I have come to the world, crossing all times and eras, to ask humanity for true and sincere repentance.
Now, I come outside the Church of My Son, because as the Mother of humanity, I come to call and save those who distance themselves from God and His eternal Grace.
For this reason, I have decided, under the celestial authority and divine obedience, to reach each of the nations of the world, to recover the true values of cultures and the sacred spiritual principles that make each race or each people, one universal culture.
In the last decades, My adversary has managed to confuse and remove souls from that which is sacred, inspiring innovation in archaic minds and harmful progress throughout entire continents, through uncontrollable abuse of the Kingdoms of Nature and of humanity itself.
With this planetary reality, your Mother and Governor of the Sublime Mirrors of Creation plays on the board of the definition of times in order to remove, from the evil path, all peoples, cultures and religions that are being led to the absolute oblivion of the path of good and of the Commandments. Thus, the Laws are permanently outraged and each essence loses its original innocence.
This is why, at the request of the Almighty, I have chosen your group of souls which, in humility, surrender and the sacrifice for Our Lord Jesus Christ, in these times represent the synthesis of all Christian and non-Christian religions of the world so that in this civilization you do not lose the spirit of faith and reconnection with God.
This is one of the most complex missions in the end of times. For this reason, throughout all the media of this human society, I have managed that souls feel My Work, through you, in an ecumenical way, based on the Love of Christ.
In this sense, there is still much to be done until this Work can be presented in a neutral and autonomous way to all great international organizations in order to take the Message of Peace without citing religion or belief.
After the Church of My Son opens the doors to this Work, the Father will fulfill the last part of His Purpose.
This is how the Work of the Divine Messengers will be presented to the international organizations as a message of the universe for the entire human race, calling for reflection and not for human self-destruction.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more