Friday, June 2 of 2017

Weekly Messages

When the heart finds peace and unites with God, it dissolves the chaos that permeates the world in the silence of its spirit.

Thus, child, in that sacred place, seek the Silence of God, that one day, in solitude, touched and changed the heart of Francis, transforming his mundane and superficial human condition into a spirit united with God, capable of expressing as he could the archetype of Love that the Creator thought of for humanity.

So in this time, you are here as part of this Work and of humanity, facing a unique opportunity of change for your spirit and for your heart. Simply find the silence of the Heart of God in the silence of your mind; find the Verb of the Creator in the song of the birds, which calls you constantly to find again the meaning of your life.

For today I tell you that the conversion must be experienced in each instant. You are in a time of battle, in which your soul wavers between the sea of chaos of the world and the Grace of respite in God. Thus, the enemy, that does not remove its eyes from the creatures of God, many times manages to confuse you and remove you from the purpose without your perceiving it.

So watch yourself, and look to observe where your consciousness is and, any time you remember, think of the silence, the spirit of humility, of the need to unite with your neighbor and the Kingdoms of Nature and thus, unite with God.

In the ethers of this place you walk in, find the possibility of providing a great service to humanity, experience a silent holiness and a unique union with God. Thus, child, even though you did not know and do not understand, you will be helping the Creator to close many hells and rescue many souls from the illusion, because of the simple fact that your heart, which is human, yielded space to the Heart of God.

May peace and the blessing of your Master Saint Francis be over you. And giving* this blessing to you today, who reads these words and allows yourself to be permeated by a spiritual Assisi, which holds a part of the Kingdom of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

*When He says this, Saint Joseph showed us that He would unite the times and the spaces and that, whenever somebody read this message with their heart, they would receive the still pure codes that are spiritually kept in Assisi, codes that refer to all that Saint Francis left as a legacy for humanity through his life, such as humility, a union with the Kingdoms of Nature, the poverty of self and silence. It does not matter where you may be and when you read these Words; any who opened their heart will inwardly access this spiritual experience. This is a Grace that Saint Joseph grants us through His Words.