaks to you in order to manifest a deep will for transformation.
I would like to know if it is on the Plans of God that my family and I, in this moment, live in the simplicity of the countryside, deepening into the contact with the kingdoms of nature.
If there is this perspective to the families of the Communities of Light and if to live in this simplicity and build the new, I should be where I am, or if it is another Center of Love that will take care of this new stage for the ones who, in the depth of the heart, aim to build the new even in the physical plan?
I would like you to indicate to me the next steps.
Eternal gratitude for the opportunity of this contact.


Saint Joseph answers:

The new must first be born within each heart.  If you are not capable to be born again in this same life, you will never be able to reach the construction of the new and express it in the day by day.  Because the simple life in the countryside is not the living of the new, it is the living of an inner aspiration that your consciousness thought that it could manifest throughout the life in the community.  But I tell you, My daughter, that truly the New escapes from all that your mind can elaborate and, if your soul has brought you here, open the heart to solve your old aspirations and, fearlessly, discover a treasure that the universe keeps for you.  Just say yes.


Saint Joseph, I need to know what my task is and where I must be in this moment.  And if I have some task to fulfill in the place where I lived and with my family.

Saint Joseph answers:

My daughter, the great crisis of the hearts is born from the incapability of transforming themselves in order to live what they have come to live in this world.  You, as everyone, have a task to fulfill with the family and this task will be fulfilled when your steps are solid, able to impel those who follow your journey in this world.  If you want to know your task, I will tell you, it is in the Grace Mercy Order, so that your soul may be born again.  But for this, it is necessary to be willing to be something else and to strengthen the soul in order to live the transformation.  Do not be frightened by My words, they come to help you and to impel your spirit. 


"May pacification, unity and fraternity, be the permanent goals
of those who aspire to serve Christ and to become One with the Lord of Universal Love."

Saint Joseph,  10th of October of 2014



What is the real meaning of the task of my current name?
And what features do I have to work on and transform in myself in this sense?

Saint Joseph answers:

This name came for you to find out, in the love of Magdalena for the cross of Christ, the renewed love for the cross that humanity carries today.  The living of each one of the difficulties of life represents a step of this passion to be overcome for love and for the redemption of the whole race.
The Cross of the Redeemer must be renewed in your life as well as in the life of all of the beings of this world.  Love, as Christ, the tests sent by God in order to strengthen your fidelity to Him and, through you, through your own redemption, generate merits for the redemption of the world.
Your own search will show you what you must transform in order to reach this love.


1- O beloved Mediator and Intercessor, Saint Joseph, we want to know if among the tasks that Casa Luz da Colina (House Light of the Hill) develops is included the adoption of children.  Is this also a task of this place and of this group?
2- O beloved Saint Joseph, I ask you to reveal what the task my son is because everyday he asks me what there is to be done, what he can do.
Infinite gratitude of your daughter.

Saint Joseph answers:

1 - Yes.  This is a task that needs to be done, but not by anyone and not in any moment.  The ones who may do it, must know that they are making a change in their life, as in their karma and in the karma of humanity by assuming a commitment with God of opening oneself to love as the own child, those who they do not know. The one who may do this task must feel in the depth of the heart the need to make it and correspond to the grades of love and transformation that this task will require.
2 – Each soul must be a seeker of its definitions.  His mission goes beyond the life in this world.  As long as each one does not know how to listen to the heart, one will never find the own path.  I can tell him his task, his mission, but it will not be through this letter, it will be through his own heart, when he seeks to listen to it.


If the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Father and Instructor, considers that I present myself as an adoring soul of the Blessed Sacrament of the King of Universe.

Saint Joseph answers:

Of course I do.  May you consolidate in your heart the consecration that exists in your soul.

With gratitude in My Chaste Heart, I thank you for trusting in My Words.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
