A small group got together on that day beside the tree of Apparitions to pray 150 beads of the Hail Mary. The sisters of the Prayer Network were there, together with Mother Shimani and Friar Elías.
At a certain moment, the energy of the Divine Mother approached and Friar Elías, after contemplating the crown of the orange tree for several minutes in silence, described the following.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She appeared very clearly during the prayer, praying with us. Dressed in a light blue Mantle and a pink Robe, She was barefoot and was smiling at us. She carried an orandium in Her joined hands, in a sign of prayer. The center bead of the orandium, the greater bead, had the image of the Mother of Perpetual Help, a very ancient image that looked like an Orthodox icon.
She suddenly opened Her Arms and lifted them up to the Heavens, and then She again placed Her Hands in prayer.
Later on, at Her left and with the same clarity, Padre Pío appeared. He lifted his right hand in greeting. He wore brown gloves, like the ones he used to cover his stigmata. He greeted us and then disappeared.
With great tenderness, the Divine Mother was looking at us with Her light blue Eyes, deep and luminous. Her Countenance had a radiant and fresh complexion.
A few minutes later, She descended a little more, remaining closer to us.
I will try to precisely convey to you what She said.
First She spoke to us about the life project of this place and said that She was doing so in obedience to the Greater Will, that God had given Her the authority to guide and define the life project here.
In the beginning, She emphasized that She didn't want the designs that She is bringing down upon this place to manifest like in Palestine and Jerusalem.
She said that this space will be small for the multitudes.
That this part of the fields can be extended, can grow more towards the bottom of the orange groves, to make more gardens and pathways.
She also said that we had anticipated Her requests (one of the sisters felt we should go to Medjugorje) and that She was definitely waiting for us in Medjugorje.
She also said that we had correctly perceived the ideas from the Heavens about how we should organize the field of Casa Redención for the new Prayer Center, which are sublime ideas but must be expressed in matter.
She indicated the field split into two parts by walls, fences and gates, both here and in the pilgrimages area. She also showed us that each entryway should have the Cross of the New Humanity.
She also showed us, toward the back of the field, a guardians' house, those who would do vigils and permanently circulate through the area to protect it and accompany it.
Then She showed that the operating area of the House of Prayer will be taken on by the monasteries with various rhythms, receiving and accompanying people.
She showed the building of the bell tower, with a padlock at the base and a female monk having the key to open and close the bell tower.
She said that the project, as it had been thought of by the group in charge of the building of Casa Redención, is what God wants. And She added that what is being manifested here will draw many who are asleep, but also many curious onlookers.
She said the tribes of Israel formerly were divided into degrees of learning and of riches, and that She belonged to one of the poorest tribes of that period. That God placed Her in that tribe so that part of the people, which learned the Aramaic language, could learn about humility. Because in reality, in that time, a part of God couldn't be born in a place of riches.
For this reason, She said Her Son was born in a manger, that this manger, for Her, represented love in poverty and that, in that moment, another source of emanation came from Her, which was devotion.
She also said that, as a task of the monasteries and those who felt they should come, there should be morning, evening and night prayers to maintain the area She is moving forward with all these days.
She said She was coming as the Queen of the Heavens to bring a Message of Reconciliation and of Peace. Thus, She was presenting Herself here to us.
She said there was nothing to fear, that we just needed to pray and be vigilant. That this Inner Center had given Her the authority to accompany everything until the end of times. She said Aurora has always been a part of Her and She always was a part of Aurora.
At the end, She said:
I am bringing an opportunity so that, through devotion, all may be rehabilitated, and in this way, Aurora will act to free souls from the ties and from sorrow.
Do you understand that nothing is separate?
God is One in Three, and those Three Presences, which are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are Single.
I love you and do not fear what will be said; I Am the Queen of Eternal Peace.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more