Monday, August 19 of 2024


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Contemplate today, children, in the depths of your hearts, all the Graces received; in the depths of your consciousnesses, all the gifts that have been given to you; in the depths of your spirits, the Divine Purpose. Contemplate today, within yourselves, in the universe of your hearts, the Perfect Will of God for your lives.

The Creator still expects that you renew and manifest His Love. The Creator still expects that you may transcend the human duality to attain a Higher Love. The Creator still expects that you may be capable to pacify your own hearts, heal your deepest wounds, forgive the past that still afflicts you, to enter a New Time.

The Creator attentively expects that you may become small and simple, that you may have, as a priority in your lives, the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in your thoughts, feelings and actions. The Creator expects that the deep Love that He emanated at the beginning of life may multiply in the hearts of His Creatures.

Children, when God created humanity and, beyond it, all creatures in the material universe, He gave you a Book so that you might write a story with your lives. So that you might manifest this story, the Creator gave you His deepest Thoughts and His deepest Love for them to be the lines of this Book, lines on which you would walk and write your lives, your history. And the Creator wrote, in this Book, the last word.

When God wrote the last word in this Book of Life, He wanted to express to beings that, despite free will, although beings would have the freedom to live and write their history, there was a purpose, a conclusion. And this purpose, children, is the renewal of Love.

For this reason, carry the certainty that, despite what happens in the world and despite what happens within beings, this history has a final word, a final purpose, which concludes everything that creatures will live, not only on this planet, but in all manifested worlds.

For this reason, while beings have experiences and live on the Earth, the Creator continues with His Eyes upon the world, accompanying each line that is written in the history of human beings. And for those who allow Him, He guides their steps so that they may more quickly reach this Purpose that He has for life.

May your hearts not be confused by power or by the personal will. May your hearts not be confused by what God allows to happen and what is His True Will, because He gave free will to beings so that they might have experiences, because this was the choice of His Creatures at the beginning of human creation. They had the opportunity to live Love and know the Divine Purpose from the beginning, but they chose not to know, they chose their own will rather than knowing a Higher Will.

However, children, in the history of humanity, human will has no end point, human will does not mark the purpose of existence, nor the conclusion of this book, because the last word has been already said.

Regardless of the history of creatures and of the path that they may choose to follow, regardless of what they may choose to write, the Divine Purpose will always return and be expressed in the last word of the Book of Life.

And when I speak to you of “life,” I do not speak only of life in this world, because this is a small part of life, an important and definitive part, but not the only one. Life is broad, filled with mysteries, with universes and dimensions, full of possibilities and opportunities to return.

Life on this Earth is like a platform that the Lord grants you so that you may reach His Heart more quickly. Everything in this world has a deep reason for being, whether it is suffering, renunciation, humiliation, even illnesses. Everything has a deep reason for being and is part of this school that transforms the human condition and, within it, transforms all of Creation.

The human condition holds within itself a synthesis of life in all the universes and, through the transformation of beings, all life is transformed and renewed, and this transformation continues beyond the Earth, when you take to the universe, as well as to the immaterial dimensions of life, the lessons that you have lived here.

I say all this to you because you will see in the world incomprehensible, unthinkable situations, things that your hearts never imagined they would witness or experience, but within you there must be a certainty: in the History of Life, your Creator has already written the last word.

In each one of you are held the answers that you need, in each one of you is found the bridge to the Heart of God so that, at each new day, in a dialog with the Creator, you may ask the Lord about what He aspires to write in the Book of your lives.

Today I bring you a small Lily, which represents the Humility of My Chaste Heart. Not everyone wants to receive it, but it is here. It is available for those who want to be small. It is available for those who do not seek the powers of this world. It is available for those who will discover, through emptiness, the Power of God.

Behold the Lily of the Humility of My Heart. It is available for those who want to be and live the Divine Will. It is available for those who, by denying the pleasures of the world, will find the Universe of God within themselves.

Behold the Lily of the Humility of My Heart, which will help you when you are before incomprehensible situations, when you are before unthinkable suffering, when you are before great pain that will awaken in you a degree of love that is still unknown.

Receive this Lily that I bring you as a Grace that God allows Me to grant to humanity. This is the small great treasure of My Heart, the first key that allowed Me to return to the Heart of God and, come today to testify to this return for each one of you. Receive this Lily in your hearts and feel My peace.

May those who will consecrated today as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.

Bring incense and water to bless.

This incense that you offer to Me, I consecrate it so that it may liberate you from the past and from your deepest wounds.

This water that you offer to Me, I consecrate it today for it to purify your faults and grant you a new opportunity to return to God, to reencounter God in your own hearts.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you, I renew you and ask you, children, not to lose the hope to see the Divine Thought manifested for each one of your lives, for your families, for your hearts.

My Presence among you and what I bring you today is so important, that all the interferences[1] will try to silence My Voice, but there is something that I do not speak, that I only cause it to come to your lives.

I ask you for one thing: just as today, many interferences will come to your lives, just as today, a great battle will be fought in Heaven and on Earth, I ask you not to lose faith, not to lose hope, not to become discouraged and not to lose the will to continue and manifest the Divine Purpose.

May you go beyond the suffering, the battles and the pain. May you go beyond the illnesses, the incomprehension, the sadness, and may you always have, before your eyes, the Book of the Creator with a last word written: the triumph of His Love, not only in all the human race, but in all of Creation.  

May this faith encourage you to move forward.

May the Lily that I have given to you today be your small great treasure, so that you may go beyond, beyond all the difficulties, beyond all your own resistances. May you go beyond and reach the Heart of the Father.

And today I leave you two requests, two last Wills that the Creator grants to My Chaste Heart.

The first one is that you may help Me reach Africa on December 19 of this year, so that I may be with My small children and that, at the Christmas of the Lord, a new hope may also be born in their small hearts. Just as I walked to Bethlehem, to this humble manger, to manifest a Will of the Lord, I will walk to the heart of Africa, so that, in this humble manger, the Lord may be born again through the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, in a special way through the paternity of My Chaste Heart.

And the second Will that I ask of you is that, in My last Apparition, on the next March 19, you may make know to the world the history that I have given to you, “From the Origin to the Origin,” so that you may understand how God builds the human heart, so that you may understand how the history of humanity is written, and you may have the certainty that the last word has been written and that, regardless of all that happens and all the experiences lived, this last word will be manifested.

For these two requests, I thank you, because this is the Will of God.

I leave you My blessing, My peace and My strength.

Remember, children, that there is a bridge within you to the Heart of God. Never lose sight of this. This path exists and is within you. There, the Creator will speak to you whenever you need His Words.

I bless you, thank you and strengthen your spirits so that you may reencounter peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To conclude, sing the hymn of your consecration, “Father of souls."


[1] He refers to the interferences in the transmission, which were not allowing the public to hear His Words.