Proclaiming peace and being a peacemaker is a necessity of these times so that the planet may sustain its evolution in this universe.
Many do not believe in the change of this final cycle, and others, although their souls recognize the times of purification, prefer to assert themselves in the inquiries of the mind and think that, actually, this purification will never reach them.
Happy and blessed are those who will not wait for the ground to shake under their feet and their inner world to become destabilized in order to seek God and His Peace.
Children, full union with God is a spiritual gift granted to the creatures of Earth so that, in this perfect experience of unity with the Creator, you may develop as creatures in likeness to Him. May the search for God make you One with the Creator and may you act and live as bearers of His Divine Power.
However, in order to unite with God, it is necessary to undo all the bonds created with evil and with the many faces of involution on Earth; in order to unite with God, it is necessary to set aside yourselves and everything you believe yourselves to be, because what you express on Earth is the fruit of the lessons and terrestrial influences; to be in likeness to God, in unity, you must first begin to experience being in God, learn with Him and feel Him, until you are able to fully live Him.
This path that I propose is not utopic, it is a reality and even a Law for human evolution, but the tepid of heart and inert of spirit will not tread it, nor even glimpse it.
To be on the path of human evolution, which leads you to God, you must remove your feet from the path of involution, which leads you to the abysses of the Earth.
In order to recognize the path of the abyss, it is enough to observe humanity and everything it has built throughout its existence. But to find the path of evolution, it is enough to contemplate the example of Christ and to recognize within yourselves the urge that your souls have to follow in the footsteps of the Master.
As the path to evolution was perfectly outlined by a single man, Christ, and imitated by the saints and the blessed, who were many times anonymous to humanity, it is not so simple for the consciousness to follow this very unknown path without fear, and to set aside the path of involution, which almost everyone treads in this world.
To overcome the fear of sacrificing yourselves and renouncing, you must learn to love the Plan of God, the steps of Christ and everything they represent; you must madly love the surrender of the Lord on the Cross, want to imitate His steps, but as you will not die on the Cross like Him, everything that you will experience will be small and little in the face of the greatness of His Love. And it is here that you will find the bravery and the courage to not impose limits on your own surrender.
Read the Gospels, pray, become silent, seek to awaken within yourselves the love of which I am speaking, and do not fear to be different and feel things differently, because above all fear of the mind will be the joy of the soul for finally being able to express and fulfill its part of uniting Heaven and Earth within you.
I love you and encourage you to follow in the steps that I once took, until reaching God.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more